Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1957, p. 1

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zbg "Durham County's Great Family Journal" Newly Elected M. P. Given Big Ovation THURSDAy, JUNE l3th, 1957 lOc PER COPY NUMBER 24 Dr. R. P. "Perey" Vivian along with his wife were tendered a rousing reception in the Progressive Con- servative committee room at the Balmoral Hotel, Monday evening immediately following Dr. Vivian's victory in the Ho Id Election Parade On Monda y Following Dr. Vivian s Victory Jubilant Tory supporters rnarched along Bowmanville's front street Monday evening following the election of Dr. Percy Vivian, Port Hope, as Member of Parliament for Dur- ham County. he .h Bowmanville Legion ~'pe Band provided the music ~rthe festivities and tne Posand bollers poured freely fromn the large throngs of peo- È e. After the celebration in owmanville many of the more Z..ardent ' oters and the Legion banýd hoded special charter- ed buses and headed for ,le :,nservative headquar- ters i1 Fort Hope. Shortly before 10 p.m. when the final results of the Durham vote were known, Dr. Vivian, accompanied by his charming wife, madIe a triumpbant en- france into the P.C. committee room in the Balmoral Hotel. Following endless rounds of handshaking, backslapping and well-wishing, Dr. Vivian step- ped eut onto the veranda and humbly thanked the electorate for the confidence they have Speaking in Port Hope Dr. Vivian predicted another elec- tion and in the not too distant future. "We will do the things we said we would do and as quickly as the opposition wil let us do themn before we ask for another election." John James personally con- gratulated Dr. Vivian in the Balmoral Hotel and later in public wished Durham well with Dr. Vivian as the county's new representative. In the Lihpral cnamnpiç1 four-way race for the coveted Durham seat at Ottawa. Here are some of Dr. Vivian's supporters with many more spectators crowded outside the hotel to catch a glimpse of the new Member of Parliament. -Photo by Rehder Bro. Wm. Yeo Honored by Odd Fellow s At the regular meeting of Florence Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F., No. 66, one of its old- est and highly esteemed mem- bers, Bro. Wm. Yeo, P.N.G., was honoured with a surprise presentation by his felloxv members. Only a week pre- vious Mr. Yeo had been pre- sented with a beautiful watch by Mr. C. E. Rehder, president of the Bowmanville Foundry Co., In recognition of his 50 years' loyal and faithful service with their company. headquarters Mr. James urged TeOdFlov loto his supporters not to be dowri- occasion to show their high re- hearted. "We are in very good gard for Mr. Yeo wbo bas been coInpany. You have done splen- a member of the lodge for 52 didly to hold the Progressive years. Af ter the regular meet- Conservative majority in view ing in wbich the initiatory de- of what has happened else- gree was exemplified Bro. Gor- wbere," he added. "lWe must don McMurter, P.N.G., took start right in to work in pre- over to explain the special oc- paration for the next Federal casion and called on Bro. Ray- election." mond Hutchinson to read a Line Up Early complimentary address to Bro. Lon ros o spctaorsb' Yeo. This was followed by' a Longrow ofspetatrs ad presen tation by Bro. Wm. Cor- begun to line up in front of t he den, of a gift pipe and pouch two cornmittee rooms by 7:30 filled with tobacco which was to hear the tabulated resultssial knwegdb Mr as they were relayed over thesuit.Aslyacknowedgmed by Mof uubhe 2eo.rAs a qu.ttem.m.mento.of Kinsm en Plan Giant Street Bingo Friday Bownianville, Kinsmen are holding their annual mammoth Street Bingo Friday (tomorrow) at 8 pan. on Temperance street at the new post office. A series of speclal games offering valuable prizes will be a. feature of the huge event. Many of the prizes inay be eien in the window of John Stutt's shoe store. There will be ample seating space for everyone. Brown Bros. Pass Exams At Guelph J. E. Brown and M. D. Brown, both of Newcastle suc- cessfully passed their examin- ations at the Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, it was annouaced by the sehool this week. M. D. Brown will receive his second year degree, while hiS brother, J. E. Brown, receives his third year degree. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown. Bowmanville Now Boasts 0f a Revolver Club New Members Welcomed In an interesting and infor- tional revolver association is a mative address to some 15 big advantage to new clubs, members of the newly' forme' Mr. Morris told the group. He Bowmanville Revolver Club, discussed the opportunities of- held at Balmoral Hotel, Ken fered by these associations and Morris, secretary - manager of the organized shoots they hold. the Bowmanville Chamber of Firearm safety was also stress- Commerce, outlined the opera-. ed ,by the speaker. tion of revolver clubs on a lo- A general discussion pertain- cal and national scale. ing to safety rules, duties of Mr. Morris, who holds the the range officer and other titile of "Mr. Shooting" confer- topics of primary importance red on him by the Canadian was.held by the members. A Civilian Association of Marks- nominal membership fee was men, has aided in formingi set by the group and this along many local and national Re- with applications for member- volver Associations. He bas ship wilI be accepted at t42 served- shooting - organlzationý ) next flMeeting. at every level and held several Newv Members executive offices in, clubs across Persons wishing one of these Canada, applications for membership Being affiliated with a na- i <Continued on vage seven) Plan Large Parade For Decoration Day Service at Cemetery Follow National Trend Heavy Votîng Here Gives VivianMajorîty of 533- Kinsmen to Run Bicycle Rodeo on Wed. Bicycle safety will be the primary feature of the Kins- mnen's annual Elmer Bicycle Rodeo being held at Central Public School, Wednesday, June 19, at 6.30 p.m. Girls and boys between the ages of eight and 16 are eligîble to comrpete in the rodeo. Such skillful events as rail ride, pa- per throw, slalom and racingý will be held. L Application forms to enter the rodeo are available at Hooper's Jewellery. These must be completed and returned ta the store before noon Satur- day. Several prizes will be award- ed for the winners of the var- ious events. Parents are re- minded that they may ler.d their support by attending thie rodeo. Plan Form ing Cancer Unit in Bowmanville A meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mc- Murter, 129 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, on June il for the purpose of forming a branch of the Canadian Cancer Society in Bowmanville, this branch to be affiliated with the Ontario County unit of 84. Athol St., Oshawa. The committee planned a proposed meeting for Monday, June 24, open to the general public, for the purpose of elect- ing a siate of officers for this brantii.- Full partîculars will appear in next week's States- man. Graduates ]Dr. R. P. Vivian The pronounced electorate swing to the Progressive Conservative Party in Monday's Federal election was also evident in Durham riding as Dr. Percy Vivian unseated Liberal candidate John M. James who was seeking bis third term of office. Unofficial returns give Dr. Vivian 7,388 votes, Mr. James 6,855, Ernest Dent, C.C.F., 1,930 votes, and Kenneth Toms, Social Credit, 401 votes. Close to 80- per cent vote was -recorded. As the early returns poured into the Liberal head. quarters in the Bowmanville Badminton Hall Mr. James took a favourable lead which ran as high as 456 votes due to bis topping the poils in Bowmanville, Darlîngton, Clarke and Newcastle. However a heavy P.C. vote from Cart- wright, Manvers, and C-avan aiong with a Conservative majority in Port Hope, Hope and Miilbrook gave Dr. Vivian a final majority of 533. Mr. James was re-eiected in 1953 with a majority of 180. In the two previous Federal elections Mr. James had secured exceptionally high majorities in Bowmanville and Darlington but Monday's returns gave Dr. Vivian strong p]aced cin hlm. n- Ims the occasion a fancy gift card A joint community effort proximately 2:20 p.m. Theoupr n ns w A secalfetue f heCe accompantied the gif t signed by headed by the Town Council Legion Pipe Band will learI the Ernest Dent mE The new M.P. was particu- servative roomn was a television ail the members prescrit, beaci- points towards an outsaanding parade to the Cemetery wiýh ]arly pleased that the contest set whicb permitted a close foi- ed bv the name of George For- success of the annual obser- h oo ate fteMsos Y90vtsfrteC w.as xithout personalities and iow up of the national vote. yNbeGad FrH' ac fDcrto a t the cO Flowaris, orange MLodgc, l 0 oe o h 1 sey Nobe Grnd. For H's avanc of ecoraion ay a theOdd Fllow, butgebis- 1930i 1 votests fe that lie and bis oppontent, Joha Althougb lacking exuberance1 Jolly Good Fellow" was lustily omnile Cc'r Sn o cot n ir udswlnning candidate v James, both feit the needs of for celebrating the Liberals dia sung by the bappy gathering to day, June 16. foiiowing. Durha. ______deposit. The Social Dra.offer coffee and ci.oughnuts. fuirtht'r impress upon their yot.- As in past years the service Next.will be members of the lti feto h cran brother of his genuine viii be under the sponsorship Town Council, Bowmanville lieeff ec401 othe. popularity amon îg thc frater- of the Town Council, Bowman- Legion Brancb, Legion Auxil- rciig41vts t~I w ~B> - L v' nity of Odd Feliows. ville Ministerial Association and iary, fraternal and serviceFoown ar N ew P ed ars' B y - Law rancli 7,8 ofthe Canadian clubs and ether organizatioris, olwn ar Legion. It is boped that other members of the Bowmanville uipates I s local fratornal organizations Senate Club have been invited meuncilies. Itis A waits Final Approval ITrack Club will participate in a body in to fo]low directly bebind thertuswilb bothî the parade and service, parade in cars. The organizationý1 meeting Residents wishing transpor- Thene pela ad awiting w ranpdng a gJu eCon-F-lads Dance for this civic event look place tation to the service atth T ers lw wpedlars ad anc wk- haers atpediar va gCor final approval by the Dept c il meeting with the propose 1 i last Thursday with Counicillors Cbmetery are invited to take of uniipl Afars s cea liene fe st t $00 rra a I iant Keith Lathangue, Wes Fice, Jirn the special cbartered bus wbieh Miss Ruth Herbert ing much interest in Bowman. nlue ifheb-iwaý Presson and Rev. T. A. Morgan, wiil leave from Garton's Ter- daugbter of Rev. A. C. Herbert' Poil No. IA -------- ville. "ev e pisntheb goos fre Tolppomt tak n Firth, Jack Knight and Ed minai at 2:15 p.m. Additionai and Mrs. Herbert, Bowmanville, Poli No. lB - Thisle-.awfor herliensig. I lace o to apariu. Iiel atirtis nowmtrckand Rundie hein,, prcsent. buses are also being chartered was among the 44 nurses woPl o Thsb-awfrteliesn, lc oplace orto a utc-fedatiiisi omnil. Principal speaker for the to return the marchers loto received diplomas at graduation regulating and governing cf lar place with goods, wý,aros, ur the Lccionnaire Track anid service wil hc Rev. A. C. Her- town after the service. exercises of the Wellesley Scbool Poil No. A------------ - mierchandise for sale xithin theý Field Club are holding a pub'i- bort and music xiii bo pro- The afternoon service con- of Nursing, Toronto General Poli No. 3B- town of Bowmniivillc, or who cdanu(e ai -,11, Lionýs t CenteFl idd by thc Lo-ion Pipe Band ducted by the Ministerial As- Hospital, on May 30. Miss Her- Poli No. 4A - carries and exposess amilic-ý, 1caeri L/ e'1 r e patera or p~*niç~of gocis. cang.and the Salvation Army Band. sociation will take place in bert was also the winner of thePoiN. B- were ateror orspcanisooo ic rnicd la'Noeme The parade xiii form up ini front of the Cross where chairs pPiiecorzoi bserc l NoI4 f0 be clerieread i th ui- to clb anie b, notiîiing t front of the Town Hall at 2 p.m. will bc set up and a leurI nursing. -Photo by Randolph' Poil No. 5 pality aftvereadsi."e I aitrmnh vpatcn . nd is scheduied to start at ap- speaker installed. Macdonald, Toronto. Poil No. 6 - OeLcneFethe D.H.S. *-ni Thev hoid z n Poil No. 7 - On Lcns Feinter-club meet with Oshawva N w T w c ~ kl Poil No. 8 ------- j The liconse fce is the sarrie recentîv, and plan to enter dis- New TownshoiipNo.l9A Sfor ail whother the wkr r tiot ixoetsNo. tAo------futur- peiar uses a niotor vehicie. Poil No. 9B--------- .4rse lranveinucle, PuISIICn oda xi ini \ --I e A I IPoil No. 10---------- or other vehicle on wi-eols or danctoe adeîone o attend ~55Il1f1l1111 I1( Poil No. il1 runners which is dia Porpoote aceeadenjoy a ud theE ~~E VDNPoilNo. 12 ----- *pelled bY muscle powver. A per- time. Poed xi i h snofoot xith or xithout a ]i n purhasing equipmen' bsepakor valise is il,- -At oEUofl Th lcesewil creeedýA tinAgainst uog Owners 1~ ' ann ll ad s aidunilDeusici cember 31 of each year. Appli- As a fair moasure to ail do- should be an asset to the town-i Wrecking Yards cation for a license must b-, ow iers Darlington Councl cde- ship and be built w îth the vîew DanoTx shpgvnoPiN.I made thrugh thetowd tra.ý' Ex m iner icided at their regulai: monthi,' in mind of serving future gen- approv'al f0 the establishing of Poili No. 2------- tirer on a formi of application i session Thursday io take legal erations. a sdat at uiesb approved by Town Council. I- action against toxvnship dog -itn tetigt ak isno the old Veen-PoiN.3------- onrxhohvnot ytpa:d BuI Poil No. 3---------ison o Excludcd Frnm By-law owes ,hohvti off property in the south of the Poili No. 4- th o a.As a result of the petition fortwnhpIsedCociak-PlN. ae cluded from llditho y t,) Ciei:k Walter Rundie report- Strect ligbts from Burketon ie- erI Mr. Sissons to explain his Pi o arthoe vhh oadrclv iIside nts, representatives frein P i o --- e t approximatoîx- 90 pl ans te tho noighbours ofLn (Continued on roaze sex'n) cntofte ogtxe1 Poile te narNo.al 7r wreo _________________ entof he og axe hae ben he ntajo ura Hyro eredistrict and find out their r.e- paid and feît that it xvas tinie called to the meeting Thursdav ato.Pl o thataction -as tkni h and asked te outiine the proce- Mc'isn one u ePoil No. 9 BEr. W.. Jackson Peacck, MA. fia rvestersremna;,îing amnotînt is f0 be col- dure for installing thfe lights. Cuclta ewsntsat olN.1 lecteci. I Rex Walters and NFi Brit- ing ca yr u as ony who heads the Department fP a New~ Township Hall ton of the Hydre informed intorested in the useable p a rts Ri r ý%d Geograpby in Ati- ly r Construction of th w Council, that it is necessary for of a smashedi ca'. These parL1'ftls - kg) n School. hbas passed township hall xas discussed at the township te make tie orlg- hr Iid would he soîrI both vlfho'ors hîs examinations at jr i 1 thoe !fleetiflg and contractermacpilexndtr hc woeaoadrti. ner t -i ig i Charles Warrecn gave estimates wouid ameunt to ebtxveen $1200 Tebr nbspoet ccsl ion, gaining bis Bachelor of ~of the costs of the inaterials andan $15foto re igs would huld approximately 9( Education degree. Boweatng cuipent.10 urkeon epeningon 1 eper cent of his saleabie parts anACrwgh He was born at Elizabetbville. Bwaiit avses\ To date the Iotuxvnsip lias aa type of light. t:rulin~wujh îe ono r n Ms enn wiIl play a postponed gamne Mi! ilinwiýr e se Jrvr --------- ioacofMr.anî eed is eron it rno Opa toption ,on apiece of land ini jThe Hydre xxii] 0 -1ccn e i an cific2 c;n" xorks.hop Ti1nc Pecc n eeie i al Hampton that couid be used as an area in Burkeon and the skel-iietof~o thu ecme car., Cavan-- ,ducation in the local rural Viiîceny t as se y Par a site for the hall and a pre- freehoiders in this area wii] be wouid be stored in a bc il ilg choo eatnd teUniortv he gaopee iialyMr. AdcImo Melecci iiminary sketch bas bendrwncalled te a speciai meeting and raid for scrap at least twice 1Hope ïih coo ndte niesiy Th am riialyup bt.t ne doefinite eiso where the costs and orices xviii a x'ar. Care--- )fToronto1 where lie obtainedl scheduled for M1onday xtiii conduct current examina- have been made, be expiained. The lightA xviii Mr Sissons hop)cs to re,:to-ei lis Master of Arts degreenin jevnig but cancelled be- tions for nhe Rex .l Conservatory Counceillors are cnideadvourin.-9111Y .o ne ntalled, if 'the maja)r- the property te ils former at- ilro 1950. Congratulations are ex- cause of the federal eler- of Music of Toronto in Bownian- ite, keep costs te a minimum ity of the freehoiders are prc- tractiveness and make it an1 ended ta him. tion, uîlI begin at 6.36 P.m. v il on June l1st and 22nd, 1957. but ail agrccd that the buildinîg pared ta assumc the cests. 1 asset. Io the community. ' Port Hope........ I 3 t t s J e a I o 31 'I romunicipalities. ide a significant gain of approximate. C.F. as compared with the '53 election ill short of one-haif the votes of the vhich forces Mr. Dent to forfeit his Credit's first attempt in Durham had )utcome with Socred Kenneth Toms the unofficial returns for ail] tcn expected that the complete officiai able by next week. Bowmanville Dent James Tomns 21, 102 5 12 801 .30 1022 il 85 25 79 3 6 92 4 8 72 4 11 825 24 149 2 38 120 4 20 1281 24 95 24 1223 :32 108 4 40 90 2 3 82 2 332 1583 4f, Vivian 75 72 100 65 59 69 64 59 102. 109 90 112' 88' 84. 90 81 1319 Darlington 719 1299 17 9:3 9 7 1 4 93 26 279 7'- 176 91 239 40 333 82 544 93 740 14 117 346 1577 7:3 61 I113 7d' 107 40 119 132 1002 26 420 521 879 566 726 267 1677 ONTARIO,, 10e PER COPY eana- iail 1 BOWMANVILLE, NUMBER 24 ac

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