TaUrSDAY, ArcG. 2ndl,i9s5 Classified Pets for Sale SPRINGER Spanlel mother dox, ap three pups, registered. Tele- Mne MA3-2778. 34-1 OhE Walker fox and deer hound, two years old. one black and tan, five months old. MA 3 - 4ý 34-1* 1~'~Wanted DEAD and crnppled tarm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margzwill Fur Farm, Tvrone. 26-tf Auction Sales I have received instructions from the executors of the estate of the late Mrs. George Glan- ville to sell by public auction at her late residence, Orono, op- posite the Durham Farmers' Co- op, on Friday evening, August 30, commeneing at 6:30 o'clock, her entire household effects: bedroom, living-room and kiteh- en furniture, electric refrigerat- or nearly new; rangette, dishes, glassware, etc. The property consisting of a six-room brick bungalow will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid.' Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 3- Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen. 95 King: E Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tfl REPAIRS to al makes of refrig-- erators, domestie and comn- mercial: mnilking coolers. Hig- gon Electrîc Lig ited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA à-5438. 25-tf Wafch Repairing AT M a r r s JE WELLERT 43 King st. W. MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE 50-tf Personal HYGENICsupplies - (Rubber goods) mâi1ed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price- list. Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co.. Box 91. Ham- fiton. Ont. 1-52 GIad Growers Take Honors In Whitby Show Growers fromn Bowmanville ~n Istric dd x ce to a ve1 at the shaa a nd Di- rit glailus Sciety'S annual ~xhibtionin Witbyrecently. ic'Re .ul fa tur' loal winners were as follows: Th Qshawa and District r 0J! Society Challenge pi ;ost points in ama- teur ca, Frank Samis, Bow- :nanrile. The Isabel Davy Challenge Trophy for the most points in openi class, E. A. Summers, 13owmanville. Most points in novice class, Bugh Samis, Bowxnanville. Most points in seedling class, X. A. Suniers, Bowmanville. R. S. McLaughlin Trophy for best collection o!f ive Canada originations, Frank Samis, Bow- inanville. Oshawa and District Gladio- lus Society rosette for grand champion seedling, Frank Sam- is, Bowmnanville. Reserve champion Spike, op-i en, W. Farrow, Newcastle. 1 Grand champion spike, back- yard growers, W. Farrow, New- castle. THE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIO Poe Wees Make Good Showing in O.B.A. Playdowns TYRONE W. A. Meetint The W.A. meeting met at the home of our president, Mnr. John Broome, Wednesday eveni- Slng, August 14, with a large attendance. President opened the meeting with the theme and all sang the theme hymr. Worship service was conduct.- >ed by Mrs. P. Werry, assisted by Mrs. A. Hamilton, on .Te Christian as a Citizen, Com- Smunity Ahd World Wide". President called on Ms Aleen Aked. She gave a er interesting talk on "Citizen-, ship" and also showed Alides of beautîful flowers, building and interesting places wbere she and her mother visited wilcI in England. Mrs. J. C. Cook on behaîf o! the W.A. thanked Miss Aked for ber splendid talk and sldes. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. H. McRoberts and family, Mrs. F. McRoberts, Tyrone, Mrs. M. Alldread, New- castle, Miss L, McRoberts, To- ronto, have returned homne from their trip to Winnipeg, Man! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Niddery, Miss L. McRoberts, Toronto, visited at H. McRoberts and T. McRoberts. Mr'. and Mrs. James Park and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Howard S.eelc, Mrn. and Mrs. Jack Kan,!, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mns. Wal'er Park. Douglas re- turned home with his uncle J im. ?,r. and Mrs. F. L. Byhm vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-j Clennani, Peterborough. Johin Allan, Enla and Don - ny Vivia o, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Or- miston. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Chant, Midland. Miss Grace Patterson, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Vacation Sehool started of' Monday and Tuesday with a very good attendance. It wili be going for two weeks, monn - ings only, from 9 to 11:30. Sympathy is extended to the1 Miller faipily, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and boys were tea guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley, Maple Grove. Miss Mary Arnold, Union-1 ville, visited bier grandmother, Mrs. W. Hughson. Grace Webb, Pontypool, vis- ited with Audrey Wood. Jean Webb, Pontypool, is holidaying this week at Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood. Joy and Vivian Chamberlain holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, Oshawa. Ann MeNevin is holidayîng with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Nevin, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colbary, Long Branch; Mr. ând Mri. B. Simpson, Bruce and Brian, Port Perry; Miss C. Turner, Mrs. J.' McKennon, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Step- liens and daughter Evelyn, Gor- rie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Woodley, Mr'. and Mrs. Frank Denby, Bow- manville, also visited the Woodley's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilîs visited Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. W. Little, Mr. Jim Little, Calgary: Mrs. J. St. Andrews, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey. Joan Davey spent a week with ber sister, Mrs. H. Wood- cock, Oshawa. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkin- son, Dunbarton, visited Mr'. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow, Cod- rington; Mrs. Bill Lellcott and Kelli, Cobourg; Mrs. Bob Bab- cock and Ricky, Campbelfod were guests at Mr. and Mrs. H. Phllp. Miss Jean Philp returui- ed homne wîth her sîster to Codi- rington. Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne ,Orono, have mov- ed into their apartment at H-. Ph ilp 's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilîs visited their daughter Mrs. H. Grant, Oshawa, on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Alma Rundle, Miss Jean Rundle, Mrs. Edith Anderson, Bowmanville, were visitors labt Wednesday of Mrs. Russell Wright, on Sunday evening.' 1Mr. and Mrs. Don James, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hamiltoi and family, Oakville, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar visited at Lake Simcoe on Sun- day. Jean White, Bowmanville, i visiting Jo Anne and Kathy Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry spent a few days at Bobcaygeon and called on Mr. and Mrs. Neil Awde, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H-. Rowan, Beth- any. Mn. and Mrs. M. Zunawell. Mr. and Mrs. S. Slywka and son, Toronto, were supper guests Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Stasinski, Mr. and Mrs. E. Oleski, Oshawa, on Saturday evening at Mr'. and Mrs. M.- Du- byk's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kary and sons Denis and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. S. Slywka Sr., Oshawa, Mr'. and Mrs. Michael Hotner, sons Robert and David and twins Donna and Donald, Van- couver, Mr. and Mns. John Mit- ruk and children, Oshawa, al! at Mr. and Mrs. Dubyk's and Diane'&. Mrs. J. Shorten, Mr'. Bill Hogg, visited. Mrs. W. T. Wor- den. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thies- sen and children, St. Cathar- ines, are spending their holi- days with Mr. and Mns. Horace Hall, also Mn. and Mrs. Bill Hall and family, Barry's Bay. spent the weekend with is parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoar and children, Montreal, 'v.isited Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mrs. C. F. Awde, Orone, Mirs. C. P. May, Windsor, is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry. Mr-. and Mrs. A. Hilis visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hilîs, Hannon. Wayne, Bert and Har- old returned home after boli- daying with relatives. Alex Jr. and Brian Perger. Hamilton, ar~e bolidaying at their grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahm. COURTICE' Mn. and Mrs. Harold McDeug- all, Violet and Beverly, Toronto, were recent visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Adams'. Mn. and Mira. KarI McDougal and Donald called at Mn. and Mira. Cecil Adams' on their way te Brockville. Kevin McCabe, Windsor, is holidaying with bis aunt, Mrs. Cecil Adams and family. Miss Winnie Walters spent a week recently with Mr'. and Mrs. Carl Adams and family near Nestîcton. jMn. and Mi's. Clarence Pen found were visitons on Tuesday night with Bob and Ruth Evans and family in Bowmanville. Miss- Carol James of Picker- ing spent Thui-sday at the home of Mrs. Clarence Penfound. Mrs. Sim Penfound enter- tained "The Club" on Thuraday evening at ber home. jMr'. and Mirs. Robent Gay, Sandra Lee and Bevenly, Oak Park, Detroit, Michigan, are visîting -Mn. and Mira. Ceeul Adams and Mn. and Mrs. Carl Down this week. Mr'. and Mira. George Barber, Miss Janet Barber and Misa Winnie Walters spent a day ne- cectly a JhnWalters' cottage Mir. and Mra. Ceeil Adams spent a weekend recently witn Mn. and Mira. Herb Dewell at Norland. Mn. and Mira. Wilfred Brown, Vingy, Barbara, Wendy and Debra have neturned home from two weeks' holidays at their cottage at Caesarea. Mr. and Mira. Bob Bnyan.; have been holidaying at Rose- dale and alse with Mr. and Mrs. Brown at Caesarea. Mrs. Clarence Penfound ne- turned te ber home fnom a f iv.- weeks' stay at Camp Pretoria where sh. was Director gi twu ards, Bob McManus, Don MeMurter, Mike Johnston. Back row, lef t to right: James Lane, Ken Veitch, Dave Williams, Jimi Coyle, Art Foran, Dave Woolner, Larry Samis, Doug Lane (Capt.), Danny Jones and Murray Bate (Coach). Conviction Free Drivers In Most Fatal Accidents Mr. Average Motorist wbo bas neyer been convicted for a traf- 1 fie violation or been in a prev- ious accident, is involved in most of the fatal road accidents, ac- cording to a report issued today by Hon. Jas. N. Allan, Minister of Transport. "Durnig the six months fnrom last October to Manch, 1957, there wene 738 drivers involved in fatal traffie accidents in On- tario and 500, or 67.8% of themi liad no previous reported acci-1 dent or conviction for a viola- tion of the Highway-. Traffie Act," Mn. Allan reported. "An additional 124 drivers, or 16.8% of the total had a previous re- cord of only either one accidenti or one conviction. "'There is a common miscen- ception in the minds of many motorists that fatal accidents1 usually involve wild, reckless or1 drunken dniving; or accident ne-i peaters on chronie violators of1 the traffie laws or otherwise ab- normal tyDes," Mn. Allan stated. "It is true that some drivers have more than their ahane of accidents but the figures show Junior camps for girls and Bible Study leader in two C.G. I.T. camps. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Elliott and Lorraine visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown at their cottage at Caesarea. Congratulations to Miss Vir- ginia Brown on winning three events at the Lake Scugog Re- gatta Asociation Field Day for alI cottagers. She won a lovely trophy for the 16-year-old race, also a pen and jewellery for the other events. Glad to hear littie Anne Wal- ters is home again after a stay in Oshawa Hospital where she received several stitches fol- lowing a painful accident. The film presented by Rev. C. R. Rudd of the Bible Society was much enjoyed by those who attended service at Cour- tice United Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Warburton, Mary Caro- lyne Warburton and Mrs. Clar- ence Penfound are attending the Sehool for Leaders at Whit- by Ladies' College. Mou M 0àE Y AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solieitor 65 Simeoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 1 The Super-Efficient DILO - MAGIC Oil Heating MAKES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWJCE AS GOOD Saves You Mone3' on Tour Fuel Costs Phone or consuit JACK DRGUGH PLUMBINO - BEATING Division Street South Bgouse Phone MA 3-3964 Phoneo Office MIA 3-5615 iBOWMA NVILLE that it is just as true that the' majonity of fatal accidents hap- Pen to so-called 'average' driv- ers. "If such drivers have no previous accident or conviction record it is not always because their manner of dniving is bas- ically different than that of the accident repeaten or chronie violator. The saine attitudes on speed, drinking and other aspects of dniving bebavior are to be found in both groups. The fact that some drivers keep free of accidents may be due to the alertness of othen drivers or be- cause their actions are not ob- served by the police. For these reasons, a dlean record in itself is not necessanily the sign of a good and skilful driver. "There were 539 motor vehicle fatalities in Ontario duning the first six months o! 1957, an in- crease of 80, or 17.4 per cent. from the corresponding peniod of 1956. This is a record of whîch no one can be proud. The one bnight spot is the fact that in June thene were nine fewer deaths as a result of traffie ac- cidents than in June. 1956. tThis .proves that deatbs and accidents can be reduced despite increasing traffic," Mn. Allan stated in making an urgent plea to each individual motoniat to use extreme cane in the opera- tion of bis vebicle for the ne- maining montbs of 1957. "Reas- onable cane, decent courtesyj with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe last week. Mr. Ross Metcalf. accompanied by friends, is enjoying a two weeks' vacation in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowden and family, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hagerdorn and Bnian, Petersburg, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden and son, Mn. and Mrs. John Atchison, Black- stock, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rodgers and daughter witb Mr. and Mrs. Allan Snowden Satur-. day evening. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman were Mr. and Mrs. E. Bush and Rose- mary, Glen Miller.' Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and boys, Tyrone, were Sunday sup- per guests of Mn. and Mrs. How-1 ard Bradley. Master John McGuirk is spending his bolidays with Mn. and Mrs. Charles Cober, Bres- lau, and Miss Kathy is holiday- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wismer, Preston. Miss Mildred Snowden bas re- turned from visiting her sister and family at Manotick and Master John Pritchard returned with ber to spend holidays with his grandmnother, Mirs. Leslie Snowden. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mildred and John Pritchard visited Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams at Caesarea. Mn. and Mrs. Eric BoothMi' and Mrs. Claude Comerford Mn. and Mrs. John Beautre, O5sha- wa; Mn. and Mrs. Keith Shackle- ton, Bowmanville; Miss Jean csieation for others and an Ibag nws i.ac r.ko appreciation o! the ti'agic nesuitsI Metealfe. Mn. and Mns. Roy Van of negligence, cbance-taking and Camp spent an evening witb Mn.1 inattention will give the best and Mrs. Neil Brownell on the 1 assurance of safe bighways." occasion of their annivensany. _______________Mn. and Mrs. Tom Lodge and daughter Heather o! Silveri LONG SAULT Springs, Maryland, bave return- ed home after spending holidaysi with Roy Van Camp, Sam Van Mn. and Mrs. F. G. Smith at.. Camp and Gordon Van Camp. tended Pontypool Decoration David Snowden has neturned services Sunday afternoon. home aften spending six weeks Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Halfyard with bis sisten and h ,usband, Mr. and Garry, Onillia, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hagerdorn, and Mira. Orme Miller. Petersburg. Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller About 36 Auxiliany members wene guests of the Halfyard- and their husbands enjoyed a Thompson wedding in Kingston corn and wiener reast on Sat- on Saturday. urday evening. This was in Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Kidd, Ce- charge of Mirs. Lloyd Snowden mox, B.C., and Mrs. J. C. Cook, and ber group. Next meeting were Saturday guests at the will be held at the home o! Mirs. Smith home. Ken Kuhnke. Mn. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin, Donna and Denis, Black- stock, Mrs. Edith Murphy, wr Sundaý ~~il suprgeVso r arns and Mrs. Harold Murphy. Miss Grace Smith is a dele- OfJI isian i-lu gate at the School fer Leaders at the Ontario Ladies' CollegeCure? Go Whibyfrm Ag.19 te 23. I%**, ure Misses Nellie and AgnesGo o e Skipper and Mn. Paul Vander- If you come down with Asia- brink, Bunketon, were Sunday tic flu this faîl, you'l1 feel just guesta of Mn. Robent Sim. like you do when you catch the Mrs. 1. Helgeson and Miss Iso- ordinany kind o! flu. bel Helgeson, Victoria, B.C., Tefrtwrigpoal were Frîday dînner guests ef Te!rs anngpoal Mn. and Mira. Gordon Fletcher. will be a slight chill. Then your Mr. nd rs. . Vneykandtemperature will shoot up ta M. and Mrs. Wha.PVnaneand 102 or perhaps as high as 104. Mand fmrs. Cs. Pe Snwarde You'l1bave a sone throat, cough aindfm ilo sennunaya and headache; your muscles and Mrs. A. Mortson, Mn. H. Clax- joints will ache. ton and Mrs. McCermack, To- You'll feel miserable for four ront, wre rcen vistor ofor five days u ntil the fever sub- Mr. and Mrs. D. Danielson, s;s weak and rundown for whee apary ws hld n lon-several days after that. wheof re a party a bel i bo- Like the usual flu, it is ranely our. oMi.MComc'bit-fatal. There bave been enly Mn. and Mrs. J. Wright and three deaths in 20,000 cases in family, Janetville, spent Friday thisf country se fan. with ber parents, Mn. and MrS. -.I an epidemic of Asiatie flu 1ye Gibson. ia sweeping through you r com- Master Raymond Cameren 1 munity when you get the aymp- spet copl ofdas' olday 1tom s, you can be reasonably 1 spet a ouple Wodas' Mr.lJ.da 1sure that's what you've got. But withJohny oods Mn J.K~-you needn't look for peculiar veli and Miss P. Leach, Solina, ypos thr aen n. were necent supper guestsa a'Evsyamp to re anten' t an the Camenon home. Even a oc theorian"t s iati Mr. and Mrs. James D. Smith, fithfom th e otodiy t kst. IBian and Jackie, Ajax, wenr wtot aeatr et necent visitons of Mn. and Mrs. Exetfrtefrtfw cases A. J. McLaggan. mn- each cemmunity (in wbch; Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Rowîe positive diagnosis is deairable and Joan, Paîgnave, spent theer alert public health authonities holidRys with Mn. and Mrs. Bert t he presence of the epidemie Johnôn.Sunay vsitrs erethere's no particulan point 4n Mn. and Mrs. Albert Oke En- ofirming by labenatory test* nisilln a th Jonso 1~emethat you do have Asiatie fin. ____________teJohnsn_____ The new vaniety of flu, which bas alî-eady swept thnough Abia andSouliAmerica, and wbich MAPLE GROVE seenis ver îikeîy te spreadioe the Ujnited States like a Prairie Mns. Chairles Depew. Bow- fi'e this fail, lias so fan proved manville, visited wth Mn. and ne more severe than ondînary . Mns. Neil Browne]l. flu. And the treatment ia iden - Mn. and Mirs. Roy Van Camp, tical.I Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bnownell n It consists o! geing to bed and Mrs. Sam Van Camp 1iie immediately and staying there' with Mr. and Mira. Bob Gale. until 24 heurs after our temper- Whitby. atune gees down te normal Mn. and Mrs. Russell Meteaife, Drink lots of liquids and eat a Moorefield; Mrs. Lillian Allison, bland diet. Take aspinmn or some- Susan and David. Bowmanvllle, other analgesic for your aches . PAGE FYPTEEN List Rules to FoIIow For Children's Saifety Each year in Canada more i understand safety~ rules and than 500 pedestrians are kzifled: re-guiations. and thousands more are injured 2. Children tend to follow the when struck by automobiles, ac- example set by oÏlder persons, sa cording to the AIl Canada obey these rules vourseif and Insurance Federation. set a good exarnple. Manvr of theýe victims are 3. Have children cross busy children and with the start of streets at stoplîghits or where the school year approaching. crossing Muards are on duty.- extra precautions are recquired 4.Ecuaehidetopa Feder or o ungstch ers Tin sehool yards or play-grounds- more t1lan 200 Canadian fire, 1, -not on the street. casualty and automobile insur- 5. Campaign for sehool cross- ance companies. offers these sug- ing guards in vour communit. gestions for child safcty to par- 6. Slow down when driving ini lents and drivers: the vicinity of schools or play'- 1. Make a conscious effort to grounds. see that children know and 7. Keep careful watchi for -_1children in the mornin_ý, at noon, and pains, some eough syrup1 and when schools let out for the for your, cough. day. Caîl the doctor right away 8. Don't pass a stopped school and tell him your symptoms. bus from either direction. But don't badger him to dose 9. Be courteous - always give you up with wonder drugs to a ehild the right-of-way. ward Off complications. 1 If you do develop pneumonia i__________i____ or some other serious complica- j tion-and chances are you woni't VIA EFO -antibioties like penicillin will g* be a highly effective treatment. IMDAEOLVR But antibîotics are no good whatever against the flu itselt. In fact, they may do positive harm if taken prematurely. Authority for these state- ments is Dr. William H. Stew- art, assistant to the surgeon genral, U.S. public health ser- The Statesman SoId At Following Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonvflle C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskilen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Hen4erson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop -Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovell Dilling's General Store 106 Duke St. The Statesman Office OIL BURNING 'TOBACCO CURER, FUATURES " Long Iostlnq mu.Wi " lven hoat âistvibuI. " Iconomical curlns *simple op.u'al4on eSof., fume ffghtL $maire tight ]DEALER KEN NINISHALL # RK.R. ?Q-StJeton ]Phone Blackstock 31-r-12 See aur complete line of Savage -Shoes for every child of school age and younger SAVAGE PUMPS Sizes 12%/ to 3 $95pr. Savage Paient Straps B, C and D Widths $4.95 pr. Savage, Children's Loaf ers Sizes 121/2 to 3, B, C and D Widths $4.95 pr. Savage.Oxfords - B, C, D and E Widths Sizes __$4.25 Sizes $9 121/ to 3$49 Attention Moihers! Shoes for Growing Boys Sizes 31/ to il Men's $7.50 and $8.95 Jet Boots White Bucks $10.95- $1 1.95 $4.95 - $6.95 WOMEN'S LOAFERS in AA and B Widths $495 to -$650 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5941 ÇI j' j Plan Io -Attend Port Hope Fair FRJDAY AND SATURDAY AUGUST 30 aind 31 FRIDAY NIGHT S NTTNAT MAI HIBITBIONIO A~eiII, Saturdaywg g a 7H15ed at Exhibt BOWldJ r Lv Il i Là Providing strong competition in the Lakeshore Pee Wee League and the O.B.A. playoffs are the Bowmanville Pee Wee Ail Stars. Front row, left to right: Jon Hancock, Ted Bate, Billy Goode (bat boy), Jerry Wilson, Bob Rich-