0TN'L7SAY, Tru. Uth, le"? Hockey Tournarnente j ana (2) and Millbrook (2) wil Last Saturdey, February 23rd, be in action in the thrce differ- the Pee Wee Ail-Stars entered cnt ege groupings. The three the East Central Zone Hockey ege groupiags in the Little N. Tolant nLnsy (See H.L. are as follows: Junior A. e;deaetingLindsaoh (Aton) under 10; Amèrican Leegue (Pee Wee) under 12 1cofuO. etotketiso and N.H.L. (under 14) under I wuldlik t tae tis P~14. Ail ages are as ai August portunity on behehi of the. Re- lst, 1956. Listed below is the creatian Departinat ta extend schedulc and gaine turnes: oengratulations ta the tean, ()Pr oev.Cbug for their fine showing bath an 8:31a..Pr. Ap .). borg and off the ice. 8:0I m J.A) Teen vted talatendtshavNe-9(2) Cobourg vs. Port Hope- heinAttoailenStashae-920 a.m. (Amn. L). market Aton Hockey Tourna- (3) Port Hope vs. Cobourg- ment ta be held in Newinerket 10:20 a.m. (N.H.L.). on Saturday, March l6th. As (îf4) aOIno vs Newcastle - soon as more information be- 11:25 castlc( s. ro cornes available it will be pub- (5) NasHe.L). o ished ia this celumn. Members _10 . p. N.HL. oi the Bowmanville Aton AUl (6) Newcastle vs. Bawrnan- Stars are as follows: Don Gil- ville-1:55 p-m. (Jr. A). hooiy (coach), Ron Oke (man- (7) Bawmanville vs. Winners ager), Barney Hawthorne, Bob af No. 2-2:50 p.m. (Arn. L). James, George Bail, Chris. Quin. (8) Bawmanville vs. Winners ton, Peter Werry, Ron Hiooper, ai No. 3-3:35 p.m. (N.H.Le). Mke eddy Joh Huges, ic- (9) Millbrook vs. Winners ai ke Ley, JohneHuhe, WRic-No. 4--4:45 p.m. (Am. L.). Harrison, Irwia Colwell, Don a1)i lbok s inr McMurter, Bibi Depew, Gary o No. 5-6:00 p.m. (N.H.L.). Butlr, lla Ray ad Lrry (11) Winners af Na. 1 vs. Buer, lenRbyad ar Winers ai No. 6-7:00 p.m. (Jr Lielrrîs. uram nt A.). Litte NHL. Turnaent (12) Winners ai Na. 7 vs. On Seturday, March 2ad the Winners af No. 9-7:55 p.m. Eastern Ontario Little N.H.L. (An. L.). Championshlp Tournement will ,(13) Winners ai No. 8 vs. be held in Port Hope Arene, <inaers af No. 10-8:55 pi. starting et 8:30 e.m. Sixteen (N.H.L.). tearns representing Bowmen- Ahi Junior A. games will be ville (3), Part Hope (3), Ca- two 20 minute periods with the bourg (3), Newcastle (3), Or- lest five minutes being stop Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY IDDAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.N. Jackpot Value - This Week - $410 This week's winner, 10% coupon - $40.0 Mrs. W. Kilpatrick, 76 Scugog St., Bowmanville p:Consolation prize of $3.00 to William Couch of R.R.2 ,,Newcastle, when bis 5% coupon was drawn first but he was not present. DONT FORGET - NEXT DRAW SAT., MARCH at 3 p.m. - Town Hall A nn ouncement. . & We are pleased to announce 'f M -j, the a ppoiniment of MR. JESSE AMES fo aur sales staff. Mr. Aines brings with him a wealth of experience from his niany years in the automotive business. Palmer Motor Sales Plymouth and Chrysier Cars - Fargo Trucks 20 King St. E. Bownianville MA 3-5487 MEMORIAL 7 «I - ARENA A CTIVITIES w PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, MARCH Isi 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - - Aduits 40e Students 25e Intermediate "A" Hockey Game, FIFTH GAME 0F PLAYOFFS ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd Lindsay Regents Bowman~~vS.em rn Bowman~*vle- rn Combines Admission........... Aduits 75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children------------ 0C i0 P 'f I 'f , .~ w T~ CAKA~!AN STATEBMAN. EOwM A ~W T P ~q~pyfl time. Ail Ainerican League and N.H.L. gaines wiUl be three 15 minute periods with the last five minutes af each gaine be- ing stop turne. The Bowmanville teains wiJ1 travel ta Port Hope by bus. Ail boys are requested to be down at the Arena no later than 12:15 P.m. Due to the large number af player,% going to Port Hope there will not be any rorn on the bus for spectators. Atom Hockey League In the first gaine played Mon- day, afternoon the Bears de- feated the Bisons 5-1 ta assure theinseives et least a tie for fourth and last play-oft spot in the final standings. Ralph Cale (2), Bill Budai (2) and Larry Rogers accounted for the Bears' goals. Larry Rogers picked up the only assist on the Bears' goals. John Hughes tallied, the lone Bisons' goal early in the first period. Dennis Secord of the Bisons picked up the only penalty of the gaine for elbow- ing. In the second Atom League game the Hornets moved into sole possession af first place by defeating the Indians 3-1. Ricky Gay, Wayne Harrison (Rickey Gay) and Peter Werry (Brian Bradley) were the goal getters for the Horneti. David Kerr kept the Indiens from being blanked when he scored dur- ing the last minute of play. No penalties were hande d out during the gamne. Atoin gaines scheduled for next Monday are as foilows: 5:00 p.m.-Rams vs. Bisons 5:4 0 p.m.-Bears vs. Barons ti al 01 fi fi lE d ai gi gi O.H.A. MaUkes $150 On Deal On the fracas et Cobourg with Lakeiiehd teen. the above ettlement was the decision' that the O.H.A. executive camne ta, at the meeting in Peterborough on Sundey, Feb. 24th. Cobourg fined $50 and Lake- ield $50 with 5 ai the Lake- ield players fined $10 each for leaving the beach and getting -ito the fight on the ice. Won- derful news, the O.H.A.' stil] abic ta have Lakefield in the group and piaying their home games et Peterborough Civic Arena (now that it bas become xild weather). .It was the sane lest year with Lakeiield, and the year before. But stili the O.H.A. were able ta kcep them in the Leegue. What is the O.H.A. running, e hockey business or jungle war- fare? Do the O.H.A. have 'any guid- ance in mind for aur youth ai the country? Teeching aur youth ta play the gaine ta wîn but play It within the rules set down by the OHA. in the past. H-ow can the coaches ai hoc- key tad'ay tell aur boys et the age ai 6 ta 14 years old or over that the proper way ta play the game is ta develop speed in skating,, stick handling abi- ity, shooting ai the puck and ability ta put it ia the net, which in itseli is bath a thrihh and a sensation ta watch. On Manday night we met the Cobourg executive and players et Caobourg and heard and saw the resuits ai the fracas. A sight we will neyer forget, ta sec those boys ai Cobourg smashed, cut up and scarred for lufe fran a bunch af players who act like maniecs, which caused us, the the executive af B.O.C., ta write the hetter ta the O.H.A. Respectiulhy yaurs, G. F. Jamieson, Manager ai B.O.C. Hockey Club. Pee Wees Lose In Tournament At Lindsay The Uxbridge Pee-Wee All- Stars won a 1-0 decision over the Bawmanville Pee-Wee A- Stars in their gaine at the Lindsay Tournament an Satur- daY, ta eliminate Bowmanville. By winning the round, Ux- bridge continueri in the tourna- ment but were eliminated by Cobourg by a score of 3-1. In the final round between York Towvnship C.Y.O. and Port Hope, York Township won a 5-0 shut- out ta win the Tournament. Following the games the members af the teams enjoyed an excellent lunch served in their honour at the arena. Value of factory shipment.a in Cantada's boat building industry reached a high record of $9,- 292,424 in 1954. Pontiacs Win 6-4 in Second of Series Here Johnny Mason sterred wich two goals during the final per- iod ta give the Robsan Pontiaes a 6-4 win over thxe Newmarket Sinôke Rings, in the 2nd gaine of their Junipr "C" Seau-finals at Meniorial Arene Wednesday of last week, ta tic the series et anc gaine caca Durlng his first appearance with the tem Meson pieyed right-wing with the Bob Fairey, Mort Richards line, the saine line he played with hast ycar when they* led the Juvenile Club ta victory as the Onta.rio Chainpians. Gain Early Lead Two goals by Hank Lane In the first period put the local 1-ads ahead 2-1. His fîrst was at 16.32 when Ted Fairey relayed him the puck in front ai the nets. He gave thçm the edge two minutes later when goalii Wally Adair knocked his slep shot ia with his giove whie trying ta .rnake a save. Marcel Tessier opened the scoring early in the first period and Don Thoins scored the equalizer early in the second after Lane had put the home- sters ahead. Roy Blackburn put Newmerket in the lead at 5.15 af the middle frame when his shot deiiected in off Vince Vanstone's stick. Jalk Rogers scored their final goal at the midwey mark ta give thein a 4-2 edge. ________ Lions Midgets Oust Napanee lin Finals The Bowmanville Lians Midg- ets won a 2-0 shutau over the Nap6anee Midgets in the final gene ai their home and home series et Napanee on Saturday, ta win the round hy a total score af 10-2. Eric Carleton put Bowmen- ville into the bead at the nid- way mark ai the first periad and Bryaa Hughes scored the insurance markcr early in the final period. Don Mihîson, Dan Cattran and Paul McCullaugh esshsted ia the scoring. In Port Hope On 'Saturday Three Bowmanville Ail-Star teams will be competing in the Little N.H.L. Hockey Tourna- ment in Port Hope on Saturday. The first game in which Bowmanville xiii participate will start at 1:55 p.m. when the Newcastle team meet aur Atonl Ail-Stars in the Junior "A" Division. Bowmanville's Pee-Wee Ail- Stars xii meet the winner of the round between Cobourg and Port Hope in the American League at 2:50 p.m. The Bantams xiii aiso meet the winner between Cobourg and Port Hope in the Little N.H.L. division. If they are successful in these games the teams wil continue into the finals xvhich are ta be held starting at 7 p.m. The winners af the tourn- ament wili he entering into the Little N.H.L. Ontario Playoffs at Collingwood on April 28. It is suggèsted that fans get ta the arena early as a large1 attendance is expected for the1 tournament. Please see Recrea- tien Reviews coiumn for com- plete schedule of gaines. PNSeEver ALL-NEW '57 FRIGIDAIRE IFOOD FREEZER- REFRIGERATOR Modet PS101.57 Easy Payments after amail down paymnent Ma'i m0. c.ft. low-cont Super ifodel is the big "bonus baby" )f '571 Top -qual ity Frigidaire features: Real Zero Zone Freezer-bholdo 44 iba - Exclusive Cycia-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec- tion - Four Fll.Width Shelvea - Fuil-Width Glide-Out Porcelaii, Hydrater . Big, Deep Storagu Door with Five removeble ahelve. . Built und bockedby .*' Generci Motort MASON & DALE HARDWARE Phione 409 36 King St E. Bownianvmle Tic Seote Dan Patton grebbcd a loose Puck near the Sinoke Rings cage and scored et 13.15 ta give the Pontiacs another paint. George Lawrence tellied the equalizer with less than a min- ute remeining in the period, with a long shot fronu inside the blue uine. Winnlng Goals Johnny Mason scored bath af his goals withia one minute. At 3.35 he received a reley from Mort Richards while in front ai the nets and slapped it in. The second came et 4.28 when Bob Fairey pessed ta him fran behind the nets and he connected with a siap shat iran about 20 feet. Referee Ivan Lacke was in- jured when a baose puck hit hm in the face during the sec- ond period and six stitches were required ta close the cut. Line-Ups Bowmanville - Goal, Vince Vanstone; defence, Cale, Wel- don; iorwards, Lawrence, Stew- art, McBride; alternates, TFai- rey,' Patton, Lane, B. Fairey Richards, Stevenson, Mason, Cowiing, Kemp. Newmarket - Goal, Adair; defence, Blackburn, Thams; farwards, Isbister, Million, Tes- sier: alternates, Rogers, Mc- Knight, Wilson, Cain, Goodfel- BLACKSTOCK St. John's W.A. The regular meeting af the W.A. ai St. John's Anglican church was held Thursday ai- ternoon. Mrs. Shemilt was in charge of the Devationel. Aiter the minutes and treasurer's re- part the carresponding secre- tary read a thank you note iran Mrs. E. Darcy. Six cards ai sympathy and get well had heen sent out since lest meet- ing. Rail cahi was answered hy 19 ladies and the bhrthday box received a donation from Mrs. J. Hamilton. The president re- ported three carloads had en- joyed a wanderfuh evening with the Bowmanviile Branch an their recent vîsit ta hear the splendid addrcss by Dr. T. H. Dusten on iurhough iran Indie. Presideat alsa reported alh ar- rangements made by the Warld's Day ai Prayer service beiag held in the Anglican church Merch 8. W. A. decided ta pey far the pragraras for prayer ser- vice rether then taking it iran the deys oifering as cus- tan ary. Mrs. Banc started the new study book ',East From Bur- ma" with an introductory skit in which she was assisted by Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. W. Van Camp, and Mrs. Shemilt. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by group 3 with Mrs. Gea. Staniland, canvenor. The February meeting af the O.N.O. wes held et tre home ai Mrs. Kathleen Dorreil. Meet- ing apened with minutes and business. Club vated ta send 1;25 ta the Part Pcrry haspital ta help replenish the supply aif linens. A note was ta be sent la the Barbershappers askingif they cauld cane ta Blackstock sometine la October. Aiter much discussion it was decid- cd ta have a dance, March 23, also another skating party ta be arranged, as such a gaod time had been enjoycd et the vrevious one. Tabhecloths be- ionging ta O.N.O. are ta be kept et Mrs. Doris Marhow's home. Rail cali was answered with a new picture iran each girl ta bring the scrap book up to date. Next manth's rail ta be an Irish joke. An interesting contest was hcld by the hostess with Mrs. Norma Van Camp, winning a draw. Rcfreshments were served by the hostess and group briaging anather happy evening ta a close. Next nmeet- ing is ta be held et the home oi Mrs. Florence Collins. Don't rorget yaur jake. The O.N.O. Valentine Dance held Feb. 15 was thoroughly enjoyed by ahi who attended. Prize winners: Spot Dance, Johnny and Lois Grieves; Elim- natia Dance, Mr. and Mrs. Waliy Wright; Clothes Henger WTaltz, Néil Malcolm and Gwen rhampsan. The lucky cofcee cup was held by Miss Tyrrcll. Mrs. Ernest Larn'er and Mrs. Cecil Hill attended W.M.S. Presbyterial ha Whitby Thurs- Mry. J oe aeo Mry. J oe ae n Mrs. Earl Smith, Betheny, were recent visitors ai Mrs. Thus. Smith and Mr. Jackc Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paik vere Sunday dinner guests af his mother, Mrs: E. J. Palk and family, Scar'horough. *~-~- T ' - ~ -.1 1950 G.M.C. 3/4-ion Siake In Ai condition,55 Only -595_ 1954 Mèfeor Coach AI condition 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Pontiac Coach Now $ 5.75CGai. Now s1.65 Qt. In Buttercup only * 895 1951 * 795 A - I ajw.~ vMm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Wal. lace Merlow attended the fun- erel of an aunt, Mrs. A. Irvine in Lindsay Seturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Heaslij , To- ronto, spent the weekend with the Wallace Marlow's and Har- ry Van Camps. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunbar and Denise, Toronto, spent the weekênd with the Roy Fergu- sons.1 Mr. Roy Graham and Miss Joyce Vennîng with Mi§s Bert Freelin attended the Silver wedding af the latter's parents in Kirkfield Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- hain visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Flett, Fenelon Falls, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGiil vis- Rted her father, Mr. Jas. Arm- strong and brother, Henry Arm- strong and family, Burnt River, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy and family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Murphy and family and Miss Edith Murphy, Tyrone, visited the Roy Mc- Laughlin's, Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fallis who xvere married at the Rectory, Whit- by, Saturday, Rev. Geo. Nich- olson, formerly of Blackstock, officiating. Mrs, P. Rameril has been chosen Ps teacher of the Young Ladies' Class of the United Sun- day School and Sunday even- ing she entertained the girls ha the Parsonage in order ta get acquainted. Sorry ta report Mrs. Alex Scott is iii in Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. J. Marlow is vishting ber daughter, Mrs. Ivan Sbook, Mr. Shook and Marjorie Anne, To- ronto. SOLINA Mrs. J. Baker and grandson James were guests at the first birthiday party of Mrs. Baker's granddaughter L a u r a Lee Smales of Hampton on Tues- day, Feb. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yeilow- lees, Karen and Brenda were tea guests at Mr. Ralph Larm- er's, Blackstock, an Monday when Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer were honoured on their 35th wedding anniversary. Miss Marion McDougald of Oshawa was also present. Their So- lina friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Larmrr many future years of health and happiness. Next Sunday, March 3, at the church service a film will be shown and a speaker froin the Bible Society will be con- ducting the service. On Sunday, March 10, Rev. L. M. Somerville of Courtice will conduct the Communion Service. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended ta Mrs. A. McMaster and children of Zion on the passing of a loving husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson af Bowinanville were Friday evening visitors at M. J. Yel- lowiees'. The Temperance program at Sunday Schooi included a story by Mrs. Raiph Dav-ýs and a vocal trio by Ken and Brian Knox and Murray Yeilowlees. Mr. Bill Fritze conducted the church service and delivered a splendid sermon on "Forgive- ness." We are pleased ta know Rcv. Reed is convalescing favorably in Memoriai Hospital, Bowman.- ville, and will soon be return- ing home. Lions Midgets Play Aurora The Bowmanviile Lions Midg- ets will meet the Aurore Midgets in e haine and home series ta decide which tearn wi.U enter the Ontaria Playofis. Bawmaaville were hasts ta the Aurore teain lest night (Wednes- day). (No scores were evaihabie et press turne.). The second gaine will be played in Aurore Thursdey (to-aight) and total goals will determine the winner. Parents are requested to at- tend the church service next Sunday when the film shown will be ai special iaterest ta the childrea. Sa came wlth your family ta worship. Mr. aad Mrs. Bruce Taylor ad sons visited at Mr. W. J. Ferguson's, Enaiskiilen. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough, speat the weekead at home and xith her parents had tea at Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Deweil and children, Hampton, visited et Mr. Bruce Tink's. Mr. anid Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Sally and Tommy visited et Mr. Will Mafiatt's, Orono. Mr. Lawrence Squeir, Salem, visited at -Mr. Roy Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Mrs. Edith Marlowe and Mr. Sid Mitchell, Bowmanville, vis- ited at Mr. Frank Westlake's, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and Douglas af Zian were elsa Sun- day visitars. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and family visited et Mr. N. Leech's, Taunton. L o A, N Corne in Today Try The Beilvue IVay on a Pay frorn [ncome Plan B ELL VU E FINANCE CORP. G. I. WILSON. rMgr. 29% Slmcoe S. Dial 5-1121 OSHAWA To Pay Past Due Buis To Consolidat, Monthly Payments For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Now $10 Gal. Now$2.7O Qt. These are only a few of the many specials we are now offering. Walch for Nexi Week's Announcement about PRE-PASTED -WALLPAPERS 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 Pontiac Coupe - 850 Custom radio, whitewalls, dire-c- tional signais. This car iz in AI condition. Orig-inal n1ee Many more cheaper models Ira. JAhich Io chose Robson Moto-rs Li*mited PONT lACI, BUICK, G.M.C. TRUCKS & VAUXHALI DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanviiie Guaranteed Used Cars N Special . 9t Pittsburgh Wallhide Rubberized Satin Finish p AImNT s in the following colours Palm Green, Cavalier Red, Cocoa Browni and Stratosphere Blue J. H. Abernethy Pit& Waiipaper We're Overloaded wîth GOOD USED TRUCKS Buy now and save while prices are ai their lowesi MANY MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE These are only a few of the specials we are offering ibis week 1953 G.N.C. 1/2-lon Pickup $725 1952 Chev. %/-ton Pickup $675 1952 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1951 Chev. '/2-lon Pickup 675 In top condition, Only ------ 795,1949 Chev. '/H-on Pickup 395 w e, E' e, e. ~ e 1949 Mercury '/2-lon Pickup $1395 1953 Chevrolet Sedan $1095 1952 Ford Coach Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 1 Atomi League Standings W L T F A PIs Hornets- 2 0 36 15 14 Barons .5 2 2 20 13 12 Rems 5 4 O 13 15 10 Bears 4 40)18 22 8 Bisons 1 5 2 18 33 41 Indians -- 1 6 2 16 23 4 -The two cancelled Atn league ganes will probabiy be played an Saturday, March 9th. Game time ta be set. Miner Hockey The playofi geme between the Rangers and Red Wings ta decide fourth and last playofi spot will be played Thursday (tanight) et 5:00 p.n. The league playofis are schcduled ta stert on Saturday, March 9th et 7:00 a.m. The they wiii be published in this caluma next week. There will be no Minor Hoc- key ganxes scheduied for this comiag Saturday, March 2nd, due ta the Little N.H.L. Tour- nament in Port Hope. low, Craugh, Graves, Hodgson. Tu' CANAVL4N @TATUM«. BOWMAN7ffLa ONTAMO IDA MIF iRr im"qm 1% Regular $8.00 Regular $2.40 Regular $13.90 Regular $3.90 Phone MA 3-5431 33 King St. W. a 325 a 895 Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322