TNUMDAY, TEE. t8t~. 195? TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Grant Coulter, Belleville, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. E. Leask. Mr. and Mrs. A. Badger were the weekend guests of his par- n~'ts 2Ar. and Mrs. Gordon Mrd Mrs. G. T. Van Bridg- er are leaving this weekend by motor for a vacation in Florida, visiting Pensacola and other points. Mrs. D. H. Jamieson spent Iast week in Peterborough vis- iting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Jamieson and family. Mrs. J. G. Jackson who resid- ed for many years in Orono and moved to Prince Albert a little over two years ago, is now at Fairview Lodge, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humpage, Kitchener, attended the Lions Ladies' Night dinner and dance on Monday evening, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Constable. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young and Sylvia, Mrs. Eva MacMillan, Bridgenorth, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Orono, were vis- itors of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johns. Mrs. Pearl Bail, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister, Miss Ruby Aldworth, and also attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Frank Aldworth, on Monday. .Mrs. Gordon Badger has r- turned from a week's trip to Hamilton and Woodstock where she was the guest of her sin ànd daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Badger. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk bre leaving to-day to spend a few weeks at Clearwater Beach, Florida, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Man- ning of Winnipeg. Mr. William G. James, for the jpast year President of the On- tario Weekly Newspapers' As- sociation, and Mrs. James attend- ed the convention of the Associa- tion held in Toronto last week. 1Mr. and Mrs. R. Reishus, Cal- gary, Alta., recently spent a week wîth Mrs. Frank Oke. While here they purchased a new General Motors car and left on a two-month trip to Florida, Ç alifornia and thence home. 1According to the Northumber- land-Durham Health Unit re- port for the week ending Feb. g3 there were two cases of mnumps in Bowmanville; in Danl- ington Township there were 27 cases of chickenpox and four cases of salmonella. 1 ~4I aker at the meeting of Du f (am County Club of Toron- to to-night (Thursday) Feb. 28, tvïJj be Mn. E. A. Summers, Dur- hg*I's well known Agnîcultural Representative. The meeting is held at I.O.D.E. headquarters, corner Lowther Ave. and Spa- dýaRoad-. .,!Ers. Hartley Lewis attended an Acceptance Ceremony and tea at the Sjîk Children's Hos- ipital, TozOut,, on Mond'ay alter- noon, her tcaughter, Miss Mary Lewis, being among those nurs- es-in-training who have com- jileted the first six months of their training course. -Mrs. George Richards, a ldfe- long resident of Bowmanville, was surprised by friends and rieighbours who gathered to help celebrate her 84th bithday on February 22. Although Mrs. Richards has been in poor health recently, she was very pleased to teceive her cailers who kindly STe JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Quinquagesima Sunday 8 and il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m. - CIMURCH SCHOOL 7 P.m. - EVENING PRAYER Trinity Uni Minister - Rev. T. il A.M. - "A Live' âacrameut of1 Rev. H. B. of Li The Annual Service c Chapter No. 10 of tht Organist-Mr. Arthur Col presented personal gifts. Her niece, Mrs. Evelyn Monrison of Oshawa, baked the birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Jamieson, Larry, Lanrane and Donnie en- tertained a famîly gathening ar their home on Wellington St. on Sunday afternoon, it being the occasion of the 80th bîrth- day o! their uncle, Mr. Tom Chipps of Harmony. Others present were Mrs. T. Chipps, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Camenon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams, Joan and Richard, Oshawa; Mr. Oscar Jamieson, Aflin, Bob and Ross o! Peterborough, and Mrs. R. M. Jamieson and Mrs. D. H. Jamieson, Bowmanvllle. Churches to Hiold Day utr Frayer1 The annual World Day of Prayer services will be heldid 1 Bowmanville on March 8 in thei afternoon and evening at the Salvation Army Citadel. Pro- testant churches of the town will unite in these services which wili be heid at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Miss M. A. Luke, Oshawa, a former deaconess of the Home Mission Board, will speak at bath services. An onder o! service provided by the Wom- en's Inten-Church Coundil of Canada, prepared this year by Serena Vassady, formenly of Hungary, will be foliowed. Miss Vivian Sadien wili be solo- ist and Mns. Albert Cale, pian- ist. O!!erings neceived at these services which are observed across Canada assist in miss- ionany work and providing literatune for use in Canada andi many othen countnies. Polio Shots ? Should Cail Health Unit Mothers are reminded that they should make an appolntment for pre-school children t. receive polio vaccine at the cllnic whlch willI be held at the Lions Community Centre, Beech Ave., on March 5 and 6. Children must be 6 months of age or over. It is Important that ap- pointments should be made by telephonlng the Health Unit office MA 3-5661, ln order to facilitate the hand- ling of the large number of eilidren expected. Av- polntments may be made through the Health Unit to-day and Frlday by cal- ixxg between the hours of 9 and 12 in the mornlng, 1 and 5 lni the afternoon. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week o! Feb. 18-24: Admissions - -____45 Births, 1 male, 4 female -5 Discharges 53 Major operations 6 Minor aperations -___21 Emengency tneatments- 151 Visiting hours 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. .Tobacco Group Calîs Meeting For District The sixth annual Flu-Cuned Tobacco Growers' winter meet- ing wull be held at the Onono Town Hall on Wednesday, March 13 at 8 p.m. An excellent program has been prepared by the sponsors and will include many ne.v points reganding tobacco grow- ing. The latest necommenda- tions wili be presented usine coloured slides ta illustrate the variaus tapics unden discussion. ted Church Arthur Morgan, B.A. bly Faiih" Infant Daptism Neal, D.D. ndsay e Royal Arch Masons. lison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 1 andMns. E. A. Vintue. Mr. C& Mrs. F. C. Vanstone 'M n.F.nL. B F. e were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Er ym saa Celebrate.5Oth Wedding Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson, Oshawa, and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. _________________ ~Don Thompson, Courtice. ~:Misses Launaine Cook and Grace Smith spent the week- 'end with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harmer, Eindale. On Sunday ~Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and John visited the Hanmer's. Misses Phyllis Maynard and Jean Stainton, Bowmanville; iMr. Henry Wood and Joe, Osn- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard. M.and Mrs. Donald Davey, Noma and Lynda were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble. Miss Ethel Hall, Mr. Keith lRobinson, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. H. Hall. Congratulations to Mr. Roy Maynard who ceiebrated his birthday on Tuesday. Mr. Ron- aId Maynard, Bowmanville, Mrs. H. Hall and Joan attended a birthday dinner for their brother. Congratulations to Carnrol McRoberts, Lynne Stainton and Robert Hamilton on their music examinations. Mrs. H. Hall, Mr. Stanley Hall attended the funeral of the late Mr. Harry Spragg, Sr., jHamilton, on Saturday. ivir. awiu Mîrs. '.C. .V ailstne celebrated their 50th wedding annivensany with an afternoon an-d evening receplian at their home, 150 King Street West, on Feb. 20. About 250 friends and relatives called ta offer con- gratulations. Mn. Vanstane's brother, Mn. Byron S. Vanstone of Toronto, received with them, and Mn. and Mrs. Vanstone's family, Mns. Hartley Lewis (iÇgnes), Jabez, Morley and Byron wene ail pre- sent and assisting their parents. Two grandchildnen, Hfelko Vanstone, -Bowmanville, and Alice Vanstone, Toronto, open- ed the doon ta guests and were in change of the guest book. Pouring tea in the aftennoon weme Mrs. Frank Kenslake and Mns. J. W. Jewell, and in the evening Mns. N. S. B. James and Mrs. Byron S. Vanstone, Toronto. Members of the famn- ily assisted in serving, including Mrs. N. Bynon Vanstone, Mrs. Morley Vanstone, Bowmanville; Mns. Jabez Vanstone, Miss Nan- cy Vanstone, Miss Mary Lewis, Toronto, Miss Margaret Van- stane, Bowmanville. Centring the tea table was a thnee-tier wedding cake de- carated apprapriately for th,- Golden Wedding Anniversary occasion. Yeilow tapers wene an either side, and about the cining-noom were bouquets of yellow noses. Among the veny lovely gi! t bouquets received were those of the Corporation o! the Town o! Bowmanville, Rotary Club, Jerusalemn L o d g e, Florence Nightingale Lodge, and Staff of TYRONE Mn. and Mrs. S. Gable and Bruce recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey. Glad ta hean Mrs. John Broome is getting along very well aften hen aperation in Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, and hope she'll soon be home. Mr, and. Mns. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp, Mn. and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne spent Sun- da ihHon. and Mns. W. A. Godelw, Codrington. Garrard Kehoe, Enniskillen, spent the weekend with Reith and Leslie Gable. Kay Davey visited Mr. and Mns. Keith Davey. Mr. and Mns. W. Park, Cecile and Douglas visited Mn. and Mrq. James Murdoch, Bawman- ville. .Vin. and Mrs. W. M. Calby, West Hill,, were Sunday sup- per guests o! Mn.-and Mrs. H. Bawmanviile High Schooi . Other gifts and many cards were re- ceived, also telegrams fruin Prime Ministen St. Laurent anjd Mn. John M. James, M.P. The marniage o! Alice Caw- ken and Fred C. Vanstone toak place at the home of the bride, who *was a daughter af IMr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawken. They lived at that time on Liberty Street North in the house nov accupied by Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawken. It is an un- usual and interesting fact that the minister who peformced the wedding. cenemony, Rev. Wni. Jalliffe, also officiated at ti,'f, mariage o! Mr. Vanstones ý father and mother, Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Vanstone. Mr. J. C. Vanstone ran the mili a', Tynone, pneviously own- ed by bis father, Samuel, and moving ta Bawmanville in 1886, he nan bath the Bowmanville and Tyrone milîs for a tirne. On the death o! Mn. J. C. Van- stone, bis son Fred C. Vanstone took aven the Bowmanvilie ml which still continues in the family under the managership o! sons Morley and Byran. Among the out-af-town guests present were: Messrs. Byron and Chanlie Haddy, Miss Lenxt Haddy, Mrs. Elmo Staples, M. Bert Fanr, Mr. and Mns. Frank Vanstone, Mn. and Mrs. Russel Vanstone, Mn. Harold Vanstone. Mr. and Mns. Lamne Brunt, D.. and Mrs. Rass Tilley, Mrs. Philp Tilly and family, Mn. and Mrs. Don Mason, Mns. Harry Ebb,, from Toronto; as well as friends fnom Oshawa, Orono and Port Hope. Brent. Mn. and Mns. W. Vaneyk wene supper guests o! Mr. and Mns. S. VanDam, Bunketon. Mn. and Mrs. Elgie Mason, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Neilson Greentnee, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mns. W. Vivian. Mrs. W. Vivian is doing nicely at her home after a short stay in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvidle. Mn. and Mns. A. Hooper and children, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. S. Wîlcox and son, Miss Mamiene Doak, Scanboraugh, with Mr. and Mns. C. H. MeQuinn. Sympathy is extended fnoma Tynone friends ta Mn. and Mmm. Ralph Glaspell on the passinIt o! their brother-in-law, the late Alex MeMaster, Zion; also ta Mns. Harry Fraser and fam- ily, Orono, on the passing- of Mr. Fraser. He is weil known anound this community. Mrs. C. Shaw, Jim and Ralph, Oshawa, necently visited Mr. Gondan Jahnston, well-knatvn Canadian cartoonist, whase work appears on the editonial pages of The Canadian: Statesman, has been selected by the Ontario College of Education to prepare a monograph on cartaoning in. Canada. The monograph will serve as a guide to students, aspining to a career ini the cartooning field. Plans cail for distribution of the bookiet to secondany schools in the province. The monograph %vill be. the first authonitative! work onvL cartooning to be prepared in Canada.i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton, Douglas and Lynne, Mr. Luther Stainton were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Stainton, Solina. Mrs. W. Rahm visited Mrs. G. Niddery and Mary, Hamp- ton. Mr. Matt Smiley, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and attended the hockey game in Bowmanville on Tuesday night. The province of Ontario measures nearly a thousand miles fromn east to west and from forth to south. One of the greatest expanses of uncultivated fertile territory in the world-20 million acres 1-awaits dlevelopment in north- 1m enOntario. ONE 1 DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS FAMTLY SIZE in a speclal bottie for your table ______ $7.95 Compared to the small size you Save $6.05 Other sizes - $1.40, $2.50, $3.95 M ape Grove Home & School Social Evening The Maple Grove Home and School Association held is February meeting in the fcirr.n of a social evening on Feb. 13. The brie! business meeting was presi *ded over by Mrs. O'Neil, the president. Members ap- proved a list of nominations to be forwarded for provincial offices. It was decided that delegates to the Convention wiil be appointed at the March meeting. The parents' count was won by Mrs. Moffatt's room. The evening was spent in playing cards and crokinole. Prizes were won by Mrs. Jarvie, Mrs. C. Gibson and Miss Pol- lock. A delicious lunch was senved at the close of the evening. % The next Home and School meeting is being held in con- junction with Open House on Wednesday, Manch 13th. The programme is being arranged by the staff of the school. MAPLE GROVE Visitons on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. John MacLean were Miss Betty Camneron and Mn. Bill Jondon, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean with Mr. and Mns. Isaac Mc-, Keen, Oshawa. Mns. Alînan, Barbara, Lois and Betty o! Oshawa with Mn. and Mrs. J. Smith. Mn. and Mns. Fred Stevens were dinner guests on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Topping and boys, Bowmanville. We would like ta welcome Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis and baby ta our community. They are living in the apantment at Mns. J. D. Stevens. Mr. and Mns. Orville Ashton were visitons iast week with Mn. and Mns. Gardon Beech. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and family, Enniskilien; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Beech on Sunday. Mrs. E. Ashton is spending a fwe days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ashton, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Conneil and Mrs. L. Edwards, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Edwards on Sun- day. Last Wednesday evening, Feb. 20, the Women's Institute held their second success4ul euchre party at the school, with 13 tables. First prizes went to Mns. Jarvie and Mr. Art Lister. Con- solation prizes were won by Mrs. Willoughby and Stewart Morton. A number of ladies from here attended the annual meeting of the W.M.S. at Whitby United Church last Thursday, and were fortunate ta hear Miss Constance Wager, a missionary home on furlough from. Trinidad. Mr. and Mns. Cecil Mills and f2rnily with Mrs. Harold Mills, Enniskillen. Mrs. Roy Van Camp spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werry. Mr. Milton Carmen, Niagara Falls, is spending a week with his mother, Mrs. Grant Bennett. Mns. Charles Depew, Bowman- ville, spent Thursday with Roy Van Camp's. Mn. and M&rs. Neil Brownell visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Shackleton, Bowmanville, ' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker, Stirling, spent a few days iast week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe. Sunday visitors of Mn. and Mrs. Roy Metcaife were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abennethy, Bowman- ville; Mr. Howard Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stephenson and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Met- calfe, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Stapley, Trenton, were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke. The C.G.I.T. met in the chunch base-ment on Monday evening. Worship service was given, by Joyce Milis and Marie Cooney. A short business period was con- ducted and then the girls started their first craft. Just a thought-Every child born into the wor]d should have one grandmother with an ample lap. VITAMUNS I.D.A. Halibut Liver 011 Capsules -- 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Idafer Capsules - 2.00 Liquid _______1.50 Allenbury's Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Enerjets ------ -5.95 Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Capsules 1.65, 3.00 Extract of Malt and Cod1 1-1b. 59C 2-1b. 8 reg. 750 reg. 1.2998 Liver 011 4-1b. Reg. 2.29 1 .691 ÀPos p a- KLNX TISSUE Time Canada's Favourite Tissue COUGH and COLD REMEDIES I.D.A. Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 Bronchida Cough Syrup 75e Idaphedrin Draps- 65o Spray 95o Idarub Chest Rub- 49e Jack & J111 Cough Syrup 50c Mecca Ointment 59c, 1.18, 1.89 Super Anahiat Tablets -- - - 65e, 1.00 Vlcks Va-Tro-Nol - -53c Medl-Mist Spray --98cý -Save on These I.DA. Specials SHAVING CREAM Large size tube Regular 49e 39C "Easi-Gloss" FLOOR WAX 1 pound tin Regular 590 49o STOMACH POWDER 4-os. Regular 75o 696 16-os. Regular 1.95 1.49 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, ,We Deliver Youir Local I.D.A. Drug Store QYfeen JWn lil w1 <lsy Connie Osmond) On March 1, there will be a dance with dress ondinary, be- ginning at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. f On March 15, thene will be a hardtime dance, beginning at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. The Teen Town Badminton players are doing very well. On Sunday, Feb. ý17, sevenal mem- bers of our gnoup wvent ta Osha- wa ta play in the tounnaments. We are sorry ta say that al games were lost, but it was a very good try on the part o! the contestants. As was mentioned in last weck's article, aur "Easter Prom" is coming up in only eight weeks. If you are planning on asking a girl don't fanget that she may have other invitations, and want ta be the first, so you'd better ask her now, or you may be left out. There was a dance on Feb. 22, and we would like ta congrat- ulate Ruth Goheen and Peter Belsey for being able ta with- stand the task o! the elimination dance. Your Teen Town Crests are here, and one o! themn will be on dispiay at the dance tomor- row iiight. The price wiil be about 50c. They wili not be on sale however until the following dance on Marchi 15. It Is good to be ' 't vices, but it is not goad', without i "'For Baby's Comfort" f *SOFT ABSORBENT EGSZ STERILIZED PADS tZ JOHNSON'S STERILE GAUZE PADS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. ý2'"x 211121s 45c -"'x 3" 1'S 60c) rolis 25C 0.10diffemie8 from Pode ( that just feel at firsot tout! liol o 12 43c Drugs Phone MA 3-S792 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK I.DA. Cod Liver Oil Capsules Re0g. 1.19 89_____SC IDAMALT .1 ________ -- - ?APEX NAPKINS '70'9 - White In dispenser box Regular 17@ 15e - 2 for 290 f J THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO p PAGE SEVEN e VRUMMAT, M. 2m l957