Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 1

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'--. .-~v'- - - '~T2~~;y '.- ije I. VOLÜME 103 "Durham Count y's -JeFmiyJurc .fs' Largest Townshi., IM 4l.4 j'-ri Ôro Asks. Citïzens to Pull ether fr BerTow S5econd '.Senio.r Citizen s :I'"a rty Is"Plannéd Guiding the municipal affairs of. the largest rural municipality Allan Thompson, Deputy-Reeve Garnet Rickard, Reeve Roy Nichols, Coun. by assessment in the United Counties cf Northumberland- and Durham Earl Truil and Coun. Fred Smith. This is Mr. Nichols' seventh year as is the 1957 Darlington Council who were installed in office at the inaugural reeve and Mr. Rickard's fourth year -as deputy-reeve. The three council- meeting Thursday afternoon. Left to right: Walter RuncUe, Clerk; Coun. lors are new. A motion was passed at the1 ennual meeting of Bowman-i ville Publie Library Board to again request Town Council to pags the necessary by-law to collvert the present association library into a free library. Besicles ail members of thp Boarç1, a number of library anemters were present, also1 Mayor Nelson E. Osborne and Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Carru- tbers, and Scretary-Manager 'f tlié C hamber of Commerce, ,Kezt ris he meeting was I ta' e fcers at A~UXII. he ion Ladies' Auxiliary 1held its rst meeting of the year or' Jan. 7. Zone Comn- mander R. Bate, assisted by Past Presidents Comrades Pal- mer and Rundle, installed the Officers and Com. T. Little in- stalled the executive. Pres. Knight opened the meeting with Com. S. Graham at the piano. Officers are as follows: Past President, Comrade Knight; Prs. Com. Piper; lst Vice, Com. Bathgate; 2nd Vice, Com. Firth; Sec'y., Com. A. Bate; Treas., Com. Humphrey; Sgt. at Arms. Com. Preston; Standard Bearer, Com. Rundie. Chaplain, Com. Willatts; Pi- anist, Com. S. Graham; Execu- tive, Comrades Fair, Lawrie, Perris, Rundie, Parkin, R. Batc, Palme~r, Beard and D. Richards. Com. Piper took the chair after installation and a short business meeting was held. Com. A. Beckett was elected Convenor for the Canteen and Com. Grif fin convenor for the Burns Supper. The naming c! the 1957 Bow- inanville Towh Council cern- nittees and other civic ap- pointments met with no opposi- tien at the inaugural meeting of Council Mgnday evening with the only discussion cen- tering around the newly form- ed Board of Works committee. New Commlttee The Board cf «Works whicli was aevised bY Ceun. Keith Lathangue last year as a more efficient manner c! running council affairs, will comprise the follo'wiflg peviously sep- aate committees: Roads and Streets, Public Propemty, Gar- bago, . Cemetemy and Police Maintenance. The chairman o! Ibeis Board willi be choson by members and any break- ~n of the Board into cern- WMee wil b. decided by the iprs of the first Board er s are: Jack Broug h.' 4 IBO d.Carruthers, Keitb Lath- pd Lloyd Preston. _ýW. Name Chalrmen ,,Coun. Lathangue asked ta "~Consideratiefl bu given te the nelnaing ol a sepa ate chairman for each oýcf the committees collected together by the Board of Works. In this way hoe e. plained if a town empîcye M -net satisfied with hîs works ..' oreman, ho can contact the çhairtnan of the respective heid in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, Jan. 8. The Librarian, Mrs. F. W. Boer, in ber report stressed the inadequacy cf space in the present library for the large juvenile memnbership cf 423 made up cf enthusiastic young schoel age readers. In spite off television and numereus activi- ties of this age group, mem- bership in the library bas in- creased steadily during the past f ew years and shewed a fur- ther increase cf 31 in 1956. Space Lacking "Often they are se crowded in their smail section that it is impossible te move, and very difficuit te select appropriate books for them", the Librarian 50' 10- Ôs btheÏii "tezë-ý sch'ool'heurs in one day" Following the Librarîan's e- porb'which showed an increase in circulation of aduit bocks, ail classes, e! 496, and juvenile circuiatîen increase cf books o! 214, Chairman L. M. Rathbun enlarged on the need for larger quarters. "When I came te Bowman- ville ten years ago, the popula- tion cf the town was about 4200. Now it.is 6600 and there has been a great increase in ju- venule membership cf the hi- brary, yet we are in the same one room quarters with ne reom fer a children's section to take came cf these yeung read- ers," Mr. Rathbun said. Could Serve Town Botter "There is ne space for a read- ing room, te display periodicals, or even the bocks we have. We would like te add bocks te cur reference section, but theme is no space fer 'any additions. If the citizens cf Bowmanville and Ceuncil will assist us te become a free libramy and ac- quime larger quarters, we can (Continued on page seven) committee. Deputy-Reece Carruthers who along with Mayor Osborne and Reeve- Little drew up the list o! cornmittees told Count. Lath- angue, "We theught iA was just as well te draw up the cern- mittees this way and the Board o! Werks coubd came their own comnîittees." Cotin. Lathangue agmeed that this was logical. Standing Conunittees The other committees are as follows witb the fimst named being chairman: Finance - Carmuthers, Little, Brough, Higgon. PubIïç Administration-Pros- son, Little, Fice, Lathangue (Finance Chaimman and Mayor te st in on opening cf appli- cations for Chief o! Police). Civic and Relief-Lathangue, Fice, Presson. Fire -Littie, Brough, Pres- ton. lnda.srial - Preston, Higgen, Pressoni. Following are the proposed appeint.ments te varieus boards: Memioial Aena-R. Watt. C. Sarnis, F. Hooper, J. Lander, W. DeGeer'.(all for 2 year terms) and ca*4neil representatives Hig- gon 'nI Brcugh (1 year only); Memc>ija' Hospital-Reeve Li'- tie; Planning Board-J. A. Cole, W. G. Lander (both for 3 years) and councîil epre- sentatîve W. lice G1 year). for the south est corner'8cf Darlington Township are hold- ing a public meeting in the Varcoes Hall, Thursday, Jan- uary 17 at 8 p.m. to enlîghten interested residents of the plans and value cf a fire brigade in this section cf the township.- A representative of the On- tarie Fire Marshal's Office, To- ronte, will be on hand to an- swer questions and a film on the subi ect cf firefighting will be shown. Brigade mýembers 'have ai- ready purchased a truck and this wiil be converted into a f ire engine. The proposed boundaries for the brigade are the Town line on the west te Courtice Read on the east, and the Baseline (Bloor Street) te 24,ýxRoad oný the norths, Bill Calver's Wrist Broken In Vermont ABAR Bill Calver cf the Royal Canadian Navy was in- jumod in a motor accident early Sunday momning as he was me- turning te duty in Halifax, N. S. after 21 days' leave at bis home, 34 Duke Street, Bow- manville. Calver was travelling 'by way o! Vermont and at a sharp turn in the mountains near Battle- bore, another car came round the bend on the wrong side and collided head-on with bis 1949 Pontiac. Both cars were cern- pletely demolished but Calver was fortunate in oniy suffering a broken wrist, seme cuts and a shaking up. Ho was taken te hospital in Brattieboro. There were two occupants in the other car, returning frem a skiieg expedition. One suffered a badly broken leg. On learning that Calver was a Canadian Navy man, the Red Cross immediately took over and notified Canadian Naval authcrities le Washington, D. C. Tbey have arranged te fly him !rom the nearest air field, Boston, to Halifax as seen as ho is able te beave hospital. Hos- pital autherities thought he might be fit te beave yester- day. Calver recently returned te Canada fmem Ieland on the "Magnificent" and spent 21 days' beave over the Christmas peiod with bis wife and three children. Ho bas been four yoars in the Navy. Ho was e- turning te Halifax te take a nine-woek course in jet power. L.O.D.A. Group Meets Here On January 16 The Januamy meeting o! the Lake Octarie Development As- sociation, Zone 2, wiil be beld at the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber Company plant on Wedneâ- day, January 16, at 8.00 p.m. Officors and diectors o! the Bowmanville Chamber o! Com- merce, Council Members and the Mayor have been codiaily invited te attend. Soveral other municipalities in Zone 2 area will be attending. Representa- tives fom Cobourg, Port Hope. Campbelifomd and Brighton wil be prcsent. One item te Jbe discussed at the n-eeting wiiT be the reduced assessmont that was givon te three Port Hope industries e- cently. New Officers Are'Elected For tAemoriaIl Park Group Members of the Memorial man Mrs. Helen Park brought Park Association held their in a slate of officers and con- monthly meeting Dec. il in the venors which wvas adopted. Memorial Park building, with They are: Past Pres., Mrs. Jean Mrs. Jean Devîtt, President, in Dèvitt; Pres., Miss Ada Dad- the chair, son; Vice Pres., Mrs. Yvonrie Minutes were read by Secre- Edmondson; Sec., Mrs. Jean tary Mrs. Jean Harness and 'Harrness; Treas., Mrs. Helen Treasurer Mrs. Helen Park Park; Property Chairman, Mrs. read the financial report. Con- Louise Lyle. assistant, Mrs. Ka- venors also gave their reports. ren Vesna; Kitchen Property Convenor, Mrs. Neli Wilson; Cub Pack No. 4, sponsored Rentais, Mrs. Charlotte Clarke; by the Association, was given assistant, Mrs. Dorothy Leamen; a donation of $5 toward their Sick Convenor, Mrs. Ruth Cal- Christmas party. Mrs. Devitt ver;, Bingo, Mrs. Margaret Jef- thanked officers and membe±'s fery, assistant Mrs. Dorcas Mut- for their' support during the- ton,' for January; Publicity, past year before declaring all Mrs. Margaret Jeffery; Kitchen offices open. and Euchre Convenor, Mrs. Nominating Committee Chair- IMiidred Plain. Do Littie SBusiness iAtf làîtial S b-,sin A light agenda of business ailowcd the Bewmanvilie Çqn".-- cil te breeze through ei initial meeting o! the yea:, Monday evening. Following the eath o! offices taken by the councilmen, Rev. T. A. Morgan offered a prayer o! guidance for the coming ceuncil year. Special visitors at the meet- ing were members o! the Amica Club who attended the meet- ing for the purpese o! study- ing municipal govemnment in action. Transiont Meals The first money spent by the Councîl this year went in the form cf a $100 grant te, the Bowmanville Ministeriai As- sociation' who asked that the grant be given to the Associa- tion te provide meals te trans- lents on their way threugh town. In the Asociation's letter te council, Rov. H. Turner stated that the costs cf the meals wouid ho 45 cents. The letter rominded Council that the As- sociation did net ask for théir usual $50 grant in 1956 anîd were accovdingly roquesting that the grant be doublod. OPP's Recover Stolen Taxi Early on Wed. If Phil Latimer bad received a caîl for a taxi.at the office o! King Taxi ealy Wednesday mcmning, ho would have bad te answer it on foot. For wbile Mr. Latimer was sitting comforta'bly in the office, thieves stole bis vehicle while it was parked on Tomporarice Street, just a few yards frmm the office. The car owned by Mm. Lati- mer and used as a taxi was e- coveredi by Constable McDon- aid cf the Ontarie Provincial Police a !ew heurs later in Pick- erin.g. Ste -nger's Win Top Award With Jersey R. P. Stenger and Son, Ennis- kilien, received an awamd for their entry in the Canadian Jer- sey Cattie Club's Jersey Class Leaders for December. Their entmy, Enniskillen Roý'- ai Senia was grand champion cow le the senior four year old class. Senia produced 8,460 lbs. cf mîlk and 550 ibs. of fat in a one year period. Permission was given te Club 15 by the Council te allew them te have, the factomy whistle biown and church belîs ung te sigriify the openîng of the an- nual Mothers' March o! Dime Blitz, Campaign te be held Januamy 31. Requost Rozoning A lettor was received from t h e Bowmanville Planning Board asking Counicil's apprev- al te rezôning Lot No. 8 which was recently annexed frem, Darlington Township and is presently zonod as ural. The Planning Board wish te zone the lakeshorb portion as heavy industry and the remainder as light industry. The Planning Board thought that the land should be made eligible for industries desiring an abundance e! water and zoning it as heavy industry wouid discourage summer cot- tages. Park s't Lake Howvever, Coun. O. J.1 Pressen ccntended that the lanil should ho reserved as park area and considered the -transportation cf water as a miner worry te industry. Ho went on te point eut that Cobourg bas Victoria Park wbicb is an valuable as- set while Port Hope dees not have 5such an asset as industry has built right te the water edge. Coun. LathanEue agreed with Presson and added that indus- try shouidn't be given the op- (Continued on palgeseven) The first Club 15 meeting cf the new year was held at the- home o! Mrs. Russell Oke with ail members present. Presi- dent Mrs. Ralph McIntyre pre- sided for the business meeting. The major part cf the even- ing, was spent, enthusiastically planning the second Senior Citizens Party which will be held in the Lions Centre on January lSth. It was moved that letters be sent to those who attended our iast party, invit- ing them to come and bring along any of their friends who might enjoy this evening out. Mrs. Elmer Banting offered te take charge of a reading and discussion group and cards and games wîll be played. 1The latter part o! the even- ing was spent making plans for the "Mothers March on Polio" being held on January 3lst. A detailed account o! this project appears eisewhere in this issue. A lovely lunch was served by the hestess concluding a busy cvening. Thieves Try To Break-In Orono Stores The village o! Omono bas ex- perienced a number of break-1 ins and robberies during the past few weeks. The most re- cent attempt was made on Tues- day night when they invaded the Omono Creamery. Fertunately the owner Mr. H. Goode heard the noise shortly hefore midnight and armed with a double barrel sbotgun scared them off. , The thieves were equipped with crowbars, and lîacksaws te gain entrance wyhic ~ they ft)ei Two other stores wére recent-, ly ibroken lntà but very little, was obtaîned. Tbey were Arm- strongs and the 5c te, $1,00 Store. O.P.P. Francis Dryden is investigating. It is believed that it is the same goup that are making ail the attempts. Letter From Amsterdam Seeks Cousin A letter addressed te the Re- gistram's Office o! Hampton, Canada, has been ibrought into The Statesman office by Wal- ter E. Rundle, Darlington Town- ship Clemk. The btter cornes froni W. H. Beth cf 182 Molukkenstraat, Amsterdam, Holland, and con- tains an inquiry as te the whereabouts o! bis cousin, Mrs. Reina Helena MacDonald- de Bruyn who was bore in Sur- abaia, Indonesia on July 7, 1917. and left Helland we assume for Canada. on August 12, 1946. If tis lady should read lier cousin's inquiry, would she please advise The Statesman, as well as getting in tourh witb Mr. Both? If anyone knows the whereabouts cf the lady in question, The Statesman would be happy te assist Mm. Both by being advised o! any such ini- formation. Address betters te The Canadian Statesman, Bow- manville, Ontario, or caîl in at the office, 66 King St. West. Th e ninety-ninth Bowmanville Town Council took office at the inaugural meeting Monday evening. Headed by Mayor Nebson Osborne who is serving his third termn as mayor, all cf the councilmen with the exception of 0. J. Presson and Wesley Fice have had previous municipal In hisi.naugural addrest Io *the 1957 Bowmnanville Tow~n CouThii Mondayevening Mayor Nels<>n Os'borne told of, the unlimited potentiality of this sector »I -the province and prédicted'a pros- perous future for Bowmanville If the citizens adhere to th~e 'os- itive thinking and planning- of town 'officiais. Economically and geograph- icaliy Bowmanvifle is in an enviable, position the Mayor pointed out and the population bas increased by 50 per cent in the past 10 years. However, the Industrial growth basnot kept pace with the residential ex- pansion and several problems face the town such as poor roads and a sewage system that will soon be inadequate. Although not explicitMar Osborne stated that be hoped that the town will be able te make an announcement, about the middle of February thàt' *111 give Bowmanville the nucleus needed to attain the status of an ideal town. Foilowing is' a verbatim report of Mis address: ."IYour Council bas been swomn into office and is ready to be- gin the administration of the town's éffairs for the year cf 1957. Before calling for the first order cf business, ma.y I take a few minutes te thanik the oitizens of Bowmanville for accla'lming me te the office cf Mayor. for a S Board of Works 1 In a few minutes you wil be asked to pass on the proposed comrnittees for this year of 1957. In line with the thinking of the 1956 )Council ,the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and myseif are'1proposing that'a Board of Works ge set up. In the past many ycars, the Works Foreman lias been under the handicap of wcx'king for dif- ferent committees. By forming this Board of Works, ail main- tenance anrd construction will be under the ùne committee and the projects can be handled more efficiently. If you accept the plan for a Board of Works, then this Board will hold a meeting, elect a chairman and will look after ail the maintenance and construction work that bas in the past been handled by the Roads and Streets, Public Pro- perty, Cemetery and the Police Committee. At the nomination meeting in November, I mentioned that one of the greatest needs for Bow- manville was more positive (Contlnued on page fifteen) Central Area Girl. Guides Tjo Meet Here briefly on what the future a ~rally of the Central Area offer for our town. . 17i'n Gi;l Guide Commissioners will It i an onor tobe Myormeet in ail day session in the It s n hnor t b MaorLions. Community Centre, cf Bowmanville and a privilegeBehAe. isStraJn to work, with the men. who, ar~ eec vethsStud.,Jn on this Council in trying te make12 our town a botter place In which It is expectedI that about 75 te live. commissioners will attend. Thé New Members Area includes territory from Toronto to Port Hope and as It is a pleasure te welcome the far north as Haliburton. Mrs. D. two new members, Couricillors Gufln, -Port Credit, is Area Presson and Fice and I hope y9U Commissioner; Miss Hazel Wm.- will find civic affairs interest- ter, Training C h a irin a a. ing and that your contributions :. j.',BufleiY, Bo a'-ilà to the discussions *wil bu of Ms n~v profit te the- town.i t is certain- Division Conmussioner, wJ ly a, gratifying sight to soe the. act as hosteas. other lffiliar faces of the Coun- The sessions assist new corne cillors who are returnin:g, for missioners and athers moving ulb anothor year. If yourefforts are te acquire knowledge of the as gteat as they have beený in work involved in their positions past yearsi no citizen côuild, ask Local association membera wil miore. aaçb. 4> attendmng. Left fori New Council Several items o! unifinished business will be facing the 1957 Bowmanville Town Coun- cil as was evident in the reports given by last year's committee chairmen at the first council meetirg held Monday evening. .Deputy-reeve* Wilfrid Carru- thers, 1956 Finance Committee chaimman, reported that a bld by' the town for the old post office building is stili undecid- ed and ne decision will be made until morc study is made o! the revenue that could be de- rived from the building, coats o! maintenance and other im- portant factors. Salary Schedule Anether matter o! concema is the drawing up o! a salary sche- dule for the town empioyees. Preliminary work bas been done on a salary scbedule for the police depatment ho gaid and this wi11 likely be expand- ed te includàe ail departments. Insurance plans and bospitaliza- tien plans were put into effect for town employees last year Mm. Carmuthers added. Extra belp is needed in the clerk and assessor's office and this matter will need consider- ation, the deputy-meeve said. Road Equipmoflt Coun. Jack Brough, 1956 Roads and Streets chairman, statei that the Works Depart- ment was greatly handicapped due te the lack o! equiuiment. and the councîllor advised a, study of this problem. Complaints have been receiv- ed by couneil that Consumeri' Gas Company are doing a poor/- dlean-up job after their insta14 lations and to clear up th4 trouble Charles World, Osh«wa, manager of Consumers', told, Council that the dlean-up job was lef t in the hands of local contractors and ho assured that any disrupted paving will ce replaced as early as possible ini the spring. Làst year's Public' Property Chairman David Higgon told Council ail requests for tree re- movai WeÉe filled. He went on te say that prices for the new furniture had been requested but no replies have yet been received. Illegal Parking Under the heading of new business Coun. Jack Brough said that ho had received sev- eral complaints Sunday mcmn- ing concerning cars being park- ed in front o! the fire hall dur- ing church services. The coun- cillor added that 8 or. 9 cars were parked In front of tht hall while only five were using the municipal parking lot at the back o! the hall. If there was a fire Sunday he pointed out it would havé* been impossible to remove the fire engine from the hall. He also thought that the police shouid be more strict in hanf1- Ling out tickets in such cases. experience. The Council, left te right: Coun. David Higgen, Coun. O. J. Pressen, Coun. Wesley Fice, Reeve Sidney Little, Mayor Nelson Osborne, Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers, Coun. Keith Lathangue, Coun. Jack Broug Coun. Lloyd Preston and Town Clerk Alick Lyle. 9 -Photo by Behdez' Library Requires More ISeek to Start Space for Increasêd Fire Brigade Juvenile Subscribers ln Darlington The volunteer fire brigade New Board of Works Committee Is.Set Up At Council Meeting Bowmanville's 99th Council Takes, Office -47 Al 1 Y NUMBER 2

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