Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1957, p. 18

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- - -. C S A TES. 1YAN- *DL>WBL&U'<VLLF. Ii.MJ~A2LUTUSDYION Sul P Say . à@.-, "ÇBeL ly Valentine" with a Hallmark Couits Rust Craft Card There are every age lacy ones - sentimental ones - ones for - every taste, in our large selection. Corne in and cbuckle àt the humorous ones! Coulis packages of Penny Valenlines 30 Fonr 29c with envelopes Turn on your lighl - Fi ght Polio To-night . 71o8 The Tigers of the Bantam Minor Hockey League are are, from left to right, front row: Nelson Yeo, Jim Valider in sole possession of fourth place in the league. They have Schaaf, Grant Wright, Monty Emmerson, John Dykstra. won four and lost four of their scheduled games and have Second row: Irving Gi, Coach, Ab Mavin; Alvin Master- tied one. With the league playoffs fast approaching they son, Don Oke, Doug James, Wayne Mavîn. 'Absent, Bobý have good prospects of being one of the contenders. They Stephen. -Photo by Rehdei \vere the goal getters for the Rcd Wings. David Williams, Gord Rundie, David Werry and Allan Brock each collected as- sists on the Red Wings goals. Three penalties were handed out during the game with the Hawks collecting them aIl, Ste- phen Barclay (tripping) and Alex Wisen-'an (elbowing and a miscoriduct). The win by the Hawks left them the only un- defeated team in the league Iwith eleven games without a jloss. In the second Pee Wee game the Rangers handed the Bruins their first defeat of the season by a 3-1 score. David O'Rourke <John Twist), Ronnie Bryant and John Twist scored for the Rangers. The lone Bruins goal xvas scored by Terry Black (Scott Essery). Bruce Ogden of tlie Rangers collected the only penalty of the game for hooking. The win by theý Rangers moved them into fourtn place two points aheaci of the fifth place Red Wings. In the third and final Pee Wee game the Leafs scored txvice in each period to defeat the Canadians 4-3. Wayne Wray and Ray Crombie (3) scored for the Leafs. Robert Black- burn, Tom Stacey (2) and Bill Taylor assisted on the Leafs four goals. John Terhune led the Canadians by scoring ahl three goals. Blaine Pickard (2) David Thompson and Sebastian Swecp each collçcted assists for the Canadians. Bryce Adamis of the Canadians collected the only penalty of the game for highsticking. ATOM LEAGUE In the first game of the Atoni League played last Mon- day the Bears defeated the Rams by a 3-1 score to move into a third place tie with the1 Ranis. Gene Balson (2) and1 Ralph Cole were the goal get-1 ters for the Bears. Eric Fcrn-1 lund ,.cored the lone Ram goal in the last minute of play. George Moore of the Rams collected the only penalty of1 the -came for tripping.c In the second game of the Atomn League the Bisons cak ed up their first win of aih. season by defeating the Indians 3-I. John Gilbert and John Hughes (2) accounted for the Bisons three goals. Tommy Carter and Dennis Secord cach picked up an assist on thec Bisons goals. Morris Honey- man (Bradley Lucas) accourited for the Indians lone goal . The win by Bisons moved themn into a fifth place tie with the In- jBowman ville Skating Club' s 1957 CARN UVAL Bowman ville Arena Friday and Saturday February IInd & I3rd 8 pm Dashing Dancing Human Firecrackers Precision Skating Spectacle M r. and tSrs. WVV. de Nance,Walt z Champions of Canada, 1955 Joan Shippam, Junior Figure Skating Champion of Canada, 1954 Don Cribar, Internationally Known Cornedian TICKETS ON SALE NOW BY CLUB MEMBERS I dians. No penalties were hand- (A out during the ýame. Games scheduled for this week are as foliows: Pee Wee League 7:00-Red Wings vs. Canàdians 7:45-Hawks vs. Rangers 8:40-Bruins vs. Leafs Bantam League 9:25-Tigers vs. Pirates 10:20-Cubs vs. Lions 11:05-Braves vs. Huskies Atom League Monday, February 4th 5:00 p.m.-Indians vs. Ranis 5:40 p.m.-Hornets vs. Barons MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDINGS Lions -. Huskies Braves Tigers Cuhs--- Pirates Hawks B ruims Leafs Rangers Red Win C-nadiar Bantaýn League W L T F 9 2 0 47 ..6 3 2 34 ----- 5 3 3 29 -------4 5 219 ------ 3 7 1 23 ------ I 8 2 22 Pee Wee League W L T F ------9 O 2 60 ------6 1 4 30 ---- - 5 5 1 33 ----- 3 6 2 21 ýngs - 3 8 0 34 ins. 1 7 3 25 A Pts. 25 18 33 14 26 13 22 10 31 7 36 4 Kpts:- 23 20 16 16 31 1l 42 8 44 6 43 5 lktom League W L T F A Pts Barois ------- 5 1 0 17 8 10 Horncts --4 1 0 25 108 Bears.- ----- 3 3 0 12 17 6 Rais --------- 3 4. 010 146 Indians ----- 1 4 1 15 19 3 Bisons. - i14 1115216 MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE SCORING LEADERS Os nom e Hughes, Ba lson, Hughes, Bagnell, Cole, A. Piper, L Gearing, Fl7intolf, Ginl, I. Mccullo Muttori, Turner, W iseinar Black, T Crombie Terhune Rundle, Wemry, 1 Williams Stacey, Oke, J. Pickard, Dickens, Bruce, J Bantam League G A Pts. Pen. ,B. (L) 19 928 4 B. (H) 13 5 18 4 G. (B) 9 817 0 B. (H) 12 4 16 14 D.b(L) 8 5 13 O .(L) 9 413 0 (C) 6 12 4 ,P. eB) Il 1 12 4 G. (C) 7 4 Il 2 (T) 4 6 10 10 ugh, (P) 8 2 10 22 H. (C) 5' 5 10 12 R. (B) 3, 7 10 2 Pce M'ce League G A Pts. Pen. n, A. (H) 4W' 7 47 12 r(B) 17 4 21 0 R. (IL) 1l 8 18 14 ,J. (C) 12 4 16 4 G. (W) 7 9 16 2 D. (W) Il 4 15 0~ s, D. (W) 8 6 14 2 T.(L) 9 3 12 O (H) 3 8 il 0 B. (C) 3 6 9 4 M. (L) 4 5 9 6 T(W) 4 5 9 011 Atom League G A Pts..Pen. Kerr, D. (I) Il 1 12 2 Nichols, D. (H) 10 2 12 0 Bradley, B. (H) 7 4 Il IO Vinisb, P. (Bis.) 7 4 il 0t Cole, R. (Bears) 8 0 8 0 Colville, G. (Bar.) 5 3 8 0) Hughes, J. (Bis.) 7 0 7 0 Fernlund, E. (R) 6 0 6 0 Webb G. (H) 3 1 4 0 Gay, R. (H) 4 0 4 0 Depew, B. (Bar.) 3 1 4 0) Kooy, H. (Bar.) 3 1I 4 0 TRACK & FIELD CLUB The Bowmanville L e g i o n Track and Field Club beld its first practice session last Wed- iesdaY evening at the -Hign School gymnasium. There were 22 trainees on hand for con - dition exercises. The club wi ll rçîeet every Wednesday, at the Bowmnanvi lîe High School froni 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Anyone in- temested in joining the club is welcome to drop down to the school and jobin r the training. The club is being coached by Mr. AI. Withemspoon. REGISTRATIONS There are stili somne openings ir tbe Recreation Depatment's winter activities. If you are intemested in joining anx- of the classes vou may registe'r by at- tenc.ing tii0 classes or by tele- Annual Met Active Red ( Bethany: The annual meeting of Manvers Township Branch of the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety was held in Bethany on Friday evening and the follow- ing were elected offîcers for 1957. President, Mrs'Earl Argue, R.R. 1, Pontypool: Honorary President, Miss Laura Morton, Bethany; lst Vice-President, Mrs. Harry Richardson, Pontypool; 2nd Vice-Pres., Hildon Johnston, Janetville; 3rd Vice-Pres., How- ard Malcolmi, Yelverton; Sec'y, Mrs. Douglas Smelt, Bethany; Treas., Henry M. Jakeman, Beth- any; Campaign Manager, Earl Argue, R.R. 1, Pontypool; First Aid Kit Supervisor, George Smith, Bethany; Home Nursing Cîass Supervisor, Mrs. Edgar Beer, Reg. N., Bethany; Loan Cupboard Supervisor, Mrs. Ma- bel Price, with Miss Lily Thomp- son, assistant. In the absence of the secre- tary, minutes and correspon- dence were read by Mrs. Charles Reynolds. The report of the Home Nurs- ing Class Supervisor, Mrs. Edgar Beer, stated that during the' past year instruction in First Aid and Accident Prevention had been given in 15 schools of Manvers Township to approximately 150 pupils. Assisting with the in- struction had been graduates of the previous year's nursing class from Bethany. During the past year a class in Home Nursing had been conducted in the vil- lage of Pontypool and the course will be completed during the month of February. In this work she had been assisted by three other graduate nurses, Mrs. Ern- est Cavano, Mrs. Clarence Page and Mrs. G. M. Longfield, ail of whomn (including Mrs. Beer) give their services free. Lectures during the ycar had been given by Dr. G. M. Longfield and by Miss N. Williams, district hcalth nurse. In bis trcasurer's report, Henry Jakeman statrd that last yearls canvass for funds had netted $350.75 and hie paid tribute to the work of Earl Argue as cani- paign director. M'ain items of local expense had been the sum of $50 for food and clothing to a Janetville family wvho had lost their home through fire, $112.89 for cod liver oit capsules dis- tributed to the pupils in every public 'school throughout the Township of Manvers; the pur- chase of a new hospital bed and a wheel chair at a coàst of $172.56 to add to the supplies already in the Loan Cupboard; $46,80 for text books, supplies, etc., forl, First Aid courses in the schos $24.70 expenses for home nurs- ing class, with a present bank balance of $261.08., Mrs. R. W. Price listed tbe supplies on hand in the Loan phoning the Recreation Office at MA 3-5761. Regristrations are stili open in the following activities: Th ursday- 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.-Adult Swim- ming, B.T.S. Pool Fr id ay- 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.-Adult Art Clars, Lions Centre 8.30 - 11:4.3 p.m.-Teen Town, Lions Centre Saturday- 9:00 arn. - 1:00 p.m.-Children's Dancing, Lions Centre Monday - 8:00 - 10:00( p m-Choral Society, Town Hall Tuesday- 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.-Smocking, Lions Centre 8;00 - 10:00 p.m.-Leathercraft, Lions Centre Wed ne sd ay- 3:00 - 8:30 p.m.-Children's Dancing, Lions Centre 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.-Public Speak- ing, Lions Centre 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.-Track and Club, Bowmanville High School 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.-Teen To\, Badminton, Badminton Clubj » ig Shows Cross Branch Cupboard which includes one wheel chair, four bospital beds, rubber sheets, air cushion, baby scales. sheets. quilts, bot water bottles, bed pans, thermomyeters, gowns, bed pads, masks, towels, medicine glasses, etc., ahl avail- able free of charge to anyone in need. George Smith rcported the Change Io 'First Aïd Kit at the School and the Athletic Park as belng fully equipped. Retiring President Mrs. Ross N. Carr, expressed appreciation of the co-operation received dur- ing the past year and wished every success during 1957. WEDDING WHYTE - HODGSON A quiet ceremony in the Manse of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Fr1- day evening, January 25, un- ited in marriage Beatrice Isa- belle Hodgson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodgson, and Ronald Alen Whyte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Whyte of Bowmanvile. Rev. ,Harold Turner performed the [ceremony. to\rhere do they get the en ergY? suit with brown fur trlrn, and hat and accessories of coffee brown. Her corsage was of yellow roses. Miss Gwen Mur- doch was her attendant, wear- ing a suit of blue poodie cloth with wmnter white hat and cor- sage of pink roses. Mr. Keith Hodgson, brt of the bride, was best A reception for the'Tved- ding party and members of both familles followed at the* Balmoral Hotel, the* bride's *mother in wvine taffeta with matching bat, and the groom's mother in rose brocade. Prior to her marriag~1 bride was guest o! 1% miscellaneous showrersi" Mrs Mes. Marlon McPhilMrs. George Graham, and Mrs. Don Sudidsbury. Nearly one-tenth of the prov- ince of Quebec lies south of the Athlefrs know the secret of good health and energy. They keep in condition by drinking miilk often. It's a real winner for food value and scores high in good taste. Everyone needs, everyone enjoys our top-quality dalry products . . . milk, cream and cottage cheese. Serve~ ihem daily. g~ IGLEN RAE DAIRY Phone MA 3-5444 Bowmianville 0. 9 NATURAL NOW - W itho ut Heat Interruption LENNOX NATURAL GAS CONVERSION BURNERS AND UNITS ARE NOW INSTALLED IN MANY BOWMANVILLE HOMES GIVING AS LOIV AS $13.50 - a month Payable on your ironthly gas bill CLEAN m ECONOMICAL QUIET SERVICE Ask orne of sur many Satisfied Custozuers As Iow as $5.50 à month Payable on ý-our monthly tas bil Other makes are aloa availablt TURN ON YOUR LIGHT Fight Polio To-night A. E. 7to 8 p.m. COLit, AUTHORIZED CONSUMERS' GAS Registered with the Ontario 55 Ring Si. W. , Bo]3wmanville Fuel Board Phone MA 3-3348 GAS~ 1 à -PAGE TIM CAMADIAU la 1 y CO. DEALER

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