Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1957, p. 2

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TI CAKADIAN STATESl<M. BOWbMANVILL. ONTARIO Royal Agricultural Fa> To Be International Yec With approximately 18,000 entries of the finest and best horses, livestock and agricul- tural products from many parts of the world to be displayed, the 1957 Royal Agrîcultural Winter Fair, scheduled to be held in the Coliseum at Toronto, -Nov. l5th to 23rd, will be more Inter- national in scope than ever be- fore. Indications are that the Royal Fair will have more entries and more visitors from the United States this year, too. Several new features and attractions are being introduced this year which will be of interest to rural and urban dwellers alike. More than 130 internationally- famous judges from Canada, the United States and England will select the prize xining entries from among the 1,300 horses. 3,000 cattle, 700 swine, 1.000 sheep, 5,000 poultry and pet stock and the large display of grain, vegetables, dairy and poultry products, fruit and flow- ers, tropical fish and maple pro- ducts which will be shown. Some of the better known judges will include the Duke of Beaufort, Gloucestershire, Eng- land; W. T. Barton, Surrey, England; O. G. Williams of the British Embassy, Washinton, Looking for a DIAMOND? We now have a afpeclal display rocim wbere you can look over our diamonds and choose yours ln privacy. ASE TO SEE OUR DIAMONDS 0 0 * HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 KInn, St. #/. Bwmnrnv.ile, D.C.; Dr. Ora Smlth, Con University, Ithaca, New Yc and Professor R. P. Forshî Guelph, Ontario. In keeping with "internatii ah year at the Royal" a numI of international trophies will offered at the 1957 Royal Aý cultural Winter Fair. These clude the Canadian Hur Special donated by the Engl Hunters' Improvement and1 tional Light Horse 'Society;, Aberdeen Angus Cattle Soci, Challenge Cup donated by, Aberdeen Angus Cattle Soci, of Scotland; the Governmenl [New Zeaiand Trophy for [grand champion ewe and International Individual Cha pionship Trophy presented the Chihean Minister of Forei Affairs. Mm, and Mrs. John Bird me cd ta their new home in Ba manville hast Wednesday a wilh be missed from aur coi Imunity. Our best wishes with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Thom s on visited hem sister, M Irene Waters at Niagara Fal U.S.. over the weekend. I1 and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gbc ia, Part Hope, stayed with Me garet Ann, Jerry and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Liti and family wcre in Ken< Monday. Reg Elliott and sans, Ross ai Neil, and David Foster, spe the weekend in the nortb. pi paring new trails in anticip tion o! the coming deer-buntij season. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roa, a nd family, Lakeview, visitý jwith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mere and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cou aux this weekend. Mm. and Mrs. Perey BurI, spent Thanksgiving Day Bowmanvilie witb Mr. and Mi John Bird and Mms. Vannai and Cecil. Mm. and Mrs. Earl Burl, and daugbters, visited ber br ther, Mr. and Mrs. Bibi Gord( at Columbus, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fost weme in Teetervible for tl weekend and attcnded the fui eral o! ber grandmotber, Mi Ross, at Delhi on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mercer Guelph, are spending a fe days with hem parents, Mr. ai Mrs. Fred Warren. Mrs. Jessie Tremaine, Toroi ta, spent the holiday weeeker with hem sister, Mrs. Milt Rol insan and Mult. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cols took ber mother, Mrs. Hatt Martincîl home with them Hamilton for Thanisgiving ar a f ew weeks' holiday. The Young Peaples' had ->O - -) z -w--sl- - - very enjoyable outing Frida: Phone MA 3-5747 evening when they visited E]i ________________________________________ zabethville and other points oi their hay-ride. On their retur 1958 Electrohorne TV for *Beller viewing *Longer trouble-free performance N i-Fi sound *Buill-in U.H.F. SEE AND TRY ONE FROM Television Service Company BILL DYKSTRA Phone MA 3-3883 Bowmanville 185 Church St. MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATING 8 IolO0 p.m. Friday, October 18 Saturday, October 19 ADMISSION Aduifs - 40c Children - .25c CHILDREN'SSKATINGi Wednesday, October 23 ADULTS 3:30 Io 5:30 p.m.25 ADUTSACCOMPANYING CHILDREN -25 No Skating Wednesday Evening- KENDAL I ort Carling, Miss Corsina Sani- children, Oshawa, and Mms. Cox with GeiýaId's sister Miss Velma meeting was hebd at the home is, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. F. o! St. Catharines. McGill at the Roland McGill's o! Mrs. Davison and Mrs. Gist Abernethy. Mr. and Mms. A. Mrs. L. C. Snowden spent the o! Lindsay. Velma bas just re- with Mrs. Gist conducting the Abcrnethy and Elen, Manilla, Thanksgiving weekend with turned from a trip through devotional period. Mir. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Sauina, ber daughter and familx', Mr. Europe. Sure gets around, eh? Thanks were received for were aIl visitars at the home and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Mana- On Sunday evening Mrs. Walter cards sent. The Ladies' Aid o! Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and tick. Larmer and Bruce were guests moved ta pay their half o! the Miss Mar HlenBoma at the G. McGill's. manse' taxes and a donation Mis spanrt y weken iB wan Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown of vas made ta the Part Perry spen theweeknd i NewTrenton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Hospital Auxiliamy for their York. 1NJWIVIU1VLLE Malcolmn a r famil y were Sa t Dobi Festival. New cahIers bave aThfo wauhr Thasgivnstpers- HldyViiourday visita af te Bibi Do n-1 been p urc'hased for the choir vice, Sunday. Rev. John K Mrs. Margaret Day, Toronto, alsaso Peterborugh onsandln s whe hr ade fo Braham, MA. B.D., of Scugog, with Mm. and Airs. Clinton j1olSpe eoatn h hrh wt dcivered a fine message. Mrs. Brown. 1 Yelv(,rton fowl sueper could! fruit and vegetables ta be sent G. X'ounghlut and Miss Bessic Mm. and Mms. J. C. Moome,ljbe agaitn deemed a success ful! ¶0 the Scott Mission. An invita- Pascoe from the Northminster Hamilton, xith Mm. and Mrs. venture from any viewpoint. 'ion was eceived from Bably- Churcb choir sang two duets. Cleland Lane.j Despite the pealneo! flu, du! to attend their November Our choir sang onc selection. Mm. Allan Jolies, Toronto, wîth amound 980 tickets were sold unecting which was accepted The crmdwdxas not large but M[ss Bertha Thompson. wilh r1ross receipts o! $808.50.1 with pleasure. Nestîcton ta sup- the offering wvas the largest I Miss Noreen Prouse, Toronto, Facilitali ng the handling o! the, plv the program.* ever given at a Thanksgivirg with Mr. and Mrs. MeIvilI'ý crowd more tables were set so Rev. R. Campbell conducted service here. There are appar- Samnis. as ta accommodate 120 guests! the first stud.v period in the entby quite a !ew thankfilb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watters at anc sitting - speeding up the! series planned for the coming hearts in aur cammunit.y. and Bruce, Blind River, 'jth f eeding but creating bedbam in!I ronths which will prove most There xill be no church ser- Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond :Bruc&ï i the dirtv dish depatment - (aur b elpfîîl. The hostesses and Mr3,. vice here next Sundav wvth Mm. and Mrs. Earle MeEwen special 'vssignment). Twenty-six i L. Fitze provided lunch and special services at Burketon. andi fanîih , Peterborough, with turkeys were cansumed and Mrs. Cecil Wilson expressed the _____________ Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Burlev. around .150 ta 200 pies, nat to1 appreciation o! the gathering Mr-. and Airs. Stanley Nichais, mention piles of patatoes, potsi for the profitable evening. Theme are nom, as many' Can- Port Carling. with 'Mr. and Mrs. of peas Ž,nd carrats, tons of tur -__________ adians employed in nianufac- Sici Lancaster. Inîps <a haîf bushel anyhaw), -uiol aeGdhr turing as in i11 comhined in- -Mr. and Nlrs. Br.%an Nobleý. i surclert cakes, harrels o! Icai If vo-, udh'.eGdha dustries of farmimg, foircsîr,-, Toronlo. wihche parents, Mr . :nd lialf a gallon o! wvatem ('.x'ho vou w ',uou pra'., 111)u Ma, fishing, mining and cons truc- and Mrs. Frank Ov-ns. rrinks %vater at a time ike -hear Him wnen I-r speaks.- t~L iuPatricia Moore, Port that?. .We express Yelverton's Thomas Benton Broolis. 0 thanks to those. outsiders Who ir \' inners at Public School Field Day uinadhleadtths ~ ""~"'~.-~concluded the evening. On the program with the effervescent Rev. R. R. Bonsteel as genial rr M.C. were Miss V. McGill with neli solo and encore; Misses Janet ork, Warren, Sylvia Lawrence, tuhip dance; Misses Cindy and Karen aw, iMalcolm, duets; special feature,1 ion- jBilhy Wade and his drums - (a on-er real treat, too). Miss Marilyn ber ~.Stinson and Sylvia Lawrence 1 be in a baton twirling demonstra- gr - .* tien; Miss Lorraine McGill and in- Mr. Lloyd Wilson in an electric iter guitar and piano duet and re- peats of many of thestst s Na- in other musical forms were en- iety joyed. iety < eieo tof Nest]Io Station the ' the Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Chap- . mnrt Paul and Jimmie, of by Noth Bay, were holiday guesis ign wt her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and family. Mrs. Wm. Lamb, Caesarea. jwseasedto entertain Mr W . j amb s sister, Mrs. Bert Akister ~ ,,. Iand Mr. Akister, White Bear, Sask.. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1-M. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- go Recently, the three Public Schools in Bowmanville competed in their annual cousin, Mrs. Ernest Rixon at rakand fiîeld meet on the Vincent Massey School grounds. Three of the four cham- PMfrlaw onM. a ari r np- pions are shown here: fromn left to right: Marjorie Stewart, intermediate girls' spending a holiday with Mrs. iss champion, Ted Brown, intermediate boys' Champion and Carol Wilkins, senior girls' T. M. Nicol, Madoc, and other ~'champion. Absent due to illness, Bob Burgess, senior boys' champion. relatives. 4r. Sympathy is extended to Mr'. or Bert Knight on the death of i Br- lunch was had in Kendal Pub-~ Granby, with Mr. anîd Mrs. Jack last remaining brother in Eng- lic school and was much ap- Littl e Business Elliott, while her parents arc land this past week. tle preciated by the young folks. holidaying in Florida. Mrs. J. W. Irvine was a din- dli and Mil vsiterin Toront Mrs. Ken Ware and Mr. and ner guest o! Mrs. Weshey Camp- an aiyvstdi orotoAt C rt rih Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son, bell on Tuesday. ind Suniday with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- O V ~ I Toronto, with Mrs. Go. Ovens Visitors with Mr. and Mrs nt sel Rusk. - who has recenthy moved from Larmer Hyland were Mrs. Ma- re- Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cath- INVO . ..ouncil the farm to their cottage in the bel Harnden, Toronto, Mis. pa- cart, Mrs. C. Thompson an d village. Rosevear and Len, Caesarea, ing Arthur, were guests Sunday o! Cartwright Cauncil met on Weihrth : Mr. and Mrs. arear],Bluf and Mr.Js MMhe Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wright at October 7th with ahi membersHe ReichrathreM and MrsA ch Lorneville. present and the Reeve in the Sherpitis, Montreal; Mr. and and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs, Pc- cd Mr. and Mrs. Cy Eîsey and chair. Minutes were read and Mrs. T. Sherpitis, Mr. and Mrs. terborough. er daughters, visited Mr. and Mrs. adopted on motion of Deputy- Jas. Adams, Jerry and Donald,. Mr. Alfred Samells, Bowman- ur- George Mercer, Saturdavy. Rceve Green and Councillor Mrs Go. Geoffroy and family ville, visited fris grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Len Venning o! rgt Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mr. Jands. WsadtermLan- ey Toronto, have had a new house Mr. Bowes Jr. was present ta Greenfield, Bowmanvilhe, and M.adMs atrLw in erected an the back streets and discuss taking over road ta Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Harris, Co- rence Jr., Toronto, visited his rs. were down over the weekend. Shingle Landing. Council and bourg, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Law- ~to Ms aheJcsno District Engineer ta look aver Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vasey, Mid-i1 ronce. Miss Kad atle eni Jacksowo saine with Mr. Bowes Jr. land, and Mr. and Mrs. Ambrosei Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney ey radatd lst er frm Bw- Joe Bradburn and Percy Van Robinson, Port Hope, with Mr. took Mrs. W. Campbell home r-manville High School and is Camp were present regards land and Mrs. Cecil Robinson. ta Gaît with them for a holiday. [on nurse- in -training at Civic Hos- and improvements deeded ta Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster Miss Ruth Proutt visited the pitah,,Ottawa, was home for the municipality. Bahance o! $100.00 and Dorella attended the But- ITvan Proutt family. er holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Win. granted on motion o! Councillors tery - Crosier wedding at Sea- We are pheased Miss Beth :he Jackson. Other guests on Sun- Trewin and Hyhand. grave on Saturday. Proutt has secured a position !n day were Mr. and Mrs. Vernori Movcd by Councillors Hyland Congratuhations ta Mrs. Win. with the Lindsay Post Publisli- rs. Peacock, their grandchildren, and TrcwiA accaunts be paid Whittaker who was 91 years 1 rs. Johnny and Janet, and Bob and adjourn until Nov. 4th at young on Monday, Oct. 14tb. I Mrs. Jas. Farder, Mr. and o! Vannatto. 7:30 p.m. for Court of Revision. Mrs. Whittaker is staying with Mrs. Harry McLaughlin and w Intended for Last Week hier daughter, Mrs. Peter Brad- Lawrence were Sunday guests nd Mr. and Mrs. George Clark ley, Bowmanvihle. o! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey, and Mrs. Norman Thertell, To- ivAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer jBhackstock. fl- ronto, were at their summer and Philip spent the weekend Friends are plcased ta learn nd homes here and attcnded Mrs. Mr.Nraiugs o wtb Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence that Mr. Jahnoie Reynolds b- Thorne's funeral, Sunday. ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer, Buffalo. bopes soon ta be home fo Our oca schol eacers t- oy Vn Cmp.Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mr. Sunnybraok Hospital where he a" r localthebo eacher s atnve- r. a Van Canmp and Mrs. Earl Walkey and Mr. has been quite ill. ie tioe nrndd the ,Tachr'sCnvn r.ad r.a anCm and Mrs. Fred Henderson at- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Woodl ta to nTrno rdy and Susan are spending a few tended the Telephone Canven- were pleased to hiave their id Witb Mrs. Alva Swarbrick, days' holidays with Mrs. Sidney tion held at the Rayai York, family fromn Toronto visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley Lodge and family, Maryland, Toronto, last week. te vrtehldy a and sons, wcre Mrs. Edith Fer- U.S.A. Congratulations to Mr. Roy Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles ay guson and Freddy, and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ray Metcalfe, Cochrane and Miss Jean Wade enjoyed a motor trip ta Porcu- Li- Rose Laing, Toronto; Mrs. Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Metcalfe who were married at Toronto on pine and Timmîns returning Dndon Price, Preston; Mr' and and Grant, spent Thanksgiving Monday, Oct. 7tb. via Manitoulin and ferry to To- rn Mrs. Bert Elsey and famiiy a! weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade have bermory. Bratfod.Bruce Stephenson and boys, returned ftom their honeymoon Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles wl! ' Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens, Detroit. and are getting settled in the be justhy praud o! the honour Oshawa, visited in Kendai Suný Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownelh Parker apartmnent. con!crred on his nephew, Les- day and attended the funeral. spent Thanksgiving with bis Saturday evening In the New- ter Bowbes Pearson, wbo was Kenal' olestresden, Ms.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles tonville Cammunity Hahl Mr. awardcd the 1957 Nobel Peace Kcnals odet rsient Ms.Brownclh, Fincb. and Mrs. Geo. Felgate (nec Prize as announced by the No- L. Thorne, passed away in Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp Maxine Wood), were honoured bel committee o! the Norwe- Memnorial Hospital, Oct. 3, in were recent visitars with Mr. with a presentation. The even- gian Parliament; the first Can- her 94tb year, after being in and Mrs. Wes Werry, Sohina. ing's entertainment began wîth adian to be so honoured. failing health for samne years. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Snowden pictures o! the weddings in the Rev. R. Campbell deivered The service was bebd fromn Ken- spent the weekend with Mr. Reid family. These were en- a fine Thanksgiving address in dal United Church with the pazo- and Mrs. Allan Law, Wiarton. joyed by ahl present. Two piano keeping with the beautifully tor, Rev. Whyte, of!iciating. Very sorry ta report that salas were given, anc by Mar- decorated Presbyterian Churcb The pali-bearers were two Darrel Dobbs, son o! Mr. and ilyn Falls and one by Elva Ann on Sunday mornîng. The fruits great grandsans, David Rough- Mrs. Eugcne Dohbs is in Sick Robsinson. Rev. R. C. White o! the Harvest Home service ley, Kendal, and Fred Ander- Children's Hospital where lie was chairman and in his re- wh edlvrdt h ct j sn, ornto Jon attn, r-will undergo an aperation. marks entitlcd d"What's news in Mission, Toronto. ana, Garland Cathcart, Roy Mr. and Mrs. A. Wemyss, To- weddings", he related many M.adMs .E ar Mereran Atbr bopsnronto, are visiting with Mr. humorous incidents he had ex- wcre pîeased ta have severa] Kendal. The many beautiful and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. perienced in o!!iciating at many o! their famiiy home for the ' flowers bespoke the love and Miss Carol Laves, Toronto, weddings. The bride and groom holiday and the Grant Thomp- esteem in which she was held. with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown- were calbed ta decorated chairs son family was complete for Left ta maurn ber boss are ber ell. on the plat!orm and, fohhowing Sunday evening. It was a won- daughter, Alva (Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden an address read by Dorothy dcrfuh Thanksgiving, truly wea- Swarbrick), six grandchildren and Mr. and Mrs. Bibl David- Stapheton, were presented with hrftoraQ and eleven great grandeilîdren. son, Toronto, attended the chris- a mirror, a bridge set and a tebe- chrftfo uen! Festivities Our sympathy is extcnded ta tening o! Brian Hagerdorn, son vision chair. Bath bride and were somewhat curtailed in jthe bereaved famiby. Interment o! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hager- groom expressed gratitude ta many families o! the commun- was in Orono cemetery. dorn last week. their many friends. A:tr unhity with members su!!ering Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, the remainder o! the evnn rwî oonthav runiuts cotuse.i ENFIELD and-Mm.And% Mrs- . ---C-4cii . Mil-îs-, fri omQns nîv rity, Kning- Eastern Star Bazaar AND Rummage Sale 2:30 p.m. Friday, October i Sth in the Lions Community Centre Draw for Cedar Chest and Contents Apron Booth - Delicatessen - 'Hat Box Bar Homebaking AFTERNOON TEA . . *. - .*.35e cee88&- BRAKE SPECIAL Chevrolet, Pontiac or Ford, 1949 to 1956 Reline brakes, bonded shoes, G.M. parts $28.95 for only ANTI-FREEZE THUTRSDÀY, OCT. lTth, 195? with Mr. and Mrs. J. Payne. This community vas aimost 100 percent bchind Milwaukee in the World Series. Their wmn jwas very popular. Mr. Perey Rogers, Huntsville. was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. DelbertBowiw.,j PONTYPOOL Mr. Harry Van Weringen, lo- cal grocer and butcher, lef t bv plane Wednesday for Holland to attend the funeral of his fa- ther. Sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Bll Scott of Oshawa. Deceased mpas born here and resided in the Drum district fur many years. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne spent a holiday recently in Buf- falo and Toronto. Mr. Wes Morton sold 200 bags of spuds to a trucker recentlv. On investigation the cheqUe wvas found to be no good. Fifty bags of this load were'sold in Lindsay at less than purchase price. The remainder of the load has flot been traced as yet but should not be hard ta locate as they are all in new contain- ers bearlng the grower's name and address. The potato farm- er is having it touRh enough without difficulties of this type. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Best spent the weekend wîth Mr. Robt. Halboran. Mr. and Mrs. Mel'Morrison BINGO Mlonday, Oct. 21s1 8 p.m. Jackpot - $50 LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE U.N.I.C.E.F. TA DAY $19.95 Genuine G.M. $.5 glo Permanent Type - OnIy --$.5per glo SIMONIZE SPECIAL Includes clean body scum, power polish and then wax. Large Cars Medium Cars w - - $12.00 FRBE E! Brake adjustment with every lubrication and oil change. F BEE ! Front end alignment check Robson Motors Limited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 October 25 -26 Sponsored by BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB Your contribution to the United Nations Children's Fund (U.N.I.C.E.F.) can do so much for the world's children. TREASURER: Dorothy Virtue - Balmoral Hotel SPECIALS!09 for thePo Month October! L PAGE lim- Before vou think of retiring from thie orld, be sure you are fit for retirement.-James Burgh. Lions il

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