Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1957, p. 1

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'~t~' j... v "Durham Countyý's Gjreat Farnily Journal" 103~ rII'XTTAA KT7«T V %xl* r mA T Y T.-T.-..-N '*r A %e.f DU VVIY.LIiIN VJ±jLflj, UNIA±UU, 1t1UI~bJJAY. MAICUH 7th. 1957 -- ----7---- ~ .L £LLb ~..J~J.L7 J. .J."d U.LY1.bflit~, .LI> «tnservatives Choose Dr. Percy Vivian to Con test Federal Seat Dr. Percy Vivian, Port Hope, Poor Policies %vas selected unanimously aà Explainiug t h e foregoîni Progressive- Conservative candi- statenient hie said, 'The govern date for the caming federal ment o! Canada came into be election by an enthusiostic gath- ing by direction and agreemen ering af appraximateîy 250 at of the provinces ai the time the Durham convention in the ta be a îînifying agent and serVf Orono Town Hall Tuesday. the Intcrests aof the whol( The speakers ai the evening, country. To-day the palicieý Jncluding John A. Charlton, a! the present gavernment teni M. P., for Brant-Holdimand, ta set anc part o! the country.' Ontario, and Hon. John W. "A glaring example o! the Foate, Minister o! Re!orm In- goverfiments failure ta scrvý stitutions, aIl expounidecj on the best interest aof the provinces ,the dictatorial nature o! thL is the hugýe ioue. bein-. present federai government andi pointed out the ever-growing popularity of the Progressive. Canservative party and the falling of Liberai prestige. OPPortunity to Serve Nominated by W. J. Austin, Part H-ope, and seconded by Mrs. Forbes Hcyland, Darling- tan, Dr. Vivian statcd that be was deeply honoured ta once rhore have an opportunity ta serve Durham Caunty and thot if elected he would serve the county as long as the electorate wanted him ta do sa. Before allowing his namne ta stand for nomination Dr. Vivian stated thot be !îrst obtained the views ai three important graups namely his employers who have granted him a leave af absence for the election, his medirol coileagues, and finally bis trust- ed political frîends in this rid- ing. Ail three views were highly 4avourable and being assured of their support be ar- Dr. Perey Vivian cepted the invitation ta stand. buiît up in Ottawa while the Here is Home provincial and municipal leg- Dr. Vivian went on to say islative bodies are hard press- that he was asked ta stand for ed for revenue," he pointed noamination in anather ridin- out. and explained, "I refused be- deort Aiue cause if I was ta moke the Undefrmrti Att itu e sacrifice af returning ta public "pr rm terplce life, I wanted ta do it here the attitudes and behaviaur off Ifere is home and home means the present cabinet is far fraîn a tremendaus amount, partic- what we should expert o! a ularly when it brings the hoppy truly national governimcnt. Or- relationships and friendship, ders-.in-council take the place 'iphat my family and I enjy in o!. legisiation. Ministers gix'e <'.ort Hope and throughout the mis-intormation and dlaim they county." forge:." Althaugh he did not go into "The views aof the people in ,tý any issues at the meeting, Dr. the ridings cao be expresscd Vivian said, "There arc certain only with difficuity by the principles wbîch form the basis members a! the apposition, and of aur policy and they are ir, apparentlY flot at ail iby th,- ,tomplete disagreement with the back benchers viho support the ýway in. whîrh the government cabinet, If it were otherwise, of thîr- ountry is pre$ently be. why haýn't the voire of Durham Jng ë4lJ%ýted. (Continued on page fifteen) Forbes Heyland Elected Head of Apple GroWers The Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' Asso- ciation 46th annual convention and banquet held at Newcostle Community Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 20, had an attendance of around 175 interested grower.-, a fine representotion o! thîs important branrh af agriculture in tW>se counties. Hén~. W. A. Goodfellow, Min- ister of Agriculture for Ontario, addressed the gathcring foliow. ing the noon banquet. At thitý tin» also the presentation took place off the gold watch won by Wilfrid Carruthers & Son o! Bowmanville at the Royal Winter Fair lost November for the best nine box lot off oppies in the show. This is the second yeor that Carruthers & Son have won the trophy and watch given by the Niagara Spray Company o! Burlington. Mr. Gardon Wilian, Gencral Manager of Niagara Spray, mode the presentation ta Mr. Car ruthers who occepted it an bebali o! bis son Robert. who is at prescrnt attending Xemptville Agricultural Col- lege. This is the first time the Company has made the pre- sentation at a local growers' convention, a banquet in Tor- onto bcîng the occasion in prev- jous years. Forbes Heyland. Bonmaîî ville, president, was unable to attend because o! illness, and the. vice-president, Mr. Lcigh- ton Rundie, presided at sessions througbout the day. In the morning on address prcpared by D. S. Blair, officer n charge o! the Horticultural Substation at Sm-ithfield, waql read in his unavoidable absencE hy H. B. Heeney, Division oi Horticulture, C.E.F., Ottawa The subject was "Trends in Apple Production in Eastern 1Canada." A panel discussion followed on -'lnsect, Disease ContraI anc Cultural Practices in the Or. chard"-with Prof. H. W. Goble, Dept. a! Entomology, O.A.C.; Prof. C. B. Kelly , Dept. nI' Bot- any. O.A.C.; and H. B. Heeney taking part and H. Morley Webster acting as chairman. 111 the a!ternoon, B. M. Wa- lare, Manager Narl!olk Fruit Growers' Association o! Simcoe, addresed the convention on "~Apple Marketing." Taking Part ini a panel discussion on '*Packagilug, Storage & Market- ing Ontario Apples" were W. R. PhilI ips, Horticultural Divî- ision, CEF.. Ottawa; D. W. Williams, Chief Inspectai', Fruit Branch, Toronto; B. W. Wallace o! Siincoe. Officers were re elected for another ý"ear and are: President, Forbes Heyland, Bowmanville; Vice-President, Leighton Run- die, Brighton: Secretary-Treas- urer, Morlcy Webster. Directors are: James Biroatch. Tien'oiî: J. H. Jose. Ncw,%castlo; Fred Moroau, Trenton: Russe,] Osborne, Newcastle; william Brown, Coîborne: Larrx' Burt. Brooklin: Burton Morion. Har- old: Seldon Parker, Newcastle; Clare Allun and Harvey Brooks, Bowmanville. A deliciaus banquet was serv- cd by the ladies of the Uinited Chur'ch W.A. B.O.C.'s Swamp Lindsay Final Game To »nialit I nitiate Three Chamber Seeks Leanewa New MembersRunning South of Kinc Into Legion New Storage Space Added Sper ialty Paper Products Ltd., 63 Temperanre Street, are building a new 3,600 squar2 feet addition onto their main building and will be using this spore primarily for storage al- thaugh it con be adapted for production if necessorv. This one-storey addition Mwas formerly o burnt out section an the east end of the Specialty Paper building faring Welling- ton Street. A steel roof has ah- rcady been çonstructed aver the addition and a cancrete floor is ta be laid. The storage room will lic heated. Roy Dunn, Courtice, is doing the renavations and construc- tion while Specialty Paper aix- handling their awn cantrocting. Secretary Manager Ken Mor- ris o! the Chamber a! Com- merce commenting on the new addition mode the following statement-"On lichaI! o! the Bowmanville Chomber aI' Com- merce I extend siocere congra- tulations ta Speciaity Paper Produrts Limited on its in-. creasing successful operation which bas necessitated the ex- pansion o! storage and produc- tion facilities. We wclcome this further evidence o! the health and vitoiity O! aur established industries and offer our best wishes for cantinued suceess". New Members Legion Aux. ýAre Initiated Branch 178, Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary met in the Legion Hall on Monday March 4, President Piper presiding. Three minutes' silence in re- membrance of comirades an-i veterans who have passed on and those illiin hospital. Seven new members, Rich- ards. Wakelin, Luxton, Vesna, Hornigold, Perfect and Lawrie were initiated and Comrade1 Simpson joined by transfer froin Port Hope. Letteýs from Uxbridge, Clare- mont and Whitby were receiv- ed accepting invitations to visit our Auxiliary an March 18. A visit to Divadale Hospital was again discussed and it was de- cided that we should go in th e warm weather. Pres. Ann Piper stated that the Men's Branch would like some of the menm- bers to donate blood for the Legion Blood Batik. Affer the mieeting c]osed social haîf hour was spent and lunch served. Town Counril granted the' Bowmanville Chamber o! Com- merce the authority ta investi- gate the possibîlity of laneway parking running from Temper- ance ta Division and between King and Queen streets and tKeé Chamber have also the- power ta obtain options wil the cost flot ta exrecd $100. The Chamber's plan as pre- sented by Ken Morris, seer- tary-manager, and Ab Sturrork Monday evening is ta clear a farty-foot strip starting at the archway on Temperance and running straight across ta Divi- sion. Such a laneway Mr. Sturrack pointed out would case the congcstcd parking conditions an front street and wouiel al- low the fire department acrcss request. ta the back of stores and hou in this area. 1This laneway wiil cross properties and it will be ressary ta buy the brick bui ing south of the archway north o! the Anglican Churi Cati n. Keith LathanE thought that this area was right area ta build the L and he suggested that Chaînber be authorized ta vestigate but he did not ti the options were necessý since anc or twa parties volved might decline and1 money for the options wci be spent for nothing. However the options w( desirable and since the expei wouid not run more than $1 Council granted the Chambe 'y ýuseî ne- ifild and rch. igue tht- ane the in.. ink ary in- thle :)u1d 'ere nse 100 )er's Purchase New Truck For Roads and Streets, Clif f S amis Resigns Regular meeting of Branch 18 aainLégion, met on Tusday, Feb. 28, with Presi- '1 dent Jim Firth presiding. e- Minutes were read o! cxe- ntcutive meeting field Thursday, Feb. 21, when Dr. Hubbard and Mr. J. O'Neill of Memorial ie leHospital Board were present es ta discuss the question af a td Blood Bank and *Clinir for the Ilocal hospital. Dr. Hubbard ie spoke on behoîf o! the mcdi- cal profession stating that for the amnount of blood used here Sand thc added expeose invoivd a local Blood Bank wos flot advisable. Mr. O'Neill spoke on behaîf af the Hospital Board thanking Legion members for their contribution in the past ycar but added that in view of the expense off a terhnician to bondIe the Blood Bank and ithe machinery necessary hie stressed Dr. Hubbard's views that it did flot warrant a local Blood Bank. Pres. J. Firth, assisted by lst Vice E. Rundle and Sgt.-at- A rms J. Knight init.iated three new members: Jack Adams and Johnnic Bothwell, Bowmanville, and George Chard, Newcastle, A cheque was rereived from O.M.H.A. for $150 as payment !rorn Hamilton Hockey Club for drafted ployer Ray Preston ta sponsors of Juvenile Club, IBowmanville Branch, Conadian Légion. rlay. (Continued on page fifteen) ('onsiderable Savings The Board aiso disrussedt Possibility o! instohlingg Pumps at the town shed. It estimated that the town mai inerY uses between 10,000 ai J2,000 gallons aof gas, a year ar it wotild be possible for Il town ta save appraximately cents a gallon on gos fromn the awn pumps. At present the town buys g, !romn local service stations( a rotating basis but this is tin consuming and it is not a r, commended practice ta use va ious brands o! gasoline in machine. Coun. Brough thougi that a yearly contract couldk given ta the various gos ron ponies. Order Chairs In (onnection with the Put Town Pays $20,52.5 For OId Post Office Town of Bowmanville cxercised its option on the aid post office building at the corner of King and Temperance Streets and will purchase the building at a pri-ce of $20,525. Bowmanville originally bid $14,000 for the building with the understanding that the town could meet any other bids which the Crown Assets Corporation might receive. The only other bid was of $20,501 and town council decîded Monday night to take advantage of purchasing this important corner of the town. The terms of the purchase cal for 40\per cent down with the balance over a five-year peÏiod at 5 per cent interest. Club Mlakes Offer Two reasons which led council to make the decision are that the Bowmanville Rotary Club has offered to furnish the main floor of the building as a free public library and secondly there will be a need for additional town administrative offices in a central location. The first step in setting up a free library hoard was aiso taken Monday as a by-law was given its three readings and cails for the dissolving of the present Iibrary association and the appointment of a board. The board wiil consist o! the Mayor, three council appointments and three representatives ap- pointed by the Public School- Board. The council appointments are: R. G. Hamlyn, three years; Glenholme Hughes, two years, and George Vice, one year. In future members will be appointed by council each year for a three-year period. the gas ;is nd nd the 7 ciîr gas on ne a ght be Ti- ib- Town's Min or Hockey Teams Give Excellent 'Show in Port Hope Boys, sonie 250) ofthem repre.- fî'om seýven bIo mu Providcd' senting Bowmanville, Port Hope, everyone with a thrilling exhi- Cobourg, Orono, Newcastle and bition.1 Millbrook swamped the Port They played throughi regula- Hope Peter Campbell Memorial tion time and an additional two Arena on Saturday to compete fifteen minute overtime periods in the Eastern Ontario Zone to end in a scoreless tie. The Little N.H.L. Hockey Champion- teams wilî meet in Bowmanville ship Playoffs. this Saturday to decide the win- Fair play and good sportsman- ners. ship, which is oneof the airns of At this game on Saturdav the Little N.H.L. Association wvas there will 43e three awards made. prominent in ail the gaine They will be Wladyka Bros. played throughout the da.. Te Championship Trophy, Tip Top youngsters dsiplayed keen en- TiosMs aubePae' thusiasm and interest in the Twalrs ModthVlbeats ersn affair. ,Aad n d the W-Ason a L1ireeL LUd. oaie Snield for the --- Large ('rovd Attend Two Iownship Many officias aof the Little Bowmanville-Orono Combines moved a gamne aheadNIL.Asctin eeprst of inday egets n te LkesoreIntermediate "A"Ior.L.Assoc-tiAloemaprseg- Ser~i- is o Tuesdav night when theY scored an 8-3 W iII M aintain fotriethe e an pAIOranvdig- vcoyoe h a hsts a Lindsay Ai-ena. cd in VarinUS capacities. Many vîctry ~'erther Fi Gane o-niht ound ry oad Parents were among the crowd Fina* Gine Tonigh Bo nda y R ad o! neai lx'2,000 Persans who The ombnes avevo thre, osttwo nd iedwatched boys display their 'rhe C o m b nes havepeonntdrelarost tww nndhtiedhockey abiliy in a sportsi n- . of t e b st- f-s ven seres. hey wil In et ind ay H pe nd lan e t wns ips like rnoner. _of h etojiensre.Te il ne ida have came toaon agreement The coaches and managers of her$, Thursday (to-night) for the seventh gamne of the about the maintenance o! the the teams were os enthused os boîîndary road lieiween tlhe two the plavers theniselves. These "MDean West paced the Combines with three and t" mis men and inînv like them have brothet' Keith added a pair. Mlax Yourth. Gerrv Robinson Hope M-ill a&ssume respons:- cantributed considerable time andJuiorWeî tllcd her the ~aIs FankHo~rhiliîv fIni the upk-eep of the and effort in training their teamsf andJunor esttaliedther oher1 -als Frnk oopr nrth nI' the fI'îIh roncesý- and were cl rewarded bY' the( asisted on scoring threc of the nmaîkcrs. 1 fun id Clarke oI' the stretch spectacular Performance sho wný WVin Prizes ~>ii This arrangement fatl- duning he -day-. 1 peua )riod of six month., ot Jr. A. Teamns Tir Dean West and Frank Hooper wilI î'cceivc gifts negotiations bctween the two Cobourg shut out Port Hope f from two Bowmanville merchants for' their fine per- councils. Reeve J. T. Brown 2-0 in the first game af iheir mrance. Dean wilI get a new hat hum Minn's Metn's ,,nve.Ned bis cotincil'.4 appraval IJuniur '"A" (Atami) division andt terfor seoring his three goaL Fr.b'talkI we . io the plan tu o Ipe 1on.i uIîtiued on ta Ineet Bownian-, r c ar $urm R i k b ' i 20 o i hr e a ss s OLIIILil \w'lîcli l ir rda n ville's eani in the finas. Theseý reciv $ fra Rckay' B~ 2U~ or istheeasiss. Port Hope. youngsters who ranze in agel American League Champions lu the Amnerican Hockey League (Pee-Wee) division the Bowmanville lads suffered a 4-0 defeat at the hands off the Ca- bourg tcam. Cobourg continued into the finals ta score a 5-i win over Millbrook and win the Championship. Local Boys Are Champions *Bowmanville's N.H.L. teamn (Bantanis) won a close 3-2 de- cision over Cobourg iu a fast, close checking Mamne. Io the finals thev scored a 3-0 shutout ovci, Millbrook to win the cham- nionshin. Larrv Gibbs. Mill- brook goalie. was espcciallv out- standing in thc gamne. He re- ceived the Goalie Shicld Award for the best all round Plaver in the N.H.L. division. Trophies Awarded Many trophies were presented (Continued on page fifteen> Ado pIed by Hos pifai Board In the Letting of Con tracts TakRt yStili Not Set i The 1957 levy of taxes 1 for the town of Bowman- ville is stili undecided since e the amount of provincial e aid is flot yet officlly an- D nounced, although a budget s meeting was held in Feb- ruary. However Couneil will hold a second budget meeting as soon as the in- formation là; received. As the first of the four instaliments of taxes is normally due April 15 it is expected that te limit wilI be extended one or two weeks to make up for the delay. Children Are Baptized At Trinity A number of children were baptized at the morning service of Trinity United Church last Sunday by Rev. T. A. Morgan. They were: Donald James, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Till- son; Joyce Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. D. Cole- shaw: Janice Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mun- day: Deborah Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Semple; Bryan Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs.' E. W.* Elliott; Keith George and Suzanne Adelaide Lucille, children of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kelly. Nancy Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jackman; Ga.ele Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Melvon Shiels; Peter Michael, son of Mr,. and Mrs. R. R. Muirhead. Back to School At Open House Parents flocked ta the annual Open House at Bowmanville's three public sehools this week, which is Education Week in Ontario.' A great many parents and other interested aduits availed themselves of the opportunity of meeting the teachers in the classrooms and viewing a dis- play of the work done in each grade. In addition to ciassroom work, there was an ioteresting display nI' woodworking and sewing done by the pupils. Central School held Open House on Monday night, On-. tario Street Tuesday, and Vin- cent Massey on Wednesday, After parents had visited the classrooms at Vincent Massey, ýhe March meeting of the Home and Sehool Association was held there for the first time in that school. Supervising Principal A. M. Thompson expressed his ple3- sure at the interest shown by parents in turning out in such numbers. Som-e rooms reported that over 90 per cent of the students' parents attendcd the Open House to interview the teachers. I F J nit Give*s Imost 1,000 Foi two days this week tbe Lions Community Centre wos converted into a medical cen- tre and a liusy place it was. The Northumberland - Durham Heahth unit were giving first doses of Polio Vaccine ta pre- school age rhihdren, On Tucsçlay, 431 children re- ceived their first dose. Wednes, day morning over 200 chiidren had gone through the line with just as many going through in the afternoon . The second doe will lie given in o month*s time. Dr. Doris Tremeer, Bowman- ville, was administering the shots. She was ossisted by nur- ses o! the Heahth Unit whic'i include Misses Lena Taylor, Dora Purdon. Betty Flaxman of the Bowmarnville office and Mrs. Pogue from Cobourg. Memnbers nI' Club 1-- were %-nlLinteci- workers. Thcy in- clIudcd Joan Vinishi, Helen White. Lynîi Oke. Frances Ames. Aura Trewin, Myrtle Marsden, Evelyn Dunn, Alice Paterson, Evelyn Werry, .Jnycp Chant and Grace Crombie. These polio shots are provîdt ed free of char"e. Charges of a one-man cammîttee running the Memnorial Hospital Board, Bowmanvjlle, were voiced at the March Town Council meeting Monday, by Coun. John Brough who stated that large sums of public money are being spent through contracts ta out-of-town contractors without first callîng for competitive tenders. Coun. Brough told council that he has learned of a $4,000 contract which had been let ta an Oshawa man to heat the nurses' residence by using the surplus heat from the hospital. For the same job in 19C5 a Bowmanville firm tendered a price of only $2,185. The councillor went on ta explain that the method ta be used by the Oshawa man who is employed as a maintenance man and is nat a fully qualified heating contractor is ta convert live steam from the hospital into Impractical Method moment decorators in the hos- However, on consulting a quai- pital are from Port Perry, car- ified engineer, Coun. Brough penters from Oshawa and now learnd that this method is im- the heating contract is going ta practical becauseof the distance Oshawa. "All of these were let from the hospital to the resi- without competitive tenders," he dence. The correct method is said. to transmit the live steam to the Coun. Lloyd Preston said that resideuce first and then condense he has heard that in previous it to water. years the Hospital Board was Coun. Brough stated that it is acustomed ta calling for tenders illegal ta spend Public monev from local contractors but they without calling for competitive showed no înterest in handling tenders and he asked that an the work. investigation be made of the L. A. Parker, plumbing and Hospital Board. heating, Bowmanville, was pres- Reeve Objerted cnt to address Council and in Counil's representative to the answer ta Coun. Preston stated Hospital Board, Reeve Sid Little that al emergency work to the informed council that the idea Hospital was done mmediately' of heating the nurses' residence but on bigger projects where from surplus hospital heat has tine was not involved the local been discussed for the past few contractors preferred to do the Years and at a recent Board work at a convenient time. meeting a letter was received "We are now called upon io from a man in Oshawa explain- do the dirty work around the ing his proposition ta heat the hospital while the big contracta residence. go out of town," Mr. Parker The Reeve Étated that he abject- objected. ed strenuously to aceepting such Coun. Brough taok the floor a tender but at the fGilowing for a third occasion, saying that board meeting which he was un- he was in attendance at the hos- able ta attend because of illness, Pital one day and accidentall7 the board saw fit to accept the learned of four faulty toiletg Oshawa man's proposai. The which neyer stopped running 24 Reeve agreed that no contract for hours a day. Cheekin~g on the a big job should be let without hospitai's water billhe founct tenders but he added that it that it cornes to $115 a month. makes no difference ta what "If the hospital i really sirb. town the contract goes. cere in saving money they should Coun. Jim Presson rose to ask do samething about that witer if Bowmanville can exercise bil They uise more water pet ,some contrai over the Board montix than the Creami of Barley since it grants half a miii yearly use during a peak seasol, ini- to the hospital. cludin'g the Veatee ii _ theiit sWim- Town Ha& No Control mingt pool," Coun. Brough saîd. Reeve Little replied that the Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Carruti,- town has no contrai over the ers stated that the taxpayert board and added that he didn't delinitely have an interest in the approve o! the present board set- hospital and accordingly asked up. that a letter be sent to the Hos- Coun. Brough took the floor pital Board reqtiesting an ex- again te point out that at the planatiori. Cou ncil's Busy Session Hears Many Requests Bowmanville Town Councîl fully endorsed a resolutiori froni the North York council askîng that muniripalities and the provincial government meet in a joint conference ta discuss the division a! revenues sn as ta salve the desperate plight of municipal cauncils. Bowmanville Wamen's Instu- tute osked the rauncil for use o! a central meeting place pre- ferably in the aid post office building if it is bought by the town. In rcturn the Institute agree ta furnish the romr foi their awn and ather civir usex. This was referred ta the pro- PertY committee. On request $100 was granted Ia the Memorial Park Associa- tion to defray the expense o! cutting grass in the park. A ietter was received fram Bowmanviiie's figure skating personality Lynne Bagneil, thanking the town tor Its Inter- est at her recent performance in Toronto. A request from St. Toselih's Romian Catholie Church that they be aîlowed ta purchase tnwn land presently nat in usep but set aside as a park will be referred ta the Municipal Plan- ning Board. Deputy-Reeve Wilff Carru- thers pointed out that the land in question is rovered wita weeds and is an eyesore. It wauld be for better ta have a building on the praperty. Coun. Keith Lathongue agreed that it was for tno small for a Park and was in favour af M inister of Fisheries Speaks Here Friday Li bera I sou rces . announced this week that wcll over 200 are expectcd ta attend their meeting in the Legion Hall here, tomorraw, Friday night. Guest speaker for the occasion wiil be the Minister o! Fisher- Hon. James Sinclair, B.Sc., M.A. ier; for Caiiada, Hon. Jamies Sin- clair, M.P. for the coostituency o! Coast-Capilane, British Col- u mb ia. Mr. Siniclair, coiisidered ane aI' the ablest parliamentarians at Ottawa. is an engineer 13y profession. lic is a gradujite q the Universities of B.C., Oxford and Princeton and was a Rhode.i Scholar in 1928. He strved with the R.C.A.F. from 1939 ta 1945 inruding service in the Middle East with the famous Descrt Air Force. He and his wife have five daughters. Hs politicl career started in 1940 when he berome a member o! Parliament while in the services. It will be reralled that aiorig his many missions abroad on behal! of the govcrnment, o trip ta Ru.ssia in 1955 came close ta finishing his briiiant carer. He wos attending the Interna- tional Whaling Commissiojn meeting in Mosrow and persua- ded his hasts ta permit him ta take an exploratorýy trip ta some aof the northern port,% wherte Russia's huge whaling operation was canducted. WhilDi inspecting a ship being buit, the structure on whicb tbey wvere standing gave way, and he and his private seretary dropped about 20 feet ta the ground. He remained in ospi- til for several weeks and re- turned home on a stretcher via Red China. t was many months before hc competecly recavered. This is his first officiai visit ta Bowmanvillc and Durham County and local LiberaLs are endeavouring ta make hi& trip~ a memorable anc. Other speak- ers will include Senator W. A. Fraser, Dr. Chaude Vipond, Osh- awa and John M. Jamle8, M.p, for DPîrharx. ~rn4bnnr rOLUME ~1 1 Council Criticizes Methods 1 ý Rate 1 )arenfs ý4 1 1 Another sizeable addition to tfYe Bowmanville Roads and Streets Department's machin- ery is a ncw Fargo truck and steel body, Coun., John Brough, chairman aof the Board of' Works, anuounced at the regu- lar council meeting Monday. The truck is being ppmrrhasedý from. Palmer Motor Sales at a price o! $3,819 and the steci body is !rom. Eastern Steel, Ta- ronto, for $2,850. This body cao be used for sanding and salting in the winter and can lie con- vcrted into a dump truck dur- ing the summer. Continuing with bis report aI' the Fcbruary Board of Works' meeting Coun. Brough told council thot the Works' De- portment wili rent a street swcepcr at a cost af $10 per ,ttt4im4n Tax Go BUWMANVILLE, ONTARIOý THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1957 101- Pr.T-? r.Opv

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