Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1957, p. 9

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?RUMDA?, 3Ali. Su, 1001 ? CAKA~ZAN ETATESMAN. EOWMAZIVrLIZ. e Returning tb Books Af fer Novelf y of TV- Club Speaker Stfates %t- Sèveril books of blography .v erè intérestingly reviewed by Mrs. William Junor of Toronto who addressed the Women's Cafiadian Club on Monday af- ternoon, Jan. 21, in St. John's Parish Hall. a.ç~ idenlt frra C. A. Wight l~~ed members and guests 'IoPêfirst regular meeting ini Sorne time. The club thls>.,seasori lhelcI a special open meeting in 1' I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I WHY FOR RECKLESSI DRIVING? My company aimeS. insur onIy careful drivers. As a re- suit, dlaims cons are lewer anid the savingsarae passed along te poicyholder in the ferre of iower coit insurance. Find eut today it you tan qualify for State Farre lesur arce as a careful driver. Jngt phone me. ft P" . keow yooe STATE FARIM Apm Dirk Brinkman Mill St. N. PHONE 36711 . Newcastle NEWCASTLE y eptenbér i Trliulty Unlt*¶ yChurch at which Dr. NEcClute Dspoke. Another, spécial évent swas the Birthday Party hald in Navember at thé Lions Centre, celebrating 25 yeats siné the club's inception. There was no J>cemnb.r meeting because 6f the extra meeting I September. Mr&. Wight contmented on these special meetings whlch 1have made for a most lxlterést- ing season thus far. She called on Mrs. Fred Stevens who in- troduced thé speaker, a jour- nalist and pat president of the Héhiconian Club. Mrs. Junor Is also a mémber a! the Womenm's Press Club and a piat exécutive member ai the Can. Authors' Association. She bas been re- viéwing bocks for Granite Club mémbers for many years. "Autabiography 4nd biogre- phy are my favorites," Mrs. Junor said. "For this aftémnoon 1 will nat touch an navels." When radio first carne in, thé speaker sald, publishers and 5thérs greetly fearéd the efféct thé new médium wofmld have on réading. After thé firat nov- elty had worm ai, however, thé sale ,of bocks became even greater, o!ten. asslsted by thé book reviews and publicity on radio. The same fears were held be- causé o! telévision, but again the navelty wore off, and sta- tistics show reading growing al thé time. The cost of producing books, however, bas incréased so that for a publisher and au- thon ta make any monéy on a book et léast 7,500 bocks have to be sold. Mrs. Junor drew attention to thé fact that tbough the rçtail price oi books may seem high, it has only doubled, wherea rent, fond any mnany offher items bave trebled. The speakc- er expressed lier falth in the continuance ai reading. "I dôn't think anything will su- perséde books," skie said. "In books we fibd wisdam, educa- tien and plesure." Before proceéding ta détail- ed reviews, Mrs. Junor men- tianed soame biographies pub-. lished last year, ineluding aà biagaraphy of Victor flugo by Andre Maurois, and the "King of Paris", the story of Alexan- dre Dumas (Pere) by Guy En- dore. Cmntdian autobiographies ré- donimended by Mrs. Junor in- cluded "Neyer a Day So Bright" by Kate Aîtken, memories of an Ontario childhood; "Memory's Wall" by Lady Eaton, and "I Brought The Ages Home" byý C. T. Currelly. In detailed revew, Mrs. Junor pve the story of "Lions In The Way" by Anne Wilkinson. The subi ect of this book is tile: Os- 1Cr family of whorn perhaps the béat known w&4 Sir William Os- lèr whose contributions to the medical field were of outstand- ing importance. Written iby a great-great- grand-daughter cf the first Os- 1er to corne to Canada from England, the book tells much of interest about pianeer lufe as sien by Featherstone and Ellen Osler who first settled at Te- curnseh in 1887 where Featherý storie was minister. Four of their sons became brilliant men and the book goes on ta teil o! their éducation and careers, with many amusing anecdotes. Mrs. Junar read înteresting excerpts from "Lions In The Way"'. "Les Girls" by Con- stance Tomkinson, the speaker also reviewed in some détail. This is the book written by the Canadian minister's daughter who became a member oi thé famed Folies Bergere in Paris. If the congregation had known what Constance was dôing in Europe, it would have béen scandalized, but no one but the family knew until she wroté a book about it a few months ago. Begun es an article for the Atlantic magazine, thé editor, Eciward Weekes, suggested that thé idea be éxpanded into a boo. "es irls" bas been bigb- lsuccsful in England and on this continent and movie ights have been sold as well. Mrs. Junor also necommend- éd "The Romance of a Great City" by Katherine Hale the story cf Toronto, and "Let's Ali Hate Toronto" by Jack MeLar- en. Mrs. Walter Reynolds fitting- ly tbanked thé speaker. Mrs. 1). R. Morrison presided et thé piano. A social balf-hour pré- cedéd thé meeting wlth mem- bers and guests being wélcomcd at thé docr by President Mrs. Wight. Oji Painting Is Subject Tyrone W.I. Tyrone Women's Institute met et thé hansje af Mme. Lorne Phare for their January meet- ing with Mrs. S. E. White pre- siding. The secretary, Mrs. Hen- r'y Staintonl, réad minutes. Sev- eral notes of thanks for cards sent were read. A motion to pay cll fees was passed. Thé secretamy read a New Yeer's greeting letter frorm aur provincial ps-esident. Plans were eomplétéd for aur démonstra- tion of making of sandwiches by thé extension service of the Institute. This will be held ir the hall %-i Fébruary 5th at 1:30. AIl ladies of Tyrone anc thé surraun ding cammunity are welcomné. Mms. White paid tri- bute ta ane cf aur valued memn- bers, Mrs. Oliver Eecl.etLt whc passeil eway recently. Rail caîl was impromptu speeches. Our guet speaker was Mrs. F. W. Jackson who spoôke on "'Oil Painting". Mme. Harold Skinner thenked ber for hem vcry interesting talk. C'roun leaders Mrs. George AI- dread and Mrs. Harold Skinner and their grpup served tee. Love for God and man Is' 'the true incentive in ,,both healing end teaching - Mary UK EW TELEPHUONE B100k ILL dR PuNIESOIN.. 6- - e yoUR L1I5TING - ~ ~ ~ ~ M -- - *XTALISTINGS, orl fti. e mt. maki -I. THE BELL TELPHONI -COMPANY 0F CANADA IN BUSINESS 1I0.. a. (JOOs stlting. ta show other &0rn names for your bines-to ausoiate your naine and ruidence telephone numaber with your &Mrrn=ie -or to show after-hour nurxber for you and your key enmployees. AT HOE!... Other niemberu of the famiiy and relatives, rooiners or boarderu would benefit from baving their namme listed! in the telephone directory. 1'lI..bt sur@ te check yeur direcl.vy rlght away. For changes and additions in the white pogs section - or the YELLOW PAGES - cati eur Business Office without do y. t s ) .7 PASS TECHNICIANS COURSE - Supply Technicians, traineci at the supply technicians school, RCAF Station, Ayimer, Ont., obtain practical experience in ail phases ai their Group i supply work before graduating ta carry out the actual assigniments in unit supply sections. Among the graduating students af SupTech Course 160, January il, 1957 were: 225972 LAC Lamne Hartley Sirnpson, Campbell- forci, Ont., and 1")3025 LAC Robert M. B. Watson, 29, whose wife Shirley E. Watson lives at R.R. 2, Newcastle, Ont. (his father Mr. Patrick H. Watson resides at 2005 East l3th Avenue, Bancouver, B.C.) Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones Mark I5th Anniversary Orina: On Saturdavy evez-inge DIc e' v'ut tri thèir 25th Wrdrding_ Annl\ýciz:arv ,January lSth, \J,, and Mlrs. Cecil Johes, Oronu, were plemsanfly surpr'.cd by around 150 friends and rieigh- bours gathered together in thé Oddfellow's Hall. The hall was tastefully de- corated* for the occasion wvitIn pink and wvhite streamers. A ta- blé was centred with a thrce- tiered wedding cake made by Mrs. Brooks Cowan and beau- tîfully decorated by Mme. Dor- othea Haines of Morrish. On each side ai the cake were can- dles and pink carnations. Mr. andi Mrs. Jones moved amanc thé gathering and after havinc, geeted each guest, were led, ta the strains af the Xed.. ding IVIamch, playcd bv Mrs. Everett Brown ta thé se2ats af honou:. , by Mrs. Wm. Glanville and Mrs. George Finnie. A cor- sage of pink carnations was pinned on thé bride and a car- nation bautonniere an the NESTLETON. groom. Mr. George Finnie wes thé jovial Master of Cerémonies and paid tribute ta bis iriends ai long standing. Mrs. Cowan read a well phrased address whicb was artistically copied (Intended for last week) Nestàeton W.A. met Thursday r t the home of Mrs. M. Emner- *son with president in chair and 13 ladies and one young lady rpresent. Scripture reading and ITheme wez-e Given by F. Sam. mnels, Devotional by Leona Sad- l1er. After the business G-ace a:!zý.1n gave a contes', wv-ich ~"swon by Gwcn Malcol-n. A dainty lunch was serve d byj fi - hostesses followingc the meet- in.Q A euchre party F'riday night at the Nestieton Hall xvas vzell attendcpfd. Scveral visitors from outside the local community were very welcome. Eleven full tables were played and priZe winners were, Mrs. Edna Gibsori, Carl Wright, Clara Johnson, Mrs. Chas. Gist and Bert Bowers. Sorry to hear that Mrs. John Prou t of South Nestleton who has,-b,-en ailing for a little time. suffered a b4d faîl, and passed away at Port Perry Mernorial jHospital Sunday evening, in her 92nd year. We extend aur sympathy to daughter Ruth, 5son !van and family. We hope Mrs. Chas. Fallis will soon recuperate from her recent illness. Also ail who have picked up a bug because of the extreme weather changaes lately. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson caîl- ed on lhe H. Porteous family and Oe h report Mrs. Porteous doing well. sefpene Harvey Malcolm and family ehi f called on Leonard Joblin Sun- wa tf day and Vic Malcolm family honor.1 visited his parents in Janetville. Oldemobil Miss Doris and Master Denis petg Ashton heiped Vernon Malcolm petg celebrate a belated 7th birthday ifloot envi, Friday evdring. The Canadian March of Dirnes Then TA] will shortly get under -way in the beaut, this community and the Black- in Aj stock O.N.O. Club have takentin A up the canvassing job. Liberal Ultra .resp£ contributions are requested for standard or this Poliomyelitîs Rehabilitation program and good fishing to that group of ladies who aren't____ afraid of work. Congratulations ta ex-reeve Wes Sweet on his acceptance of position of Deputy CIerk. tax uollector, etc. We wer2 sorrY ta hear that the council thought it nece-z.ary the nominal salary 0 p resent clerk. It seemns very ungrateful1 that*' he 29 some years of faith- ful zervice should resuit in his -tiprid eirgreduedChev1h Christiariitv miust begin at P£ IR I I holne q<iec : p ice 'in T Iby Mrs. Ross Gilbant. jA 52-piece chest o! 1847 Rog- ers Bras. Silvérplaté was then carried in by Glén Allin and a Krohler platform rocker by Brooks Cowan and Wm. Glan- ville. Aniong other gifts réceiv- ed was a china cup and saucer given by the Onano United Church choir o! which Mrs. Jones is a mémber. Mn. and Mrs. Jones express- ed their deep appréciation of the kindness shown them. A veny enjayable programme was then pravldéd, consisting of acardion music and sangs by Cecil White o! Port Hope. Two L.eautifully rendered solos by Glen Allin accampanied by Mrs. Workman wéré followed by two humorous readings by Mrs. Wm. McHolm, aunt of the bride. Carolyn Jones then sang a solo "True Lave". Speeches wére made by Austin Turner, Newcastle, Victor Cli- mea, Cobourg and Cecil Payne, Port Hope; ech éxpressing their good wishes and hoping Mr. and Mrs. Jones inight spend mnany more happy anni- versaries together. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Cas- well -were 4so an thé commit- tee but through illness were prevcnted ftrm being therê. An enjoyable lunch was serv- éd along with the delicious wedding cake which brought a véry happy evening ta a close. Mrs. G. Nesbitt Celebrates Her 8Oth Birthday A former résident of Cart- wright, Mr.s. Gea. Nesbitt, cele- brated ber Sth birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doak (Mabel) and daughter Dorothy, Orillia. Those present were ber son, Mr. Harold Nesbitt and M-s. Nésbitt and their sons, Gary and Rass, oi Bowmanville; Mr. and Mr5. H. Blyth Morrison (Mari oriè) and their daughtcrs Nancy and Heather ai-d M:. Brent Cairns, all af Leaside, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele af Nestieton. Several of hem Or-* illia friends called in the af- temnoon ta extend best wishtx-. Mme. Nesbitt was the young,- est ai a large famîly born t) the late 'Mr. and Mrs. John Prautt on the farm east af Caesarea now owned by Mr. Bowles and occupied ýb Mr. and Mrs. Agnew. O! this large family there still survives- a sister, Mrs. R. J. Barton, a bro- ther, Mr. Herbert Pmoutt and Mrs. Proutt, al ai North Vn couver and Mrs. Geneva PIroutt, widow ai thé late Gea. Proutt ai Caésarea. OBITUÀRY MIRS. HAROLD THERTELL Mrs. Harold Therteli o! 6 Anné Street, passéd away on December 30, 1956 in Memnonial Hospital, Bowmanville, after an illness ai almost two years. She wes in ber 42nd year. Besidés ber husband, Mrs.' Thertéli leaves ta mourn ber pessing, six children: Donna, 18; Wayne, 15; Jeanne, 13; Bruce, 9; Linda, 8; Joanne, 3. Also two brothers, Calvin Powell, Whitby, and F. W. Powell, Winnipeg, .Man.; and two sisters, Mrs. D. Gallogléy, Whitby, Mrs. A. Lony, Berkeley, Ont. Thé deceased was the former Dorothy Mildred Powell, dau- ghter of Mrs. Ada Powell and the late William Powell, and was bamn in Wiarton an October 16, 1915. Besides ber home and fam- ily, Mrs. Thertell enjoyed bin- go antd cards and her member- ship in the Tartan Club. Rev. T. A. Morgan canducted the funeral service an Wednes- day, Jan. 2, at the Morris Fun- eral Chape I when friends and relatives attended from Toron- Bellevilit, Cobourg. Port Hope. Bowmanviile Oshalwa. 0e Whltby. . . -TJM CANABUN sy-ATESIMIN. nowIL4xvmLr. ONTAIUC B alph S. Jones IBarr:ster and Solicitor RA 5-3525 Ohw * . . .$4.40 * e e * 2.50 * * * 'l-135 Corresponding fores from Intermedicte points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL Emmmmb ciirn GtYE ST! LIC E THMESEAT 0ForHONOIR somothlngaltogothor nsw bas hei added te Oldsmobllesa Moud lin@ of bêsutin * ..FIITAI Here'. the grean d giamour of hard-top stylingj added te * stton wagon living. Thora ara three fabulous Fiestas by 0liamobile 1 door cf an Oldsmobile. Seule yaur. nd the wheel. Suddenly you know éels like ta sit proudly in a Seat cf You've discovered what every le owner takes for granted ... the of driving thé most admired, thé ced car on thé road. LKE TH1E ROCKET TEST. Set ail y and luxury cf Oldsmobile in ina- flick cf the finger puts Jetamay >onsive 277-h.p. Racket T-400 Engin* gn ail models. e ~"'m& e e p e e e e e e e e.... Hydre-Matie eegerly et your service. The lighitest cf toe-touches rouses the hushed rnight cf the mast powerful Racket engine* in Olds history. Head for any open rcad and discover haw exhilarating this letest, liveliest Racket really is! Be aur guest, right sean! Came in and get the full ritary an the big-time performance, thé big. car v-alue cf <)Idsmoble-tlze car that couts less titan you Ihink. if's yaur year for Oldainobile. G r rolet w. NiCHOLS aOidsmobiie Cars m Chevroiet Trucks BOWNANVILLE SATURDAY EXCURSIONS TORON TO L0W FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good gaing and returnln-' scime Sctùrday only. PARE FROM: e Vugor Oil Company -u4 < JAnnounces . the OpLaning of a New Siervice Station tùrner cf Merivers Road andl 5th Concession Free lassware Civen Away with thé purchase cf 6 gallons or more of gasoline 11G111STANDARD 9 GAL. GASOLNE10c ineludint a VIGOR n 9 GAL. HIGH TEST 41 1IOC ineludîug fax Stove Oil available ln any quantity at thé station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS f vu vu TMMSDAT, :AIÇ. ftot M i pffl nuW to, Berkeley, Peterborough, Bronte, Richmond Hill antd Bowmanville. Many beautiful floral tributes carne from friends, relatives and neighbors, Goodyear Dept. 271 A & B, Local 189, Canadian Legion Branch 178, Legion Pipe Band, Tartan Club, Ontario Hy- dro, Bowm-anville High School, Brownies and Guides, Apsley Hunt Club. Palibearers were Messrs. Glen Thertell, Grant Therteil, Ray Therteli, Clarence Ther- tell, Charles Gallogley, Robert Lony. Interment was in Orono Cerne tery. MO 0NEY AVAILALE FOR 1

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