Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 5

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j . - I - - -VKURSDAY. TAN. lth. 1957 TECANADIAN STATF.SMA!f, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE VIV Two Candidates Contest Wardenship of Counties L, week, it was announced from Cavan was also a Hoaton, thaRt e ut-Reeve Gamnet B. George Hooton, an uncle af the Riclràp Darlington Town- present candidate, who serveci aMhp WSNId be in the running as warden 26 yeams ago. for tbe Wardensbip af North- Darlingtan Township, al- umberland and Durham Courn- though the distrîct's higbest ties. It would appear now that popuiated townshie, bas neyer at least one other candidate is peviously hari a warden ai the in the field. Reeve Lloyd Hoot- LGnited Counties. on, QI Cavan Township has also Counties Council wili mect ced bis intention ai seek- the third week oi Januamy when bghest position in Coun- the important election for War- ti ncil. rden will be beld. At present, it tually, bath men have does flot appear probable that been campaigning for severail the fîrst session of 1957 will be weeks and it is unlike ly that h eid in the new Counties build- any other. entries will allosv ing. their names ta stand at this late date. It is understood that Reeve Sidney Little of Bow- KENDAL manville bad considered enter- iag the race, but changcd bis- (Intended for last week) mind recently. Bath canteatants are farmers Miss Catherine Stewart is witb considemable experience spending the Christmas holidays in municipal affairs. Mr. Rick- in California witb friends and ard's career was outlined laàI relatives. week. Mr. Hooton is this year Mn and Mrs. Milton Rob- celebrating bis fourth year as inson liad dinner with Mr. and Reeve af Cavan. He was Deputi- Mrs. Lloyd Glass on Christmas Reeve for tbree years and, in Day. ail, bas campleted seven years Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass had on council. He bas also served supper witb ber sister and on school boards and was elect- fanily, Mr. and Mrs. Norie ed ta, the executive of the On- Gohieen on Christmas Day. tario Municipal Association Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster last August. The last warden and family enjoyed Christmas ____, dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Staford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Witby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestie Granites and Marbies in stock. Foster and family. Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Swam- bricks family met at ber borne for Christmas dinner. Mrs. Swaxbrick's granrison, David Roughley and Fred Anderson, stayed witb ber tbe rest ai the w eek. Edjie Couroux's people were here for Christmas and bis mother and father planned ta stayi the wbole week. Mr and Mrs. Dean West en- joyed Christmas with Mr. and Mirs. Jack Stapleton. Merle Stapl2ton wbo bas been work- ing 'a Oshawa, was home for the ýýhristmâs holidays. Mr.. Allen Foster, rr. Ida MarlEtte and Jane. iný Teeter- ville with friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs. Roy Mercer William Macready chalks Up two ienefits f rom progress High school teachcr William Mfacrcady peaks with authority about progress in the vitally important field à education. "*Today's improved schools,," says Mr. Nbcready, "are the resuit of years of planning, research and experintnt. Modern buildings and equipment make for more effcctive instr1ution. New teaching meth- ods help students develop new skills ancextra-curricular interests. Today, the teacher's task is more gratifykig than ever." In another field, mcn like Macready ao benefit fromn progress in a way vitally important to their fanilies. . . life insurance. Family men are making greater use (f its servces than ever. Today, life insurance representatives are ltter trained ta hclp you. Group in surance has brought ncw securi4' to millions. And many restrictions on ohtaining life insurance hive been removed. in t/iese and othîer wvY, the hf e insuiraKce comipanies keep pace with the march of pro grcss. iNEW INFORMATIVE 32-PAGE BOOKLE - Just published, i informative bockiet givng up-to-dote fats and figures about hite nsurince in Canada. For free capy,rite ta Room 1000, 1 302 Bay Street, Toronto. THE UIFE INSURANCE COMMUIES IN CANADA L-6561 VIGO OUL and fazily weat to Beavertar P N YP O for Christmas. I O T P O Mrs. Luxon spent Christmas with ber daughter, Mrs. Lorne Intended for last week) Martineli.1 Christmas was here and is Mr. and Mrs. Ktay Martinel gene. with its usual festivities, and famnily spent Chri.stmas i Christmas trees, get-togethers witb Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mar-1 and turkey dinners. The children tineil. excelled themselves at the Mrs. Joe Martineli ta Mr. variaus school concerts and the and Mrs. Lamne Martinelis at teachers and pupils are ta be Christmas. complimented an their fine en- The mother and brother of tertaiflmeflt. # Mrs. Perey Burley enjayed Dances were the main enter- L.hristmas ainner with Mr. and tainment on New Year's Eve Mrs. P. Burley. Earl Burley with a gala show in the Orange' and family were also there. Hall. Other dances were held Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Pakden on Friday at Ballyduff and Sat- and Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. urday in Pontypool. We extend; Kenneth Saper, spent Christ- ta al aur very best wishes for mas Day at Mr. and Mrs. Bert 1957.i T1hompson's. Mr. Rager Moses wha has Miss Selina Therteil spen+ been with the R.C.A.F. for sev- Cbristmas in Bowmanville with eral years has taken bis release. ner nephews. 1 With bis bride of a few months Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mille r he will farm with bis father, and family spent Christmas Eve here. with Mr. and Mms. AI Stevens Nwae Mr. and Mrs. reArhedd, and family, Oshawa. Nwasl;Mr ndnd Aci Mr. Endersby, the janitor a, Whitmee, Osbawa, and Mr. and oý1Mms. Laurence Goddard, Bow-~ Bowmanville 1-igh Sehool, pass- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. J.1 ed away on Christmas Day. Pye Mrs. Harold Therteli passed MPayn r.Eme or away on Sunday, Dec. 30. iNorwood: Mr. and Mms. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Soper Worr of Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. andi Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomp- Fred Youngman witb Mr. and son were in Orillia on Friday Mrs. Alvin Olan. af last week ta cali on Mr. and Mmr. and Mrs. St. Clair Dam- Mrs. Roy Kean. mach spent Christmas in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Foster and Mm. Robert Hallaran also and family and Allen Fostei, was a visitor in the same city. enjoyed dinner Sunday with This community was saddened Mr. and Mme. Roy Foster and ta hear of the death af Mr. Cecil family. Ferguson af Newcastle. For While carollîng an Cbristmas sevemal years he canducted a Eve, the choir pesented Mme. general store at Burton. He was Swarbrick, the organist, with a highly respected by ail anda I Christmas gift which she great- large number from Cartwrigbt! ly appreciated. jland Manvers attended the fun- Mrs. Swarbrick and ber choir eral from Marris Chapel, Bow- received many compliments on mans'ille on Wednesday. To the the selection "Carolliîng On"1 bereaved we extend aur sym- which they sang in church on pathy. Christmas Sunday. Mr. Elgin Budd ai Simcoe was Mrs. Swarbricks whole fam- a business visitor bere last week.j ily including hem youngest daughter, Mrs. Price, wvas at Mrs. Swarbrick's for New Year's HAMPTON dinner on Sunday. W. A. Meeting (Intended for last week) The W.A. meeting was beld Mr. and Mrs. K. Cavemly weme in the Sunday Sehool room Saturday evening guests aif with Mrs. Stapleton, the pre- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cavemley,I sident, in the chair. The same Oshawa. slate af officers will emain in Mm. J. F. Clarke, daugbter for another year. Aiter the and son, Toronto, with W. W. business discussion was over, Horn. Mme. G. Cathcart told the Christ- Miss Camal Chant, Toronto, mas Stary then Mrs. Swarbrick with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. played a piano solo "Star af the T. M. Chant. East". Mrs. H-. Foster gave a Mrs. W. G. Doidge, Misses reading entitled "Sunday Ser- Minnie and Norah Horn and vice". Mrs. Stapleton read an Mrs. N. E. Doidge, were Fiday article by Kate Aiken. The evening dinner guests of Mr. meeting closed with lunch and and Mrs. Sam Keane, Oshawa. a social balfhour. Miss Audrey Tvacnab, Osh- BROWN'S Mm. and Mme. J. Curson S., and Jimmie and Nora Curson and eildmen, spent Christmas with Mm. and -Mms.*J. Hatwick and family in Toronto. She fol- lowing Sunday the Hartwicks visited with the Cursons at their home. Mm. and Mms. Gardon Post and Paul, fom Belleville, spent the Christmas weekend with Mm. and Mme. W. Bennett. Mm. and Mrs. Alex Gonyea of Ta- onta also visited with the Ben- nette over the Christmas holi- day. Mm. and Mme. Bennett spent Christmas Day with Mm. and John Stainton and eilîdmen, Bowmanville, and New Year's Day in Stirling with Mrs. Ben- nett's daugbter. Tommy and Peggy Simpson spent several days witb the Masters iamily in Markbam. Mm. and Mrs. Masters and fam- ily spent New Yeam's Day witb the Simpeons at their home. The yearly genemal school meeting was beld at the sebool on Thumsday evening, Decem- ber 27tb, with seven people present. Mm. Tommy Wilson; was re-elected ta another tem on the sebool board. Mm. and Mrs. Sid Brown and Judy ai Newtonville spont New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson and family. Mm. and Mme. J. Baxter and cbildren spent several days vis- iting with Mm. Baxter's family at Oakville. Mm. Ralph Hay- ward and Miss Betty MacKen-1 na spent New Year's Day witb the Baxters. Mr. and Mms. R. Page and family visited in Trenton with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson, also spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stainton ai Bow- manville. Co. SERVICE STATION Two miles North ai Mewcastle an Highway Nt. 35 PHONE 3881, NEVCASTLE VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE '~~IGHTEST GUOLNE 4110 Gai. Tax Inc. Gai. Ta% tnt~ ISTOVE DIL - For pour convenience, in small quanities availabiai the station OPEN EVENINGS AX>UND AY awa, with ber parents and sis- ters, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, and Mme. and Mrs. Norman Watson, Babcaygeon, and MIiss Lilian Smith, Toronto, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr., and Mme. Hosken Smith. Mr. Ray Adcock with Mr. and Mss. W. Harrison, Part Perry. Miss Janice Smith, Enfieid, is visiting bier grandpaments, Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith. Mr. Chas. Biggs, Toronto, is a guest af Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon. IVir. and Mrs. S. Keane, Osh- awa, guests oi Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock visited Mr. and Mss. Win. Har- rison, Port Perry. Mr. and Mss. Ray Smith and family, Newcastle, Mr. Donald Prescott and family, Eniield, Mr. and Mss. Allyn Taylor, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith and Douglas, were Christmas guests at the home ai their parents, Mr. and Mms. Hosken Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sain- elîs, Miss Anna Samelîs, Mrs. Smith, Nestieton, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samelîs, and Joan, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Strang, -,wmanville, at Memwin Mount- Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Caverly, Oshawa, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly. Mm. and Mrs. D. R. Yellow- lees and family, Willawdale, Mr. A. L. Cation, Toronto, vis- ited Saturday at N. C. Yeliow- lees. Mm. Cation remamned 1over. Mm. and Mme. N. C. Yellow- lees, Mm. and Mrs. E. Hrock- aday and girls, Solina, Mms. AIma Yellowlees and girls, Ty- rone, Mm. and Mrs. Frank Wrighit, Grant and Bey, Bow- manville, Mr. Cation, at Mr. Ivan Ellicots, Peterborough. Misses Noaa Homn and Flor- ence Wery were in Oshawa on Sunday evening and attended King St. United Chumch when a portion ai "Handel's Messiah", a Sacred Oratorio, was eifec- tively endemed by the chair. Sympatby is extended ta Miss Louise Goodman, and sister Mme. Allen Pamktmr, in the death ai their mother, Mme. M. Good- man. Funeral was beld from the Morris Funemal Chapel, Bowmanville, an Fiday, Dec. 2let and was conducted by Rev. F. Reed. Intemment was in, the West Union Cemetemy, Hamp- ton. Mrs. Goodman wbo was bigbly espected and ai a frîendly disposition will be missed by ber neighboirs and friends and especially by ber daughter Louise who bas been ber motber's constant campan- ion in the home. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Jack Macnab an the arni- val ai a baby girl. Christmas Sunday worsbip service was fairly weUl attend- ed. Our pastor was ln charge ai he ervce and presented a Christmas message. The music pravided by aur chumch choir and aiea the sehool chair wha sang twa selections, was ap- peciated. "O Came Ail Ye Faithiul" was used as a Reces- sional by the two chairs, fol- lawing organ and piano mu- sic. "Behold I Bring Yau Good Tidings" by Caleb Sunper, was the antbemn rendered by the senior choir. A number ai IChristmas camais were beart- ily sung by ail. A portion af the flowers which adorned the al- tar weme in memory ai Mrs. M. Goodman and athers in mem- cmy ai Mm. A. Pemry. The chai! bave new antbem holders anc these were used for -the firsi time at tb.s service. h EY s at CLEARANCE M Girls' Reg. to 3.98 Reg. -to 5.98 Reg. to 8.95 Dresses! On Sale $1.96 On Sale $2.73 On Sale $s3.93 Ladies', Sk! ris!* Reg. to 4.98'On Sale $2.73 Reg. to 6.980On Sale $ 3.9 3 Reg. to 9.950On Sale $ 5.83 Save on Dresses! Save on Coats! Reg. to 12.950On Sale $5.83 Reg. to 35.000On Sa le 19,9 5 Reg. to 19.950On Sale $9.9,5 Reg. to 45.000On Sale 124.99 Save on Car Coats! Save on Dresses! Reg. to 25.000On Sale 13.66 Reg. to 2,5.000On Sale 11.46 Reg. to 35.000On.Sa le 19.9 5 Reg. to 35.000On Sale 15.73 Glove Clearance! Snow Suits-Reduced! Fabric Gloves, Wool Gloves, for Wornen and Children 100% Nylon 3-piece Snow Suits Regular to $1.75 Regular to $1295 On Sale, 57c On Sale $7.88; SAVE on BLOUSES! SAVE on BLOUSES! Regular to $3.98 Regular to $5.98 On Sale $1.96 c On Sale $2.73 Children's Car Coats! Girls' Winter Coats! Sizes 4 to 6X Sizes 3 to 10 years Regular to $8.95 Regular to $19.95 On Sale $5.97 On Sale-$12.46 Children's Leggings! Ladlies' Suits-Reduced! Kasha lined - Sizes 3 to 6X Your choice of any suit in our stores I On Sale $2.73, On Sale $24,99 fBR[ESLIN'S jrBOWMANVILLL-WMMITBY GREAT 1 - , 1

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