PAG1~ TWO -, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO THUESDAT, AFEIL <t!!, 195? Bore dom and Des pair Is Changed to Hope Through Your HeIp A child's world is ful cf lit- tle tbings . . . a battered but Precious rag doli, a puppy dog, " playmate or a souvenir. But a youngster's world contains important tbings, too-his abil- ity te be independent, to find a world cf bis own in which be is free te run &bout in competî- tive play and discover the joy of excbanging ideas with bis friends and parents. It is surely every child's right te walk and talk. But what about the 11,000 crippied kiddies in Ontario whose han- dicaps make these simple things impossible? Wbat can be done and what is the Society For Crippled Children doing for them? And how can you help? In the first place the major- lty of the most needy and na- tbetic cases of crippled childreri on record in this province have been found by the Societ3,'s band cf 20 travelling orthoçpe- dic nursing consultants who range over the hinterland and ex-en employ skis, çanoes and bush aircraft in their. endleçs -quest for the afflicted child. Once a boy or girl is found and reported his life changes. He is given hope and opportun- ity unlimited instead of bore- dom and blank despair. And in whatever dark corner there is a small child, struggling pitiful- ly te walk witbeut belp on crooked legs, you'll find the OSCC nurse. For they cever every county in Ontario and work in close ce-ordination with Victorian Order Nurses,, public health nurses.i their district, doctors, parents and service club members. Wben the doctor says "polio," "cerebral palsy" or "muscular dystmophy". fear begins te gnaw at the hearts cf the cblld- ren's parents. And that's where the nurse, with hem know-howv, patience and psychology, takes the sting eut of the initial diag- nosis and restores order and constructive thinking in a home where disease brougbt confu- sion and chaos. The Eastem Seal nurses, who are trained in ortbopaedics as well as graduates in public bealth, have had months and montbs of training in working wîth post-polio cases and can interpret the doctor's instruc- tiens. And even more, ±hey cai visit the homne and make sure they are carried eut properly. For the bewildered child whose legs or arms are wrap- ped in steel and leather she demonstrates the correct use of crutches, braces and wheel- chairs se that the boy or girl is 80 KING ST. W. NEED BOWMANVILLE LIMITEI3 YARD AND MAIN OFFICE COURTICE A net aggravated by pressure sores. She runs a rig:.dti- table for the family and mle sure Jobnny or Mary gets '0 tbe bospital or cllnic on .tiha heur and day cf his appoint- ment. She shows how to mas- sage yeung limbs, offers en- couragement and advice, ar- ranges camp holidays in the summer tinie and sees ta it that the education cf the crippled child is brought up te standard by home teachers or ether methods. Nurses are i regular attend- ance at orthopaedic clinic cen- tres. They give assistance ta more than 200 Service Clubs in making surveys te locate crip- pled children. Their ceaseless activities encompass tbe child's Ihome, the bospital, the Society and Service Club, the school and the summer camp. Their reports neyer take into account things like race, celer or creed. To a nurse every crippled child is a personal challenge ..each being accepted for care an the basis of need alone. The Ontario Society for Crip- pled Cbildren and the Bow- manville Rotary Club appeais te the public for $700,000 te carry on sucb departments of its work as tbe nursing service. It's a service you may bave te ask for your chîld seme day and presents a genuine opper- tunity for personal service. Don't pass it up. Buy Easter Seals! The Matthew, the small sail- ing ship in which John Cabot made bis voyage of djscovery te Canada, carried a crew of only eighteen. PHONE MA 3-5( GARAGE? NOW You Can Have a Homo for Thai New Car of Yours ! FOR AS LOW AS JNLY 17.00 MONTHLY! NO DOWN, PAYMENT! &VAILABLE .NOW 1 Ereci Il Yourself and Save! LOOK AT THESE FEATURES! *Studdfng at 16'" centresout to length. *Option cf cove sidint, plywood sldlng, elapboard or Canadian Johna-MianvilIe Asbestos sldlng. *Berry ALL-STEEL Overhead Dooru wlth sprlng hardware and look set. *Doors wlth glass windows as optional extra. *Option of gable or cottage roofs. Sido entrance door and wlndow extra, SOTE - The standard 12' x 22' Model may ho purchased for as Iow as $17.00, or If erected by un, only $22.00 Monthly. PHONES: RA 3-4661 or MA 3-2130 i04l We brlng you a nice collection of SPRING DRESSES AT THE LOWEST PRICES! DRESSES Ever Glaze Cettons front $5.25 GIRLS' bRESSES Simes i toi?,_____ $2.98 MATERNITY DRESSES Frm $5.95 -MATERNITY TOPS Frene $2.95 LADIES, BLOUSES front $2.89 LADIES IIRTS front. K~\J $4.95 BOYS, JEANS S izes 6 - 14 $1.99 a BOYS' JACKETS front $2.95 Many Local Winners Royal Theatre Contest Winness of prizes donated by local merchants i the 1957 Academy Award Sweepstakes contest bave been announced. A number of theatres in On- tarie, including tbe Royal Thea- tre, Bownianville, participated in this contest spansored by the Motion Picture Industry Coun- cil of Canada. Contestants filled in an entmy blank witb their cheice for Academy Awards for the best acter, best picture, etc. Winners cf local prizes were: ladies' 17 jewel wrist watch, donated by Marr's Jeweflery- IMrs. Irene Richard, 442 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa; season pass te Royal Theatre, Bowmanville, donated by the Royal Theatre -Mrs. M. Broek, 17 Silver St., Wins $187.50 On Saturday Mrs. G. F. McMurter, 73 On- tarie St., became $187.50 richer Saturday, when hem 10 per cent coupon was dawn in the Mtr- chants' Appreciation Day Draw, held at the town hall. Next week another lucky person may win as much as $112.50, when the jackpot is drawn. The ameunt in the jackpot will be $225.00. Please remember te be eligible, you must have a coupon in the druni and be at the town hall at 3 P.m. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Ray Petit, Shar- on and Steven, Miss Cecîle Pe- tit, Toronto; Miss Gladys Chap- man, Bowmanville, were week- end guests cf Mm. and Mrs. W. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fen- nel, Mm. L. S. Caverly, Toron- te; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caver- ly, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Caverly, Linda and Mark, and Mrs. L. Sudds, Bowman- ville, were Sunday guests of Mr.- and Mrs. K. Caverly. Mm. and Mrs. J. W. Balson spent an enjoyable afternoon. recefltly with cousins, Mm. and Mrs. W. R. Pickell, Ebenezer. Misses Cheryl and Cathy MeCune, Oshawa, have been visiting their grandpaments, Mr. and Mrs. S. lKersey. Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, Toronto. Miss Louise Goodman with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker, Toronto. Mms. Sarah Allin, Bowman- ville, with Mrs. Luther Allin and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy visited Mms. M. Marlowe at Nes- tleton on Sunday. Miss N. Hemn visited Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and girls, Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. Wm. Hemnphil,~ Long Branch, spent the week-c end at A. W. Pmescott's. Recent callers at the Pres- cott home were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescett, Mm. arid Mrs. Herbert Prescott and son Rog- er, Enfield. Sunday callers were Mrs. Helen Allin, Mr. Jim Hemphill, Tomante; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardy, and Gerald, Tyrone. Mrs. I-. Ruttan spent the weekend witb Mm. and Mis. Gordon Baker and family, Long Sault. Mr. and Mrs. M. Meuntjoy at- tended "Talent Showcase" at Courtice on Friday evening. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees bas rented ber home te Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgons cf Toronto. Mms. Yellowlees is at present wltb ber daughtem, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Bowman- ville. Mrs. E. H. Cole who has been residing at the Orono Rest Home during the past few montbs bas returned te hemr home bere. Mrs. Russell Luke cf Oshawa, fermemly cf Hamp- ton, is wlth hem as companion. ,Mm. A. Cation bas retumncd te Toronto aftem spending sev- eral weeks with bis sister, Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees. 1Mr. and Mrs. Lavemne Clem- ens and Mr. and Mms. A. L. Blanchard have returned frein Florida. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mm.. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson and Ellen, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Haydon, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mm. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and family, Mr. Jini Mc- Quinn Tymone, with Mr. and Mms. 1~. Carlson, Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Stainton visited their daughter Doris at the Slck Children's Hospital. Mm. Allin Stainton was a Saturday tea guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wermy. Mm. and Mrs. Stewart Dom- reil, Blackstock, were Sunday visitors cf Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. and Mm.. A. L. Wearn and family called on Mr. Fred Ellis, Lindsay. Master David Stainton bad the pleasure of winning the trip te Buffalo, fer the carrier boys cf the Oshawa Times. Mr. John Slemon and Mrs. T. M. Slemon attended the fun- eral of Mm. H. Slemon, Toron- ta. Mms. Slemen remalned with Mms. H. Slemon for a few days. Mrs. Geo. Squibb, Churchii Mm. and Mrs. Jess Morgan and David, Brantford; Mms. E. Ben- nett, Fenelon Falls, were week- end visitors of Mm, and Mrs. J. Griffin. Mrs. M. J. Hobbs attended the Executive Meeting cf Osh- awa Pesbytery W.A. beld Mamcb 28 at Notbminster Un- ited Cbumcb, Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. Geo. Irwin vii- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa. Mis8es Gail and Darlene Ma£- ter& spent the weekend with Bowmanville; $25 certificates on any Frigidaire appliance, Woodyard Appliances - Mrs. Frank Lewirîs, Bowmanville. Tbistle tricycle, McNulty's-. Mr. John Webb, Bowmanville; Easter bonnet, value $10, Mil- ady Shoppe-Miss Joan Allun, Bowmanville; $10 certificate on merchandise, Bruce Minn's Clotbing - Mr. Jos. Bothwell, 40 Prince Street: full fashioned Kitten cardigan, Wideman's La- dies' Wear - Mrs. Violet Col- well, 43 Horsey Street; Easte.r permanent, Jaan's Beauty Cen- tre-Miss Marlon Toplan, 160 Prince Edward Drive, Bowman- ville; Elizabeth Arden set, $10, or e q ual man's gift, Jury & LovelI, Bowmanvile - Mr. George Marlew, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. Megsrs. Harold and Glen Spry, Rochester, N.Y., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergusori and family were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Miss Nancy Wood. "Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs called on Mrs. W. J. Ormiston, Enfield on the occasion of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon, Kathryn and Robert, vtited witb Mr. and Mrs. E. J. H-arri- son, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moorc, Shirley, were Friday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and Sandra, were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Miss Cora Degeer and Mrs. R. Crossman, Haydon, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schel and family, South River, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Mrs. A. L. Wearn and Lamna, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbrldge, Saturday. Miss Beth White, Oshawa, me~nt unday with Miss Lamaa Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and daughter Kathy, St. John's,, Quebec; Dennis Doyle, Camp Borden; Mr. N. A. Moore, Tren- ton, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells' Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Port Credit, were with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Miss Joan Brock, Bowman- ville, spent tbe weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter- Oke were visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. The service on Sunday will be conducted by the W.M.S. and an illustrated lecture on Newfoundland will be given by Miss Nancy Edwards, To- ronto. Plan to attend this ser- i<ice. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Masters, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mms. Ralph Virtue, Gail and Darlene eturned home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson, Irene and Roy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Huniter, Streetsville. Mr. and Mrs. Fat Tresise andt girls, Oshawa, were Sunday callers at N. E. and Edgar Wright's. Mr.n. MTL. M. J. Hobbs awa. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis and famiry with Mr. and Mrs. Milo Vanvolkenburg, Cordova Mines. Mr. Herman Maass, Taunton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and family, Mr. and Mms. Howaird Oke and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and family, Purple Hilîs, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. with Sheil Furnace 011 Every gallon of SheIl Ftdrnace Oit we meter into your tqnk, contains a special additive that keeps your burner at P eak efcie ncy. Heres how: S helVas wonder additive keeps the filter screen in your burner clean- eliminates clogging-the top cause of burner (ailure . . . ca save you dollars in service cail atone! But more than that, with low cost Sheli Furnace Oit you enjoy the added protection of Sonitor. ,Active Sonitor prevents rust from forming in your storage tank. Se for cîrefree heat ait seamos cati us today. .. take idvantîge of aur guarînteed delivery service. Well make ail the. arrangempents. SHELL FURNACE OIL Yeo Bros. BOWMANVILLE Phono MA 3-3259 or 3-3151 OBITUARY MIS. DONALD ANDERSON LAis Hazel Anderson passed away ln Memorial Hospita, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, March 27, after an illness of a year. She was 26 years of age. Mrs. Anderson was the dau- l ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy laspeli, R. R. 2, Oshawa. She is survived by ber parents; her husband, Donald-. A. Anderson; son David Todd Anderson; a brother Glen Glaspeil, R. R. 2, Oshawa, and sister Mrs. Keith Peters, 598 Louisa Street West, Oshawa. Mrs. Anderson was a mem- ber of Trlnity United Church, Bowmanville, and of the Tar- tan Club. The funeral, held at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Division Street, on Sai- urday, March 30, was attendeà by many relatives and friend.s. Rev. T. A. Morgan conducted he service. There were rnany beautiful floral ttibutes wbich spoke of the love and affection feit far the deceased. Besides thost of relatives, neighbors and friends, wete those received from the following organizations: Jack and Jili Club; Canadian Legion Pipe Band, Tartan Club, Branch 178 Canadian Legion, Local 189 U.R.W., Goodyear Employees Dept. 272, Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66 1.0. 0.F., Zion W.A., Durham Chap- ter O.E.S.; Centennial Matrons O.E.,S.; Staff of Eastern Star Quarterly; Mississauga Chap- ter 0.E.S.; Grand Chapter 0. E.S.:. Appeinted Grand Officers 0.E.S.; Harmony Matrons Club; Lebanon Lodge, Oshawa. Pallbearers were Messrs. Ger- rei Glaspeli, Ralph Glaspeil, NelGifford, Earl Matthews, Ross Atkinson, William Col- ville. Interment was in Bow- manville Cemetery. Frlends and relatives attend- ed the funeral from Norwood, Belleville, Toronto, Strathroy, Guelph, Oshawa, Newtonville, Orillia. Brampton, Markharn, Cresswell and Richmond HilI1 as well as Bowmanville. OBITUARY MRS. GEORGE CHASE Winifred Chase, wife cf the late George Chase, died on March 27th in Oshawa Generil Hospital after a long illness of more than three years. Mrs. Chase was the daughtcr of the late Clarence and Mabcl Lockwood. She was born in Brighton, Ont., and spent ber life. there until ber marriage in 1921 when she came to Bow- manville where Mr. Chase was manager for Bowmanville and surrounding area for the On- tarie Hydro - Electric Power Commission., Mr. Chase caine to Bowmanville in 1917 as manager for the Seymour Pow- er Company, remaining as manager when thé H.E.P.C. took over, and later the Bowmanviiie Public Utilities Commission, a period of 37 years in ahl. He retlred in September, 1953, and died on June 10, 1954. Mrs. Chase was very faithful in ber attendance at St. Paul's United Church and associated herseif with its many activities. For a time Mrs. Chase was leader cf the Mission Band, . --- -------...... .. ..................... f I ~ '1 and for xnany years treasurer of the Women's Missionary Society and an active mernber of a Woman's Association group. She will be greatly missed in her church, and by ber many other friends i town. Mrs. Chase is survived by a brother, Tom C. Lockwood of Montreal, and a sister, Anna Watson of Bowmanville. Rev. Harold Turner conduct- ed the funeral service which was beld on Friday, March 29, at the Northcutt & Smith Fun- eral Home,. Division St., Boy;- manville. A profusion of beau- tiful flowers spoke of the a!- fection and respect in which the deceased was held. Among those from out-of- town who attended the service were bèr dear niece, Winifred and husband, Jas. McRae of Oshawa; two nephews, Clarence Lockwood, Montreal, and Dr. Tom Lockwood and wife Dor- othy, Toronto; also life-long friends 'fronM Toronto, formerly of Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright (Edith Chase), Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pollock (Thorhllda DeMille), N or a Snelgrove and Mabel Clark; Edith and Edgar Burley, Pice- ton, and Mrs. Chas. Carruthers, now living in Grafton. Also' attending from Brighton were friends with whom M rs. Chase went to school: Edwin J. Nes- bitt, Mrs. Robt. Jones (Edith), Mrs. A. S. Miller (Eunice) and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nesbitt. During Mrs. Chase's long ill- ness she was constantly remem- bered by thouightful and kindly Bowmanville friends of long standing who came with giffs and greetings ta brighten the life of a sorely afflicted invalid. Pallbearers at the service Ai.Ri or Steamshlp T1CK E T S TO EVERYWHERE I Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 IBowmanvllle SHOULDER ROAST PORK BUTT ROAST were Messrs W. Ross Strik.ý, Dr. V. H. Storey, L. W. Dippell, George VanBridger, L. M. Rath- bun and Davld R. Morriso'i. Temporary intermènt was in the Lang Memorial Chapel, Orono. Interment will be ini Mount Hope Cemetery. ton, at a later date. *" L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate.J Paynients Monthly For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergenc,. Expenses Corne in Today Try The Beilvue Way on a Pay frorn [ncome Plan BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. G. B. WILSON, Mgr. 29% Slrncoe S. Diai 5-1121 OSHAWA I ~ Lander Hardwallre 7 KING ST. E. PHONE M l74 rn~tHOSAN~ KW........ Meinz KETCHUP A&P COFFEES REDUCED AGAIN! SPECIAI il-or btl 24C Margarine .(tg. Prie* 1-Ilb 35-BSAVE 50 MARGENE 3 1-lb pkgsl.00 Clark'. Vegetîble or Reg. Prie 2 tins 23c-SA&VE 2c TOMATO SOUP 2i¶O-oz inslc Choice Quality Reg. Prie@ 2 for 29c-SAVE 2 A&P PEAS I 15-oz tins 2.7C Jane Parke RHUBARB PIE Liquid Self-Polishi SUC(ESS WAX Reg. Prie* 55c-SAVE 6o oach,49C Reg. 99o - SAVE 10e quart tin 8 9C LEAN PORK IAN MEATY lb 37C lb 47C PORK SH ULDERSSMOKED SHANKUSS COOKED lb47 042 Prices Effective Lintl Saturday, April 6th, 1957 Denhertog 's Clothing Take a look before you go somewhere else and ses the difference in quality and price. Erectlng this pre-eut garage Is as easy as pie . . . anyone can put up this Package unit wlthout any previous experlence . . . Just follow the plans that corne wlth every unt .., or if you prefer we'11, erect It on your property at a slight extra charge. Sizes Available: 12' x 22' - 14' x 22' - 1W' x 221 SUPER RIGHT QUAlIT Y MEATrS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUOTS PRODUCE SPECIALS Cubon Red Spasnlsh, Becutiful Large Ripe, No. 1 Grade PINEAPPLES ------------ -T.I. PAGE Two -' TUE CANADM STATESMM. BOVIIANVff.M ONTAIUO TRUMDAT, APRIL 4th, 19" ..........