Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1957, p. 8

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I. - ~ -. - -~ -~ - -~ -w-w-w * At ft wsw Social andI Personal Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson of Kendal were recent visitors with Mis. George Smith. Mr. George Stevens of, Hornepayne spent the weekend visiting with his aunt and un- cie, Mi. and Mis. Dan Bernard. Mis. Clarence J. AllUn has returned home after spending a week with Mi. and Mis. Phil- ip Veitch and her new grand- daughter, Susan Louise, in Oshawa. Mr. F. L. Agnew and Mis. H. Eunter of Peterborough visited wîth their brother and siste.- in-law, Mi. and Mis. Gordon Agnew, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mis. Percy Tamb- lyn, accompanied by Mis. George Smith and Mis. Carl ~ A L EAK Y -IRL 33Z6- NEWCFRSTLE ce C. GGULD Heafing and Eavestroughing Authorized Chaico Dealer PHIONE Newcasil e 3686 Seiby viited ini Port Hope re- cently. Mi. and Mis. D. M. Bernard and Mi. George Stevenh spent Sunday visitlng with Mi. and Mis. I. C. Matthews and fani- ily in Trenton. Reeve J. H. Jase was in Co- bourg last week attending the sessions af the Unitedi Counti6s Council o! Northumberland and Durham. Mn. and Mis. Earl Weatheiilt and son, and Mr. William Fow- 1er ai Bethany were Sunday visitais with Mr. and Mis. Don- ald Bernard. Mr. and Mis. Ian Hecken- damn, Marilyn and Bruce ni Burford, wene Sunday visitons with M., and Mis. Gordon Agnew. Master Eric Bernard apent the weekend visiting with Mas- ter Randy Sallows in Bawman- Mn. and Mis. Gary Hutchin- son and son cf Toronto, were Sunday visitera with Mi. and Mis. Sidney Hutchinson. Mn. and Mis. C. R. Carveth attended the panty in honour cf the Golden Wedding Annîver- sany o! Mr. and Mis. Charles Best in Port Hope on Wednes- day. Flowers on the altan in the United Church pxi Sunday were placed by Mis. Smith in memn- oiy af her husband Mr. George N. Smith. Hold Canvass Bible Society Raises $150' The necent canvass canduct- ed an behalf of the Newcastle Branch o! the Upper Canada Bible Society îeali.zed $150.67 wbich is about $16.QO more than was îaised inothe last col- lection made in the village. Piesident Gardon Martin and the officers cf the Newcastle Branch cf the Society are most appreciative of the wark ai the collectais for their splendid work in 1956 and toalal who contîibuted sa geneîausly ta this mast worthy cause. Thase taklng part ini the re- cent canvass were Mesdames J. G. Godfrey, Wallace Holines, Charles Glenney, Betty Brown andi C. A. Cowan and Mera. Gardon Martin, F. LeGresley and Seldon Parker. I MEMORIA L ARENA A CT! VITIES PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAT, JANUARY 251h 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission- - - Aduits 40c, Students 25e I ntermediate %% ' Hockey Game ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAYI JANUARY 261h Port Hope Redmen Bowmanville w Orono Combines Admission....................Adults 75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children- -------------0e SPECIAL!-CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3th 12 years and under only 25e Aduits accoinpanylng childien 25e Junior "C" HOCKEY ai 8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAYI JANUAIT 301h Brooklin VIL Robson Pontiacs Admission----------Aduis50e Students - 35e Children - 25c TM~ CAKADIAY STATESAi.WM".zir ivnLE. 02A1O Activities of Year Features W.A. Meeting The January meeting cf the Woman's Association of the Newcastle United Chuîch was held in the Board Room on Thursday, January lth, wlth 24 menmibers in attendance. 0 The devotionai theme "The inspiration given by the New Year" was conducted by Mis. Wallace Holmes with Mis. Gar- net Rickard and Mis. H. Jose assisting with prayer, scripture reading and meditation. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mis. George Walton, the business peniod was conducted by the vice-president, Mis. Clarence Aulin, when reports Mothers' Polio March to be Thurs., Jan. 31 The annuai Mothers' March on Polio will be conducted ini Newcastle on Thursday even- ing, Januaîy 3lst, from 7 to 9 p.m., when citizens will be ask- ed to contribute to help stamp out this crippling disease. Though great stnides have been made in recent years in ne- search and control of the di- sease, there is stiil a great need to help those who have been crippled to become self-support- ing citizens. The local drive is being head- ed up by the Friendship Club and mothers desiring to help with the canvass are asked to contact the president, Mis. Stan Brown, or nieet with the can- vassers on Thursday at the Comnmunity Hall at 7 p.m. Citizens -an greatlyq assist this drive, not only with their generous contributions, but miro hy turning- on their parch light- to light the way of the march- ers between 7 and 9 p.m. ne--t Thursday evening. Friendshi p Club Holds First Meeting The Friendship Club held Ils first meeting ai the year on Wednesday evening in the Un- ied Chuîch Sunday School Hall wlth 20 memnbens and two vis- itais in attendance. Follawing a sing-song led by Mrs. Wilma Scatt at the piana, the president, Mis. Betty Brown, openeci the meeting with a short poem entited "Neighbours" and ail joined in singinig a hymn. Duîing the business part ai the meeting, plans weîe dis- cussed for caterîng ta the Liens Club Valentine Dance !in the Comniunity hall on Februany lSth, and a cormittee was named te niake the arrange- ments. Mi-s. M£arjanie Gray fa- voured the gioup wîth a îead- ing entitled "Giowing Old Gîacefully." Intraduced by Mis. Marie Pedwell, Mr. C. R. Carveth piojected the films o! the New- castle Centennial Celebratians which praved moat interesting teal ahpresent. Fallowing lhe pictures, re- freshnients wene served by membens of Group 1, who wene in charge of the meeting, and a social lime was enjayed. Lions Plan Ice Field Day In Local Arena The regular dinner meeting of the Newcastle Liens Club held at the Queen's Hotel anj Thursday evening was featured by the presence ai Mn. Norm Williams of Imperial Oul Ltd.1 as guest speaker for the meet- ing. Following an appiopniate in- troduction by Lion Frank Hoar, Mn. Williams spoke e! the in- fluence ai ail in Canada's de- velopment and, as an irtrodu>- tien te 1he film ta b. shown, on the contribution a! New- faundland ta the development of this continent. He remindeci the membens af the many iirsts of this island such as first white settleis in 1498; finit court oi justice in. 1615; fiîst trans-At- lantic wireless in 1901. first trans-Atlantic flight in 1919, etc. The film was a masterpiece ai phatography picturing the life of the autpast residents, the ruggedness ai the country and the vaniaus fruits ai the sea. It was the work of Crawley Films andi had been voteci the finest pictune ai its type in the year o! its production. The attendance at this meet- ing jusl fell short ai 100 per cent indicating tue interest be- ing taken by the memnbers in the service work ai the club. During a short business period, the annual Lions sponsoued Ice Field Day at the local anena was discussed. The date was eet for Satunday, Februiary A6th under the guidance af io Dik aie,-1-Lion weîe given by the various corn- mittees. The feature of the meeting was the reading, by the secretary, Mis. Garnet Rickard, of the annuai report of the ac- tivities cf the Association dur- ing the past year. As the mem- bers feit thene were a number of ladies who were flot able ta attend ini the cold weathen, who would like - to hean this most comprehensive report cf th-e year's activities, it was decid- ed thia report should be re- peated at a later date. At the close of the meeting, îefreshments were served and a social time was enjoyed by the members.. Highway 401 Bypass Village Through Lake Acconding to a Departmenl of H.lighways news release whicn appeared in this and other district newspapers re- cently, the new highway, 401, will bypass this village on Lake Ontario. No, we haven't taken leave of oui senses!! The article states in part "The Newcastle inter- change will be at Mill Street ihalf a mile south of the village". As Lake Ontario fonms the southern boundary cf the Vil- lage of Newcastle, the inter- change therefore, according tt the Department cf Highways release, will be constructed one hal! mile out on Lake Ontario. Actually, of course, the in- terchange will be constructec an property purchased by the department on Mill Street to the nonth cf Taronto streel which is about the geogiaphica) centre of the village. Spring and moons îated, Especially if ready mated. ) are over- you'ne ai- USE Spred Satin ON YOUR WALLS and Spred Lustre in matching colora for your woodwork, kitchen and bathroom. A large choice of beautiful colors to choose froni ABERNETHY'S Paint &Wallpaper 85 RingSt W., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5431 Save $1.00 Children's Strap Shoes Sizes 8%, to S Brown, Red, Black Patent- REGULARLY PRICED AT Sale priceci $3,95 Shoes and Luggage 15 King St. E. MA 3-5839 Bownianville <1k. //ewca4le Y4.p~w4e«~ lord. Âpsw, Edilor Phono 3121 Mrs. Geo. Carson New President Orono Choir Orona-On Wednesday even- ing, Jan. 16, the Orno United Chunch Choir held their anniual meeting in th. Sunday Schdal îoom ai the church after the regular chair practice. Eigh- teen membeis being present. The president, Mis. Carson, op- ened the meeting andi called on the cecretary for thse minutes of the last meeting which were approved as read' followed by the financial report fromn the treasurer. Report ai the Flower Fund given by Mis. E. Rainey show- ed a smaîl balance in that de- pantment. A nominating coin- mittee comprising Mus. Ralney, Mis. Rickaby and Mn. Mitchell then brought in a slate o! ai- ficers for 1957 with ail being elected ta office by unanimous vote. Choir officens fan 1957 as fol- lows: President-Mns. Geo. Car- son; Vice-President-Mi. Wns. Mitchell; Sec.-Teas.-Reg. Slut- ton; Organist and Choir Leader BLACKSTOCK The 20 and 30 degrees below' zero weather af iast week, then <sanie snow and drifting brought thp ladies cf the .N.0. Clun', te a decisian that they canvass, for the March ofi Dues anytime that they find it canvenient on or before Jan. 313t. They havj planned that sorneone wili cail on every home in the township. As 'n every ather locality the ladies are volunteering their time for this most worthy cause and we hope ail will be ready te receive theni cheer- fully and give financial assist- ance ta thLs rnarch agains h cippling conditions caused-u polie. Prize winners at the Men's! Club Euchre party in the Pan- ish Hall Thursday night were Mns. J. A. McAîthur, Mis. Hec- tar Shortridgeh Carl Wright, Harold Maityn. Door pnize, liarny Sandersan. Soiry te report Mis. Thris Bowman la in Part Penny Hos- pital with pneumania. Gale Farder and Anna Far- der, Port Perry, were recent visitons with Mi. and Mis. How- ard Farder. Church services were well at- tended an Sunday. Rev. H. E. Pellietier, Port Perry, took the service in the Anglican Chunch and it ia expected he wili be supplying each Sunday at il a.m. for a few weeks. The United Congregations have invited Rev. Phiip Rom- ei fnom Channel Islands as ondained supply untîl such time as canfenence exchange can be made transfeîing hini ta United Church Conference froni Eng- lish Methodist conference. He taok the services Sunday and expects they wili move into the Parsonage this week. Services are ta b. held next Sunday at Plackstock , 10 a.m., Caesanea 2 p.m. and Nestieton 3 p.m. Thiriy-six pupils oi the Un- ited Suriday Scheol received 1 awards for attendance dlurlngc1 1956 Sunday morning. Thirteen 1 af these received first year cen-1 tificates, the others weîe from second te eighth year regular attendance. Mi. and Mis. F. R. Lamb and son Howie, Miss Carol Lamb, Lindsay, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Thos. Smnith and Mn. Jack Shsith. Bill Thanipson spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mis. Ewart Leask, Taunton. Mi. and Mis. Lee Moffatt, Oshawa, visited 'Mn. and Mrs. Jack Rahm Suznday. Mn. and Mis. Arthur Rahm. Tyrone; Mr. Ross MeCann andi Miss Manie Haîkness, Oshawa,I weîe Sunday visitons ai thel Stan Rahm's. Mn. Neil Bailey, Mis. Velva Bailey and Mis. Jas. Parr, vis- ited Mis. Levi McGill, Peter- borough. Sunday. 1M. and Mrs. Will McLaugh- lin, Bunketon. is visitigte Rc-' McLaughiÉna. -Mis. M. Wonkman; Sec. Flow- er Fund-Mrs. E. Rainey; Lib- rarian-Mr. G. Cetter. Leaders of Sections: Sopranos -Mis, W. Irwin; Contraltos- Mis. C. Armstrong; Tenor- Don Staples; Bass-James Pol- lard; Convenor cf Social Coni. -Mrs. E. Rainey. Moved by C. AllUn, W. Mit- chell, that bill for cost of ne- freshrnents b. paid for 'by col- lection froni members present. Choir members then paid their annual membershîp dues te the Flower Fund Treasuner. Meet- ing adjourned followed by a social time with lunch being served consisting cf hamburgers and coffee. AU E. ffl spent the weekend in Dunclalk. Mi. and Mis. Robt. Horner attendeci the Nation~al Conciete Producers Association Conven- tion in Montreal last week and spent the weekend with -Mr. and Mia. Roy Barrabal ad Mr. and Mis. Robt.i Giner, Orono. Annual Congregational Meet- Ing of Oîono United Church is called far Monday evening, Jan. 28th, in the Sunday School auditorium. It will take the 7RSDAY, ZAN. m4th. 100 form ai a pot luck supper, com. piencing at 6:30 o'clock. There will be the shawing of a filr, then the business of the mett ing. W. are hoping ta have aUl reportsa mneographed and mi the hands of the memnbers 04 aur congregation by next îS4.ý day. This will expedite tUi business ai the evening, we hope as wefl as give ta each persan a permanent record of what aur church had attempted in1956. Thne Orono NewsI M&a Fan Ardron and son 'at Miss Sadie Brown's, wua Allan, Toronto,a Saturday takeri to Memorial Hospital on wlth Mr. anid = Madison Friday. Hall Miss Edith Sherwin spent Mr. and Mis. Jack Bryson Wednesday in Toronto. and girls, Coiborne, wlth Mrt. During the wlnter months M. Sherwin and Laurence. orono stores iU close at 9 P.m. Mr. and Mia.. Walter W0010yj on bth Frriday and Saturday Bowmanvilie, vlsited Mr. ana evenigs. Mms. Reg. Sutton on Sunday. Mr. .and Mrs. Roy McGlll, Congratulations to Mr. and Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mns. Neil (Jabe> George, the Mrs. Chas. Taylor Sunday. former Bonnie Adaroz, on -the Mr. and Mis. Ken Adami birth of their son, SaturdaY at adcide pn udywt Cobourg Hospital. Mand hldenspent.Sday withse Mis. Sid BarrabaU i iuted M.adMs .Aai oe her sister, Mis. George and neath. son on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. b. MacMli- Mr&. C. S. McLaren ls teach. liaof th Eighth Line, are in ing at Port Granby Schooi this Daytona Beach, Florida. weelc. Mr. and Mis, 0. W. Rolph Mr. and ýMis. Fred Hunter, are spending tliis week in Port Perry, and Mi. and Mis. Ottawa, Kingston and points Bert Ginn, Peteriborough, with south. Mi. and Mis. Harvey Ginn. The I.0.0.!'. held a Rally Mis. H. Salter, Hampton, and Ttirkey Banquet in hon- visited her sister, Mis. Chus. our af Thos. Wildey Wednes- Wood, lait Thursday. day night at their hall, catering Miss Miidred Holdaway, Peth by Heather Rebekah Lodge. erborough, visited her grandi Mim. Geo. Crowther and sons, parents, Mr. and Mis. Egerton Charles and Jamie, Newcastle, kIancock. spent Saturday with Mr. and Mr. S. E. Allin returned home Mrs. Chas. Wood. on Sunday from Memoriai Hos- Mrs. M. -Lunn and her class, pital, Bowmanville. whe have used the Sunday Mr. and Mis. Brooks Cowan Schaol of St. Saviouî's Anglican and Mns. Cecil Jones attended Church since the opening of the 50th Wedding Anniversary the school terra last September, ton Wednesday, Jan. lath, Of meved into their new îoom in Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Best of the basement of Orono School Port Hope, held at the home this week. cf their daughter and son-im- Mr. Albert E. West attended law, Mr. and Mis. N. McHolm, the funeral of his uncle, the Morrish. late Mr. Albert West, Beaver- Mrs. Manson Comstock, Bow- ton, last week. rnanville, Wvho ha been staying Mr. and Mrs. Cliii Cobper Unon and Federation of' Agriculture Thur... Feb. 7th 8 p.m. Community- Hall, Cavan This is a public monthly meetir>g of the Durham County Federation of Agriculture. The special feature will be a panel of Federation and Union_ îepresentatives under an impartial chairman. The panel will be condueted in a similar manner ta the TV popular programme "Fighting Words". Ladies bring lunch Host Faim Forum "The Cavan Blazers" -Coffes provided j' -I B *~ * GAS NOW W itho ut Heat Interruption AS LOW AS $13.50 a month Payable on yotw monthly gas bill Ask ons ai our many Satisfied Custamers CLEAN GAS Il "Fighting Words Farm ers Change to NATU'RAL LENNOX NATURAL CONVERSION BURNERS AND UNITS ARE NOW INSTALLED IN MANT BOWMANVILLE HOMES GIVING -ECONOMICAL QUIET SERVICE As Iow as $5.50 a nuanth Payable on your maathly tas bill Other niakes are also availablo c GAS CO. DEALER AUTHORIZED CONSUMERS 1 I Registered with the Ontario Fuel Board I 5King si. W. Dowmanville Phone MA 3.3348 . -. 4 . - . -& , e ý "q -e ý, - ' . ' - . * . . 1. . . . . * . ' 1, Imm ce

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