Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 8

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rParE MORT __________________________________________0 4dA~L U.IO 71M CANAVIAn. SATteUMig,4q., Dovn«nvf=. oNTAItto GROWTR 0F A GIAN T We thought we bad' saie Idea o! the tremendous growth of the cjty of Toronto because we had seen successive waves swallowing up the land between wbat used to be the city limÈs, and Pickering. But this is only one small part of the picture. On Sunday for the first turne we tnavelled across the top of the city via the 401 highwav. Mile a!ter mile, bouses extend to nortb and sauth where on*- ~vously fields and farms he]d sway only a few years aga. Ta a country-lover, wbich v:e7 are and ever shall be, the pros- pect ws frightening in its imi- plications. We knew Torn!no was spreading out like a giant DCtopus-we've read enouigl about it, and the troubles that are attending it, and we had seen evidence of it before- but. somehow travelling acros the top as, one does on that highway broiîght the nealitx- home witb more force than before. One wonders, seeing the beautiful ravines filled in, the farm land gobbled up, if there will be any countryside left in Ibis whole area. Progress-you can have it,.if indeed such an ovengrawn, unwieldy mass o! population is truly progress. We have yet ta be convinced o! that. One bas'only to read the claily papers for accounts of dire financial and other prob- lems that incarporated towîî- ships are struggling with to ser- iously doubt the concept. In the alarming picture o! the beautiful open spaces o! field and fanm being sacrificedj ta hausing and industry, there is anc comfarting nay o! liit as we see it, and that is that a provincial Department of Planning and Develapment ex- ists, that a Conservation Au- thorities Act exists, and that there a.re 19 Conservation Au- thoritics. The first aid kit and insurince both have important noies ta play in the event of accidents. Each ycar, thc companics writing accident and sickncss insurance in Canada pay out more than ninu'y million dollars (not including auto. mobile accident costs) ta policy. holdcrs - a mightv bulwark against unusual financial ;train. AUL CANADA I NSURANCE FE !Rfl2ON It is far bccter, accidents and mis deal with the tre. îous-and often ti That is why i1m are constantly sce Canada's mountii Safcty pays di lives, helps to lo costs. Be Careful ALL CANADA INSURANCE un bahaif of more II&n 2"0 comp.tirj cc - Pure, Automobile and Cd.,Jaltr Iinuri An idea o! the wonden!ul work done by these Conservation Actwasasined m y e ained Actya reainsted pubcatin u Vyaey" toreJaubaryo1957Our- Vlsed y" the Dparment ofb Plaing andtheDeveoment.o Tla o ingu ndd d e e es rp e s-. etion19 Authorites atended- a nennce9 uhoin London On as cob.errein Lneed, ant every anc of them, and mare. This is a beautiful country. It must be kept as beautiful as possible. People must bave areag of woodland and water ta please the eye, ta heal the souil, ta provide a haven for birds and animals, ta preserve, anîd cantrol preciaus water sources. Thank heaven there are people xvha realize this. Would thatJ there were more individuals,i and more graups zealousiy mindful of it. THE EARLY BIRD, THE DEW ON THE ROSE, ETC. On the lighten side-we rend l an article reccntly about tle ton wcalthiest men in the Un- ied States. A million is nothing at al! todav, several of these men have huridreds of millionaiv if we reniember correctly. Our i mind gets a littho fuzzy coq- a templating figures like Ihat. Tlhe biographies -af these ty- i coons made intcresting rendI-Li ing. Did lhey start out hîkeIV other pcople, hoxv did tbey ' niake their fixst mnillion, a:d d how do they live? Well appar- cntly a university education is eý far froin necessary. Big money 01 nd highicn educalion seldoin %vent hand in hand. Saine dîd J net even finish high school. d Perhaps this cames as no sur- a prise. We have ahl known peu-a pie wîth the saine kind o tive shrewdness, the o 'anT flair, the personality, wbo bave amassed a good dca] aofînoney in without benielit of much oIm-A mal education. te It's an intcresting fuel, but c we still think a broad educatio n is ta be vahuea above mink c ceiats. Though we beieve, from F, the outline given of thes;e en men's ]ives, it is not the pluîh is living they can buy with tne maney that interests them, sa T( Imucb as the tbnilh of buwing, f selling, directing and mancieu- .j vening. L JAnother striking tbing whieh most ai the len had in comman xvas that they ail rose very early in the mornîng. Six o'clock o r earlier. This, coupled with niehc fact that the majority did not use a secretary very much, biut kept masses o! figures and de- J T] tails in their beads convinced us VÉ finally and foreven that there 1 is flot the slightest chance cf vis our ever amassing great wealtn. Bu and envy. Why sleep those pre- vil ciaus hours away? But just as W" wce begin ta gain a little in tIIý right direction with the bright L( wakening rays o! the Spririg 1H0 sun-wbam, tbey bring in Da- light Saving and we're donce. Wl Some people may like that day- ho] light at the othen end of the day. We'd nather bave the si-n M for an alarm dcock in the marn- Jol ing. Oh yes, by June or July I ýnc A littie thinking - now arnd then irSlaves you money -as 12 beuts 10 0F Att KING, SuIES YOU GET 12 oz (NOT 10 oz.)] Youfrimoney bhuys a be/fer Quai/y i; big'ger Quat/fyt wheftypu Ask for W//son Q" GINGER ALE ... COLA ... ORANGE CLUB SODA ... 12 OUNCE SIZES AND WHEN YOU BUY A CARTON 0F SIX YOU GET WILSON - 12 oz. x 6 =72 oz. OTHERS - 10Ooz. x 6 = 60oz. MORE OFWIILSON'SDY 12 or. 56-20 ALWAYS ASK FOR "VWILSON'wS"!. P-IK TO CRIPPLED Fchols has been a steady ýe of the company since e bas been in the Heels nent during bis 35 nd is presently working final inspection of th2 dDewell bas been with m since 1927. He is a ten operator in the Fan mer-the dew on the rose, the' Mr.fNi lakon the wing. But we can't 1t, h ur in enplye be shaken out of bed, except in >s i al B . C ïon 1922. He anticipationt of a trip. So what A i. k Departn with a memory like a sieve and ie n s.ew K s s l a o years an lte sleeping propensity of a C e t e e u ct a o on the dormouse, the making of mil- #preut bions is flot for us. We dare Bowmanville Lions Club state of New York and ail costsp'out say we shall have lots of comn- made another fine donation to wiil be shared. Alfred pany, and anyway, the best their community, Monday nilbt See Protresa of Construction the fîrnr things in life are free, aren't at their regular meeting, as M.Wiesoe h ru bias eutt they? they presented a portable re- afiM.cWhcerning dthe planningBeit de . . . ~suscitator ta Memorial Hospi-. ad on trcion o the pron ecng STRAFORDTHISYEAR tai.Before the project is complet- It's going to be a thniiling sea- Harry Cryderman, chairman cd some 38,000 acres of land of the bospital board, accepted wil be flooded ta provide son at Stratford this year with the resuscitator on behal! Of changes in the path of theni two good plays, Txvelftb Night Memorial Hospital. The pres- ver. This wil enable better na- and Hamlet, and the new build- entation was made by Lions vigation for shipping and sup- ing to sce, the only one of its Club President Norm O'Rourke ply the power plants with a kind; besides the jazz and other and Dr. E. W. Sisson, chaîrman stronger generating source. music attractions, films, an ex- of the Lions Health and Wel- The film was entitled "The bibit of fine and graphie arts, fare Committee. Eighth Sea", which is the term 5 costumes and books. If yV'a J see Interesting Film used by those associated witlh V haven't a program, we have one at The Statesman you may, Members saw an informative the project, in referring to the consult. The Festival opens this fl on the St. Lawrence Sea- Great Lakes. The $1,000,000,000 year on July 1 and runs to Sep'.1 way Project. They heard a cost of the project will be shar- 7. highiy interesting talk on the ed by Ontario and New York. project and the power dams by Mr. White answered several Jerry White, of the Ontario questions concerning the pro- E LZA ETHVILE Hydro Information Division. jeet before concluding. He a -ELIZ BETH ILLE Guests for the evening in- presented with a gift on behaif cluded Lucas Lambert, Zone o! the club. Sarry to hear that Miss Eva Chairman and five members of Members Celebrate Birthdays Trew suffered a nervous break- the Markham-Unionville Lions Lions Stu James and Claude clown and has been taken to a Club. Chuck McCarty, secre- Kilmore celebrated their birth- rîursing home in Millbrook. tary; Howard Hagerman, Gord days at the meeting. Four of Mrs. Fred Wheeler bad the Penny, Dick Dickson and Ben the members were presented misfortune to cut the side Of Gaynian represented the Mark- with prizes they bad won in a her thumb while spitting kind- ham-Unionville Club. draw beld at the Omemee Lions lirs. H.onSheardspn v. The Boys' and Girls' Com- Club Charter Night recently. ,MreckHnd wi herd sstiVfrs mittee reported on the excel- Tbey were, Joe ifett, Pat Yeo, w.een O'Ncal i er tovjllc. lenît progress their Midget buc- George Brown and Hi Ormis- 1\'r. ndMrs \Vecer ndkey teamn had made during the ton. M.anyvsd Mr . Whclrad season. It was decided to hold ___________ Vrs. A. Robinson, Port Hope, narhaniutfr e paesih and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton ai erftue Zion on Sunday. Mr. Hamilton Presentation of Resuscitaor Good ear Mven Is still in the hospital. In presenting the resuscita- Mr.H. Thickson spent Srat- tor ta Mr. Cryderman, the cubRL n irday atternoon and evening at president, NQrm O'Rourke said, eceive L n Mlr. and Mrs. Lockwood's Gar- "Mr. Cryderman-I take a len Hill. It xvas Ms. Lackwood's great deal of pleasure on behaif birI hday. of the Bowmanville Lions Club Service Pi ns We wish ta compliment Mis3s- in presenting this resuscitator ýs Shirley and Dorothy Muldreýv ta the Memarial Hospital. With Tbree empioyees of the Good- n thcir singing at the Church a grawing Town we feel thzat year Tire and Rubber Company ervices on Sunday. the possibility of increased ace:- were presented with long ser- Mr and Mrs. A. Depape an-d dents alsa graws, and we hope vice pins by plant manager, iaugliter, Kendal, were at Mr. that with this precautianaî'y Charlie Cattran, recently. nd Mrs. O. lVerccr's on Sunday. 1mcsure we migbt be instruý William Nichais completeid Airs. H. Quantnili, Mrs. H. mental in saving a life. Actual- 35 years' service with the firi; D rhickson, Mr. F I. Sheppard and lv we haope thet you neyer have Alfred Dewell received bis .90- D /Irs. O. Mercer spent Tuesdy a n occasion ta use it. We would year pin, while Sidney Bond nî Oslha-wa and visited witîî be just as pleased if it gathercd was presented with his 25-year ý== 'fs. E. Elliott. noilhing but dUst. When a per- pin. Miss Sy bol Sheppard is en- son buys fire insurance tlîty ertaining licr Sunday schoil do flot intend ta have a fire. lass ta a liot dinner followcd MaY this resuscitator be ac- viti gaines on Friday. night. cepted. as insurance. On Saturday night Mr. E. The Lions would like to r2- owler's do- was struck by a commcnd that although the arad a t's hip injured. It hospital is accepting this giit sat the vet's in Orona. and xiii therefore be respan- Miss Beryl Thickson left for sible for its upkeep, it be avail- oronto Thursday ta spend a able for other organizatians ew days xith bier sister, Miss suchi as the Town Police, the une Thickrnn and Miss Mary Provincial Police, the Fire De- ou Bancroft. partient. and the Beach Ao-- soiton.,, The hospital was alsa presen- tcd with an extra set of oxy- TYRONE 1gen tinks for the rcsuscitator, by the Health and Welfarc Mr. and Mrs. T. Findiay, Tells of Seaway Project bornhill, visited Mrs, Otta eroht wsitoue 'irtu e, 1 J ry W ie w s i t o u e Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess ta the members by Laitrence isited on Sunday with Mrs. . Goddard. Mr. White informed urgess. Ker the group of the important part lle; Mrs. G. Phare and Lance Power Commission had phayed Fe!MreFae' e ith Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare. in getting the praject started. Milk recipes. Write today Mr. Lloyd Hoar, Beloeil, and It is a joint project with the muise Hoan visited Mrs. S. T. oar. Glad ta see Mr. and Mrs. S. E. bite looking sa well aften their lIiday at Tampa, Fiorida. Mr. and ?Mrs. L. Alldread and axine visited Mr. and Mrs. Have You Refurned )hn Beckett, Scugag Island, d Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Brad -___ Deweil first started with the company this wonk was done by hand. Sidney Bond is an Inspector and shippen in the Hose Rooni at Goodyear. He has been an employee sînce 1934. Mn. Bond's foreman, Laurence Go rd presented bim with sa,4eaum IOMINATEON L TE MG HAL, OO ± I Vednesday, April 10 8: 15 pa.. Hon. L.B. Pearson Secnetany o! State for Extennal Affairs DR. CLAUDE VIPOND Liberal Candidate Ontario Constituency JOHN M. JAMES, Durhamn and brlng your friends. Hon. L. B. Pearson JRHAM COUNTY LIBERAL ASSOCIATION M.P. Yor - HELP CHILOREN What Your Money DO Here are a few of the things that the Rotary CIuli with the help of your Easter Seal donations have accomplished in the past year: " Provided transportation to Merrywood Camp for 10 Cripplcd Children from the district. " We have 24 children on our active Iist and dur. ing the past year we have made expenditures on 12 of them. * Entertained 29 guests at our Annual Christmas Party for Crippl2d Children of the district, Use Eas fer Seals *Provided transportation one day per week to the Cerebral Palsy Clinic in Oshawa. *Co-operated in the Clinic for Crippled Children in the United Counties held in Port Hope. *Looked after the following: Tonsilectomies - - - Special Braces - - - -, 2 SpecialBeds - -. - - 1 BUY EASTER SEALS AND USE THEM! PUT YOUR DONATION IN THE C RI PLD N AND MAIL TO-DAY - - w - - . A Reeit wiIJ be sent to you for Income Tax purpos,-., Use Easter Seala theý si anti o! nie ý sun shouïley, Enniskillen. achieve the same resuits, but by Mr:n.Ms.J .Gifin and that time wc've lapsed bac[K children, Enniskillen, were din- into our groggy routine, more's er guests of IMr. and Mrs. W. 1There is nothing mare beauti- ,1Mrs. W. Wright, Orano, spent ful than early marning in suin- last Thiîrsday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. N. Greentree, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glaspell, Grant and Gwen visited Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Zion. Mr. Gardon Beckett, Oshawa, spent a week with bis brother IMr. Oliver Beckett and neturned home with Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb, Fonniskillen. Mr. Oliver Beckett and Miss Arvilla Beck- ett accompanied themn and spent Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and Lauraine visited Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, Leaside. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar and cbildren visited Mn. and Mrs. J. W. McMahon, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Munday and chihdren, Maple Grave, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Broome. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb, Saska- taon; Mn. and Mrs. J. Holdstock,, Bowmanville, visited Mr. O. Beckett and Arvilla. Sunday guests of Mrs. W. Miller were: Mrs. M. Mathis, Warren, Pa.; Mn. and Mrs. Clin- ton English and Paul, Peter- borough; Mr. Marshall Miller, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller and Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Randy and Sherr.y Ruth, Oshawa, visit- ed Mrs. Alma Yellaxvlees and girls. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Aldread and Maxine aiso attended ber father's birthday (Mn. O. 4eck- ett) celebration. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn visit- ed Mrs. L. Henry and Mn. Mel- ville Gniffin, B3lackstock. i. Shclagh Murphy spent the ie rtip sweekend with Patsy EBis, Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mns. J. Park and sons, r, toug, topreentPeterborough, visited Mn. and ,thogh, o prventMns. Walter Park Jr. [shaps,rathcrthanto Mrs. Ch-as. Shaw, Oshawa,I =tmet o thir er.with Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue . atmen of heirser-Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson visit-j ragic-after-effects. cd ber sisten, Mrs. Lamne Mc- isurnce ompaiesKee, wbo is a patient in Pont sukng ancecopaeniesPenny Hospital. ekin was t StIflMn. and Mns. Ted Ott, Toron- ng accident toil. ta, xvere supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. R. Coombes. lvidcnds . . . saves Mn. and Mns. M. McCuish and, )wer your insurance Miss Francis McCuisb, Cooks- town: Mn. and Mrs. S. Stevens, .1. Wilson Heights, soent the week- end with Mn. and Mrs. E. Dee- le v. Mn. and Mrs. H. Brent were dinnen guests of Mn. and Mrs. John Cooper, Toronto. Larry Rosevear af Kemptville! FPEDERATVÔN (K.A.S.'î. visited at bis home. 'mparlii.is IMr. and Mrs. W. Murphy and children visited Mr. and Mrs.! Percy Ellis, Enniskilhen. Mr. anîd Mns. S. J. Pedlar,1 Toi unfo '-\Ir.Walter Cochrane, Bowranx'jewith i\lr. and Mrs.1 W. Rainni. ifDAIRY FARMERS OP CANADA J 409 Huron Street, Toronto For the Annual Easter Seal Campaîgn The Bowman ville * Rotary Club ASSOCIATED WITH THE ONTARIO SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN A&sks For Your Heip! -i.-nvjm*UAY, ju-71L 41h. leu? NUMMM( 1 1 lmnm.40AV. AIMTT. atu lmý p D R A i recgiioLfbs n sr 0 0 0 0 1 , IMETING SPEAKERS Youo r PINK ENVELOPE

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