?mJItSDAY, JULY îBth, 1957 TEE CANADIAK STATESMAN. ~6WIL&UVWi~~ flWrAir, ra~wu ~ms~rauw Novel Costumes Win Parade Prizes These gayly costumed children won first place ini Fred Witvoet (foneign costume), Timmy Taylor (westernS their respective gnoups in the costume cantest held at the and Christine Corson (cutest). Valuable prizes. were Legiori Carnival at Central Sehool grounds Friday night. awarded to the first four place entries in the seven different From the lef t they are: Linda Corson (deconated bicycle), Icostume contests. -Photo hy R. Carruthers, Bowmanvle Prize Winners at'Legion Carnival Considerable time and effort was spent ^in preparing1 awarded first in the original group. Others winners, from the prize winning costumes worn by these children. who left: Terry Nichols (bride) and Lloyd Graham (groom) W ;kist place contestants in the costume contest at the for the comic group, Margaret and, Nancy Van Der Schaaf, â4egi«,C arnival. Humpty-Dumpty (Carol Elston) was decorated doil carniage. -Photo by Robert Cannuthers Durham Club President Native of Newcastle In reporting the'annual visit1 of the members of Durham i Club of Toronto to the "Home- land of Durham" at the Boys' Training School at Bowman- ville, we withheld giving parti- culars of the career of the new president, James P. Lovekn, until we secured a photo af bim, along with particulans ai his interesting career. Mr. Lavekin is no stranger ta many Statesman readers zas lie is son of Mr. and Mns. Reg. Lovekin of Newcastle and To- ronto, whose ancestars werc pioneer settiers of that district dating back ta the l8th ceii- tury. The farm where Jimn was barri is knawn as 'Kilcolman Farm" and was crown land and is still owned by the Lovekin family. Mr. Lovekmn was educated in Newcastle Public School and Bowmanville High School. He served in Worlcl War II as an officen in the Directorate of Army Education. He graduated fromn the University of Toron- ta with a B.A. in Modern His- tory, later obtaining a M.A. and B.Edn., from the sanie un- iversity. He bas since taken post-graduate courses at Col- umnbia, Queen's and Cornel 'Universities. This surnnier hoe is at Corneli, Ithaca, N.Y., again working on his Ph.D., in wvhich he is writing the Histony of the British Commonwealth and Bni- tain in the 20th Century. For several years Mr. Lovekin ha:; been on the teacbing staff of the R. H. King Collegiate at IScarboraugh.* He bas been veny active as en officer of the Durham Club and has contrlbuted a series of 32istorical articles on Durhami 1Lake Shore, Clarke County whicb have been a fea- ture of the club and which bave appeared in the States- man. He is chainman af the. coni- mittee of the Toronto Brancb James P. Lovekin ai the United Empire Loyalists' Association. It was throuli bis initiative that the Associa- tion restoi'ed the U.E.L. Bunial Grounds and cneated a public park at Adolpbustawn. Jini is married ta the former Caroline Anne Pollick ai To. onta. They bave twa cbildren, James Patrickson, 2ýî years and Helen Caroline, one yean. With characteristic enthus- iasrn that Mn. Lovekin inject, into anything he tackles we are sure that bis dynarmic leader- ship in the Durhami Club xii upboid the enviable traditions ai this oldest county club -n 1Mr. and Mn.. Bey. Jaynes Toronto, as wveIl as carry it on Iwith Mn. ai-d Mn,. George ta highen attainnients ai gen- Jaynes and Mn. H. Jaynes, Cey- uine goad friendsbip and fl! Ian, and with Mr. and Mrs. Al- lowship among the many na- fredPlad hlure tives ai Durhamn County now PollrdSbebun4e. living in the Qucen City. Newv , Mr. and Mrs. George Skeld- membr r laswloe ,",.Sg witb Mn. and Mn,. George at the montbly meetings held Skelding, Jr., Bowmanville. f cuing th e winter months. Mr. and Mn,. Reg. Woodbams,j Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Fred 1 Couch Sr., and Mn,. Ada Sani- la,- ýewcastle, visited Mn. and C w ig i l . M4Frnk Pake. Newcas- Famil y Picnic tle, witb Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. The annual Cow iîng Famiuîx The Lakeshare Ladies K.S. Reunian was hieid on Saturday, and C. Club met at the borne JuîV 6, 1957, at the Creani ai, of Mrs. Chas. Alldred, July 10.1Barley. The next meeting will lie at the1 A bountiful picnic supper w~as home af Mns. Gardon Martin, enjoyed, after whicb the Presi- DBownianville, July 24. 1I dent, Mn,. Kate Cowling, presid- Mn,. M. Pningle, David a"d I d aven a business meeting Bruce, Toronto, and Mn. and wben the following executive l4rs. Bob Rutherford, O5ronto, %vas elected: President. Murray visited Mn. and Mns. Wf. A. Tabb; Secretary, Mrs. Elton idama, Brock; Treasurer, Mn.. Llqyd Snawden: Sports Committee, Mn. and Mm.. Wilbur Blackburn and May Tabb; Table Committee, Mn,. Lloyd Smith, Mn.. Malcolm Elford, Mn.. Murray Tabb. Races and games wene enjov- ed unden the supervision af the Sports Commîttee, Marguerite Smith, Gail Snowden and Joan Cowling. Some af the pnizes won were: oldest lady present. Mn,. R. Me- Neil; oldest gentleman present, Mn. Narman Collacott; youngest baby, son of Mn. and Mn,. D. Baker, Oshawa. A game ai softball was played until dark.* It was decided ta hold the neunion in the sanie park next yeam sanie Saturday duning July. Visit Stud Farm Junior Farmers To Tour Seaway A fanm walk at.the National Stud Farm located nontb off Oshawa and a wiener raast were tbe bighlights of the Dur- ham County Junior Farmer.s' June meeting. Mn. Howard Fanndale guided the rn-embéns around the spa- ciaus paddocks and through the ernerous barns an the fanm. 0f special interest wene thie mares and their foals, especial- ly tbe twin foals; the Pole An- gus cattle and the bay which had ben put through a cusn- en.* Follawing the farm walk a wienenraast was beld at Gen- eva Park. At this June Watkins and Ed Kowal wene chosen ta attend the Provincial Camp. On July 6th the County Club was guest ai the Township Club for a Field Day. A bal game for everyone began the cvening. This was followed by a girls' game and a boys' game. The tcam, ta play in Peterbor- ough an July 2th wene picked froni those particgipating. Rac- ing and jumping campetitians were beld and the winners of these events will nepresent Durham County in the District Field Day. Later, at Caniphelîcroft Hall, a dance xvas bield. During the evening, the winner, at the campetitions were prcsented with prizes and a square dance team xvas seiected. It was announced that a bus trtnp ta the St. Lawrence Sea- way %'ould take place an Juîy 2-8t]i. Tickets are available frani Earl Brown, Roy McHolm and Bannie Wilson. Cliff Bristol proved himself ta bc a very successful auctioneer wvhen lie soid severai temping pies at à record price to complete the evening. HAMPTON Church service for tbc next two Sundays will be at 11.1ï5, with 11ev. Crozier in charge. i BURKETON The W.A. was beld at the home of Mn.. Sam Hall, Juily 15. The President Mrs. Harold Larm- en, was in charge. Mn.. Bone took contest and programme., Group One served a dainty lunch. It was decided ta hold. a sale ai coaking, August 3rd, Sat-I urday morning. Ail membens in community are asked ta help make this venture a succes, for needed money. A vote of tbanks was given the hastes. Mrs. Hall. Service was as usual and Sun- day School at 10 a.m. The beautiful basket of flowens on the Communion table were in memony of the late Mrs. James Strang, given by Mn. and Mn.. Oscar Grahami. Mn,. Jack Sinclair, Kenny and Billie spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mrs. Irwin West, Ca- bourg.' Mn. AI Read and belpers fin- ished pruning the trees Thurs- day. Mns. AI. Read came by 'plane froni Ohio and spent Thunsday with Mn. and Mrs. Roblin. Mn. and Mn.. AI Read have left for their home at Bawers- ton, Ohio, U.S.A. Mr. and Mn.. Art Cox and son Billie, af Kingville: M.and Mn.. E. R. White af McLaugblin Fisheries called on Mr. and Mn.. R. Banc on Thursday ai last week. Weekend guests at the homel ai Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mn.. Ban'. sister. Mn.. Georgina Jobnston, and Mn. M. Scbacten, Montreal. Mn.. Johnston ne- tu rned ta Montreal by train on Sunday evening, and Mn. Schact- er will nemain for a week to attend ta sanie business for bisi firrn in Toronto and district. Mn. and Mn.. Jack Bell, Ca- bourg, Mn. end Mns. George Lawson and Pattie, Mankhain, were Sunday visitons ai their Parents, Mr. and Mns. R. Bone. Little Gayle Lawson wbo bas been visiting ber gnandpanents for the last two wceks, returned home with ber parents. Master Terry, and Gaye Hub- bard are now bolidaying at Bal- sam Lake. Glad ta .ay Mn,. B. Hubbard is well again .ince she fel and cracked ber rnbs. Mn. and Mn,. Howard Abbott, Gerald and Canal were in Kin- maunt with friend,. Mn. and Mn.. J. Lavery and famuly, Tononto, with Mn.. Grant Carnochan. Mr. and Mn.. Anthony Smnith and cbildren are with relatives in Smiths Falls. Master Wayne Hall, Waterloo, istaYing wîtb bis gnandparents, Mn. and Mn.. Sami Hall. Mn.. J. Latremouelle and War- ren, Mn,. A. Berry and James, Mn. and Mn,. Cecil Coates and Clifford, Uxbridge; Mn. and Mrs. R. Carter and boys, Peter- borough, with Mn.. Carter and family.1 Many ironi bere attended the Orange parade at Peterborough. Lichee Head Neyer Owned Business Here HOLU BOUT THAT rA maMO TO SoUSI mess MEN o A feature succeua story in the UÇV NVLifo , o S a Toronto Daily Star July 6th sta- ~1 ted that the now famaus head of Lichee Garden, Harry Lem, had fath er(wh< once operated a Chinese restau- rant in Bowmanville. i b s n After close checking with people wbo should know. The i m e d Statesnian was unable to locate 0 Mr. Lem's carly venture here. o h sft' e in an effort to satisfy aur cur- P*-* A The repiy, received yester- IdaLy, stated that "Unfortunate -_ ly, I believe I was misquoted Iwhen thi came ta interview WQNDER WH-Y e Iq p o l me, as I dnthave a restau- $i'$ ELL rant in Bowmanville. At oneOU 'Sei01,s r time, 1 did have a restaurant i.n . Stirling." S u n It is with regret that this a- sliowl>' w-l-* Per makes this correction. RFe citizens of Bowmanville wouldfo in st have been proud ta have had a connection with ths successtui few m onths, restaurateur who operates ane of the top eatng places in Can- Undaubtedly, bis well-known ""Y«turn e r iA Islogan "The far east movesYo wec rq IWest" has attracted many cus- f tomers ta bis attractive Eliza- ga l j beth St. restaurant where "fam -_______________ ous Chinese food" is served and consurned. This writer well re- ited Liche e for a delicious meal. -z_____ An instrumental tria provided music with a Chinese accent,[ )' but the thnee players looked ta jJZ .ea hft' ' bemore Anglo-Saxon than > est O ah n w Chinese. At the time, the ob- V vious question was how did(B Th BehCmer these three learn ta adapt their ____TeBech____r ki playing ta sound haîf oriental- ________ half we stern. The answer was "' ~ W >,. lieven secured, and the question The Beach Association held elton and family, Toronto, with fongotten in tbe thrill of ga= their meeting in the Dance Hall Mrs. W. H. Carelton. tranomic satisfaction oven the an Sunday, July 14 with aven Mr. and Mrs. J. Liston and unusual flavors which bad 3 cottages represented. The family, Oshawa, with Mr. and been cooked into the wonderful 1meeting was held mainly for Mrs. Howard Pickand and girls. TYRONE Mn. and Mn,. Arthur Rahmn and Beverley Hall visited Mn. and Mn.. W. King, Oshawa. Mn.. V. E. Millson and Grace Moore is visiting Mn. and Mn. A. E. Moffatt, Bawmanville. Mn.. L. Phillips i. spending a few day. with ber sister, Mn.. Don Real and Mr. Real, Mankham. Mn. and Mrs. William Miller, Onono, called on Mrs. Edithi Murphy. Miss Margaret Harvey, Mn. Jim Coombes, spent the week- end with -her grandmothen, Mrs. Annie Henderson. Jahnny Wood spent a few days with Raymond Cameron. Mn. and Mns. Howard Brent spent the weekend with Mn. and Mn.. W. M. Colby at theïr cottage, Miner', Bay. Mn. I. W. Larmen, Millbrook, visited Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Rase- vear. Mrs. Ma.Findlay, n. andis Mn.MaD.Findlayanrtian, Unionville, were witb Mn. and IMns. C. Bigelow and Mn.. A. Hawkey. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Phare, Mn. C. W. Woodley attended the funeral of the late Miss Laura Phillips, Essex. Roy Youngman visited bis aunt, Miss Pearl Leach, at the home of Mn. John Kivell, Sa- lina. Student ministen Robent Wer- rKedron, will be the minis- ter frtwa Sunday,. hr will also be Sunday School. Rev. F. Jackson and Mn.. Jack- son and John are on holidays. Mns. Lloyd Alldread, Mrs E. A. Virtue visited Mn. Dan Lamb in Memorial Haspitai, 1 Mn. and Mne.. .Vv n B r.manville. W iJa n family visited Mn. and Mrs. Art Acarn, Marmora. Mn. and Mns. Russell Wri4ht attended Pinedale deconation and were tea guests of Mr. and Mn.. Chas. Hadden, Blackwater. Allan Youngman spent a few days at Mn. and ýrs. D. Flett, Salina.j Mns. Earl Penwarden and Ann, Lohg Sault, spent Tuesday. with Mn.. Ken Hardy. Mn. and Mn.. W. King, Mn,. S. Crawford, Oshawa, vislted Mn. and Mrs. A. Rahm. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Donald Real, Markham, (Manie Taylor) the gift of ali son. Sympatby ta Mn. and Mn. Aldin Hoar an the passing ai their infant son, Billie, et the Sick Cbildren's Haspital, To- monta, on Saturday, July 13. Funeral service wa, held an, Monday. Interment ta Bethes- da cemetery.1 Mn. and Mn,. A. Youngman and boys attended the Orano. IOdd Fellows' picnic at Gare's' ILanding on Sunday. jMiss Ethel Cnassman, 'Osh- awa, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. George Alldread. Cecile Park i. visiting ber aunt, Mn. and Mrs. J. Mundock, Bawmanville. Mn. and Mns. J. Broome and family visited Mn.. W. J. Miller and Beth, Oshawa, Mn. and Mn.. Walter Rabm attended the Rahm Picnic at Hampton on Saturday. ,jMn. Harry Hatherly and Lar- ny, Alderwoo>d, visited Mrs. Annie Hatherly. Wayne neturn- ed home aiten a pleasant bhl- Jday. Dr. and Mn.. A. E. Creswell and Glenys, Paisley, visited Mr. and Mn,. J. C. Cook. Mn. and Mn.. Herbent Atkinsj and family, Oshawa, were guests ai Mn. and Mrs. A. Ham- ilton.j Mr. Jack Hatherly, Newton- ville, viited bis mother, M. Annie Hatherly. A speedy recavery ta Mn. Trewin Scott, wbo is a patient in Bowmnanville Mémorial Hoi-j pital. The Tyrone L.O.L and the Tyrane L.O.B.A. Juvenile Band and L.O.L. Band, paraded at' Peterborough Saturday.j The Canadien- Red Cross! Corps cantributed volunterj: service in 23 Canadian com-J munities in 1956.,1 weekend. lt'AfAUU3 We are boping ta have mare people from Town this year as we will have ample parking. This bas been very poor in pre- viaus years but with a lot of bard work froni the men af the Beach we have a very nicm, area for parking. Plans are final for the races and games ta be held and the dnaw tickets are going good. Visitor. At The Cottages Mn. and Mrs. Stephenson, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. S. Babich. Mr. and Mns. A. Cully, John and Alan, Mn. and Mrs. K. An- derson and family, Mr. and Ms.. F. Cully and Bill, Miss Grace Mackay, al af Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cully in. Rendezvous. Mns. McKitrick, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards John, Mark and Paul, with Mns,. A. Edwands. Mr. and Mrs. F. Butler Jr., and Crystal, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Butler and Cheryl Anne, Mn. and Mn,. P. Bantholomew, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Butlen Sr. Mn. and Mrs. F. Seems and family, Ajax, with Mn. and Mn.. Russ Halîman. Mrs. Ruby Gabounie and Miss Joy Halîman, Toronto, with Mrs. M. Hailman. Mn. and Mn.. Pat Leddy and family, Town, with Mn. and Mn.. Joe Cooper and Greg. Mn. and Mns. N. Carelton and family, Mn. and Mn.. Bill Car- Mn. and Mrs. Robbie, Mn. and Mrs. Green and family, Mn. and Mn.. Ford and Barbara, Mon- treal, with Mr. and Mn.. W. Leslie. Rev. and Mrs. Kocher and famil ' , West Virginia, with Mr. and Mrs. Gaye. Mn. and Mn,. Sharpe, Toron- to, in "Lost Weekend". Mr. and Mrs. R. Craft and family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Butler' and Susan. Master Neil Sweetman, Mn. and Mns. Ed. Wade, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Wade, John and Bil- ly, Courtice, with Mn. and Mn. Walt Cole. Mn. and Mns. Stewart Fengu- son, Kathy, Dale and Jill, To- ronto, Mn. and Mn,. Ben Se- vers, Ken, Bob and Marnie,' Ajax, with the Cales "Gary'. Panadise". ZMON W.A. meeting bad an attend- ance-ot 23 members, two visit- ons and 10 children, In the ab- sence af the president, Mn.. IGenny Glaspeil, the meeting was in charge of Mns. Arnold Geiss- berger who opened with a read- ing on "The Lard'. Prayer". The Scniptune was nead by Mrs. R. C. Stainton and the Devotianal reading and prayer by Mn.. Russell Stainton. It w9s decid- ed ta, give $30 ta the British and Foreign Bible Society. In- stead of an August meeting it was decided ta have a pîcnic at Oshawa Wood ProductsI By RALPH TEE -CIM'in BETTER LIVING DEPENDS ON BETTER HOMES NEW HOMES If you have been thinkiùg about a new home, this is the ime to'start building. FINANCING We can arrange long terni financing to fit your budget. REMODELING If you are cramped for in your home, see usi adding another room. space about. A Special Message Io HOMEDUILDEIS .*00 DON'T BE MISLED into using green lumber in your new horne or ini remodeling your old home. Insist* on DRY LUMBER and save the expense and embarrassment of WARPING, PLASTER tRACKS AND PEELING PAINT. OSHAÀWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIM«ITE» Yard, Main Office and Showroom COURTICE PHONE MA 3-2130 Uptown Office and Siiowroon, 84 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-4443 .1 TUtIÉSDAY, XULT Igth, 1957 TEE CANADIAN STATESMM. BowMANVMV,.(mTA_&tn conehome M ,he toid hlg .8) thot bod cominq. AndU r ook diowhb ci orderinq as whathhoo il combu, lu hie. buy. Af fer a, the father sson end soid, August 7. C.G.I.T. and Explor- ers Girls are invited ta attend the picnic. The following pro- gram was given: Two piano duets by Joyce and Patsy Fish- er; reading, "Little Things" # Mrs. Russell Stainton. The group, Mrs. Ray Cameron, Mrs. Alex McMaster, Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Mrs. Russell Stain- ton served refreshments. Group for the next meeting in Sep- tember will be Mrs. J. Cruick- shank, Mrs. Stanley Ogle, Mrs. Jim Stainton, Mrs. Percy Da. vidson. Mr. and Mrs. William Dart Sr., Woodwille, were recent vis- itors at Henry Darts. Laurie Stainton spent the weekend in Oshawa with lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Stephen. Mr.. and Mns. Fred Rykert and family, Trenton, visited at Hans Geissberger's. Mrs. Jim Stainton with ather ladies of her knitting club went to Toronto on-Tuesday evening last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron and family, Hamilton, were weekend guests at Wes Cam. eron's. Mr. and MIrs. R. C., Stainton were weekend guests at Tad Stephen's, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Staintan and Davy, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McQuarrie, Elmvale. Mrs. Stainton. and Davy are stayxng for a holiday. Mr.--and Mrs. Wi1MaÎhï flrt, Jr., Mr., and Mrs. Walter Craig, Scarborough, visited at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward qndl family, Town Line, at WegL Cameron's.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ICillen, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron, at- tended the Orange Walk at Pe. terborough. Mn.. R. C. Stainton and Lau- rie are visiting bier sister, Mrs. Jim Hambly, at the cottage at . màdqw foqmmý r ROLPIf TEE a