PAGE Many Prizes Won at Rebekah Penny Sale More than 65 prizes donated by members of Beehive Rebe- kah Lodge were won on Fri- day, Sept. 20, at the Lodge's Annual Penny Sale in the Lions Community Centre. Mrs. Evelyn Fickes, Dist. Dept. President of Oshawa, op-1 ened the sale and made the draw!r for prizes at 8 p.m. A sale of home-baking and hiome-made candy attracted xnany people, and afternoon tea wvas served ini the Green Room i and the main room. Pouniiîg tea, at the beautifuliy decorat- ed tea tables were Mrs. Mabell Eagnell, Mrs. Jessce Prout, Lvi.. Annie Wright, Mrs. Rhoda Smith, Mrs. Hazel Samis, Mrs. Annic Wood, Mrs. Aima Powell, and Mrs. Grace Murdoch. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Wrightson Wight, MrE. Jack King. Mrs. George White, Mrs. Keith Bickell and Mrs. Paul Tuerk of BowmanvilsJ,l and Mrs. Russel YVeo, of Osh- awa. Draw prize winners were- cup and saucer, Mrs. Tom Ham- ilton; towel set. Mrs. FreJ Brown; set of plastic glasses, .Mrs. Janet Paeden, Toronto; $2 bill. Mrs. George Polley. S-.; baby k-nitted set, Mrs. Renaý Bathgate; 6 cups and saucerý.j Mrs. Nina Clarke: baby blan-: ket, Mrs. Keith Bickeli: blucýe pursc, Kathy Perris: pr. toweLs. Ruth Wilkins, Oshawa; flfrn 'l-! ette b]ankets. Mrs. Ken Hoop- This ca/fs er; piilow cases. Mrs. AI!1 Brown: 1 towel, Mrs. Deianey; cap and saucer, Mrs. Pauline, Aildread: girls knitted hat and mâtts, Mrs. Deianey; pillew cases, Mrs. Stella Lee; pînk, quilt, Mrs. Rubie Hutchinson; 1 mixing bowi set, Mis. Shirley Fonsey; cup and saucer, Mrs., Tondiff; $2 bill, Mrs. Gordon Kilp at nick .I Knîtted baby set, Mrs.Esij Richards: cup and saucer, Mrs. 1Ruth Mitchell; pyrex casserole.~ Mrs. Helen CameîÉon; yellew apron, Gwen Murdoch; towel set, Mrs. Alyce Yeo; knitted baby pet, Mrs. Art Thompson. Haydon; pillow cases, Mrs. He- boise Mutton; glass bowl setI Mis. Ethel Byam: cup and sau- cer, Mrs. Rhoda Smith; pillow cases, Mrs. Irwin; bath powder, Mrs. Lonsberry; set o! dishes, Mrs. Jean Porter; pr. dog orne- ments, Linda Bowen;, yellow sheli chah, Mns. Marion Wise- man; knitted baby set, Gwcn Murdoch: giasses in rack, Mrs. David Clark; Spode cake plate. Mrs. Rhea Burns; wellet and, lighteî' set, Rexy Yeo; table cloth, Mrs. Maurice Crook; ma- gazine rack, Lenne Kerr; pil- low cases, Mrs. Norm Welsh, Oshavv'a; fianceette binc Mýr. W'ilfred Paeden. Toronto: i linen lunicheon set, Mss. George' Bagcncll; cro s itch piIboi.: ca- czes. Mrs. Carpenter; bluck purse, Ruith Barclay: ;piliow, cases, Mrs. George Bagneli: Madeira pî1b Free! Vigor q Standard Gaisoline 3 Freel1 GAL. lncludlng tax T=~o CANADIAN STATESMANl. BOWMANV!LLt. ONTAXO "-- I c Durham Tecucher flecudsc IRCAF School for NATO The regular monthly meeting' sigtaig prxmtî o! the W.A. wvas held on Wed- 3,000 trainees have received nesday, September l8th in the language instruction since thel home o! Mns. M. J. Osborne. school. came inte being. There were 13 members present. Squadnon Leader Ashton, in The meeting was conducted by, charge e! the achool o! which the President Mrs. Harry Beck- this section is a part, la a grad- ett. The roll was caiied by the uate o! Bowxnanville lligh Secretary Mrs. Harold Osborne. School and a son o! the late who aise read the minutes o! Mn. and Mrs. *W. C. Ashton o! the August meeting. Shaw's. After graduation, Law- The chie! business that even- rence taught public scheels la ing ivas the turkey suppen in Elora and Westmount befoxe October. The menu ivas dis- taking a position with Parts cussed, pnice o! admission and and Service o! General Motons many other items. Committees o! Canada la Oshawa. wene !ormed se that ail may He joiiied the RCAF and dur-1 have a ahane in this big venture., îng the war served et venieus It was decided net te have a stations in Canada including a1 progiram for people cam-e toeaet terni o! service eut West. Whiie and when satisfied were ready stationed et Trenton, he man- te nturn homne., ried Edith Taylor of Prince Ed-1 The TLhunl offcr;ims cf tle' .'ard Ceunty and they have anniversasv amounted te around twe ehildren, Richard, aged i '232.00. There are stilb seviesai enivelepes 10 corne in y et. The Octoeo meeting will be ' r Y u r held at the home cf Mrs. William McHolni on thie l6th at 8 p.rn.Fo Y urP The elevotional session was opened with a hymn. The Scnip- ture verses were read by Mrs. u s r p i l Thouglits and Prayer by Mrs. M. J. Osborne. The meeting was ýtenivnoete Mss. Dawson To Show Re Beebe who gave a most interest- ing report of a trip thnough When a magazine subscrîption Western Canada te the Coast, salearnan calîs et your door, ask thence te parts of the U.S.A. la te aee his registration card from company with Mr. Dawson Bee- the Canadian Centrai Registny. be and ficnds. Many friands I f he can't produce one, refuse ef this community were visited. te deal with him la the recom- The v.eather was perfect and the'mendation of the Bewmanville trip was perfect from beginning Chamnber cf Commerce. te end. The President thankedj Until e fev; years ago, citizens Mvrs. Beebe for giving this de- - lightful report and highlights of uies ietr a wondenfui trip. DSRS ieir Duri--g-the social hal! heur ____ which iengthened into an heurAc the hostess. assisted by Mrs. Ac ouniancy 1Harold Osborne served a dainty lunch whichi was mach en.loyed WiM. J. [I. COGGINS and appreciated. Mrs. Hazel Chartered Accountant Cornîsh gave e vote of thanks te 64 King St. E. Bowmanville that effect which was carrîed (Aboya Garton's Bus Statiun) unan imously.64KnStetE 1Raliy Day Service bas beaue64KngSretE postponed for a few Sundays MONTEITH - MONTEITI1 because Sunday School wili be' 1 RIEHL & CO. rather disrupte d with change of Chertered Accountants time lii order thet we may at- 135 Sinicoe St. N. Oshawa tend the coming anniversaries RA 5-3527 and other speciai SSu nday serv- Partners: ices. Attendance on these Sun- j. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. days are fewer than usuel. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. Children do net take tee kindiy G. W. Riehi, C.A. te these eltenations ln time. (Licensed Trustae) 1Sunday School was held at G. E. Trathewey, C.A. il a.m. Sept. 22nd. There were R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. 38 present. It was conducted by the Superintendent Mrs. Fred Y ALE, FRIEDLANDER, MeConnel. S. S. next week at HUNTER & CO. 9:45 a.m. Acceuntents and Auditers There lias been some pettyI 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 stealing in this neighbourhood Oshawa recently. A keen watch for the B. L. Yale, C.A. thief or thieves is being kept by F. Fiediander, PF. Comnm.. C.P.A1 residents with the co-operation J. Hunter, C.P.A. o! the O.P.P. A nlumber o!f ______________ ,chickens'w~ere taken from one C i i farm, over 100 'peunda o! honey Chiroprac c from another, a camera and a sum o! meney from a home ini G. EDWIN MIANN. D.C. the community. We presumne Chirepractor there la a method te ail this Office: appropriation cf other people's 15 Elgin St., cor. of Herse, St. goods, namely: chieken for fry- Phone MA 3-5509 ing, honey for dessert, camera Office Heurs: By Appointment for pleasure and cash te carry on - What next? ta I B ETHANY DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. j Office: Jury Jubilea Bldg. Through the Northumberland 40 King St. W. Bowmanville and Durham Health Unit, under Office Heurs: the direction of Dr. Charlottef 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily M. Horner, Cobourg, M *O.*i-1 ", Closed Seturday and Sunday approximately 150 eilîdren, Office Phone MA 3-5790 mestly pre-sehoolers and firat-' House Phone - Newcastle .3551 graders, attended a clinic in~ .W ISN.LDSDD3 jBethany on Wednesdav after- D Off . ie in. his.,me 3. neente eceve hei Poio cc-100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville ulatiens with Salk vaccine . As-OfieHus j 515ting %vere members from the 9Oamfitee p.m dail I Mllroo ofic, ss.N.Car - 9 a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday pentes, Mrs. L. Nattrasa* andCosdSda Mss. A. Harkness.y jThe BethanY Cominunity Band - Phone MA 3-5604 was ln Lindsay on ThursdayI DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. taking part in the parade organ- Office ized for Citizens' Dav. 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville rMr. George Page who lias1 Office Heurs: been le a Peterborougli hospital 9am e6pm al for nîany weeks, is ccxv con-Cbeed a.tund6v nd aday , a bscing at the home of bis; Telephione: Office MA 3-5459 da:îghter, Mn. and Mss. Earl TMc -_________________ Gi1l.L a IGuests with Mr. and Mrs. JH. e g a IA. MeM\aster bast wcek were Msr. __________________ and Mr:. William 'Mu Co" va n ef STRIKE and STRIKE ITenante; Mr. and MJrs. Noninan Banisters, Solicitors IGibson, Woodbnidge; M. -NNtIrs uli 1Mss. Charles Murphy. Kirýkland W. R. Stnike, Q.C. :Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Noah A..H.tik.B. FRcice! Hntviie140 King St. W. - Bowmanville I Fniends ~~~wiil be reased te oeehn A359 I know that Mss. Herb Kennedy! eeho1M 359 lis reported as rnaking good pro- LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. gress following an operation in Barmister. Solicitor Civle Hospital, Peterborough. Notarv Public Ms. and Mss. Wm. Ellison.! King St. V' - Bowmanville IMss. Ross Hall and M,,iss Lynda Phones: Office MA 3-5688 IHall. Whitby. were Sundav Residence MA 3-5553 guests %xith Mr. and Mss. Vin- cent Jackson. aflSS APHA L,. HODGINS LAC Ralph Challice with the Barristen. Solicitor IR.C.A.F. at Cliaton and Ennis, Notary Public Chailice. Rosemont. were home Temperance St. - Bowmanville 'for the weekend with th air moth-I --1 era, Mms. Richard Challice. E. RICHARD LOVEKIN. jMn. and Mns. Paul Yonchus, U.E., B.A., LLB. iMns. Marie Yonchus, Kitchener,I Box 9. Newcastle Iwere guests with Mn. andMs Phone Newvcastle 2246 Frank Martichenko durnig the i Consultation by appointment iw eekend. eniy. Miss Belle Nugent, Ottawa. ia visiting with hem niece Mrs. Win-j M ortgages iss dSpencer. ____M__o__r_____g__a__g__e__s MisLily Thonîpson spent LEO AITNiRN several da s Ibis week with Mr.LEO A TO -ORN and -Mrs. Roy Tuthili. Keana. Phone 1 r 161 iSundav guests wii Dr. Stew- Finat Mortgagze funds art Speller and Mlrs. Speileri Residences - Farmo wcre Ms-. anci Mss. Ralph Finley. Business ProDerties Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Johasten. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowe. Mi-.1 and Mss. R. Wý. Brent, al of p o e r Toronto, and Brigadier and Mns.j Randail Speller, Fenelon Falls' KEITH A. BIfLLETT iMn. and Mirs. Frank Carter. IOPtometrist iNewcastia, spent Sundav with 141 Kli St. E. Bowmanville IMr. and Mn hiton Wright. 1Officeeurs: Ble appeintment ICongratulations te Ms. ced Talenhene MArket 3-2252 Mrs. Harrxv VanEeek (nec Mari' Mnndav te Saturdav Finnevi- on the ai-rivil 111. ii 9 arn. te 5 p.m in;fant sn n MNemorial H-opital, I ý'ednesda.vs: f) te la bowmanvsLle. --Thtuuaday venia low cases, -Mrs. Carpenter. Unclaimed prizes--136, lun- cheon set; 395, bedspread; 395, towel set: 398, Piliow cases; 415, $2 dollar bill; 418, kitchen utensil set; 420, cup and sau- cer; 458, Christmas table decor- ation; 577, crystai cake dish; 667, pillow cases. 1253, silver cake dish; 1280, bath mat set; 1370, magazine rack; 1370, green planter bowi; 1376, pajamas: 1431, Christmas table decora- tien; 1570, baby sweater; 1647, bun wanmer; 1893, quilt. These prizes may be claimed at Goheen's Handy Shop. MORRISH home o! Mrs. Reeves, te ar - range promotions. The C. K. Doubles Club look fonward te ententaining Zion Doubles on the evening o! Oct. 5, at Kedren. On Thursday evening the executive o! Oshawa Presby- tery Y.P.U.; Presbytery min ta- ner meeting in Kedron Lower 0Hal!. Vice-President of Pnesh'- tery Y.P.U., Glen Larmner of' Blackstock was master cf cere- mrne;ýs and sperýal zpeaker A,, s the church srcrea'v fer Y.P.U.! woric from Toroejto.i he Comnîunuy Centre Cern- miticc hcld a succeszfui cern »reast recently w'hen plans wvere made for an auct'on anid ruin- mage sale te be hcld ncar the 1 end cf October. The directors v.-ould aprreciate it if any ar- j Ucle5 for the ,baIe be left at Ke- e,.-',-'ned rnernbers or tne C.K. Doubles at tiieir homne fon a TNRSDAY, SEPT. 28thi, M15 The July issue cf the R.C. M.P. Quarterly carnies an ar- ticle on the NATO Language Training Scheol at the RCAFX Station in London, On tarie. 0f Interest te many in this district ii: the fact that Squadron Lead- er Lawrence Ashton is com- mander cf the Officers' School in this organizatien. Non-English speaking student aircrew candidates from 12 NATO countries attend this school te leam.n English vocabu- lary andterrninology used in and Cathy, 2. Lawrence is a nephew e! Mrs. H. J. Babcock lof- Bowmanvllle, the former C Maude Clemence. Lawrence'& h mother waa Mabel Clemence. d The Officers' Sehool at Len. q don commanded by Squadren C Leader Ashton, has three sec- c tiens: an administrative train- ing section for junior officiers. E an executive training section si fer newly enrolled officers, and m~ the NATO Orientation and Lan- 1J guage Training section. h Civic erganizations ln Lon- r: don assist in making new ce trainees welcome te the coin- l munity by attending an infor- E mal dinner given for -them dur- o îng thein first week in Canada, m~ and fellewing up with invita- V tiens te homes and clubs. si Air Mershal C. R. Slemon, c RCAF Chie! o! Air Staff, rie.a: cently told the staff o! this un- a usual school which uses thc p most modern equipment and F aida such as film sides, tape V recorders, disc recordere and tl intercommunication equipment, a "Yeu are doing a very impor- t] tant work here and the resuits M~ will unsboubtediy play an im- t] portant noie ln woËld affairs in. 1 the years te cerne." The Statesman la indebted te Iý Mi». Jim Lovekin, Toronto, for L sending the magazine in which'% this aricle app2ared i a c: tection Ask t 0 i Salesmen ' 1gistry Card were periodically fleeced by phony salesmen "working their wythrough college". Se wide- spread waa the practicqý and s0 Il numereus wvere the cempleintsa received by the magazine pub-y lishens that, with one single ex- t ception, they banded together te forni the Canadian Central Reg- istry.t Ongenized and managed by a1 Toronto lewyer, Donald M. Find- r' lay, the Registry issues registre- le tien carda only te the accredited representetives of reputable magazine publishers. The cards i are green in colour, measure Ir about three inches by six, and Ir, bear the name of the hoider. Se c that approval can be promptly1 withdrewn from any selesmanr who cdoes net conduct himself E properly, a registration card is velid for oniy 60 days. It is ad-s visable, therefore, te check the date on the salesman's card. Se effective has this new 3 systemn been that meat of the fraudulent salesmen have been eliminated, panticulanly from the langer tewns and cities, but a few continue te plague smalier1 to*.ns and villages. As a funther measure te me- store the prestige o! legitimate g magazine saleamen and restorer public confidence, the CanadianJ Central Registry guarantees te honour any subscniption receipt, c even if it is countenfeit. Se, be1 sure te obtain a receipt, and if t you do not receive your !irst Ii: tîme, write te the Canadien Central Registry, Roomn 1108, 1 137 Wellington St. West, Toron-c te 1, or telephone the Bewman- ville Chember of Commerce. Yeur Chamber o! Commerce aise reminda you that not only magazine saiesmen, but all door- t to-door saiesmen other than farmera selling their own pro- duce, must obtain a Hawker's and Pedlan's license frem Town~ Clerk Alick Lyle. Ask te see this local license and, if it is net produced, telephone Chie!. Eric Smith et MA 3-3323. KEDRON Three babies received rites o! Christian baptism ln the mcn-! >ing service, conducted by the niinister, Rev. R. H. Rickard. i Beverley Jane Pascoe, daugh- ten o! Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrd1 Pascoe; Alan Lawrence Star, son of Mn. and Mns. J. Stamn; I and Barbara Eileen Tregunna, PONTYPOOL cor and wiener roast. The committee who arranged the fe programme for the even- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Loriie Tregunna, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Love, Mr. andf Mrs. Wni. Rosnak. On Saturday evening, the eoronation Cornmunity Club held a wiener roast at the Ke- dron Cornmunlty Centre for the girls' and boys' bail teams u.f Coronation School. Games an(! dancing were enjoyed. Members of, the Brookl Jr. Farmers had as their guests ore niembers of Oshawa Ki- wanis Club at a gathering on Ehursday evening, held at the homne of Ron and Jeanine Wer- ry. There were 35 present. A class of cows was judged under leadership of Associate Agri. Rep. Sidney MacDonald. It was of speclal interest te hear Ki- wanians Ralph Vickery and Wlliam Gibbie give their rea- ons for their placings of tht- class. A hay-ride was featured, and the evenlng concluded wlth acorn roast-and slng-song. Ap- preciàtion was expressed oy President of Jr. Farmers, Ron Werry te the Kiwanis Club for their interest and assistance, and especlaliy for the prize of he evenirig for. the judging, which was a pair of tickets tu he Kiwanis Travel Series for 1957-1958. On Sunday evening, Mr. and vlrs. Murray Mountjoy, Mrs. Larine Tregunna, Misses Eleanor Mbountjoy and Jeanine Werry, and Ron Werry, were members of the choir who sang at a spe- ciai service in Beaverton United Church. The group were enter- ained afterwards at the home of Miss Jeanne Pearson, Ux- bridge. Mrs. Murray Mountjoy was hestess. assisted by Mrs. Lornie Tregunna, at a misceilaneous shower and party honouring VIrs. William Boyes of Picker- ng, the former Elizabeth Deem- ng of Myrtie, when girls of! the County choir and Brooklin Jr. F'armers were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- joy were guests at the wedding and reception for the Deeming,- Boyes nuptials on Saturday af- ternoon. Mrs. Ross Lee with Mrs. Paul Purver, of Columbus, attended the reception and tea at Guelph Agricultural Coilege on Wed- nesday, when Brian Lee enter- ed as a student in the two-year course. Relatives at Kedron of the [ate Mrs. James Arthur Wer- ry, of Enniskillen, attended the memorial service held on Sun- day aftemnoon. in Enniskillen Ujnited Church, and the coin- mittal service at Hampton cein- etery. Following the christening service on Sunday morning, ~ranclparents of Baby Alan ~tarr, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Vlountjoy, had as guests, their laughters with their families, also Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke, M,'iss Olive Luke and Miss rene Bray of Toronto, and Miss Beatrice Mountjoy of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood, Mvarlene and Sylvia, were guests at the marriage of his riiece, Miss Maxine Wood te M'r. George Felgate, of Union- ville. The wedding took place on Saturday in Newtonville United Church, with the recep- tion in the S. S. hall. The groom is a student in electrical engin- eering, at Queen's University. Miss Beryl Mountjoy has Left with fniends frem London on a holiday motor trip through Quebec and the Eastern States. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wenry. with Mr. and Mrs. Meredith MVoffatt, enjoyed a ten-day mr,- tor trip through the province o! Quebec, Laurentide Park, Mt. Tremblant, and St. Agathe, were amnong points o! interest. Vivid coiounings in the leaves in the his, and a sunset that turned the St. Lawrence waters into flame, remain clearly in oun minds. A visit was- enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Pauline and Bill, and Wilfred Werry, of Montreal. Many Kedron friends areg lad Lo know that Mrs. Frank Han- cock is home again after hen A C.P.R. extra gang has been putting in a new platform at our depot. No doubt visitera arriv- ing by train will appreciatet.the new look. Aise, when it is time for the Easter Parade, Sunny- side wiIi have to take second place. Among those attending Lind- say Fair last week were five cf our leading citizens. Mr. Chas. McNeil was Chauffeur and truant officer and he had in his charge these four "young"- lads nameiy. Robent Halboran, Edward Cain, Frank McCullough and George Brown. The only time Charlie 1 had any trouble with his charg- es was on the midway when some of the show ladies tried te lure Geordie away. Neighbours and friends gath- ered in the Orange Hall Fniday evening for a presentation and dance held in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Hanian McCarl. The bride was !ormerly Miss Barbara Curtis, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Clif! Curtis. Councillor Bob Brown was chairman fer the occasion and Mrs. Clif! Feuls read a very humorous addness, in poetry, after which presenta- tien was made. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCarl thanked their many fniends in weil chosen words. A dainty lunch was served. Music Royal Theatre Bowmanvillk THURS. . SAT. -SEPT. 26 Matinee Saturday - 2 p.m. PAT BOONE BEN DE LUXE CINEMASCOPE 2, EXTRA - Wonders of New rlas(olor) and Color Cartoon. Feature at 7:30 and 9:40. Last cnmplete 9:10. NON. WED. - SEPT. 30 OCT. -2 * KEW TOO MUCH Oh'btud by ALPREO MMCHCOCON *lOipWy by.JOHN MiCHAEL HAVES .. »"on, à 81"by COLofi av ~Cham**. .nt .,,d m TECHNICOLOR YIA0UJ . & Wy,,dhm,,Lw1i Plus Latest World News. Feature at 7:15 and 9:35. Last complete 9:20. Coming - October 7 - 8 - 9 - "The King ad Vacuum Botties ____79e 100 A.S.A. Tabs. ____19e Noxzema - - 98c, 1.25 Bankers' Fens - 49c, 98c Woodbury Shampoo -- 9e Deep Heet Rub gg9e Heet Linliment - 75c, 1.25 ]Infra Rub ---_ .- 1.39 Absorbine Junior 1.19, 2.39 Ben-que -89o Ban Rolit Etiquet Muni Deodorant Deodorant Creani Mist 1.25 980 1.25 756 Extra Vilamins Relieve Coughs Wampole's Extract-- 1.50 Creophos-------------- 1.50 Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Buckley's Mixture 59c, 85c Neo Chemical Food Caps- Pertussin ___--69c, 1.19 1.95 - 3.45 - 7.65 Benylin -- . ---- ------- 85e Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00) Vick's Cough Syrup 59e One A Day Multiple Caps- Pinex, prepared-- 60c, 1.00 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 Nyal Croup Syrup 49c, 75e New Child's Creani Tip Toni Tonette ('rest Toni 2.29 1.75 79ô 1.25 59c Pepsodent Paste - 49c Bail Po Both for 59c COWLING DRUG STORE int Pen ps WE FIT TK(JSSES Phone MA 3-5444 for Daily Delivery To-day! Glen Rae Dairy 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas VIGOR OIL Service station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor ý9 A High Test 1O nldn a CompeteLubrication at a Reasonable Pric6 STOV OILAVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS was supplied by* Mrs. Lily Rich. ardson and Mr. Ken Neal. At the presentation our gooci friend N. D. Chambers shnwed ail preserit that although he does use a cane to make bis dailv parades through the village, he stili knows how to dance the light fantastie. No doubt Nort is a pupil of Arthur Mu : Mr. Peter Miller suffer*X4'coý siderabie loss last week wheri he lost a tobacco kiin that was recentiy fiiied with tobacco. Fortunately they vere able to save adjoining kilns. Mr. and Mrs. Ciiff OivW Toronto were Sunday vii, with Mr. Robt. Hallbran. 4,ý L.O.B.A. 1314 after a summer recess reopened on Wednesda 'v evening with a good attendance. Plans were made to make their draw and dance on Oct. 18 a huge success. HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue fÇaccue/tne Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshanwa j C six 9l9,700,000 bushels under the International Wheat Agree- ment, but sold oniy 58,000,000 busheis te IWA countries. thel1