PAGE TWO TH*T.MA*- fAPRYT. J if fai THfE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROVWMANVI1LIP.OTARTO Y'?~TT~?tAV ADDIV liés. .a~ Reports Are Received WlI. Annual Meeting Blackstock: Wamen's Institute search and Cuxrent Events, Mrs. met at the home of Mrs. Ivan W. W. Van Camp. Thompson, Wednesday after- Mrs. McArthur presented thel rxoan, with 38 ladies and 16 repart of the naminating corn- children present. Ater the apen- mittee with the following slate of ing Mrs. Pemcy Van Camp read officers, which was accepted: the scipture. Motta for the day President-Mms. Lamne ThomP- was "If you have need o! living son: lst Vice-Pres-Mrs. Thos. WPiser, better, begin today". Smith; 2nd Vice-Pres.- Mms. As usual at the finish of the Richard Bowles; Secetary-Mrs. year theme was considerable bus- Voînia Bailey; Treasurer-Mrs. Iness ta finish up as well as final Gilbert Mariow, District Direct- plans for the bazaax-. April 17. or-Mrs. Gilbert ýMalow; Pian- Intemesting reports wex-e given ist-Mrs. Herb Taylor; Fruit and by the canvenors as foilows: Fiawer Committee - Mesdames Junior Activities, Mrs. Ernest F. ILoskin and M. Grahami; Aud- Lammer; Home Econamies and itars-Mesdames Murray Byers Health, Mms. Mervyn Graharti; and Russell Mountjoy. Conven- Agriculture and Canadian In- exs-Mesdames Frank Staniland, dustries, Mrs. F. Staniland, Cit- Arthur Bailey, Wm. Van Camp., fzenship and Education, Mrs. J. Carl Wright, Roy Taylor. and A. McArthur; Historical Re- Stuart Dorreli. After aIl the expressions of' thanks, etc., meeting closed and a Very pleasant social chat was a nyserved by the group. a hardahile njoyingthea lunch Given for ing o! h fies fteWI ReetBde President for the purof r Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryans coming yeam. (nec Nancy, Brown) have been guest of honour at many show- ers since their recent marriage. The community of Courtice and Ebenezer sbowered themn at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Brown, Courtice, when their -home wvas filled ta overflawing,. One hundred lavely misceilaneous gifts were received. Arrange- inents were made iby the Eberi- ezer Sunsbine Class. Mrs. Brie Courtice and Car- cie apened their home for a miscellaneous shower when the bride was the guest of honour. About 20 members of the Cour.- tice Girls' Softbali Team were present. Contests were con- clucted by Carole and Charlotte and a deliciaus lunch was en-1 joyed. Mrs. Bryans was entertained by the goom's sisters, Mrs. S. Benbam and Mrs. R. Walker at Mrs. Benham's home, Garrard Rd., Oshawa, wben members of the brides and groom's famil- ies presented tbem with a six- piece place setting of stainless steel flatware, faur-piece can- inister set in copper and several other kitchen utensils. A buf- fet luncheon was enjoyed by aIl present. On Saturday evening me:n- bers of the Wilkins family gathered at Wilfrid Brown's ta shower tbe recent bride and groom. Several beautiful wed- ding gifts and sbower presents were received. Bath express- cd their thanks toalal present.1 Fruit and candy were enjoyed by ail.1 jBLACKSTOCK Two teams from Blackstock campeted in the bonspiel at Lindsay, Saturday, March 30.i Altogetber there were 24 teams fromn Ontario competing for the Calvert Trophy. The Cartwright team of Skip Gea. Black, Harod Hamilton, Norman Campbell and Dave Wilson, won first prize and received gold pins and anotheri team composed of Brian Ham-1 ilton (skip), Howard Black, Ken Minshall, Don Larmer, won seobnd prize and received silver pins. This automatically made themn the winners of the Trophv. Mrs. Nelson Mollon returned ta ber bomne in Sunderland on Monday after spending a week with the Harold Martyn's. Wo-He-Lo Mission Band met Tuesday af ternoon witb 22 chiîdren and four ladies present. The worsbip "Sbaring" took the form of a play by children representing Korea and China and was given by Jim Dayes, Lamna Wright, Sharon Larmer, rJudy Swain, Elizabeth Thomp- son, Betty Bradburn, Brian Mountjov, Ronald Martyn, Bob Kyte and Jim Canaghan. Glen Bonnetta and Dennis Ashton re- ceived the offering. Rail was answered by "the name of a bird I have seen this spring". AllI sang "Daffodil". Helen Swainl sang a solo "Open Up Your~ Heart"; Heather MacKeen read "A Bundie of Sticks": Nancy Dormell gave a piano solo "Pian'o Concerto No. 1'1. Mrs. Roy Taylor visited us and toid the 4nvit/44yce MRS. SADYE BRUCE %,ho wiII accord you expert odvice on Core of the Skiri, new Color Harmony Make-Up, ancd the forous Eizabeth Arden Home Treatments. IN OUR STORE THURSDAY, APRIL 251h JURY and LOVELL DEMONSTRA TION an d TEA will be held at the LIONS CONNUNITY CENTRE "t ' p.m* Wednesday, April- I4th Sponsored by the DURHAM CHAPTER ORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR Door Prizesi Jury and Love!!' Bowmanvilleý tstory "The Tree Watchers". Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer entertained the teachers and >officers of the Sunday Scbool, Tuesday evening. A brief bus- iness meeting was held and a fine social get-together enjoyed. Prize winners at the Farmers' ,Union euchre Wednesday night gwere: High lady, Mrs. Hector Shortridge and Mr. Leonard Job- lin (playing as a lady):- higlh gent, Mr. Flem Thompson and IMr. Osmond Wright; low lady, IMrs. O. Wright; low gent, Mr. Percy Vaii Camp. Although the weather was most unfavourable a fair attend- ance enjoyed the Firemen's picture show, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor were host and hostess at a din- ner Party at their home Satur-1 day nigbt in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor's 4Oth wedding anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry MeLaughlin, Mrs. Jos. Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Mrs. Herb Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Owing ta iilness the Garnet Murrays were unable to attend. The bride and groom were pre- sented witb a iovely platform rockîng chair. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Hodgson,j Port Perry, and Mrs. Blackburn, Toronto, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leighton. Miss Tyreli spent the weekend at bier home in Toronto. Sunday evening hier father and brother brought lier -back and were sup- per guests of Mrs. Thos. and Mr. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well and Margaret, Miss Helen Van Camp, Oshawa, were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Arthur. Mr. Gordon Paisley spent the weekend at bis home in Dunn- ville. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jobnston spent the week with the Keith Johnston's, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Courtice, were Sunday visitars of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and family. Mrs. Osmond Wright spent a Iday with Mrs. Edna Gibson, Nestieton, last xveek. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and fam- ily spent Sunday withi Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy. Misses Pearl Wright and Mfabe1 Van Camp, Toronto, at their respective homes for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and family visited the Leo Moffatt's,1 Oshawa, Sunday.E Mrs. Milton Sanderson return-( ao bar home in Toronto Satur-i lay after spending three weeks1 ,vitb ber sister, Mrs. Clare.»cei Vlarlow. Glad to report Mrs. Mfarlow improving favorably. 1 Mrs. R. Ford, Toronto, called1 on several of the villagers, Sun- day. A good many from bere went o Port Perry Sunday evening toc ee the film 'Martin Luther"E vhicb vas sbown in the United. bhurch there.t The bunch of hockey fans wbo f have been following Whitbyt players will stili bave a few 1 more trips as the Dunlops' win on Saturday night in Kitchenerj rings tbem up against North Bay team. First game in Toron-r to tonight.,1 Fami ly Night A Success at Grove On Satumday evening nearly 175 people, young and aid, en- jayed a cammunity night at the Maple Grave School under the sponsorship of the Home and School and Women's Institute. Progressive euchre was played in anc roof under the direction o! Marjorie and Steven Jeffery. First prizes, weme won by Mrs. Charles Snowden and Mr. D. Lavemty. Consolation prizes went ta Mme. Charles Greenham and Mvr. Charles Snawden. Dancing in the next roomn was vemy liveky ta the music o! Farrow's Orchestra witb Jim Holtby doing the calling for square dancing. Spot dances were won by Barbara Hughes, Ron Hager- man, Marie Caaney and jim Cryderman. Bingo for thxe younger folk was highly successful with nearly ail winning prizes. Lunch was served under the capable supervision o! the Home and School ladies. This evening proved ta be very successful where mother, father, son aIxd daughter enjoy- ced it together. More evenings such as this have been suc- gested for the next winter sea- KEDRON Mms. Alvin Spencer was hast- ess for the April meeting of iKedron Wamnan's Association. A large number of members and friends enjoyed the Easter twarship pragram, prepared and led by Mrs. Harvey Crossman, assi.çted by Mrs. F. Snowder and Mrs. W. Snowden. President Mrs.. W. Werry wel- comed the many visitors pres- ent, and pmesided for the busi- ness. Recarding Secmetary, Mrs. C. Hopkins read March min- utes and called the rail, which was answered by submitting a bazaaar article. Special thanks were moved ta Jack Francis for making splendid posters advertising the W.A. bazaar planned for Mai' 15 at 7.30. The W.A. decided ta purchase necessary small chairs for the primary department, and rub- ber tips for the chairs in the S. S. hall. Hostesses witb Mrs. Spencer were Mrs. J. Francis, Mirs. W. Sharp and Mrs. G. Glover. A record attendance of 110 weme present for the Sunday Schaol bour on Sunday last. Miss June Davis was pianist, and Frank Lee led the Aduit Class meditation. Superinteni- dent William Snowden asked for a decision me Annlversary plans, and it was passed on motion that one special service be held an June 16 in the aftcrnoon. Grant Spencer presented a fine Temperance pragram. in which the fallowing boys participated: Larry Martin, Rae Tregunna, Brian Spencer, Douglas and Dwigbt Cameron, Walter Parks, Douglas McNally, Jack Dyck, and Norris Hitchens. Rev. R. H. Rickard chose for bis Lenten message, "The Dis- ciple and His Creed". The lacgL- communicants' class sat at thc church front, and repeated the Apostles' Creed in unison. Miss Marie Parry read the Scrip- ture lesson, and Alan Francis led in praycr. The girls and boys of the class sang in unii- son, 'Teach Me Father". The regular chair wvas heard in the numnber, '"Worship the Lord, in the Beauty of Holiness", with AMrs. R. E. Lee, director of mu- Sic. Next Sunday. April 14, Suni- day School wvill be neid at the regular hour of 1.30, with the church service at 2.30 p.m. The 14 young people will be receiv- ed into the mem bership of the Church, at this pre-Easter comn- munion service, and th2 sacra- m'ent of infant baptismn will also be conductcd. Ail interested couples are in. vited ta bowl xvitb the C. K. Doubles Club at the Shopping Centre, Oshawa, on Friday evcning at 9 p.m. An impressive service 'as canducted at Kedron on F ridayv evening ta mark the fil week-night study for the merii- bership class of fourteen youngr folk xvho plan ta unite with the chumch. In the class are Betty Cameron, June Davis, Gail Hitchen, Marie Parry, Donna Reeves, Camolyn Spen- cer, Douglas Cameron, Ken- netb and Jack Dyck, Nor-cs H-lthen, Alan Francis, Keith Martin, Keitlh Tregunna andj Robert Spencer. During th3 service the class recited the Beattitudcs,.the Ten Comrnandi- 1 inents, aur Lord's Summary of the Law, the books of the Bi- ble, our church doctrine, abbre. viated. They also gave the vaws ,vhich they will take. Eacb young pe±-son stated in bis own iiords, "Why I wish ta join the church and each offered their own brief prayer. Eiders of the church welcomed them, and a ocial boum concluded the class- es for the graup. The officers and teachers of Kedron Sunday Schooi met at te home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter. Davis on Monday. evening. Rev. R. H. Rickard opened with prayer. In the absence of the secretary, Mms. H. Werry was appointed pro tem. Walter Davis chaired the meeting. H. -anae AndJ T ncswr did talk on horticulture and iaridscaping, iliustrated with beautiful coloured slides. )f Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- ,joy, Mr,. and Mn. Lorne Tre- .gunna, Misses Eleanor Mount- w oy and Jeanine Werry, and dRon Werry were in Woodville 1on Friday evening, for the, npresentation of "Talent Show- case" te a capacity audience ln, Woodville Hall. Sincere sympathy of many friends and neighbburs in the Kedron area, is extended to the famiiy of the late Lois (Glas- peul) Anderson. Sodbustems fmom Kedron community had their evening chores finished. in goad time on Wednesday evening, ta join in the ibanquet at 6.30 in Harmony Hall, when Rotarians fmomi Oshawa were their guests. From ail accaunts the Har- mony ladies served a deliciaus a.nd bountiful roast turkey dinnex-, enjoyed by the hasts and their guests. The enter- tainers from Brampton made two presentatians of beautiful 'mums, the onè for the yaung- est persan present gaing ta Ron Werry. Mrs. F. Snowden bas accom- panied Mr. and Mms. James Pengelly ta Timmins for an extended visit. Neighboums honoured Mrs. Leo Kazak prior ta hem depart- ume from Maxwell's community with ber husband and family. Ladies gathered at the home of 1Mms. Paxfitt and presented a painting ta Mrs. Kazak. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee and Frank C. Lee were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman, Bowmanvilie. Henry Kidd and Mrs. Jack Kidd, Omillia, were guests of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. R. Down. .Visitors with Mm. and Mms. Eli Sorensen at Camp Samaz, were their daughtem, Mms. Piz- ziano and hem husband, New Yomk City, and another daugh- ter, Mrs. Espensen and busband, Toronto. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, at- tended Kedran services on Sun- day and visited relatives ini the community. Couples Club Holds Supper Maple Grove: On April 4th, about,60 of the Couples' Club sat down ta a most deliciaus and baunteous pot luck supper. After supper Keith Crago, vice.- president, conducted the meet- ing. Minutes wvere mead and approved. A discussion follow- ed concemning the bowling night in May. Fuxther . information will he given at a latex- date. Wesley Down intmoduced Rev. M. C. Fisher and Mms. Fisher- o! Newcastle. Mm. Fishex- chose as his tapic "Wheme are you in life in these times." He recalled the horse and buggy days, wben eiectrlc iights and radia were new, aiso when a baby sitter was cailed "Mom," ta show a contrast of living a genemation ago ta taday's liv- ing. Mr. Fisher told us o! how mobile the whole country bas become and hw manypeapl Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DEAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 ]P.NM. SJackpot Value - This Week - $240 This week's winner Efie Elliott, 104 King St. E., Bowvnanville ~ DO'T FRG10% Coupon - $22.50 DON' FOGET- NEXT DRAW, SAT., APRIL 13 TonHall Richmello Bread 24-oz. 17 Loaf 17 Values effective in Bowmanville until Saturday. àA-i1' DOMINION STORES LIMITE!) of other lands are coming te Canada seeking a way of peace and service and o.f Christian fellowship. Three suggestions of what are important today were: make the home secure; whoiesome Christian fellowship, have," faith to live by. j1 Miss Joanne Mackie à Ebén- ezer sang two very deiightful solos. Carl Down thanked the speaker and soloist for their splendid contribution ta the program. Dead, Old and Crippeled Farm Stock Picked Upe Free of Charge 24 Houx- Service Phone Colleet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 Nfick Peconi PETERBOROUGH - ONT. #?Ic Serve the coflee that maxces lamily and" f riends look f orward ta their second>cup.' before they've finished the. firat. Serve' the kind of coffee that saves you up tc» 12e a pound. compared with niost other., f amous brandi. RICHMELLO Coffee proudly bears; DOMINION'S fanious symbol . .. the bii' "D" and maple leaf ... awàrded only to products that 'nieet the highest standards of quality. It la your guarantee that RICIIMELLO Coffee la a cholce blond of the world's finest high-qrown coffees. Switch ta DOMINION this week for finer- flavoured. money saving RICHMELLO Coffee. Fresh PRODUCE Crisp, Florida Pascal CELERY ZLarge Stalks23c A Tasty Treat - Imported No. 1 - Size 45's Cantaloupe each 23C Spring- Time Treat - California - Fancy ASPARAGUS lb. 23c New Brunswick No. 1 Eating 50-lb. bag POTATO ES Delicieus - Serve Stewed! Small Size Meaty Prunes Real Value! Sherwood Brand - Std. Halves Peaches Red Rose - 20e Off Pack Instant Coffee Add Variety to Your Table! Stuffed Manzanilla - Loose Pack Gattuso Olives York Brand Peanuf Butter SPECIAL $1,925 Special 2-lb. Cello Bag3 c Special 20-oz. f Tin 197C Special arO 99C EASTER CANDY Regency Chocolates Easter A.B. Gums Easter JeIIy Eggs Robinson's Cream Egg 1-lb.79 Bo.79 15-o? , Cello Bag29c 12o7.2 Cello Bag29 B. 29c Easter M.M. Panned e12o ag9 C Quality MEAT Caldwell's Skinless Wieners Il'i. 5Cr Devon Rindless Bacon P'-kb: 73C Pre-Dressed Roasting Chickens lb. 45Sc Caldwell's Sk in l«ss Sausaae Special - Jar 5 Budget Marshniallowv SpcilCookies 9-oz. Tumbler 19C Frankford - Std. Specia Green Peas 2Tioýz. 2fori 9q ~ Cut Food Costs et OMIA1N ION c Picnic Brand - we Mixed Pickles al c 1207 31c Pkg- 1 Pkg. 36 Biscuits 29c, Jar25C Mple Tickets - 50Jc MA 3-5778 Cut Bread Costs! Carry it Home and Save! White Sliced L- 195Y