Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 16

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PAGE SIXErf T~CNDA TTSAq.~WAVL~ NA! TWTA ?W14.1U--.-g ~ Ar.,. Kedron Juni At Provincic Kedron Junior Farmers in attendance at the provinciali meet in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday, included Mr. andi Mrs. Murray Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ferguson, Misses Eleanor Mountjoy and Jeanine Werry and Ron Werry. With the spacious Sheraton Roon filled to overflowing with young folk representing most of the counties in the province, the competitions got under way at 9 a.m. and lasted throughout the' day, with winners repeating their musical numbers or speech- es during the evening program. First on the agenda in the, musical contests were the mixed quartettes. (Public speakingl %vent on simultaneously through- out the day in another room). In this division mixed quartettes, Ontario County was renresentedi by Pear Weri amoi terc In with was test Glor sele( girls hapi ivei the1 meuT Jean son. In the( Mrs. cong G.]1 were Dr. 1 cizec co0.g: largE each for t this merc PLU MA Mr. Bruce Montgomery's. ior Fa ri ers 'tMr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink vis- ctd in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston a 1 M eetand sons, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and Sally choir chose to sing, besides the wvere Sunday tea guests at Mr. 'tes t piece "Verdant Meadows" a! Roy, Langmaid's. beautiul arrangement o! "With- Mr. and Mrs. O. Cruickshanks out a Song". Dr. Fenwick com- and Joan, Mr. Graham Horton, plimented the County group Peterborough, visited at Mr.i higbly on several points, and i BrLice Tink's. particularly on their f inciy j1 Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinn blended pure tone. ;and Lynda were Sunday visitors In the evening, the Crystal at Mr. Frank Westlake's, Sr. Ballroom was the setting for thei Mrs. Tom Westlake and family, evening dance enjoyed by aIl, a M1villbrook, wvere callers. wonderful climax for a wonder- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham fui« day. Perbaps it might beý and dlaughters, and Mr. Leslie o! interest that a popular spot Thompson, Bowm-anville, at Mr. in the ballroom was the ml E. Hockada.y's. bar, which offered free milk! Mi'. and Mrs. Ross C ryderman during the dance. This was ar-! and children were Saturday tea ranged and supplied by the Pro- guests at Mr. Harry Knox 's. vincial Junior Farmer organza- Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer visit- tion. cd recently at Mr. Ralph Craw- ford's. Wbitby, and Chas. Ham- er's, Brooklin. S OLINAMr Edwin Ormiston, bn 1er, was a -Sunday visitor at 'son Huh Dbso, -Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor, a , '0Mr. a Mr. . akr r ryn wh Baird and Ron recep~t bride and groom, wer MS.undviitrsat. J. Smake s'er ng the were placed second pleasantly honored by friends of Jr., ampisto.a r J mls seveal ouniesen-the community, at their home on Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and d. Friday evening. They were the Stanley were Sunday guests at ithe girls' trio competîtion. recipients of a card table and Mr. Harvey Hardy's, Bowman- 112 entries, Ontario County chair set presented by Rae Pas-~ vil le. awarded first prize. Their, coe, Ewart Leask and Murray Mrs. Florence Pearce, Miss number was Bach's "AI Vice. The address was read by Marilyn Pearce, Lansing; Mr. ry Be To God" followed by a Harvey Yellowlees and Stan and Mrs. Don Pascoe, Bowman- cted number. Each of the Milîson was master of cerc- viile; Mr. and Mrs. D. McLaugh- ,in the winning trio were mnonies. Joyce and Don gracîous-~i, saa;M.W. ate- pily surprised later to be ly expressed their thanks for the ln saa r.W ahw n a special $10 cash prize by gift and accompanying good snoo nt so, sitda M.Hr Bank of Montreal. The trioi wishes. The remainder of theolPsce. ibers were Jeanette Dobson, evening was spent playing cards mie Werry and Jeanne Pear- and lunch was served by the1 the hoi conertfollowing, ladies.Dr e .M l r the choi concertThe Women's Institute will e . t4Ie Ontario County Choir led by met nThrday fternoon ratulation fromcitiD r Jan. 10, when a bale will becV/I Inîic Eiroy Fenwick. The coi r. packed for the Fred Victor Mis- W l n p c ntoyFfnicallThelcd, butsion in Toronto. Any warm, e nt ofiialy pacd, utused clothing and galoshes will!Reu Fenwick constructively criti- be acetd Re u ee Camrnps : the six county groups. He cetd ratulated the groups on the on Friday night, Jan. 1l, the ènumber of young men i W.I. members will entertain A health and welfare expert ichoir, and commended al, their husbands at a social even- of the national headquarters their musical attainments i ing in the hall. st a ff o! the Canadian Red professionalized and com-1 The annual congregational Cross Society has gone to Eu- cialized world of today. Our meeting will be held on Jan. 15. rope Io assess those aspects of A good attendance is requested. the two Hungarian refugee The C.G.I.T. met on Saturdav camps now being operated by * s ~afternoon with Pat Davis, presi- teCnda e rs nAs dent, in the chair. Election of tria. * . *-y~,officers for 1957 resulted as fol- Dr'. George W. Miller, o! To- lows: President, Pat Knox; Vice-, ronto, arrived in Vienna yes- - President, Juanita Frazer; Secre- terday for a tour which will in- _______________ tary, Helen Parrinder; Pianist,' clude Austria, The Netherlands ~I X Io~ Pat Davis; Assistant, Helenl and England. IU1TI'w~Knox, Treasurer, Mrs. R. Davis. The worship service was ledi by Juanita Frazer. Anne Werry, favoured with a piano solo. A chapter from the study book "The Day After Tomorroxv" was read by the girls. The next I *meeting will beon Jan. 19 with * Evelyn Hockaday in charge of * worship service and Mabel Hug- i . gins preparing program. Mrs. Percy Nesbitt underwent an operation on Friday in Osha- wa Hospital. We wish ber a; .~ .~$1iy* speedy recovery. Bradley's Community Club 1 will meet on Friday night, Jan. 18. Convenors of the prograrn are G. and E. Leask. L 'GK N R OU GH lier sisters Miss Ida Risvisitin and Mrs. H. Westley in Toronto. LJMBING, and HEATING Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy of i 3-5615 BOWMANVTLLE Manilla visited Sunday at Mr. Division Street South Don Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgom- -- - ~erv, Oshawa. visited at Mr.! ______________________ - - - t Dr. Geo. W. Miller Through observatiun of the oeration of these camps lie OSHAWA WOO> PRODUCTS 1tosfrteppsd agn campsfo refugees destined for Canada. The fîrst of these is to be estahlished in The Nether- la .n ds and later, additional -a mps may be organized in Y LII¶ KITCHEN 1 ___________________Great Britain and France. / Dr. Miller has had extensive ecxperience with health and O F TOikÀORiRi.O W welfare prohlems during bis 1 rnedical career. He spent 15 years in the Indian Medical Service and during the war was TO -D A Y edical Director-General of the T oyal Iappoinv. A ted h _________________________________________ war Dr. Mle Af ppte h Medîcal Officer in Bowman- ville with the Counties Health Later, Dr. Miller hecame Di- ecor of Public Health Organ- iation of the World Health Or- 'anization in Geneva and Wash- mgo.TYRONE- Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and cau-htcrs attended the Rundle fa mily gathering on New Year's Dav at the Lions Community C enrtre. Mr. and Mrs. James Graham q nd sonts, Mrs. W. Macdonald, _1r. anci Mrs. Bruce Macdonald j tîidauighter, Bowmanville, ý_ ý4Ç'-7i \rs. Florence Scott. M\rs. R. B. Hamilton, Bow- i-anville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hlamilton and children, with M~r. and Mrs. D. Macklin, Nes- Sieton. 1Mî's. K. Ferguson, Ottawa, This Nodern Kitchen can ho ypurs for tvt M.ad r.M. Hml dhlBaMr. and Mrs. W. Jewell ad as low as 914-00 per IUORIR sons MrT-1_dne1 NA 3-2130 Courtice RA 3-4661 ý MmanScott.W.ank d ____ -Mr. and Mr.5. IL DeMille andi First Baby Born' Here in- the New Year 'The first baby born in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, during the Newv Year, arrived January 2nd, 1957, and was a f ine baby girl named Rose Mary Yandon Kennedy, weight 7 pounds, 7 ounces. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kennedy, he of the teaching staff at Central Public School for the past two years. Born with a plentiful supply of dark brown hair, baby Kennedy was brought into the world by Dr. Keith Siemon. Mrs. Saywell Gives W.A. Timely Message Kedron: A large gathering o f Kedron ladies enjoyed the hos - pitality o! Mrs. G. Trevail on1 Thursday a!ternoon, and the fine pmogram o! Kedmon W.A. at their New Year meeting. Mrs.' M. Walter led devotions with ber theme "Prayer, in this New Year". A piano prelude hy Mrs. Starr, prayer by Mrs. H. Cross- man, Scripture by Mms. Grant Glover, meditation on the theme by Mrs. H. Pascoe, a reading by Mrs. E. Mountjoy, and a vocal' solo "Teach Me to Pray" by Mrs. F. Snowden comprised worshiip. For program, Mrs. Augusti Geisbergem Jr. played a piano solo, and Mrs. J. Dyck gave ai New Year's reading and intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa. Mrs. 1 Saywell's address, timelyý and inspirational, was on "Af ter Christmas, Wbat?" Particularý refemence was made to JaneI Scott's new book "M Adven-' tures with God". Recording Secretarv Mrs. C.1 .Hopkins read previous minutes, and Corresponding Secretamy Mms. H. Pascoe mead many ex - pressions o! tbanks for W.A. kindnesses. Treasurem's report by Mrs. L. Tregunna showed receipts o! $1,820.39 for 1956, with expens- es o!, $1,133.91 and a balance o! $686.48. One change was made in 1957I off icers, previously prînted, o n request o! Mrs. H. Farndalc, who found it impossible to ac-' cept the Vice-Presidency. Mrs. J. Dyck was elected as First Vice-President, and the newl officers were officially installedi by Rev. R. H. Rickard. Warin thanks was expressed to the 1956 executive, particularly to the retiring President, Mrs. Grant Glover. The new President, Mrs. Wm. I Werry, presided for remaining business. Mrs. Ross Lee and Mrs. Jack Glover were appoint-ý ed to arrange program and host- ess committees for the new year. It was decided to bold a bazaar on the evening o! M\/ay 15 with Roll Caîl to be answered at fortbcoming meetings with a! family, Bowmanville. John Vaneyk spent Ne\w Year's at the G. Yeo family, Hampton. Mr. F. Hoorweg, North Bay, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John. New Year's guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and Mr. Luther Stainton were, Mrs, M. Harris, Wbithy: Mrs. G. Spei- ght, Oshawa, Mr!. and Mrs. B. Stainton, Douglas and Lynne. Mr. and Mrs. A. Geisherger and Lynda, Zion; Sanra and Donna Bragg, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner at Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Sr. Philip Bragg, B owmanville. bolidaved with bis cousin, Ted Sk inner. M\'r. and Mrs. H. DeMille and boys, Bowmanville; Mir. ai-d Mrs. C. Penwarden and Wade. Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk and family, Long Sault, Mr. P. Vani- den Brink. Bumketon, w,%erc Cbristmas dinner guests o! M.- and Mrs. W. '.'aiieyk, and Johin. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. H-odgson., Mr. Glenn Hodgson, Bowmau- ville, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodg- son, Hampton, Miss Nina Hod.- son, Washington, D.C.; Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooiper, Orono, wcre New Year's guests o! Mr. and 1Mrs, Raymond Clapp. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk, Mr. F. Hoorweg, spent New Y eai's Eve at the Webbings, Osha\wa. A family gathering was held at the home o! Mr, and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Those present were Mr. andi Mrs. G. Huis and famîly. Hannon; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hils and daugbtems, Mm. Barry Tomlinson, Sauina; Mm. and, Mrs. Ralph m-ills and famnily, Mr. and Mrs. David Craig and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Rahn- and Clem, Mr, and Mrs. Ken- netb Rahm and boys, also Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger and chil- dren, Hamilton, weme witb Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Burketon, uon New Year'&. bazaar article. A donation o! $10 was made to the Save-the-Childmen Fund and a large donation was made to the Choir Gown Fund. An invitation was extended from Pesident Mrs. W. Wemry to meet in ber home for the February meeting. Hostesses with Mms. Trevail were Mrs. A. Cameron Mrs. C. Werry and Mrs. F. Snowden. Mrs. J. Dyck and Mrs. M. Walters armanged the fine program. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and AIrs. Reg Brock an d Linda, Bowmanville, with M. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Mr. and Mms. Wallace Griffin, Heather and Dale were Sunday tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, Mr. Clarence Stainton and Miss Laverne Orchard were recent dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred San- derson, Mr. Murray Sander- son, Columbus, were Suna visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Private Dennis Doyle, Camp G.M. Workers to Receive Costw-of- Living Increase Oshawa, Jan 7-General Mo- iodfý beginning after January 15 tors subsidiaries in Canada to-fo the more than 23,000 q- day announced an increase in ployees of GM Compa'nie in the cost-o!-living allowance to Canada which are: Gen..s;l Mo- be paid to employees during thie toms o! Canada, Ltd., oshawa fimst quarter o! 1957 ta pmotect and Windsor: The MeKinnon their standa rd o! living. Industries, Ltd., St. Catharines; All hurlyrateFrigidaire Products o! Canada emPlyeesLtd., Scarbomough; General Mc,- will receive a cost-a!-living al- tr islLdLno;Qn lowance o! 12 cents per boum, ters islLdLno;Q an increase o! 2 cents ovem the eai Motors Acceptance Cot*'ý1 1cents b oum pad drn ation o! Canada, Ltd; Ge 10e paquer. paiEx cangeInsurance Cor a- the astquarer.tion and Motors Holdingo Eligibie salamied employecs ada Ltd. FT will eceive an allowance o! Under the General Motors wagýa $60.00 for the tbmee-month per- formula the Dominion Bureau iod, an increase o! $10,00 over of Statistics Consumer Price the past quarter. Index is reviewed quarterlv Cost-o!-living allowances are and cost-of-living allowances effective with the !irst pay per-j are adjusted accordingly. Borden, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howvells. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and Sandra attended Mr. and Mrs. Tom Soble's fifth wedding anniversary at Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo and family attended the Silver Anniversary o! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo held at the Lions Centre, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, Heather and Dale were Satur- day evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Judy, Nestîcton, were Sun. day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp's. Mr. S. R. Pethick attended the funeral o! bis nepbew, Mr. E. Whittaker, at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, were Sun- day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B3rad- ley spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rahm, Saintfield. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa; Misses Louise and Marjorie Mclntosh, Wbitby; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott and family, Kedron, spent -New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry, Toronto, and called on Miss Emnma Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad- ley and Brian, Maple Grove; Miss Clama Page, Toronto, with their mother, Mms. E. Page, on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Haydon; Mr. and Mms. Adam Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue were New Yeam's guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley, Maple Grove; Lyn, Dwight and Mary Brad- ley, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family, New- castle. Miss Linda Yeo with Miss Doris Wight. Mr. and Mms. Francis Reidi, Hamold, Ont., with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid and family. All visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bermy, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo, Mary and Neil were Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and famîly were Sunday visitors at C. Milîs' and R. Hope's, Port Perry. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Green, Judy, Dalpbne and Glenytb, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray and Master Glen Ashton were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Ormiston were Sunday callers o! Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Miss Ruth Lamb with Miss Gloria Wright. Mr. and Mms. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mms. Carl Ferguson. Miss Shirley Milîs, nurse-mn- training, Peterborough, with hem mother, Mrs. H. Milis. Clark Werry bas returned to University in Toronto. h Sho. the family and savel fu.- A, It's a great, big, heautiful sale! Get great big savings . . . get beautiful11" shoes for Mom and Sis . . . handsome sboes for Dad and Brother. And get here early to get the best buys! Broken and discontinued Unes Naturalizer Shoes FOR WOMEN Regular $12.95 and $13.95 Reduced to...... $8.95 and $1095 Ail other stock Naturalizer Shoes reduced 10% for the month of January only. WED GIES In AA and B widths Regular $7.95 pr. Sale **A$5.95 Other Women'1s Shoes Reduced 25% Children's Shoes Red Schoolhouse Shoes by Savage On Sale in Patent and Leather - Regular $4.65 é . . . s $3.45 pr.l Big and Little Sister Shoes Sizes 8½ to 3 in black patent, red and brown Regular $5,50 On Sale $3.95 Boys' Sisman Oxfords Regular $4.95 and $5.95 To Clear $3,95 Ladies' Snowboots LEATHER SNOWBOOTS, reg. $5.95 - To clear $4.95 LEATHER SNOWBOOTS, sheepskin Iined with zipper, reg. $10.95 - To clear $7.95 LEATHER SNOWBOOTS with pile lining and zipper, reg. $8.95 - To clear $6.95 RUBBER SNOWBOOTS, in red and black, with strap, reg. $6.95 - To clear --- $4.95 RUBBER SNOWBOOTS with back strap and inside wedge, reg. $8.95 - To clear -- $6.95 Women 's Figure Skates Regular $12.95 to clear $10.95 Regular $9.95 to clear $8.95 Men'fs Hockey Skates Regular $13.95 Regular $9.95 to clear $1195 bo clear $8.95 Me n's Shoes DACK'S SHOES on sale as low as $1395 Scott McHaIe Shoes on sale as low as Many other good ,Ar $1495 name brand lines, Goodyear wel4~ $6.95 - $7.95- $8.95 - $10.95 y.. LLOYD ELLES HOES 49 Ring Si. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5941 OiNa. lump 11m" a TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIXANVILLE. ONTARIO "tmmnAy- JAW- IM%- low

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