PAGE Six -' ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ ~W~ V LLI . U TAR O T URS AY, JUL Il ,r TO A7lTArTAl r r-te qN T..- - ner served by the hotel mani- e a. dagement, a short busincis i ~,d J, A Hfilmeeting was held before the !Public Mveeting J l 15 wa T members, who attended th? tired to the Memorial Arena C ic ta remove the equipment used To Discuss iIhIVVLJ fo te ecntcarnival.__ Godo  nw, Edilor Phone 3621 foresets1-Year Pine. " s on t o tLion President Roy Iors- a sDo o tr lLwUI týer performed the pleasant S auty Of presenting the first 10 Proposed plans by the On- Collector's Report \ ear perfect attendance pin 1ta taria Department of Highiways The village Tax Collector Social and Personal IVillage Coun cil Cals 'bé presented by the club, to1 for ihe construction of High- W.Fnîirpreetedhssr Dr. W. H. and Mrs. McDon- w ho is studying for bis Ph.D i Io coulbLo eryHr. ev~te aeii o osi-ig~htapn raîel st lic Lo Pry ae.Nwy tecm nfr osc-;l h, prxrav3 nid, Toronto. were Sunday degree is takîng a summerV Lion Mult' Walker gave a urable discussion at the regu- 'esstxshdbenpiii - ue s it h M . nd Mr . S cr i n is o y t th r i brief report on preparatio-iz lar m eetin g of the village first installn cnt than w as et DrB .C be ritton. Vrs. Llv MIlnrry for the club sponsored recrea- counicil crn Monday evening. A lected at the sanie ie I isE U U NW EEtion program ta be conducted motion was passed instructing' 1956. 0f a total roll of appro Mrs. J. C. Higbee and daugh.- Mrs. James Gable and daugh- i ctiss i h a4 0 for school age children in the clcrk ta file a dlaim \V'itn imiatelv 4900,-e1epr fer Mary of Burlington werei ter Joan, and -Mr. Dick Waltona Park during the next the Department of Mýunicipal $23,1 2.2 00hdlbe e oeti .Sunday guests with Mr. ar.d Of Uxbridge %were Sunday v'isi- Newcastle. In arder ta get the channelled through Newcastle1 five wveeks and introduced the Affairs stating that the plans as, fJl stwt o M1lrs. C. R. Carveth. tors. at ithe ande feeling of the people with Fe- as will south bound traffic 0 recreation director, Mr. Teà suibmitted by the Dept. Of $26,000 still ta be collected. Mr. and Mrs. C. R .Lovekin Mr.JonVotrndaml.ta the proposed plans of highways 35 and 115 wishing Buxton, xvho gave a brief out- Highwvays did flot meet with Gere.Meadows xvas a have just returned from 1ItA,,ar-ofKngtn- ited thhei ite !rifi Department of Highiways to- travel east on 401. line of the programn he is plan- the approval of the village ad- pointed by council ta il ta NY. Co r ingeson .Jaes terin-lat hiss. M r. n r. i ilregard ta Hightvay 401, Ah of this traffic will be ning for the children. ministration. On motion of positions of Building Inspeetc to Crnel Uivesit. JniGordon A-giietv on Saturdav. the village caunicil at its meet- forced ta use Miil Street in Lion Irwin Colwill gave :1 Counceillors Hoar and Couch, Wed Inspector and Tren( _____ Sn v vrirors wil M 1r. ing on Monday cvening, decidl- Newcastle. The counicil strong- report of the recent carniVal E. Richard Lovekin, local law- Excavution 1kispector at ti au r. .R.Creh rded ta caîl a public meeting for ly abjects ta using this residen- sponsored by the club and iri yer, was retained ta present regular fees. UN CL Ee-famllv \'.rt' NIt. and Nî\rs. T. J\Ionidav. Ju]y lSth at 8 tial street for hcavy through spite of wind and raia and the the brief for the village at the There was considerabie di ;W SE Z G Ice:I1av ad cildenM-,Io lqtisi coun.cils objectionýs traffic, particularlv whcn tlis necessity of maving indoors. Municipal Board hearing ta becussian an the sidewalk la r (rteîa~ani ciltre ,'L.ta the existîng plan and 'o street is used by motchlrn h arnival, though flot held in the local cammunity on Church Street in 1954 ti fand' ni \at Mrs. ROI prnetot the ratepayers the in the village, walking ta and good as expected, showed a hall onr Tuesday, August 6tii', der the local improvement 4D 75- Gvane andi farnîlv ail )f alternative plans contemplated fromn school every day. Several nice profit, though a complete Iat 10:30 a.rn. law, as Messrs. Mercer ai -~Puroo~îafd MrI. ani bv couricil members. There will alternatives have been men- report was'flot possible be- waftsopse discussin a po feub t as dsoed t at throuv fiers.Tham.ple,1 a opportunity for pub- tioned by counicillors such as cause some accounts were sI ition wspse aln u-I a icvrdta hog ission and suggestions rnaking Mill street a crossing outstanding. It was reported imetn ofaloalcies an error, the owîîers had ber Ia'l îOhw.will bce welconcîd by iiiherc- !()ut not a cioverleaf and mov- the draw would net the club)1ta disctiss the praposed higiî- overcharged according ta ti .-iNI-s. P. F. Har- ts in- thc cloverleaf ta some ciler approxiimatcly $400 and ah1 wav and ta hiear suggestionsbya an th coeto w I I ~rtcd:ri rentn an Befe. Fliowing the,"sedusio'îs c4iti the village. bu.t, above booths reported some profit. fromn the local ratepayers. The --- ---____ I ~~ in :v ~io r switli lMr. - CtrKs pco o.~tr r1M]strcet muist be left A -.notionî was passed m~ Jneeting is called for Monday 1Wr.E. 1ich,-d ope itci sme the stret lso trutingthesecrtar tosend evening, Juflv lSth at 8 p.m. i THE ~~~~~~~ad. rj. MGsal Robisack r . a l't" i chaooein V lcistieY PprZ ObxaCu o Ma L'I)s. lrsal ike î eirstruic1ed bh1coun apro- rnust haýve an avcrpass or an a letter of appreciation tot the fi coimmuniîy hall. "THETAP MESU E 1\Iýz tithP.,kernr o Toon-present ta the Hearing scheai needs of the village, ta say tance with the local carnival. THE APE EASUE J~èutî P~kerag o t, r - lecd hy the Ontario Municipal lnothing of future needs as the Il was aiso' decided tha t.or eF ue Ce Board, ta be treld in the New- vlaedvopsAgutmtig sud ta' Co TA.ETS OF uiia adDaidGbsn 1n castle Comnunity Hall on Arcording Io prescrit plans, the form of a stag barbecue at BAT QUE E N o îLke ehr. Ttiesday-, Augist 6th aI 10.0exery street iin the village cx- the fart cof Lion Rod Carveth.R Ir.Jack S. Wade is on va- a.mce RMepsorrtsil hShose E c ati n Ca d i lla i ch. ep il tr e w l b lo retvs. R. B.Brisce, Rcnfe. the Higlxvays Departiment frot mcntioned as Newcastle NE C Sd Vr. .B.wi ber u 'Plarsp as expressed by cauncil, ioacis in ihe acîvertisemients pute ileselsle nnuYal etn be eut rightithlterrought the cente al ratiiinClakF IoE LDi adson-in-law, Mr. and Mrr. arc that the village shlould nui ouit by ',le Dept.) as weli F-rNewof tle : urba rwrs ThAe G GGrnay-Lw fmiy ic with a super ighway without west f the Morgan CorneS InFl rs Place operative Storage Limited was ThANKGray-Law lcaving more wthan aneonrassiuy rad on the east and Cob l- hed rcently and reports I FRA R OA , P opie or li w s h ld on Sun ay aI ta serve the whole south rn dicli's sideroati on the w st. Ipresnted sh wed the betU Waltona Park with a large at- portion of the village.,i atdi- Nlonday's open counicil rn-et-I year iin the uisîory of the Ân- Pho e 2 71ten an e o f mil m mbes ion ta the many rsidents of ing wil be the best opportunity 1 drstry. The Controied Atmri!-I froni Toronto, Oshawa, Bo%','- Clarke Towvnship who will, cf citizens xiii have ta vaice thei re Storage section used a manvilie and Newcastle. Prl-beuigtissm vewonIs aernda With two more wins g . . M zs erpresented ta ailth eesyb uin th sie.iw n hsinte nd. e the pasI week, the Newcastle tbi year for the first, proved zes À,er P Pcrossrng, thus channeling too the village couincil know juist 1 Juvenile basebaîl club hav'e mas t successful with the 22,000 F TEND E Inl sSfIb arou am3 The second abjection raiseti pie wanl. You can show yaur Lakeshore League. The locaîs str aig en dsee anid raes nd resrizeand otathe bmcucl i s tto Miisreengt. w-trs the ajorf the hut take Cofrgl p lace in t oe bhis of aclnte u s o oldest man altending was werîthebighways plan, west bounti village by attending Ibis rnec t- ShutouttheCoour clberof briging a r eu pliat iuthv Village of ilI b Mr. Elzie Marierrison. MIrs. traffir an 401 wislîing ta take ing ta hback up your counicil in the local park on Thtirsday ular pr bse l vrterg pliat i ae Mai-y Ash took the prize for highways 35 and 115 xvi lie their plans. cvening, JuIy 4th by a 6 to 0 In p].ie soae ade the oidest lady. After ail pre.- _______________________________ score andi overcame a 5-2 lead MIn . îe s orage an - ý1 some 9,M00ybusearsofof tlb Ne cslcnt had hati an enjoyable soc- in the seventh on Sunday in somn e ,00 bush s cf2,pp00 il time, playing games, etc., a I l I i Port Hope to take the gaine by during thof cart, plua 12,000 Business administ Tenders wilI be received deliciaus pienie supper was L c l a er o ic re an 8 to 5 score,.Jobushes cf addro, asrsuiteprine by the undersigned on or enjoyed featuring salads pre- In the Thursday gaine Ted ted last year. before JuJy 22, 1957 for the pared by Mrs. Talbot AlidreatiJ Lane pitcheti a anc-h itter Jrwîn Coiwili and Harold resraigo prxmt- adMs osCbldc. D iscussed bv y flrci i against the Cobourg club whîle Gibson were rc-elected as di- Thorough nwe IY 3,700 square feet of side- Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchard h is teammates wcre piling uP redtors for a tbree year terni, Please apply in wri walk In the Village of New- andi Sharon, accompanied by Nwate h u c fCuhamto a asd au-a total cf fine hits andi scoring other members of te Board of ca.stle. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodgson, e ase:Te ubetcCohamtinwspsea- six runs. The local lads scored1 Directors bcing Wilfrid Car- and date avaiIe spent Sunday in Caesarea. municipal waterworks far tbarîzîng the sale of the olti one in the first bwo in the sec- rtes usl son n 14Lowest or any tender not_________ Newcastle was discusscd brief- 1rtes usl son n necésarly aI Moiiday's meeting of diiapidated hatbiiig bouses aI anti and two in the sixth. The Harry Jase. neessailyaccpte. Te peaer f te Huseo! aucil Wit th mebe~ jthe lakeside park to Mr. Mur- only Cobourg hit was a single For further Theaio omoSekes the ntepreeofcf aring ththwa smetbins ray Wallon for $1.00 each pro- by Maybee in the fifth. CI L APPLICATIONS SHOULD1 APPI! te ~~the ruies of parliamentary pro- that was going ta have ta camrevinghre vdtbm R. B. RICKARD cedure. He must be impartial, before long. Cobourg 000 000 0-O t e r esSceay Necsl.favour no party, encourage free Councillor Riekard stateti. I î Newcastle 130,002 x- 9 1 p~ Ontario Flue-Cured Tobac discussion andi at bbe same tinte that hie hadi hati several prcs- Lion s H In the Sunday gante ~in Port Ionclude Temporary Offiep ______preserve the dignity of debate. , ective home hrmildrs seek..'a I 'Un'.I1- 1- t- +r Sprayer Demonstration WED., JULY 1Tth 7:30 p.m. .*' at the farni of Irwin Colwill Newcastle See the new 80,000 CU. ft. HARDIE Duo-Fan Sprayer in operation. Everyhody Welcome PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting %vill be beld in the NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Mon.,p JuIy 15 ai 8 p.m. for the purpose cf discussing proposed plans for the construction of HIGHWAY 401 Through the Village J. H. JOSE, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. Ho.perime È. plumbing prices from. it and l I ~ .sdoriitg 'n when tld what Ihe cost oü- o K itetnc ally, aidir driiling a well andi instaliing a i Wk M e tig andtineanci septrc tank anti drainage JIr. was helti vwouid be, decideti aI once to lotEnd '.arnivai fourth wlt go ta Bowmanviile where they scoreti. ThE could connect 10 the municipal u is eeigo h ning with water supply anti sewage di- 1957 -58 Lionîs ar ivas belri 5 ta 2 thc posai. He continued, that as on Thursday cvcning last 41n scoring spm waterwarks is a necess;.ty tbe Queen's Hatel -xiîb Presi- runs to er which must carne, why not do dent Roy Farrester andi other score of 8 it now and get mare residents rew officers iii charge of the ta heip pay for il. EHe slated meeting. wctl that local taxes hati more than Fiavigt edhcasd NwortlHoe doubleti in the past seven, Floigtedlcosdn otHp y cars and what have we on show for il? He saiti watcr- works certainly didn't causej ' Ibis risc, nor did any otlîcr F R Y U local xvorks project. H-e saidi more homes would be built an mr wul hae h tx SA FETY AND PLE Councillor Hoar spoke of the WO f r T e heallb feature anti stated ihe 1 e O f r T e bad i ad a number of coni- plaints about scage being dump- cd into local creeks ati saic N AÀlI when coancil was goiig lo in -C AI stal a safe xataýr suppiy and PC A wbcîi tld natbing liati bec i woulti have fa do somethirig 'thbe malter et the steli all along King street on warm him- In G a a t e mnid cxenings was ment iorîcd MaScl asua the bailing over cf sen -I tic tanks, in Ibis arca. Reevo Joase stated lie was in favour of waterworks but doubteti wbe- J ____________________ ther thie axpa '-ers woutld vote for it, wbiie caunicillors Cauchi EOSRTR anti Dickinîson werc mon-cam- On suggestion cf coirneillor 1957 FAIRLANE VICI Atitomiatie, radio, etc. & iluge Discount. 1954 STUDEEARRCma Radio, overdrive ------------- 1954 PLYMOUTH SUBURDi One ownîer J 1953 CHEVROLET BELAIR Nelv fio to r - - -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- - - 1953 FORD CUSTON- Tivo to choose froin P LU MB 1N G1953 PONTIAC Sedan Deliver FZ-C kCAL d#RA fR 1950OAUSTIN - - - IRL 332.6 - NEVCFSTLE 15 C R 191 E IR C. G. GOULD Heating and Eavesiroughing Authorized Chalco Dealer PEHONE Newcastle 3686 in o ter --- -------- -- hurnescers openea tbe second with ig four in tbe fai ribth sixth. Newca .scoreless unlil ien two, runs m in in the seventh iPort Hope lc clocais beed off i ce which netteti id the game wit] to 5. 000 200 6-8 8 010,400 0-5 8 EASURE LS kRS 'ORIA nder 11095.00 11495.00 995.00 y 650.00 195.00 SEE THE3M RIGHT AWAY AT "YOUR LOCAL" FORD-.%ONelRCII DFATFR CARVETH MOTORS NEWCASTLE IN ORONO PHONE 5 r 19 PHONE 3251 1 te anc ýurth astle the vere iling n a six bha q E 831 830 Ce lebration During Centenary week, the St. George's Strawberre Tca Was an outstantiing success, matie so by perfect weather, a large crowd anti lusciaus bernies. The Tea provedti t be the outstanding social event of the Centcnary celebrations antiaIl altending hati an enjoyaoie lime meeting elti and new frientis. The lovely tiresti plate quilt, matie by memnbers of the Evening Bî-anch of the Wc- man's Auxiiiary was raffiet i a tbc tea anti won by Mrs. M. Washburn, a summer resident A large* congregation filied St. George's Cburch on Stin- day marning, marking lime second andi final Sunday of fine Centennial cecebrations ofthbb cbuîrch building. Canon F. H. MVasan, a former rectar, was îLre guest preacher andti athbbcconclusion cf bhc service, Canon anti Mrs. Mason heiti an imîpromnptu reception ocîlside thbc cfurch door, meet- ing many aid frientis anti erst- xvhiie parishioners. On Horseback! .n Newcastler Accordurî, ta a Letter t thie Editor appearing in bbc Toron- to Daiv Sta' cf Tuesday, July Jdw r itten by Mir. Kari W. lrwîn, il appeaî-s thaI the first niourited Il-cap of Boy' Scouts in Canada was or-ganized bere iii Ne\vc(îstle arauinti1910. Mr lrinî who, accordruîg ta sanie of the efdeî- citizeris c& hie village, is helievedti t be th Pilndesl son of the Rex'. A. M. Irxvrn, a papular ministeri of tlie Newvcastle MethotiNt Churcli about that time, staces iin bis lutter tbat bu was a inermîber cf this mourîteti Scout Ircop. Conitlete military equýp- ment for- the troop was macle available t hrougli tie genei-a>- ity cfthe laite Major H. WV r Djudiev, t father af Mrs. Ge.) Wallon) wbu a*.tiraI tirne was ini chargeocf a squatircî cf IMou nled Ri fît s. a nîilitia unit, statri iat Newvcastle. rAucoaidia g lu Mi-. hwiiî's let- ter, one cf ihe mcnibem-s of the rScout tracp, a boy hy the îîarc of -Wrrb qualifccf as a rKirîgs Scout anti reprcscatnd, the trrcp ai flie Caruniatiin ai the aiec rng Gccrý-e V nit HJunýe, 1911. srr- 'trr- u rOi flrt i x.rtree i it*,t 'ati xvýe-vcul'i be 1in'r- I (ci tio r :. i f t i e ar-c arx a rc Ïnîrjr-r.tll'. Ilt lbs fan . ircop stJil i the distr-ict. :Jî '-cuwI(jLd )or', ':-,srn 1' iro.-who ile Wriigbî oo- w a:, wlîc xa, closcnn lu attend ,ire Co.ruriatrun andi 1mw ion:1 the tirocp -. cîrductecj htrr and whio the leadiers were. We . ballhi' lcckiiig fcrwarLr ta i.oar-ing, from arnvorîr) inform-ation n o itlîsi;; bjeCt. iristru. lied t c)senti correctcd lex-ies anti toin rforinthte awu' ers Iha: i,,te i-wirs mateiii accoriarîce Wxiiti:ch bvlaw awid niust lieplied. The Motion aé loivedti xo ai s f or piiyri.-mt. Cýo ,c i 1 rf ii Rid-ad. citac- marli af ,Il( Sicxvali\s Coin . - tee \v as gix-un autlioriîv » 0 a ericfui tenders for thA 1 3-700 quai- et o f sxdiewamk, lvt eaiders.ta be iii by Mon- E.1day, Juivl 2d Tee Dog Bylaw ds 3 Ti.ierxvas cnnsiderabý,%ds tijCIUiSsrcn ofcf ogs runii 'e- large ias -the thtîrd a~ i eadii -\vas .givciî a by law for- 0,- the camîtu-olofcildoîts. Under tb.a ctei i nexv byiawv ail dogs must be t , kept lied on îtiîeir owner s neproperty o on Ieash fr-arn tCApi-il ist ta Oc-lober Ist and ap iust Neau- a tac at ail imesý. il, Ownrieî-5iraIadlîering ta thtesoz Lreguha;iois are hiable to a fie ch of luit dallars. TFli law aisa th-states that tlags runîirtg zat large. with orwititout tagE, is- J nay bu dustroyeti. ail It wxas re-porteti by Dog in- Caîcb'.r StaîffeY Powell tnat Y-u01nix about :30 liccnses had idbeemi pracureti anti xith the vy. passi ng of the byaw, Mr. Pow- [h cl was insîrucleti ta begi ýeq enfarc-oeiît of the law un- the fliediateiv. Sa. dogs and dog ias ewners hati better beware. .d Tobacco )MAN rmted acco grading experience. tration and organizational dge of tobacco and markets. iting, stating salary expected [able. BE MAILED TO: ,c Growers' Marketing Board Tillsonburg, Ontario. lu Royal Theatre Bowmnvilk "Barretts of Wimpole St." JENNIFER JONES Ma Iinee - JULY 12 -13 m Saturday m pm "S ierra Stranger p Starring Howard Duf! Last conplete show 830 MON. - TUES. - JULY 15 - 16 LOVE, SACRIFICE and TERROR on the high seosi TYRONE POWER MAI ZE1TERLING - LLOYD NOLAN Last u.m~.. UU~ummu~~ u Show 9 10 WED.- THURS. - JULY 17 - 18 CcrvelA PICDJPES rreI"fl ONT TE1 lAMES BÂR~[N ~ iFr..Di ILi A.. rit raison A "Ch a-Cha- starrnmg the Mar3 Ka~e Trie >0 îult Last complete show-8 ~ j 1 1 1 1 1 - PAGE Mx - THE CANADIAN ý;TATrc:n-e&,KT th, 1957 St. Il & ý , ', FRI. - SAT. ý First Scouts 1 725.00