VAGI UXTW!W - TH! CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAYtIO THtJRSDAY, AtTG. 22nd, 1151 Harvesters on Short End Lose 5-O0 to Port Hope Series Now Stands 3 -1 It was Port Hope's game aIl into left field, scoring Gilmour. the way on Tuesday night when Watts came in on a fielder's the Harvesters dropped an im- choice by Harrison. Jex follow- portant playoff 5-0 to the On- ed with a bit, but the nally died tanios on thein grounds. The whén N. Wakely was called out Win left the Hilisiders two games at bat for stepping out of his ahead of the Bindens. They have box to drop a bunt. Harrison won three gaines, Hanvesters was caught trying to steal third one and two have been tied. The and R. Wakely grounded out crucial game of the 4-out-of-7 second to first. took place last night in Bowman- . In the fourth, the Port Hope ville with the locals back against hitters were again giving Seil- the wall. Unfotunately, it hap- ers trouble. Brown started witb pened too late to be included in a double, followed by Lowery this issue. with a single and Evans got on Hurler Harrison went the due to an error by Mason at route for Port Hope with very Short. Gilmour came through little difficulty. In five of the with his second hit of the night fine innings, Bowmanville had and "Shady"~ Lane came in to men on bases, but couldn't get relieve "Wiener"~ Sellers. Two them across the plate. In fact, flics and a ground-out completed nobody got past second base. the inning which cost Harvesters Harvesters had threc hits against two more runs. Port Hope's seven. Harrison de- Everything w e n t f a i r 1 y livened eight strikeouts, two smoothly for Bowmanville until walks and bit one batter. the eighth. when Brown walked Sellers stanted on the mound and Gilmour again hit the head- for Bowmanville and was going lines with a triple this time, for great guns until the third when the fifth run. the Ontarios made their first A bit of hope came Bowman- break on a good hit by Gilmoun. ville's way in the eighth, the Watts laid a short one to Sellers only time they really threatened who tossed it high to Gallaghcr during the game. Mason nabbcd on first He almost had it, but a bit and Lane followed with a the pili slipped through the tip drive to second. Watts fumbled of his glove and headed into and ovethrew to second in an rigzht field. Cox threw high to attempt to cut Mason off. Thel second to cut off Watts and it hope was short-lived when Gil- went over Gilhooly and Mason hoolv flew out to left, followed -by Hamilton with a long one to centre and a strikeout for Cole. With tension in other games rather hectic, a change was made to make certain no arguments would arise in this one. Three officials looked after law. order and decisions. Barnes was be-i bind the plate with Gilbraith and Benkowski %watching the I. f bases. I~ ~ ~ n rýn'reI1-~ Line score: LUVrIIIMI. c0 DIAMOND? We now have a special dispiay room where you can look over our diamonds and choose yours in privacy. ASK TO SEE OUR DIAMONDS * * e HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. W., Bownanville Phone MA 3-5747 'RH E Bow'ville 000 000 000 () 3 3 Port Hope 002 200 01x 5 7 1 NE WTON VILLE Robent OeXemna of Bowmnan- ville is spen ding a few days with Johnnie Walkey. Mrs. Geo. Geoffroy and son of Toronto spent the past week with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. Mn. and Mns. Howard Ormis- ton and family have left our burg and moved to Bowman- ville to be nearer their work. Mn. and Mrs. Robertson of Montreai visited Mrs. Etta Clarke on Monday. Mrs. Lena Wiley of Engle- Turn OId Furnilure mb oCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Boys p JEANS Sizes 6 to 16 in Tan, Blue, Gray, Navy Special Boys' FLANNELETTE 16 Pyjamas $16 Boys' Windbreakers Sizes 8 to 16 Bantam Legionn-aires in Ontaio Playdowns 1 - . ý - .iI.. . 1 ... à. - - . S ek * .Mk ,- - - -.. . . Battling in the midst of O.B.A. Bantam "B" playoffs are the Bow- Black, IÈoss Turner, Nelson Yeo, Larry Piper. Back row, lef t to right: manville Bantam Legionnaires xvho are currently leading a best of thrýee Arnold Wade, Lakeshore Minor League President; C. R. Carveth, League series with Ajax 1-0 games. Front row, lef t to right: Alan Cole, Jim Secretary-Treasurer; Barry Steven, Johr 'es, John Twist, Joe Both- Moorcraft, Alex Wiseman, Don Bagneli, Bob James (bat boy), Terry well, Dave Werry, George Piper, coach; Tom Turner, manager. hart is a visitor with Mr. and Mis. Cccil Robinson. Mns. Cecil Burley bas been at Cobourg for a week lookîng after things while son Keith arnd his wifc were on holidays. Mrs. Mabel Leushner of Nia- gara Falls is spending a few days with her sisten, Mrs. Frank Gilmen. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harness and family have taken a cot- tage at Midland for a week. Their niece, Miss Sandra Ponter is holidaying with thcm. Mrs. Ernest Turner suffered a nasty faîl and is confined ta her bed with a broken pelvis. Miss Gloria Lane attended the Romhanyi-Holùbenko wed- ding nt St. Gertrude's church, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mis. Walter Gîayson, son Donald and daughten Carolyn of Montreal are visiting Mrs. J. T. Pearce. On Monday Mrs. Pearce accompanied by the Graysons spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whittaken of Toronto. Recent visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin and daughter Louise of Port Credit, Miss 5oyce Martin, Bowman- ville, Mn. Frank Brigham of To- ronto, Mn. and Mrs. Milburn Hutchison and sons Bruce and Stanley of Lindsay. Mr. and Mns. Jack Elliott and daughten Donothy motored to Balsam Lake on Sunday. Mrs. Etta Clarke accompanied them as fan as Lindsay to spend the day with Mn. and Mns. Bell. Boys, SHIRTS Sizes 8 to 16 Ail Colours $1.69 WEEKEND SPECIAL Men's JEANS 9 oz. - Reg. $3.69 $269 pr. BQ.wman ville Surplus Store Phone MA 3-3211 SOLINA Mr. and Mis. E. H. Peever, Mis .G. GlaspelI and sons, Mrs. J. Dyer, Mr. and Mis. A. Bee. von and David, Oshawa; Mrs. Mary Baîstead. Englehant; Mrs. Florence Pearce, Misses Mar- ilyvn Pearce and Mary McAvoy, Lansing; Miss Elva Smalc, Hampton, and Lyn Pascoe vhý- ited at Rae Pascoe's. Misses Maxine and Deboia Wray, Oshawa, visited at Rosj Cryderman's. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Knox, Brougham, visited at Georgc K nox's. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Jean Baker is holidaying with her cousin Linda Baker in Bowmanville. On Sunday sev- enal of Jean's little girl friends wene ententaincd in honor of ber ninth birtbday on Aug. 17. Mns. Florence Pearce, Misses Marilyn Pearce and Mary Mc-1 Avoy of Lansing visited at Han. old Pascoe's. Mrs. Harold Pascoe accom- panied Mns. Florence Peane on a pleasant motor trip to New York City, last week. Mn. and Mis. Henry Benham. Linda, Wayne and Rafidy,-In- glewood, weîe Sunday visitons at Ernest Hockaday's. The Thîce M's' will meet on Tuesday evenfing, Aug. 27 at the home of Stan and Mary Milison. Mr. Arnot Van Nest, Brant- ford, and sisten, Mis. Doneer Brooks, Bowmanvillc. called on friends hene on the weekend. Considerable intenest is be- ing provided by workens on the nlatural gas pipeline as they pass througb sevenal faims go- ing westward. During the week- end many spectators gathered to see the men at work. WESLEY VILLE Threshing and tomate pick- ing are harvesting opérations requiring everyone's attention at thec present time and the weather of the past week bas been idéal. The August meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mis. Reeve, Willow Beach, on Wednesday afternoon with about a dozen ladies present. Main business concerned di- cussion of the recent gardon panty and ways and means of improving same. The program xvas in charge of Mis. Best and hon group. All enjoyed the pic- nic lunch, and look fonward to a nenewing of sewing activities in the faîl. Mis. Tutt who went through major sungery in St. Joseph's hospital in Peterborough la- week, is progressing slowly but as well as can be expected. Thene were 57 at Sunday School on Sunday morning with supenintendent Murray Payne in change. Churcb service' wa- withdrawn at this appointmcnt as Rev. A. W. Harding is away following his recent manriage. I-is people in Wesleyville ex- tend al good wishes to bimi and Mrs. Harding. Mr. and Mns. Wes. Barrow- clough of Oshawa fisited with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Barrow-1 clough on Sunday.1 Mn. and Mns. Anchie Ford 1 visited on Sunday with Mn. and' Mns. Lonne Noble in Toronto,. and Mns. Noble and daughter returned with theni. S TARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson! and family went to Niagara. Falls, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Souch and f amily visited Mrs. Wannan, Kirby. Saturday afternoon. Ted Stark: entertained a number of friends; at a wiener roast for his birth-i day at the vicnic grounds at Mr.i Len Falls.0 Mrs. Lorne Paeden and Jean enjoved a holiday in Michigan recentlv. Peter Westheuser had a ton-! s yecom last Saturda.v. Mrs. C. Reid and Mrs. KnX Smith. Toronto. were dàinnen guests with Miss Hallo-1 well last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Dobson, Miss MayLou and Mn. Cifford Fonk spent the week with friends in Parry Sound. Mr. Allen Hawe and daught-iJ ers, Fort Frances, visited friends whilc spending a few days at Mn. Sid Hallowell's. Mis. A. Rogers and family, Oshawa, at Mr. M. Shutka's Carolyn and Gerald remnaining a few days with their grandpan- ents. Mr. Jack Hallowell, Bowman- ville, spent a few days with Mn. --n- Mrs.Herb Reid. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Farrow have netunned fnom a holiday in Western Canada. Mr. Will Henry, Newcastle, visited Miss Norma Hallowell this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Stark and family with Mn. and Mrs. Logan, Manvers Station. Mrs. Lonne Todd and Mrs. Reid. Misses Norma and Beulah Hallowell, Mr. and Mis. Llew Hallowell an-d sons, Miss Gwen Stark, Mn. and Mns. Bnian Cas- well and Leslie spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Herbent, Lake Simcoe. The Canadian Red Cross stockpiles cmergency relief supplies at League of Red Cross Societies' warehouses in Geji- eva, Marseilles and Istanbul. Don't The Now is the Third Line Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Perey Arney, Verona, spent, a few days witn- Mrs. R. Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClure called in on Mrs. R. Branch Sunday on their way home from holidays. Mrs. W. I. Brunt and Mrs. R. Branch spent Sunday with Miss~ Flossie Graham, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. J. iIne and family, spent Sunday in Osh- awa with Mr. Milne's mother, who has been in Florida for the past six weeks and is re- turning in two weeks' time toi re-join Mr. Mlne who remnain- Jed. JMr. and Mrs. Vic Bridger, Weston. were Friday vishors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bridger before continuing to Nova Sco- tia for their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brid*'er spent Sunday in Raglan -*ith Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore., Miss Linda Haskill is ,pând- ing two weeks with Bon~n Kathy Bridger. Mis Pascoe is remaining for èinotiht~ week also. Mîrs. William Bridger and son George were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bridger last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Perrin were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster, Tuesday evenng and Sunday were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook at their cottage near Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Terrance and Gloria, Newtonville, spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin. Mr. Rus- sell Pearce, Gormley. spent Sat- urday with them. MIiss Annie Nesbitt, Newton- ville, spent Sunday with Miss Lucy Graham. Mr. Edsell Graham and Miss Lucy Graham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Reid, Bowmanvilie, Monday. Mrs. Cliff Reid and Miss Flos- sie Graham spent Saturday at Miss Lucy Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. Trumnan Eddy visited Mr. and Mrs. John Payne last Sunday after attend- ing decoration services at Pon- typool. Saturday, visitors from New Toronto and Scarborougý,b werc at Mr. and Mrs. F. Eddy's. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lennard were Miss Florence McCluskey,- Toronto, and Mr. John Sîce, Toronto. Mrs. Lennard's niece, Miss Col- leen McCluskey, is vîsiting with her aunt and uncle until school starts. Sunday, Miss J. A. Miller, T.)- ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Lennard. Miss Miller, just re- turned from a trip which in- cluded such places as Ceyloit, Bombay, Pakistan, Rome, Mil- an also the countries of France, Germany, England and Scot-ý land. Mr. R. Lennard who broke hii leg last March, hast been able to discard the crutches but for Let's hope his progress from here on in is favorable and speedy. Wai"t for Fali Turnme t o for the Wunter Heating Rush!' Preparé-- Season CONSULT US FOR FR11 ESTIMATES Why Buy from an Out-of-Town Dealer Before Seeing the Prices and Quality We Offer? Àny buyer of heating systems knows thai a local dealer musi insiali and sel the best produci and ensure performance of the system or his repufatio n will suffer, which is the pooresi adveriisement avalaible. Oui-of-town dealers who seil for one or Iwo seasons only - cannol huri theielves- only the bayer. Gas or Oi HEATING EQU IPMENT L'NNAOX A Full Five Year W'itten Guarantes also CHEAPER MORE COMPETITIVE MODELS AVAILABLE Natural Gas Installations Are cheaPer to instail, econoniical, cleaner, quieter with free furnace cleanouts and 24-hour servic6 Yom are aider no obligation whei you gel all the lacis from cis' CALL' US FOI AN APPOINTNENT A. E. COLE Authorized Cenimera' Gas. Co. Dealier Licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board Io seli and instail gaz appliances of ail kindi. 55 KingSt.W. Bowmanville PhoneMA 3-3348 h Colours $3e95 42 Ring Si. E. M - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVME. ONTAIÜ0 THrRSDAY, AUG. 22nd, 1957 PACM BEKTMW '