PAGE FURTEENTEE CANAD!AK STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1957 Births NADEAU-Roland and Vaughn (nee Stephenson) are happy to announce the arrivai of their son Roland Earl, Wednesday, June 5th, 1957, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. A brother for Stephen. 25-1 ICHARDS-Dorothy and Ron wish to announce the arrivai of their third son, Robert Brent, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman-J ville on Friday, June 14, 1957, a brother for Neil and Dougie. 25-1 VAN CAMP-Keith and Wilrna Van Camp are proud to announce the arrivaI of their daughter Cindy Lou on June 1lth at Oshawa General Hospital. 25-1 Deaths ALLDREAD-At his residence, R.R. 2, Orono, on Friday, June 14, 1957, Leonard F. A lldread, aged 50 years, beloved husband) of Doris Moffatt. Mr. Alldread1 rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowrnanville. Service was held at the Lang Mernorial Chapel, Orono on Sunday, June l6th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 25-1 BEERS-At Memorial Hospital, Bowrnanville, on Tuesday, June 18th, 1957, Lyle Seymore Beers, R.R. 1, Hampton, aged 21. years. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowrnanville, until Wed- nesday evening. Service and interrnent at Richibucto, New ]Brunswick. 25-1 HOCKADAY-At bis resîdence, Solina, on Monday, June l7tb, 1957, Sidney James Hockaday, aged 81 years, beloved husband of Nellie May Cowling and dear father of Ernest. Service was hcld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bownianville on Wed-' nesday, June 19 at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 25-11: LYCETT-Suddenly at Long Beach, Calif., on lune lst, 1957, Thamas J. Lycett of Steuben- ville, Ohio, beloved husband of Beatrîce Lycett. 25-if MATICE-At bis residence, 290 Scugog St., Bawmanville, on Saturday, June lSth, 1957, William George Matice (grocer), father of Richard Matice, Whit- by. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville an Tuesday, June l8thi at 2 o'clock. Interment Bow- mnanville Cemetery. 25-1 PAPINEAU-At Memorial Hos-j pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs-1 day, June 13, 1957, Mabel I. Lathrope, beloved wife of Clif- ton Papineau and dear mother of Charles and Lotus. Service %vas beld at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Satur- day, June 15 at 2 o'clock. In- terment Castîcton Cernetery. Cards of Thanks A most sincere thanks toala çvho were sa kind in many wayi during my recent illness, withe special thank you ta the blooc donors. Jacqueline Rosevear. 25-V We wVish ta thank the com. rnittee in charge and the friends ncighbours and relatives whc joincd with us in celebrating aur 25th Wedding Anniversary, also those who sent cards and messages. Emnerson and Bertha Fisher. 25-1* May I take this opportunity of thanking friends and supporters for their assistance during the recent clection. Though we werc not successful in aur cf- forts, we shail hope for better luck next time. John M. James. rccently rctired M.P. for Durham. 25-1 To the W.A. and W.M.S. groups of Trinity Church, Dur- hamn Chapter, O.E.S.; Maple Grave Home and School Associa- tion, the teachers at Maple Grove School and toa ah mv relatives, friends and pupils who rcmcm- bered me with gifts and cards during my stay in Oshawa Hos- pital I wish to express my sincere appreciation and thanks. Olive Moffatt. 25-11 Wc would like ta extend aur heartfelt thanks and deepesi appreciatian for the messages ai sympathy and beautiful floral afferings received fram neigh. bours and friends during aur recent bercavement. Also aur appreciation of the kind services rendered by Doctors Sleman and Sylvester. nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Clifton Papineau and family. 25-1* Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up ta June 25th for painting the interior of Kirby Scbool, S.S. No. 14, Clarke, the paint being sup- plîed. Lawest or any tender nat necessarily accepted. Tenders to be sent ta Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Orono, Ont. 24-2 Tenders wiil be received by' the undersigned untîl June 3tb.1 1957, for caretakingz of followingt schools in South Darlington! School Area: No. 1. S.S. No. 4.1 duties ta begin Auizust 1. 1957;1 No. 2, S.S. No. 8. six-room achool, duties ta begzin July 1. 1957. I.owest tender not neces- sarily accepted. M. J. Hobbs. Sec.-Treas., UEnniskil1en. Ont. Phone MA 82I48 5-2 Coming Events jZion Strawberrmy Festival. Salad plate. Variety pragram. Wednesday evening, June 26th. Admission $1.25, 75c and 35C. 1 25-1 Solina Women's Institute will hold a home-baking sale, ta be held in the Locker roam, Bow- manville, Friday, June 2lst, at 2 p.rn. 25-1 Hampton Sunday School An- niversary, June 3th. Services at 2 and 7:30. Rev. J. N. Reed, guest speaker. Special music. Mr. Sam Castle, soloist. 25-2 The first was good, the second was, better, Sa the last one should be a- Wow. Hard time dance, Tyrone Hall, Saturday, June 22. Admission 50c. Holroyd's Orch-1 estra. 25-1. 1Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No game under $3.00. Admission 50c. 2-tf Auction Sale-Orono Municip- al Building at 7:30 p.m., Friday, June 2lst. Donations of house- hold articles gratefully accepted. Phone Mrs. Samuel 11710. Sponsored by Orono Amateur Athletic Association. Meet your friends there. 25-11 Don't forget the DANCE IN SOLINA HALL SATURDAY, JUNE 29th Montomery's Orchestra $1.00 ver couple No lunch St. John's Church, Blackstock. The lO7th Annivcrsary Serývice will be held on Sunday Jun 30, 1957 at il a.m. On Domninigy Day (July lst) in the Parish Hall and grounds, there will be' a Parish Supper, wîth Sale of Work by the W.A., and an inter- esting evening of music, etc. AU wil be ver:v welcome. Adults $1,00 and children 50c. We shall expect you! 25-1 In Memoriam BARRETT-In loving mernary of a dear mother, Annie Barrett, wbo passed away lune 2lst, 1947. Ten years have passed since that sad day Wben anc we loved was called away, God took ber home - it was His will; Within aur bearts she livetb still. -Ever rcmembered by the family. 25-1* LARGE-In loving memory of' a dear friend Maud, wbo died ,June 101b, 1952. Years rnay fly and pass away, But swcct memories of you wil Articles for Sale 15-FOOT Lakefield cedar skiff. Phone MA 3-5906. 25-1* HAY, 81/ acres of standing hay. Phone MA 3-2360. 25-1 VARNISHED play-pen, $4. Tele- phone MA 3-3688. 25-1 CHOICE baled hay from the field. Phone MA 3-2058. 25-1 HAY with large percentage clov- er. Phone MA 3-2964. 25-tf BALE elevator, single chain, 28' long. Phone 53W, Blackstock. 25-1 BUCKRAKE to fit front end of tractor. Phone MA 3-2885. 25-1* HAY loader and sliding rack. Price $50. Phone MA 3-2030. 25-1 QUANTITY of cleaned seed, buckwheat. Robt. Sim, Orono 12 -4. 25-1* ITOP soil, 6 yard loads, delivered, $7. Phone BowmanVillE M 3-2788. 2- 100 BUSHELS rnixed grain and 125 of wheat. Phone MArket 3-2150. 25-1 USED coal furnace in good con- dition, and four rads. Phone MA 3-5872. 25-1 20 ACRES of good hay, also hay loader. Cliff Gilbank, R.R. 2, Pontypool. 25-1* THIREE-piece chesterfield suite. Phone MA 3-5462 or caîl at 4 St. George Street. 25-1 ONE kitchen and one bathroom sink. Good condition. Phone MArket 3-5608. 25-1 NEPTUNE outhoayd motor, ex- cellent condition. Sam Black. Phone MA 3-3512. 25-1* WRECKING '49 Mercury. Ford motor, all parts available. Tele- phone MA 3-5244. 25-1 FLOOR polisher for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf SCHICK electric shaver, brand new. Bargain at $20. Phone MA 3-5920 or 7 Mill Lane. 25-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mill ta you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut autornatically, while you wait, at Masan & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and saf t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MAýrket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf COMBINATION side rake and tedder, in good working con- dition. Jas. T. Brown, New- nc4ln fh I Articles for Sale BUCKRAKE maunted on '36 Chev. 1½-ton truck, 7-ft. No. 5 Massey-Harris binder, in good condition; Cockshutt dump rake. Apply Bill Jewell, MA 3-2987. 25-1* HEARING aid service, testing service and camplete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf NOW is the time ta protect al your plants against pests andi disease. We can perform this service for you with aur new Solo sprayer. Phone Fritz Marti Nursery, MA 3-5012. 18-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture, new and used. Repaîrs ta al makes. Walter Frank, 177 Cburch St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 14-tf MODERN General Electric 4- hurner hcavy duty range, clean and in excellent condition, like new, also clectric refrigerator. Phone MArket 3-5404 any tirne or MA 3-5366 Saturday or Sun- day. 25.1*1 A COMPLETE line of furniture. trade-in allowancc. Dining-roorn suite, 6 chairs, buffet, table, $34.50; washcr, $25; Moffat elcc- tric range, $29; bed-cbesterfield, $15. Murphy Company, King West. Telephone MA 3-3781. 25-1* FURNITURE-Solid oak dining suite, 6 picces, 2 sets window drapes, 2 good rugs 9 x 9, 2 single beds with mattress. G.E. 40-inch electric range, solid oak flat top kneehole desk, 60" with 2 rows drawers. Reasonable. 65 Ontario Street. 25-1 MORRIS Co. have been appoint- ed Singer Sewing Machine re- presentatives for the Bowman-' ville district. Corne in and see a Singer-the finest in sewirirg machines. Variaus attachments also in stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf 1700 DANISH baIl head cabbage, 200 early cauliflowcr, 1,0001 Kohl-Rabi, 700 Brussel sprouts, a few Savoy cabbagcs and some broccoli. Phone O.. P. Hertzbcrg at MA 3-2200 at farm, 1/ mile east of Liberty St. North on 4th Concession. 25-1 USED Farm Equipment-New Holland 76 baler, mator driven, Cackshutt nope hay loader, Inter- national rope hay loader, like new; International 2-furrow plough, McCormick W-4 tractor; Farmaîl "Hl' tractor, Massey- Harris "22" tractor, at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanvilc. Phone MA 3-5689. 25-1I FINAL week, annuals, double Petunias, scabiosa, asters, ver- GENERAL helper for adults, live in; $100 per month. Phone Orono 1771. 25-1 YOUNG woman as house-keep- er ini country home, to look after three boys. Apply in writing, Box 838, Bowmanville P. O. 25-1* RELIABLE woman to do dlean- îng of floors, etc., two mornings weekly. Transportation provid- ed. Write Advertiser 680, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Bow- manville, P.O. Box 190. 25-1 RECEPTIONIST and secretary in professional office, afternoons and twa evenîngs a week. Should have some office experience. Typing essential. Preferably woman over 30. Apply in writ- ing ta Advertiser 676, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 25-1*i SALESMAN 1 Large well-known company has1 an opening for capable aggressiveI man. $85 weekly paid for 15' weeks while learning, then salary and commission. Hospital and surgical and disability plans. Company carnies. pension plan at na expense ta employee. Please write Adveriiser 6719 c/o The Canadian Statesman P-0. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE 25-1 TO you, presently reading this insertion, a chance for bigger profits and better incarne is offered. Our Company is pro- gressrng and more than ever aur products are in demand, being of the first quality, needed every- where and fast sales obtained. With aur interesting conditions, soon you will be the boss of a good and dependable business. Want to know more about it? Write for details. If we are representcd in your locality, we will have another interesting ~suggestion for you. This is the year where ambitiaus persans have a chance ta do something and improve their situation.1 Free information at 1600 Delor irnier, Dept. 6,5, Station C, M(ont- reWanted to Rent 'THREE or four room unfurnish- cd, self-contained apartmcnt or house. August lst. Two bus- iness women. Write Advertiser 678, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvillc. 25-tf Livestock for Sale THREE sows, due in two wceks. Phone MA 3-2753.- 25-2* TWO Holstein cows, milking; ten pigs. Caîl after 5, Black- stock 87 r 4. 25-1 SEVEN-room brick house, Wel- lington Street. New gas furnace. MIArket 3-5588. 25-if LAKE Ontario, Bowmanvile, 3 bedroomns, ranch type cottage, furnished, inside conveniences. 1Write P.O. Box 124, Oshawa. 24-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf lFamilf on's Real Estate Manvers Road, five-roomed insulbric residence on two f loors, cellar, heavy wiring, lot 11001x 220, $4,000 full price, terms. North-west of Newcastle near paved road to Bowmanville, six- roomed residence on large corn- er lot. Reasonably priced. Open for offer. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono 1 r 16 25-1 $2,000 down buys this com- fortable seven room brick two- storey home, centrally located in Bowmanville. Has hardwood and tile floors, 3-piece bath- room on main floor, oul heating, garage, storms and screens ai-d1 sunroom. Full price $9,000. Open for listings. Saleslady Jean Woolner MA 3-2175 Berneice H. Patrick REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa RA 5-3692 (collect> 5- Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER General farm, 82 acres on Lake Ontario, 12-roorn frame bouse, bath, barn 30 x 72, hen house, implement shed, garage, two very nice streams, small park. Price $21,000.00. Tcrms. General farm, 50 acres, 6 roomn trame house, pressure system, barn 50 x 30. Price $6,500.00. Terms. 13 acres, 14-room two farnily bhouse, bath; large barn, hèn house, implement shed, garage, s na il orchard, raspbcrries, s tr awb err ies, etc. Price $10,500.00. Terms. 7 room insulbrick, kitchen, living-room, dining-room, 3 bcd- roorns, bath, sun porch, double lot. Price $5,000.00. Down $1,000. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MAnket 3-3644 Salesman J. J. Hartwig, Hampton Phone MArket 3-2035 25-1 ON No. 2 Highway, ], mile west of Maple Grave, a lot size 45 x 150 with a 24 x 28 basernent, sub-floor with a shanty roof and heavy duty wiring, well. This has ta be sald ta clear up the estate of the late Mrs. Solomon. Must be sold by July 2th. Tele- phone RAndolph 5-5648. 25-1* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Do you need a larger home? Seven-raom brick bouse, full 2- storey wîth 4 bcdrooms. 3-piece bathroom on second floor. The ground floor consists of a large living-room with lovcly tire- place, a dining-raorn, 2 picture windows, good-sized kitchen, 2- piece washroom. Hardwood througbout cxcept kitchen and bathroams are rubbcr tiled floor- xng. This house is heated with hot watcr and ail and has laundry tubs in the basernent. Attachcd brick garage. This lovely home is modern in every detail and is situated on a love- ly picturesque lot. It would have ta be scen ta be appreciat- cd. Would acccpt a srnaller home in Bowrnanville or Oshawa district as down payrnent. 164 Liberty St. N. Phone MArket J. Van Nest REAL ESTATE BROKER Orono - 8-roorned solid brick on large lot, conveniences, oil hcated, lower taxes. A grand place to raise your family. Haîf down. Newtonville - six-room insul- brick on 2½/ acre lot, No. 2 High- wa3'. Oak floors up and down, water pressure, toilet, ail heat. $1,000 down payrnent. Hampton - Four room white frame on large lot, good well. $800 down. Cottage - Five rooms, win±er- ized, on West Beach. Reason- able cash down. King East, town, central - 5 room frame, ahl conveniences, ncw furnace, lovely interior, natural fireplace. Some repair- ing outside. We need listings. 118 King St, E. Bowmanville Box 1096 Phone MA 3-3230 25-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER A rare appartunity! 4 bcd- roorn, 3-year-old bungalow, Scu- gag St. Aluminum storms and scrccns. recreation raom, air- conditioned ail heat, living- room, dining-roorn, tile and bard- wood. Only $2,000 down. Full, price only $11.250. Duke St. - New 3-bedroom bungalow nearing completion. Modemn in cvery way. Ful price $9,500. Only $2.500 down. Newcastle - One of the mast attractive new bungalows we have ever seen. Will seil ta be finished by purchaser. Be sure and see this one. tine, datura, arctotis, large mari- freshen soon, also some calves 1S ae Sack Fard fr tancise g -Fondly rernembered,Ani RANGETTE, Canadian Beauty, golds, snapdragons, coleus, be- ta veal. Apply Z. J. Benschop. 150 acre farm, 135 acres wark-!roSnackmebA ithatcive 8-es Wright. 25-1* white enamel, in real gaod work- gonias, pansies, violas, choîce Phone MA 3-2926. 25.1* able with creck, good bank barn oonyhom0. e. Ilcovnincs 11ing condition. Phone MArket geraniums 35c, brussel sproutsjwith water bowls, drive-in shed, 2 ny 80 . Tmercrtagsnmn Il VANNATTO-In loving mernory 3-2500. 25-1 peppers, sage, giant Pacific del- arsfo Sale hen bouse, pig pens. 9 roomed 1 Osme otgs nmn a of a dear busband and father, 12ARSo tnigalî hnus ilt 5,frsmj C r o rm os ihfrae .districts. For example, at Scu- David Henry Vannatto, who 1ACE ofsadn laf hnusvilt75,frsm rm huewt unc,4-gag Point, 4½' room winterized, pasdaa)und3 90 and timathy.Jiay with some red mer. Ail guaranteed. Mrs. 4~7 PLYMOUTH. $65. Phone picce bath, running bot and cold hardwood floors, full price Tbse yearsay wpe aut.r1any claver. Fred G. Smith. Phne Abrams, 1 St. George St. 25-1 MA 3-5191. 25-1* watcr, modemn kitchen. Price $,0 ih$0 on ThIer ayw u 'ayPo$16,500. Termis. $.0 ih50 on * things, Orono 12 -8. 25-~2f APPLIANCES - International '47 PONTIAC, $175. Telephone 93 acre farrn in No. 2 Higb- 52 King St. W. Bowman'ville But this tbey wiPe out neyer, SPRING mattress and cable Harvester 10.5 cubic foot et rig- MA 3-3058 after 6 p.m. 25-1 way, 80 acres workable, 10 MA 3-2153 or 3-2762 The memory of those happy isprings, double size, good con- erator, only $285; International- acres hardwood bush, spring 25-1 days, dto,$0 pl r.L 8.1 cubic foot refrigemator, $225; '37 DODGE sedan, excellent run- creek, 100' x 30' bank barn with - S. Wbcn we were ail tagether. Masion, M2.A 3-5553. 25-1 Kelvinator wxinger wasber with ning order. Phone MA 3-2567.- steel stanch'ons and water f Pdw l 10 -Ever rcmernbemed by wife and1 aoM 3-53 --21 pump, 11-lbs. capacity, regular 25-1 bowls, implernent shed, lienH.C ew l g9 family. 25-1* THREE h.p. garden tractor, $229 for only $139 and your aid .bouse, cernent silo; 10 roorncd REAL ESTATE BROKER y. plough and cultivator; also '47 wasber; uscd Easy Spindry '47 PONTIAC, in good condition. brick bouse with ail city con- A 5 room insulbrie bungalow ýd Receptions Pontiac sedan, pricnd ta selI. wasbem, $69.95, at Cowan Equip- Contact Lloyd Burley, Newton- veniences. Close ta tawn. Price an No. 2 Highway between New- - Phone MA 3-3178., 25-1 ment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bow- ville. 25-1 $22.000. Terns. castle and Newtanville, ail fumn- Long aadlt, wiF.beGatSbo the tanHTidiffePhotetyes A-sco925-i 7 OLDS. sedan, bydramatic, 90 acre farm on lake shore, ace, ecr ci el. Price $4,300. - LongSaut, ill e a hoe toEIGT dâfernt ype Also 21-1black, îow mileage, excellent between Bowrnanville and Osha- Reaconable terms. Rý their neighbors and friends on1alurninum doars, free grills, atcodtn.PneM 3-5. wa, ail plowable; 10 acres inPhn Anad aeP fthe occasion of their Fiftieth 1 lower prices. Lamne Allin, Tele- cnito.Phn M2-53. malfriban 7Poehsucolne 2rnol di P .sI Wedding Anniversary an Wed- phone MA 3-3871. 25-1* Decorating1 co bouse with fumnace, etc. An- 31 acres facing No. 2 Higbway E. ,el nesday, lune 26th, fram 7 ta 10 SPACE beater, tank, pipes, com- FoteFistPns '41 PONTIAC, big 6, in good other 5 roomed unfinisbed cot- adnw coelaas 0 pelete.24Used Fo nheyFmonthsntscondition; custom radio, heater, tage. Price and termis arranged. adHigb creaalo40 I Plee. sedonl tw ;ýnth, 1sound body anci perfect tires. 50 acre farm, 45 acres work- igway at the back, good bank e $35 .00. Cheerio Cottage, West * For the Latest Papers Phone MA 3-3649. 2,5.1* able, comrnuting distance Osha- barn, nldn 4 cows, 12 sbeep, nM Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Mc- Beach, Bowmanvilîe. 24-2 *ime cbickens. This is a real invest- Knighit (Sybil Tull), Selby,* For the Best Workmanship wa, 62' x 30' bank barn, imp e nta teprcgako:IE Ontario, will be "At Home" ta USED powçr mawers, reel or 1950 FORD convertible, two- ment shed, hien bouse: 8 roomedmetath rcasd.1E tu ridy anlu ne 9tb. rm on2ta ary, 7Kins, t. nE. owand- S. G. rresion & son tne, ncw top, radio, heater, stone bouse with furnace, heavy Store with living quarters, on' - Satuday Jue 29h. rom2 towar, 7KingSt.E..Bowmn- ignisoverdrive, cash o terms. duty wimed. Price $9,500. Terrns. the main corner in Newcastle, 4 p.m. and during the evcning ville. Phone MA 3-5774. 25-1 Phones Phone Blackstock 68 r 12. 25-1 300 acre daimy famm on High- suitable for any line of business. tram 8 p.rn., on the occasion of1 MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 way No. 2 with the best of build- Asking $15,000. Open for offer. - her Ot wddnganîvmsry IELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt 1949 PLYMOUTH sedan: twa-ins 150 acres womkable, 100 8 room solid brick bouse, ail the______________________________ tf gooaoods e25-i * Iservice ta clectrical appliances, .on, in go condition, . acres pasture, 40 acres woad, conveniences,, on main street af lare ndsral. anerHad-mator. A real buy at the price. creck, ponds, 90' x 46' bank barn Newcastle, suitable for two VVantd toBuy Ph .Lae MA3-574. 4- For Rent Marvin Nesbitt, Nestîcton. Tele- wt te tnhos ae familles, $10.000 with $1,500 W ne oB y FOR the cttage-Used electric APARTMENT, available -iuîy phone Blackstack 44 r IL. 25-1* bowls, large machine shed, etc.; on.Esytrm4n3aane SGIRL'S bicycle, mediumn size. stoves and wasbing machines at lst. Phone MA 3-5784. 25-1* 1946 CHEVROLET sedan, ail 10 roomied trame bouse witb ail 2 new bouses, 2 and 3 bcd- Phone.MvA 3-3512. 231Lne adae igncw rubber, exhaust system ail turnace, 4-piece bath, modem' rooms, in Newcastle, partly fin- ____ 31*LndrHadar,7 igSt. E., THREE unturnished roorns on new. $150 or nearest offer. kitchen, etc. Price $35,000. ished. Will seli as is or tinished GOOD uscd boy's bicycle. Tele- Bowrnanvilîe. Phone MA 3-5774. Ontaria Street. Phone MArkct ChalesCodlinR.R.3, Ge Terms i ta suit the purchaser. Good 1phone MA 3-5275. 23-lt25I -2383. 25-1 Pit Rd., Bowmanville. Phone, 5 roomed ranch style bungalow temin ahpapris DO your own floors-Rent aFU-amdaatctwt MA 3-5133. 25-1 with attached garage, near Osha- Money ta boan ELECTRIC fan, in goad con- sadro lo oihrta bath, heaed Appîa rs. usUSD ar ad ruks9 wa with oul fumnace, hardwood i H. C. PEDWELL 4 dition. Phone MA 3-3231. 25-1 ander Hrda or, 7 inS.E., omann,105KigEd. ApyMs u SDCasadTuk 9 and tile floors, running bot and Newcastlê Phone 3856 rGOi se io.Poe lc- Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 2.*Fard Coach. 1953 Plymouth 4icd ath. Nkichely landsaped.251 stc 4r2 ee edm,3-tf TWO sclf-contained raa C ,oarc,1n0d geSainWg - I bt.Ncl adcpd gmounkd4 flooPter.edAppl o 72 s Duke rconitioned mator, repaint- One acre lot. Price $9,750 with D. W. 4 R.R. i. Nesteton. 25-1 TWO rubbem.tired wagons, one St Phone MA 3-3250. 251* cd, excellent tires; 1954 Cer-$,0 own. *M> rpoultry. goose feathers, feather set of out-throw discs, ane APARTMENT, f o u r rooms, -to pick-up, at Cowan Equi- highra y mwith extra lot. Garage. j Member RehawaanEDstrite sufe.PoeNwate3776. kitchenette and bah.Ask-Co,,34Oinshtawa and Districto loe etae. sk for ive', rscreapt ironyack ancgrge etas Igrt9pc i R9eu~7Xo 3~O e raehueonj10Qaly stockarde adrwfr.PoeRA 3-2043 25-1 Apt. 4, 63 King St. W. 25-1 mnil. Phone MA 3-5689. lifg S5,50-9. Open for offer. - . Osaa olc.4-fISLTOboigmetbod, FOUR-ruoi- bouse, ail conven- bung-alo'.' in Bowmanville with f arin, only 9 miles nortb-east of: ALL kmnds of lv oltywn-wîth rock wool. Workmanshîp iences,gage nd arni '54 STUDEBAKER Commander ail fit rn ace, hardwood and tule Oshawa. Two bouses. creek and cd. Top Toronto prices paid at guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Hampton. Apply -~Rite Smoke V-8, overdrive, radio, $1.195; '54 floors, full basement, electric: pond. Barns need some repairs. 4 vour door for large or smaîî Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke Shop". Phone MA 3-9029. Ford Custom 2-door, automatic, water heater, 4-piece bath, etc. i16200 withrerstok a1'wt quantities. Wc have aur own 2420. 39-tf 25-1* $1,195, guaranteed. For the best Asking $10,000. Terns. 20ar tc am wt buy in a new or uscd car caîl 8 roomed white clapboardlbeautitul stane bouse, ail city market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R, McCORMICK - Deering binder, ROOM. with board if dcsired, Jack Lees, Manvers Road, tele- bouse in cne Newcastle, cnetedl conveniences. Barns 97 x 30 41 1. Phane collect ta Betban.' j6 ft.; Dcering rake. 9 ft., buck- for anc or two Persans; garage. phane Newcastle 3811. Your.for two families with _ bth and 70 x*6 4.e rutsrem 13. 28-tf rake. disc piough fam cîther Fard Write Box 675. c/o The Canadian local Ford, Manamch Sales and roams, Iwo kitchens, full base-i1 just off highway. Hcalth farces Noics or Ferguson. Phone RAndolph Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Service Representative for Sea- ment. Asking $8.400. Terms, sale. $28.000 with terms. N tcs8-8914. 25-2* manville. 24.-2 * way Motars Limited. 428 King 5 roomed stucca home in Bow- 100 acres idcal for ski tow on 4 St. West. Oshawa. Telephone, manville on 1 acre lot with bath- main caunty road. 20 acres of 4 Dr. C. J. Austin annaunces SLEEPING bags, pup tents, lite MODERN. hcated, two bedroomIRA 5-8141. 25-1 room, large kitchen. Chîcken bush with excellent trout stream. 4. Saturday hours, only by appoint- preservers, wading pools, at apartment, rccently decoratcd: hos.Akn>770wt 2.0'$.0 ihtrs ment, until fal. 24-3* McNulty's Sports, Cycle and excellent condition. Available Business Onnortunity down. Two cottages at Bawmanvilleï 4 Toys, 6 King St. E.. Bowman- July lst. Apply Stuart James. _______________ Besides above mentioned we East Beach, bath, wintcrized i Goddard Electric Business will . ville. Phone MA 3-3531. 25-2 MA 3-5681. 25-tfOPRT yoranbses hve prxitl 10me and piced to seli. be clased tram Wednesday, OEAE u w uies- aeapoiaey10mre.j-Ho lun lth a undyJul lth .CM. ICCLE, 38.S p; HRE ufunised roosmake your spare or full time farmns and homes ta choose trom Hoses built ta order on gaodi. inclusive. 25-4 Post Office box keys cut, at rcady July lst. Heat. hydro and profitable by semvicing aur "Gla- Member Oshawa-Whitby Photo- lotswrm$.00unih l504 1McNulty's Sparts, Cycle and bot water supplied at $50 Per Mure" iewellery departments' Co-Op Real Estate Boa rd. Tces wiull e edatiohe Crt- 1ville. PhKnegMAt-35.. 25- Can adian StaWrtesman67, Pc./oxheinfamn 5187 eekl with . ocn 'POO ll2XPark with swimmîng he Anual b ecoationhe Crtviloes,6hong St.3-3E.. 2 2man- month. WrtesBoa6, pc/ oxein frnchi8ze erritomv. YocnvContactand s65 . lth boswth Si wright Union Cemeterv. Cad- 190, Bawmanville. 24-2* three $1 sales per day in eac F ilh olt soes uc ot ~ muSundav, Jun 0h 2 t1:30 DRAPERIES and venetian b'hinds location. C'ompanv exectitivel JohnF De Wequipped, picnic tables, swings, c, j ms.un 3Oh -t;5-1 customn made or draperies sold THREE-roami upstairs apart- will explain fulîl details as ta Realtor and General insurancelIetc., two wells and large creek. by the yard. Our representative ment with heat. hydro and bot capital requircd and information 1 Newcastle P>hone 31 i FulIv turnished house. Priced ' Fish and chip orders ta take will caîl at yaur home any time water supplied. Sink, range and on locations available. For ap- Salesmen: >o uc aewt odtrs out tram Il ta 1 o'clock noon 1 with a complete range of samples cupboards in kitchen. Partially paintment write fully, including Doniald Mounijoy, Bowmanville P. A. FRANK 4 and tram 7 ta 10 o'clock even- j and suggestions without obliga- turnishcd if necessamv. Private age and telephone number t a MA 3-3950 AND WALTER FRANK: ings. Friday and Saturday to tian. Fabric Town, 59 King St. bath, sepamate entrance. On iDistrict Manager, Gla-Mure In - Daniel -Boehm - Port Hope 177 Chunch St. Bowmanvlllej ' Il p.m. Phone MA 3-5579. 1W. Telephone MArket 3-3609, Highway Na. 2. Phone MAmket Idustries Ltd., 69 Gerrard W..I TU 5-5012I Phone MA 3-3986 25-1 Bowmanville. 48-tf 3-2158. 25-1 Toronto. 25-24 25-1. 25-1 0ýp Real Estatef Millbrook LOVELY EIGHT-ROOM BRICK HOUSE with large shaded Iawns, garage, natural fireplace, hot water heatlng, ail conveniences, Phone MA 3-2182 25-1 Leask Real Esiale 4 roorn new cottage on West Beach, sun room, heavy wirin, pressure system, 2-piece bath. tule floors, cornpletely furnished. 5 roorn new bungalow, 4-piece bath, oil furnace, low monthly payments, $9,500.00. Termis. 5 room bungalow, new, in Oshawa, copper brick with twindows; glass hot water heat- er, oil furnace, 3 bedrooms. In new section. $11,900. Terns. List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MArket 3-5919 25-1 Peler Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvills Telephone MA 3-5868 3 rooms and bath on nice lot. Sewer and water. Only $3,900.00. Terrns. 21-room apartment block near Bowrnanville. Solid investment. Necds sorne decorating. 0nl17 $10,000.00. $3.000 down. 5 roorn cottage at Cedar Crest Beach. Partly furnishcd. Onlr $3,500.00. Terms. 4 room bungalow an Duke St AUl canveniences, ail heatinV4 garage. Extra lot. Only $9,500.00. Terms. Many athers ta choase from. Caîl office for particulars. $1,500.00 down. 2 bedraorns. kitchen, living-roomn and bath. Oul furnace. Full price onlyr $7,000.00. Hurry. Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 25-1 HYGENIC supplies - WRubber goods) rnailed postpaid %n qain sealed envelope with pricMWist. Six samples 25c; 24 samfples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nav.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham. ilton. Ont. DeWith & Mounijoy Inisurance Agency Cail us for your General Insurance Needs Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3950 -Repairs___ IADIO and television repairs. ?rompt service. Pick up and llivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King C.Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf ZEPAIRS toall makes of refrig- wators, domestic and com- nercial; milking coolers. Hig- tn Electric Limitcd, 42 King St. LPhone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Watch Repairing AT M a rr's JEWELLERY 3King St. W. MA 3-5463 BOWMANVJLLE 50-tf The Canadian Statesman ' CLASSIFIED : ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE : FOR lIENT - HELP WANTED . CARS FOR SALE 4 LOST -FOUND - ETC Cash Rate . - c wrd . wlth . minimum 6ar Oc Must b. paid by date of inserti on. Q Il charged, an additional 25c 4 will b. added. 4 A charge af 25c will b. made foi de aUl replies directed to titis office. Ce NOTICES - COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THAN5~ 4e a word wjth a mnini jf 1.0 for 25 w ords or I h ' BIRTHS . ENGAGEMENTS MARIAGES P E T< 4 $1.00 per insértp Dislay Clansified at $1.50. pet 4 inch with a minimum a1 on. inceh.4 Additional insertions at the saine 4o rate. Ail Classifiait Ad% must bu te 4.* this office not tater than -4 12 o'cIocc noon, Wednesday. 4 Send cash. stamps or money orde, 4 and cave mnoney. 4 ClIip tha.. out for handy relerence OFFICE HOURS 4 Monday through Friday 4 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 44 Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 12 Noon Dial MArket 3-3303 foi Clasuilied Ad Service Help Wanted Real Estate for Sale 1Real Estate for Sale rww PAGU POVRTM -1