Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1957, p. 12

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Zion Leads Darlington Football, Downs Courtice Zion registered a 1-0 victory against Courtice at Zion Sat- urday to remain undefeated league leaders in Darlingtan Football's Senior division. .Sauina scored a 2-1 win over Hampton ta retain their bold on second place. In other sen- ior action last week Map!e Grave downed Courtice 2-1 in a Wednesday night game. Junior Games Maple Grave shutout Hamp- ton 2-0 ta mave into a tie for second place in Junior football action Tbursday of last week. Courtice outscared Enniskillen 4-0 at hame and Sauina won a 3-1 decision fram Tyrone at Tyrone. Two games are scheddled for Saturd3Y in the Senior league. Enniskillen visits Tyrone and Hampton are at Courtice. O Wednesday evening Map1e Grave visits llnniskillen and Zion are at Solina. In Junior action Thursday (to--nigiht) Tyrone visits Zion, Enniskillen are at Maple Grave and Hampton at Solina. Senior League Standings Zion --- Solina ----- Maple Grave Courtice Tyrone ---- Enniskillen Hampton------- T Pts. 0 81 26I 1 5 2 2 0 2 1 i 0 o1 Junior Lesgue Standings W L T Pis. Mon __ 3 O 0 6 Maple Grave - 2 O 1 5 Salina -- - 2 O 1 5 HamponO20 O0 4 Courtice____ 2 2 0 4 Tyrone O 3 0 O Enniskillen -0O4 O 0 COURTICE Congratulations ta Mr. arnd Mrs. Reginald Wilkins who were married in Courtice United Churcb on Frlday ev- ening. The bride was the farmer Doratby Burtcb, daugh- ter af Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burtch. Get well wisbes go ta Mr. Eddie Warburton wbo is iil at bis home witb pneumania. Sunday School attendance was 105 an Sunday in spite of summer activities. The Sunday School miem- bers are reminded af the an- nual picnic at Cedar Park this caming Saturday afternoon. A bus leaves the school grounds at 1:30 for ail wbo have rno transportation. Parents are in- vited ta corne with their fam- ily. Several fram bere attended Sunday Schaol Anniversary services aI Maple Grave and cnjoyed Dr. Wesley Hunnisett's message, whose name and mes- sage is sa closely connected witb the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. The cangregations af Cour- tice, Maple Grave and Eben- ezer United Churches arte urged ta attend the service on Tbursday evening at 8 o'clock at Ebenezer United Cburcb. The Pastoral Relations Com- niittee of Courtice Circuit have arranged this service tbat the cangregatians may hear Rev. H. L. Yarr, B.A., B.D. of Fraser- ville, wha will preach far a call. Couartice Woman's Associa- tion will meet on Tburda evening, June 27th, at h j 000 , 1953 Chevrolet hz-ton Panel Two from which to choose 1951 Chevrolet %-ton Pick-up 1950 G.N.C. 1ý-ton Panel Two froin whicb to choose 1952 Chevrolet $765 $525 %-2tonl Panel 1951 Ford 'a2ton Pick-up $595 $525 1950 G.N.C. $350 ¾i-ton Stake Completely reconditionied $595 . . . $295 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLZ. ONTARIO THURSDAY, 3UNE 2Oth, 195v I Mn Special.00 TRUCK SALE!8 cburch in charge of the Citizen sbip group, Mrs. Bert Wilkirý convenor. Mrs. Bert Wilkins entertair ed tbe Citizenship group at he home on Tuesday afternoont make plans for their meeting! Sympathy is extended ta th family of the late Mrs. Grahar 1who passed away at the hon of ber daughter, Mrs. Taîbei iGearing. We are pleased to hear tha Mr. Bruce Johnson is boni progressing favourably aftcr a operation in Sunnybroak Hos pital, Toronto. Mrs. Edward Blakeley, Har mony, spent Wednesday Wl,' ber mother, Mrs. Herbert Hut ton, on the occasion of Mr, Hutton's birthday. In the ai ternoon several neighbors cali ed to say "Happy Birthday and ta enjoy a friendly cupo tea. Mrs. Clarence Penfound wa a guest of tbe Pals - C.G.I.rf group of Simcoe St. Unitec Cburch on Tucsday evening an( assisted in the affiliation cer' mony witb the Woman's Miss ionary Society. On Wednesday afternoon ti family party af the Affiliatcý Woman's Association of Zioi United Churcb vas held. Mrs Clarence Penfound was invite( to assist in the affiliation cere mony of the Zion C.G.I.' group. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sbipmai and Mr. and Mrs. Clarencg Penfound were Sunday suppe: guests on Fatber's Day at Mr and Mrs. Sîma Penfound's an( family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evar! and family af Bowmanviill were Sunday dinner visitorsa the Clarence Penfound's. Next Sunday night at churef the Sacrament of the Lord' Supper will be obscrved witi the Rev. L. M. Somerville cor. ducting the service. Churel services have been withdrawr for the past two Sundays owin, ta Sunday School Anniversar. les at Ebenezer and Mapic Grove. Enniskillen WMS fntertain Baby Band Ennlsklllen: Tuesday, JUPE llth, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton wa5 genial hostess to the W.M.S with Baby Band members and mothers as guests. Mrs. L, Wearn opened the meeting wit] a poem. Mrs. R. Sharp and Mrs. L. Ashton, Baby Band leaders, ar« ranged the following progran-. Heather Grîffin gave a recitia- tian and Cheryl, Beth and Glen Asbton favored with a voçar tria. Everyone enjoyed thE Biblical story of the boy Sam. uel told by Rev. R. B. Green Mrs. H. McGill gave a suitabiE devotional for children. There. are five children grad- uates from Baby Band thi'; year, Cheryl Ashton, Gai Stainton, Heather Griffin, John and Ralph McLaughlin. Mrs. M. Stainton read a ietI ter from Mrs. Mary E. Armi- stead, Bowmanville, Presbyter- il Secretary of Christian Ste- wardship. Everyone enjoyeda treat of sandwiches, ice crean- and cookies. Mrs. Ivan Sharp took snapshots of the cbjîdren and mothers. It was interest- ing to see a snap of the B. B. members and moîbers taken at Mrs. L. Ashton's fifteen year, ago. To Lectu re n.. ni, ta gs. in rt )s- Lr- Ill it- r.. of. .- e- ;s- r.e n -r Ir. ci ENNISKILLEN mNNE Y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ealph S. Jones Barrister and Solleltor 65 Simeos St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siernon, IMr. Milton Siemon, Haydoûi, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brown- ridge, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Miss Ruby Vîrtue, Toronto, Gail, Darlene and Cindy Mas- ters, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms at- tended Decoration Day at Pine Grove, Prince Albert. Rev. and Mrs. Leon Efford, Churchill, Manitoba, with MUr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grif- fin and family, 'ýWith Wilfred Banks, Weston and Jim Ben- netts, Toronto. C.G.I.T. Meeting The regular C.G.I.T. meeting was held in the church base- ment on June 17 wîth Ruth Lanmb and Reva McGill in charge. Cali to worship was given by Reva McGill. Scrip- ture was read by Ruth Lamb. Story was given by Reva Mc- Gi and the worship closed with a prayer by Gloria Wright. Crafts were conducted. Thex next meeting is to te held on June 24 with Carol Wright and Lorna Wearn in charge. The roll caîl is to be answered with a piece of material for the but- terfly quilt. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ash ton adLois attended the 7lst graduation exercises for King- P e n*aio ston General Hospital wbenPr s ta io Mrs. Ashton's niece, Helen Dal- M ton was one of the fifty-nine M d e h n graduating nurses.d Be a y both visited our comniunityVVML again and another young gai- lant bas made a major decision. Bethany: Bethany United Since "AIl the world loves a Church Women's Missionary Jover"' our community has Society met at the home of Mrs. shown that esteem by bonour- George Waddell Tuesday even- ing Mr. Stewart Lamb and his ing, Mrs. Otto Spencer presid- bride on Wednesday evening ing. Mrs. Spencer offered a witb a party at the Communi-1 prayer of invocation. Mrs. Hen- ity Hall. Miss Elenor Heard rv Jakeman read the Scripture and Mr. Clarke Werry pinned jlesson, with Mrs. Clarence a corsage and boutonniere o*n the guesîs of honor. With Rev. r R. B. Green as M.C. a commit- M. M. J. Hobbs, a former tee had arranged the follow- teacher of Stewart's. ing program: Piano solos bv Miss Mary Griffin, Messrs. Misses Elenor Heard and Loi Carnce Stainton and Grant Ashton and Master Bruce Bow- erry presented Mr. and Mrs. man; réadings by Mesdames S. Lamb (nee Doreen Holroyd> F. W. Werry, H. E. Ashton, R.; witb îwo lovely turquoise table Virtue and E. Wright, vocal î lamps, step table and crystal duet by Misses Judy and Dap- sandwich plate. Mr. Joe McGfil hne Green. The quartette con- presented a mirror on behaîf cf sisting of Messrs. J. Slemon, the football team. Stewart and E. Wright, R. Ashton and 0.! Doreen expressed their aplpre- C. Ashton and accompanist ciation to the community. Mrs. E. Wright, gave tw'a bu- Lunch was- served whicb in- morous selections and escorted cluded a treat of ice cream and Stewart and Dorcen ta the wedding cake provîded by the platform wherc a beautiful'y happycopeadtirfm worded address was given iby1 ilies. copeadtira- Rowan giving the meditation thoughts. Mrs. T. Jackson led in prayer. Mrs. G. M. Lon.- field reported on the quantity of useful articles sent in a m;s- sion cale recently. A supply of used literature wifl be. for:- warded ta Miss Constte W'a- ger, missionary at Trinidad. A new member, Mrs. Stua-t Speller was welcomed.1Ms Speller bas moved here' ly from Guysborough, Flowers were sent to MiYssLil3ý Weatherilt, who is in -Civie' Hospital, Peterborough and a card was signed by ail the members. Mrs. G. M. Longfield, wha wiUl be leaving at the end of the montb for Flint, Mich., was presented with two pieces of Cornflower crystal by Mrs. Mervyn Porteous, with Mrs. Waddell reading an address which expressed the apprecia. tion of the members for ber ac- tive help in the past years and wishing success and bappines,« in her new home. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel sbowed interesting and informative pic. tures on the mission work in Tbailand, as told by the Rev. Carl Caper, who is a Baptist missionary to that country. The hostess served refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. IGlen Rae CustomersI Now Assu red of the Best Glen Rae Dairy is now hauling its raw milk supply thei tarnk truck. 0 9 0 modem way in a stainless steel Is Mr. Jas. A. Werry attended 1 edron Anniversary Sunday atand visited with Mrs. Fletcher Werry and Wilma. h' Mrs. Earl Trewin, Mrs. Fred th Toms, Mrs. Lloyd Siemon at- tended a meeting of Shirley SWomen's Institute at Mrs. In Russell Coates', Shirley, on gWednesday. - Frank Dorland with bis bro- e ther, Dr. and Mrs. Clark Dor- land, La Peer, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and children with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Miss Lorna Wearn with Miss lEaria McKenzie, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox and Ifa mily were with Mr. and Mrâ. le Charley Gibson, Vivian, Ont. is Mr. and Mrs. ArchieVru .1and John, Tyrone, were recent ýdvisitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ralpli Virtue. ýh Mr. and Mrs. Reg W eaving and Ricky, Thornhill, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. r- Mrs. Tommy Stevenson and Herb Rogers, Bowmanville, ýn were callers at the W. H. ai ,Moore's. ie The executive of the Trewin 1picnic met at the home of Mr. i. and Mrs. Earl Trewin Satur- le day evening. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, 1-Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred j. Trewin, Blackstcok, Mr. and n don. Picnic is to be held on July l4th at Cream of Barley -Camp, Bowmanvîlle. -Miss Judy Duffin, Mr. Bill r-Kay, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. > Ivan Sharps. a Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ý' Hetz and family, Fairview, P Penn., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wi1- *~son, Miss Unice Wilson, Nestle- -ton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Port Credit, Mr. Allan tRay, Bowmanville, Mr. and 's Mrs. Ralph Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, with Mr. and -Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, at- tended the Lamb-Holroyd wed- ~ding on Saturday at the Unit- edChurch, Hampton. Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Miss Joan Hobbs, Oshawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. D. Moore, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. P. El- lis. Mrs. Pat Tresise and girls, Oshawa, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, who al on Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Bowman- ville. sons of Mrs. Nellie McNichol Sanders, Winnipeg, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. . M. Siemon and cousins Kathryn and Robt. Siemon while their mother at- tended the conference of Inter- national affairs at Ottawa. Mrs. Sanders also plans on attend- ing the Children's Courts at Ottawa, Toronto and Hamilton jwhile on her visit in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs an d Miss Joan Hobbs, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rod- man, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lang- maid, Sally and Tommy, Su- lina, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lunn, Teddy and Karn, Peter- borough; Mrs. Lloyd Preston, Bowmanville' Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and Dale, witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill which was the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid's 35tn wedding anniversary. Messrs. Roy and Harold Spry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester, N. Y., with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. jMr. and Mrs. EdwinSadr cock and family, Orono, Mr. Ken Herrington, Oshawa, Mr. Oswald Sandercock, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry visited Mr. Willis Woods, in th-,I IToronto General Hospit ai. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp1 wihMrs. A. Beech, Mapin. Glen 98 King St. W. RE Bowma nvi île Bulk haulage of raw milk ensures a better battie of milk on yaur doorstep, by enabling the praducer ta deliver better raw milk ta the dairy. Each praducer naw coals his milk immediately ta belaw 40' F in a sanitary, stainless steel f arm bulk tank. Whereas bef are it used ta take at least an hour ta cool the milk belaw 50* F by the can methad, and then there was alwavs the danger of contamination f ram the tin cans. There is now no temperature increase of the milk during haulage in the insulated tank truck. There is naw no freezing af raw milk in cans during the cold winter months. This feature alane gives added contrai over the quality of milk being received. Bulk haulage is a more efficient, sanitary way ta handie raw milk. The milk is pumped out of the producer's tank into the tank truck and off again into a ref rigerated holding tank in the dairy. Milk naw being bottled at Glen Rae Dairy touches nathing but stainless steel, from the time it leaves the can until it is bottled in glass. OPEN HOUSE Brinq your f amily to the f arm FRIDAY, JUNE ISth Yau are invited ta an open house at Glen Rae Farm, 1/2 mile west of Bawmanville on No. 2 Highway. The f arm will be'open ta the public, Friday, June 28, af ternoon and evening - milking, 4 ta 6 o'clack. See the madern bulk handling af raw milk and glass pipeline in operation. Chacolate milk will be supplied ta children accampanied by their parents. FARM GASOLINE ""ESSO and ESSO EXTRA"v *Correct Volatility *Correct Octane Rating SFree frein Corrosion and Abrasive& Materials *Resists Guin Formation For Prompt Delivery and Service PHONE MA 3-5516 A. H. Sturrockç and Sons Sturrock Street Bowmanville W000 Now is the turne to buy a good used truck at these rock bottom prices. 'ome in and look around. 1947 Studebaker '/z-on Pick-up LATE MODE USED CARS If you are interested in a good used car - now is the time to buy. Drop in at our Used Car Lot and see the wide selection we are now offering at SPECIAL LGW PECES Robson Motors Lumted BUICK - PONTIAC - G.MC TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bow«manville MA 3-3321 THE CANADL4» STA"SUAN. BOIMANVII.M. ONTARIO n-UJRSIDA'r. JUNE 20th, 1951 J. Hamilton Lewis Haw ta gain freeclom fram. fear will be the tapic af a fre public lecture an Christian Science ta be given in Oshawa on Monday, June 24th, 1957 by J. Hamilton Lewis of Concord, N.H. Mr. Lewis will speak in IMcLaugblin Library Theatre, corner of Bagot and Centre Sts. aI 8:15 p.m. under the auspices of First Cburcb of Christ, Scient- ist, Oshawa. His subject will be "Christian Science Brings Free- dom from Fear". 1400-

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