Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 7

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?HUMSDAÂY, APRM lith, 1937 TI!~ CANAnTAN STAT~MA~t Rfl~~mw 'I~AOtf~ PAG! SEV~N Miss Irene Bray, Toronto, recently visited Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers spent the weekend in Ottawa with ber sister, Miss Edna Hughes. l~Diane Webber of Mc- UnvrstHamilton, S eht4e weekend with ber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Os.. borne spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mason, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Talcott have returned from ývacation- ing in Florida and other south- ern states. Mrs. Pearl Bail, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber sister, Miss Ruby Aldworth at the home of Mr. J. Bird. Mr. Ronald Turner, Univer- sity of Toronto, spent the week- end witb bis parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Turner. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough were her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peque- gnat, Penny and Billy, Kitchen- er. Miss Jean H-ornbv and Miss Hazel Webber of Sic .k Children's Hopital. Toronto, spent the weekend at the latter's home here. Mr. ançi Mrs. Walter MeMil- lan 'and children Douglas and Jimmie of Guelph spent last weekend with her parents, Rev. IR. R. and Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. A. W. Piekard returned home last Sunday fromn a very Pleasant three months' holiday in Florira with his brother Rus- sell and wife of Kingsville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Den Jones and Christopher, Miss Patricia Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Paddy Welsh and amily were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and family, Tweed. Guests last week with Mr.-and TONIGHT Thursday, April llth 8 p.ni. Rey. Leslie Deuhier Mlssionary from I NDIA wîth - curios *Colored Pictures BOWMANVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH iNelson Street ST. JOHN'S 1-fHURCH (Anglican) Palm Sianday Sa.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m.- CHURCH SCHOOZL ila.m.- MORNINC. FRAYER 7 p.m. - EVENINGT'RAYER Mrs. J. S. Ames and Mr. and' Mrs. R. W. Ames were Mr. Fred Anderson, Moose Jaw, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hamil- ton and Bruce of Montreal. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward have ibeen1 Mrs. Albert West and Miss Dar- lene West, Orono: Mrs. Raye West, Mrs. Keith West, MIs Margaret Pollock, Mrs. A. J. Gay. -Miss Jeanette Lobb, daughteri of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lobb is a resident nurse at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Bermuda. She is enjoying life in Bermuda and expects to remain there for six months. Mr. Rance Dilling suffered a coronary thrombosis on Satur- day afternoon at bis home, 10 Alexander Ave., and was takin 10 Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, where he is resting comfortably. Mr. J. Earle Brown, New- castle, a student of Ontario Agricultural1 College, Guelph, bas been appointed as an as- sistant to the Agricultural Re- presentative for Durham for the summer months. According to the Nortbum- berland-Durham Healtb Unit report for the week ending April 6, there were two cases of chickenpox and 11 of mumps in Bowmanville; four cases of red measles in Darlington Township. Among those attending the annual conference of the reg- jonal supervisors and assistant supervisors of the Ground Ob- server Corps beld at the RCAF Filter Centre in Barrie last weekend was Mr. Stan Norrish of Bowmanville. A brisk wind Wednesdai, afternoon fanned a small ban. fire mbt a raaring grass fire at bbe corner of First and Elgin Streets but the Bowmanviile Fire Brigade were quick ta arrive at bbe scene and hait any seriaus damage. Mr. Bill Tait, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. B. Tait, Bow- manville, bas been made Office Branch Manager of the Good- yeac Tire & Rubber Ca. plant at Saskatoon, Sask. Friends bere offer their congratulations ta Bill on bis promotion. Lions Directors (Continued from page one) flammable materials and stress- ed safety precautions in tbc home. In summing up he said "matches have a bead, but no brain, use their bead and your brain" wben using tbem. Tells of Seal Hunting Thaelawecond oseakerunarngf The sec, ondofseaker, Carngf the coast of Newfoundland. Out- lining bbc bistory of bbc seal hunIers in that region, he point- ed out what hardsbips are endur- ed by tbem. Since 1953 there bas not been any loss of life due ta ships sink- ing during their sealing expe- ditions, be added. When the first fîcets sailed foc the seal bunting grounds off the west coast of Greenland severéal decades ago, men wcre in constant danger of tijeir sbips sinking. To-day that danger is partly eliminabed by tbe safe way bbc seais are locat- cd. Helicopters are uscd ta spot bhem ànd then the hunters sail ta the area. Gives Prize-winnlng Sipeech EarI McGuiness chose "The Atom" as the tapie of his speech. He discussed man's use of the atom. in war and peace. Man uscd bbc "A" bomb ta end bbc war in Japan and Ibis cost bbc lives of tbousands. Ta-day be is using bbc energy derived from bbe ,atom, for a bebter purpose, he said. The- atam is bcing used in St. Paul's United Church~ Minister- Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. 9:50 a.M. Sunday School 11:00 a.M.- Communion and Recepiion of New Members Pre-sehool children cared for during service 7:00 p.m.- "Chrisi's Triumphal Eniry" f Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. il [ÎrýniyUnited Mnister - Rev. T. Arthur M 'i'l A.M.- The Sacrament of the L and ihe reception of new The sound film "Eyes Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus Church4 lorgan, B.A. ord's Table vmembers ta See", s. Bach., L.R.S.M. $ csocil & §ersoia/ PhoneMA 3-3303 Their Engagement Announced Miss Janir' Beilman, Edward Cecil Beilman, Bowv (Continued from page one) J.Sessler, son of .LVIr. andt MrI announced that a discussion will Moreiand, Sask., xiii he marr be hield at bhe May meeting Bowmanx'iiic, on May 11. M by members and Club 15 on the in Home Economics, -"\,acdonE preference of Bowmanville Sen- fa ior Citizens for future meetings, iace, a student in Veterinî News of the kind invitatien cultural Coliege, Guelph, are 1 extended by the Royal Theatre courses on May' 17. The cou, for tbe members ta attend î:1- i Earl ry a'. lceM matinee performance on Wed iGc. ak. veeM nesday of 'Friendly Pesain, Vet erinary S urgeon. received a warm response. Mern- bers of the Bowmanville Senate are also ta, be guests. This kind Gill, proprietors of the RoyalB l n Theatre, was very much ap- preciated. Mrs. R. Melntyre and Mrs. P. Chant will assist Skating O.U in reeeiving the guests at the. theatre. A capacity erowd of members The birthday prize was won filled the Cauncil Chambers by Mrs. Jones of Wellington IMox'xday evening ta participate Street. fin the annual ýmeeting9 of the Aftec cards, crokinole and lBowmianviile Skating_ Club and crîbbage xvere played, lunchita elect the 19,57-58 Board of was served by Club 15 mern- 1 Directurs. bers, assisted by some of the Presiclent Glenlholmne Hulghes Senior Citizens. dsrbdteptya as the A bearty vote of thanks ta fmast sucessful sinlcc the club Club 15 was expressed by Dr. was founded in 1951 with the N. Allun at the conclusion of Imernbership en.joyin, a full another pleasant evening ta- season of skaý,tin.9 and social gether. activi'cies. The new board of dir-ectors for the comitig ', ar are as f'ollo\vs: ~~W M M *0 U President, Frank Bilnt; lst Vice-i D ormmmmut.wn President, Glenhtolm-e Hughes: 2nd Vice-Presîdent, W. W. Bag- neIl; Secretary, Mrs. R. W. Fin- cou n a l nigan; Treasurer. Mrs. H. G. (Coninud fom pge ne) Hacking; Directors. Charles Bur- quires s tohowwrecingDonMyles, Mrs. D. Parks, Mrs. yards were zoned in other mun- Ross Richards and A. Samneils. icipalities and be found that Certificates and Medals they came in the industral category but in the îowest sec- Highlight of the evening xvas tion of this classification. the presentation of medals and Deputy-Reeve Garnet Rick- certiferates to the club mnembers ard feit that the township wa who completed Canaclian Figure flot Up ta date in its zoning Skating Association tests. regulations and hence it is dif- IMr. Hughes presentcd the fol- ficult for Council ta reach aI lowing: decision on the matter. Preliminary figures: Lynda Quer Uncmplecd Tmes Hately, Gloria Bilida, Shawn Aur delegation from Me Leddy, Glenna Park, Rxy Yeo, A deegaion, frm. MPleHazel Richards, Susan Luxton. Grove road appcoacbed Council1 Virginia Brown, Ann-e Wilson, in regards ta the legallity of a Susan Rivers and Carol Coombes. contractor selling uncompleted First figures: Erlyne Barron, houses which are devaluating IDutch at;S wnLdy the other fine homes in the Gloria Biviaandz; Sha edy, area and discouraging the buiid- Swing dance: Yvonne Anoni- ng of homes whicb would be cbuk, Carol Finnigan, Gloria Be- an asset 10 bhc community. linda, Evelyn Hughes, Gail Arm- E. A. Varcoe, building inspec- strong and Erlyne Barron. or, bold council that a bouse Canasta tango: Yvonne Anoni- had ta be completed witbin ane chuk, Judy Jeffery and Gloria iear of the granting of a per- Bilida. mit. Willow v altz and Ten Fox: Council unanmiously decided Gail Bagneli. bat the malter sbould be in.f Passing the last mentioned two vestigated and will ask tbe dance tests completed bbc Bronze ownship solicitars for advice. dance series for Miss Bagneli and Il is expected that the Trans- earned bier the bronze medal. Canada Pipeline will be laid Certificat-s for the Boys' Skat- through Durham County ta- ing Competition were presented Nards the end of August at the 1ta: lst, GerrY WAilson; 2nd, ate of 6,000 feet per day. Mihael Leddy, andi 3rd Dan A company representte, uhs iues skates and boot /Ir. Lockwood, bold Council that were donated as prizes foc the t r 1~ niscomanywilu assume com- plebe responsibilty foc installing bbc Pi pe and croissing ail roads. The closure of any road would not be longer than an hour, he said. Street Llghts A letîer was rcceived from the Hampton Home and Sebootý Association asking that street lights be placed on the road leading to the ncw elementary sehool. The matter will be eonsidered again at the next meeting. Hcuwe Shuts Out (Continucd fram page one) front of bbc cage. Chuck Arm- strong scored the next goal 30 seconds later as bc slapped a rebound imb bbhecorner. Gerry Robinson and Jed Wilson wore credited with the assist bon.. ours.1 1 Robipison Tallys Second Goal Gerry IRobinson grabbcd a rclay from Acmstrorig ta sink bis second of the tilt. Armstrong slippcd him the pass from be- bind bbc nets and Robinso;n fired int the open corner. WaIly Samanski drew Fulec tan out of bbe nets ai-d satik the rubbec in the corner to i n- crease the lead ta 6-0 at the 6:27 mark of the final periodi. Raye "Gusby" W/est made it 7-01 after steaiing the puck from j a Tillsonburg player at the blue line and starting of tbc West's fabulous passing plays. jKeitb West scored the final goal unassisted after getting a breakaway at centre ice. He biasted a bard shot at Fuller- ton, then picked up bbe rebound and tippcd it inta the corner. Defencenian Makes Great Save Mickey Walker made an out-j standing save whcn the xisitors 1 tried ta rally in bbc final min- ute. He droppcd in front of a shot bhat was hcading for the open corner, wbîle Hawe wasf do wn.j Play Here Saturday The fifth game of bbc secies is in Tillsonburg Thursday (ta-f nigh1>, while the sixtb game will be played here Saturday.j Neither mining nor lumbering~ is carried on commercially in bbhe Province of Prince Edward Iâland. SmeIts Start Running Soon ýin This- Area Local fishing enthusiasts Who are busily preparing for the big smelt run thIlat wvjll occur in the next week or ten days will xvelcome the news that thcy1 do flot require a. license this year. An Ontario resident may take smelt in a dip net up to si x feet by six feet xvthout a licence, during the rionths of Marcli, April and Mayv, the Ontario De- partment of Lanîds and Forests have announced Fishermen planning to use a seine net to mnake their catch will recuuire a licence from the' licence issuers at a fee of $1. The fee xvii cover seine-nets up ta 30 feet by six feet and only one of the fishing partyv must have the licence. The average fisherman wh uses the old-fashionedi pail and frubber boots, smail dip nets or a dip net uip ta six feet by six feet wilI not require a Ilicence. If you have alremd 'v purchas-î ed a licence and cia flot jntend to use the large type seine-net, you max' get a rcfund hv wr- ing ta thie Deparliment of Lands and Forcsts at Toronto. Local licence issuers are not permit- ted tao give a refund, but the 1departiment xii Tixere arc, somne restrictions conccrning waters in DuLrhain and Nortnumrberland Counties, but smelt rnay be taken in anv part of Lake Ontaro fronting these coutities. KIDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. Manypeule nyer-ee Ïto et agoo might's rest. They turn and tois-blsme it on'neres'-when it may be theit kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excets acids frooe the blood. If they liii and ii-punities stay in fthe systern-disturbed rest often follows. If you don't re.st welli get and use Dodd's Kidney Pdis. Dodd'a help the kidneys su, that you can rest better-and feed better. 136 Dodd's KidneyPiIIs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,rnanville, and Mr. John Allan rs. Albert Eugene Kessier of ricd in Trinity United Church, liss Beilman, who is a student ~id Institute, Guelph, and ber iry Science at Ontario Agri- to graduate in their respective pie xviii take up residence in r. Kessier xviii practise as a t Elected ib President st and 2nd places h~i this event' by Sidney Murdoch and Glen- holme Hughes. The Bowmanville Skating Club Free Skating Test Medals were won by Susan Rivers, Yvonne Anonichuk, Gail Mulholland, Gl Bagnell, Gail Armstrong, Judy Jeffery, Erlynne Bàrron and Gloria Bilida. President's Report "'The past year has been our nmost successful one since the club was founded in 1951" the President, Mr. Hughes, pointed out in bis address. "The season started with an enjoyable skat- ing party. I want bo give credit medicine, science and industry, and its purpose will serve man-1 kind, he pointed out. If the atom is used for these purposes instead of war then it will not become a threat. It is comparable to fire in both its aid to humanity and its destructive power. If iti is controlled it can serve man, i not it could destroy him. Judges were chosen to pick a winner f rom the trio of speakers and af ter a lengthy debate they chose Earl McGuiness. Earl re- ceived the Lions Club Oratorical Trophy. In addition each of the boys was presented with a gift by Laurence Goddard. Plan Bingo Plans for the Lions forthcom- ing bingo were completed. The bingo will be held at the Town Hall, Saturday, April 27. There wil bea dor prize of $100 and a huge jackpot game in addition to the regular prizes. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Baker and family, Cookstown, were Sunday guesbs of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mr. Valentine Toth left Sat- urday nigbb by train ta spend a few days wibb friends in Mont- real. Home and School Club meets Friday nigbt, April 12, wben Mr. MbLaggan will show pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Brown and boys, Hampton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown. Mrs. Cook, Roberta, Fred, f Tommy and Jimmy, Courbice;ý f were Sunday visibors of Mr. and jMrs. A. J. McLaggan. fMr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron and Raymond with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kellett, Janetville, ani Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden and Ann, Mrs. Wm. Penwarden witb Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron, Saburday evening. Mr. D. Danielson visited witb bis family in Toronto. Mrs. Mor- ton and Mr. Laxton, Toronto, were recent visitors with the Danielsons. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra were recent visibors of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Bentley, Port Pecry. Port Hope. -I L~) Mr. & Mrs. John Purdon HoId 5Oth Anniversary to the organizing chalrman of the party, Charles Burdett, his wife, Helen, Mrs. W. W. Bag- nell, Ron Armstrong and ail those who helped. "A very special thanks goes to Mrs. J. Leddy and Mrs. R. Rich- ards for their splendid super- vision of the Junior and Tots ice time. In spite of long hours and cold weather they were good at both looking after the children and at pu~blie relations. Mr. and Mrs. Henning helped with Tots, Alex Anonichuk also helped with Tots, Junior and Senior session. In this connection I must again mention directors, Alf Samelîs and Jim Martyn, Tot teachers; Mrs. Finnegan, secretary, and Mrs. Hacking, treasurer." "Il has been a pleasure to work for such a loyal and capable board of directors, and a truly interested membership." On behaîf of the club Sidney Murdoch paid tribute to Past President Hughes' record of work and seemingly indefatig- able expenditure of energy. Serutineers for the club elec-1 tion were H. A. Barron and Earlej Osborne. Lake Shore, Clarke The Lake Shore Ladies' K. S. and C. Club nmet at the home tof Mrs. C.* Fotliergill, April 3»ý The next meeting wxii be at thc 1 borne of Mrs. C. Avery, April 17. ! Miss Lynn Stephenson of, Brown's, spent the -eekend with' Miss Joyce Averx-. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery- attend-' ed the funeral in Toronto on Sat- urday of Mr. William Cook of T oronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynies visibed Mr. and Mrs. Norman Simpson, Coîbarne. Sunday' . Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding,! Jr. and familY, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.i George Skelding. Mrs. Roy McKay. Brante, was a Sunday visitor witb Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Miss Blanche Taylor, Oshawa. spent bbc weekend xvith Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huighesý and family, Oshawa, and 1,r. and Mrs. Robert Rlutherford, Orono, were Sunda «v visitors -witb Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adairs.f Mr. and Mr..Jack Hoimes and family visited on Sunday x-vith Mr. and Mrs. Noray Gjoheen,' Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon, 52 Division Street, were hon- ored by friends in Toronto and Bowmanville on the occasion of their 5th wedding anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. Purtion were married on April lst, 1907, in Lindsay, the bride being the former Margaret Burn of Jan- etville. On Sunday, March 31lstn atternoon and evening recep:- tion was held at the home of their son, Harold, in Toronto, when about 80 friends, some of whomn the couple had flot seen for 25 years, attended from Willowdale, Thornhill, Rich- mond Hill, Bramoton and Tor- onto. A beautiful three-ticr wedding cake,. made by Mx's.~ Harold Purdon and iced by her' daughter Marie, graced the tea table. On Mondav afternoon, April lst, Mr. and Mrs. Purdon we re given a surprise party b v Group 10 of Trinity W.A. of; SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK ONE 1 DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS FAMILY SIZE in a special bottle for your table --$7.95 Compared to the small size > you save $6.05 llqopl lPlMELoà0NDED FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR E! SIG BOX -3-PLY...35 I.D.A. SHAVING CREAM Brushes ta a tbick, crcamy lather that softens baugbest beards . . . makes sbaving easier ... faster. Large Tube 49-c_ SHOP AT VOUR DRUG STORE bbc dependabie place ta buy aIl youc medicines and bealtb and beauty needs. *b ABSORBENT 511RINS STERILIE GUZ PAOS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2"x " 12s 45-3"x" 12s 60c With Wondersoft* covering NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGE PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY î.D.A. Toilel Tissue A soft yet strong, white, fine quality 750-sheet rol LFo 23 Save 49e on Listerit Anfizyme Tooth Pasf e Regular 1.38 value 2 Giant Size 8 Tubes89 Brylcreem Special Offer! GE'r With the purchasec cach 69e tube you gel HIGUQUALITY ('0MB absolutely FREE 'ne 9c of Alex. McGregor, SWe Deliver Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 p. which Mrs. Purdon is a mem- ber. Group inembers gathered at the Purdon home when Mrs. F. Jamieson read an address of congratulation, and the gift of a tea pot, cream and sugar in gold and cream china was pre- sented to the couple. In the evening, friends frorm ~Iope Township, Hampton and ,Janetville called. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdon had accompanied them back from Toronto andc were present with the daugh- ters of the family, Dora and Margaret, to greet the frienda who called. Many lovely flow- ers and cards were received. Mr. Purdon was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and came 10> Canada as a child. He was with the fîrmn of Steele, Briggs in Toronto for 20 years out of the 31 he and Mrs. Purdon lived in the city. They moved north of Toronto for a time, then to Hope Town- ship, Baltimore, Hampton and thence to Bowmanville seven and a haîf years ago. Mrs. Purdon was particularly pleased 10 receive a congratu- latory card froni the. W.A. of Fairlawn United Church, Tor- onto, of which she xvas presi- dent for three years, also air- mail messages from Old Couxn- try friends. Math Preventives! Bridgeport Moth Proofer Bomb -- 1.29, 1.89 Larvex------------ 1.09, 1.69, 2.49, 3.69 Combination 16-oz. bottie and Sprayer------ -------------- 1.98 Larvex Moth Proofer Bomb-- 1.98 Moth Crystals (Paradichlorbenzene> 2-lb. bag -------------------- 59e Moth Rails or Flakes, 1-1b. box 25c, 2 for 49e Green Cross Moth Proofer - 89c, 1.39 Fly-Tox Mo.th Proofer -__------___ - 1.39 Dichloricide ---------- _______-__ 75c, 3.25 I.D.A. Moth Killer _________59e Raid Moth Bomb - -----------_- -1.39 Sapho Moth Proofer Bomb 1.39 Money Saving Specials! COLGATE BRECK I.D.A. MILK 0F Dental Cream HAIR SET MIST MAGNE SIA 4'ý-oz. TABLETS Two 59e tubes Reg. 1.59 - îOO10's reg. 39c 2 f r8 0LUSTRE 29a Three 33o tubes CREME 300's reg. 89c 3 for 66c 98e tujbe-- -- 79e~ 59si Vour Local ID.A Drug Store PAGE SEVES COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE D-elle DPtIJ6 STOHF-s-ý' 1 -------------------- 000000100 ---------- 9*9e*e*eý TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWM-4NVTLLr- nNTARTn Senior Citizens -2For23c

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