Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1957, p. 4

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TH AAIA<BAESA.DWMNIL. NA!O HBDYJN lu,11 ]BRIGHT DAY WITH MES. A. The one and anly Kate Ait- ken, Mr&. A., author, radio cammentator and world travel- 1er, was guest speaker at Smith's Llterary Luncheon last Thurs- day. Thougb the crowd wos zmaller than at same lunch- eans, those present report an enjoyable time with a spark- Iing talk by Mrs. Aitken in wbich she contrasted writing of radio and TV scripts with the more leisurely style off book writing. Mrs. Aitken's book off rem- Iniscence on ber cbildbood in the village off Beeton, Simcoe County, bas sold out its ffirst Canadian printing and will be publi.%hed in the U.S. in March. We are presently enjoying "'Neyer A Day Sa Bright" (pub- lished by Longmans Green & Ca.) and recommend it ta those who take pleasure in a j )ok backward ta the days off I.-e village general store, win- ters when snow drifted ta the fence tops and cbildren were put in their long underwear in Octaober; when mitts dried in the aven off the big kitchen Tange and the parlour was re- served for Sundays and special REMSm SETON 5>1 At Box M1E AN BV MM.! MAI clom 5PROMPUT PUED Oui of ow dwqus. MUST Incude b" i, xelo ioug.rge with iii>. od&ee w4su op. wdp occasions; when the woodbox was kept full and water for Saturday batbs came from the reservair on the stove.. It's &Hl there, and mare. Mrs. Aitken has conveyed life to her family here portrayed, and the anecdotes are amusing. A leafflet given to each lunch- eon guest, containing exçrpts from the Beeton World dl the same era must have brough. back memories ta many city dwellers whose childhoad was spent in a small tawn. News items and ads for patent medi- cînes are mixed together indis- criminately. In going over Statesman files off the same per- lad, this has always amused us. It made reading exciting though, and probably resulted in a bign readersbip far advertisements. Premier Leslie Frost chair- ed the luncheon and introduced Mrs. Aitken. Metro Chairman Fred Gardiner thanked ber and head table guests were intra- duced by Gardon Sinclair. Lucky draw prizes were again given. and were books off course. May W. H. Smith & Son, Toronto booksellers, and Miss Helen O'Reilly wha organizes the luncheons for Smith's, BALCONY $1.75 ORCHESTRA $2.25 MATINEES DAILY AT 2 P.M. SALCONY $100 ORC4ESTRA $1.50 For ycur coiwenience no r.srotions »cmeesry for amoinoes. PHONE RESMRATIONS ACCEFTED FOR AU. PERFORMANCES WA. 42404 f Timber Drains THE COUNCIL 0F TUE TOWNSHIP 0F DARL- INLGT0N PURSUANT TO TUE TILE DRAINAGE ACT, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may frorn time to tirne, subject ta the provisions off this By-iaw, borrow on the credit of the corporation off the Municipaiity such surn not exceeding in the whole $125,000.00, as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the Cor- poration in such sums as the Council may deern proper for the amount so borrowed, with coupons attached as provided in Section 4 off the said Act. 2. That, subject to section 10 off the TILE DRAIN- AGE ACT, when the Council is off opinion that the application off any persan ta borrow money for the purpose off constructing a tule, stone or timber drain should be granted in whoie or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve ta issue deben- tures as aforesaid and ta borrow a surn not exceed- ing the arnount applied for, and may lend the same ta the applicant on the compietion of the drainage works. 3. A special annual rate shah 1be irnposed, levied and coliected over and above al other rates upon the land in respect off which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment off the principal and interest as provided by the Act. PASSED THE lth DAY 0F JANUARY, 1957. Boy W. Nichols REEVE W. E. Hundie CLERK SEAL CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-law passed by the Council of the Township of Darlington, on the lth day of January, 1957, and ail persons are required to take notice that anyone who desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this Municipaiity within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this notice, and must make bis application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the 17th day of January 1957, and the last publication will be on the 3lst day of Jantiary 1957. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk. ~Current and!q Con fidential By Elsi. Ca=rthers Lunney VOICE 0F THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES We acknowledge witb thanks and pleasure, receipt off two copies off The Altaric Advocate frorn the editor and publisher, Michael Wardell, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Sub-titled "The Vaice off the Atlantic Provinces", tbe maga- zine is a well printed, good periodical carrying informative articles on Maritime subjects and stories by sucb well knawn autbars as Charles Bruce and Ernest Buekler. Our sincere congratulations on a very fine magazine. Canada can do with more off the same calibre. A hlgbligbt now and for some montbs ta came, is tbe serialization off Lord Beaver- brook's memoirs, "My Young Days in New Brunswick". Lord Beaverbrook's boyboad days were spent in Newcastle, N.B. wbere bis father was minister and since that time, be bas ibeen its benefactor in many ways. One was in buying the aid Manse, bis boyhood home, and converting it into a library for Newcastle and surrounding dis- trict. We had the pleasure off talkmng witb tbe young English lilbrarî an, Miss Barbara Gandy, w ho was chosen by Lord Bea- verbrook to furnisb, equip and establish tbe Old Manse Libra- ry. Yau may remember aur ac- count off tbis enjoyable inter- view written for The States- man in October, 1953 wben Miss Gandy was visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Stutt. A picture off the Manse when Lord Beaverbrook lived there witb bis parents and ffamily, appearing in the December At- lantic Advocate brought tbe in- cident ta mind and made us feel that we bacl a ffriendly con- nection witb Newcastle, N.B. Miss Gandy did talk off coming back ta Canada. We wonder if she did? Anyway, we'd like ta stretch a band across the miles ta Editor Wardell in Frederic- ton. The Atlantic Advocate makes these provinces whicb we bave neyer seen, seem much dloser. A product off wbich tbey can be proud, is tbeir au- thors and joumnalists. The At- lantic Advocate is providing an- other outiet for their talents, and ahl authors need outlets. Comedy Skits Are Planned For Carnival The 1957 Carnival off the Bawmanville Skating Club ta be held in the Bowmanville Memorial Arena on Friday and Saturday, February 22nd and 23rd, will bave everytbing ta imake it tops in entertainment. Glamour, sensational skating, amusing skits, spectacles, daring feais and comedy, will ail be part off tbe programme. Tbe tats, wbo are always a great bit, will be in two entrancing numbers in this Carnival. Rehearsals are going with .ai swing and ail the participants are entbusiastic. John S. Rod- way, the club's professional, bas planned the cboreagraphy which is entirely new and includes in- tricate steps and amazingly ef- fective routines. Tickets are now on sale by the club members. In ffact there is a competition being beld witb prizes ta be awarded ta those selling the most tickets. The demand is beavy. Don Cribar, Barrie Skating Club. who is famous as a com- edian wiil do his fascinatingly funny acts. Dance and figure skating champions will also pleute the audience. Evening Held to Funds for Hall neyer tire of provlding these1 literary gatherings. They havej Social proved a dehightful meeting point for authors, publishersR and readers and are, we believe, Ra se the only event off the kind open Bk~n to the public. rkt:A c e etime was enjoyo WHITOAK FAMILY ON TV people onl Thun. the home of Mr We hope you saw "White- Bone when a oaks", adapted fromn Mazo de was held. Ail tl la Rt:,che's "Whiteoaks off Jal- port having hac na", on CBC Theatre an TV a and judging fro week ago Sunday night. This Iaughter fromn was a splendidly directed and and other saure acted hour-long drama vividly ment, it was qu portraying the wonderful merriment was Whiteoak family off Jalna. The evening As the characters appeared, progressive eue: one recognized them at once, several amusln 50 well were they cast. Renny contests.' Prize (Murray Davis) looked much euchre were I as we had imagined hlmn, and Mr. S. Hall, M% so did Piers and Finch, and Mr. R. Bone wlý Gwladys Rutherford as Ade- est score. Mrs.. line, the 100 year oid matri- prize winner fo arch.of the family, was excel- Mr. A. E. RibE lent. Sa were the aid uncles, for the jumbl* Nicholas and Ernest, and their sister Augusta. D s e The names off the cast went D s e by so rapidly we were not able ta get them. for which we are u sorry, for every member, and Put Ob perhaps especially the yaung- ster who played young Wake- field, deserve praise. And off The Guide c< course greatest credit is due gold formed the the directar who was Douglas the dessert bric Campbell, himselff a veteran Lions Centreo actor off the Stratfford Shakes- ternoon and sp pearean Festivals. Murray Da- local Associatic vis has the same distiniction, Guides. and is off course one off the famouas Davis trio which in- Business cludes his brother Donald, and sister, Barbara Chilcott, off To- ronto's Crest Theatre. A c o 0U Plays by Miss de la Roche fromn her famous Jaîna books RAT J. have been very popular in Lon- Certiffied Pub don, England, and are, we 93 Chur( think, a "natural" for television. MArkel Seldom does one find a group off characters so vivid, so real. WM. J. H. Why not a Whiteoaks series Chartered adapted for television? Provid- 64 King St. E. ing, off course, that Miss de la (Above Gartor Roche approved and consented. 64 King There are situations galore ta draw ffrom in the books already MONTEITH published. RIEHI Perhps aseres I alrady Chartered being planned. We do not know, 13RAco t but we think the idea worth PtnR A looking into. PaUt Mnvtà cantest and Roy Ashton wan the prize for the ca-ordination coutest. A very sumptuaus lunch was served by group 2 off the W. A. The proceeds netted a nice littie sum off over $1.1.00. which was turned over ta the United Cburch Board off Burke- ton. This was the first off what we hope will be many suclh ventures ta raise funds for the conversion off the church sbed inta a hall for future enter- tainnment. The next social will take place on the l4th off Feb. at the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Bone have offfered the use off their home fol' such occasions as long as needed and an invitation is extended to everyone ta came and help a wartby cause. irt Bridge Popular on by Guide Assec. ilors of blue and e background for .dge held in the on Saturday af- ;ponsored by the on of the Girl Direclory_ Lni1a n CY .DILLING ,1ic Accountant *ch Street ýt 3-3861 . COGGINS 1Accountant Bowmanviile n's Bus Station) gStreet E. 1 - N[ONTEITU Là & CO. 1Accountants N. Oshawa 5-4662 th. M.P.. .A. .'.-V. ..ine Ll .. , A. B. Manteith, B.Commn., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoat, C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER & CO. Accountants and AudItors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, B. Coinm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. Chi ropr a cf1c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C.' Chiropractor 'Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appolntment D e ntal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvillp Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednemday Closed Sunday Phone -MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.8. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Insurance J. A. BARTON Fire - Automobile - Casualty 43 Carlisle Ave. Phone MA 3-3098 Legal STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvile Telephane MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, BA Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanviile Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGIINS Barrister. Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville Mor tg age s LEROT HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage funds Residences - Farnm Business Properties KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointuient Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday evenings JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil BownianvMle Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tun-ig Professional Piana Tunlng ARTHUR COLLISON Phone 34 Prince St. Bowmanvil. Over one hundred ladies were welcamed by Commissioner Pat Lucas and vice-chairman Jean Stevens. At one end off the hall a ta- ble was set up to bold the gaily wrapped prizes and at the other was a long table with a deleet- able array off desserts and cakes. On bath tables was a lovely bouquet off iris and daffodils bring' ng with them a welcome breath off spring. After dessert and cofffee serv- ed by rnembers off the Associa- tion Commissioner Lucas wel- comed the guests and explain- ed briefly the function off the. local Association. One off its main endeavors is ta assist in any possible way in the smooth running off the Guide Compan- ies and Brawnie Packs at the top level. She also said that since this is the centennial year off the birth o-' Lord Baden Powell, the founder off the movement, it was boped ta make Bowman- ville more Guide consciaus. "But enaugh off speech-making", she said, "on with the bridge". Mýrs. Nelson Osborne showed ber organisive ability by conven- ing the entire event with Mrs. R. Ames convening the food arrangements, Mrs. Rabt. Kent, the setting up and decorating off the tables, Mrs. Alan Strike, the tickets and Mrs. Wm. James, the publicity. During the afternoon the un- expected appearance off Mrs. A. R. Virgin was a pleasant sur- prise ta ber xnany friends. She had accompanîed ber husband ta Bowmanville and an trying ta contact her ffriends found that they were ail at the Lions Centre and decided ta visit tbem there. After the bridge playing Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Stevens drew names for the prizes. The lucky winners were:-Molly Jackson, Mrs. H. Gibson, Mrs. K. Naylar;' Lynn Oke, Ruth Mitchell, Mrs. Mikios, Marian James, Mrs. W. McKay, Mrs. W. R. Strike, Cora Bickl2, Verna Wight, Marg. Hawthorne. The winners off the iovely bouquets were Mary Walters and Mrs. J. W. Chant. The local Association hapes ta make this affternoon bridge an annual event in order ta raise some off its funds ta belp the Guide Companies and Brownie Packs wîth their expenses for equipment ta belp send girls ta world camps and leaders with uniforms and with other inci- qdenta! expenses. CADMUS Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. James Gray en Tuesday, Jan. 22, with the president in the chair. Mrs. Milton Gray led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was given by Mrs. Sweet. The roll eall wDs answered by paying aur dues. Owing ,ta the rainy weather we only had 14 members, one of them being a new member, Mrs. Howard MeMullen. Thank you cards were read also a thank yau 'letter from Mrs. Arthur Hanna who kindly donated $1.0 ta aur W.A. The treasurer, Mrs. Les John- ston gave a full report for the year, at the beginning off 1956 we had $657.26, but after al expenses had been paid we now have $60.42 left. Mrs. Marwood McKee gave a report on the parsonage. Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. bought a set off dishes for the parsan age. Group 2 have planned on havinq, a crokinole party on Feb. 15 at Mrs. Louis Stinsonis.. Moved by Mrs. M. McKee that we have a birthday box and TIC KE TS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamshlp Consuit JURT & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Wh.n t ho lght says "go"-you GO! You leave the pack behind wben you nudge the accelerator of the new kind of Ford! Pick your own brand of ginger-a great V-8 like the one that broke 458 power-and-endurance records on the Bonneville Salt Flats ... or the road-proved Mileage Maker Six-the most modern Six in Canada! Whicbever you choose, you'lI take nothin' from nobodyl Ford makes It easy to f eel lke a million! Ford's styling is a whole era ahead off the field. It's the kind of styling that makes people stop and stare with envy, the kind that makes competitive cars look old-fashioned! It's yours in 18 Ford models-9 Fairlanes, 4 Customs, 5 Wagons-cvery ane of them long, low and lovelyl Even-Kesi Ride Iays a pavement on every road! A big part off the magic of the new kind off Ford is in its revolutionary new frame-and-suspension system-Even-Keel Ride. It smooths the bumps, straightens the curves, paves the road i front of you. You sit low, snug and comfortable, wbile your Ford hugs the road like a coat of paint. It's fun ta go first-and go smooth-in a Ford!1 Quelity goos deep In the new Inner Ford! Ford bas built- in quality in places you neyer sec. Bodies are heavier, more sturdily buit; they're completely insulated ta keep out sound and weather; doors close with the solid authority of a bank vault. Every nut and boit is ucw, each inch newly eugineered! In looks ... in get-up-and-g . . . in satin-smaoth ride ... ixi quality and solidity ... Ford takes nothin' from nobodyl Mrs. Sweet look after it, sec- onded by Mrs. Les Johnston. Moved by Mrs. Sineet that Mrs. T. Johnston send for the remuants for ta make articles for the bp.zaar, seconded by Mrs. Nora Stinson. Moved by Mrs. M. McKee that Mrs. Ken Gray get same new sang sheets for W.A., sec- onded by Mrs. Sweet. Moved by Mrs. Lamne McKee that the holidays plates, that Mrs. Rahrer made out, one be given ta each member, second. ed by Mrs. M. McKee. Pragram consisted af read- ings by Mrs. M. McKee, Mr&. Meltan, Mrs. T. Jobnstan and Mrs. Rohrer, a piano sala by Miss Linda Gray. Contest by Mrs. James Gray with Mrs. Passant winiping high honoud, A note of thans was t4èed ta Mrs. James Gray f1J the use off ber home, a lovely lunch was aerved by Group 1 and a social haut was spent. YOUR BURNER Sheli Furnace 011 costs no more than ordinary oils, yet' it offers comnplete protection for you.r heating system ini two money-saving ways. YOU SAVE ON MAINTENANCE CALLS Only Sheil Furnace 011 gives you the benefit of a special additive that keeps your burner filter spotlessly clean. It. banishes the top cause of humner breakdown ... keeps your burner at peak efficiency-all winter long. PROTECTION AGAINST STORAGE TANK LEAKS With Sheli Fumnace Oil you get Sonitor protection. Sonitor... stops rust forming. Can actualiy make your storage tank last twice as long! Phone in y aur order today ... take advantage of our guaranteed d elivery service. It's the easy way ta summer warmnth-all season through. Yeo Bros. BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-3259 or 3-3151 FURNACEI LJ PAIRLANE 300 CLUB VICTORIA -that'*s the new kind of with Even-Keel Ride CUJSTOM 300 F03001 SEDAN YOU'RE INVITED TO GET THE FEEL 0F THE NEW KIND OF FORD AT YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER'S COUNT ONwn w#.dw duui s HEw<S-mc cdi.ei cNSqRýZog FOR HE BSI VLUESIN UED CRS AD TRir i CARVETH' MO-TORS Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcasile Phone Newcastle 3251 Lvery pleasant yed by about 18 rsday, Jan. 24 at Ir. and Mrs. Roy tsocial evening thase present re- ad a lot off fun, rom the peals off the card tables .es off entertain- pite evident that ýrampant. 9was spent lu ihre, bingo and ing games and Ee winners for Mrs. A. Carter, Mr. W. Oke and ho held the hlgh- Jack Smith was tr bingo. bey won the prize ed transportation EXCLUSIVE TORONTO SHOWING Seots Available For Ail Performances M TMMIOoeà» AN vsAIsoN EM!INGS AT 8 P. k Lii MA$ REIN V UNIVERSITY THEATRE~~ 100 8LOOR STREET. WEST - W&A 2404 @B âOP 'ù@M le L..To 9 F.M. By-Law No. 2067 A By-Law Io Baise $125,000.00 Io Aid in the Construction of Tule, Stone or ...outclasses 'em aill TMMSDAY, -3AN. Ilst 1951# THE CANADZAX STATZSMAN. BOW14ANV=E. ONTARIO .el%

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