PAGE I X1Yr!w? TEE CA!NADIAN STATESMAIf. EOWMANVILLF. ONTARIO THURSDAY, :AN. Sis% ISW a BIRTHS BROOKING-Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brooking are happy to an- riounce the birtb of their son, Barry Ernest Hale, on January 15, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, a brother for Con. nie and Alanna. 5-1 LeGRESLEY - Farncomb and Nancy (nee Wonnacott) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daugbter (Patricia Jane) et the Oshawa Hospital, Sunday, January 27th. 5-1* MANN-Dr. and Mrs. Ted Mann are pleased to announce the hirth f a dLauiher. obet Cards of Thanks _Coming Events I would like to express mny tbanks for enquiries, cards and fruit received at the time of my accident. Special thanks to Dr. Kimmerly and nurses of Osha- wa Hospital. Ed. Leaver. 5-1 I would like to take this op- portunity to thank Drs. Gili and Austin, nurses and staff of Me- morial Hospital, also friends and relatives for their cards, gifts and visits during my recent stay in hospital. Mrs. Eileen Blackburn.i 5-1i Joan, on Sunday, Jan. 27, 1957. 1 wouîd like ta take this op- A sister for Louise and Susan. pomtunity ta thank Dr. Fergusan 5- and the staff of Mernoriai Hos- pital, also ail the friends wbo MUNDAY-Jean and Wallacecalled or sent cards and gifts Munday annaunce the arrivai on1 during my ecent stay in bas- January 29, 1957, of ja chosen 1 pital. c:aughter, Janice Grace, I weeks Mrs. Gertrude Corbett. -Mh. A baby sister for Donald. I5.1* 5-_2 DEATHS COMSTOCK-At Memorial Hos- pita], Bowmanville, on Wednes- day, Januamy 23rd, 1957, Pearl L. Porteous, aged 73 years, wife af the late Manson W. Comstock and dear mother of Audrey (Mms. Cliff Anderson). Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, on Satur- day, January 26th at 2 o'clock. Temporamy interment Lang Vault, OxoÉo Cemetery. 5-1 DUNN, Anna-In Bowmanville on Monday, January 28th, 1957, Anna Lewis, beloved wife of the late James William Dunn, in hem 85th year. Rested at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Serv- ice was beld Wednesday, Jan- uary 3th at 2 p.m. Intemment Bowmanville Cemetery. 5-1 DUNN, James William-In Bow- znanville on Saturday, January 26th, 1957, James William Dunn, beloved busband of Anna Lewis, in bis 89th yeam. Rested at North- cutt anid Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service was held Monday, Jan- uary 28th at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 5-1 HAMILTON, Emma De Betha -At Memoial Hospital, Bow- nianville on Monday, January 28th. 1957. Emma De Bertha Hamilton, beloved wife of the late Joseph W. Hamilton, in hem 89th year. Resting at Nortbcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Serv- ice on Thursday, January 3lsti nt 1:30 p.m. Interment Zion Cemnetery, Millbrook. 5-1 LANE-At 46 Brown St., Bow- rnanville, on Friday, Januamy 25, 1957, Frederick N. Lane in his 84th year. Husband of the late Mina Jones and dear father of Emma (Mrs. D. Byers), Laura (Mrs. B. M. Kelly), Clifford, Frank, Greta (Mrs. S. Burgess), and Eunice (Mrs. J. Gilchrist). Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville an Monday, Jan. 28 at 1 o'clock. Interment Castieton Cemetery. 5-1 MATHEWS, William Arthur- In Oshawa Hospital on Wednes- day, January 30tb, 1957, William Arthur Mathews. beloved bus-, band of the laXe Ann Barmett and loving father af Mrs. Arthur 1-bar (Helen), Balton; Mms. Omm- iston Smith (Jean). Toronto; Mrs. Walter Goodale (Anna Marie). Miami; George and John of Oshawa. The late Mr. Mathews is esting at Mclntosh Funeral Home, Oshawa.Sevc in the chapel on Friday, Feb s at 2 p.mi. Interment Bowman- ,xille Ccmnetery. 5-1l O'CONNELL. Lloyd-At Toronto on Jan. 26th, 1957, Lloyd O'Con- neil of 50 Hanson Ave., beloved husband of Grace Buist. Funeral service was held at Bates & Mad- dock Funeral Chapel. 124 Av- enue Rd., Toronto, on Jani. 29 Interment Mount Pleasant Cerne- temy. 5-11 SPENCER-Suddenly at New- castle on TuesdaY, January 299 1957, Allan R. S pencer, in his I 46th year, beloved husband of Nellie Spencer and dear father oi Barbara (Mrs. Keith Conneil) and stepf ather of Ruth (Mrs. RayI Bennett). bath of Bowmanville, and Patricia (Mrs. Donald Ber-1 nard), Newcastle. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-ý manville until Wednesday morn- ing, then at the esidence of bis brother, Thomas, Newcastle. Service in St. George's Anglican Church on Tbumsday. Jan. 3lst at 2 p.rn. Interment St. George's' Cemetery. 5-1 Ccfrds of Thanks We would like to sincerely tbank our kind friends and good1 neighboms for their acts of kind- ness, the W.A., Club 50, L.O.B.A. nurses and staff Of Mernialý Hospital, Dr. Keitb Slemon. Mor- We would like ta express aur sinceme tbanks ta Dm. E. D. Hub- bard, nurses and staff of Memor- ial Hospital, Bowrnanville, also friends and neighbars for their cards, gifts and visits during my Iwife's ecent stay in the haspital. Mr. and Mms. W. Woudstra. 5-1* We wish ta express aur sincere thanks and appreciation to aur neighboums, friends and relatives, Dr. A. F. McKenzie, nurses and staff of Memoriai Hospital for their many acts of kxndness dur- ing aur baby son's illness. Mm. and Mrs. A. D. Brooking. 5-1 1 would like ta thank Drs. Stomey and Luke, fiends and' neighboms for their fruit, cards and visits wbile in the hospital and since carning borne. A special thanks ta Rev. Harold Turner and the Evening Aux- iliamy of St. Paul's for flowers. Mr. George Tbampson. 5-1* We wisb ta express aur sin- cere thanks and appreciation fori acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes, received from relatives, friends and neighbaurs. We especially thank Dm. Keith She- mon and the Rev. L. M. Som- erville for bis consaling words during aur sad bereavement af a loving busband and father. Mrs. Albert Wilkins and f amihy. 5.1* Heartfelt tbànks ta aur rela- tives, fiends and neighbours for kindness and, sympatby shown in the lossai aur dear mother. To Rev. Romeril forcnsig words, donors of beautiful flow- ers and sympatby -cards, Dr. Hen- nie, the staff of Comrnunity Hos- pital, Port Perry and McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home, aur grateful tbanks. Ruth Proutt, Ivan Proutt and famîly. 5-1* Mr. Leslie Latimer and fam- ily wish ta extend their grate- ful thanks toalal their relatives, friends and neigbbours ffIr f lam- ai tributes, messages af sym- patby and many acts of kindness during their bereavement. Spe- cial tbanks ta Rev. Harold Turn- er for bis comforting words af the service, Mms. Albert Cale and F. F. Morris Ca., also ta thosel boys who sent the gif t during the late Mrs. Latimer's illness._ Bowmanville Skating Club Carnival, Feb. 22 - 23. Members selling tickets. 5-4 Bake sale in Hydro Shop, sponsored by Group 4, Trînity W.A., on Fiday afternoon, Feb. 8th. 5-1 Dance to Doug Dasti and -the Northern Ramblers every Sat- urday nigbt at Pontypool. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 5-11 Dance in Kendal this Satur- day night, Feb. 2. Round and, square dancing. Music by Henry Koss and his band. 5-1* Valentine's dance in Solina Hall, February tb. $1.00 per person. Dress optional. Tickets now on sale. Phone MA 3-2885. 4-2 Newcastle Lions Club Valen- tine dance, featuming Mart Kenny and Norma Locke, Friday, Feb. 15. $5.00 per couple. Other particulars to follow. 4-tf Valentine's dance in Solina Hall, Febmuary 8tb. Bryce Brown's Orchestra. $1.00 per person. Dress optional. Tickets now on sale. Phone MA 3-2885. 5-1 Bowmanville Women's Insti- tute Kopper Karnival, March l4th, 1957, at the Lions Com- munity Centre. Quilts and good prizes. Home baking and after- noon tea. 5-1 A meeting of Ontario Farmers' Union, Local 78ý will be held at the borne of Mm. and Mrs. Leeis Woods, Bowmanville, on Fb Sth. Bring your agicultural problems for discussion. 5-1 Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month wbich will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jack pot game. No game under $3.00. Admission 50c. 2-tf Bowmanville Lions Club Bingo in Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. l6th at 8 p.m. $75 jackpot, $100 door prize, 20 games for $10 and one game for $25, three special games. Admission $1. Tickets from members of Lions Club or at the door. 4-4 FARMERS... You are invited to atter"l Ray Gibbs' John Deere Show MONDAY, FEB. 4 8 ]P.m. Community Centre BOWMANVILLE Mairies Door Prizes- Lunch 5t1* Farmers Attention! You are invited to attend a MEETING on Farm Irrigation Pasture and Cash Crops MovieS wiIl be shown IN MEMORIAM GUEST SPEAKER LANE-In lovihg memory of aur Valuable Door Prizesl dear mother, Gertrude Lane wbo passed away suddenly Feb. 3rd, will be given away 1954. at 8 p.m. Lovinge and kind in ah lier xvays, Upright and just ta the end Thursday, Feb. l4th ai hem days: Sincere and truc in ber beamt at and mmnd Beutfu mmoie seleft COWAN hehind. -Ee eebrdby farnilyEQPMNCO and gandchildren. 51 Q IM N O LAVERTY-In loving memory 134 King Street East of aur damling baby daugbtem,' Telephone MA 3-568P BrnaGrace, wbo passed away' o m nil 'a.3,1956. o m nil I like ta think wben lufe is donc 5-3 Wherever Heaven may hé, That she'lI be standing at the For Rent doo: _________________ Up theme to wclcome me. 'HEATED apartrnent, Silver St. -Sadly rnissed by Mum and! MA 3-5784. 5-1 Dad, Mary Jane, Michael and_______________ Themesa. 5-1 MODERN five-room heated apartment, bathmoorn, twa ver- McINDOO-In loving memamry andahs. Mms. Anderson. Phone ai a dear mother, Lena, wbo Newcastle 2646. s-il passed away Feb. 2nd. 1953. -Lovingly rmrembered by bus HEATED apartment, 4 rooms, band, Ruby, Josie and fami ly. kitchenette and hatbroom, beavyi 5.1*, wiring, laundry in basernent,1 _______-$60.00. 63 King West, Apt. 4. RICHARDS-In loving mcm- 5-1 amy ai aur dear mather and' grandrnotbem, Rachel Richards, APARTMENT, 3 large roorns, who passed away, January 30,b ated, 4-piece bath. private 1956. jentrance. Available February 28. Dear mother bade no one ber Write Box 616, c/o Canadian Anlast fareweîî Statesman. Bawrnanville. 5-1 Adsaid goodbye ta none, The Heavenly gates were opened, O FC A ioving voice said corne. OF IC S ACE l -Sadly rnissed by daugbter Gertrude and gandchiidren. 5- NEAR POST OFFICE' 1 s .tanfl flvaWVl sent fruit, letters, cards and THERTELL-In' loving me mory 4-roomed Suite or flowens, and ta those who en- ai a dean mother and grand- I wo 2-ronea Suites quied unng y rcet ilnes.mother. Amy Therteil, wba'pass- now being remodelled. Your kindness neyer will be for- cd away Feb. 2, 1955. gotten. Just a thaugbt ai sweet WIIl suit tenant. Arthur and Lillian Harvey 1 nemembrance, Apply Mr. King and girls. 5-l Just a rnemomy fond and true; r' i. n - Just a token ai affection, Specialfy raper Rece tionAnd a heartache still for you. Reception More and mare eacb day we Pout miss yau, 1Poui Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Payne. Tbougb aur tbougbts are nat 63 Temperance St. -MA 3-3381 58 Brown St., Part Hope, will be nevealed: 5-i et home to their friends on Sat- Little do tbey knoxv the sarow,I urday, February 2nd from 3 ta 5 Tbat lies within aur heantsI Found and 7 ta 9 p.m. on the occasion concealed. 1 ______________ of their Fortieth Wedding Anni- -Even remernbered by the HOUND and pups. Phone MA Versaryq 4-2 family. 5-i113-2714. 51 1Articles For Sale Articl es F or Sale PAIR seven-foot skis and paiS.' THREE used refrigerators, $99.50 62 Brown St. 5-1* each; used Frigidaire, 4 years _____________________-old, $125; used Beatty Washer, LADY'S white figure skates, $09.50;, used 30-inch gas range, size 5. Phone MA 3-5048. 5-1 $75, used 17-inch console tele- __________________ sion, $69.50, used 17-incb RÔYAL f loor polisher, excellent Itable -model television, $50, at condition. Phone MA 3-5758.1 Masan & Dale Hardware, 36 ________ .-- - King St. E., Bawmanville. Phone DOUBLE bed, spring and spring:! MA 3-5408.. 5-1 iiiidlaess, à.u. v. Newcastle 2646. 5-1 COOKSTOVE in good shape, enamelled high back and front. Ph'one MA 3-5440. 5-1 FLOOR poisher, for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E.. Bowmanviile. 13-tf SPACE-HEATER, small Findlay; 1 small beavy duty ange, in good1 condition. Phone MA 3-5381. 15-1' SINGER Sewing Centre. new and used sewinig machines. Ren- taIs or repairs. Phone MA 3 -2155. 18-tf HARD or soft water delîvered. Prompt service.' Robert H. Cale, Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. KEYS cut automatically. while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 36 Içingz St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf GIRL'S coat, size 12; lady's coat, size 14, bath in good condition., Reasonable. Phone MA 3-2772.1 5-1 DOUBLE bed, springs and mat- tress: kitchen cabinet, ail good condition. Phone MA 3-5546. 5-1* MIXED bardwood for sale, $18, per cord, delivemed; re-sawed to 12" lengtb. Pbone Orono 8 r 10. 5-1* NORGE ail space heater, large size, like new; Quebec heatem,' medium size. Phone Newcastl'e 2169. 5-1 CRIB, Harris large size, and spring-fiiied mattress; plastic cover, $15.00. Apply 39 West Beach. .5-11 DRESDEN Plate quilt tops. Finished fiannelette crib quilts. Mrs. Thos. Gould, 71 Liberty St. Soutb. 5-1* GENDRON baby carniage, play pen, both in excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3759, or apply 80 Duke St. 5-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mili ta you. Phillips Lumberi Ca., Kinmount. Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf BOOST your milk cheque by in- stalling water bowls. Phone Partner Plumbing & Heating, rMA 3-2240. 4-3ý FREE home demonstrations. Electrical appliances and Singer se wing machines. Telephone MA 3-2817.2- BARN ventilators by Woods,i complete with thermostat, $85.00.1 See your dealer now. Higgon Electrie Ltd., Bowmanville' 5-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prornpt service ta electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf SECOND mortgage on new borne in Bowmanville ($2,475). Pays 717, $25.00 montbly. Runs five yeams. Phone MA 3-2547. 4-2* DO your own floors - Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf J. B. BAULCH, Lakeshome Road,' Port Hope, offers a complete lîne of McCulloch chain saws for, evemy cutting job. See tbem ta- day. 5-1* INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Wokmanshîp gua. anteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. DECORATING For the Latest Papers For the Finest Paints For the Pest Workmanship- G. Preston. & Son Phons MA 3-5912 MA 3-37011 44-tf1 NEW television at lowest pnîces in town. To clear stock while' in aur temporary business loca- tio-r we are seliing new tele- vision at greatly educed prices. Please note - These are Not "Sec- onds" or "carton" sets. These televîsion sets are ail strictly bighest quality fimst line mer- chandise, made to sell for much higher prices. Ahl have been thoroughly cbecked by profes- sional technician and are sold with Full Factory Guarantee - and on a home trial basis of "try before you buy". Caîl MArket 3-3883 today xvhile stock stili lasts. Television Service C6. SHOE SALE Continues MANY BARGAINS still Ieft in Women's Naturalizers -and Fiat Shoes Children's Savage Shoes Men's Scott-McHale and Dacks LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 1 49 ingr ttWest IFelephone MArket 3-5941 Bowmanville 5-1 Cars For Sale '42 DODGE coupe, Ai, Pbone 'MA 3-2822. 5-1* '49 AUSTIN, Devon, good tires, Al condition. Apply 46 Liberty St. N. 5-1* 1946 FORD in good condition, snow tires and dual mufflems. Phone MA 3-2711. 5-1* MJD-WINTER SALE 1957 RAMBLERS -d METROPOLITANS at 10% Discount This Offers You SAVINGS UP TO $350 Safety ail weld construction. Deep coul spring ride. Better than 30 M.P.G. ~More head, hip and leg roorn than any of The Big Three. Arrange for a demonstration today. TOP PRICE FOR YOUR TRADE Easy Terms Used Car Specials 54 Meteor - - $11951 Niagara Sedan, Custom Radio.,1 2 -tone, small mileage, one owner car. 50 Chev. - - - $545 Deluxe Torpedo two-door A very attractive and reliable car. 50 Mercury-- $5951 Custom, Metallie Green, Custom Radio, Rear Seat Speaker, SignaIs, WVhite IValls, Washers, Olverdrive. Cnat 3400.00 No rust, ILivestock F~or S5ale 1 eal Estate for Sale SEVEN pigs, fine weeks old. Phone MA 3-2662. 5-1* ONE young Holstein cow due in two weeks. Phone MA 3-2486. 5-1 FOUR Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks old. Phone MArket 3-3961. Ron Brooks. 5-C. SIX cows, four one year old and five caives, Hemefords. Arthur Harvey, Orono 36 - 21. 5-1* SIX Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks old, well stamted. Apply Orvilie Hindman. Phone MA 3-5225. 5-11 MATURE Yorkshire sow, excel- lent type, due to farrow Feb. 1l, price $ 125.00. Phone R. Bruce Taylor, MA 3-2392. 51 PUREBâED Guernsey cow, due; yearling Guernsey heifer, also dual-purpose heifer; iÀght pigcs eight weeks oid. Phone MArket 3-2646. N5-1 CANADIAN Appmoved, pullorum tested, Day Oid and Started Chicks. Book orders now for future deiivery. White Leghoiui, Barred Rock (fast feathering) and New Hamp. X Bamred Rock. For price list write or Phone H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville, MA 3-3961. 50-tf Help Wanted WOMAN to do part time bouse- work. Phone MA 3-3176. 5-1 CASHIER-Cierk. Apply to the Manager, Walker Stores, Bow- manville. 5-1 HOUSEKEEPER, live in, with weekends free, to mmnd 2-year- old during the day. Phone Orono 10 r 12. 5-1 RELIABLE woman one day weekly to do cleaning of floors, woodwork, etc. Transportation provided. Write Box 609, c/ Canadian Statesman. 4-2 CORRESPONDENTS required for the Courtice and Maple Grove areas, must be interested in amea in which tbey live. For fuli details apply ta The Canad- ian Statesman, Bowmanville. 1 2-tf WANTED: Reliable man as deal- er in Bowmanville and Town- ships Wbitby East and Darling- ton. Expemience nat necessamy. A fine oppatunity ta step into old , profitable, business wbeme Rawleigh products bave been! sold for yeams. Big profits. Pro- ducts furnisbed an credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept, A-140-163,1 Mantreal, P.Q. 5-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivemy. Lamne Doreen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS ta ail makes of refnig- erators, domestic and commer- cial: rnilkîng coolers. Higgon Electnic Limited, 42 King St. E Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf CLOCK REPAIRS Pick-up and Delivery G. A. BROWN 192 King St. E. MA 3-51361 BOWMAN VILLE 9t WATCH REPAIRING at MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 BOWMAN VILLE 4-tf1 Work Wanted NEW plastering and repairs, workrnanship guamanteed. A. C. Woods. Phone Clamke 23 r 04. 4-tf CUTTING dawn trees with chain saw, experienced workem. Harold Raby. Phone MA 3-5255. 5-2* 20-tf on this undercoated car. YOUNG man with office andi LAYSbonsboes, 9-narmow, 1 diving experience wishes ai womn twice, balf price ($16.00-149unevrolet - $9 part time job wvoking in the 8.00); boy's, 12-13 yeams, 2-panti Club Coupe, tîvo tone. evndnys. a on. Sturdaysrmor suit, station wagon coat. Even- I We have çompletely overbauledi udy.Pesewieifra ing orSatrdy. 54 ellng th maa, tion, telephone number and tno St.14 elin-,th î ta Box 613, c/o The Canad- tonStee. -151 Fargo -5-14395ia WASHNG mchin, IMASONRY and CONCRETE cd, in spotless condition; also 14-fon Pick-up, used by privatel earorSucrl Beatty pressure systems, sump 1 party for transportation only. Breirs Bo or Structa pumps, water soiteners, e. Has 40 pounds oil pressure Bik lc rCnrt Telephone Partnem Plumbin.g &8 at idle. Estimates Free Heating. MA 3-2240. 4-3 AN YMR P.O. Box 177 L. TURNERI _______- ______- AD MNY OR Phone MA 3-3231 ADDING machines. t.vpewriters. AIl Used Cars and Trucks carry Evenings MA 3-3338 casýh registers. cheque wrîters, aur IVritten 30-day Warranty.. 37-tf filing cabinets. office fumniture, ..... ncw and used. Repairs toa ail o'D etra makes. Walter Frank. Bowmnan- o'lD Betra ville MA 3-2403. Newcastlc 2114. 19-tf W L M A MORRIS Ca. bave been appoint- Hillman - Rambler ed Singer Sewing Machine me- Metropolitan J presentatives for the Bowman- No\cnquon Rd. 7ýA 3-4431 ville district. Corne ln and secO S H A WA a Singer-the finest in sewvingi Open Nightly to 9 p.m. 1machines. Variaus attachments sî also in stock. Phone MArket 3-5480. 46-tf P ro a DRAPERIES and venetian blinds 1 customn made. or draperies sold 1 SUFFERING fromn Backaches, by the yard. Our representative 1 Rhèumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum- wili cal] at your home anv tirne I bago is ova- if you let Rurnacaps wîth a camplete range af samples tbelp you ta relief. Ask your and su 'ggestions witbout obliga- druggist. 5-il tion. Fabrie Town. 59 King St. HY1NCsple Rbe W. Phone MA 3-3609. Bowrnan- YINCsple - Rbr ville. 48-tf £m:ods) mailed postpaid in olain -sealed envelope witb pnice list. ON Sale: 2-piece cbesterfjelds, Six samples 25o. 24 sainples $149.00 up; 3-piecg bedmoomn $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28.t suites, $89.50-, platform rockers Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91. Ham- j $39.50. Trade-in aliowance. it tpf Ont. 1-521 Terms $3.00 per hundmed per year. Trade-ins: Kitchen buffet, I oom and Board 4 chairs newly 'covened and table, nangette, steel beds and springs. AVAILABLE irnrediately for11 Murphy Co., King St. W. Phone refined persan. Phone MArket MA 3-3781. 5-1* 3-1239. 5-1 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 2-4 * SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fast, Prompt Service 35 TF14IPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf Mortgages Wanted MORTGAGE wanted. $2,500 cash urgently needed by mespons- ible party. Write Box 1144. Bowrnanville. 4-2' PETS-FOR -SALE BEAUTIFIJL fernale collie pup- pies, seven weeks, two only left, $9. Phone Newcastle 3186. 5-1 STOREY and a haîf, eight rooms, oul heating, ail conven- iendes, good location, central. Phone MA 3-5546. 5-1* SEVFN-room insulated bouse ini Hampton with hydro, water, 3- piece bath. Large lot, near schools. Low down payment.1 Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-2436. 5-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE1 I'roperties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Twvo blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle 5-tf H. C. PEDWELL REAL ESTATE BROKER 80 acres, 6 room brick bouse, bank barn, mostly ail workable ]and, 2 acre bush withi river, 21 miles from Newcastle, $9,500.1 Ternis. Cali A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, 3876. 6 room bhouse in Newcastle, 3 bedrooms, heavy wiring, newly remodelled, $3,500. Termis, 5 room bouse in Newtonville, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, cement block foundation, $4,500 with $500 down. 2 acres of land on Solina Road close to No. 2 Highway, 6 miles from Oshawa, new 6 room bun- galow, 3-piece bath, 3 bedrooms, $7,500 with $1,500 down. New 3-bedroom house on 3rd Street, Bowmanville; oul furnace, 3-piece bath. $6,500 with termis. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle.3856 5-1 PETER KOWAL Real Estate AND GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. MA 3-58681 2 bedroom bungalow in a nice location. Living-room, 4-piece bath, modern kitchen, oil heat-- ing, laundry tubs. A real buy at $8,500 with termis. A brand new ranch style bun- galow with garage, for immed- iate possession. Large living- room with hardwood floors and fireplace, dinin-room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, etc. Asking $14,500 with termis. 3 bedroom bungalow with garage on a lovely lot. Living- room, dining-room, modemn kit- chen, laundry room, 3-piece bath, sun porch. A real beauty at the asking price of $10,000 with $4,000 down. 8 room bouse on 12 acres, near school. 5 bedrooms, living-room, large kiteben, 4-piece bath, barn, 2-car garage. Asking $10,500.00. We have other 2 and 3 bed- roomn homes to offer. 5-1 JA.MES NIXON Real Estate Broker 6-room stucco dwelling on large lot, 3-piece bath, heat.£d with gas, hot water heater, bard- wood and inlaid floors, insulated, nicely decorated, venetian blînds, landscaped, $12,000. Ternis. Possesion arranged. 6-room brick dwelling, not 4 years old, 4-piece bath down stairs, 3-piece upstairm, 4 bed- rooms, 2 up and 2 down, nice oak floors, large modem kitchen with ample cupboards, picture window, heavy wiring, insulated, full basement. This property would suit large family or could rent upstairs. A beautiful borne in immaculate condition. Seli- ing at a price you cannot afford to miss. 30 days possession. $11,500. Ternis. 5-room frame dwelling, 3-piece bath, basement, new gas furnace, bot water heater, stove, floor covering, garage, nice lot. $5,500. Termis. Possession arranged. I would like to thank the people who called and brought our mail while I was under the weather, good luck folks. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville MA 3-5682 L. b. binelgrove iLo. LIIU. 43 Park Rd. South Oshawa I Going Fanming? It wili pay you ta sec this 99 acre famm witb about 75 acres sharp workable land, vcry goadil buildings. complete with hydro,'ý located about eight miles from I Bowmanville. Asking anlyl, $ 13,500 with $5,000 down, bai-I ance on anc open motgage. Cali Keith Peters, RA 5-87631 or Res. MA 3-3533. I $7,500 Full Pnice Centrally located 6 moorn IV starey borne with modemn kitch- en, 3-piece bath, new forced air, ail heating, attached garage. Terms arma nged or price reduc- i cd for cash. Cali Sid Martyn RA 3-9810 or Res. MA 3-3533. 4 Bedroom Home I!f,-storey home with biard- 0 Wood floors, modemn kitchen, 3- piece bath, sunroorn, full base- ment, double garage, large lot,o on paved street in Bowmanville. Asking $8,200 with $2,000 dlownj and payments ai $35 monthly1 Caîl Keith Peters RA 5-8'761 or j Res. MA 3-3533. Owner's Ranch Home Practically new spacious ranch home, 3 bedroomns, large modemn kitchen, living-room with maised stane fireplace, forced air with ail heating, enclosed breezeway and attached garage. in one ai Bowmanvillc's new areas. Ask- ing $7,000 dawn. Cal] Sid Nlartyn HA 3-9810 or Res. MA 3-3533. Memnbers of Toronto, Local and Ontario Real Estate Boards. 5-1 Real Estate for Sale LEASK REAL ES TIE 10 acre farm, 'Aý mile pavement, 7 roomn brick bathroom, flowing weit, W Ir systemn in house and barn, at. tached garage. Good barn. Suit- able for chiekens and berrnes, near Hampton. Full price $11,000. Terms. 7 roomn brick house on Con- cession St., 4 bedrooms, oil furn- ace, freshly decorated, spacious grounds, garage. Terras on this one. We have hQuses, farms, lots, bungalows too numerous to iist, Consuit us before buying. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Fowmanville MA a-5919 5-1 De With Real Estate DAIRY FARM, 110 acres, 100 acres workable, creek, 7 acres wood, 72' x 52' bank barn with water bowls, ben bouse, garage, milk bouse with tank cooler, new cernent silo; 10 roomed frame bouse with running water, kitchen cupboards. Good rniik quota. Asking price, including aIl macbinery and stock, $24,000. Terms arranged. HIGHWAY FARM, 91 acres with 75 acres workable, creek, 77' x 36' bank barn, large hen bouse, pig pens, drive-in shed; 8 roomed solid brick bouse, heavy duty wirêd, water in kitchen. Adjoining two high.. ways and clovenleaf in near future. Asking $18,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, close ta Bowmanville with 100 acres workable land, 4 acres in young orchard, creek, large L-shaped bank barn, drive-in shed, hen bouse, silo, pig pens, milk bouse with bulk cooler; 9 roomed solid brick bouse with ail city con- veniences, Price and terms ar- ranged. DAIRY FARM, 100 acres, 93 acres workable, spning creek, 80' x 40' bank barn with L- shaped extension, implement shed, hen bouse, 3 car garage; 9 roomed solid brick bouse wlth ail city conveniences. Extra 4- roorned, new bungalow; mnilk bouse with tank cooler, water bowls in barn. Asking $24,00 with easy terms. GENERAL FARM, 151 acres, situated near a bighway witb 100 acres workable land, 20 acres in wood, cmeek, bank barn, 44' 20 new ben bouse, garage; 7 f )om- ed frarne bouse, heavy wed. Asking $16,500. Terms. . Unfinished 5 roomed bunga- low at Maple Grave witb septic tank instailed. Asking $5,00-0. Terrns arranged. 4 roorned white clapho' Sd bouse at Newcastle with gar4géý heavy duty wiring and good vWel. Asking $4,500 with _»0,~ down. 5 roomed *frani ,'5sbestoi shingled house at B1 .4inanville, 3 years aid, with 3-151ece bath, fumnace, full basement, running bot and coid water, linoleum and tile floors, kitchen cupboards, alurninum storrns and screens. Nicely decorated. Asking $8,000. Terms. 5 roomed ranch style bunga- low with attacbed garage on Town Line of Oshawa; 1 acre lot, with hardwood and tile floors, septie tank, ail furnace, 4-piece batbmoom, running bot and cold water, kitchen cupboards. Ask- ing price $9,500 with $3,000 down. 4 roorned white claphoard bouse at Maple Grave on high- way, 1/2 acre lot with hardwood and tile floors, spetic tank, 2- piece bath, running water, garage. Price $6,000 with $1,000 dQwn. Besides above mentioned we have approximately 100 more farrns and homes ta choose from. Contact: John F. De With Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanviile MA 3.3950 Daniel Boehm- Port Hope TU 5-5042 ýrThe Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE <v FOR TiENT - HELP WANTED 4 CARS FOR SALE ~v LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash Rat* 3o Scper word with a minimum cf 50c Muet bo poid by dateaofinjsert ion. If chargied, an additonal 25c will b. added. A chai af25c wiII be mode for ciirepis direted ta this office. 4NOTICES - COMING EVENT8 S AND CARDS OF THANKS 3c a word w:th a minimum ci 1, $1.00 for 33 words or lems. b SIRTHS - ENCAGEMENT8 MARRIAGES - DEATH8 $1rro0spor irmserineri - -. . - , w .- 1 e4 1 - a Ir . 1 1-1- d-O 1 % 1% 1 1" . . r .. 1 . 1 1 w .. 1 - T-V - -- 914 --1 -