?IIURSDAY, TEE. 28th, 195? T~E CANADIAN STATESMAIi. EOWMMqvffa~g. O!~TAA1O PÂr~ ~moertKw awa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Toms are holidaying in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Meliville Jones, Newtanvilie, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbali and famiiy. His friends and fellow work- ers an the C.P.R. section gath- ered at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn recently ta honour Mr. Frank Garrod on the occasion af bis retire- ment. They presented Mr. -Gar- rod with a chair and a wallet. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter and Joan, Mill street, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. George VanBridger, Bowmanviile, are leaving on Saturday for a trip ta Pensicola, Florida, wbeze they will visit with Captain P. F. Ashier and family. Reeve J. H. Jose, Mr. Stan- ley Graham and Mr. H. S. Brit- ton were in Toronto an Mon- day and Tuesday attending the Ontario Municipal Electrie Aý- sociation Convention, repre.s- enting the Newcastle Hydro Commission. St. George'r s Evening W.A. Plans Sale Newcastle: Evening Branch ai St. George's Waman's Aux- iliary met in the Parish Hal an February 201h witb 24 merm- bers in attendance. Mrs. D. R. Dewdney conducted tbe open- ing prayers and the reading ai the minutes and reports follow- ed. The Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. Vi Neilson, gave details ofai a aulfit being prepared for a boy at an Indian sehool. The Littie Heipers' Convenor, Mrs. Mary Wallacc, asked members to contribute tays for the smailer children to play witb during the meetings. The group de- cided tû hold rummage sale the aiternoon af March 23rd ta commence at two o'ciock. The President announced that the annuai Women's World Day ai Prayer would be held in the St. George's Parish Hall on Friday, March 8th, at 3:00 p.m. Final arrangements w er e completed for the Avon Demon- stration being held in the Parish« Hall. The members worked on a quilt during the evening and the meeting was brought toaa close with the serving ai re- freshments. As the next regular meeting falîs on Ash Wednesday, Manch 6th, the branch decided ta at- tend the service in the churcb at 8 ,p.m. and adjourn ta the Parish Hall for their meeting foilowing the service. Another meeting for quilting is pianned for March 201h. $1745.00 1295.00 995.00 1095.00 695.00 595.00 72.50 245.00 175.00 1. Chas. Shier end« Mr. #ancW ..S. Arthur Tamblyn, C a ~r ay' were weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn. Mrs. Wilfred Bellanger and daughter Charleen and Mrs.ý Edna Hay, Scarborough, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finley on Monday. Now is the time ta get rid of those aid papers that have been getting in your way. The Newcastle Cubs are holding a paper drive on Saturday after- mxon and will be pleased to pick them up if you wil tie them securely in bundies and set them nt the curb. So you can houseclean your cellar or shed and help the Cubs at the same tirne. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gray, Osh- NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 1956 1955 1953 1953 1951 1950 1949 1948 1948 ""TRUCKS" 1952 MERCURY llà-TON PICKUP 1950 DODGE EXPRÉSS - -- 595.00 495.00 "DIENqONSTRATORS"y 1957 MONARCH LUCERNE SEDAN Autoniatic, power stee,ring, radio, white walls, washers. 1957 FORD FAIRLANE HARD TOP 1 Automatic, radio, etc. BOTH ON SALE AT TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS! Alil Cars on Sale and Display ai Car veth Mot ors NEWCASTLE Bowmanville and District's Authorized Ford-Mionarch Dealer Mrs. R. B. Rickard New President of Lionettes jNewcastle: Sixteen members ofa the Agincourt Lianettes Club visited the regular meeting ai the local Club at their regular dinner meeting in' the dining oM oateen lstasistn room ai te uenglstHost n with the election and installa- tion ai the 1957 afficers ai the club. The Past President, Mrs. He- len Carveth presided and wel- comed the visitors ta the meet- ing. The regular monthly draw was made by Mrs. Joyce Nor- man ai Agincourt with Mrs. Peggy Waiker ai the Agincourt Club holding the lucky ticket. Lion Milt Walker conducted the election ai officers, assisted by Mrs. Helen Ruthgef and Mrs. Reta Winchester ai Agincourt. Following the election Mrs. Joyce Norman, a Past President ai the Agincourt Lionettes Club conducted the installation ai the follawing aificers ai the lacal club who will manage the affairs ai the club during the coming year. Immediate Past President, Mrs. Dunreath Wa.l- ton: President, Mrs. Jean Rick- ard; Vice President, Mrs. Dora Kelsey; Treasurer, Mrs. Grace Toms; Secretary, Mrs. Kay Stephenson; Social Hastess, Mrs. Pauline Storks; Nase Twister, Mrs. Shirley McKin- ley; Directors, Mrs. Orena Me- git and Mrs. Jean Lewis. Following the meeting, thé members and their guests en- joyed a sbowing ai the colour- ed films of Newcastie's Centen- niai celebrations shown by Mn. C. R. Carvetb, and the new Prcsident, Mrs. Jean Rickard expressed the appreciation of the group to Mr. Carveth. Mr.& Mrs. Irwin Colwill Honored on Anniversary New castle: More thani twot Ihundred relatives and frientîs gathered in the Newcastle Co- munity Hall ta do honaur ta twa ai their most popular and successiul citizens and ta cele- brate with them the twenty- flfth anniversary ai their mar- niage. lrwin Coiwili and Nana Cow- an, bath ai Newcastle, werc married on February 6, 1932, and since then have identiiied themselves with ail worthwhilc activities in the village and community besides making a success af their splendid fruit farm in the village. The stage was very beauti- fully decorated with silver drap- ing and wreaths, xith a table set up at the side, on which ta display the beautifully de- corated three-tier wedding caka- made and decorated by te sisters ai the groom. The happy couple withi thir two sans, Jimmie and Donie. were entertained for tea at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Jon Rickard and were taken by surprise whien later in the ev- ening they were braught ta thc hall where they were met by their ibridesmaid, Mrs. Murtoi Walter, and the groomsman, Enimerson Fisher, and were es- corted ta the chairs arranged for them. Ricky Riekard and Peter Lake presented a dainty corsage ta the bride of yester- year and bautonnieres ta ber groom and their twa sons. At the door Nanc~y Lake invited ail the friends ta sîgn theiri inaines ini the guest book. Mr. John Rickard acted as Master oi Ceremonies for the evening and Mrs. Chas. Cowan presided at the piano. The presentation address was read by Mrs. WValter and Messrs Bill Lake and Austin Turner prcsented the happy couple wîth a six-piece silver service. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Colwiil ex- pressed their appreciation in a few well chosen words, tbank- ing ail present for the iovely gif t. The program included. twa lovely vocal solos by Miss Caroline Jones ai Orono and a number ai complimentary addresses by fniends. Mr. Gar- don Martin gave bis speech in rbvme in bis usual happy man- ner and othen speakers in- cluded Harry Jose (Reeve n Newcastle) and their nearest neighbour; Emmnerson Fisher, Ewàrt Clemence, W. F. Rickard, Stanley Grahiani, Alfred Gra- hamn, Fred Couch, Chas. Gilkes and Mrs. George Honey, a forme~r neigbbour now living in Fenelon Falls. The Country Four entertain- ed xvith three nuiabers, and Jack and Gleni Allun entertain- ed with two trumpet solos ail ai which, were very much en- joyed. The many guests had the op- portunity to shake hands and i congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Col-] will z.d see the loveiy gift aiter wbich those presenti gatbered in groups and dainty refreshments were served. 1 District Deputy Governor Makes Lions Club Visit Newcastle: Deputy District bis feliow members ai the clut Governon, Herbent L. Goddard, in fostering community services ai the Canadian Association ai The speaker said Lions clubi Lions Clubs was the guest are, more or less, taken fa: speaker at the regular dinner granted in most communitie, meeting ai the Newcastle Lionsi and clubs should see that thel: Club held in the Queen's He-, projects receive proper adver- tel on Thursday evenmng. With tising sa that the public w;ll a large attendance ai membersý, be informed ai the activitieà the mceting was conductcd by ai the club and thus icrease the club president, Brentcn their support ai club fund rais- Rickard, wbo welconied theC ing projects. He congratulatccd guests and 2 ney members, Lions tfie Newcastle Club an their Bob Frith and Ernie Smitb. rnany accomplishments, men- Introduced by Lion Pcrcy tioning the annual field days, llare, the D.D.G. Lion Deae. ivinter anîd summer safety pa- spoke an Lionismi, explaininr1 trol equipm-ent etc., for the that Lions clubs are made uo childrcn aif the conîmunity, ai men ai aIl walks ai lufe in and variaus civie improvemeni the cammunity who are willing prai ects including the Street ta pay for the privilege of naine siga1s and bouse numben- servîng their community. lie ing ytr now underway, un- said a good Lion pays his dues, dcr LiQ'ns sponsorship. pays for bis meals at meetbiýs Lion Lamne Johnson express- in addition ta contributing bis cd the . appreciation ai the time and means to join witb members ta Lion Deac for ii address and presented a bamper af apples as a inemento af bis visit ta the club. NEWCASTLE CUBS Lion President, Brentan fliekard, presided for the bus;- ness period whien omte Paper Drive reports were beard from Lion 1\Iilt Walker af the dance coin- S *at., MarchU 2 mittee and Lion Dick Davies ai Sat, M 'ch 2the Field Day cammittee. Bath t 1 .3 f h c w ere m ost su ccessiu i Commencing at 1:30 p.m. -uppiîîiig gaod recreatian for Residents are recjuested Icit:zns boLhi younig and aid t a h a v e p a p e r s i e d dd n n h a e w e . T e V l placed t curb. entine Dance wil net the club ort ý b close ta $ »0 accarding ta thc Support the Cubs report and everyone had a most enjoyLible cvening dancing ta ______________________Mart Kenncy and bis band..Lion _____________________~Mult raid there bad already D ben may requests ta make C. G G OU Lthis an annual affair, so the club decided the committee H ealln and iouid start mnaking plans for Heatig anda repeat in 1958. Lion Dick re- partod the Ice Field Day, Eavefrouhing provcd mast successful despite _______soit 'ce and that a large crowa Authorized af children had a mast enjay- i a le attrn on CnalcouDealer A request for the club ta sup- ply four pnizes foautstanding PHONE students at the Orano High Sehool xvas discussedi at some Newcastle 3686 iength aiter which it was pasF- ___________________________Boys' and Girls' Committee ta decide what fonm the gift should take. Announcement was made fNorthumberland -Durham ai the District Zone meeting Health Unit being lheld in Cobourg on Feb. POLIOMYELITIS I ruary 28tb. Lion Chas. Gilkes VACCINATION CLINIC: lft I he meeting $16.00 richer having wan the 50-50 club Prechol Cuiden'dra%,, a monthly draw conduet- (Mu3t be 6 months of age maney for the Convention fund. or over)i NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL Value ai factory shipments in Cariada's waol graup indus- Mon. Mar 4, 957 tries declined for the third 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1cansecutive year in 1954 to $122,733,000. The 1953 figure was$142,869,000. don Âgnew, Edilor Phone 3621 JSkating Par ty Enjoyed by Couples' Club Newcastle: The February meeting ai the Married Cau- ples' Club af the United Church taok the form aif a skating party with the convenors taking ad- vant.age ai the good ice condi- tions at the local arena a n Tuesday evening last. The party was well attended and fallowing the skating, the members and their friends re- turned ta the Sunday Schooi Hall where a deliciaus hot meal was enjoyed by ail. A briei business mýeeting was heid ioiiowing the meal ta bring a most enjayable and successiul evening ta a close. Friencjship Club Holds Social Night Newcastle: With twenty-nivie members and one guest in at- tendance, the members ai the Friendship Club held a social evening i the Lions roomn of the Cammunity hall on Wed- nesday evening, February 20th. The President, Mrs. Betty Brown, apened the meiýting with a reading, and the rnem- bers jained in singing a hyn followed by prayer. The Pres- ident expressed ber apprecia- tion ta the members for help- You'Il find RICHMELLO fresher too! It'a baked fre3h dai!y. and rushed to your DOMINION ardy hours f ront the aven. PikC up two or three loaves this week. Your lamiiy wilI love it. w kg. 3Oc .1r..g ln the Polio canvass when $210 was collected in the vil- lage. A motion was passed au- thorizirig the setting aside ai a certain sum of maney ta be used for Mission Band treats. The remainder of the even- ing was spent i playing Bin- go when ail present had a most enjayable time. The evening was brought ta a close with the serving aofrMfresh- ments by members af the com- mittee in charge, and Mrs. Wil- ma Scott expressed apprecia- tion, on behalf af the members, ta the cammittee for the most enjoyable evening. SPORTS BRIEFS The only minar league game played locally during the past week was an exhibition tilt, when the local Little N.H.L. entry met a similar team from Millbrook and received a sound trauncing ta the tune ai 5 ta 2. Local scorers were Verne Rawe and Wendell Fisher. There were four penalties handed out in the game with Scott of New- castle drawing two and Camp and Armstrong af Miilbrook ane each. Murray Martin was injured in the game receiving& a skate cut on his knee. It is hoped Murray will be O.K. again ta help his team in Port Hope on Saturday. Thiere wilI be three local teams entered i the Little N. H.L. Playdawns ini Port Hope on Saturday. The N.H.L. tea!n, made up af boys under 13 years ai age: an American Leagu4e team -made up of boys under 40's, but you neyer can teil! per cent. Sid Lancaster Farmer's Night Weil Attended Sid. Lancaster's Open Houseý was well received by aver 200 from the farm families ai the district. Mr. Lancaster weIcomed the assembly in the work shop ai his garage which had been new- ly decorated, by his staff in preparation for the gathering, and for the future working il; and Jr. O.H.A. boys under 10 years. Two games were piayed last week in the Town League playoffs with Orono and New- tonville taking the openers. Or- ana trîmmed Quinney's Clip- Pers by a score af 6 ta 2 with Ron West scoring 3 and Shet- 1er, Williams and Lowery, one each for the winners. Don Lake and Tracy Emibley were the scorers for the Clippers. In the ather game, a close one, Newtonville edged out a 3 ta 2 ivin over Irv MeCul- iough's Pansies. B. Holman, Phil and Jim Gilmer were the marksmen for Newtonville with Sandy Graham and Ron Dickin- son doing the honours for the These play-offs and the local Pee Wee playoffs will resume as soon as ice is available. As this is written on Tuesday1 chances ai this resumption look pretty poor with the thermo- meter registering in the high1 For Snacktinie or TV Time ! Club House - Salted 14-or. cello pkg. Blanched Pean uts 39ç Caldwell's 1-lb. pkg. SmaII Size 2-hi Skinless Wieners 37c Meaty Prunes Fresh Grade "A" - 2 l to 3 lbs. - Roasting or Frying Lipton's - Orange Pekoe - Pkg. of 60 Pre-dressed"2Chickens lb. 3 9c Tea Bags Caldwell's Breakfast Sausage1 Imported - Washed and Waxed Sweet -Potatoes 3 Ibs. 2,5c Tender - Washed - Marsh Grown CARROTS. poly bag1c Crisp, Califonia - No. 1 large heads Head Lettuce 2Ifor 29c Sunkist Size 252's ORANGES doz 3 9c Grapefruit size 96'slO()for 4.9c àlonarch Brand - Regular Margarine lb. pI SpecialOffer - Saving at lime of purchas, Chase and Sanborn Instant 2-or. jar loc Off Coffee 6-or. jar 25C Off It's New - Easy to Make Monarch 19-oz. Date Square Mix For ail your baking: Je wel Shortening [b. pkg. 32C Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is uncon- ditienally guaranteed to give you 100% satisfaction. Richniello - Interleaved lb. 39c Cheese Suices Pancake Mix Aunt Jemima Sbirriff's - Old Fashioned 16-oz. bottl Table Syrup Serve Chilled - Appetizing Rosedale Brand - Choice 48-oz. tin Tomato Juice Deliclous Dessert - Serve Often Sarong Brand Choice 20-oz. tin, Sliced Pineap pie b. cello pkg. 41C 10c Off Pack 75C 8-0 -z. pkg. 29C Special 19cý le Special 28C Special 29 C Special 27C York Brand Homogenized - 16-oz. ice box jar Special Peanut Buttfer 39C Biscuit Feature Stuart's - Cocoanut style - 36 Bis. pkg. Special C ocoa Lunch Biscuits Don't Forget Shrove Tuesday Bee Hive - Golden 29 C 2-lb. tin 31C z. ice box jar 43 C 20-oz. tii. 39C Values effective in Bowmanville until Saturday, March 2 »OMINEON conditions in the garage. Representatives from Massey- Harris-Fergusan head office in Toronto were there in the per- son ai Mr. Jack Binning, Sales Promotion Department and Mr. Leo Hearne, District Manager, who gave comments, and showed the films of interest 10 those who like ta see the im- provements made ini machînery. The Massey "50" was fllmed te perfection with vivid explana- tions. The Romance ai Trans- portation was an educational picture for the children as well as an amusing film ai The Three Bears. The final picture "Taward.s One Warld" was iilmed araund the world where the Massey - Harris - Ferguson equipment is used for ail pur. poses under ail sorts ai condi- tions. During intermission through the kindness ai Coca Cola, Smith Beverages, Pure SpringE, Gardon Beverages, free drinks were gîven. Doreila Lancaster gave a reading. Draws were made for several prizes. Arthur Bedwin, R. 3, Newcastle, recelved the windshieid washer donated by' W. R. Chapman Ltd., Oshawa. Gien Stapieton, R. 2, Newcastle, won 5 gallons ail donated by Bowmanville Auto Parts; Statr Aluin a fiashlight: George Sta- pleton. Newtonville, won 5 lbs. ai grease. Everyane enjoyed the lunch ai sandwiches, daughnuts, cook- îes end cofice. Family incarne in Canada has neariy doubled in the last 10 years while statistics show that the actuai cost ai living has rîsen just siightiy over 50 Social and Personal "A 1 " Guaranteed USED CAR SL E"8 Now is the lime Io lake advantage of . hese Low Low Winter Prices FORD 4-Door, imniaculate ---- -- DODGE 2-Door - "SPECIAL"- FORD 2-Door. Clean throughout--- FORD 4-Door. Excellent condition CHEV. A sound car don't miss ÇHEV. Reliable fanxily car MORRIS MINOR. Cheap transportation PLYMOUTH. Radio heater. Nice CHEV. Full price only -- Corn Syrup Add variety to your meais 57Ic Club House - Manzanilla- 1.64 Stuffed Olives Enjoy a Cherry Pie Ibis weekend pkg. Sîafford's Cherry 3 7c Pie Filling TfM CANADIAN STATESM«. BOWMANvffLr. oNTAMO PAGE NMILEM 20-or. pl