Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 8

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PAO! N~? ME- vV aj TEBU . NC&wrm THT3R8DÂY, »Jf. lOtb, 5W Land of Ye aBe vie ws Reporte di, SIatesmu ..IIuu7 àO M&ybt Nèlion 19. ôsborne and the 1956 Bowmanville Town Council wére sworn itot office at the inaugural meeting o! the year. Worshipfui Master Claré E. Allln and other officers o! the Jèrusalemn Lodge A.F. & A.M., No. 31, G.ft.C. were instalIed in office at the lodge's axinual St. John's Nifht. David Raymond "Dave" Mor- - isan, chie! ehemiat o! thé Sow- atanville Goodyear Tire and Rubbét Company Plant, tetir- eda!ter 4ô yrs.1 service. Hé fitst startèd with the àld Durham 1Rubber Company. Janitary 12:- ~"- r-e T\t lowé. 20 George Street, won $25 first prize in t_-_- jpdb11c ipèakià c6ntest lat gécàiifl&y achool students on the topie o! accidents préven- tion hèld in Oshawa at Ade- laide BousÉ. Coun. Tom Rehdèr was eleet- ed chairrnan oi thé Bowman- ville Recreati6n Department succeeding Claude IÇilmer. Mrs. George Bryce M.A., Ph. D., one o! thé foremôst mission- aries ta India was gucat speak- er at the annual Missiônary and Maintenance service o! St. Paul'a United Church. January 19:- Réeve Douglas Mâybée, Carnpbéll!omd, 'wus elected Warden of the United Counties o! Northumberland and Vur- harn on the fourth ballot. Kennetb Morris, secretary r'anagciY 6! the Bowmanvilè Chaniber ai Côffimerce, wab ztanied Cnada'É 'Mr. Shooting'ý by the Canadian Civilian Asso- ciation o! Marksmen. Don Williams was named president of the Bowmanville AdviEory Comnmittee ta the Canadian National Institute fer thwe Blind. Howard Jetfery was re-elect- ed as chairman o! the Bôwman- ville Public SchôOl Board. January 2è:- A frant page Statettman édit-. orîi censurèa thé Utitèd Coun- tift' Coufldil'a fiiluré te rèctify tht fri4htful éônditiôn ô£ thé iônmé fot the Aged in Côbôurg. TOwn Council deeided ta bud a nié - police cruisér follôwiàg ani accidènt which puat thé ld cruiser out ôt action. A. E. Môffatt, Flrât Princi- r ai, and ôthét otfldéts o! thé alestine Chapter, ftoYal Arvh Masons, ?Xo. 249 G.R.C., wère inttalled at the Bawmanville Masonic Hiall with a large at- tendance o! visitors from neigh- bouing Chaptema. iiarmy Cryclerînan was re- elected for a second term iaû chairman o! the Bowmanville 1-ospital Board. A capacity crowd atténded the fifth annual Robbie Burns' Supper s'aged by thé Legion Pipe Band. H. C. Rickaby, Ontario Depu- ty Minister o! Mines, was guest speaher at the Bowmanville I'en's Canadian Club. February 2:- Circulation o! adult books in the Bowmanvillé Public Lib. rary in 1955 sbowed an increase of 941 over the previous year, Librarian Y. W. Bower reported at the Library Boamd's annual m-eeting. Lt. WVilliam Brown, o! the £owmanville Citadel of the Saivation Army, was electeci L..aÀLan i ie Bowmanville cibizen committeé succeeding Alan Strike. Planis for a big central park- ihg lot holding 7â-100 cars were uiiLÂolded oy A. lh. Sturrocl<, chairman o! the Parking and T'ransportation Committec of the Bô6wmanvile Chamber o! Lormmerce. Don Laird won the Central Ontario Junibr Badminton titie and team-ed up with John Mai. son tO capture the boys' double crown. M.ambérship o! the Trinity Uinited Church bad increaged tr, 1,148 it was learned at the an- nual congrégation meeting. General Hospital by the Bow- nianvil.le Mefnamial Hospital. Kinsmen Quartet o! Kén Hockin, Ken Nicks, Irv Brown and John Graham were judged ',best-dréssed" at thé annual Intemclub Quartet Night ti Lindsay. Thé big social event 0f the school yea, the B.H.S."A Home" was well attended. February 23:- Ray Dudley, outstanding conLcrt pianis., Courtice. e- IIve d another higb honour 1: .sginvited ta play %w:ilth ý- -cwi. York Philharmnic Or- eheétra Ià Carnéglé Hall, March Bowrnanville Rotary Club's <'onedy, ..Nothing But The T'ruthu, was a roaring succe.s- with lar-ge crowdis in attend- #nC*. i ( Major John W. Foots, V.C., M.P.P., announced that hé would attend the 1Oth anniver- sary observation o! the Vic- toria Cross la London, England. Muich 1:- Over 200 mémbers of the Masonic Order attended the Ontario A.F. & A.M. Divine Service, héld at Ttinity United Church. à0wmanville Intérmediate "A" garons weré drapped !rom playofi contention aftér being de!eated 4-1 gamés la a closely fougbt Lakeshore hockey senu finals with Cobourg. Albert Cormack, président o! the Ontario Farmers' Union, was guest speaker at a banquet arranged by Local 75 in the Cavan Community Hall. March :- Town o! &owmanville tax rate was increased by 13 mills for 1956 due ta higher school and county rates and thé total rate now stood at 60 mills. Fifteen World War 1 veterans who have been members o! the Bowmanville Canadian Legion since it was !ounded 25 yeams aga received 25-year pins at a well-attended zone rally in the Legion Hall. Thirty Practical JournAlismn students frbrn Ryëmson Insti- tute of Téchnology conducted a survey o! the reading habits o! Durham County. March 15:-. Town Council léarned framn Queen's Park, Toronto, that in- copration o! the town o! P-owmariville did not go ÙIno e!!ect until 1858 although the request was approved in 1857. Accardingly the Centennial Celebrations were o!ficially set for 1958. Good songs and lively per- formances by the four end men kept the seventh annual Lions' Minstrel Show rolling at a good pace. Mrs. Eugenia Dumas Frazier, Springfield, Vermont, who is famous for hem active an-d agile birthday stunts, rétumned ta her rativé Bôwnlanvile ta celébratê her 90th birthday. Johrn Regan, TéntpéràtCe Street, waS appôlatèd Chié! Observer, Bownianville Detach- ment, 51st Ground Observer Comp. Bowmanville Rotary Club volunteered ta d o n a t e the bleachers, scoreboard and dug- auts, at the new Vincent-Mas- Bey Basebaîl Park. O.M.H.A. Juvenile "IB" finals between Bowmanville, Legion- naires and Winghamn was créa'.- ing an unprecedent ticket tur- moul and resulted in earlvy morning line-ups and the tele- phone system being jammed. Mareh 29:- Bowmanville Légionnaires brought Bowmanville its !irst Ontario championship in 10 years after a bard !ought final series with Winghamn. Over 1500 fans turned out for each home/ game. Miss Rena Dilling, 19 Alex- ander Ave., was chosen "Qucen o! the Bail" at the annuàl Teen Town Easter Prom. Simpkin Marine Manufactur- îng of Bowmanville, displaycd two o! its exclusive line o! boats at the Canadian Sports- man Show, Toronto. Ed Summners, Durham Agri- culture Representative, guided the Durham County seed judg- ing team to its 26th cor-Qecutive championshiP, April 5 - Ray Preston, star'défenceman with the Bowmanville Juvenile Légionnaires hockey team was drafted into the Detroit Red Wings' farmm systém. Joe Highfield, a civic cm- ployee for 35 years, was pre- sented with a $100 cheque la recognition o! bis conscientiaus and efficient work during the three and anc-bal! decades. Artbur Yammer, Hampton, was chosen by the Bôwmanville Rontamrub to a M ttend thé 1956 h e Sa-- Vaccine was ad- minis'tered ta 7,350 scbool age cbildrén in the United Counties o! Northumberland and Dur- Arch Mésons of Canada. Bowmanviflè Branch 6f thé Canadian Légion défeatéd North Bay four straight tô wi the Ontario Cribbage Cham- pionship. May 10 - Annual Bowmànville High School Cadet Inspéction brougbt words of praise. fromn the inspec- tion party of Colonel McLaugh- lin, Colonel Wotten and Lt. Done. Wayne Therteli and Dar- la Marie Palmer were judged as the outstandifg cadets on parade. Bôwmanville Boy Scouts an- nual Father and Son banquet was well attended with over 300 enjoying a fine meal. Arena Management Commit- tee chaired by Bob Watt receiv- ed speclal congratulation frôm Town Council for'their splen- did wôrk during the wlnter. Over 600 school children were gue'sts of the Toronto Interna- tional League Basébaîl Club at Maple Léaf Stadium. . Council, service clubs and Chamber of Commerce aranged the trans- portation. May 17 - Bowmanville Badminton Club celebrated its 25th anniversary with many charter members in- cluding charter president Ross Strike attending the dance. Don McGregor was élected k resident of the Bowmanvile Kinsmèn club for 1956-57 suc- ceedmng Lionel Parker. Bowmanville Choral Society won top honours at the Peter- bôrough Kiwvanis Music l'esti- val. Many citizens atteftded the Open House at the Bûwman- ville Memorial Hospital. May 24 - Bowmanville Brookdale Roses topped off the officiai opening of the new Vincent Massey Basebali Park by blanking Lindsay 5-0. Opening ceremon- ies included a parade through town and speeches from town officiàls. Miss Janèt McGrégor, Seu- gog Road, won three cholarthips tôtalng $330 in ber firot year Arts Course at Queen's Univer- Éîty. J. E. (N4éd) Réhder, éldest son 6f Mr. E. Rehdér, presidenit of Canada Iron Foundriés LimiLed, Quebec. William James, managing editor, Canadian Statesman, was elected President of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper As- sociation at the annual conven- tion. Ma.y 31- Arthur J. Trebilcock, a native of Bowmanville, was appointed the first paid president of the Toronito Stock Exchange. Mrs. Victoria Frank was hon- ored at the annual Mother and Daughter Banquet of the Bow- manville Girl Guide Associa- tion on her retirement as Dis- trict and Division Commission. er. She had served in these of- fices for 13 years besides acting as camp commissioner which position she still retains. June 7 - Work was started on the new provincial park located in th-3 south-west corner of Durhami county. United Counties voted ap- proval to the building of a new Home for the Aged to be locat- ed in Port Hope but this move was rescinded at a later date and subsequently shelved. June 14 - A 24-month controversy was finally brought to a head with the announcement that Muni- cipal Garbage Collection would soon ibe established in Bow- manville. Don Fairbairn announced that bis weekly I'Neighbourly News" broadcast June 24 would orig- mnate I Newcastle and feature the town's centennial celebra- tions. Juné 21- Thirty-eight of the 63 nurses who1 grdu#te --ro 4the old- Bowmanville Salvation Armv was promoted to the rank of captain.9 ha.JuIy 5 -f Thé dim and distant pas! o! April 26- Newcastle was vigarously ré-È Herbert "Deac"' Goddard, livéd in thé villages thréé-day Cburch Street, was électcd Lion centennial célebration. Hun-e Deputy District Governor O! dreds o! former residents ast Zone 10 and District 3. wcll as intérésted visitons tram1 Norm O'Rourke was electéd near and afar were on hand 1956-57 président o! thé Bow- for the thrllhing histarical évent. manvîlle Lions Club succceding Highlights o! thé celebrathon V ffly Bradén. included thé official apening, a L:iree s;ýtrndpd t-hP- pectacular cos-tume parade. spe-r 3rd annual Sprîn, Conct fo! cial church cervices. athletic1 tile Iowmanville Choral 'ýOcie- évents, novelty cantésta, Lions' Ly. Carnival, and band concerts. E A record crowd attended theà Ma&y 3 - Dominion Day conînîunity pic-i Ilak-ry G. Freemnan was ac- nie sponsored by the Bowmaa- i clajimed Grand Supériiîtendent ville Recréation Department .it' o! thé Ontario, District 10, af thé Cneam o! Bariey Park. A the Graad Chapter of the Royal parade from tii. centre? town1t atarted off the program of races, bicycle rodeo, bingo, gyma- naut display and thé day was brought to a colourful close with a giant aerial fireworks display. Five Bowmanville play- grounds started their summer activities under the guidance of trained supervisors. juIy 12 - The renowned Earlscourt Salvation Army Band, Toronto, presented an enj'oyable "music festival" i.n the Town Hall. H. C. Dôwnharm Nursèry Compàny announced the sale o! land to the Brêwers' Retail As- sociation with the erection o! the warehouse beginning im- mediately. N'estle&on Women's Institute celebrated its 50th anniversary with a well-attended banquet in Nestîcton Comrmunity 1-all. JuIy 19 - Durhamn County District High School Board announcéd that most o! the complaints with the construction of the Bowman- ville Hîgh Sehool addition have been adjusted by J. B. Parkin Associates, the archi- tects, and Bradford-Hoshal As- sociates, the building contrac- tors. bowmanville L.O.B.A. Pine Ridge Lodge Nô. 1291 and L.. L. ?urple Guards 2384 of Bow- manville were winners o! the best Fife and Drumn Band at the colourful celebration of the Battle of the Boyne in Port Hope. Ronald W. Todgham, son of Bowmanville partnts, was ap- pointcd prcsidcnt of Chrysier Corp. o! Canada. July 26- After being rained-out on two occasions, the Bowmanville Lions Carnival proved to be an outstanding success even though both of the cars were again won by out-of-town residents. Feature of the carnival was the Coiborne Bugle Band and Drum Majorettes. P. R. Cowling wàs appoint- cd Grand Steward of the Grand Lôdge of Canada in the pro- ic o! Ontario. George Licope. curator of, the. Mons *%ar Museum visited, Bôwmianville tairenew acquaint- ance with Major .0e O*Neil, August 2- A survey of the current crop position for Durham County as expressed by Ed Summers, Agriculture Representative, in- dicated a gerieral improvement over earlier estimates. Bowmanville Recreation De- partment's anhual Penny Fair was bigger and better as five playgrounds joined together for an everying of fun for bath adults and children. Highlights1 of the evening was the giant costume parade with over 300 particîpating. Fîre brigades from six neigh- bouring communities met in a co-ordinated test o! line laying at Orono. August 9 - Announcement was made that thé plush ultra modern Venture Inn motel would be built at the Duke Street entrance ta Bowmanville. David Winters, rctired BA Oil executive, will be the owner. Kenneth Morris, secretary- manager of the Bowmanvllle Chamnber of Commerce, was ap- pointed General Manager o! thei five men Centennial Manage- ment Committee. Rehoboth Christian Reformtd Church Choir won first prize ini its division at the choir festi- val of the Christian Choir As-q sociation o! Ontario. Coun. Jack Brough announc- ed that a $6,000 sidewalk pro- gram for Bowmanville was im- mediately going into effect. Bowmanville Girl Guides re- turned home after an enjoyable1 summer camp at Pigeon Lake. The annual Civic Holiday programa at the West Beach WaS an outstanding success. August 16- August 23 - Annual carnival o! thé Bow- manville Branch o! thé Cane-. dian Légion was a markéd suc- cess. A talentéd variety pro- gram and thé draws for the Légion and Kinsmen car cli- maxéd thé évening. Donald Williams, Churcb Street, was appointcd Assist- ant Supérintendent a! the On- taria Training School for Boys, Bowmanvllé. F. O. McIveen, well-known former manager o! the Bank rif Montreal branch Bowmanville, died at thé age o! 72. A full wéék's program o! évents and contents marked thé succéssful cômpletion o! the playground séason la Bawman- ville. August 30 An acrors thé lake cruicé ai- mios ended in tragedy for twa local men, Ken Nicks an-d Bot Tai t, as 15-foot waves thréat- encd ta swamp their 19-foot sloop but fortunatély thé men wére able ta keep their cri!t afloat and arrive safely inta Bowmianville barbour. Construction o! a $,0,0 twelve inch ateol tranasùâon pip>e to carry natural gaz te the Oshawa - Whitby - Bowmanviile a¶eas was starled. Excellent weatber, good crowds and fine exhibits pro- vided one o! the finest fall fairs in Cartwright history at Black- stock. Rev. G. E. Leno fomrnery of Campbellfard, tobk over the pastorate o! the Pentecostai Church. September 6 - An unexpected 1,215 public achool students enrolled on opening day rn~uch ta the dis- concernment o! the Bowman- ville Public School Board who estimated that there would be 1,170 students. Police Chie! A. R. Randail, Newcastle, was bired on a full time basis as Newcastle Council, afier a storm a!o pro- test, reversed their previous de- cision. Bowmanvîlle Town Council agreed to submit the Town Manager question to the elec- torate in the faîl. September 13 - Dr. Robert B. McClure, re- nown Asian missionary worker, was guest speaker at the open meeting o! the Women's Cana- dian Club in Trinity United Church. Rev. T. M. Dustan, B.A., B.D., Bowmanville born Anglican missionary, received the Doc- tom o! Divinity Degree at Trn- ity College, Toronto. The annual Orono Faîl Fair enjoyed another success!ul day although several farmers were Loo busy harvesting crops ta attend. Bowmanviile Memorial Arena opened its door for the 1956-57 season o! skating activities. Rev. Harold Turner accepted and dedicated a new pulpit and chairb at St. Paul's Unitedi Chu rch. Rev. A. G. Scott conductedi the dedication o! a Memorial Electrie Organ at St. Andrew 's Preshyteriai. Church. Septemnber 20 - The Charter Night o! th e Bowmanville Kinette Club \vas held in thé Balmoral Ho tel wvifh the Bdvmlanville Kinsmn m-cting, as hosts and insutalling the Kinet'te officers into offier. ,8evei-aI local dignitaries were present for the ceremony. Maple Grove ousted Courtice 2-1 in games to win the Dam- lington Football championship. li. M. Hollingshead Plant an- nounced the installation o! a new beating system. which would eliminate the long stand- ing smoke nuisance. Norman Bottrell, well known native o! Bowmanville received his 45-year service pin and now bas the record of having the longest Goodyear Canadian service in the New Toronto Plant. September 27 - Long standing rivalry o! thé Bowmanville Barons and Orono Ophans Intermediate hockey clubs camé ta an end with the announcément that these two teams would join forcés for the coming Lakeshore seasons. Bowmanville "Brookdale" Ro- ses Intermediaté baseball club bawed out o! further O.B.A. playoffs atter a disputable scr-' les with Milton. Mrs. Edna Anderson was elected Grand Matron o! thé Grand Chapter o! Ontario Or- dem o! the Eastern Star. This marks the !irst time that a Dur- ham Chaptér membér has hcld this honour. A total of $4,469.50 was ais- cd la the blitz canvass o! the Womén's Auxiliary o! the Bow- manville Mémnorial Hospital. Garry Humphrey was elect- cd président o! the B.1{.S. Stu- dents' Council after a bard fougbt campaign with bis op- panent Doug Cattran. Courtice defeatéd Enniskil- len ta win tbe Darlington Jun- ior Soccer championship. October 4 - The anc bundredth anniver- sary a! St. John's Church was a mémorable occasion. Gués! speaker at the Harvest Festi- val was Rev. T. M. Dustan, B. A., B.D., wbile Canon R. J. Sbires, M.A., B.D., spoke at the evening dedication o! the chimés given in memory uf Rowland Moss Cale. Coulson Pitt resignèd as fore- man o! the Bowmanville Roads 0ctébér 18 - Rév. Warren N. Turner,* for- mer Bowmanville rectar, was gucat speaker at St. John's An- glican Church. Kenrieth Brooks, Bowman- ville, was anc o! thé six boys chosen ta attend the 4-year course. at the General Matai-s Institute in Flint, Michigan. Octobér 25 - Char-les Cattran, Plant Mani- ager o! the Bowmanville Good- year Tire and Rubber Companiy Plant, announced that a $1,200,- 000 addition o! building and equipmént would be made ta the local plant. Mayor Nelson Osborne ignit- cd the flare ta start the con- version program to, natural gas lin this area. Over 150 parents and special guests wcré on hand for the annual meeting and dinner ù! the Bowmanville Boy Scout Association. Frank Crydcrman's black- smitb display at the Interna- tional Plowing Match, Brooklin, was an instant crowd-pleaser. Jim 'Ticker" Crombie was appointed coach o! tbe newiy formed Bowmanville - Orono Combines. Frank Jamieson and 1-esper Dean continued as Co- managers. u The grand opening of the Sa- lina Community Hall was a memorable occasion featuring high calibre entértainment fol- lowed by delightful dancing. Navember 1 - A seven car C.N.R. gravel train smashéd lato the caboosýe o! a stationary work train 300 yards east o! the lével crossing on the Wharf road causing a severe derailment. Only the en- gineer was hurt as he jumped tram the train a split second before thé crash. David Williamns won the Bow- manville Public School speak- ing contest followed by Mermi- dy Mutton and Janet Scott. Tîrcd but proud Bowman- ville Rotaians and their wives returnéd home trami Toronto !ollowlng their district conven- tion at the King Edward Hotel. Dr. George Milleqr, National Director of the Blood Donors ,Scrvice for the lRed Cfoss for Canada and a former Bowmein- v-ille Lion, wa5' guest speaker at the Lions' Club mieeting. November 8 - Sydney Venton, Bowmanville Police Chie! for 28 years, ask- cd ta be relicved o! bis duties as police chié!. Town Council decided ta advertise for a new chie! and tao! ffer Chie! Ven- ton the newly-!ormed position o! Desk Sergeant. Lloyd Quinton was appolatéd new works foreman of the Bowmanvillé Roads and Streets Department. Tlhe annual Darlington Foot- bail Cup Présentation and Dance, held in the Newcastle Communhty Hall, was well at- tendeci. Thé present Ncwtonville Un- ited Church celebrated its 25th anniversary with thé original church dating back ta 1824. A f ire completcly destroyed a historical landmark barn back of the Queens Hotel in Newcas- tic causing ovér $10,000 damage. November 15 - Wilfrid Carruthers won thé Apples Sweepstake for the sec- ond consécutive yéar a! thé Royal Wintér Faim. Ontario Municipal Planning Board béld a bearing ta consi- der thé request ta annex Lot No. 8, Darlington, ta thé Town o! Bowmanville. No opposition was voicéd. Charles Osborne was elected nrezident o! thé Mén's Canadian Clýu. Novémber 22 - David W il1i a ms, Silver Street, won thé Eastern Ontario Public Scbool spéaking contest héld la Havelock. An overflow crowd o! parents and students wéré present for thé annual Bowmanville High Sehool Commencement Exér- cises. Allan Porter delivéréd the Valedictory addréss. Bowmanville's population bad incréased by 254 and stood at a total o! 6,634 according to thé 1956 census figurés mleascd by Assessor Clarence Oke. Thé 35th anniversary o! thé Bownianville Woméen's Cana- dian Club was marked. ad treets Departmént with Novémber 29 - thé intention o! accepting a Mayor Nelson Osborne, Reeve similar position in Part Hope Sidney Little, Deputy-Reeve wil- but hé later decided ta take frid Carruthers and councillors a privaté business position witlî Lloyd Preston, Keith Lathaîi- Municipal Paving and Spray- gué, Jack Braugh, and David ing. Higgon all retumncd ta office by Herbert Richards retiréd atter acclamation at thé Bawman- 46 years' service with Goodyear ville Nomination Meeting. The Tire and Rubber Company and two councîllor vacanciés neces- in doing so set a record for thé sitatéd an additional Nomina- longest léngth o! continuous tion meeting. Milaon J. Elliott service with Goodyear Coin- was acclgimed ta anothér two- pany, Canada. year term as a mémber of the Anctber long termi Goodyear Public Utilitiés' Commission. service caréér that came ta a Bob Kent, Rance Dillîng and close was that o! Reg Harding, Norm O'Rourke were elected wbo also retired. by acclamation ta thé Public Over 800 scboal-age athîctes Scbool Board. joined in the eighth annual Reeve Roy Nichais, and De- Junior Police Games héld at the puty-Reeve Garnét Rickard Ontario Training School for bath returned by acclamationi Boyi, Bowmanville. ta the Darlington Council. AI- Ian Tbonmpson and Earl Truil October Il - filléd two a! thé thrée council- Town Council and exécutive lor seats by acclamation. Leslie members 'o! thé Bowmanville Coombes was acclaimeci ta anc Chamnber o! Commerce hcld a a! thé two scbool board seats. joint dinner meeting ta réview Thé Dedîcation Service o! thé thé past year and ta discuss the néw Rohobatb Christian Re- mnany problems involved li ci- !ommed Church was held Nav- vic administration. ember 21 witb a capacity crowd Several attractive displays of church mieinbérs and local !eatured the annual Arts and resýidcnts prcýent. Crafts displav of the Bowman- Bowmanv Illr Rota'.lars were ville Recréation Départiment. 'veekend hosts to foreî.rn stu- Thie posý;tton o! Mi-s. Bertha dents frnmn- thé Unîversît'î of .Mom" Wbyté and hem fosttr Toronto. home was clarified a! an open meeting calléd by United Coun- Décemnber 6 - tics' warden D. R. Maybee. Hon. W. A. Good!ellow, Cobourg Collegiate won thé Minister of Agriculture for On- annual Tri-school méet %vith tario.' was guest speaker at thée Port Hope second and hast Bow- annual pot luck supper o! thé manville. third. *'Durham Federation of Agrieul-I ture. gowiMenvW. eIglgh Schôel students presersted a total of six delightful play& that réceiv- cd mucli praise Iom the audi- ences at each «- the fivé per- formancés. Thé choir and band also toak a part in the pragram. Simpkirt Marine Manufac- turing announcéd that they would bé movlng ta a new lo- cation in Campbell!ord. J. H. Jase was elected reeve a! Newcastle with council seats being fifled by Fred Couch, Frank Hoar, R. B. Riekard, and Ross Dickinson. E. W. Fisher, Mrs. Pauline Storka, and Gar- don Gray were re-elected ta the Sehool Board. Many eivic officiais and guests weme present for an open house tour a! the new Brewers' Retail store followed by a buffet lunch. Décémber 13 - Bowmanville Senior Citizens weme guests at a Christmas par- ty given by Club 15. Ninéteen o! the 80 add guests were over thé age o! 80 years. O. J. Presson was acclaimed ta one of thé two remaining Bowmanvile Town Council seats at a poorly attcnded nomination meeting. Bowmanville Choral Socety were praised by the large audi- ences at the annual Winter Concert. Bob Kennett was presented witb a set o! pipes by the Bow- manville Boy Scout Association in appreciation o! the years he lias served the Association as secretary. Over 4,000,000 pounds of flue- cured tobacco was produced in Durham County. flesber 20 - I Jim Firth was re-elotted pn. aident o! thé Canadian LegioN Bawmari'ville Branch, for a sec- ond terra. It was estiniated th~'h 1960 Bowmanvullé Public' Board wil require the 'usf o aine more roomas than they (are naw occupymng. December 27- Wesley Fice, Queen Stret was clected ta thé sixth and final councllor seat o! the 1957 Bowmanviile Town Council Three nomination meeting were requireci before ail seats were filied. Higgon Eléctnic was the firt winner o! the President's Tro- pby donated by Elmer Baniing ta thé Bowmanville Chamber o! Commerce. This traphy will bé présentéd yearly ta thé beat decorated store duringi the Christmias season. Don Wilcox, 58 Lamb's Lape, was the winner o! thé Chambér o! Commýrce Christmas Home Decoration Contest for the sec- ond consecutive year. Employees o! the Bowman. ville Rural Branch, Ontario Hydro, completed 1,000 days free o! lost timcedue to accidents and la doing sa won thé award for leadership in the field of s&fety. Mixéd opinions wére express- éd by various United Counties' officiais on the new fixed as- sessment program ta be adopt- cd by Port Hope. Shakespeare and Aberdeen After Shakespeare paid si visit ta Aberdeen, hé wrate: "Who steals my purse, steala trash." itiakev t'ioey fomake goocl gavolirie Gesoline quality habre s temendouslln the ?gelt few yars. Two gaftons of today's g.seù' do the work of thre ln t he '208. Finding nêw techniques to moa thete lmproved gésolines, ond new .quipmeont to pot thêse techniques to work, hos cost a lot of monay., imperlia, wlth by for Canada', Most extensive 011 rerch facilitles, haotspent 20 million dollars ever the ?ait ton poars on research nions. Imporitli spnt 65 million In the me perlo<J directil on new equlpment to Improve gasolins quilfty. If's cestiag motoe nd more money f0 make the gasolines requtrd 6v odoy's more powerfuf Carm IMERIAL OWL IUMIIt m .'. J '4 .4 'I SI --f ..w6-èý . p

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