- ________ -... ~----------------- -........- -. -- - ~ ...~Y .,. ~... - ~ -e.-r-'.- ~.- - r ~ ~.. 1 FVRRSDAY, OCT. 17th, 1057 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAIf. OWMANVMLL!. ONITARIO 7/w vewcad/jie y9&mwdt i Anw Eio Phono s6u1 Recreation Committee Asks for Suggestions Newcastle: The Newcastle Re- creation Committec is seeking the aid of citizens in broaden- ing the scope ai the local ne- creation pnagnam ta take in a larger proportion ai the popu- lation, by asking that pensons with suggestions ion additional projecîs attend its meetings or contact a memben ai the com- mittee. The Newcastle Recreation Commitîce was fonmed by the village cauncil in 1955 under the regulations ai the Com- munity Programs Bnanch ai the Ontario Department ai Ed- ucatian and ta date bas con- centrated its efforts ta the sponsoring ai Minor Basebal and Hockey in the village. Many activities are inciuded in this pragram, for which the village receives a grant frain the department based on the money -apent on sports and other recreational activities spent by the committee, and tho cammitie nequests thal any- one wisbing information or wilh suggestions ta make for the impravement ai the pro- gram, attend a meeting or con- tact anc ai the members ai the cammittee. Meetings anc held on tbc second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chamber ai the Community Hall and the cam- mittee is constiluted as folaows: Chairman, D. Wallon; Secre- tary, S. Brerndon; Tréasurer, H. Quinncy and L. Jobnson, Rl. Dickinson, G. Gnay and F. Hoar. The cammitîe wili ha look- ing ionwand ta necciving yaur suggestions for widening uts activities by the next meeting ion Novemben l2tb. Mrm. Harmer o ai cuvr lE .C., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carvelh this week. Arcbdeacon C. W. Balfour and Mrs. Balfour af Peterbor- augh spent a few days lasI Week visiting with bis sisten, Mn.. P. F. LeGresley. Mr. and Mrs. Perc)y Hare returned home an Saturday iollowing a motar trip thnaugh the Adirondack Mountains in New York State. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew weîe Mr. and Mns. Arthur Wolfe and son Jack ai Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. M. Poole ai Annprior and Mn. and Mrs. D. H. Williams oi Bawmanvilie. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Walton ai Agincourt visited with Mr. and Mns. H. C. Dennis on Thuns- Clay. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawrie, Jr.. and Mn. and Mrs. Arley Virtue af Port Elgin visited Wvith Mn. and Mrs. Stan Brown and iamily on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colwil ai Toronto spent the weekend visiting w ith Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pearce and family and Mr. Ernest Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brilton spent last week on a motar trip ta the U.S.A. Reeve J. H. Jose and coun- cillons Fred Couch, Brentori ]Rickard and Frank Hoar aI- tended the Lake Ontario De- veiopment Association Banquet in Cobourg on Friday evening when the Hon. W. A. Gaod-I fellow, Minister of Agriculture fan Ontario, was the guest speaker. Mr%~. Jessie Scuithorpe ai Part Hope was a recent visiter with Mn. and Mns. Howard Pearce and family. Mrs. R. B. Peance ai Renirew and Mn. and Mns. K. A. Siater and famiiy ai Kingston visited witb Mn. and Mn.. Gardon Agnew on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson and famiiv ai Cbesley were Sunday visitars wilh Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peance and family. We join witb bis many fniends in the community in extending aur heartiest congratulations ta Mr. H. T. Manes on the occas- ion of bis 89th birthdax' anni- versary on Wednesday, October 16th. Mr. and Mns. Gardon Knight af Brantford and Mn. and Mns. Neil Britton and Janie ai Belleville were weekend visit- ors %vith Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britan. Mn. and Mrs. H. Bunnett and Douglas ai Toronto were holi- day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Philip Williams. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce and famiiy« aiofBrighton visited with Mns. H. R. Pearce and Mn. and Mrs. Albent Peance and family on Monday . Thanïksgiving Dav guests witb Mn. H. T. Manes and fam- ily were Mn. Percy Woodward, Mrs. Faulkner arld childnen. Mns. Todgham and Mrs. G. T. Manes, al ai Toronto: Mr. an0 Mrs. H. Gray of Oshawa anid MVr. and Mrs. Tracy EmbIexy andi family. District Y.P. HoId Meeting In Lindsay Newcastle: The 29th'Annual Convention of the Bay af Quinte Conference of the Young Peopie's Union ai the United Church ai Canada is beîng held in Queen Street United Church in Lindsay an Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week with Dr. Robt. W. K. Elliott, D.D., Associate Sec- retary ai Home Missions, giving the theme address "To Giadly Serve the Lord ai Lufe With Ail My Heart," at the Satur- day and Sunday sessions. The convention wiil get un- derway with a "*Get Acquainted Supper" at 6:30 p.m. Friday, fol]owed by morning, aiternoon arnd evening sessions on Sat- urday and services at il a.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday witb Dr. Elliott preaching. The Citizenship Banquet on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. will fea- ture an address by Dr. M. B. Dyrnond, M.D., M.L.A.. Minis- ter of Reiorm Institutions for Ontario, while a feature ai the Saturday evening session ai particular interest locally, wili be the "~Do You Knaw the Testament" quiz in whlch teams of four mnembers from each Presbytery will compete with the Rev M. C. Fisher af Newcastle as Quizrnaster. Councilior Fred Couch tnd the Lakeshore Minan League Pres- ident and O.B.A. Convenon, Arnold Wadc. Reeve Jase brought gneetings fnom the village council con- gratulatingK the boys on the fine showing tbey made during the season stating tbat win on lose, onganizcd sports were a good tbing for any communily. Hal aiso cangnatulated the manag- er and coach fan the lime tbey gave in onganizing and training thé team. Arnold Wade In bringing greetings fromn thé OA~A. prais- cd the teamn for their autstand- ing achievement during the seasan piaying witb tcams in highen category. He said il was a real honour for Ibis team the anly "C" team in the lea- gué, ta compete wîtb taams ai "A"y and "B" category and fin- ish the scbedule in a tic for fiist place with the Cobourg Juvenile "A" club. He said the Newcastle Club was well spoken ai wbéreven they had played as being a néal sparts- manlike team. He said the team bhad given Newcastle fans good basebaîl throughout the season. Bill Bruni, team captain ex- pressed the appréciation ai thei boys ta their manager and coach for thé work they bad done for the team, and ta thej Merchants Bahl Club fon thein spansarsbip. Manager Irv McCullough and Coach Doug Wallon expressed appreciation ta the club for#, sponsoring the tcamn and ta the players for tbe fine tcamn spirit they had sbown. Card Party Sponsored by Evening W.A. Newcastle: The community's first public card party of the fail season was held in tbe Parisb Hall ai St. George's Chuncb on Wednesday evening, October 9tb, sponsored by the Evening Bnanch ai Ibm Woman's Auxiliary.1 Thase who wcna present had a most enjoyable evening play- ing bridge, cuchre on 500, foi- lowed by deliciaus rciresh- ment. senved by membens oi the sponsoring bnancb. Pnize winnens wcre as fol- iaws: Bridge-Miss Thorne and Miss McIntosh; Euchre -Mns. Tam Brown and Mn. George Graham; 500-Mn.. Reg Mca- dows and Mrs. Jack Perrin. Tbe basket ai groceries wbicb was dnawn ion duning the evening was won by Mn.. Tom Brown. SOLINA A conducted tour of the Goodyear plant in Bowmànville bas been anrangad for thc membens ai the Thnee M's group on Tuesday evening, Oct. 29, aI 8:30 o'clock. Late Tbursday night fine caused considérable damage St thé home ai E. R. and Bruce Taylor. The Bowmanvile Fire Brigade soon anrivcd aI the scene and with the assistance ai neighbours kept the blaze con! mcd ta the back part oi the house. Nearby ladie s ser- ved calice and sandwiches ta thé men during thé cold houns of eanly monning as they work- ed la keep the fine under con- trai. Rev. Ir. eed b.d a fine message for the Thanksgi-%ing chuncb service en Sunday ai- tennoon. Tbnce babieN wene prcsentcd for baplism: Lamne Devitt, son ai Mn. and Ms.. Stan Milîson; Karen Manie, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer and Ronald Murray, son ai Mr. and Ms.. Murray Vice. There wiiI tic na Sunday Scbool on cburcb service bere next Sunda.v oWlng ta Zion speciai service. Thankoiiering services hera will be bcid an Sunday. Oct. 27. at 2 and 7:30 o'clack, Star.- dard Timye. Mns. Norman Yéiiowleêo and Miss Beverley Wrighlt of Bow. Merchants Bail Club Makes Presen talions At Annual Banquet C. C. GOULD Warm Air Heaiing a Specialfy EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 3686 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ADULT ~FIRST AID COURSE 'wiII be starting ln New- eàstie the iast week ln October. Two hours. ane nlght per week for seven weeks. Certificates will be lssued to suceessful candi- codat l t fIteeti donat.AltoeItrtd MRS. M. A. PICKERING Phone Newcastle 3716 FOR SALE.. Newcastlc: The annual seasan wind-up banquet ai the New- castle Merchants Basebaîl Club was held in the dining rooia of the Queen's Hotel an Satur- dlay evening with the president, 'rhosâ. WTallace presiding. Fol- lowing a delicious tunkey din- neî' with ahl the tnimmings. pre- sentations were made ta mcm- bers of the Juvenile lcam span- soned by the club during the pasl season. The lrophy for the player having the highest batting aver- age on the scason's play was won by Charlie Trim with an average ai .4e2, while Ted (Kelly) Lane was voted tbe mosl valuable player by his team mates and was prasented with the Club'. trotby for thé mosl valuable playen of the year. Those sealed ai the head table inciuded the club execu- tive: Pres. Thos. Wallace, Sec. Murray Wallon. Treas. C. R. Canveth; tbe leamn manager Inv McCullaugh and coach Doug Wallon; Reeve J. H. Jase and Familv Aliowances are paid on behaîf of Canadian children up ta age 16 unless they fail la attend school or marny. The AI- lawances now cast more than $400,000,000 a yean, equal ta about $1 in $4 ai ail money col- lected in pensonal incame taxes. $50,00O Worth of Protection Only a srnall investment gives Up tb $30.000 Iiability insurance protection for yourself and farn- ily, thnough Co-operators Insunance Association, CIA. Liability insurance protects against financial loss resulting frorn some accident on your pnopcrty, or through an act of your own, or a family member. CIA's policy includes publicinedical payments and family medical payrnent coverage. For hclpful information sec: HOWARD FOLEY King St. W., Bowmanvilla Phone MA 3-3277 Co-operators JAMES BARNES Newcastle Insurance Association M j' e tlast eou can paint witbout suffering firom irn- &. iting *'painty" fumes! Wonderful new odorless Flo-glaze Colorizer paints have banished paint x>dor foreven. ee arm hundreds of beautif ul shades ta choose min paints for walls, fonrs, furniture, wood- w on orextenion use. New alkyd formulation makes Flo-glaze Color- kzer Paints much casier to apply, mare durable <han ever. Lander 7King Street E. Hardware Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5774 G l th Family Dinner Party HeId on Anniversary k Social and Pers Qnctl 1 9 Tere'a extra eofot... for working ... or for relaxation afe day'a work is done . . . ashes are just a niemory ini àhome that's cil heated. Everv nook and corner can be kept 'IhospitaV. dlean.' Sa if you want to b.' a Happy Pappy get your fuel tank, 'tUed Weil ahead of tim., DUY ESSO Furnae ad Stove 011. Automatie Met.red Dhllvery Service 1948 FORD 4-door SEDAN - $195 1947 PONTIAC 2-door SEDAN $195 Many more moftels from whicb to choose. Corne ili and look them over. ROBSON MOTrOR.S LIMITED BUICK PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville M A 3-3321 maêtvrlle, Ifrs. Sid Hockaday tBd'Miss Rilda Hockaday were viSiorsdur*ngthehanku- gl'v'h weekend with Mr. and M'14 Ernest Hockaday and fazrl1y. bt. anid Mrs. Wei Yellowlees &nt Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellawlees attinded the turltey supper ut Vaimntia on Monday night. 1(r. and Mn.. Wes Yellow- leoe and sono were dinner gutÊts at Mý. S. Chas. Ailin's, Bcdrmmniie, Sunday eVening. lfr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and daughtens, Mr. and M'o. Everett Cryderman, Miss Jein Cryderman and Mrs. A. J. Balson were guests at the Larmer - McDaugald wedding at St. Many's on Saturday af- ternoon. Mr. Harold Reynolds, Tor- onto; Mn.. J. Black, Mrs. Ross Pearson, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Davis and Mr. Ed. Davis, Mrs. A. Nesbltt, Osh- awa; Mrs. Wm. Gray, Ajax, were visitons during the week- end at Rlalph Davis'. Mrs. Alan Taylor and son Michael left on Tuesday for their home at Duncan, B.C., after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mns. A. J. Balson, relatives and friends. Sympathy is extended ta Mn. Isaac Hardy on the death of bis sister, Mrs. W. Glaspeli of Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shack- leton, Bowmanville, were Sun- day tea guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons. Miss Nancy McGregor, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. and Mns. E. Spires'. Mr. and Mns. E. Spires and famiiy visited at Mr. Frank Bunrow's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Peterborough, visited at Mn. I. Handy's. Mns. S. Rundie, Miss Jean Rundie, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray and daughters, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryden- man's. Mr. and Mns. Ian Smith -and chiidnen, Toronto, were Sun- day visitors at Mn. and Mrs. Stan Millson's. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Blair, Mrs. W. A. Ormistan, Brook- lin; Miss Grace Wadge, Toron- ta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and iamily. Mrs. Addie Tink vlsited Mr. and Mn.. Don Goode at Orono. Mr. and Mn.. Cecil Pascae and son Gardon irom Gait werc Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. Boyd Ayre and family. Sevenal Sauina ladies attend- cd the trousseau tea given by Mrs. W. J. Leask, Bowman- ville, on Saturday for her daughter Marilyn, bride-to-be. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and famiiy and Miss Judith Dry- nan af Oshawa, were visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mal- caim's, Brougham. Mr. and Mr@. F. Abernethy, Oakwood, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mn.. Don Tay- lor and with them visited Mr. and Mns. M. Samis ai Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. L. Preston and sans, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mn.. Chas. Langmaid and children were Sunday tea guests oi Mr. and Mrm R. Lang- rnaid. Mn.Roy Langmaid attended the funenal ai hér cousin, Mis. E. Gilson, in Toronto on Sat- .inday. Mr. and Mrs. M. McCanrell and Marilyn, Omemee, visitcd on Suniday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes His and family. Mn. and Mrs. H. Richards, MIr. Reg Harding, Bowmanville; M4r. and Mns. N. Fice and Douglas, Mr. and Mns. Fred EJart, Doris and Arnold, Zion; M'r. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and family, Milibrook; Mr. and Mrls. Pency Westlake and fam- ly were with Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr., an thein 47th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 12. Mr. and Mns. Frank West- lake, Jr., and cbjîdren visited at Mn. F. R. Cook's, Bowman- vile Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker wene Sunday gucats af Mrs. H. D. ent for this happy occasion. A iovely tbnee-tier antiversary cake appropriately deconated, formed the centre piece ai thc dining table with white candies on either side. The many ioveiy bouquets af flawers received from friends and neigbbours deconated the rooms. The fami3y prèsented Mn. and Mn.. Nichais with a gi, and gits and cards were also received irom iniends. A social evening was enjoyed when the anniversary cake was served. Mr. and Mrs. Nichais were miarried in the pansonage ai King Street Methodist Cbuncb, Oshawa, by Rev. S. C. Moore, wbo later came ta Bowmanville A family dinner party was held for Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ni- chois at their home, 45 Prospect Street, to mark their 45th wed- ding anniversary on Oct. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Nichois' famlly and grandchildren, and their brothers and sisters wVere pres- 'Cou rtice Couple Celebrate 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harold Muir, Eldersîle Farms, Courtice, cele- brated the 25th annlversary of their wedding last week. Mr. and Mrs. Muir entertained at a faxnlly party. A happy and ra- ther unusual feature of the oc- casion was that bath Mr. Muir's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Muir Sr., and the parents of bis wife. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hancock, were present at the 25th wedding anniversary of their chiidren. They are ail well known and highly regard- ed residents of Caurtice. Others present at the familv party were their sons, Donald and John, their daughter. Mar- ion, Mr. Muir's sister and ber husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Courtîce and their family, and bis brother and sisters-in-lawv, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muir, and their cbildren, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- chie Muir, Jr., and their fam- iiy, Mr. Robert Muir and theih family, and Bruce Muir, ail of Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Muir*s nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston, Bowman- ville, were aiso their guests. Un- fortunateiy Mrs. Muir's brother and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Muir, Elmvaie, Ontario, were unable ta be present. A corsage af red carnations gave a festive touch ta Mrs. Muir's attractive gown. Her husband had a matching red carnation bautanniere. The rooms were effectively decorat- ed with autumn flowers. Yel- low bronze chrysanthemums. and asters in glawing auttimn shades in a silver bowl centred the table. A tbree-tier wedding cake crowned wlth an arch bearinq, à silver 25 was much admîred. It bad been iced and decorated by Mr. and Mrs. Muir's daugh- ter, Marion. A deliciaus luncb was served by Mr. Muir's sister and his sister-in-law. The han- ared couple received numerous attractive gifts, cards and mes- sages. Tbey graciauslv express- ed their appreciation for ail the good wishes and presents. ZION (Hope Township) Guests this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Meneilley were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Germond, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Latondresse, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meneiiley, Part Mr: and Mrs. Keith Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brice and family, Part Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, 'Starkville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caswell and Iris. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tuffard atended Norwood Fair on Mon- day. Misses Audrey and Shirley Tufford, Peterborough, spent the holiday weekend with their parents. Sunday School attendance was small this week owing ta sa much iilness in the community. The Woman's Association wili meet Thursday evening, Oct. 17 at the home ai Mrs. George Mc- Cullaugh. Rail call-Something for the bazaar. MNENI WANTED Apply Brookdale- 1 Kingsway1 COMPLETELY WINTER1ZED AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU. 1957 CHEVEOLET 2-door SEDAN Two-tone, cuý.tom radio, locally owned ear 9,000 miles - Only $ 3 # 1955 CHEVROLET 2-door SEDAN In Ai condition ___-$1645__ 1955 DGDGE 4-door SEDAN Locally owned car, Iow mileage, wi*thi custom radio $12a 1954 CHEVROLET 4-door SEDAN top condition $1395 1953 CHEVROLET 2-door SEDAN Custom radio, locally owned car, incdi tio incllnt_-__--s109 This Week's Special 1951 PONTIAC 4-door SEDAN In Ai condition - Two-tone paint $695 r' wene cailers. as mninisten of Tnlnity Church. Mrs. Nichais was tbe former Ida May Waiton, daugbter af Mn. and Mn.. Anson Walton, New- castle, now deceased. Mr. Nichais bas been an em- pioyee with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company here for aven 40 yeans and is a member ai the Masanic Ladge. Present at the family galber- ing wene brothers and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waltan, Mn. and Mrs. George Waiton, Mr. Robert Wallon, Newcastle, Mr. and Mn.. Oscar Luxton and grandson Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. William Nichais. Mr. Luthez: Nicbols, Mrs. William Sprv, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Driel and children Leslie and Scott, Bawmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ferguson and cbiidren Laura, Paui and Greg, Ancaster. Dùring the evening a niece and nepbew, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hooey, Onono. Phone MA 3-S4V 33 King St. W. - - -- iffl L% PAGE NI= w iust arrived. . . The New 1958 Wallpapers Decorate your room4 now witb the latest in modern wallpapers. SEE THEM ON DISPLAY AT J. H. Abernethy Paint and Wallpaper Store