SPÀ "àIli'! u 14: 0 Births LAPHAM-Dave and Lorraine (nee Farrow) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of their deughter Lillian Darlene on Wednesday, October 2, 1957, at Memoriel Hospital, Bowman- ville. 42-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, Perth, New Brunswick, ennounce the engagement of their daught- er, Phyllis Robine, to Mr. Donald McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGregor. The wedding will teke place on Saturday, November 9th at 3:30 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bow- manville. 42-1* Mr. and Mrs. L. Stanley Chap- man wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Erla Bernice, to Francis Walbridge Jose, son of Mr. and Mrs. J1. H., Jose, Newcastlç. The marriage will take place October 26 at three o'clock in Orono United Church. 42-1* Deaths BICKLE - In Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1957, John E. Bickle (154 Col- borne St. E., Oshawa) beioved husband of Rose Hambly and dear father of Gladys (Mrs. Rae MeMaster), Harry and William J. Bickle in his 78th year, Mr. Biekie is resting et Melntosh Funerai Home. Osh- aw,ýa. Service in the chapel on Friday, October 18, et 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lewn Ceme- tery. Temple Lodge will con- duet a Masonie Service in the Funeral Home on Thursday ev- ening at 7130. 42-1 EDSALL, Barton Schuyler- Suddenly on Oct. llth et South Coventry, Conn., U.S.A., eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Edsali of Bowmanviile, Ont., brother of Mrs. V. R. Oliver and Miss Ann Edsall, Electricel Engineer with the Aetne Indem- nity Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S. A. Interment et Willimentic, Conn., U.S.A. 42-1* FERGUSON, Anna M. - At Hampton on Monday, October l4th, 1957, Anna M. Ferguson, beloved wife of Arthur Bruce Ferguson and dean mother of Clifford of Sylven Lake, Ai- berta, Ruth (Mrs. James B. Hanne), in hem 89th year. Rest- cd et Nothcutt & Smith Funeral Homie, 53 Division St., Bowmen- ville, where service was held on Wednesdey, October l6th et 2 p.m. Interment Union Ceme- fery, Cadmus. 42-11 - I 4mmorictm .--- COLMER-In loving memony af e dean mother, Caroline Cal- mer, who pessed eway October 23rd, 1955: She bas gone aerass the river To the shore of evergneen. ,And we long ta see her dear face But the river flows between. Some day, some time, we shal see The face we loved so well, Some day we'll ciesp her loving hand And neyer say farewell. -Aiweys remembered by Hlemb and Nance. 42-1' MOUNTJOY-In loving memory of aur deer aunt Annie who pess- ed ta her newerd October 1Bth, 1956. We treasure stili with love sincere Beautiful memonies of anc 50 dear. -Ever remembened by nephews and nieces. 42-1* Cards of Thanks I wish ta thank Drs. Ferguson, Gîli and Sylvester, the Hospital Staff, and ail those who visited nie, sent cerds, fruit, fiowens, etc., for their kindness during my stay et Memoiai Hospital. W. P. Corbett. 42-1* Coming Events Reserve Nov. 2nd for Turkey Dinner et Courtice 'L ed Church. St. John's Church, Blackst annuel turkey dinner, Oct.2 starting at 5 p.m. Price, aè $1.50, children 75c. 4 Morrish Turkey Supper V nesday, October 23rd, 5:30r until ail are served. Admis $1.50, children 12 and under, Open meeting of Woir Canadien Club on Oct. 21 3:0p.m. in St. John's Pa Hal1l. Speaker Rev. Gor Domm. Admission 50c. 1 Pontypool L.O.B.A. is spon ing a dance and draw on Fni Oct. 18 in the Orange Hall. C( anid win a prize and dance Easterners Orchestra. Adr sion 50e. Rummage sale and white phant table, sponsored by John's Evening W.A. will held Oct. l8th from 10 a.m. 5 p.m. Any donations, telepli MA 3-2764. 4:ý Orono Odd Fellows 1 Trustees drew and dance their hall Seturdey, Oct. 1! Eight prizes. Farrow's OncI tra. Admission 5Oc. Proce building fund.4 Tyrone Harvest Home servi will be held Sunday, Ct. 20 2 and 7:30 p.m. with E Holmes, Henmony, as gu speaker et both services. Spe( music by the choir. 4 Plan to attend the Sol Women's Institute Bazaan Homebeking and Sewing in Community Hall on Wednesc evening, October 23rd, et 7: Lunch will be senved. 42 Goodyear Employees Recr tion Club Dance Saturdey, C 26th, in Legion Hall. Danci 8:30 p.m. to midnight. Recri tion members, $1.00 per cour non-members, $2.50 per cour 4: The Women's Society of1 Christian Reformed Chunch m hold their bazear and afterno tee on Seturday, Oct. 19 3 o'clock in the besement oft Christian Refonmed Chur( Scugog Street. 42- Bowmanville Lijon s C: Bingo in Lions Commun' Centre, 26 Beech Ave., on Mc day, October 21, et 8 p.m. Je. pot $50. 20 games for $10. Two speciel gemes. Admissi $1.00 et the door. 4. Regular weekly bingo he Thursdays except third week the monrth which will be he on Tuesdays, in the Union Ha 20 regular games and a jackp game. No geme under $3.C Admission 5Oc. 38- Annuel bezeer of St. Josepl Chunch under the auspices C.W.L. will be held Fnîdey, Oý 25th et Community Cent: Beech Ave. Gifts and homeba ing. Tee will be served fnc 2 to 6 o'clock. 42-ý Don't miss Enniskillen C.G T. Venîety Concert in the Con munity Hall, Fridey and Satu day, Oct. 18 and 19 et 8 p.r Adults 50c, children under 1 25c. Tickets aveilable et Sier on's store or from members. Canadien C a n c e r Societ3 Ontario County Unit, AnnuE Meeting will be held in Mc Lerjghlin Hall, Thursdey, Octob er l7th et 8:00 p.m. Guest spea] er, Mrs. T. T. Rostance, Women' S e r v i c e Comnîittee, Onteri Division. Everyone welcome. 41- Make a date to attend thl Eastern Star Bazear end Run mage Sale et 2:30 p.m., Fride: October l8th in Lions Commun. ity Centne featuning efternoor tee, dnaw on ceden chest anc contents, tee room, het box bar delicetessen, aprons, homebak. ing.4- Unit- 41-2 ýtock, 23rd, dults 12-1' Ved- 75c.' 42-1 .en 's Lish rdonî 42-11 son- day, !orne eta mis- 41-2 ele- St. be 1. ta one :2-1* Il in 9th.1 edsc 41-2 ices D atic îev.s uest ýciel lina( ot the- re- ing j ple; 3 -Si the L et the ch, lub ity zk- 9 .00. ý2-1 i ýeld SI nild E .00. 0 -tf a, ýh's ni of T et.'I re,_ k- CI >mA ta n. 12 m- y, iai Ic- ýb- M k- 5 - -2 Je n-. Y, ri- )n Mr id r, - ý. --me t an veniî;î ofj.relax- We would like ta express aur ing music by the Oshawa Barb- sincere thanks ta ail wha 50 ershop Chorus, Oct. 25 et 8:15 kindly remembered us on the In the Blackstock Recreation occasion of aur 45tlh wedding Centre. Also an the programme anniversary with cards, flowers ar-e Billy Wede, drummen, and and gifts. Rodeniek Taylor, ventriioquist. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. NichaIs. Admission 5Oc. Sponsor O.N.O. 42-1 Club. 42-i r wish ta express my thanksh Kendai Tumkey Dinner wili be t> Dr-. L. S. Miklos, the staff held Wednesday, October 23, and nurses of Memonial Hos- starting et 5:30, followed by pital, Bowmanville, tfor tî ei- Rer. R. C. Whyte's lentenn slides.; kindness, and ta thase xvho visit- Annivensary services October 27. cd m an sen tlwersendIn the mamning Rev. R. C. Whyte cadsm. n et lwr n will be the minister. In the Mr. re rlOrn. evening Rer. A. L. Sîscoe ot Mrs.FredTrul, 42-1o Warkworth will be assisted by 42-1__ the Newcastle Chair. 42-1 We wish ta express aur sinceme The -Darlington Football Lea- thanks ta Tyrane COmmunity gue Annuel Dance and Cup for the ]ovely scatter rug, Presentetion will be heid et Hostess chair and hassoek. We Newcastle Community Hall an are deeply greteful for these JFriday, Oct. 25th. Bryce Brown gufts. I 5evenaft-es Orchestra will be ini Jecqueline and Thomas et tendance for round and square Dawson, Sarnia. 421' dancing. Door pnizes.Tikets mey be purchased tram club We wish ta thenk Shaw's representatives, $1.00 per per- Home and School Association son. 42-21 for the hpa,.1-ful if. nr nr friends and relatives for their cards, flowens and gifts we re- ceived an aur Silver Wedding Anni'ersarv. Olive and Austin Wood. 42-1*1 We would like ta teke this appontunity ta thank all those who helped ta meke aur mother and tether's Golden Wedding Anniversary a success and a special thenks toail those who helpcd with lunch and poured tea; alsa thanks ta those who donated tiawens. The Staintoui Famniiy. 42-1' Piano Tuning ARR Cio11so. Telephone Repairs RADIO and television repeins. Prompt service. Pick up andi deliveny. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3?-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and Com- mercial; milking coalers. Hig- gon Electnie Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Wat ch, Repairinig AT 4KigMar r s JEWELLERY 1 BIIANVILLE 33 do-ut Articles for Sale e38-.55 DEEh rifle, $30. Phone MA 3-5558. 42-1'* SLEEPER stroller with canopy. Phone MA 3-3688. 42-i GREY Gendron baby carniage. 63 Brown St., Bowmanville. i 42-1* 7 id in bDüiii r.rTur ~42-1 es Selling Men's Hygiene Producta, «n e- ail brands, freah stock, iowest De With tReaîl state nY pie.Feeieia. 50 acre farm, commuting r'- HOME HYGIENE CO. distance Oshawa with cattie, 28 Wellington St. West machinery and crop. 45 acres efToronto Ont. are workable, with 62' x 30' ýn, 42-1' bank barni, implement shed, hen Ch house. Good weter supply; 8 ar START naw with a permanent roomed stone house with funn- Iyear-round business. Dealers ace, heevy duty wiring. Pnice as .2 needed in: Bowmenville. H.amp- a going cancern. $14,000 with ton, Millbrook, Orono, Pont temms. - Hope and surroundings. You 35 acre famm, near Highway cen eemn $50 ta $75 weekly with No. 2 with 2 bank barns with our wonderful line of necessities running water, hien house, pig needed, deily. Full deteils end pens; 9 roomed stone house wîth ýt. free catalogue on request. M. running waten, modern kitchen .t Baker, dept. S. 1600 Delorimier, with built-in cuipboerds. Price Montreal. 40-4 $12,600. Terms. e, 100 acre famm with 50 acres le I I workable and 50 acres in wood, vvork vafliec creek, 54' x 32' bank barn, im- plement shed, hien house, pig " ELIABLE baby sitter. Phonep ens, garage; 7 roomed frame 1MA 3-3633. 42-1' house with furnace, heevy duty g9- wired, cupboamds in kîtchen. kpHOUSEWORK by the day. Tele Price ý'7,000. Ternis. ri, phone MA 32904. 42-1' 200', 2re fanm, with 75 acres 1, EA rcin n ih workabie clay-loam mrolling land, edeliveies. Phone MA 3-5165.11O acres in wood, creek, 50' x le 39-tf ?0' bank. barni (10 years old), le implement shed, hien house, pig tHOUSEWORK, Irening, baby- pens, garage; 8 raomed brick sitting, etc. Phone MA 3-2039. hquse, heavy duty wired and 42-1' wlth hardwood faonrs. .Price $11.000 with hait cash. SDUTOR girl would like house- 93 acre farm on No. 2 High- work by the day. Caîl MA 3-5218. way between Port Hope and 42-1' Cobourg with 100' x 32' bank and barri with steel stanchionis, water 1, ELECTRICAL womk; house n bowls, drive-in 'shed, hien house, farm wining. For free estimates pi- es aae enn io dPhone MA 3-2891. 42-2' 9 raomed brick house wlth bath- r KIND motherly person will ex- room, furnace, munning hot and pertly baby sit day or evening. cold watem. Price and temms an- Phone MA -3-5600. 42.14 ranged. 12 roomed solid brick houser PLUMBING, heeting, eaves- on large lot, which could be troughing; free estin-ates. Harvey easily converted into apartmnents. r Partrier, Tynone. MA 3-2240. Asking price $8,000. Ternis. EW lseigadrpis board bungalow east Nwatec NtccE ndcnn plasterigadrping. with oul fumnace, unning hot$ Stuco ad ceentplaserig.end cold water, modern kitchen sA. C. Woods. Phone Clarke with built-in cupboards, 3-piece9 [ 23 r 04. '14-tf bath, tîle floors, nice sun room, r fùli basement, storms and MAN with good references me- scmeens, picture window. Ask- rquires evening wonk. University ing price $9,500 with $2,500 educatian. Anything considered. down.c Phone MA 3-5277. 42-1 6 room-ed, insulated trame$ CONCRETE and mason work, house in Newcastle on li4 acre new or repair. Chimneys, lot, with running hot and coldn faundetions, floors, walks, etc. weter, 4-piece bath, herdwood$ L. Turner. T ep o e A k t nd tle loos, ail furnace, ij 3-3231. 41-tf stonms and scneens. Asking price $9,500. Terms erranged. Open PLUMBING - IIEATING for offer. EAVESTROUGHING 6 raomed, new, brick veneer ranch style bungalow in Bow- manville with oul fumnece, 4. Tony aarspiece bath, hardwood and tile 66 King t. W MA 3-5172 floons, 2 picture windows, elec-C tric water heeter, full basement,m BOWMANVILLE 1 built-in cupboands. Pnice $ 10,500. o: -- . 1pais j5 romdneamly new, brick Pasfering Épai j bungalow in centre of Bowman- S fville with full basement, ail P QUICK SERVICE furnace, 4-piece bathroomn, eec- B rSTUCCO AND NEW WORK trie wetem heeter, herdwood and le tefloor, modemi kitchen with C( 69 R. L. TA T buiit-in cupboerds, leundry tubs, nicely landscaped. Asking 69King St. E. MA 3-5030 prie e $13.500 with $4,000 down. aý 6-tf Besides above menticned we have epproximateîy 200 more a Pets for Sale praperties ta choose froni. dî vContact i EIGHT weeks old pet puppies De«r~. Mother and father wonderful Reaitor and G encrai Insurance M~ w; th childnen. Phone Newcastle NwatePoe34 4221. 42-1 INwatePoo34 jSaiesmen: IDonald Mountjoy, Bowmanville Nursing Home MIA 3-3950F -Mrs. Jean Wooiner, Hanmpton o Nice location, Mill St.,Ne- MA 3-2175 n ce2tle. riev; management. Rates. Danai e -lîm Fort Dope'ad andà particulars phone letTU 5-i042 lc/ Newcastle 2426. 42-1 U- a x - -A --- Éli --i w .. - - Articles for Sale BIG spece heater with fan. Phone MA 3-2855. 42-1* QUAKER spece heater, one Year old. -Phone MA 3-3892. 42-1* ENGLISH pram, good condition, $15.00. Phone MA 3-3575. 1 42-le POTATOES, $1.25 et farm, lessj FUEL ail tanks, 200 and 100 bag. John Hoayer, Nestleton. gallon capecity. W. 'Lawrence, 41-2 Nestieton, R.R. 2, Phone Black- GIRLS' skirts, jumper, sizes1.sok 44 21 and 14, excellent condition. MA POTATOES, No. 1 large, gnad- 3-2772. 42-1 ed, dint free, 75 lb. 'bags 1.25 et f arm. M. Mantel, Bunketon. 1,500 NEW apple boxes, wvîre Phone Blackstock 82 r 12. 42-2 bound, 75e each. Phone 1 r 6. Orono. 34-tf FIVE-piece c h ro me kitchen sutsite, yeliow and blue. Rangette THREE-piece bedroom sie with thermostatie aven, used one welnut, good condition. Phone yean. Phone MA 3-5850 or 10 MA 3-3401. 42-1,Liberty St. N. 42-1, FACTORY truck, ail steel, 24x 48 platform, $22. H. A. Barker, Ceesarea. 42-i1 GIRL'S coet, iight blue mohair,l size 14, like new. Phone MA 3-5997 atter 5. 42-1* COAL and wood stove, Findlay Oval, good condition. Phone VMA 3-2558 after 6 p.m. 42-1* LARGE hockey geme, individ- uelly apeî-eted playens, gaadi condition. Phone MA 3-3987. 42-1* ONE eccondion, 120 bess, ex-1 cellent condition. Wiil sel nea- soneble. Phone Newcastle 2165. 42-1' SAVE on lumber, direct tram rill ta you. Philiips Lume Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Pon 7 r 11. 13tf .EYS eut eutometicelly, while vou wait, et Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 36 King St. E., Bowmnan- ville. 46-tf H{ARD and sot t weter delivened. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MAnket 3-5476 or MA -5805. 48-tf hLECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt gervice ta electnicai eppliences,I lage and small. Lender Hard- vare. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floos-Hent a ;anden or a floor polishen trami ýýander Hardware, 7 King St. E., 3owmanvil1e. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing methad, mith rock wool. Warkmanship :uarenteed. F r ee estimates. ïanry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 1420. 39-tf, IEARING aid service, testing ;evice and complete stock of attenies and cords et Higgon flectric Limited, 38 King St. E., 3owmanvile. Telephone MA -5438. 20-tf NE used coal and wood turn- ýce, 1 used John Deere tractar, ïew washing machines, $115; 21" V, $206; retnigeretors, $199.95.1 V. H. Brown, Phone MA 3-5497. 42-1'j1 'OLD weether is caming-Get Isco aluminum combination 'indows and doors naw. Use ur easy peyment plan for home omfort aIl year round. Con- et Lamne Allin. Phone MArket 3871. 42-1' YOUNG TURKEYS CHOICE MEATY BIRDS I)RESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY [APLE GROVE MA 3-5058 26-tf DELICIOUS Ehrisfmas Cake and Plum Pudding Oid Engiish Recipes Onder now fan Christmas rs. Dorothy Jewell, MA 3-29871 42-41 Decorating For the Finest Peints Fan the Latest Papens IFan the Best Wokmnshp . G. Preston & son 13-5912 ---- MA 3-3701' 44-tf Uftenfion - Farmers YEAR END LEARANCE SALE MA 0F NEW AND USED MACHJNERY i Due ta iimited Winter starage fecilities we are offeringth SPECIALS: Chrome kitchen sets to clear et cost, slightly marked in shipping. Trade-in ellow- ence on chesterfieid and bed- roomn suites. One only full sized mattress, 364 springs, smooth top, reguler 59.50 for 44.50. Murphy Co., King W., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-3781. 42-1* Cars for Sale 1954 PONTIAC in good con- dition. Apply Northcutt & 11957 CHEVROLET Bel-Air -4- door sedan. Just hed 2,000 mile inspection, new car condition. Phone Bleckstock 72 r 3. 42-1* Livestock for Sale LANDRACE Yorkshire cross bned pigs. Phone MA 3-2887. 42-1 SIXTY one-year-old White Leg- horn hens. Phone MA 3-2351. 42-1 IYEAR-old hens. Apply J. Hall, RHR. 5, Bowmenville. MArket 3-2402. 42-1* REGISTERED Suffolk rams. Carncroft Ferm, Blackstock. Phone 13W. 40-tf For Rent APARTMENT, f o u r rooms, ground floor, own entrance. MA 3-2377. 42-1 TWO bright heated rooms, bath and kitchenette in new home. Phone MA 3-2995. 42-1 THREE-roomed self - contained duplex, only middle eged quiet couple need apply. Phone MA 3-3848. 42-1* FOUR-roomed flat, East Beach, inside toilet and running water, lights. Rent $40 e month. Phone THREE-roomed apertment, suit- able for young couple. Avail- able Nov. 1. Phone MA 3-5850 or 10 Liberty St. N. 42-1 HEATED rooms in Newcastle, partly furnished if desired. Write Adventiser 724, c/o Canad- ien Stetesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmenville. 41-3* ATTRACTIVE thmee - roorned, heated apartment, centrally bo- cated, heavy duty wired. Im- mediete possession. L. Clem- SEPARATE apartment, fao u r nooms, centre Pontypool, not suiteble for more than one child. Also, smell cottage for sale, well et door. Chambers, Pontypool. 42-1 * APARTMENT. Fully equipped. Refnîgerator and stove suPplied. Heated. Sepenete entrance. Corner St. George and Church. Apply Brookdaie - Kingsway Nurseries. 40-tf BASEMEN' epartment - large living room, two bedrooms, lange kitchen and four-piece bathroom. Heated and hot water and self contained. Phone MA 3-2460. 42-1 FOUR-roomed heeted epert- ment, - 3-piece bath, ail tîled floors, availeble Nov. Ist. Write Advertiser 731, c/o Canadien Stetesmen, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 42-1 Wanted ROOMER wented. Phone MA 3-5933. 42-1* DEAD and crippled fanm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Mangwill Fur Ferm, Tvrone. 26-tf Wanted to Buy TWO used trector tires and tubes, 12 x 24 on 13 x 24. Phone Clerke 3902. 42-1 followiag machines r't PRICESf PIANO stool for use in Black -1 YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MIS tock Recreationel Centre. Cel New Ferguson SKO Cuitivators Blackstock 53W. 42-1 New Fenguson FEO Mowers, 7-ft. 1 POWER chain saw. State par- New Ferguson ticulers, price and condition. Mounted Side Rakes Write Advertiser 728, c/o Canad- New Ferguson Tiller ian Stetesmen, P.O. Box 190, New Fenguson Fiexitillers Bowmenville. 42-1* New Fenguson Sub-Soier New Massey-Harris HIGHEST prices paid for live No. 26 Seed Drill poultr, goose teathers, featheri New Massey-Ilerris ticks, scnap iran, rags, metelsi No. 6 Mower. 7-ft. and raw furs. Phone HA 3-2043 t'sed Massey- Ennris AL kid flrputywa- 102 Jr. Tractor L idOflvpotrwa. Used Massey-Harris 81 Tractori ed. Top Toronto pnices paid at Used Caso VA Tractor vour door for lange or smial] Used MeCorinick-Deering quantities. We have aur owni W30 Tractor market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. Used Massey-Harris 1. Phone cllect to Betheny Forage Harvester 7 r 13. 28-tf Used Fluery 2-furrow Piow P ro a SID. LANCASTER'S I ersna HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber GARAGE goods) rnailed Postpaidin plein Massey-Harris-Ferguson Dealer jSxsep1 2e 4sampjles si 00. Mal Order Dept. T-28. R.R. No. 2. Newcastle, Ont. Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91,. Hem-1 42-1 iton7ý. Ont.1-52. Auction Sales Mrs. M. McRoberts, Lot 3, Concession 7, Darlington Town- ship, one mile east of Tyrone, has sold her farm and will sel by public auction on Saturday, October 19 et 1:30 p.m.: Ford tractor:, equipped with 10" plough, lke new; farm machmn- ery, grain, lumber, fence posts i and some furniture. Further perticulars, see bis. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42-1 Two large furniture sales will be held at the Durham County Sales Arena on Friday evening, Oct. 18th. Bedroom, living- room, kitchen furniture, large Frigidaire refrigerator, Beatty electric washer, both like new. Findlay Oval cook stove, neenly new; upright piano in perfect [condition, 3-piece chesterfield suite, dishes, glassware, etc. Plan to attend this important auction. Sale to commence promptly et! 7 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42-1 AUCTION SALE Il REG'D JERSEY CATTLE MILKING MACHINE DIONE THRESHING MACHINE on Rubber HORSES - MIlXED GRAIN .Lot 22, B.F. Pickering Township Liverpool Rd. S., Frenchman's Bay, 2 milles West of PickerIngi 1 Mile South of No. 2 Property of R. W. Balsdon Saturday, Oct. 26 at 2 o'ciock 42-1' HEREFORD SALE J. R. Nokes Manilla, Ont. ' P.M. Saturday, Oct. 19, ' Thirty choiee bred cowsana helfers plus seven top service ag bulas, Including hait lnteresti our champion herd sire Zent Mixer 26H, truly one of Canada' top hulas. Thirteen femalI carry the services of T. W. Re gent 27 412346 whose progen; estahlished a new iow con version record (al breeds> 3.7! pounds grain per pound of bee at the Govt. Feedlng Stattom Guelph. Catalogue and lurné availabie. Please bring you friendu and neighbours. RAY NOKES. 41-: AUCTION SALE 91/2 eu. ft. Admirai Refnigerat or, 4 element and oven apant ment size Gunney Kitchen Stove 4 Chrome Chairs and Tabi Kitchen Set, 2 Children's High. chairs, Kitchen Utensils. Dishes Toaster, Pots, Pans, etc.; 1 bed. type Studio Couch, 1 Rockini Chair, Coffee Table and Laml Table, 20" Coronet Television, recondltianed and new picture tube just necentiy; 6 Table Lampa, 4 Red and Chrome Chairs, 10 month-old Washing Machine, 1 Metal Ironing Board, Wash Tubs and Mops, 1 usel Bath Tub and Sink, Children's Crib and Mattresa, Play Pen, 1 Sleigh, Swimming Pool, Go. cart, 1 Youth's size Bed and Mattress, 1 Doll Buggy, 5-pleat Bedroom Set, Includes Vanity wlth Chair, Chest et Drawers Double Bed, Spnlng and Mat. tncas; some Clothing and Drapes, 1 Office Portable Typewnlter Desk, 1 Used Typewniter, 1 Stenographer's Chair, 1 Office Guest Chair, 1 Combinatior Radio and Record Player, plays 12 records; several Used 15-inch Auto Tires, Auto and Canpenter Hand Tools, 200 feet of water hase ln 50-ft. lengths 1947 Pontfiac 4-door SEDAN ln above average condition, needy te go. 1947 Pontiac 2-door SEDANETTE also ln above average condition, reedy b o . And miany Mare articles and goods to be offered for sale by public auction. SALE BEGINS AT 1 O'CLOCK ln the afternoon on October 26th, 1957 fori Mr. and Ms Arthur Stackaruk 194 and 196 Church St. West, Bowmanville Ontario -TERMS - CASH NO RESERVE AUCTIONEEP. MRt. GEORGE KOCH Auction Sales Eastern Ontario Hereford Club FALL SALE Pet erborough FAIR GROUNDS Wednesday, Oct. 23 12:30 p.M. 30 Regist ered Buils and Females Roth Horned and Polled AnimaIs approved by Dominion Heeith of Animais Branch and Livestack Brench Up to $M.00 Grant on Buils eccarding to Ontario Bull Pmemium SALE UNDER COVER ALLAN LINTON, Preaident R.R. 6, Cobourg W. MOOD, Secretary Hel p Wanted 4- WOMAN needed to help with housewonk, next week. Phone MA 3-3820. 42-1 CLERK-typist for the Ontario Training School for Boys. Five day week. Apply in person to the Superintendent. 42-1 CLERK-Bookkeeper for local business. T yp i ng necessary. WÏrite Advertiser 730, c/o Canad- ienl Stetesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 42-1 * PART-TIME sales help. Young mani, must have car and even- ings free. For information write Advertiser 726, c/a Canadien Statesman,' P.O. Box 190, Baw- manville. 41-3' RAWLEIGH business now open in Durham Ca. and Bowman- ville. Trade weil established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write et once. Hawleigh'sDept. -140-189, 4005 Richelieu, Mont reel, Que. 42-1 Real Estate for Sale FIVE-room cottage, West Beach, excellent condition, screened xerandah. Joe Cooper. Phone MA 3-5815. 42-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented j lanated and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker ]Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks forth of traffic signal .Newcastle 5-tf Peter Kowal, REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. BowmainvilIe Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 6 room bungalow on 3/ acre of land in Tyrone. Modemn kitchen, modern bath, ehl types of fruit. Garage, heavy wiring. This is an ideel place for retire- ment. Priced et only $7,500.00. Terms arranged. New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low under construction. Al convenience, good location, nice1 lot. 'House is 46 feet in length which gives you large roomns throughout. Priced et only $1 2,500.00 $3,500.00 down. This home defies comperison in price anywhere in town. Don't pass1 it up. Salesman - J. A. Barton 1 MA 3-3098 42-1 BUNGALOW A modern brick home wlth attractive atone front. Many extras, Including Fully Tiled Kitchen and Bathroom Complctely Waterproofed Basement. FulI price $ 12,000 Terms can be arranged For 'inspection contact DON.BROOKS GENERAL CONTRACTOR Reatl Estate for Skkt Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $3500 full price for this hom inBurketon. Heavy Wirec buit-in cupboards, new tile. well, 1 %½-storeys. 14 rooms, magnificent brie home on No. 2 Highway clos, to 401, suitable for nursin1 home, club or beverage room Price $25,000. Terms. We need listings. If you havt had trouble disposîng f tha- property consult us. Perhap: we can help. New summer cottage at Cedai Crest. Open for offer. 52 King St. W. Bownianvili, MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS MVembens Oshia-we and District Photo Co-op. Buy of the Week Insul brick l½,,-stoney tire roomned house on beeutifully landscaped grounds with 14 acres of land. 4,000 Scotch pi-ne Chistmes trees plented. Balance of' land ideal for market gerd-. ening. Twenty minutes te Oshaweý. Asking $6,000 with $2,000 dawn. We have a large selection f, farms, ecreages, businesses and homes ta choose tram. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3988' H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 15 acres garden land, close to; highwey. No buildngs. Full:,~ pnice $2,500. 50 acres close to Highwey 35, no buildings. Pnice $6,000. $1,000 down. 62 acres, 1 mile fnom New castle on No. 2 Highway. Frame house, bank barn, 40' x 60', other buildings. Inquine for particu. lars. 8 roomn solid brick house in Newcastle. 3-piece bath, oul heated, immediete possession.. $1,000 down. Easy terms. 8 roomn house in Newtonville,' garage and barn. Reduced to $5,500 for quick sale. $1,500 down. New 5 roomn house with-, funace, bath, east of Newcastle on No. 2 Highway. Vr"dfhY terms. Money to lban Phone Newcastle 3856 42.1 V, James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 4-roomn frame house, hydro, well, town water aveilabie, large lot. $4,000 with $700 down. 6-noomn solid brick, semi-de. ý tached, 2-piece bath, 4 bedrooms,': heavy wîring, full eeet close Up town. $6,500 witli terms or would exchenge for a 4-roomn bungalow, central. 4-roomn freme bungalow, 3. piece bath, oul furnace, heavv wiring, full basement. $7,000 with termsO Glocery store and living quart- ers - 6 rooms, 3-piece bath, ol furnace, heavy wiring, mench- andise et invoice price. Pniced to selI. 50 acres with a creek and good land near village, no buildings. Priced for imnmediate sale. Land on highway, suitable for motel or service station. 47 Queen St Dowmanvlle Box 941 MA 3-5682 42-10 Peler Fedde<na REAL ESTATE BROKER Generel ferm, 155 acres, 8.. roomn stone house, ail conven- jences, large harm in good repeir. Two nice streams. Priced to seli. Terms. General farm, 150 acres, 9- roomn brick house, pressure system; barni 106 x 39, new silo, implement shed, hen house, 'garage. Pnice $1 4,500.00. Terms. Pasture farm, 140 acres, plenty of weten, good fences. P; ice $40.00 per acre. Garden land, 50 acres with good stream, west of Bowman- ville. Pnice $5,250.00. We have several smell ferma, V.L.A. epproved. Two-apartment' home in New- castle, good investment. Pnice $5,500.00. 3 bedroom bungalow in Bow- rnenville, bath, good lot. Price $4,500.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MArket 3-3644 42-1 Notices The Goodyear Rod and Gun Club shoot Saturday, Oct. 19th, wili be held et 1:30 p.m. instead of 9:30 a.m. 42-1* Anyone wishing blankets b3r sending old woollens or cottrons Phone MA 3-2735 or 3-2856o' lankets vailable without WOO.) leng for limited time. Spon!.r.'l .d by Haydon W.A. 42-1 Ail hockey player; of Juvenile age or eny other players inter-jC ested in playing Juvenile llockîý, are requested to report to th-.k Bowmanville Aru:na on Satur FI 1 dey, October 19th et 5 p.in. Skat- ing practice will be neld fromn 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. For further iformation contact Ab Mavin, manager. Phone MA 3-3433. 42-1 Wanted to Rent POUR or fivýe-roomed bungalow )r downstairs apartmcnt with n i od e r ncovei Ir...- 1 1*OLN r l 1 ~4 5~v1r - - m w w qqRým '19 1 1 1 1 il lri4, 10 Phones. lai 1 mi£