Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1957, p. 3

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t. .,,.-~ , "' TfSAT. kP"R!Lllth, les? Orono Agrees to Pay $5,500 Rent for School The Orono Publie School pose the twa year period to the Trrustees meto usdyee- Durham District High Schoal ~1gri.teir regular monthiy Board. ageeti ..when theY accepte'] A motion was passed ta pay a offer resented. theM by the sum of $35.00 to Mr. H. Mtche1l Durham District High School for the rent appraisal. Board in conjunction with rent The Orono Board increased of five raoms in the Orono the teachers' salaries for 1957- School. 58 ta $3950.00 for Miss K. Fos- The Trustees accepted the ter, principal, $3300.00 for bath irenta. of $5,500 affered by the Mrs. Carleton and Miss B. SHigh Schooî ta be paid Cain and $3200.00 for Mrs. M ý_n"F qa monthly payments Lunn. This is a salary increaSe In a&epting the $5,500 rentai of $1800 aver that of the '56-57 the Board feit that it wauld be term. Under the new grant 'more advisable ta sign this fig- system in effect this year Crn une for only a two year periodl will receive 40 percent on, sa - rather than for a five year pen- aries up ta $3000 instead of the jo.Telocal board is ta pro- I1$2200 figure of former years. Minor Basebali' League Organizes for the Season, Witli Many Local Entries A Juvenile Basebaîl League will be included in the Lake- shore Minar Hockey Leagaie this season. This was announced at the League's first meeting of 1957, beld at the Elmhunst Hotel in Newcastle, Saturday evening. Four communities will be en- tering teamns in the new league. Trhey include:- Bowmanvilîe. Newcastle, Pont Hope and Cù- bourg. The juvenile leagueJ has been establisbed ta enable boys wbo are too aid for Mid- get Basebail ta have thein own league. The introduction of the new league will exciude a Midget League for the 1957 season, as Mnost of the boys are aven the Midget age. Pee Wee and Ban- tam leagues wili remain the same. Eighteen Teams in League League officiais estimate there *C Z...L~1 ~A.iBVLOI~DJW IUAL'VfL. ONTARIO PAGE TRffl will te six Pee Wee and eight Bantam teams cornpeting in the loop in addition ta the four Juvenile teams. Bowmanville will haive a team in eàch class- ificat -ion, but the other teams in the Pee Wee and Bantam div- isions have not beennmd Officers Re-elce 1 The election of offcers was held and the 1956 officers were re-elected. They are: President -Arnold Wade, Newtonville; Vice-Pres. - Murray McKnight, Bowmanville; Sec.-Cecil Car- veth, Newcastle. An increase in the entry fee 1was announced at the meeting. The fee wiîll be $10 this yean, cqmpaned with the $8 fee in 195al6. Each team enteripg the leaue i1 have ta pay the Bowmianville's Pee Wee and Bantam'Teams Jack Buttonshaw will be coaching Bowmanville's Pee Wee team this season. The team- will be sponsoned by Bill Mutton's Service Station. Bow- manville Legion will sponsori the Bantam team which willI be coached by George Piper. Juvenile Team Requires Assistance Bowmanviile's Juvenile team is being onganized by Murray McKnight. Pnesently the team have no offers of a sponsor. Mr. McKnigbt bas asked the aid of local businessmen and residents who are interested in aiding this team. In addition the team will ne- quire tWao coaches, preferrably men interested in the boys. Mr. McKnight bas asked for Mnen not associated with other clubs, so they wili be able ta devote the nequired time and effort ta the juvenile club. Anyone wishing ta aid the team please contact Murray McKnîght. Any boy between the ages of 16 and 19 is eligibie for the juvenile team. His ninteenth birtbday must come before May lst. For further information., contact Mr. McKnight. ELIZABETH VILLE M Misses Shirley and Danothy I_________________________________________ Muidrew spent the weekend _________________________________________________ with Miss Marilyn Muldre, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. H. Mul- dnew and family went ta Osh- awa on Sunday ta get the girls and spent the day. They also \isited Mn. Stanley Muidnew, Wbitby. A car-Joad of people from Oshawa who wene going fnomn Peterborough ta Oshawa had the misfortune ta bit a haie in the road, and týiey lost contrai of the car and the car jumped the ditch and bit a mail box. Na one was seriously hurt. The tow truck was necessany ta getJ themback on the road. This happened just west of Eliza- ~e~o~q~ &~qdq *betbville at the boundany cor- ner on Sunday. Miss Beryl Tbickson neturned from Toronto on Sunday withl Mr. Bruce Miller, Oshawa, and Miss Mary Lau Bancroft, To- ron ta. Mrs. H. Quantrili spent the weekend with ber sister, Mrs. TRY THE GOODNESS 0FIE. Eiliott, Oshawa. On Sunday Mn, Quantnill and famnily went ta) Oshawa for ber. y Rev. Lane bas been cngagcd ~I ri R ve I~cir' ta speak at aur eiaonsr Çien R e Dairvices an May à when memnonial memorate the centennial which was iast June will be held. M ilk Mn. and Mrs. Vennon Pea- cock attended the weddng of Phone MA 3-5444 for Delivery thein niece, Miss Duaine Pea- ____________________________________________cock, daughter of Mr. and Mns. __________Victor Peacock, Oshawa~. ~Tie O'NE expects Io go EBLIND1 No one expects to go blind yet every year hundreds of Canadians lose their sight through accidents, diseases ,and other causes.j Although confined to life in the shadows, these people are flot isolated from the world around them thanks to you. Your dollars bay provided many specialized services to the blind of this community. Through the CNIB, Braille and Talking Books are provided to the sightless; Home Teachers instruct the blind in reading, writing and crafts; recreational activities and devices provide pleasureable pastinie; counseli- ing and guidance from Field Secretaries, assist flot only the blind but many who are suffering from faulty vision. 'YOIJR HELP is needed. Ma 4;1r DISTRICT ANNUAIeCAMPAIGN takes place froni April 24 -t Please Be Generous When Your VDlunteer Canvasser Cails.c OCAL OBJECTIVE $4OOO7 If the canvasser misses you, donations may be lef t at either of theS( local banks or mailéd te-jla Mr. Donald H. Williams, Chairman tc Box 156 BOWMANVILLE ei The Canadian National InstituteM for the Blind er Con servatives Hold Successful Meeting Speaker and honoured guest at a Progressive Canservative committee meeting in the Balmoral Hotel last Thursday was Dr. P. R. "Perey" Vivian, Port Hope, who will contest the Durhiam seat in the coming federal election. On the left is W. D. "Dave" Higgon, President of the Bowmanville Progressive Conservative Association. -photo by Rehder A Winner in Theatre Contest ,~ ]lews j... I. A number of prizes were donated by local merchants in the 1957 Academy Award Sweepstakes contest, sponsor- cd here by the Royal Theatre. Pictured is Mrs. Irene Richard, 442 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, one of the winners, receiving the ladies' 17 jewel wnist watch donated by Marr's Jewellery from Mr. James Marr. Thie Orono News Telephone 127 Mn. George Armstrong and son, fIimmîns, spent the week- end with bis mother and also visited bis father, Mr. John E. Armstrong, wba was openatcd on last Friday at Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. Neil Smith is a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bawman- ville. Mrs. G. M. Lintan visited ini Tronto and attendcd the Cie- rnents - Peacock wedding on Apni1 2nd. Mrs. Harvey Gii.n visited Mrs. Ginn, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tennant, Blackstock, last ivcek. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mfrs. .Jack Shaw (the former iucille Lynch), Woodbridge, on the birtb of their daughter, Judith Anlene. First great- grandchild for Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Miss Mary Ann Armstrong, 4cMasten University, Hamilton, pent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. Mrs. Frank Andron and son dilan, Toronto, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Mrs. Chas. Shaw and son Ralpb, Oshawa, were dinnen ,vests Sunday of Mn. and Mrs. Eary Mercer. Mr. and Mns. Raymond Anm- trang, Morrisbung, visîted bis sters and brother aven the 'eekend, alsa visited Mn. John wedding was held in St. 0Clm- ent's Anglican Chunch in To- ronto, Apnil 2. The groom wa5 Robent J. Clements. The recep- ton was in Prince Arthur House on St. George St. Mr. and Mns. Vernon Peacock went ta To- ronto with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Quantnill, Oshawa. After the wedding tbey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Lee and fam- ily, Toronto. The Young People's Union was held Tuesday evening in Elizabethviile Church basement. Garden Hill Young People pre- pared the Devotionai, Canton the recreation and Elizabeth- ville the lunch. Fniday evening Miss Beryl Thickson, Miss S. Muldrew, Miss S. She ppard and Mr. and Mns. Milford White attended the ga- tbering at Fellowship Baptist Cburch, Cobourg, whcn Mr. Scbnell spoke. He was a Jeho- vah Witness for 30 years and since his conversion has writ- ten a book entitled "Thinty Yeans a Slave to the Watcfl rower". Misses S. Muldrew, S. Shep- pard, Beryl and Darlene Thick- son attended the funeral of.thel late Janet Boate, *a student at1 Port Hope High School, on Sat- urday. Miss Donna Mercer has gone o Oshawa ta spend the weeic- end with Miss Marilyn Mul- drew. Miss Marian White, Sault Ste. Mlarie, was home on the week- end. Miss June Thickson, R.N., Toronto, spent the weekend at her home, r si S] siý 1Armstrong in Toronto General -Hospital. Mr. Hanny Mercer and Mn. Bruce Mencen, Fine Chief, wene 1in Woodstock on Tuesday get- ting the fine engine repaired. Mrs. C. Caverly, Wh itby, vis- î ted Mn. and Mns. Wm. Davey and Mn. and Mrs. Madison Hall on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. John Hobbs of Nontbway an the birtb of their son Apnil lst. Mns. Fay Adams netunned home an Saturday fnom Mecm- anial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Armnold GiIlh±- land and son left on Sunday fan thein home in Sask. by mator aften spending the winter in Orono. Mrs. G. Atkinson (nec Lewis) and Miss Quantrili, student tea. chers of the Teachens' College, Peterborough, spent a week at Orona Public Scbool. Ailan Andron, Toronto, visit- ed bis cbum, Ross Morris, on Sunday. Mrs. John Konapatwa is a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Miss Kate Fosten visited Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid necent- ly. Miss June Neilson, R.N., Ln don, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Neilson. Mrs. E. H. Cale who spent thej winter in Lintonhurst Manon Rest Home, Orono, bas neturn- cd ta ber home in Hampton. WM.S. Leader Membership The Easter meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Tuesday, Apnil 2, with a good attend- ance. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn was in charge of the worship ser- vice. The scriptune gave a splendid Easter message, par- traying Christ's ascension and closing with the verse, "Peace be with you, as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you." An appropriate duet was nendered by Mrs. Drummond and Mrs. Rickaby. Mrs. Porter gave a short resume of Mrs. Kitchen's life and wark and presented ber with a W.M.S. Life Membersbip cetificate and Mrs. M. Staples presented hen with the pin. Mns. Kitchen graciously thanked the lad:,es for their kindness. The study book was reviewed by Miss H. Waddell who using the maP, pictured the PhilIip- pine Islands,' giving their loca- tion, industries, exports anci told of their gaining their In- dependence fnom the U.S. and finally of the splendid wonk being done in the Islands by mnissianaries from the churches. The meeting closed with prayer. By Connie Osmond There is ta be a hardtime dance an Fniday, Apnil 12, be- ginnîng at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. On Apnil 26, as you know, is the "Easter Prom." Dancing ta the music of the Paul Min- kcola Orchestra will be from 9:00 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. The prices are $3.00 for members The Get-Togeiher Club presents THE l4th ANNIVERSARY BALL the corsages are supplied. Don't forget boys anly twa weeks left and by now that important girl wilI be getting neady ta accept an Invitation fromn someone eIse. Thene are many beauti- fui prizes such as perfumes, jewellery, clothes, and numer- ous other exciting articles, al for that lucky Qucen. Wouldn't you like ta be her, and boys, wouldn't you like youn date tao be the Qucen? Tickets wîli be on sale at the dance on Friday night, so wby not ask her now and get yaur tickets then. Yaur Teen Town Cnests are on sale now and will also be on sale at the dance on Friday night. The pice is 50c eac. Badminton 0ofi Wednesday nigbts is aur mid-week attrac- tion sa lct's sce everyone out. W.S old At Enniskillen Enniskillen: A veny fine ser- vice was held Sunday evening at Enniskillen chunch, sponsor- cd by the W.M.S. and attended by ail affiliated gnoups, The Mission Band, Explorers and C. G.IT. Mrs. A. L. Wearn, the presi- dent, led in worship, assisted by the mînisten. The special speaker for the occasion was Miss Nancy Edwards, a deacan- ess of aur chunch who gave an account of her wonk as a W.M. S. and Christian Educatian worker in Newfoundland. About a year aga Miss Edwards be- came the assistant director of the cammittee on Radio andi Television under the Board of Information and Stcwardship in Toronto. Previous ta this ap- pointment and following ber graduation from the Unitedi Cbuncb Training Scbool, she had worked in Winnipeg, aften which she spent eigbt years in Nonthenn Newfoundland. Her account of ber work to- gethen with stniking slides, provad very intenesting and cmpbasized the importance and gnowth of cburch work among young people in the lOth prov- inve with special nefenence ta summer C.G.I.T. camps and young peoples' work in genenal in the smaller communities. 0 During the service Miss Ed-0 wards delightcd ail present with the solo "How Lavely Are Tby Dwellings". The many beautiful flowens in the chunch wene placed there in memory of the late Mrs. L. Congratulations ta Miss Vin- ginia Brown,' a memben of Bowmanville Skating Club, who received her certif icate for passing the Canadian Figure Skating Test at the annual meeting on Monday evening in the Town Hall, Bowmianville. Mr. Carl Adams, Mrs. W. E. Warburton, Mns. Harry Herron represented the Session and Woman's Association of Cour- tice United Chunch at a meeting in the chapel of St. Andnew's United Church, Oshawa, in pre- paration for the Saper Evan- gelistic Mission in November. The names: Jîm Castie, Aif KSnowlton, Gerry Estabrooks and Carl Adams ring a bell1 with some peaple - that bell is an the fire engine or they hope it will be. Some public spIrited people have been very' generous in their danations; same othens are going ta be. Keep up the good wank. Cet Your Price For Your Livestock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS SATUBYSemPi-for2a Featuring The Add 4's with the Ellis McLintock Orchestra Note: On presentation of your ticket at Lewington Florists (Oshawa) a 20%'/ discount will be obtained on corsages. POT PRIZES COKES . DOUGHNUTS 0.C. V. I. Auditorium Tickets available Admission $3.50 per couple from any committee member - G LOVES Nylon or Fabrie Ail Colours and White $100 to $2.98 S pe c i alI NYLON GLOVES Assorted Colour. ~6c pr. Phone MA 3-5451 Bowmanville Kinc~ St. E. HAND BA GS ana p URSES Oly $5,00 EACH il- l'Pm lq-AlvAnTAN WMA19EQUAV à%uvfflAýwý 9 * IN PERSON Hank Thompsonj * Capitel Records * 17-,00,000 Sold * THE :BRAZOS VALLEY BOYS: * <America's * No. 1 Western Brand)M * BARRY NESBITT * FLOYD LLOYD GOLDEN VALLEY BOYS: * 15 Performers *2 Shows - 7:30 - 9:30M iTHURS., APR: 1Il RED BARN: Oshaw Service si Lifé IGiven COURTICE - 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. Phone MA 3-5451 - 1 Bowmahville King St. E., 1

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