Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1957, p. 9

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r UW~MDAY. TEE. 28t1~. i~ T~ CANADTAIi STATESMAN, EOWMMrY~L~. O!~TAMO PAGE ?~1NI Dr. T. N. Belc M ýý ssmiaona ry r.Thoms N. Belch, M.D. a medical and overseas mission ary fromn Durham County, lef recently for New York fror where he will salI this wee& with his wife on the S. S. Fly. ing Cloud, Isbrandsten Com pany. Dutch Line, for Beirul LDebalch is the eldest sor Cubs Attend Kedron Service "ýBe prepared", the Boy Scout motta, was the theme for -the sermon of Rev. R. H. Rick- ard on Sunday afternoon, when the Cub Pack fromn Camp Sam- ac led by Mn. and Mns. Bert Grodfrey jained Kedran wor- rhîppers. The troop occupicd seats at the front of the rhurch, and some assisted in the service. Gregory McKinley led in the reading of ,the Responsive Psalm, and Bill SPatterson nead the Scriptune lesson. Bath boys are ta be con- gnatulated on fine neading. Mn. Rickard chose for his text Paul's wards ta the Epla- esians, "Be strong in the Lord, put on the armour, of God, take with yau the sword of the Spir- it, and pray always". A mem- onial bouquet lent its beauty at the altar, placed \there in laving memary of the late Bert Montgomery by bis family. Next Sunday, the Stewards of Kedron Church will assist in ,he service at 2.30. ch. ,Millbrook to Lebanon of Mn. and Mrs. Nathaniel Belch of Millbraak. A son of the fanm, he attended public school on the Fallis line and the Millbrook High School. In Feb- nuary 1943 he joined the 48th Highlanders of Toronto, went overseas in September and spent 15 months in the Italian oempaign and in north-west Europe. After returntng from war service he attended the Univer- sity of Tarante and gnaduated House chapel, Toronto, on Feb, president of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellawship and active in Knox College while at Un. iversity. He interncd at the Toronto East General Hospital, was in general practice at Han- row, Ontario, and served in the hospital in Kinkland Lake. Mrs. Belch, nee Marilyn God- dard was born in Alliston, and has lived with her parents for many years in Tononto. A graduate of Humberside Col- legiate and the Toronto East General Hospital, she is a gnad- uate nurse. Both Dr. and Mrs. Belch have studied at the Toranto Bi- ble Callege, and have taken the Intermission Candidate Train- Program at Detroit, Mich., un- der The Evangelîcal Alliance Mission. The Mission has aven 700 missionanies in 18 countries. They wene marnied in Hart House chapel, Toronto, No Nov- ember 12, 1955. Dr. and Mrs. Belch were commissiancr at the even- ing service in the Peopîc's Church, Tononto, on Feb- YOUR BURNER Sheil Furnace Oil cosus no more than ordinary oils, yet' it offers complete protection for your heating system ini tu-o money-saving ways. YOU SAVE ON MAINTENANCE CALLS Only Sheli Funnace Oit gives you the benefit of a special (additive that keeps your burner fuster spotlessly clean. It. banishes the top cause of burner breakdown .-. . keeps your,,bu5ner at peak efficiency-aIl winten long. PRiTION AGAINST STORAGE TANK LEAKS With Sheli Furnace -Oit you get Sonitor protection. Sonitor. .-. stops rust forming. Can actually rnake your storage tank last twice as long! 'Phone in youn order today guaranteed delivery service. It's the easy way t summer . warmnth-all season through. Yeo Bros. BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-3259 or 3-3151 ...take advantage of Our 4SHELL FURNACE OIL IOSHAWA WOOD Pl Your Home Improvement Hleadquarters ,QtpA!10Take a look at YOUR house NOW 0 How long bas It been since you gave your bouse a real inspec- - - Livk tion? We mean things like roof shingles, back steps and verandas. bathroom walls and ceilings and kitchen cupboards and floors. In almost every home over five years old you wilI O £,~ find thinzs that need repairing. Let OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS help you make these repairs as easily and D inexpensive as possible. Phone today. 10W COSI CEILINGS Cracked ceilings are always an eyesore. Don't worry about It any longer. Corne Into eitber showroom of OSHAWA WOOD PRODL'CTS and get a FREE ESTIMATF. on youi. choice of material. PRLMED TENTEST PLAIN BLOCBOARD CELOTEX W'ALNUT BLOCBOARD ACOUSTIC TILE Corne ln and See These Tile No Down Payment- Up .f0sTI LE MIRAPLAS WALL TILE lVith sparkling plastic Miraptas Wall Tule 3-aur bathroom wivil look like new. Corne ln and see ail the fresh and permanent colours available. OnIy 40c per sq. ft. FLOOR TILE - ALL TYPES Floors no longer need bother you. At OSHAIVA WOOD PRODUCTS you will find a complete lune of asphaît, linoleumn and vinyl tule for every roorn. Corne ln ta day. to 36 Months to Pay_ Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. MA 3-213 10 Courlice Always Look to Oshawva Wood Proclucts for the Best RA 3-4661 A DURO PUMP Means Better Living !! OUR DURO Water Syq- tem gives us fresh, pure water when and whiere we need it ... adds ta aur con- venience and comf ort of daily 1f e. jDURO Pumps are avail- able in ail sizes to nacet in- dividual needs. Sec your Plumber or DURO dealer for full information or Write for FREE folder, uRunning Water, the Farm Necessity". PU19PS &SOFTENER, LIMITE» py 8 .ONDON . CANADJ JACK BROUGE PLUMBING and HEATING MA 3-5615 BOWMANVIILLE Division Street South ] ( i T ( E E t 1~ a I t i. a v e n s. F Si 14 ruary 10. Dr. Belch is a niem- ber of the Presbyterian Church d2 0 "r i Canada, and of Grace con- 2 0 T gregation, Millbrook, where bas L father is an elder. H-ere Du ru ng At a service in Grace Church prior ta leaving he spoke brief- More telephones were added, fly, and was honoured iby the mr oe pn nnwcn congregation at a social hour mrecton e spent on neon cin the Church Hall. An addressstctomr cashade *was read by Joseph H. Burns, and more money earned by The Clek o th Sssin, nd r-Bell Telephone Company of nest L. Armstrong, one of theCadatn yrbfeast telders, presented Dr. Belch experienced the most active 1 with a purse on behalf of the *year in its history during 1956. congregation. Rev. W. H. Heus- According to the company's tin, the ministen, led i the 77th annual report, the net in- singing of hymns with Miss crease of 243,408 telephones rAugusta Clanry at the paobnougnt the total in service in The miister meri piano.v the Bell's Ontario-Quebec ter- iWalter Pattenson, spoke of Dr. ritony to 2,766,153. *Belch's fine characten. Refresh- Locally, gnowth in telephone ments were served by the la- service. panallelled this overal dies. expansion. Frank Williams, At the Hour of Power at the1 Bell manager for this region, Manse in Mîllbrook, those whoj said that 250 telephones were have attended the weekly pray- a dded in Bowmanville during er meeting and Bible Study 1956, bringin g the total at the Lalong with members of the Min- end of the year to 3270. istenial Association and their A total of $130,677,707 in xives, Presented Dr. Belch wages and salaries was paid to with a purse. Mrs. Heustin was Bell employees in Ontario and assisted in serving refresh- Quebec last year. At the end mcntg by Mrs. H. C. Quinn of of 1956 the company employed the rectory and Mrs. Tom 39,688 people, 24,056 women Skipp, Jr. land 15,632 men. frnw cn _____________Expenditures frnwcn struction totalled $139,500,000 and the company expects to BROWNSspend another $176,000,000 on construction during 1957. The executive of Brown 's In this message to sharehold- Home and School Club held a ens, Thomas W. Eadîe, presi- committee meeting on Monday dent, said the continuing rise evening, February l8th, at the in costs bas been partially off- home of Mrs. J Baxter, to make set by hîghen productivity gain- plans for the euchre party and ed through placîng in service draw which will be held at the equipment which handles more school on Friday, March 29th. calîs at lower openating ex- It was moved at this meeting pense. "But, while we have that Mrs. J. Curson should act been able so fan ta make the as Pnesidcnt of the Club for the remainder of the year. It xvas decided to nave three pnizes for the dnaw this year, L.O.D. A. Show as follows: lst, coffee table, wal- flut finish; 2nd, Flannelette h sheets; 3rd, Madeira pillowlIn N~ew York slips. There will also be tW A satisfactary report has been high pnizes each for ladies and nreceived fnom D. W. Kingdan, gentlemen, as well as a conso- General Manager of the Lake lation and a prize for lone O0ntario Development Associa- hands. tion, who is now attending, the Lunch xvas served, and the New York Sportsmen Show as- meeting adjourned. sisted by George Coling of On Saturday evening Mrs. T. Brighton, Art Clavel of Lake- Wilson entertained several Of field, Bob Hamilton of Belle- the ladies of the community, ta ville, and Ed May of Lindsay say good-bye ta Mns. J. Baxten, who are pnomoting the Six who will be leaving the district Holiday Areas in the L.O.D.A. soon. There wene five tables of Region. euchre, with the wmnners beîng: The latest word fnom the High scores, Mrs. W. Farrow show is reported that evenything and Mrs. E. Mcllroy; consola- is going very successfulîy with tion, Mrs. R. Powell. After a high intenest being shown in very enjoyable evening of play- the booth and up ta date it is ing cards, and the presentation recorded that an average of 200 of pnizes, Mrs. Wilson, on be- direct enquiries per day has half of everyone present, gave been neceived regarding vaca- Mrs. Baxten a lovely step table tioning in one of Ontarios fore- and gold compact. Mrs. Baxter niost Tourist Areas. thanked evenyone fan their The office in Peterborough, kindness, and expressed the which is the headquantens for wis tht he ew omu rnty the Association are already be- where she will be living might ginning ta receive enquiry cards be as friendly as Brown's Sec- for information on the vaniaus tion. holiday areas as a result of vis- A deliciaus lunch was senved itors ta aur Booth. These cards by the hostess, assisted by Miss- will be forwarded ta the indlvi- es Arde]e Pickering and Wyl- dual vacationing areas for their lene Wilson, and a very enjoy- immediate attention in order able evening camne ta an end. that information will be for- Wolf Cubs Edwin Bailey and warded ta the interested pan-« Jimmie Baxter attended the tc sqikya osbe Boy Scout Anniversany service tc sqikya osbe at Orono United Chunch on Sunday. that the saine officers remain The Brownies froin Brown's in office, and they are as fol- Section alsa attended the An- lows: President, Mrs. W. Ben- niversary and Thinking Day nett; lst Vice-President, Mns. H. Service at Newcastle United Sinclair; 2nd Vice-President, Church. Mrs. R. Simpson; Secretany, The mnembens of Brown's Mrs. J. Curson: Treasuren, Miss Busy Bees held thein first J. Perrin Cornespondence Se- meeting at the home of Miss cretary, Mrs. W. Caîl; Auditor, Jean Perrin on Thursday even- Mrs. S. Couch. ing with eight membens pres- tt was dccided to hold aur cnt. and one visiton, Miss M. meetings on the third Thursday Bell. evening of each month, and the Mns. W. Bennett conducted next meeting will be at the the business period, and the home of Mrs. W. Farrow on treasuner reported that the March 2lst. books had been audited and we The hostess served a tasty had a total of $66.11 lunch. A social visit was thenf it was moved by Mrs. W Fan- enjoyed.0 row, seconded by Mns. R. Page,r LODUOTS Icjj~ mfe Social Evening Kedron: Kedron Aduit Bible Class marked Febnuary 14 with a Valentine box social in the Lower Hall, which bad been tastefully decorated by Mn. anid Mrs. Jack Francis. The pnetty boxes were judged by Mrs. Jack Hunten of Oshawa, who award- ed first pnize ta Mns. F. Snow- den. Miss Jean Hunter, of the staff of Oshawa Genenal Hospital, was introduced by Chairman Harold Wenny, to ehow pictunes taken on ber holiday last yean in Great Britain, Ineland, and several countries on the contin- ent. Hen interesting commen- tany added ta the enjoyment of magnificent views in the Swiss Alps, fine Italian architecture, typical Irish scenes, and a wide variety of other pictunes. Kedron maie quartette, as- sisted in one number by Mrs. Murray Mountjoy with an obli- gato solo, contnibuted some fine musical harmony. Mrs. R. E. Lee was accompanist. Efficient auctioneer was Jack Gloven, and the sum of $49 was reaiized from the sale of boxes for class funds The committee who anrang- ed the programme wene Mn.1 and Mrs. J. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. H. Werry. The next Bible Class meeting will be held Mar. 18, when the class is invited to meet at the manse, with Rev. and.Mrs. Rickand, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Mn. and Mns. Walter Davis will convene this meet - ing. K] EDRON Maxwell's Community Club are sponsoring an evenir.g of coloured movies on Monday, Februany 25, when a nature film is to be shown. Mothens of pupils in Mns. MacDonald's room are requested to serve lunch at this gathering. Al welcome. Pupils and teachers of Cor- onation School had the privil- ege last week of hecoming bet- ter acquainted with the citrus fruit industry, as it is carrîed, on in Florida. Through kindness. of the local I.GA. store, and manager, the Citrus Fruit Ca- i valcade arrived at the schoolj in te mddl ofa heavy snowj Storm, on Thursday aftermoon. Each pupil received a large juicy orange, and fine Florida films were shown. The citrus fruit Beauty Queen was pre- sented in persan, and was warm- ly welcomed. Valentine parties were held in the various sehools in the area, and as always, the class post-boxes were crammed with an exchange of "*I love you's" Some of the local Club mem- bers -were guests last week at the home of Miss Anna Phil- lips, Brougham, xvhen an even- ing of square dancing was fea- tured. On Friday evening, Mr. and M1rs. Murrav Mountjoy, Mrs. Lorne Tregunna, Misses Elea- nior Mountjoy and Jeanine Werry, and Ron Werry were guests at the Ploughmen's ban- quet honouring Hugh Bairi, champion ploughman. The Jr. F'armers' Choir, the Provincial Champion Trio, and the Coun- ty mixed quartette provided the musical part of the programme to entertain the 200 guests in Greenbank United Church. Felloxv Jr. Farmers' Choir mem- 'ers enjoyed seeing the pres- entati'rn ta Hpgh of a fine camn- ena to take when he repres- ents Canada next vear in In- ternational competition. There were 77 boys and girlsi n attendance at Sunday School. Miss June Davis was pianist, and the Missionary convenor, /Ins. Lorne Tregunna showed an excellent coloured film on ndia, which was enjoyed by~ the scholans.f On March 8, the C. K. Cou- ples Club are sponsoring a fam- iy night, especially for mern-1 bers of the junior congregation, nd their parents. A cordial in- vitation is extended toalal par- ents and children of the com- riunity ta join in the pot-luck supper to be held at 6.45 sharp. For programme a treat is in ;ore, when Miss Margaret Pel- Lw, of the Central Collegiate eleph ones jPast Year existing rate structure provide the kind of return it was de- signed to, we cannot take for granted that this situation will prevail should general price and wage levels continue to rise." In order to meet service obli- gations, the company must be able to, raise the capital to fi- nance necessary growth. This could be done at reasonable cost only so long as earnings were healthy, the company's fi- nancial structure sound and its surplus sufficient to carry through a period of severe strain, 'While additions to sur- plus in recent years have been encouraging, the total amount of our retained earnings is stili too small in relation to the size of the business," he said. Net income for 1956 amount- ed ta $2.40 a share on 14,573,427 shares, compared with $2.43 a share on 13,154,371 shares in 1955. The usual dividend of $2 a share was paid from the $34,949,181 net income, and $5,- 802,326 was added to surplus. Shareholders increased by more than 15,000 during 1956 and now number 140,726, of whom 137,753 are residents of Canada. Only nine per cent of the shares are now owned out- side the country, including the five per cent held by the Amn- enican Telephone and Tele- graph Company. Over 11,000, employees and pensioners are shareholdens, with their hold- ings amounting to nearly eight per cent of the total stock. Bible Class Has Phone NA 3-3303 Now it's a puppy-in a few years, greater things. You can help your children reach their goals by saving. Gçt them a Junior Depositor's Savings Passbook at our nearest branch. Istaff will show coloured pic- tures taken during ber year in Jamaica. These are most beau- tiful and informative slides and Ianyone intenested xii be wel- comed at 8 o'clock, when the pictures are ta begin. Kedron congratulations and aur best wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon on the arrivaI of twin daughtens on Valentine Day, Feb. 14, at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mns. Gannon, formenly Bessie Mountjoy, liv- ed at Kedron with lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. Evenett Mountjoy until ber manniage a few year3 ago. The twins, Janice Anne, 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and Jili i- leen, 7 pounds 1 ounce, are, warmly welcomed by many K>- dron friends, as well as by their sistens Bannie and Donna, and brother Larry. Kedran relatives and friends attended the funeral service on Saturday of the late Bert Mont - gomery at the Luke-Mclntosh Funeral Home, Oshawa. Sym- pathy is extended ta his fam- ily fnrom folk in this commun- jity. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended ta Mn. IThomas Flett, ili in Oshawa General Hospital. Befone retir- ing in Columbus Mn. and Mns. Flett lived in Peneman's Coin- munity on the farm now occu- pied iby thein son Bob and his family. Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Bohaker and Rosemany, Mrs. J. Gînver, Mn. and Mrs. H. Werry, attend- ed the prognarn presented by soprano soloist, Chistina Car- dillo, under auspices of Com- Imunity Concert Association ina Oshawa on Wednesday evening, and the reception follawing in the U.A.W.A. hall. Ricky Panry joined bis fa- ther, Mn. William Parry for a week at Huntsville. Our best wishes ta Mrs. J. Hanlock who bas been seniously ill in Oshawa Hospital. Miss Lynda Hopkins, wîth othen members of her family was a dinner guest of her grand- mother, Mrs. Hopkins, Oshawa, on Fniday, the occasion of Lynda's birthday. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Love and Neil were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Booth, Oshawa, on the occasion of Kingc St. United Chunch Anniversary service. Several Kedron folk attended the evening service at King St. Church, ta hear the Moderaton of our Chunch, the Rt. Rev. James S. Thomson. Leland Love was a visitor at home with Mr. and Mns. Ever- ett Love, on Tuesday., Mns. Fletcher Werry was a Sunday dinner guest of Mn. and Mns. Chas. Wcrry, Osh- awa, with other members of Mn. Werry's family. Mns. Win. Werny and Mrs. A 8k for aur attractive Junior Depositor'a Passbool THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 7.50 branches across Canada ready Io serve you Bowmanville Branch - H. G. Hacking, Manager There are so many things to sa ve for tiè~ _:ýà . r MMMATI "B. "th, lm PAGt WM TM eMAInffl BTATESMAN. IROWMANVI=. C"MO Harold Werry enjoyed the Mu- and Mrs. Nelson Brown art sic Appreciation hour at Ade- glad that etfects frorn an over- laide House, Oshawa, when a dose of aspirin were no more string quartette and trio play- serious. Barbara found the as- ed music of Haydn, Mozart and pirin box and helped herseif, Mendelssohn. but was able to return home Many friends of Barbara after a brief stay in Oshawa Brown, wee daughter of Mr. Hospital. Vigor Oil Company An nou nces ..lu the Opening of a New Service Station Corner of Manvers Road and 5th Concession Free Glassware Given Away with the purchase of 6 gallons or more of gasoline VIGORI STANDARID A 9 GAL. GASO INE U 1iOC including a VIGOR 432GAL. HIGH TEST 4 3 1O ncluding tax Stove Oil available in any quantity at the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS

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