9HT7 MA,3M.jq 31Ut,1957 wTrvPTr1r~~,, i * CC~ d~LJ~I I~ .8. ZI AAI8~LUJIA~ * fi.> WM A 1WITTT .VU! ~W II'flY ~AVAI~?At, *~a~ue~aa~ ~ -- -- - - -- - ~ . -- *~~s A141 met Wednesday evening afq lad week in the home of Joan Reid., There were 18 memnbers prqsent The next meeting will be held et W. H. Foster's on Feb. 6. Notice teorabbit hunters. $10 Lions HoId Annual Three Men wlU b. paid for each rabbit. on nursery property. Braakdaie Plese aNuere huntuCh ildren's Night With At Goodyear lt Township of Fine Entertainment yeremplaPins D aliigliiMembens af the Bawmanviîîe draw was beld for prizes. Three bave been awarded long service Lions Club tunned hasts ta their ,prizes were given ta the girls pins by the firm. Eric Colwefl Take notice that the regular children an Monday evening as and three ta the boys. Karen and Lonhie Patter were present- theY held thein annual Father, Spencer, Lorraine White ani d wt isfr1 en'sn m2onthly meetings ai the Town- Son and Daughter night at the Elizabeth Braden were the ve d Wt ill oIaHar son oi- ubip ai oDanlington Coun c fo Lo ns e r e. hid n alucky young ladies and David d the 25-year rank . Presenta- &Le sa FburMac vr70cide tterlded O'Rourke, Nrman Vanstane tians were made by planittnan- ~pril, 1957, '.1ill be held on and enjoyed an evening ai ex- and Jerry Banting won the boys "grCane atrn cellent entertaininent which prizes. Mn. Colwell ls the youngest Ufst Thursday ai each af was hîghiighted by a perm Chacalate milk was served 30-year pin holder ini the plant the above montbs lat 1:30 p.m. in ance ai sleight-of-hand feats otecidnwthheri-lttepesttm.Hejnd the Cammunity Hall at Sauina. by Ted Bnadshaw, a magician ner. Foloigtema v -tesrieo odero e W.E£UDE l r om eterb anon.g adh s-oeparticipated in a slng-song, cember .,9th, 1926 and bas held W. E RUNL 4-2le Maýician Ma zeAn while Lion Jack Ross led the severalý positions since then. 4-2 agieau AazesAudinee singing, Lion Ross Metcalfe pro- Presently hie la emplayed in Mn. Bnadshaw thrilled the vided a fine piano accampani- the Hase Roani depantment. audience with his tricks and ment. Mr. Patter was barn ini Osh- was assisted by membens ai the Cartoon Films Shown awa and started work with the group in penforming several aicmay nDcmero 96 them. Sandra Dilling lent him The children enjoyed several Duning his 30 years ai service, ber handkerchief ta hurn comedies, which were shawn Mn. Patter has a perfect record whiie he proceeded ta use Lion before the pragrani concluded. of~ neyer being late for wor. Ion Hetherington's hat as an Among them were a Tom and He wonks in the Hase Rooni de- NOTIE OF BY-L WIaven in which hie baked a cake. Jerry cartoon and a Barney partment at the plant. RnTTPr 0F fI-LAW Bruce Cuthbertson heid some Bean cartoon. GilsCoMir. ~i Harrison was pnesented TAXE NOTICE that the Coun-sle cits hihemi. Roy Topping, chairman af ithhs2-erpi.Oiial cil o! tije Corporation o! the cian mystif'ed the audience by the Boys and GrsCmitefrara Wales he and bis wife Town o! Bowmnanvilie wiîî con- putting themý into a bag separ- helped ta provide the success- moved ta Canada in 1926 and1 sier passing a by-law ta stop ately and drawing them out tied fui evening of entertainmentMn Harrison secured a job with up and close ail that part of togethen. Lion Sam Black le' for the cbildren and was iniGoder ieMr'Rberi original aiiowance for road be- Mr. Bd shaw use his head on charge af the program.tNe Tono.n195lera- tween Township Lots numbered which te balance sevenai cups Fu bnha, er eebaNewrntot. BIn vi35lie pant- 8 ad 9lu he rokn ron Co- o mik.ted by the membens, those Of and presently works in the Ma- cession fanmerly in the Town- Children Win Prizes George Vinish, Wilf Carruth- chine Sbop there.8 ship of Darington now in the Tickets were distributed taens, Jack Danch and Raiph» Town of Bowmanville (commcu- ail the children preseprt and a Kelly. LoicadAtursetFia ly knowvn as Mearns Avenue), LusanArhrpetFiy Iying between the southiern i-it i evening with Mn. and Mrs. Alex of Provincial Highway Numben . iMUikr, Symes, Newcastle. 401 and the nothern limit of th,!'eoU Bros. Stort Ne~w IMn. and Mrs. Gardon Beech Canadian National Raiwa IB u ines attended the Dlamond wcdding lanids at any timne after the Ist i~ anniversary ai Mn. and Mns. A. Clay ai Februany; 1957. SgUeUi O B si es Richards, heid ait the Lions AlIck J. Lyle, Distributing Sheli Oul petra- visor. Centre,4 Bowmanviiie.9 Clenk o! the Icum products ta town and rural For the past six years Keith As the new correspondent, Ic Town ai Bawmanviile. residents in this area are Yeo has worked in Generai Motors would like ta thank Mn. Gea. XW.q 4-2 Bras., 20 Odeli Street, Bowr-nan- plant, Oshawa, until lie and Fat lJames for bis words af encour-a ville, who have been operating decided ta enter into the petro- agement.h as tank-truck dealers fan the past leum distributing business. Mn. and Mrs. James Ewlng ai two mouths. Fat and Keith have . thnee Seven Islands, Que., and Mn. and Kety e h shnin i brothers, Clarence, Irvin andI Mrs. Wes. Down, Ebenezer, wereh nulW eth deliver andservie caîls Bruce but nane are connected suppen guests ai Mn. and Mrs. o th ae900-gyalnd ccity uc with the business. They aiso Lloyd Snowden ai-d in the even- worin p 9-allntneshpaitb bisc have a sisten, Mrs. Elsie Rich- ing ail cailed on Mn. and Mrs. brother "Fat" Yeu, prapnictor of ards. Roy Van Camp. f Yeo's Meats and Grocenies, 55 Their father William «'Bill" The Explorer girls and lead- P NOTICE OF BY-LAW IKingr Street East. Yeo holds a long service record ens enjoyed a sieigb-niding party ti at the Bawmanville Faundny Ca. on Tuesday evenlng Ail enjoy- i TAXE NOTICE that the This A~ a completely new Keith's wif e Alice oiginally ed the lunch at the 'churcb aiter Couiicil ai the Corporation a! venture for the brothens but they cornes froni Gait and they have a the ride. i the Town of Bawmanviile wiîî have hopes o! expandlng and 10-year-ald daughten, Roxy, 110wl A passing thought- Wamen C' considen passing a by-iaw ta eventually having thein own attending Central Public Schoai. have mare courage than men - W' stop up and close the foliowing tanks. At the moment the gaso- Sheli Oul Company are noted Ilkscuaet eaw mn described noads, and streets, ilne and ather ail products are fan thein extensive research pro- I ae org eb oa.p liamelvy, drawn fram Part Hope. gram, the brothens point out, and (a) 'those parts o! Hunt Street,I Keith was born in Bowman- the benefits fram sucb research Duke Street, the Gravel ville and received bis schooling are passed on ta their customers. F as Wharf Road), Simpson ed with the R.C.A.F. and on be- teed delivery service o! Shel r er Laboi Avenue, Smart Avenue1 îng neleased hie took up em- Furnace Oil as the easy way ta and Meanns Avenue lying ipioyment with the Ontario summen warmth. ail season- within the limits o! Pro- Training School for Boys, Bow- thnaugh. The number ta cail for The Dominion Provincial th vincial Highway 401; manville, where he was a super- il is MA 3-3259. Anciua ofrne cds 1b foot stnips o! the said, necentiy in Ottawa, was in th Hunt Street, Gravel Road ~Ipg~i- reality à confenence ai repres- ab >and Simpson Avenue, ly-' J.IfU1O L MAPLE UflUVL entatives a! bath fanmer and -ing immediateiy northerlyt laban organizations with meni- su and southenly o! HighwaY Ail the ladies af Tyrane and A veny succcssful euchre panty, bers ai the Dominion govcrn- 401; neighbouring communities are sponsored by the Women's Insti- ment, The labar organizatians du 1~c foot stnips af the said invited ta attend a Homemak- tute, was held at the Maple had presented their demands tu \.Smart Avenue and Mearus ens' Course sponsared by the Grave School lastt Wednesday the government seine manths ggi SAvenue lying immediately Women's Institute, Feb. 5 at 1.30 night. First prizes wene won by earller, and had taken a nuni- pr ~northeiy o! Highway 401, in the Cammunity Hall. This Mrs. G. Arbourne and Mn. Art ber ai farn leaders with them, ti ssonon Plan P-2695-21 at- demonstration, Sandwiches For Lister. Consolation prizes went as evidence that farmers, as a thi tached tp...rder-in-Council reg- Ail Occasions, ivili include al ta Mns. Cullen and Mn. Bob class, are in favour ai laban's pi istered e st day o! No- types-bot' sandwiches, lunch Snowden. demanda;. New the labor un- cn, vember a instrument No. box, snacks, teas, and weddings. Mn. and Mns. W. H. Brown ions are reciprocating by sup- If 1f4173, an ime95. a e h a M. and Mrs. S. Goble and entertained M. and Ms. Ed. prting the farmers' demands n oFerany, 19. ye Bruce, vsited M. and Mrs. McGil, Bolton; M. Sam a- and lit the same time, repeat- Its likJ.fLyhe, Garnet Symons, Bowmanvilie. quette, Tornto, Mr. Fred Tay- ing seai their own. We are ti( Town ai Bowmanviie. fMn. and Mns. James A. Pogue, ion, Uxbridge; Mn. Keith Wilson stnangly ai the opinion that pri 2-4Cagay, iste be sstnand Mn. Kevin Fitzgerald, Pet- the union leaders helped ta thE 2-MaryJ.C. Cok d Mn.eCoak. en bonouigh, ait a turkey supper draft the farmers' briefs. pi Wanted to Buy Other visitons at their homeistFdaevnn.Alhnin meagethtt were Mn. S. Harmer and Mrs. Mns. Mark Munday, a former the truc intereats ai the fanm- ni LARGE baby crib, in good con- R. Hanmer and Patti, Eindale. nesîdent of Maple Grave, under- ers are identical with those o! dition. Phone Onono 1148. 5-1 Mn. and Mrs. A. Mediock and Peterborough last week. We are lntercsts ai ail classes. But few sui HIHET niespad -fn -i famuly, Toronto, wene recent very pleased ta report that she will argue that the canstantly the f HS rcs a o ievisitons af Mn. and Mrs. A. i rgesn aifcoiy eunn ead o aen ]poultry, goose feathers, feathen Hamilton. sporsigstfaoil. ecrn dm d or oeni ticks, scrap iran, rags, met-ais Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson Mns. Ivison Munday and Mary money for 1cms wonk being made far and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 and John attded te ne visited with Mn. and Mrs. by the labon bosses who dom- pa3 Oshawa, cailect. 48-tf nMne reue a tiwTetnonSna. iaeteuosren y-li -- ai ber great aunt, Mrs. Ellen Mthws Tenon o Sndy mae tereunion s e nfay-fli ALL kinds af îîve pouitny want. Kuight iast Tbunsday at Allis- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stevens en- tebosstes thembut .The a a ~ed. Top Toronto Prices paid et ton. Mrs. Jackson and Johnn-tetiedsvea eol ast terbssear e selves.Tihe at yaun doar for large er smaîî mained with hen parents, Mn. Saturday evening an the occasion fresaevr ols aa-t ctuantities. We have aur own!I md Mrs. W. T. Banting until ai their 30th wedding anniven- low thein representatives te thli tnaket M.FittBetanyR. Sauray.sary. Congratulations, Fred and support laban's demands for a ern makeM.TeehoeFlt tBethany Mn surda . W amvsi-Cni.langer ahane ai the national in- re] 1.o, spenecolectheeetweeke. ndd w . am iittevens, n. adMs o o-fres d Roetir franm Frank Purdy, af 5 Third Street, bas rctired on pension from the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company aften complet- iîîg 33 yeams and tirre mantirs service, al a! it lu one de- ,vartment. As a parting gift Mn. Purdy ivas pesented with a bridge set, table and fbur chairs and a smoking stand fron lits fellow employeci ai the Hase Roani. jSalem W.A. held their Jan- uany meeting at the home ai jMrs. L. Welsb. President Mns. E. Twist apened the meeting sud conducted the business. Plans ware discussed for cater- ing ta a xvaddinig raception. Mrs. F. Blackburn and ber group wene in charge. Mrs. Bob Cnaig gave Bible reading aud davotional. Readings were given by Mrs. E. Danch, Mrs. M . Marchant and Mns. L. Welsh. Miss Grace Blackburn favoured with a piano solo. A social time was enjoyed aiten the meeting. Glad ta report Mns. W. G. Werry making favounable pro- gress aiter an aperation in Oshawa Hospital. The members af the Sunday Schoal are holding a Pot Luck suppen in the chunch au Fnl- day, Feb. 1, at 6:30 p.m. Films will be shown aiten suppen. Everyone welcome. Mn. and jMms. H. McClure wene weekend visitons with Mn. and Mmm. W. Cawling, Aurona. Barn Saved ý Straw Blazes OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS 1, ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT j 'j Courtice Showroom Oshawa Showroom (84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa) Sat. 5 p.m. OPEN 'TIL Sat. 12 ar. OPEN 'TII BARGAINS STILL WAITING - COME EARLY MAHOGANY PAINT GRADE DOORS (Reg. $6.95) Ony $5.95 ARBORITE PANELS ALL COLOURS HELP FIGHT POLIO TO-NIGHT Operation Porchli9ht - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. te management around wlth ïomany rules and regulations ýat the industry would be un- ible ta function at ail. 3. Increased employment in- irance benefits. 4. Establishment af new in- lustries ln distressed areas. Ail these farmn and labor or- snizations dlaimn to believe in rivate enterprise; but the hings they are asklnt for are îe negation of private enter- >rse. Thore can be no private iterpris;e in aperating a farn fthe gavernment bas ta fi- ince It, ta find markets for ts products, and to furnish hose who would buy thase roducts with money ta pay for hem. Neither can there be any rivate enterprise in industry if eo goverfiment has to do as uch for it. Do these men reaily believe at any government couid .ppi ail thé money for ail e purposes they suggest and ever have to insist on the irmers and the industriaiists .ying it back? Do they be- eve that it wauld be possible )r the borrowers ever to ne- ay the maney that was lent Sthern oc lavishly? Do they nk for a minute that a gov- riment that engaged in such .kless squandering af the tax- ayers' money would be able i eave the farms or the in- istries it sa careiessly flnanc- 1, n the hands afi those who id borrowed the money? Sure- the. farrners have had enough 'perience paying taxes to iw that debts owlng to the iernmnent eom1e ffrst and there nô way af dodging thern. E'hese men W h o daimn to eak for thç, farmers af Can-j a, are asking the gavernment accept ail the risks and res- nsibilities af private enter- Ie, and give the farmers al p rofits and ail the ather vantages ai private awner- [. They are asking the im- sible. Farming Is essentially a rlsky miess, and one that requires reful planning and inteli. nt management. Those whaj >flot willing to take the risks dmake the sacrifices shouid we the farm and get ern- )ment working for others. Dur advice ta the farmers of nada is this: Repudiate the dership ai those who would ve you cast ail yaur bundens the government. Keep the e to your land in your awn ne, and the contrai of your omess in your own hands. un ail attempts ta controi Smarkets for yaur products, 1resolutely oppose ail at-, ipts ta establlsb such con- Iby others. 7rust the free market asI aniy means ai iindlng the evalue ai yaur praducts 1as -the surest indicator ai kinds and qualities, ai pro- 1s the world needs. Neyer iaway yaur rlght ta market ir praducts through any ncy you choase, or ta change anather agency at will. ;hen Yau go ta the gavern- t, let it flot be to, ask for ial favors at ather peap]e's ense, but ta ask fon just and al laws, end for a system aif tion that will allaw yau ta Id up reserves during your rs a! prasperity ta carry aver the years ai adversity, aout having ta ask teisi nthase who taxed your ings awiay when ý ou had n. NA 3-2130 Courlice HA 34661 a M I r ef ri gerna toar, Filter Queeu visiteL Mr. and Mrs H. Hardy,i1den and Tommy, Bancroft, vis- trol by huge corporations sup- have Vacuumn cleaner, mantel radio. Bowmanvilie. ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace piying fanm needs; but flot on1 The aboya alectnical appliances Mr. and Mns. F. L. Byam Munday, Mapie Grave, and Mn. agalnst the buge labor argani- titie are ail neariy new. End tables, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiilis, and Mns. C. Johns, town, before zatians cant.ralîing the labor nami seWing machine, nugs, iloor cov- Canington. retunning home. e m n pl , ora i st he on bu i enings, badding, dishes, glass- Mr. and Mrs. Clintan English Sympathy is extended ta the apoiy, nfr on antte mon- bhu ware, etc. Plan ta attend this an d Paul, Peterborough; Mn. Lloyd Snowdcn !amily on the keltig ofarmer-contrles mr.h auction. Creighton Devitt, clark; and Mrs. D. Miller aud Debbie death af thein aunt, Mrs. Ham- ktn naiain.the Jaçk Reid, auctioneer. 5-2 with Mns. W. Miller. ilton, Bowmanville. 5. That adequate credit facil- and Mn sd ns Hwad ret, Glad ta report that Mns. Art ities be supplied ta the farm- temp \V ated to Rent Mrs. Lorme Phare, Mrs. Rasa Gibson, Mrs. J. Farbes, Mrs. A. ens a olte etatde: tr Pooley, Mn. A. H. Brent, Mn. Spnague and Marion Cooney are For labo the dermnamae:- t: orachard. Apply Hem- Gordyn Brent attended the getting along nicely aiten bcing .tai atfutlemCavernent in the u r uisman, Farewell Ave., funeral o! thc late William un Memorial Hospital, Bowman- tanfiepomnt utetu R3_9 4 Oshawa. Phone RA Breut last Wednesday at Ux- ville. farni mplement industry, (a) and 367. 3 3* bridge. Mn. and Mrs. Cccil Mils and by punchaing ail the surplus the1 Flo er wee laed n hefamiiy witb ber sisten, n.an implements praduced, and giv- ducts COBOURG couple and îamiîy lower werPplaed iath Wvould like ta rent four or îive! churchi Sunday morning in loy- M ns. Gardon Shuîri P r eny. ing themtir t backward'countries, slgn Moins orbouse iin Boîvmanviile iung memory of the late ¶r. Sunday evening visitons at Mn. as part o! a mutual aid pro- your are. I ilYaioweessu bi fahe and Mrs. Howard Crydenman's grami, and (b) by assisting the agert ara.lânç,A 3-3526. 4-21N . . Ye iiowlees.hsfte were Mn. Jack Lard and girls industry ta engage ini the pro- toai OU e ihi fn ewr lae oha n Mrs. Mary Thompson andcduction af ther products at W1 ... up e wth ifa t W . ee laed t h ai Margo, Toronto. times when fan a Implements ment wo l i e ± r n o s, al su e t iitr n. A. C ag Mrs. Ethel Ashton at I. J. Tra- are in littie dernand. speci 'a oue or ground.floor two- froni Emmanuel Coliege, Ton-val.iOswa 2.Ttafn iupe ntn-ep 5-1a m pa im n.Mhor.A n A rtan hunda vys n Mr. and Mrs. Alex W illiams dusty committee be establisb- equal a-5 42 51 n. nh u H air ove i n lO.Vand son visited in Toronto. d, consisting of epresentatives taxat W anted hcalth, aiter several weeks Ifl and Barry, Providence, with Mr. and the governmrrent. years Memnial Hospital, Bowmnan- and Mrs. Gardon Beecb. We are flot toid what the youc iADa.nd crippled fanm stock ville. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Patterson # powcrs and dutiea ai this coin- withc ed UP promptiy. TeIephonýi f bt-ny ta heaý Mr. N. Collacott and son, spent SundavatMs mtt oud e:btsfnfon Êtet 3-467e. Mangwiil Fur eof Bowmanviie, formrly at Bruce Gailagher's, Aja. :as we can sce, the only thîng earni Parm, Tyrane. 26-U "y rurle, isn't ,so well. Mns. Mlton Paterson, Rosaune, it coiaid do wauld b. ta hedge 1 thers jWhat could have resulted ln a #aggenn $25,000 las. turned out ta be anather example af the competence af the Bow- rnanville Fine Brigade'Wednes- day aiternoon as a fine of. un- known anigin thneatened the barn ai 'Gardon Leluk, four miles west af Solina. Bales af hay and straw Inside the barn had somehaw ignlted and it was necessary for the firemen ta fork eacb bale froni the barn and saak the smould- erlng straw. There wene also ý 62 hcad ai cattle in the barn but ail wene removed witbaut harm. Damnage to the barn was slight despite the excessive smoke which billowcd from the building. As a precautionamy mave the Oshawa Fine Depant- ment also answered the caîl. The Bowmanvîîîe Brigade leit town about 11:,45 a.m. and returned at 4 p.m. In appnec- lation ai the wonk donc the Leaks served coucée and sand- wiches ta the firemen. j 1 Mn. and Mrs, Jas. McMulien and Carl, Ballydufi; Mn. and Mrs. MUaurice Samelis and Shar- on, Peterborough, wcre guesis af Mn. and Mrs. L. Hyrland. Mns. J, Farder spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mxi. Harry Mc- Laughin. ,iMns. J. Thonipson and the rat Thanipsons ivere supper guesta wlth Mrs. W. E. Bea- cock and Mms. Tarves. Mn. Malon Mltts returned ta Tîllsarbung with Bill Weston after visiting at the Ivan Rohmer hiomre. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Warnr- ngton. and Jili, Tornto, visited r mothen, Mns. Jas. Thonipson on Sunday. The Neshitts plan ta leave Wednesday morning ta join 'niends at the Municipal Trailar Park, Tampa, Fia., for the next three months. Fleasant travel- ling folksl The annuai meeting was held in the Nestieton Presbytenlan Church on Monday aiternoon irith gaod reports li ail de- artments. )Ur Demand OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS The public's response to this - our first sale, lias been tremendous. Many items bave been reduced by as much as 50% to make roorn for ncw spring stock. There are lots of real bargains left so corne early ave aon id dotnîen For Your New House or Summer Collage AND PATTERNS TIM CAMAIMTAM q'PAW-qUAV PAGE SEVENTU SALEM - 25%OFF -4-immi quitndwidffl 0-rATE3mAlv' BOWMANVMtLè- MWA ARIO à 1 e5Ldýý Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe ehowed coloured sldes o! their trip ta the British Isies this past summer in the Presbyter- ian Church on Friday evening. Views of the boat, Buckingham Palace and the changing af the Guards, Edlnburgh Castie and the Royal Mile in Scotland, and lnterestlng views ai George-s famlly and homes in Southern Ireland were greatly enjoyed. The return ocean trip with excellent mid-ocean sunsets, the arrivaj at home and local scenes at thlqr reforested areas, and the. McLaughlin fanin. The putumn scenes appeared rather somber after the very vivld greens and blues of the Irish soenery. Mis~s Gwen Wilson read a short sketch an Bobbje Burns and concluded with a wefl known poem. Mrs. Klaas Vlie- ger brought her record player and ail enjoyed an intermission of Dutch hymns-records which Mr. Vlieger braught rran Hol- land on bis recent trip. Mrs. Cecil Wilson extended a vote o! thanks to ail who had con- tributed ta the most interesting evening. Frank Purdy 1 m were Sunday evening visitors with Mn. and. Mns. E. Twist. A numbrer o! friends from. this cammunity cailed ta affer con-, gratulations ta Mn. and Mr~. Alfred Richards on the occas- ion af their Diamond Wedding, annivensary an Sunday at the! Lions Community Centre. Miss Neilie Ridehalgh wl'o bas been staying with Mr. and' Mrs. E. Twist for the past few!v months leit on Monday ta ne- side with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Twist, Whitby. - KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fosten and! famlly enjoyed dinner witb Mr,1 and Mns. Allen Foster on Sun-' day. The senior grades ai the Sixth' Line, Kendal and Maciean's pub-; lic schools enjoyed a trip ta the: Ice Follies in Toronto on Wed-1 nesday. There was a good attendance: at church on Sunday and an ex-1 cellent sermon was deiivered to: the congregation by Mr. Robent Gày af Oshawa. There was a meeting of the! Official Board of the charge in Newtonviile Sunday Schooi an Tuesday evening. The Kendal and Shiloh Y.P.U. Il NESTLETON m m m -11 5eis 1 Early Bird* argains Casing - 04e per lin. ft.; Baseboard 08e Odd Shingles - $1.00 per bdl. No. 2 Doors $4.50; 1 Phone MA 3-3303