Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1957, p. 16

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?AG~ m TEENTCANADIAN STATESMAN. 1BOWMANVMLLL ONTARIO TIHUSDAY, APRIL lBth, 195? PARKER-Mr. and Mrs. John E. Parker (nee Coyle> wish to tbank God and Dr. V. H. Storey for the safe arrivai of their daughter Leeanne Margaret, born April 9tb at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. 16-1 THOMPSON-Art and Doreen Thompson* (nee Hardy> are happy to announce the birtb of their son, Donald Gordon, April 9th, 1957. A brother for Dar- lene. 16-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClure, Bowmanville, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Elva Jane Ellen, to Douglas Fraser Thompson, son of Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Tbomp- son, Iroquois. The wedding to take place May l8th at 2:30 o'clock in Tyrone United Church. 16-1* Marriages Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kelly- thorne, Halifax, N.S., announce the marriage of their daughter Violet Ann Fosten to ABAM Douglas Frederick Hughes, RCN, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes, Bowmanville. The marriage took place in the United Church, Halifax, N.S., on Saturday, April l3th. 16-1 Deaths BOAR-On Apnil 4th in Raya' Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, Dr Eric Wellesley Boak, aged 66 Immediate Past President of thE British Columbia Medical As- sociation, a fellow of the Inter- national College of Surgeons and a member of the Amenicar College of Surgeons, also a mnem- ber of the Puget Sound Surgical ' Society: born in Halifax, N.S Dr. Boak was a member of St. Andrew's Lodge No. 49, A.F. & A.M.; A. & A. Scottisb Rite, 330ý the Royal Orden of Scotland anc Red Cross of Constantine; also a niemben of the Trustee Board ai St. An dr e w's Preshyteniar Church. He leaves bis wife Dorothy, formerly Dorothy Ed. salI, Bowmanville; sister of Mrs, V. R. Oliver and Miss Anna Edsall, and sons Eric in Victoria and John E. in Vancouver, tbree grandcbildren. Service was held from St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church on Saturday, Apnil 6th, 1957. 16-1* BROWN. John-At the residence of bis daugbter, Mrs. Wm. De- Mille, 19 Hall Street, Oshawa, on Tuesday, April l6th, John Brown, beloved busband of the late Mary Jane Bigelow, in bis 86th year. Friends wiii be ne- ceived at the Northcutt & Smith Funenai Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville, untîl Thursday faon, Apnil 18. Service in the Lang Memonial Chapel, Orono, Thursday, April 18 at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 16-1 DUDLEY-Suddenly at Queen Mary Veterans' Hospital, Mont- reai, on Tuesday, April l6th, 1957, David Lynn Dudley, dear brother of Dunreath (Mrs. George Walton). Newcastle. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowrnanvîlle, from Fnl- dlay noon. Private service in &he Chapel on Saturday at, 2 p.m. Interrnent Bowmanville Cerne- tery. Flowers gratefully de- clined. 16-1 LANGMAID-Entered inta rest ât the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, April 17, 1957, Arthur D. Langrnaid, beloved husband of the late Helena Hannah Hall and father of Mrs. Gnrdon Brown (Evelyn); son of Mrs. W. J. Langrnaid, and brother of Mrs. Everett Mount- jay (Gertrude), Florence, Vida and Sybil, in bis 72nd yean. Resting at the Arrnstrong Fun- eral Home, Oshawa, witb mem- oial service in the Chapel, Fni- day, Apnil l9th at 2 p.rn. Inter- mnent Mount Lawn Cemeteny, 0shawa. 16-1 McLEIGH-Suddenly un Clarke on Friday, Apnil l2th, 1957, Patrlck McLeigh, R.R. 3, Bow- inanvihie, aged 54 years. Mn. McLeigh rested at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowrnanville, until Sunday noan. Service was hcld at the Cook Funerai Home, Toronto on Tuesday, Apnil l6th at 1 o'clock. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. 16-1 PURDON, Margaret B-On Fni- day, April 12, beloved wife of John L. Purdon. dean mother of Harold of Toronto, Dora and Margaret at borne. Rested at the Funeral Home of Nortbcutt & Smith, 53 Division St., Bow- manville. Funeral service was held in Trinity United Cburch on Monday, Apnil 15. Crema- tion at Toronto Crematorium. 16-1 1 Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM A. JONES, DECEASED: Ahi pensons baving daims against the Estate of William A. Joncs, late of the Village of Harnpton, in the Caunty of Durham,. Gentleman. who died on or about the 4thi day of March. A.D. 1957. are hereby notificd ta scnd ta the unden- signéd on or before the 27th day of May. 1 957, full particulars of their dlaims. Imrncdiately after the said date the assets of the taid deceased will be distributed among the parties entitied there- ta, baving regard only ta dlaims of which tbey shaîl then have notice. DATED at Port Penny, Ontario, this l2th day of April, A.D. 1957. GREER and KELLY, Box 13 1, Port Penny, Ontario, Solicitors for the above estate. 16-3' Events Watch for your canvasser in CNIB Blitz Campaign to be con- ducted by the Newcastle Lions in Newcastle and Orono districts. 16-1 Teen Town Easter Prom, Fi-1 day, April 26th, 9 p.m. to 1:301 a.m. Tickets, per couple, $3.00 members, $4.00 non-members. Corsages supplied. 16-2 Farmers' Union Ham and Chicken Draw at John Malette's, Tyrone, evening, Apnil l8th. Pictures will be shown of West- ern Canada. Everyone welcome. 16-1 * Ail citizens of Darlington are invited to a Johnny James Dance at Solina Conimunity Hall, Fni- day, April 26th. Good music! and entertainment. No admis- sion charge. 16-2 Bown-anville Choral Society presents their Spring Concert in the Town Hall, Friday and Sat- urday, May 10 and Il. Assist- ing artists: Toronto Rhythm- aires Barber Shop Quartet. 15-tf Elizabeth Arden demonstratian and tea at Lions Centre, Wed- nesday, April 24, 8 p.m. Sponsor- ed by Durham Chapter Order of Eastern Star. See Jury and Loveli advertisement. Tickets 50c. 16-1 Bowmanville Stamp Club are holding an exhibition in the Auditorium, Lions Centre, on Tuesday, April 23rd, at 8 p.m. Public are cordially welcome, particulanly junior collectors and beginnens. 16-l'* Regular weekly bingo beld Tbursdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpoti game. No game under $3.00.11 Admission 50c. 2t The Little Helpers of St. John's Churcb present Tinyj Tots Fashion Show and Tea, j Wednesday, Apnil 24tb at 2:30 p.m. in the Lions Centre. Clothes by John and Judy Shoppe. Tickets from members. 16.1*1 Bowmanville Lions Club Bingo in Town Hall on Saturday, April 27th at 8 p.m. $100 jackpot, $100 door prize, 20 games for $10 and one game for $25, tbree special games. Admission $1. Tickets from members of Lions Club or at the door. 16-2 In Memoriam ETWELL-In memory of GeorgE Etwell who passed away Apri 24, 1955. Oh happy hours we once enjoyeè How sweet their memory still But death bas left a laneliness The world can neyer f111. Gone but not forgotten. -Bill, Marion and family. 16-14 ETWEL-In memnory of GeorgE Etweli who passed away April 24, 1955. Sometimes an aId fashioned song Brings us a tbougbt of you, Sometimes a flower as we pass alang Or a sky that is azure blue. Or a silver lining in the clouds When the sun cames peeping through, These are the times George When we think of you. -Dorothy andi Bert, Raymond, Charlie and Dianne. 16-1* HAL-In loving memory of Clarence Hall, who passed away April l3th, 1956. God knew that be was suffering And the buIs were bard to climb, Sa He closed bis weary eye1ids And wbispered peace be thine. -Always remembened by wife and family. 16-1 HURLBERT-In loving memory .of aur dear son-in-law the late Hollis C. Hurîbent who passed away April 15, 1947. There is a link death cannat sever, Love and remembrance last forever. - Lovingly remembered by mnother and dad Spencer. 16-1 LARKIN-In loving memory of my dean husband, James F. Larkin, wba passed away Apni] 2lst, 1954. His memory is as dean today, As in the bour he passed away. -Ever remembered by bis wife, Elizabeth. 16-i MeFEETERS-In loving memory of a dean wife and mother, Louie Jane McFeeters, wha passed away, Apnil 13, 1951. Oh fan the toucb of a vanisbed band, And the sound of a vaice that is stilled. -Ever remembered by husband and family. 16-1* Cards of Thanks We would like ta thank neighbours and friends for kind- nesses sbown ta us during aur bereavement. The Purdons. The many acts of kindness and generosity of my friends and neigbbours are deepiy appreciat- ed at this time. Don Adcock. 16.1*1 We shahl neyer forget theý kindness and generosity shown us by sa many people and in so many different ways since aur wee Bill bas been hospitalized. Sincerely. Marion and Ah Hoar. I wish ta express my sincere thanks ta friends and neigbbours for their kindness in sending me cards, flowers and gifts during- rny stay in Memonial Hospital. Aiso a special thanks ta Drs. McKay and Sylvester and ta the nurses and staff of the Hos- pital. b1is.G. Hodge. e [i 91 Y e il g s s t! Births IComing1 1953 FERGUSON tractor, plough, cultivator and double disc. Write Box 650, c/o Canadian States- man. 16-1; CEDAR posts for sale, 200, eigbt feet long, witb four to seven incb top. Phone Clarke 612 after1 6 p.m. 16-11 GIRL'S green and beige spring coat, size 10; one pair baîl-bear- ing roller skates. Phone MArket 3-3421. 16-i SAVE on lumber, direct from Mill to you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf SINGER Sewing Centre, new and used sewing machines. RentaIs or repairs. Phone MA 3-2155. 18-tf HARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MAI 3-5805. 48-tf UPRIGHT piano for sale. Apply Mrs. Wallace Holmes, R.R.- 3, Newcastle, Ont. Phone New- castle 2131. 16-1* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf MOFFAT annex, coal and wood, 'with waterfront; also Cocksbutt hay loader, good as new. Percy Wenry. Phone MA 3-2124. 16-1* DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 1 3-tf JDINETTE suite, 5-piece, neyer used, $50: ownen retunning ta England. Also 4' 6" bed, spring mattress, $25. 71 Brown St., Bowmanyille. 16-1* MANY colours i chaice Afnîcan Violets, single and double, 85e wbile they last. Mrs. C. E. Abrarns, 1 St. George St., near Vincent Massey Scbool. 16-1 EXTRA lange mixed gladiolus bulbs for sale, 40c a dozen, 50 for $ 1.25, $2.25 per hundred, I 1,000 for $20.00. Drap in or cal C. de Mooy, 18 r 8 Orono. 16-2* STOVEWOOD, 3 lengths ta cord, 200 spruce 18" bigb, 500 , red barberry 18" higb, 200 cedars at baîf pnice. Dahlia bulbs, al coloijrs. Phone MA 3-2724. 16.1* HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgoný Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MAI 3-5438. 20-tf EQUIP your bouse witb Nash aluminum combination doors and windows, aIl colours. Our representative will give you free estimates. Lander hardw, 7 King St, E.. Bowmanville. Tl- phone MA 3-5774. 10-tf Articles for Sale 1,000 BALES mixed hay. G. Symons, MA 3-2459. 16-1* HAY, approximately 800 bales. Phone MA 3-5104. 15-tf COCKSHUTT manure spreader. cbeap. Phone MA 3-2105. 16-1* WEDDING dress, sîze 16, reas- onable. Phone MA 3-3604. THREE-speed bicycle, man 'si good condition. Phone MArket 3-5478. 16-1* SINGLE row potato planteri with fertilizer attachment. Tele- phone MArket 3-2727. '16-11 SPECIAL - Outside Plantation white paint, $1.25 qt. and $3.95 gallon. Lander Hardware. 16-3 POTATOES, Cobbler, Katabdin, Sebago, large and small. Pbone 9 r 10, E. G. Power, Orono. 16-2 FLOOR polisher for rnt t Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf KITCHEN range with Silent Glow oul burners, in first class condition. Phone MA 3-5711. 16-1 McCLARY propane gas stove; Sunshine rangette. Phone 1 r 10 Orono. Fred Berry, Orono. 16-2* ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture,1 new and used. Repairs to ahl makes. Walter Frank, 177 Church St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 14-tf ONE used C.G.E. 21" console television, 1956 model, 1 used C.B.S. 21" console televisioni with book-case cabinet. If inter- ested Phone RA 5-1121 Oshawa between 9 and 5 or Bowmanville MA 3-5632 on Saturday. Can be financed to facilitate sale.1 Phone and make an appoint- ment to see these sets and make us an offer. 16-1 USED farm equipment-Farm- aIl Super "A" tractor, Farmal "H" tractor; McCormick W-41 tractor, McConmick W-6 diesel! tractor, Massey-Harris "22" tract- or, Massey-Harris 102 tracton. Massey-Harnis 13-marker seed and fertilizer drili witb power lift, International 2 - furrow plougb, John Deere 7-foot dise at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5689., 16-1 TURKEYS CHOICE MEATY -BIRDS Grown for the Easter Market 10 - 18lIbs. DRESSED and DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY Maple Grove MA 3-5058 15-21 USED TRACTORS Alls Chalmera Model CA Allia Chalmers Mode]l11B" International "Hi" with Lae PALMER MOTOR SALES Allis Chalmena Agent 1 20 King St. E. MA 3-54871 Bowmanvllle 16-1 INTERNATONAL 8.2 eu. ft. ne- frigerator, freezer across the top, $229; Kelvinator il cu. ft. ne- frigerator, regular $379 for $295; Firestone cbest type freezer, 191 cu. ft., regular $525 for $399; Kelvinatar wringer washer, 11- lb. capacity, thermo tub, electric timer and pump, regular $229 for only $139 and your old wash-j en; standard Kelvinator wringer wasber, regular $179 for $129:I $299,95nKelviato deluxe ec Ke2vinator autaati elwaer tric range, 30-inch size, regular $309) for only $249; Deluixe 22-j inch range witb pusb-button contrai, only $195 at Cowan Eauipnient Co., 134 Tince St. E. IMORRIS Ca. have been appoint- B ýowrnmanville."Phone MA 3-5689. *Ied Singer Scwing Machine ne- 1- presentatives for the Bowman-11- ville district. Corne in and se a Sitige-tbe finest in sewing' LAWN SEED machines. Variaus attachments alsa in stock. Telephone MA 3-5480. 46-tf Stewart's Super Growth Mixture Consists entireiy of only the FREE-Rubber-tired wheelbar- f inest dwarf, perennial and row with the purchase of every evengreen grasses for a beautifu] Maxwell Swirlcut 18-inch power dense lawn. lawn mower, 2 cycle engine with Reg. $1.15 lb. 1 . IMl. 95c recoil starter. complete, only $95 c at Cawan Equipment Ca 134 1,stewvart's Terrace Brand Mixture IKi ng St. E., Bowmanvilie.Tee A blend of quick grawing grass- phone MA 3-5689. 16-1 1 es that produce a smooth, com-' p act, lasting turf of fine quality. DRAPERIES and venetian blinds 1 Reg. 90e lb.-------------- 1 lb. 70e customn made on draperies sold by the yard. Our representative Stewart's Special Lawn Mixturel i will caîl at your home any time An ecanornical blend, giving a! with a complete range of samples fast green caver and requiring a and suggestions witbout obliga- minimum of cane.----- 1 lb. 60e tio n. Fabrîc Town, 59 King St. 1 Stewart'. Back Yard W X. Telephone MAnke t 3-3609,1o.otaeMitr tBowmanville. 48-tf 1 rCtag itr A ' strong, quick growing mixture lia stand up under bard usage.; Decorating 1M 5 Fresh Govt. Tested * For the Finest Painta BULK GARDEN SEEDS j* For the Latest Papera CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES *For the Best Workmanship LAWN and GARDEN FERTILIZERS S. G. Prest on & sonl STEWART'S SEEDS MA 3-5915 hoe MA 3-3701 j33 Division St, Bowmanvllle 44-11 16-tf Articles for Sale MIXED baled hay. Earl Trew- in, MA 3-2351. 16-11 A REAL buy in car radios. Tele- phone MA 3-3883. 16-i BALED bay and straw. Austin Wood, MA 3-2388. 16-1* METAL bed, mahogany, spring mattress, ahi new. Phone MA 3-3273. 16-1 75 AFRICAN Violets, assorted colouns and sizes. Phone MA 3-3085. 16-1 ICOMBINATION G. E. electric coal and wood stove. B. Short. Phone MA 3-3057. 16-1* BALED wheat and oat straw. Apply Ken Fraser, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. Orono 1 r 14. 16-1 DRY hardwood, suitable for furnace or stove. Harry Bart- lett. Phone MA 3-3908. 161 BOY'S brown coat, 2-piece, size thre: girl's blue shortie coat, size 6X. Phone MA 3-3066. i 16-1 f SIX-PIECE white and black trimmed kîtchen suite. Excel- lent condition. Phone MArket 3-5976. 16-1* TWO almost new open sbeds 65 f t. long, 9 ft. flat aluminurn roof. Fred Lycett. Telephone Orono 11716. 16-tf INSULATION, blowing method, witb rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf Seed Grain for Sale Strong strawed, rust resisting, high yielding varieties of Oats and Barley GARRY, RODNEY, LARAIN and CLINTON OATS BRANT and BARBOFF BARLEY Ail Seed Guaranteed for Purlty and Germination. Treated for Smut - Ready to Sow HARDOME SOY BEANS FUNKS G-HYBRTD CORN Buy with confidence at Ceresmore Farms ýGarnet B. Rickard Phone Bowmanvilie MA 3-2813 16-i Seed for Sale CLINTON oats, $1 per bushel at the barn. Leslie ,Iobnston, Burketon. 16-1* REGISTERED No. 1 Garry oats. Apply to Clare E. Alhin, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 16-1 25 BUSHELS Garry oats, dlean- ed and treated, $1.50 bushel. Harvested hast year without sprouting. R. Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen. MA 3-2392. 16-1* ELNAR (graw-coated) brand Alfalfa, also centified Ranger and Bernal, Climax and Common Timotby, LaSalle Red Clover, Yellow and White Blossom Sweet Choyer and other grass seeds. Registered and com- mercial Rodney and Ganry Oats, Rex bigh yielding 2-row Barley. Phone Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock 89 n Il. 16-tf Ch.,.l.ickens for Sale A WIDE choice of Bray cbicks for alI markets. Your markets. Immediate sbipment. Started pullets. Ask agent here for spring pnice list. W. S. Staples, Box 325, Phone MA 3-3928, Bow- manville. 16-1 CANADIAN Approved, pullor- um testea, Day Old and Started Chicks. Book orders now for future delivery. White Leghorn, Barred Rock (fast featbering) and New Hamp. X Barred Rock. For price list write or Phone H. J. Brooks. Bowmanville. MA 3-3961. 50-tf. Liyestock for Sale GRADE Holstein cow due ta freshen Apnil l8tb. Leroy Short. Phone MA 3-2479. 16-1* GARRY seed oats, cieaned, $1.25 bushel. M. Mantel, Burketan. Phone Blackstock 82 n 12. 16-1 ONE purebred Hereford bull, Il months old.' Apply Clarence Burley. Phone Clarke 1613. 16-1 * TWO-year-old Hereford and Jersey, will freshen Apnil. Apply Moriey Gilnoy, R.R. 1. Ennis- TEAM Percheron hanses, 9 and 10 years aId, guaranteed right in every way. Ralph Hilis, Ennis- killen. 16-1* ONE brown Clyde mare, 1,500 lbs., nine years aid, $115; two Hereford beifers fan grass, 700 lbs., $110 apiece; twa Hereford grade bulîs, $110 each; one Hol- stein springer heifer, $125. Tele- phone Blackstock 14 n 23. 16-1 1 Pets for Sale ONE'regristered beagle, eleven months aid. Robent Youngman, Pontypool. 16-2* Seed Cleaning SWAIN Secd Cleaners. Make appaintments now. Telephone Blackstock 89 r 11. 15-tf SEED eceaningz plant at Ennis- kilien naw apen. Pho,< MArket 3-5053 or Bîackstock 102J. 16-2 IReal Estate for Sale 1 Real Estate Articles for Sale AMANA Freezer, Model 80, 8 cu. ft. capacity, bolds over 280 lbs. food, 2 years old, reasonable. Phone MA 3-3392. 16-1 STRAWBERRY plants-Harvest King, Premier, Senator Dunlop, two cents each. Raspberny bush- es-Newburg, Madawaska, Lath- arn, Viking, five cents each. Good quality. Ivan Farrow, Orono. Phone 34 r 2, 16-2* SMOKE SALE - Chesterfields and chairs. This merchandise has been cleaned by Nu-Way Cleaners and is priced to seIl. Trade-in allowance. Terms $3.15 per bundred per year. Murphy Co., King W. Phone MArket 3-3781. . 16-1* BOAT for sale-12' 6" moulded plywood bull, painted blue and ivory, fully equipped with hard- ware, steering wheel and motor controls; 22 b.p. Elto electric starting motor, all new in 1956. Bargain for quick sale, $750.00. Applyv Wm. M. Allin, 19 Scugog St., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5576 and MA 3-.3442. 16-1* MOTORCADE Specials of this week Seat Covers Complete Sets 12.95 - 15-95 - 19-95 RAY GIBBS JOHN DEERE DEALER SUNOCO GAS and OIL MA 3-3503 181 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE IN BOWMANVILLE $9,000 - 5-roomed bungalow, ail heated, bardwood, tile floors, four-piece batbroom, 3 bedrooms, double garage, close to sehool. $4,000 down. An excellent building lot on First Street. Saleslady Jean Woolncr MA 3-2175 Berneice H. Patrick REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 Bond St. E. Oshawa RA 5-3692 (colleet) De Wiih Real Estate DAIRY FARM, 350 acres, 241 acres workable, rernainder busl and pasture, creek, 2 large barn with U-shaped extensions, im plement shed, 2 lien bouses; E naomed frarne bouse, canventec for two families, with runnini hat and cold water. Water bowl! and steel stanchions in barns 10 cans miik quota. Price $22,000 Tenms. GENERAL FARM an High. way No. 2, camprising of 18( acres, 100 acres workable, . acres in oak and maple, creek 80' x 38' bank barn with, stee' stanchions and water bowlf implement shed, lien bouse, pig pens, silo; 8 roomed brick bousE with nunning hot and cold water bardwood and tile floors. Ask. ing price $20,000. Terms arrang« ed. GENERAL FARM, 100 acre with 70 acres workable rolling, land, 5 acres in wood, 2 ponds, 90' x 40' bank barn with 57' x 32' straw shed, lien bouse, milk bouse; il raomed brick bouse with heavy duty wiring. Ask- ing price $8,000. Terrnis. GENERAL FARM, 150 acres with 110 acres workable, 2( acres in wood, creek, 90' x 36' bank barn With steel stanchions, implement shed, lien bouse; 8 rooméd solid brick bouse with furnace, heavy duty wiring. Close ta highway. Askîng price $14,000. Easy terns. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres witii 140 acres workable, 50 acres ini wood, lange river, good fences, 70' x 40' bank barn with water bowls, milk bouse with tank coolen, large implernent shed, hen bouse, cernent silo; 8 roarn- ed solid brick bouse with run- nirig waten, heavy wiring. Has good milk quota. Pnice $18,000. Ternis. 8 roomed soiid brick house with 3 acres of land, east Black- stock. Pnice $4,200 with srnall down payment. 5 noomed ranch style wbite claphoard bungalow with bard- wood and tile floors, 3-piece bath, ail furnace, kitchen cup- boards, nunning bot and cold water, landscaped witb side- walks. Situated in Bowman- ville. Asking $9.500. Terms an- ranged. 6 roamed storey and one-haîf frame borne at Blackstock with 3-piece bath, coal furnace, water under pressure, heavy duty wir-ý ed, kitchen cupboards. Garage. Asking pnice $7,000, with $1,000 down. Incarne home, 8 roorned double bouse in Newcastle witb 2 bath- roams, 2 kitchens, bot and cold running water, partly hardwood floors, hcavy duty wired. Pnice $8,400. Terms anranged. 5 noamed (3 bedrooms) brick veneer ranch style bungalows in1 Bawmanville, ta be built ta your specifications, witb aIl modern conveniences. Pnices f r o in $10,500 and up. Easy down pay- rnents. Besides above rnentioned we' have approximately 100 more rarms and bornes ta chooseý fram in the Oshawa, Port Hope, Trenton and Peterborough dist- Contact John IF. De With Realtor and General In'surance Newcastle Phone 34 Salesmen: Donald àMountjoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Daniel Boehm - Port Hope TU 5-504Z 6- 275 ACRE farm, Muskoka dist- rict, including partly fuýnished frame seven-roomed house, some implements and two horses. Tele- phone Mrs. H. Ruttan, MArket 3-2362 after 6 p.m. 15-2* SIX-roomed stucco bungalow, hardwood and tile floors, mod- ern bathroom, hot water beating with gas furnace,- venetian blînds, large landscaped lot and garage. Phone MA 3-5895. 14-4 COTTAGE at Caesarea, winter- ized, hydro, inside toilet, furn- ished, 15 miles north Bowman- ville, accessible, move rigbt in, four thousand, fifteen hundred down. Caîl Keevil, Claremont 81. 14-3 TWO-storey building and land 200' x 300' located in Newcastle. Property formerly known as Stewart Motor Sales. Offers now being accepted. For furth- er information contact Donald' H. Howe, Realtor, 26½/ King St. E., Oshawa. Phone RA 5-7732., 14-4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf NEW bungalow, 3 miles west of Bowmanville, No. 2 Highway. Stucco with natural stone front, tile bath and kitchen, bardwood throughout. Forced air heating, ¾/ acre, landscaped. Reasonable terms. Owner going into bus- iness, must be sold. Apply Ep- worth Real Estate, Phone Orillia FAirview 5-5433 or Bowman- ville MA 3-5121. 16-2 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER General farrn, 100 acres, il room frame bouse, barn 100' x 34', -never-failing strearn. Pnice $11,500.00. Very low down pay- ment. 35 acres, no buildings, front- age an 401 Highway, creek. Pnice only $4,500. Terrns. 4 acre farm, 10 roam brick bouse, 2 apartrnents, 2 barns, creek. Pnice $8,500. Terms. Three Christmas tree farms in Pontypool district. Nearly new seven room home East of Oshawa, close ta bigb- way and school. $2.000 dowh. Good location. Pnice very reas- onable. Two stores with living quart- ens, in good location. One lot if Oshawa in good district. Newcastle R.R. 2 Phone 2204 Salesman J. J. Hartwig, Hampton Phone MArket 3-2035 HOLIIDAY SPECIAL 7-room frame dwelling, bath- room, cellar, beavy wiring, floor covenings, - nicely decorated, blinds, electric fixtures, storms, screens and garage. Good lot, $7,000. Terms. 4-roomn bungalow on No. 2 Higbway, hydro, well, cbicken bouse, terms. Immediate posses- sion. Nicely decorated. 5-roomn frame bungalow, 3- piece bath, basement, new gas furnace, bot water heater, stove, floor coverir"lg, garage, nice lot, $5,500. Terms. Possession an- ranged. 4-room new frame bungalow on 1 acre, town water, 4-piece modemn bath, hardwaod and tile floors, forced air heating with oul furnace, modemn kitchen, heavy wining, insulated, double garage, many extras. Priced ta sell. Lot on Brown St. witb build- ing, sewer and water, heavy win- ing. James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 47 Queen St. Bowmanville MA 3-5682 16-1* McQuay Real Estate FARM BARGAINS 200 acre cash crop and beef cattle farm. 150 acres workable, balance pasture and bush. Con- sidered one of the best produc- ing farrns in Clarke Township. Early land ideai for cash crops. Good 8 ioom insul brick bousei with furnace and running water.I Barns 110 x 40 and 50 x 30.1 Room fan 80 cattle. Immediate' possession. Only $16,000 withj terms. 241 acre tobacco farrn. 8 room insul brick bouse witb running water. Good barn and situated on main road. Traut stream runs I tbrough entire farrn. Owner's hèalth forces immediate sale. Sacrifice price $21,000 with1 $7,000 down.b 600 acre dairy farrn witb 450 acres workabie, balance pasturel and woodlot. Barns 50 x 100, 35 x 120, 40 x 90 and 40 x 50, hold 200 cattle. 4 bouses withi running water. Almost new- power equipment, 4 tractons, forage barvesten, self-prapelled combine, haler, 2 trucks, etc., etc., included in pnice of $100 '005 wîth good terms.oc- We have several apple rh ards frorn 4 acres ta 75 acres. We have 175 more listings ta1 choose from between Scarboroi and Cobourg. D. W. McQUAY REAL ESTATE Local Representative Walter Frank 177 Church Street. Bowmanvilie MArket 3-3986 Hamburg Stand EXCELLENT REPUTATION Good Location Opposite Park SACRIIFICE - QUICK SALE PHONE MArket 3-3862 16-1 Leask Real Estate 5 room, new, bark brick bun- galow, 4-piece bath, oil furnace, on Jane St. Low monthly pay- ments. Low interest rate. Im- mediate Possession. Terms. 4 room bungalow, hardwood and tule floors, full basement, bot air furnace, extras. Garage. $7,500. Terms. 6 roomn bungalow, 3 bedrooms, furnace, beavy wiring, large landscaped lot. Garage. Terms. We have farms, lots, bouses and bungalows. List with Leask. 65 Ontario St. MA 3-5919 *Bowmanville 16-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER King East, central, two frame dwellings with conveniences. Beautiful, 'Tour-room brick bungalow, with garage, almost new. Two-acre property witb seven- room bhouse. Conveniences. On Scugog St. Attention veterans. 1Orono, modemn bungalow on large lot. Ahl conveniences. Vacant. Hampton, six-room frame on nice lot. Conveniences. Garage. Owner transferred. 80 acre farm on edge of ow- manville. Nice bouse, conven- iences, barn, 5 acres of young Spys and Macs. Reasonably priced at $12,000, Te'rms. We have others. Cal in and talk it over. 118 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3230 .1_1 REAL ESTATE BROKER 200 acres, 40 acres ep timben, balance workable '7 room brick bouse, bydro aA'd Iwater, bank ban *. 40' x 100' implement shed, Mn ':use, pig pen, 30 acres falw~t 10 acres for tomatoes. Will consider bouse in exchange or sell on law down payment. 100 acres, brick bouse, new steel barn 40' x 100', other build- ings, river runs through bushi and pasture, just off paved road. This farn can be bought with ahi equipment including 40 bead of cattle. WiIl give good terms. Close ta Newcastle. 100 acres clay loam soi], close ta village; large pressed brick bouse, large barn. On a paved road. Immediate possession. Lowered ta $13,000 for quick sale. Haîf cash. 120 acre dairy farm aon lake front, frame bouse witb alI con- veniences, 2 miles from New- castle, creek, extra gaod soil. $18,000. Terms. 35 acres garden sail between Bowmanville and Newcastle. franting on two bigbways. New bhouse, bank barn and chieken pens. Immediate possession. $15.000 with $2,000 down. jCorner store and dwelling Iwith extra building lot, situated on main corner in Newcastle. Good location for any line of business. Consuit us for price and terms. Money ta boan. H. C. PEDWELL, Broker Newcastle Phone 3858 16-1 Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly., Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Pur Farm, Tyrone. 26-tf .. The Canadian Statesm'an e- CLASSIFIED :: ::ADVERTISING : qe- RATES AFRARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ~ FRRE TJ~. HELP WNE rAS. FOR SALE ,* LOST . FOUND -EC WCash Rate .-.*.4c pr Word ' wîth a minimum o O i Must ho paid by date of insertion. ,.if charged, an additional 25c 2 wil' be added. A charqe of25cwîil be made foi 2 ..alreplis dîrec ed to tis office. 2 e.NOTICES . COMING EVENTS '2' AND CARDS OF' THANKS 2 4c o Word with ai minimum of $1.00 for 25 words or les%,7 BIRTIfS - ENGAGEME-15 MARRIAGES - DEATHS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus 10c a line for verne'2 DispIoy Classified ai SI.eO *~î4 inch with o minimum of Ci in e-Additiunal insertions aIt t sane4 rotes.Or AIl Ciossjfied Ada must be in : this office not loler thon 4 e. 12 o'clock noon. Wednesday. 4 .- Send cash, stamps or money ordez il and ;ave money. 9.Clip this ouI or handy reterence t. OFFICE HOURS *2' ondaF Ihrouqh Friday . 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday -4' 8:30 arn. ta 12 Noon ->' Dial MArk.t 3-3303, 2 t2 or Ciassified Ad Service 4 Sale PAGE Sm 1 nommon- SELL*BUY*TRADE*141RE&S LOSTand FOUND e SIERVICE & Àd ilifLCLP WANTED * IEPAPLOYM l % for Real Estate for Sale TWO acre lot wit ý<.,j water. Telephone MA 3-5l24feýý I_ THREE bedIroom, attacbed gar- age, brick and stone ranch type bungalow. hardwood floors, tii- ed, four-piece bathroom, forced air heating with ail. Nearnig completion, 33 Southway Drive. Thnee bedroom, double attached garage, brick and stone bunga- low with finished basement, fire- place and book cases in recrea- tion room, bot water with oul heating throughout, laundry and wash room in basement, seven years old. J. J. Flett, 27 Centre Street, Bowmanville. 16-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER For your summer's relaxation, for a home away from home. see us! We have summer cottages at Cedar Crest Beach on Lake Ontario, Scugog, Rice and View Lakes. Pnices and terms to suit your budget. Also farms, homes and in- vestment properties. Drop in and talk it over or caîl. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman - Everett Hanna Evenings - RA 3-4235 16-1 Pleter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Beautiful 8 roomn brick home on Cburcb St. 4 bedrooms, liv- ing-room, dining-room, music raom, modemn kitchen with disb- wasber and garbage disposai unit. Oil bot water heating. Garage. Asking $5,000 down. Moderate tenms on balance. Move right in! Immediate possession! 4 yeans old. 2 bedrooms, living-room, modemn kitchen, bath, ou bheat- ed, aluminum storms. Asking $8.500. Terms ta suit. Lot, large enough for 2 bouses. Only $1,500. Sewer and water. Possession in one week. Two hedrooms, living-room, kitchen, bath, attacbed garage, oil heated frame bungalow. Extra lot. Only $9,500. Terms. 3 bedroomn frame bungalow. living-room, dining-room, kitch- en and bath. Garage. Lovely grounds. Asking only $10,00 0 with $3,000 down. 16-1 H. C. Pedwellf

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