Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1957, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO THU~SD'AT, APR!L 4th, 1~S? ______________________________________________- .-- -- Honoured Guests ai Chamber of Commerce Dinner Jo)hnson & Johnson Canada Ltd., recéix'ed an officiai welcome to Johnson & Johinson; James A. Crier, Vice-President in charge of sales; L~.m'.~vi1~at a banquet tendered by the Bowrnanville ChambeIr of Ken Morris, Secret.-ry-Manager Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce; (~r~r~Ti.,csday c f last wcek. Picturcd above are some of the men Dr. Lionel A. Cox, Director of Research, Johnson & Johnson; E. J. cfforts have aided in brin ging the new industry to Bowmanville. MacKell, Assistant Superintendent Bank of Montreal, Toronto; Roy Cook, -T ,i-e, frorn the left: Elmer T. Banting, Past President of the Bowman- Ontario Sales Supervisor, Johnson & Johnson. v "l'e C'ia-mber of Commerce; P. S. Macnutt, Director of First Aid Division, KEDRON Also attending the Chamber of Commerce dinner the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce; J. E. Turnbull, ,w"-'re, from the left: Harry M. Sleigh, Ontario Department Ontario Department of Planning and Development; Alex cf' Planning and Development; John Macdonald, President V. Crate, Director, Trade and Industry Branch, Ontario c ohn son & Johnson; Ken Morris, Secret ary-Man ager of Department of Planning and Development. Location Here Resu!! 0f Three Year Search P)resident Relates J.abo Macdonald first started thus far in Bowmanviile. out with Johnson and Johnson 'I new have ne doubts about inu \iontreal 37 -,'cars cge as an the wi-sdom cf corning te Bow~- hofie b. Since that time he manville," he said. 1,as becom-e a brilliant example Before deciding te purchasze oi the Johnson and Johnson land in Bewmanville an exact- poiicy of promotion within the ing threc year scarch for poss- r-uiks as hie rose through ail ibie sites in Ontario was madle *Thn executive positions te be- 'inder the direction cf James Ci mo presidcîît fixe ycars ago. Barr, vice-president. z es aking te the large gath- Extensive Seareh r' dr the \velceming dinner Mr. Macdonald related hoy. !,(ic idnî honor of Johnson and Mr. Barr used Toronto as the lcincn u.day-, l'r. Macden- centre a'nd fcomn this focal peint _ cI :lhfat he ý was overxvhci- travelled in aIl directions. Fin- 1i A, bY tihe xarmnth ced ob- :a]iy the search narrowcd doxvn v. i snecMt and cocmpany te east cf Tarante, and seve:-ai r u: tVC~have receivcd possible sites wcre cssesscd and *Swing Satin flows on quIcxIy and b ~easily with rolUer or brush a bries in lets thon 1-hour to a beautiful satin lustre aCloan up In seconds ...sinply fo28beautiful dymx soe. B*urt Smith Home Supply cvaiuated before Mr. Barr rc- ported his findings te the board and their decision was Bow- manvilie. 0f deep concern te Mr. Mac- donald is Johnson and John- son's corporate philosophy vjhich is observed in ail 15 ceuntries where over 40 plants arc situated. Explains Credo Ia explaining the Credo of bis company Mr. Macdonald pointed eut that the company is responsible ta the customi2r, the empicyces, the communi- tics in which they locale, and the stockholders. He mentiened the Credo not in a boastful sense nor as an attempt te gain credit. "Itis only what we are trying te do and what we are going te try and carry this eut in your cein- munity." Progressive Citizcns James Bacr, vice-president ln charge cf Manufacturing was favourably impressc-d by thc wvork donc by civic authoritios .nd the Chamber cf Cormmerce. "The communities which were progressive,' he said, -'clli-cad progressive Chambers of Comi- merce and civie officiais." The p'-escnt facilities in Mon- treal are greatly ovcrextended, Mr. Bacc pointed out, and hie- tcd that a move would have ta bc made soon. lie w-cnt on te promise that their new plant weuld be att- ractive and well landscaped, statingý, 'Whcn we build w pledge a plant which will be a credit te the cemmunity bath in operation Fnd bcaut.y."' The \.jcei)i7esidet e xtend2d a welcome te cli Bowmianvilie (atizens te visit the 'noderel Minor Teams' End Series For the Mug In the two game total goal playoffs for the Mug betweei the f ifth and sixth place teanms cf the Miner Hockey League the liîdians won the Atom Loague(- division by a total score cf 7-6. Dav' d Kerr paced the wiaaers with six goals, while Dca Me- ýMurter tallied their other. John Hughes starred with four and Pat Vinish tallied a single for the 'I' sons. Red Wings Pee-Wee Winners Red Wings beld the Cana- ciaos te a 2-ahl tic in their final gaine of the Pce Wce league te win the round 8-6. Jen Hancock and Gord Rua- die scered singles for the Red Winigs. Blaine Pickard and Johni Tuchuuuie covanted the Canadi- ans' markers. Cubs Win Bantam Mug Cubs downed the Pirates 5-1 ie th.-r series to capture .tne Mug. Wýayne Therteil netted a pair in the final game as th;ý Cubs shutout their oppent 11-0.1 Newtonville W.A. Plans Anniversary i *' "Uri Newtonville: The Woman's tory and research centre in Nwovle h oa' Montreai. Association meeting was held in the cburch basement Mari-c- Mr. Macdonald 'was intro- 27th x'.ith 33 ladies prescrit. The cluced by Elmer Banting and president, Mrs. E. Walkey, op- Mr. Bacc hy Ken Morris. coed the meeting. The Eastec programi in charge cf the March group was taken by Mcs. E. Walkey, Mrs. B. Reid, Mrs. WV. 'Barons vvin Farrow, l\'rs. Cox and Mrs. C. At m ~Mrs. Jim Ccswcll aord with two enjoyabie solos acccm- Bacons ckcd a 4-3 decision panieýd by Mrs. Gilmer at th- fIrom the Bears in a, sudde.:i- piano. deatb Atem I1o(ke\' Leag 'i Annix'ersc--' date xvas set for Senii fiîîal glane et NMemor;,:l M~2 at '7.30> p.m. andMi. Arena Thursda -v cf 1cst W E. arl A'rg.ue to be gucst speaker. Both tecm-s ended their regu-i--NMc. UGy te bu preseot aise if la:- picvoffs wvith a ýw-e and :a posýioje. tic ccch ta necessitafe th, l\Irs. M. Jones, Mrs. F. Gil- fourth gaime. mer and MYrs. M. Samis, wvcre Grayden Colvilie paeed tl2l comimitie named to take ca-.e Barons withi a bat tliek âaad cf special music, for anniver- Bill Depc;v tallied the winniiigI1 arv. Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mr. mai-ker at *h uwy ako H. Wcde, MIrs. J. Elliott te ar- thafnai Coe, illod. a a; range a pregram te follow an- Rand Coo, B Coban e.Iniversaî-v date. Gene Baison -were the Bear< h socain aged t markmen.ocdeî- twe dozen stack chairs and one dozeli small Sunday The Rideau Canal svstem, or- Scbool chairs. Mrs. A. WaJec, i.giiall.v built ta pravide an in- ,c.E Wle' n cc i land communications route that Reid, the committee te pur- couid be kept open in event cf chase saine. armed invasion fromi th(-,LUnited Tee dollars was donated te States, now gets muist of its traf- the ý-hrub comnmittce. fic froin uîauîboats nraiiîd Fui lov ieg Bteediction, a -- by Anierîcan tourist& 1ýi ual:u was enjoyed by ail. In spite of time changes made te confcrmi with propos- cd power cuts, there was a good atteadance at Kedron ser- vices on Sunday aftcrnoon. Un- fortunately the hydre cut-off was postponed until one week later, se that services next Sun- day are again scheduled te be- gin at one o'cleck. The sacraments cf commun- ion and baptismn which wcre to have been held next Sunday will be held on the followingc Sunday, April 14, when the. electric organ should again be cf use at the regular church heur. The receptien for the large class cf new members will aise be postponed until April 14. Rev. R. H. Rickard coatinued his Lentea messages, with tae theme "The Disciple and His Habit". Kedron Community Club were gucsts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis on Sat- urday evening, when a large gathering met for a social time. Cards aad dancing were enjey- ed with Alan Scott and M. Mc- Lean providing music. Prize winners in cards inciuded Mn%~ C. Werry and J. Elliott with high scores, and Mrs. J. Elliott and C. Werry whe received con- solations. Maxwell',; Cemmunity Club held a successful night cf cards on Monday evening when over 100 grathered in the fine neiw schcol rooms te play euchre, lost heir, or bridge. Each game appcaled te several. Prizes were awarded by drawing names and ail prizes had been donated. Mrs. B. Ayre, Zion, won the beautiful basket cf spring flowers as a door prize. Other attractive prizes were awarded te Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. E. Moth, Mrs. G. Trev3il, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. S. Ogle, Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise werkmanship and careful attention te detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selecticn cf imported and domestie Granites and Marbles in stock. *Fuel Dil *Slave Oji Automnatie weath controlled and m ered deliveries g: you the hest her et- Cve in service! PHONE MA 3-5516 A. H. Stu rrockc AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Sturrock St.- Bowmanville Just West of Seugog Local Goodyear Al-Stars Win Decisive 5-1 Victory, Bowmanville Goodyear All- Stars downed the New Toronto Goodyear All-Stars 5-1, in the final game of their home and home total goals series at Me- orial Arena, Suaday afternoon, te win the round 9-4. More than 350 persons watch- ed the local Goodyearites down their counterparts in a rugged, hard-fought affair that included two fistic' encounters between players. The Bewmanville squad won the Goodyear Inter-plant Trophy by winniag the round. Opens Scoring Clint Ferguson tallied the f irst goal cf the game and the local lads were ahead 1-0 when the first period ended. Don Masters scored the winning goal early in the middle frame, with Buck Cowle and Archie Crossey catch- ing the assist honours. Gord Ineer counted New Toronto's lone marker near the midway mark te spoi Vince Vanstone's chances of a well deserved shutout. Bill Cole made the score 3-1 as the final peried began and Mort Richards counted their fourth minutes later. Bob Fairey and Johnay Mason assisted on Rich- ards' goal. Don Masters scored his second of the game late in the peried, with Larry Chant and Buck Cowle drawing the assists. Brough Writes Hospital Asking For Explanation The follewing is a letter that has been sent te the board of the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville by Jack Brough local heating and plumbing contrac- ter. Mr. Brough is aise a couli- ciller but this letter is written as a businessman and private citizen. We publish this letter for the interest cf our readers. Box 394, Bowmanville, Ontario, April 2nd, 1957. The Board of Diréctors, Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Ontario. Gentlemen: Reference is made te the reý- ports published in "The Cana- dian Statesman" issues of March 7th and 28th, and te the letter cf March 29th writteni ça your behaîf te Town Couni- cil by Mr. Glenholme Hughes. Ycur letter very courteously expresses your appreciation (,f any interest in your affars that may be shown by meni- bers cf Council and citizens in general. Thus encouraged, and because my original questions, have net yet been answered, 1 am taking the liberty cf again dealing with the manner in xvhich maintenance, repair and alteration jobs at the Hosptal are awarded. Before doing se, please per- mit me te clarify ny position. As a tradesman who is also a member cf Town Council, it is understandable that my fellow tradesmen sheould discuss wi+h me any real or imagined griev- ances they may have concein- ing the operations of, the to-,n itself, or cf any public or sem;- public organization. I readilv admit that ia one cf the sev - eral matters under discussion 1 have a direct and personal in- terest, but it was as a spokes- man for a number of local tradesmen that I spoke to Council at its meeting cf Marcà 4th. Prier te March 4th I madle an effort te ascertain the facis by speaking te many members of your Board, and was reliab.j Mrs. M. Morgan, Mrs. F. Good- man, Mrs. E. Holland, Mrs. W. Waddiagton, Mrs. H. Rose, Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. H. Murdoch, Miss Florence Hurst, Mrs. E. Gatcheil, Mrs. L. Fow- ler, Mrs. L. Beath, Fred Wood, Harvey Crossman, John Glov- er, Mrs. W. Ritzie and Mrs. W. Powers. Refreshments were served by the Association ini charge. Courtice W.A. entertained the Junior Farmers' Choir mem- bern and their friends at a coffre party on Friday evea- ing, following prescatation of "Talent Showcase", wvhich was enthusiasticaliy received by tne audience. Columbus - Kedron Officiai Board is te meet at Kedron on April 8, when Wilfred Pogson cf Oshawa, will be the gucýst speaker. Mr. Pogson plans te show pictures taken at the Un- ited Church Laymen's Confer- ence held last summer at El- gin House, Muskoka, aad at Albert College. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon San- derson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Winna- cott, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover, ail cf Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, dur- ing the weekend. Mrs. William Werry, presi- dent of the Woman's Associa- tion, attended the luncheon 1meeting in Northminster Unit- ed Church, Oshawa, when W. A. leaders throughout the Pres- bytery met te plan the Spring Rally. The Spring meeting for Presbytery W.A. is te be held in Newcastle Uaited Church on April 25. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy were Suaday visitors with Mrs. Walter Langmaid, Oshawa, when relatives gathered te hon- our Mr. George Awde of Dray- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and family cf Yelverton were Sua- day gue5ts in the William Wei- ry home. Mrs. Grant Ormistea is r,,- cuperating at the home of hr parents, Mr. and Mr$. Everett 0f the 10 provinces, New- foundland bas the mest miles of sea coast, and Quebec ranks second. Oniy Alberta and Saskatchewani do not border on sait water. informed that some painting and carpentry work was eg dlone by men fromn PortPer and Oshawa. Whetber or not this work was sufficiently im- portant to eaUl for tenders cari best be judged by you, but it seems te me that qualified workmen should be available at reasonable wages within the area from which the Hospital derives its financial support. I therefore ask if this work was first offered to tradesmen with- ia our area. 0f greater importance is th-ý matter cf installing a new sys- temn for heating. the Nurses' Re- sidence. Inasmuch as neither your letter nor the "Statesman" presents the facts, I must con- tinue te rely on the informa- tion I was able te assemble. I am iafermed that the heat- ing system you have adopted is based on the recommendatieus cf an Oshawa man who is em- ployed in heating maintenance work but who is net a qualified heating engineer. Even with the best cf intentions, an unquali- fied person might weil suggest an improper system. This seems te be exactly what has hap- pened, and needlessly se, fur the manufactures cf heating, equipmeat will send their quai- ified heating engineers, with- eut charge or obligation, te de- sign and blueprint a proper system. The next obvieus step would have been te cali for tenders ebased on the officiai plan, and in this connection I would peint out that«there are ne less than twelve plumbing and heating contractors in Darlington and Clarke Townships. This was net done. Instead the contract was given to an Oshawa man for $2,600. This is neither fair nor businesslike, particularly as * price cf $2,090 was queted by a local coatractor in 1954 for this same job including the wiring and tunneling for which you have net yet committed your- selves. I am- sure 1 speak for my local colleagues when I pro- test your failure te cail for ten- ders. I have ne objection what- seever te losing a contract if my price is tee high, but I strenuously object when I amn net given an opportunity te tender. Glad as 1 arn te sce that yeu vre now calling for bids on the tunnel, the fact that you are doing se only seems te empha- size my dismay at your failure te do the same for the much more costly heating project. We note yeur references tei the saving of sales tax by pur- cliasing your equiprnent and materials direct. This same sav- ing is available te yeu whca you let a centract by tender. You simply do your own pur- chasing direct from the manu-. DE WITH AND MOUNTJOY' General Insurance Agents " Car "' Fire *Sickness and Accident *Multi-pen.. 58 Simpson Avenue Bowmanvillo Phone MA 3-3950 Newcastle - Phone 3341 ]DANCE! Wally Traugoit ,, and the MAIN ST. JAMBOREE with Jack Kingston stars of HAMILTON TV Friday,'àApril.,; Red Baorn OSHAWA ADMISSION -75 THURSDAY, APRIL Il Rank Thompson 2 Shows - 7:30 - 9:30 a - - MEMORIAL ARENA A CT! VITIES PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, APRIL 51h 8 Io 10 p.ni. . - Aduits 40c, Students 25c Admission ONTARIO SEMI-FINALS Intermediate "A" IHockey Game *FOURTH GAME ai 8:30 p.m'. Best out of seven series TUESDAY, APRIL 91h TILLSONBURG Pan.Drieds Bowmanville m Orono Combines Admission-----------------------".oo» for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Chidren------------50e PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOVndANVn.LE. ONTARIO facturer and the contractor charges you only for his labour and services. In summary, rny views are:-- 1. Your apparent failure to obtain plans and blueprints frein a qualified heating engineer may resuit in an unsatisfact;)"v system and a serious w eof funds..1 2. An earlier and much 10w-- er quotation by a local con- tractor suggests that the pru:s you have now committed your- selves te pay rnay be unreas(in- ably high. tract at some $2,600 is ciently important for you have calleci for tendersUft the ieating contractors in Clarkeý and Darlington Towii- ships. I agree with you that "the decision as to the best method cf getting work done must, ne- cessarily, rest with the Board". I arn also confident you will agree with me that it is m3T right, as well as that cf my colleagues in Towi Council and the tradesmen and private citi. zens of the Bowmanville dis- trict, te ask for an explanation of the reasoning that le'd yota te your decision. I look forward with Interest to your reply. Yours very truly, J. Brougfh i~à 1 11 P -THO SD*T, APRM 4th,- 1957

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