Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1957, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THECAADANSTTEMA. OW4lJV1¶T. %JIN 1 AiTrL CARTWRIGHT CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Promotions (Aiphabetical Order) GraJe 1 ta Grade 2-Sharoi Archer, Allan Argue, Dav'id Ars;:ott, Dennis Ashton, Duis Ashtoa, Beverley Brown, Lyn- dia Colby, George Downey, Donna Edgerton, Linda Failis, Bonnie Giles, Faye Giies, Pal- sy Hutchinson, Ronnie Judsoi, 'Virginia Mackie, Vernon Lee Mýalcolm, Bonnie McLeod, Rob- e7t McLaughlin, Daniel Porriii, Douglas Rohrer, Clarry Savin- ac, Leonard Swartz, Harry bhemilt. Teacher: Mrs. Shirley Tur- ner. (iirade 1 to Gradé 2-Nancy Arscott, Gail Bonnetta, Anne i eddema, Donna Gray, Join 'lorton, Garry Hunter, Juditnii IIountjoy, Betty Lau Stinsejn, Allen Weatherilt, Patsy Wil- Unrade 2 ta Grade 3-Marion Argue, Douglas Asseistine, Den- ris Bridgett, Bobby Colbeac, 1-&tricýia Colley, Carole Forest, YK-Enneth Gibson, Donald Gray, Lobby Kyte, Jo Ann McLeod, Ca;l Malcolm, Bernice Mappin, Viayne Oliver, Garry Redmond, Linda Rohrcr, Ray Suggitt. Teacher-Mrs, Dorothy Vert- ninga.1 (,rade 2 ta Grade 3-Michael NOTICE TO BOYS wishing to work at Brook- dale Nurseries. Work wil commence Tuestlay, July 9. If your name is on our lisi, report Tuesday mornjng. Others desiring employment apply at Office. Brookdale - ingswa y Nurseries 1 Arscott, Lucille Beacock, Glenn Bonnetta, Betty Bradburn, Jim- my Carnaghan, David Cocker- iii: Terry Collins, Nancy Dor- reli, Sharon Lai-mer, Roniic Ma7tyn, Mary Lou McCoNbnic-., Maxine McKee, Warren Ron. rer, Judith Swain, Elizab.dh Thompson, Sheila Tomchishîni, Billy Watson, Joan Wotten, Lorna Wright, Alice Wiersma. Grade 3 ta Grade 4 - Ga;l Arscott, Ivan Bradhurn, BiHi Colbear, Cheryl Forest, Betty Hicks, Joan Lansing, Shirleyv MCoy, Marion McGeachie, Ronnie Minshall, Marilyn Peri- goe, Rager Roberts, Fred Tay- lor, Barbara Wilson. Teacher - (Mrs.) Margaret Mountjoy. Grade 3 ta Grade 4-Margar- et Argue, Roy Bradburn, Don- ald Brown, Margaret Carnu- ghan, Judy Cochrane, Dorohy Iiowney, Pina Duivesteyn, France Forest, William Hut- chinson, David Mackie, Cheryl McCoi'mick, Denis McLaughiin, Douglas Medcalf, Brian Mounît- jay,, Donald Saunders, Nadia Schwartz, Joan Suggltt, Helen Swain, Phyllis Tillbrook, M1&n- lene Tomchishin, Lloyd Tre- win, Romke Viieger, Carol War- ner, Patricia Watten. Grade 4 ta Grade 5-Barbara Cockerili, James Dayes, Elea- non F'irlit, Dorothy Gay, Har- ley McCoy, Raymond Mountjoy, Caral Rabrer, Kenneth Rohrer. Mavis Shemilt, Ra]ph Swain, William Tooley. Teacher-(Miss) June Armn- strong. Grade 4 ta Grade 5-David Ballingal, Martha Broersnia, Brian Clements, John Cousins~, Shirley DeYonge, Geraid Giles, Lynda Kyte, Leah McKee, Dcn- aid McLaughlin, Gienna Mc- Leod, Dennis Prosser, Nancy Staniland, Fetsje Vandermeen, David Wotten. Grade 5 ta Grade 6 - Floyd Argue, Bruce Beacock, Ca rol Blythe, Marion Bradburn, Ma- ry Bradburn, Larry Brown. Janice Byers, Billy Coom'aes, Robin Cousins, Joan Dean, Dcn na Downey, Grace Fedemnra, Anne Gibson, Floyd Kyte, Lamne Lansi-ng, B r en da Malcolm, Cheryl Medcalf, Verva Oliver, Canal Rahl-n, Alice Tay:ar, Philip Tillbrook, Bobby WLt- son. Teacher-(Mrs.) Olive Heas- hip. Grade 6 ta grade 7-(lst class. honours) - Lorraine Dayes, Donna McLaughlin, Bann; e Maunjoy, Janice Sadier, Bnianr Staniland, Linda Vennîng. (2iid class honours) - Donald Brad- humn, Jim Byers, John Cocker~- 11l, Donald Foarest, Verna Han- ris, Paul Rahm, Adrie Vander- meer. Pass standlng-Jim Fov.- 1er, Jean Gay, John Gay, Peter Gay, Bruce Gibson, Ca-i Gil- bank, Sylvia Lawrence, Waynre Malcalm, Leona Rohrer, Don- ald Swain, Raymond Tillbrookz, Alex Wiersma, Idso Wiersn.a. Grade 7 ta Grade 8 - (2nd class honours) - Shirley Gil- bank, Peter Mantel. Pass Stand- ing - Lloyd Gilbank, Coliin Haines. Teacher-Grant Campbell. Grade 7 ta Grade 8 - Joan Bradburn, Helen Bushien, Ka- therine Cousins, Douglas Fray- er, Ian Frayer, Larry Hoskin, Judy Judson, Lorraine Judsox, Canal Kozub, Laurel Maekie, Elaine Mountjoy, Marlyn 011- ver, Shirley Prassen, Edna She- milt, Jim Swain, Anthur Vaii- camp. Grade 8 ta Grade 9-Shirley Dean, Betty DeVnies, Trwisje Duivpsteyn, Jopie Duivesteyn. Nicole Forest, Alywin Hain2s, David Hobbs, Ronald Hoskiin, Raberta Mackie, Maartin Man- tel, Joan Ross, Shirley Snoo'-s, Beth Strong, June Werry, Han- ry Wýersma, Gienda Wilson. Teacher-Neil Bailey. flaton a cloud in cool You'II find esavings here in our complete stock of Summer footwear for every inember of the faniily. Choose from any of these nationally known manu- facturers. *SAVAGE CHILDREN'S SHOES *SISMAN SCAMPERS *LOGROLLERS *NATURALIZERS *TEEN-AGE WHITE OR BEIGE BUCKS " WHITE OR BEIGE DESJERT BOOTS " CLARK'S DESERT BOOTS " SCOTT-MeHALE SHOES " DACK SHOES *SISMAN WORK BOOTS Feel free to corne in and look around Lloyd E/lis Shoes 49 Kin- St. W. Phone MA 3-5941 Relax and Feel Safe with our thorough Vacation Check-up Here is what we do: Wheel alignmenl Check and rolale tires Check hriûkes Check ail lighls and aim headlighls Lubricale and change oil Road lest for efficient operalion Don't delay - Corne in to-day before your leave on your vacation. Robson Motors Limited 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 1BETHANY PUBLIC SCHOOL CARTWRIGHT CENTRAL SCHOOL FIELD DAY Midget girls-i Bernice Map- pin 18 pts., 2 Doris Ashton 1,0 pts., 3 Betty Lau Stinson 7 pts. Midget boys-i Jimmy Cal- naghan, Donald Gray, tied IL' pts, 2 Dennis Ashton il pts., 3 Allen Weathemilt 8 pts. Junior girls-i Donna Dow- ney 18 pts, 2 Janny Wiersma il pts., 3 Shimley De Yange, Mar- ion Bradbunn, tied 8 pts. Junior boys -1 Dennis Pros- ser, Donald Saunders, tied, 14 pts, 2 Donald McLaughiin 10 pts., 3 Donald Brawn 8 pts. Intermediate girls-i Shirley Prosser 26 pts, 2 Laurel Mac- kie 16 pts., 3 Sylvia Laurence 12 pts. Intermediate boys - 1 Ian Frayer 19 pts., 2 Jim Swain, 10 pts., 3 John Cackeriii 9 pts. Senior girls-i Jasie Duives- teyn 24 pts., 2 Nicole Forest 21 pts.,, 3 Elaine Mountjoy 8 pts. Senior boys-i Ralph Bow- 17 pts., 3 Martin Mantel, Harry Wiersrna, tied, 9 pts. Intemmediate girls neiay - Shirley Prasser, Anne Gibsor., Bannie Mauntjoy, Donna Mc- Laughlin. Intermediate -boys relay-Ian Frayer, Jim Swain, Don Swain, David Kyte. Senior girls reiay - Nicole Forest, Robenta Mackie, Elaiîne Mountjoy, Shirley Snaoks. Senior boys reiay - Ralph Bowers, Harry Wiemsma, Peter Mantel, Ronnie Hoskin. Intermediate boys paie vault -1 Wayne Malcolm, 2 Bruce Gibsoi«, 3 Alex Wiemsma. Senior boys pale vauit - 1 Aylwin Haines, 2 Douglas Fra- yer, 3 Peter Mantel. j SHAW'S SCHOOL On Thunsday, June 27, the pupils of Shaw's School gath- iered in the Junior Room ta bld farewell ta the Senior Roori -teacher, Principal M. E. Hill, who is leaving to attend Otta- wa Teachens' Coilege in the Faîl. After a short address was read by Scott Rudeli of the Senior School a matching set Of cuff links and tie clasp was presenlled ta Mn. Hill by Catily Alldnead of thîe Junior Sehool. (Junior Room, Margaret Ai- ken, teacher). (In aiphabetical ander) Han-Honaurs; Rec.- IRecammended. jTa Grade 5-Karyn Brooks (Hon.); Larny Cobbledick (Pass); Bobby Gilkes (Pass); Ronnie Harper (Hon.); Jacob IHogetenp (Pass); Glenn Rabb (Hon.); Carrai Taylor (Pass); Margaret Van Dyk (Pass)., TaGrade 4-Cathy Alldread (Pass); Barbara Browves (Pass): Fred Cabbledick (Rec.); Ralph Dean (Roc.); Anme Marie Downey (Rec.); Veronica Fried- rick (Pass); Domenie Gallello (Hon.); Lily Harper (Pass): Wesley Lane (Hon.); Richard Robinson (Han.); Hans Van Dorp (Pass). To Grade 3-Earl Cobbiedîck (Han.); Michael Ciyderman (Rec.); C h a rles Friedrich '(Hon.); Sam Hogetenp (Pass); Brian Jones (Hon.); Peter Neiv- eIl (Han.); Patsy O'Brien (Pass): Raymond Ripley (Pass); David Robinson (Hon), Manten Van Dyk (Hon.). *Ta Grade 2-Marlene Dow- ney (Flan.); Muriel Lane (Han.); Mangamet Wermy (Hon ). jThe followirig students af Shaw's school wene successfui in grades for the schaal term of 1956-57. Prorroted ta Grade IX-Wil- ma -Iageterp, Peter Meeks, George Van Dyk. Grade VII-Shanron Brooki Douglas Lane (Hon.); Jamcs Lane, Donald Riekard (Hon.); Christopher Rabinsan (Hon.); Tommy Stacey, David Werry. Grade VIl-Gardon Browvn,o Mangaret Cryderman. Paul Dean, James Finn, Gentie Ho- getemma. Scott Rudell, Florence Van D1yk, Ruth Werry (Hon.); Fiena Woudstra (Hon). Grade VI - Barry Browes. Lynn Brown, (laon); Alice 0 Hagenp, Douglas Home, Wz-- ter Rickard (Hon.): Faye Tay- l on, Hilda VanDyk, Peter Wer (Hon.); Rackie Mikolic.1 Tyrone School Resuits Given for Ail Grades June Promotion (Aiphabetical order) Grade 8 ta Grade 9-Est] Armstrong, Wilma Armstrc Dianne Bigelow, Leone Jord John Nicols, Thomas Rays Donald Scott, Malcolm Sm, Bruce Wright. Grade 6 ta Grade 7-Shai Bigelow, Linda Davidsan, JE Fallis, John Jackson, Lai Lamb, Dianne Mulligan, AI] Smith. Grade 5 ta Grade 6-Dorat Armstrong, Patsy Bigelow, JE Durham, Bob Edmunds, Patri Green, Ross Jordan, Rar Longfield, Howard Morton, C olyn Smith, Dianne Smith. (Mrs.) Mary Wright, teac}h Grade 4 ta Grade 5-Ail Bnistow, Patricia Davidson, Rm aId Jackson, Eleanor Porteous Grade 3 ta Grade 4-Kathi< Morton, Billy Smelt, Bob Smeit, Sheila Wood, Gl1 Wright. Grade 2 ta Grade 3-Iv Armstrong, Wayne Armstroi Bobbyv Durham, Barbara-A Green, Douglas Neals, Sus Scott. Grade 1 ta Grade 2-Laver Armstrong, Nancy Morton, Ke neth Porteous, Norma Smi, Rickey Wentwarth, Maure Wood. (Miss) Carrai Hopkinsm Foliowing the giving out reports on Wednesday afternom the pupils Pnesented their teac ers, Mrs. Mary Wright and M' Carrai Hopkinson, with trav( ling alarm dlocks in appreciatii of their guidance during the pE sevenai years. Bath teachers a leaving at the end of the teri Mx-s. Morgan Bigrelow, Mrs. RE Edrnunds and Mns. Dougl Smelt represented the paren also expressing their thanks ai wishing the teachers success the future. NE WTON VILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Clarke No. 4 Junior Room Grades 4 and 3 in order of mer! Pramoted ta Grade 4-Barr Lane, Marilyn MacDonald, Ga Watson, Donna Porter, Laurn Burley, Crystal Shaw, RogE MacDuff, Harvey Burley, Jac Watson, Jimmy Howard. Pnomated ta Grade 3-Bobi Hendersan, Diane Steller, Dor na Hatherly, Jane Stacey, Grac Roseboom, Gary Staplion. Promoted ta Grade 2 (alpha betical arder) - Randy Dor aghue, Patsy Hathenly, Ronal Hill, Ronald Leslie, Bruce Mac Donald, Beatrice Ormiston, RE men Roseboom, Donna Sedorký Dareen Sedonkza, Joanne Sham Linda Stapleton, Joe Steller, In Veleke, Betty Skelding. S.S. No. 17 DARLINGTON Pramoted according ta ciass standing. Grade 6 ta Grade 7-Donal Griffin 75%, Raiph Cochran, 62, Lourens Bisschop 58., Grade 5 ta Grade 6-Shirleý Avery 95%7o Linda Macdàbnali 82, Shirly Macdonald 74, Patsj McLaughlin 74. Grade 4 ta Grade 5-Bryoi Howells 77%, Allan Griffin 65 Lyle Smith 59. Grade 3 ta Grade 4-Jim Mc Laughlin 89%, Donald Butsci 71, David McMannis 59. Grade 2 ta Grade 3-Ronalc Avery 82%, Diane Avery 74 Donald Naumn 67. Grade 1 ta Grade 2-Glenn.! Macdonald 84%, Gardon Gniffir 77, Mickey Macdonald 75, Vic toria Naum 73, Ralph McLaugl- lin 69, Patsy Smith 69, *Bill. Howells 43. *-Temporarily or trial. Teacher, Ruth Wilson L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Paymrents Mon thly For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Ernergency Expenses The Difference with Belivue is the Service IBELLVUE FINANCE~ CORP. G. H. WILSON, Mr 291/2 simcoe S. RLA 5-1121, OSHAWA ther ng, [an, on, ielt, ron ane iry ian thy ack cia rdy ,ar- ier. Ian on- een :by e n Issue District School Results Tyrone: Tyrane Schaol, S. S. i No. 18, Darlington. Congratu- lations ta the iollowing pupii from bath teachers. Honours-Over 75 percent in most subjects: Senior room, Principal, Pau1 D. McIntosh, Grade 8 ta 'Grad-, 9 - Patsy Gibbs (hon.), Bar- bara Phiiiips, (han.), Kenneti Rosevear (hon.>. Grade 7 ta Grade 8-Juerge.î (Gerry) Mlrsch (hon.), Elizi- 1 beth Reyenga, Brian Annî., CarraIl MeRobents, John V- tue, Joy Chamberlain, Jeanl Malette (recommended). Grade 6 ta Grade 7-Donal-1 Maie lie, Midge Philiips, Mar- lene Taylor, Danna Yeilowiees. Grade 5 ta Grade 6-Lynn,:. Stainton (han.), Esther Rose- vear (hon.), Paul Moore (hon.>. Shelagh Murphy (hon.), Hcan- nie Reyenga, Rasiyn Tayl or., Kenneth Murphy, John Vrivia,l Leslie Goble (recommended). Wood. Grade 4 ta Grade 5-Michael Gibbs, Teddy Wood, Patty Part- nen. Diane Shabodian, Douglas Park. Junior roam, teacher, Eliza- beth J. Knox. Grade 3 ta Grade 4-Char- lotte Annis (han.) Gerry Har- dy (han.), Gardon Janezyn, Ann McNevin, Grace Moor.- (hon), Supie Reyenga (hon )~, Teddy Skinner (hon.), Eddir Yea. ~hon.). Grade 2 ta Grade 3-Sandra Hall (hon.) Margaret Janczyn (han.), Diane Ledoux, Gail Scott, Wayne Scott, Anne Skin- nr (hon.), Janice Tayor (han), Allan Vivian, Doreen Wright (han.), Marilyn Yellow- lees (han.), Kenny Yeo, Lamne Yeo. Grade 1 ta Grade 2-Ariien Hall (han.), Nancy McRoberts (hon.) Wendy Partner (hon.) Gary Scott (hon.) Jahnny n Mrs. A. Beevor and David, In ,'O LIN A O ha a; M rsn Glen Gaspeli M.and Mrs. George Mutton first birthday party of Brian and famlly, Bowmanville, visit- Pascoe, son of Rae and Donothy mne ed with Mn. and Mns, Frani-:t Pascae, on June 22. en- Westlake Jr. Miss Jean Rundie, Bowman- ith, Foliawing the Zion-Solrma ville visited at Ross Cryden- en football game Wednesday eveîi- man's. ng, a member of the teamn, Erie Mn. Gardon Pascoe, King- O.Hodge. and his wife, GIady, ston, spent the holiday weel- ofwere hananed at a social gat-1- end at home. on, ering at the sehoal grounds. JM.adMs .Bkr : eh- They, with thein son Keith, areiM.adMs .Bkr . lis moving ta Mattawa whene they and Mrs. Tom Baker and famn- el- have purchased a home. As a ily, and Miss Helen Baker, To- ion emembrance fram football ronto, were Sunday tea guests ast team mates and othen frie-nds of Mi-. ai-d Mrs. J. Smales and re of Sauina community, Charles fariaily at Hamptonl. 'M- Langmaid presented them with M-. and Mns. W. Paminder e.a floor Iarnp. Much happinesý. and Helen wene tca guests of [as and success is wishied for thcni Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deweil, .ts, in their new home. Refresh.-Hmtn udy ndmnsxen vdan da Mn. John Rutherford, Toron- inm pfr ta, was a Sunday visitor with campire.the Wernys. Bakem's school picnic was an Anne Werny is holidaying enjoyable eavent at Hampton with ber gnandpanents, Mn. ami Park, attended by 50 pupils and Mns. Noble Metealfe, Oshawa. parents. During the afternoon ___________ the teacher, Mns. W. Ashton, t.who is leaving, was pnesentci ny wîth Keith Moore making tliaW de s ail presentation and Mary Junko ,na reading the address. A programM s u an ferlof sparts was conducted for the usu î n ýck chiîdren. ' a te ÇI~ by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Daviy a te S e n-and Pat were Thîrday evei- [eing tea guests of Mr. and Mi s. Maple Grove: Casa Lama was Walter Davis and family, Ke- built in the year 1911 by Sir ia- dron. Also present were Mn Henry Pellatt. Grades five and n-1j and Mrs. Gardon Davis and six from Maple Grove School Ifamiiy and Mr. and Mns. Ed Da- learned this and many other tc- vis, Oshawa. This pleasant fam- things during thein triTi ta Toron- ýe- ily gathering was in hoor of ta, Jmn e 126. a, Mn. Ed Davis' birthday. Sir Hennv visited eastiSs lr W, Miss Donna Vice accamparn-J England and Europe ta get ideas. na lied by Miss Rae Johnston of The castie cost hlm between Tyrone, left early Friday mor:i- J three and a haif and four mil- ing by plane fmom Malton air- lion dollars. But after living part for Calgary. From there theme for a few years, and losing they wiii travel by bus and moriey, the taxes became sa high train ta the coast and VancoL.x- that Ile was forced ta give it up. ver Island, visiting friends .and Some of the intenesting things ta Id relatives* along the way. see there are secret panels, a ne The Temperance prram at secret passageway, an under- Sunday Schoal cansisted o a ground tunnel 800 feet long y reading by Mrs. B. Hoaey and leading ta the stables, the tow- Id a vocal solo by Mns. Ho¼va-ci ens from which a good view of Sy Milîson. Toronto can be seen, and the The church service was cari- collection of antique cars owned )n ducted by Rev. F. J. Reed. Don by a mani in Montreal. The 5, Taylor contnibuted a pleasing castle is now owned by the City vocal sala, "My God, My Fath- of Toronto but operated by the cer While I Stray". Kiwanis Club of West Toronto n Church service next Sunday who pay 2517 of the gate recelpts wili be at 10 a.m. with 1Rev . d Victor Bowins the ministe r.i '4, Sunday Schoal ili follaw a t O E ~ jis Helen Kniox and Barbara, in Haoey are attencling the 4-îJs~YW c- Club Conference in Guelph. ~. The Ellilcatt family reunîcn i was field at the home of Mr. A pOCKET in and Mrs. John Knox M\,on-day. The Solina players are pi- Grandma?" at Cavan this week.j Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilis, Ca- roi and Anne, attended the SUPER KIi McCarrell-Curtis wedding ini Pontypoal United Chunch, Sat- urday afternoon when Canal was one af the flower girls. B eef Mn. and Mrs. Wes Yeilowlecs and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. J. pADEROA TBae Yellowviees were Sunday vis t B ,u U-IBaeB ans at Messrs. J. and Rov Grills' Vaientia. SHORT RIB DflAST Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley and Mns. Joe Snowdr SHOULDER ROASI Ful were guests at the Begley- Knight wedding in Ajax Bai.- ' D B tist Church Saturday.M I Helen, Parrinden and Judith I C D D Frazer are attending C.G.I.T. camp at Camp Pretonia. M c r n pCssedhemuGadin usicAnne SWerry who sa successfuî 1)U T H O amy exam. - Gardon attended Decarati M.an-n. .Pscea P i'c l~e & P Day service at Lindsay Sundaý S Mrs. Annie Naylor's, music C ecital was weil attended ir E E L Zion Church with sevenal pu-E E L plis from Sauina taking part. Ladies of the cammunity are invited ta enjoy a conductcd tour of the beautiful garder s P O LC P ghlin, commencing at 7.30 Clfri e rp adSl o'ciock on Wednesaay levening, Nlo. 1Gadew rp adSI July 10. Cars are requested ta o rd metatte hrc t7 a'ciack U ta arrange transportation to Tomatusc Oshawa. rsTedrYloFcyQa Mr. arid Mrs. Bruce Tink and rs edrYeIw ae u family and Mrs. Addie Tinit atteried Hamton aniversa f Swe t o .wu BUY AT THIS5 NTERNATIONAI. Full length - Full strength - Full value The dealers below bought McCormick made-n-Canada Twine mn car. load quantity, at carload price-and are passing the Bir s'.vi-4Gs on ta you. You get the world 's best twine at the best price-amîd a fine Faim, Account Book FREE, if you order now fro=î COWAN Equipment Co. 1nternainal S et.E Bowran oanille Phorn e A hP'u STORE FULL 0F ALS... YOU'LL GET... ýULL4, .4 (cHT MEA TSI Roasts one Removed Al Cut 43 EEF 'Extra Lean Cheese Loaf AF limiento Loaf À WDSOLEFILLETS ,IAIS ýectd Quality, cefio pkg 29< i ity 4 for39C 1 Grade lb25c their best t59c o. 1 Grade iIl qt box 39c tion of native nid Wax Beans, romstoos, Rad- ettute. Ilbs49c 26-oz pkgs49c 26-oz plcgs 49c 26-oz pkgs 49< lb35c Clark'& Speclail IRISH STEW 25-oz lin 3 9c Borde's Reg. Price 1M S- AVE 10e STARLAC pkg 1.49 Sultanas Reg. Price 33a - SAVE 4c PEANUT BUTTER 16-fl oz jar 29c Choice.Qualmty Whole Reg. Prie. 2 tins 31c - SAVE 4o AILP BEETS 3 i5-otn43c A&P Reg. Price 25e - SAVE 2o CHILI SAUCE 11-oz bt23c Jane Parker Reg. Price 59e - SAVE Oc APPLE PIE isach .53( Monarch Reg, Prmce 2 lb 85o - SAVE 4o MARGARINE 3 i-lb pkgs 79< Geisha Faney White Moat ' Reg. Price.tin 27e - BAVE le, TUNA FISH 27-oztins45C Ann Page SALAD DRESSING 16 az jar MAYONNAISE 16 jzar 3 3 S p- Mr.e s ?IU OIAT A1IANIIC £ PAcWIC 11£ CCMPNW L1U~ *1 as rent and the rest on lipkeep: mummies, some oid-fashioned and to underprivileged children. I lothingz, a Coronation robe, and A fter leaving C asa L ura, he the st of us e e p et y ti e bus load went on to Riverdale Ms fu eepet ie Park where lunches were eaten'of alngbthtiew r- and then evervone went on a, tu -rned homie, about five o'clock tour of Riverdale Zoo. By 1301J wth our Casa Lama fans and the bus had reached he other souvenirs. Museum. Here we had a lecture first on 'Birds and Animrais of North Amierica". W1eÏc saw% a FAST RELIEF FOR Passenger Pigeon wihi o extinct, seed-eating birds like the goldfinch, inseet-eaters like the warblers and woocipeckers, sorne M owls. and many others. The M snialest mammal. the Pyjgmv an aunce. The bat is the only flying mammal, and the oppos- E.. sum is a mammal that carnies itsET young in a pouch, like the FE In the dinosaur section, we saw the skeietons of some of these prehistonic animais that lived in Canada (Southern Ail- berta) 40 or 50 million years ago. "KING Our Some were plant eaters, and some ate flesh. A prehistoric mammal we saw was the masto- don. We alsa saw the Egyptian NOW AT 14:1: !I'J1 ý :1 E4 * I ru- ,Z. . 1 .. q', -- l- ýla .1ý 1 _mwmem_* TEM CANADUN STATMUN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO prixyrpcnà%p 1 JMY 4th, 1957

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