Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1957, p. 10

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T PAcUr TE!I' Tm CANADIMI STATEM. 307MANV!LLE. ONTARIO Xxt1mK5A , JDLT ifl!m.1957 &Id Jounqman "S Columa 9 9 Amang other items, cigarettes, cedar bark, and use a piece of whale of a li',king il 1 had beeri Were sold in my parents' stonc, scribbler for a wrapper. T'heI caught. which made It quite easy for one thing missing was muscil-j During the period, in my me to swipe some, at the age age, but a piece of thread held I. outh, that I was engaged in of seven. While I offer no the beastly concoction togethtr athletics, I cut smoking to a apology for my despicab'e long enough to cause a cough- bare minimum, because it "cUut crime, I must place part of trie ing spasm, and singe the boy- my wind", but during the bore- blame on a much bigger boy ish eyebrows. dom of trench warfare, and free who urged me to do it. it follows, of course, that tobacco, the habit again assert- I helped myseif to one of dried clover heads, dried mul- ed itself. The cbaps who serve-1 those paper packets of fag- len leaves, dried corn silk and in the first world war must which contained five gaspers dried tea leaves were all tried have been a hardy lot tol have for a penny. The older boy out, but the real "piece de re- tackled the îssued "smokers". smoked tbree. andi I two. And sistance" w as a piece of cane and survived. One issue \vasi thus began a fondness for the amputated from the butt end of so awful, the boys declared t weed wbich bas cost me a a cheap buggy whip, and smokz- must nave originated in a horse small fortune in the interven- ed in a five cent corn cob pipe stable. Another lot was rolle:1 ing fifty-five years. that someone had tbrown away so tightly you'd need a mustard Alter my parents' death, and becauEe a bole was burned plaster on the back of yaur 1 wvas placed in an orphanage, through the bottom of the neck tol draw on the bea-l smokers became few and far bowl, and beý:aiîse it %vas strong i tbing. Perhaps this was deiib- between, but upon becomirig enough to knock a man down. erately planned by the Army a scbool boy in a rural section Since then, I've baci many 1 brass to make us angry so that of Simcoe County, a whole pipes, some cbeap, some verv' when we encountered the eli- new smoking adventure un-j expensive, but tbe memnory o0fi emy we would be so upset we folded, as I was initiated in'.o that corn cob tops the lot, pro b- 1lwou ld go rigbt after bim. Oth- the brigade of '*smoke impruv- ably because it xvas !frit , 1ws konasms1pyh isors", by being taught the art1 and probably because of the ogy. of how to fuzz up dry inner spice of danger of getting a During the depression, wlien -money was almost non-existcn t, I used to treat myself tol a big package of, so called, tobacci This Fail painit your house at five cents a package, whichi wa s horrible, the vC:y thought of it makes me sbud- W HUTER THAN W HITE dier, eveyn] after ittfiie~ years of indulging in the us'z 'with new of "coffin nails", I've callcd a j hppndthus! Wheri ihe Rev. John Kitcbe"1ý decided to leave this district for Niagara Falls, hsparisfi- 1 Pu0.1 HITE ioners wanted to show their ap ipreciation of bis past servicc-s, Iso, passed the bat. one C at i::ý , Knowing that Roman Cath- doesit! TRUONE olies pay penaince, I got the idea clo s i! TUTOÎ e of penalizing myseif, on Mi. e*IDB ;s a ilew exclusive Kitchens behaif, so-o-o-o, fig- ngredent thut actually makes ~ . uring that mny average week's Trutone White the whitest ever - Rte smoking cost $ 1.17, 1 talkecl another Çrst for C-1-L Loboratories. mnyseif into quitting smoking c 1.1. for ten weeks, and donating the. r - - -resultng $11.70 tothe Kîtchent SOLD AT when you consider tbatI t ýendd a hreeday convention! in Toronto, June 19-20--91, La nder Hardware hr eryeronsmkd 7 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 31A 3-5774 er will be strong enough to stand the strain until the end and of the ten week period, Augu.ýt i 2th? DFunny thing is, I dntms H e A . Barron the damn stuff, and it doesn't bother me one bit to bave others GENERAL STORE smoke in the same vicinity. Whetber this is just a ten Hampton Phone MA 3-2420 weeks' truce, or total victory __________________________________________________only tîme will tell. Maybe li -develop another nasty habit to take its place, sucb as playirîg lost heir, or monopoly, tiddl-:y winks, or old maid. FARM GASOLINE "ESSO and ESSO EXTRA' " Correct Volatility " Correct Octane Rating " Free froin Corrosion and Abrasive Materials " Resists Gum Formation For Prompt Delivery and Service PHONE MA 3-5516 " A. H. Sturrockc Sturrock Street Bowxnanville S chool Resuits BROWN'S SCHOOL S. S. 5, CLARKE The following are the Grade Placements for the Fall term: Grade 2 - Thomas Bailey, Keith Call, Robert Fiander, Gordon Langley, Glen McLar- en, William Organ, Gordon Pal- mer, Georgina Simpson, Fran- ces Stacey. Grade 3-Roy Brown, Rita Cassie, Tina Kozub, Mar:on Langley, Donna Mattice, Leigb Wilson. Grade 4 - Dorothy Brown. Elizabeth Kozub, Judy Pitt. Carole McMillan, Teacher. Grade 5-Edwin Bailey, Lillie Clark, Nancy Laaja, Dorella Lancaster, fleather Mattice, Samuel McReelis, Donald Page. Grade 6-Lynda Cail, Gloria Cassie, William Cassie, Richard Kichko, Brian Pickering, Nan- cy Simpson, La Verne Weat- erup. Grade 7-Raymond Kichko, David McReelis, Patsy Page, Marilyn Robinson. Grade 9-Lorena Bailey, Donna McIlroy, Tommy Simp- son, Lawrence Sinclair. R. Bowen, Principal. qJ1(iinounc/ri~ . The J. 1. Case Co. 's Stcrirghf Caserama featuring a Huge Display of Ultra m Modern Farm Machinery at W. H. Brown' s Farm lki miles north from No. 2 Highway and the C.P.R. overhead bridge ai 8:30 p.m. sharp TUESDAY, JULY l6th Enferfainment Lunch V'ou are cordially invited to attend and bring the entire family. He BROWN CASE DEALER MA 3-5497 Four Genèrations at Christening Capreol and Bowmnanville. O IU R In Capreol Baptist Church O IU R on Tuesday, June 25th a special1 service wvas conducted for Mrs. EDGAR TUTOMAS SCOTT! Scott riy members of the Ver- milion Rebekah Lodge No. 2891I Nakina, a Northern Ontario wvho :.ater formed a guard of community, iost two of its'most honour. An open service was3 active residents in the sudden conducted by the United Church1,dahof5grTomsSt, minister which terminateci at ; tsof~grTomsSot Capreol Protestant Cemnetery age 59, and Florence Wilhel- where she was laid to rest bce mina Haystead Scott, age 54, on side her first husband , Roy. June 2lst, 1957. Palîbearers were members of Edgar was born o~n a farrn the family of the deceased. near Tyrone, Ont. He joine:l Mr. Scott's r e m a i n s ac- the 136th Battalion "B" Corn- companied by Jessie, continued Ipany early during the First on to The Morris Funeral Cha- World War and served oves - pel, Bowrnanville, where or, seas. Ir. 1918, wounded, he June 26th a service was con- returncd to Kingston for con- ducted by the Masonic Order. valescence wbere be took up On June 27th a service con- telegraphy. On discharge frorn ducted by Rev. Milton Sander- the service he joined the Can- son termînated at Bowmanvill eI adian National Railway being Cemetery when the deceaseci posted to Cochrane, Kapuskas- was laid to rest beside Edgar's ing, Grant, then Nakina. first wife Ruth. Palîbearers While at Kapuskasing h'e wvere nepbews of the deceased. met and married Rii Gex- A deep expression of feeling trude Smith ini 19211. They mov- was displayed through the ed to Nakina when the towvn many floral tributes at Nakina. was being founded and remain- Capreol and Bowmanville, ný- ed in that community taking a cessitating a number of flowcr very active interest in all ac- bearers. Following interment at Bow- manville, Mrs. Helen Rudel, cousin of the family, very kind- ly opened ber home to th,1 ,attended. some of which carne many miles to pay their laýt, V.**Y 1: .::: .. ... respects to one that was dear to- them. _____ Tax Rate Jumps Preentat hechristening of Paul Douglas Johnso lnC rt r six months, which took place in St. John's Anglican Church n C t~ r onJune 9, were his great-grpiindmother, Mrs. Anthony Council met on Grant; grandfather, 111r. Alex Grant; his mother, Mrs. Ron 8 p.m., Reeve Bruce woi tbe chair. Tbe mir Johnson of 15 Prince St., and bis sister Rhonda Ann h read and adopted on is 3 12. They are pictured above f ollowing the christening Coun. Trewin and Hy. ceremony, which wvas performed by Rev. A. C. Herbert. ito contact Assessor ________________________________________________ kennel license, on Coun. Trewin and Hy In ieI BETHANY es a o neve b ie Growers , Srgarding a franchis( The Ladies' and Mens pipe line in tbe Tc T ii ay Oîrar gc Lodges atternded Divine Cartwrigbt if and w service at St. Paul's Anglican sary,. Church on Sunday. There were Mrs. Collins and ITuesaay,Ju Iyl6 aso rpeettvsfo te opandaotc lodges throughout Durhamn Park St. in Rowans 1 County. Rev. G. E. Meade had Council to inspect sai The Tobacco Substation nt charge of the service, welcom- tion of Coun. Wright Dclhii is holding its 24tb Annuai ing the members and the guest in. Flue-Curcd Tobacco Growers' Minister was the Rev. F. Bea- -Ed. Harris interv Field Day on Tuesday, July 1.6 zor of Peterborough, whu) Councîl regardingr Professor N. A. Richards, spoke on the early bistory of Township plots in Dev Head of the Soils Departmeiit, Orangismi and the obligation~s tery. $10.00 granted Ontario Agricultural College, accepted by members of the of Coun. Wright ar Guelph, will speak on "Lai-d Society. A parade from the Reeve Green. for Today and Tomorroxv"; M-e. lodge rooms to the church was Salvation Army M. C. Watson, Tobacco Field- headed by tbe Bethany Coni- grant of $15.00 on mnan, Ontario Department f munity Band. Coun. Wright and Dei Agriculture, Delhi, on "Hlelpfui St. Paul's Sunday school Green. Hints on Tobacco Farmi Man- members held their picnic on Moved by Coun. N agement"; and the experimen- Wednesday afternoon going u) Trewin that bills be tal work on the Substation will Orono Community Park. Thle adjourn until Tuesdz be discussed by Mr. J. M. Elliot, United Church Sunday schoL.l 6 at 8 p.m. D.S.T. Soul Specialist, '"Fertilizers and heîd their pîcnic on Friday at I The following Mill Laboratory Tests". Mr. E. C. Nicboll's Oval in Peterborougb. approved by Council: Birch, Agronomist, "Cultural Mrs. Ray Stinson and sons Township Rate-- Practices on Flue-Cured To- KenyadDnyo saa bacco"; Mr. E. K. Walk-ir, nyadDnyo sa County Rate.......--- Agoois, "rrgton adpent the past wcek's vacation Road Rate --------- Curoin; Irr .S ickery, 0f- wihyber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Municipal Grant fîcer-in-Charge, "Maleic Hy- Mnl.t col - drazide". Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mon- P.S. Area Rate In addition to the addresses crief, Vancouver, B.C., and Mrs. Debenture No. 1- thos attndig wiF hae a McElroy of Bridgenortb, P.S. Area Rate thoe ateiobser, ve bfindv isited with their sister, Mrs. Debenture No. 2- opportunity to osr e ef-I John White on Wednesday. P.S. Area experiments and other demon- M.ad Ms .MKy Trustee Rate-- straion. ~Markdaîe, spent the past week Trustee Rate Tbis event i held for hs with Mr. and Mrs. Ross David- High School Area interested in tobacco and yourso.Dvt'SS.N.3-- Tobaco ubsoiton nvi-ýs Mrs. Thomas Jackson and everyone to attend and enjoy her grand - daughter Nor,'.a an ouÉing before harvest. Smith are spending this wee.k in Whitby with Mr. and Mus. . Ross Hall.r ed witb Mr. and Mrs. T. M. ays Wcatherilt. on Sunday. S pends 4 Day Mrs. G. Spier, Trno a A t Con ere ce ter Neal during the weekend. Bet-hany: Miss Joan Morton worthan son Ricky are on spent four days last week at vacation for the next two Guelph, atbending the Girls' weeks visiting with relatives in Conference for 4-H Homemak- Brantford, Paris and Toronto. ing Clubs. Miss Morton is a Mr. and MVrs. James McKiiu- member of the Bethany "Glad- non, Mr. and Mrs. Vincentý I-Canner Club" and this year Jackson spent Sunday with re-. received her county bonors fer latives in Toronto. having completed six units of Constable Wni. Scott and training. Mrs. Scott of Peterborough vis- During their stay the e ited with MVr. and Mrs. Addisoiu Vtkn na1rl ndifted ourof cot o Suday R,, ullB Ii of the college grounds and of the city of Guelpb. Lectures were given by Miss Jean Scott, supervisor off Home Economics, Dr. Margaret McCready, prin- cipal off McDonald Institute, Miss Lila A. Row, Miss Helen McKercher, director of Home Ecooricss(vics:Miss Car- olyn Kilmair; Dr. B. Brandon, Jwho spoke on the theme of the JConference "Youth is the Op- portunity To Do Something and Become Somnebody", Miss Etthel Chapman. whose challenginc, address was "'Youth a Time of Opportunity"; Mrs. J. E.' Houck' of Brampton. *'Wider Horizons For Canadian Youth" (Mr- » Houck is a dclegate to tbe Un. ited Nations Convention). Sbuart Thompson spoke on "Our Canadian Birds and Their Habits; ;Prof. Geo. W. Brown off Toronto University, who spoke on "The Canadian Ceil- tury". Miss Louise H-eringer gave a lecture on flowcrs andi a demonstration of floral ar- rangemnents. Dr. J. H. Truscott talked on Food Preservation. A newly installed electronic ovei was demonstrated. Special group discussion were "'Your Cb And You"; 'Your Club and Your Home"; Your Club 1 and Your Communitv There were demonstrations of club programs and club ex- hbibts off ail the courses avai- able. Music sessions xvere si- 1pervised by MýIr. and Mrs. Ra]pn Kidd. The bighlight off une evening's program was a Pa- rade of Fashions off styles rang- ing from 1897-1957. Missorton xvas most en- tuiastic over the Coniferencec Comimenting on the week Ehe said .-fl has been a wonderfui expenience and v'ery education- al. There were 191 girls attend- ing, wvho came from ail parts of the Province off Ontario. There xvas sùmcthing to learii everv dax' and the discussion groups were exceptionally fine. IThe Wnnieii's Institutes are do- OBITUARY FLORENCE W. H. SCOTT Florence Wilhelmina Has- tead Scott (nee Hamilton) xvas horn in Kingston, Ont. She moved to Byiig Inlet and later to Parry Sound. She marricd, Roy Haystead and d uring bis lifetime lived in Capreol, Na-i kina and Hornepayne. Mr. Haystead passed away in 1948 and was buried in Capreol. In 1953 she marric'd Edgarý Thomas Scott, a very ),d friend and neighbor of the Hay'- stead family. Mrs. Scott served! the Nakina communitv faiî.i flyduring ber brief but hap- py life there. She was an active member of1 the Nakina United Church anà a past noble grand officer )f Vermilion Rebekah Lodge No. 289, Capreol. Surviving are three dau ah- ters, ïMrs. Einar M~~ (Pearl) off Nakina; Mýrsz. Frank Mc-i Keown (Fay> of Peterborouga I and Mrs. Len Smith (Joyce) off Parry Sound; one siep-son, a step-daughter and 13 grand- children, four brothers, Artbur,1 Giles and John Hamilton, ail of Capreol and Thomas Harniltri-, Hilishoro, Wisconsin; one sisteï Mrs. Arthur Bell off Capreol. A ronivate service was be1d in the Scott residence, Nakina, on June 23rd, attended bY members off the famnily and close friends followed on June 24th by an open service frori Nakina United Church, conduct- ed by Rev. J. Staples off bbc Ufnited Church, assisted by Rev. R. Barry of the Anglicai, cburch. Pallbcarers were membeýrF of the . Masonic Lodge in resper, to Mr. Scott, and members of the Nakina Le-ion in resptýc- to Mrs. Scott. Theprcsn. fromn the cburcb terminated at the railway station where, ac. companied bv Jestýe. Pear Bit cet andlfri endls 't u,ýr,- i1ý. The renains departed jlui tivities. Ruth passed away in February 1952. Edgar remained in the em- ploy of the C.N.R. for the bal- ance of his life time at t1:,c same time becoming active in many other interests which ini- cluded 25 ycars on the Nakina Public School Board and secre- tarytary of the local Unittà Church. In spite of bis man.e business commitments be founid time to be of service to others. He was a life member of Cochrane Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 530, and affiliated wi.t-i: Hornepayne Lodge A.F. & Ae. No. 636; member of SUp¶A Lodge of Perfection Scott li'x Right; Nanna Bijou chapier Rose Croix, Fort William; North Star Consistory; Winnm- peg Shrine: Member of OR. Union and member of Ontariý> Anglers and Hunters Assoca. tion. Edgar leaves a son Bruce of Nakina, and a daugbter, Mrs. John Skinner (Jessie) of Isling- ton; three step-daughters and 13 grandchildren, a brother Herb of Bowmanville and a si.- ter, Mrs. -Ettie Smith of Raglan. Written Guarantos in every Bale 3. COWAN 2.4 2.5 OA 12 9.5 Equipment Co. 12.5 11 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 351 6.6 6.6 teduces (off ee Price! "LOWEST IN YEARS"ài Vigorous & Winey - Cu.*om Ground BOKAR l89C 3-lb bag 2.61 Mmid & Mellow - Custom Ground 8 O'CLOCKIb79c 3-ibbag2.31 ad -Cuistom Ground RED CIRCLE lb l Porcolator or Drip ,85c VAC. PACK Moreix"See CRISPIE PICKLES Reg. 33c-4AVE 4c PIE MIX Mon.rch tee Box Reg. pkg 31o SAVE 7o INSTANT MILK TOMATO JUICE LEMON PIE CHIFFON CAKE JEWEL b95c 1 jar 2.9 o 2 91/-oz pkgs 45 5 c A&P Skim MUil Reg, 35e SAVE 2e A&P Fancy Reg. 2 tins S1e SAVE 9o Jane Parker Reg. 49c SAVE 4o. Jame Parker Orange Reg. 590 BAVE 10o à ho r'en ing 1-lb pkg 334 SAVE llo 1-lb pkg 33C 4 20-oz tins 4 9 *ach 45C eacb 49C 21-lb pkgs .55c Hon,,Pack - an wPck pgo C hocolate Bars Hmeeg. br29 ck pkgEo 5 ~C FREIIHFRUITS and VElgE'TABILE! Colifornia Valencia, Now at Their Boit ORANEb lo bg 5 ,_e S pr akt PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY JULY 13th 195~7 I . 7141T GîtAT AflAiffie&PACWIC TEA COMPANy LiV.I t w. KingSt. W. il M. AT THIS SION Best'in Bolersl - ý ý 1. !:Vwýýi

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