IfiL CA~iADTAN ~TAT~SMA1f. EOWMvyu~ ow'rAmo ?AG~ TPm~m Locail Odd Fellows Observe Wildey Night The btrhday. of Thomas Wil- G.M. Dist. 42: Noble Grand Gea. dley, faler af the Independent Forsey. ereri OdFliwcn ot A sing-sang was led by Bro. '.ecawas remembered by Fred Tuerk with Bro. Arnold members of Florence Nightingale Damant at the piano. Lodge 3. 6.a audy N.G. Forsey, on behalf af the Marc 30.ladge, extended a hearty wel- Follo-wing a turkey dinner at corne ta the large gathering. the Balmoral Hotel P D.D.G.M. Md eY Little, toastmaster, intro- 510-Year Jewel Presented dujj head table guests, as foi- Grand Marshal Youngman 10~ ro. Walton Pascoe, Grand was called an ta make the pres- MiaKl ~Ed. Youngmnan, Bro. E. entation of a 50-year veteran H. Brown, Gardon R. Elliott of jewel ta Bro. E. H. Brown, Bow- Bawmanville Hîgh School; Bro. manville. In his remarks the Ray Bowen, Wm. Shotter, D.D. Gr;tnd Marshal said that the SALEM The pot luck supper held in the church on Friday nignt sponsored by the Board of Stewards was well attended with over 70 present. Mrs. Les- lie Welsh on behaif of Ite Church Improvement Commit- tee spoke a few words of thanks end appreciation ta Mr. George Sellers for the wonderful job lie had done in making some cupboards for the church. lie was ,also presented with a wai- let as a small token of aur ap- preciation. After supper Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshank, Zion, showed their pictures of Scot- land and also several Canadia-i scenes. The.se pictures wer very interesting and enjoyed by ail present. Miss Ruby Lane, Town, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards. Miss Waneta Young attend- ed the funeral of a friend in Napanee last week. Miss Nellie Ridehalgh, Whit- by, was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Mrs. Lillian Brine and fair.- ily, were Saturday suppor guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig to celebrate Mrs. Brine's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and family, Mrs. M. Blackburn were Saturday evening vîsitors wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. Black- burn, Haydon. jewel was dlfoflg the fruits ofJ1 adhering ta the obligations taken 50 or more years ago. The re- cipient expressed bis apprecia- tion for this recognition of 50 years of membership. Ghest Speaker Introduced The introduction of Gardon R. Elliott, guest speaker, was cap- ably handled by Bra. Walton Pascoe. Mr. Elliott is a native o! Elmvale and has been on the staff of B.H.S. for 17 years. Mr. Elliott in his apening re- marks, said he appreciated the opportunity of addressing the Odd Fellows. The subject of his address, in line with his vacation, was "The Adolescent - His Nature and His Needs". The first five years o! a child's life are very important and last- ing impressions formed. Leav- ing childhood and advancing int adulthood there is a period of 'adolescence - a time of rapid change, physical and mental, be- tween 12 and 20 years. A feel- ing of insecurity sets in and there is a growing separatenessi from parents, caused by the lure o! the outer world. Teacher Acts As Buffer lIt is during tbis period that many students turn ta theini teacher for advice and guidance, rather than parents. The tempo o! the world we live in today bas increased many times since the days wben parents were children, and allowances must be made. Our population is con- centrated in urban centres where N ew C. N. 1. B. Field Secretary Mr. Joseph Caruk is the new Field Secretary of the Canadian National Institute for the iBlind in this district with offices at Peterborough. Mr. Caruk cornes to this post f rom London, Ont. where he was assistant to the Field Secretary there. He attended Carleton College in Ottawa and worked wîth the C.N.I.B. there. He has had valuable experience in working with the blind has as well a very livey înterest in Crippled Children's and welfare work. He was welcomed by the local commîttee at its meeting on March 19. The district covered by Mr. Caruk includes the Counties of Northumberland, Durham, Peterborough,' Victoria and Haliburton. -Photo by Rehdel _____________________________________________control is less strict than in the rural areas. Need Higher Education Automation is on the upswing and specialized training is need- ed. The higher the standard of ~f ~,education the higher the level of employment. Eighty years ago Cottaoge Chees. . there were 338 vocational choic- rNS a reatfo our ast \<Monetary training should be fit .,<started early in life sa that a P1ý: sense of responsîbility will be Quckandeasyto erve*<m built up to give economic inde- sedicndies tatsrve, undpendence in later years. The teachings of Sunday t age cheese. Use if in salads, School and Church are the basis or jst p heutcf te crto, ~for democracy, moral standards or jst ip f ot o th caton and values. It is the responsibil- for a iesty addition te busy- ~ ity of the parents to make sure day mais;. their children take advantage of this training, to give them a firmn conception of life, as from our generation of today will corne the statesmen of tomor- row. Bro. Milton J. Elliott ably con- veyed, in a vote of thanks, the appreciation of the members for a most thought-provoking and enlightening address. He jocu- larly remarked that the speaker was of Scotch descent, while he was of Irish lineage. He also paid tribute ta the six We deliver cottage cheese with 5-ermmesi tedne your miIk. Try it to-day. Bros. Geo. Awde, Drayton-, AI- bert Cox, Oshawa; E. H. Brown, Wesley Cawker, Harry Allin, Wm. Yeo, who in terms of serv- ice represented over 300 years in Odd Fellowship. Bro. Gco. Awde in reminiscing, told of the days before the ad- vent of electricity, telephones,, etc., and how, when he had been plagued by sickness the iodge had given most generouslv G len cie D l rof their funds to assist him. He MA 3-5444 Bowmanville ago but is retaining membership . -s- ----------------------------- ----------- vile SENSATIONAL,.NEW Lorable Séeamfree Sweatrer Bra! Ms mmm ms s e LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Halfyai-d and Garry, Orillia, spent the weekend with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Mill erMr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- ta, with bis parents aver the weekend. Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hampton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Baker. Club 50 ladies will meet it the home o! Mrs. W. Vaneyk Tuesday evening, April 9, and Home and School meets Friday night April 12. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Babich and sons, Oshawa, were Suri- day supper guests o! Mrs. Ku- vacs and Gabriel. COURTICE Sunday Schoot Sunday Sehool was a speCal service for some pupils this week. Certificates of Menit and seals were presented by Super-i intendent Warburton and Se- cretary Allen Thompson. Margaret Tooley, Mark John- son, Norman Lilley, Dax'ýd Tonkin, Reinhart Silverhorn, aîl reýceived certificates. Second year seais went ta Tom Cook, Keith Parker, Frcd Cook, Mark Penfound, Lee Pen- found, Roberta Cook, Sandra Dalby, Sharon Graham, Todd Penfound, Joan Dalby, Norma Gearing, Gary Dalby, Normia îGearing, Paul Gearing. Third Ycar seals were pres- ented ta Greg Coueh, Paul Groeneveld, Ronald Parker. Faurth year seals were earn- ed by Donna Thompson, Jerry Reynolds, Sharon Gladmrn, Joanne Cutting, Janice Parker, Marilyn Adams. Fifth year seals went ta Ca- role Robertson, Ricky Gatcheli, Jim Cuttîng, Mike Tooley. Sixth year seals were pres- ented ta Norman Tbompson, Patricia Adams, Robert Weh- nert, Roîf Wehnert, Jane D- Coe. Seventh year seal went ta John De Coe. Tenth year seal earned. by Bob Warburton, Allen Thomp- son. Twelfth year seals went toi Mary Carolyne Warburton, Bill Warburton. Tifteenth year perfect attend- ance-Winnie Walters, Grant Herron, also a teacher, Linton Herron. Cong-ratulations tLu (I ail. That is a splendid achieve- ment. Church Service Rev. L. M. Somerville con- cluded the last petition in the Lord's Prayer on Sunday even- îng at Church service. "If peo- ple wauld practice one petitiom each day for a week they would understand better the full mean- ing o! this prayer"l. Mrs. W. E. Warburton and Mrs. Clarence Penfound repr-; ented the Woman's Association on Thursday at the eXEýcutiVia meeting of the Woman's Asso-i ciation o! Oshawa Presbyteryl beld in Northminstcr United Church, Oshawa, ta plan for, the annual meeting ta be heldi April 5th at Newcastle. MORRISH A cali was sent aven the wires early Monday, March 25 for willing wonkes-a quilt Wa neady ta be put in the frams It was a Dresden Plate patten ordered from Toronto. Mrs. D. Haines had made. the blocks and ail was ready at the home of Mrs. M. J. Osborne. By mid- day the quit was surround2d by a number of ladies interit upon completing the xvonk in record time. By Tuesday after- noon it wvas taken off ready for hemniing, 1 he verv las?. quilting bee for this seasuli. Thank you al. The regular Churcb Sunday morning service was held at 10 a.m. with a much, larger con- gregation than usual. The Rev. A. W. Harding officiated. The junior choir led the singing, their special selection "Hie Giv- eth a Sang" was very much .ap- preciated. In response to a gentie hint expressed by Rev. A. W. Harding two weeks ago the choir quietly moved into the front seats just b4fore the sermon, a much better arrange- Iment for minister and child- 'ren. The ministry o! Christ was the subject o! Rev. A. W. Hard- ing's sermon. "Hle went about doing gaod", a continuation o! the Lenten theme, "The Way the Master Went". The next Sunday morning service will be April 14. Palm Sunday, new members will be received into the church and The Haly Sacrament wi]l be administered. Sunday Schaol was held at Il a.m. with 51 present. This being the fifth Sunday in the month, the Mission Band was responsible for a special service led by the president, Joan Mar- vin. Musical parts of the pro- gram were shared by Elaine Anderson, Mary Beckett and, Joan Marvin. Bannie Fenton read the Scripture verses, Claud and Ana Harness the prayers aad Ruth Marvin the story entitled, "The Blue Door of Happiness". The choir sang "Tell Me The Story of Jesus". This innovation was very much enjoyed by ahl present and we congratulate the leader upon this bappy thought. Mrs. Brooks Cowaa o! Or- ana speat a day or two with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Osborne, this week. Mr. Neil Anderson, Brantford, xvas home for the weekend withi bis mother, Mrs. Frank Ander- son. Saturday evening they visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. Mrs. R. Wright and daugh- ter Sharon were supper guests i o! Mrs. Wm. McHolmi and Miss Beckett on Sunday.1 YELVERTON Belated congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacey on the birth of a daughter in Ross1 Memorial Hospital, Lindsay,! last week. Congratulations also ta David Wilson-for a different reason. David was one of those in the winning rink at the Calvert Bonspiel in Lindsay's Ice House on Saturday, amassing a neat 20 points-winning ail the ends in the first game. They were recipients of the Calvert Tro- phy and a ham apiece, each having a loveiy lapel pin ta commemorate the occasion. On Thursday evening Yel- verton Badminton Club were guests of the Bethany Club- a sort of return engagement with complete reversai of for- tunes. Following the games a delicious lunch was served by the Bethany Club Ladies. Yel- verton's vice president, John Wright, expressed the appre- ciation of aur Club which Vin- cent Jackson of Bethany ac- knowledged. On Friday evening Yelver- ton W.A. turned out full force at the Rally of the six Charges held in Janetville Church. Miss Sommerville, formerly of Trinidad, was the guest speak- er. The devotional was put on iby Bethany ladies. A delight- fui lunch was served by Janet- ville ladies. Mrs. Balfour Moore and Nan- cy with her mother, Mrs. Sam Sedman, Whitby, Tuesday. On Friday, Apr. 5, the Fam- iiy Club will be holding a cro- kinole party (probably the last of the seasan) in the Church Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- colm and girls, the Bert Mc- Mullens and Garry attended a birthday party at the Sam Adams of Bowmanviile an Saturday for Lynne and Lee1 Adams. FREE EASTER EGGS Large Audience Attends Institute Irish Concert Hampton: Seldom lias such a Lewis Truli sang two numberà, large audience been seen in Whitby young folks favoured Hampton Sunday School roaîn vîth more music, Miss Post tak- as attended the St. Patick's con- cert sponsored by the Women's ing the solo, also a sala by Institute. The rooflx was beauti- Cheryl Hawes. fully decorated with white and Lunch was served after tha green streamers and cut-OULs program ta those taking part of green pipes and shamrocks. and their friends. Proceeds of Mr. T. M. Chant acted as avec $45 were realized. master of ceremonies for the following program: a quartette of piano accordions played by Messrs. Bob Wassel and Peter Reinstra, Misses Betty Post and Cheryl Hawes, ail of Whitby, the latter formerly of Hampton. Mrs. T. Woodlock of Bowman- ville, formerly of Hampton en- tertained with two hqmoro LIs readings, "The Tired Sales- lady" and "A Conversation on the Telephane". Mr. Chant tld some stories which especially pleased the many children A vocal tria composed of Mrs. Lewis Trull, Mrs. James Smales, Jr., and Mrs. K. E. Caverly sang two numbers. Mr. Wassel played an accordion solo. A ane-act play, "After the Church "BEST BIT 0F Supper" was given by Mrs. Ker- SWN VR. sey, Mrs. Harold Balson, Mrs. OIGEE . M. Mountjoy, Mrs. Wilfred "Ycs. son, Ive just sowed a Smales, Mrs. Farrow and Mrs. co la ilrai erfut Maenb. hiswasver amsin retirement assuran«re in tthe Sun and costumes were good. Life Assurance Company of Hampton quartette compos- Canada. And thie saine policy cd of Messrs. Harold and Ger- rvdsfiti ntighp ald Balson, Harold Wilkins and prens tm hif anyeting hav- a mortgage, thie farm will be G e Yor Piceclear of dbtfor your mot her." F or Your Livestock this protction-call me VtodIy. through Banner ]Passant STATESMAN Representative CLASSIFIEDS MA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Phone MA 3-3303 Bowmanville h I UTS 10 ONLY Minutes Bowmanvu*lle rfom to the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE EASTER PARADE 0F VALUES IME EASTER OPEN HOUSE ON SATURDAY, APRIL 6th, FOR ALL THE e 0 APRIL FUN FOR ALL THE CHILDREN, WITH SOMETHING NEW AND EXCITING HAPPENING EVERY DAY. SOVER Ya IA Y UNe e o 1 CHILDREN ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTS FREE PHOTO 0F YOUR CHILD WITH THE EASTER BUNNY Chi*ldren"s EASTER FUN WEEK 22-27. i MVMMA'T- 4th, 1031? ME CANADIAlq STATESMAN. BOWMANqMLLP. MMAM PAGE TrMrn Ir