Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CANADIAN STA~'ESMAN, EOWMM<V~LE, O!<TA~O ?mSDAT. ~A1i. !OUS. ft I "j - -- , - , - - - '0 BIRTHS EVANS-Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Evans are proud to announce the birt1h of a daughter, Carol Ruth, en December 31, 1956, at Me- inorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Charles and Doug- las. 2-1* McLAGGAN-Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McLaggan announce the birth cf a son Stuart Victor, December 30, 1956, in Oshawa General Hospital, a brother for Murray, Janet, Heather and Bruce. 2-1 *ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bagnel wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Patsy Lorraine, to William Robert Stocker, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stocker. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Feb. 9, 1957, at 3 o'clock, in Trinity 'United Church, Bowmanville. 2-1* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Syer, Bowmanville, announce the en- gagement of their daughter Jean Elma, to Lancelot G. Bennett, TorontQ, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett, Kitchener. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, February 9th a 2:30 p.m. i St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. 2-1* DEATHS ALLUM, George-On Saturday, Dec. 29, 1956, at bis home, 565 Ontario St., Toronto, George Allum, in his 85th year, beloved husband of tbe late Florencel Faith Gomme Allum, and dear father of Helen Allum, Hannah (Mrs. Albert E. Turner), Doris (Mrs. Murray Holman) and Har- olId Allum. He also leaves three sisters: Mrs. H. Pring, Toronto; Mrs. G. W. Kinsman, N.C., U.S. A.;, Mrs. F. Cator, Bowmanville; two brothers: David, Toronto; Jabez, Guelph. Rested at Joseph P. Thompson's funeral home, 132 Carlton St. Funeral service was held on Wednesday morn- Ing, 10 o'clock. Interment St.1 John's Cemetery, Norway. 2-1*1 PLETT, Elizabeth D.-At Me- morial Hospital, Bowmanville on Wednesday, January 2nd, 1957, Elizabeth D. Flett, widow o! James Edwin Flett and dear rnother of Alex, Fenelon Falls; Joe, Bowmanville; Ella (Mrs. M. Graham), Blackstock; Susie (Mrs. E. Harris), Burketon. Rested at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service was beld on Saturday, January 5th at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilleý Cemetery. 2-11 MAVOR-In Victoria, B.C. on January 3, 1957, Kate Ethelwyn Adair (formerly of Bowman- ville), beloved wife of James Mavor o! Victoria and sister of Mrs. J. C. Hancock (Bessie) of Newcastle and Mrs. H. A. C. Jackson (Coralie) of Montreal ~West. Buriàl took place in Vic- toria on Saturday, January 5, 1957. 2-11 MOORE, Frederick-At Bow-i manville on Saturday, January' 5th, 1957, Frederick Moore, be-, loved husband of the late Ger- trude Skinner, in bis 78th year. Rested at Northcutt and Smithl Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service was held on Tuesday, January 8th at 2 pm. Interment Bethesda Cerne- tery. 2-1 PINGLE, Harry Ross-At Gar- dena, California, on December. 21, 1956, Harry Ross Pingle, son z! the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pingle, brother of Mrs. Sam Glanville, Mrs. John Glanville, Norman Pingle, Bowmanville; Mrs. Albert Cox, Oshawa; Baden Pingle, Hampton: Walter Pingle, Taunton; Howard Pingle, Toron- to and George Pingle, Ottawa. Service was held at MeMillan Funeral Cbapel, Gardena, Dec. 26, 1956. Interment Roosevelt Memorial Park Cemetery. 2-1* TN MEpMORIAM ADAMS-In loving memony of a dean father, Charles Frederick Adams who passed away Jan. th, 1938. Farewell, dean father, thy work is 'er, Thy willing bands will toil no more. A loving father, kind and truc, No one on earth we'll find like you. .-Sadly missed and ever nemnem- bered by daugbter Pearlie. 2-1 BEGLEY-In loving mernory o! our dear wifo and mother Velma (Banc) who died Jan. 8, 1956. Her memony is as dean today As in the hour she passed away. -Ever remernbered by husband Bill and children Amboen, Bruce, Carole. 2-1 IBROWN-In momory of Mrs. Mabel Brown, who passed away January 14, 1956. You lefi us quietly, Your tbaughts unknown, But you lefi us memnonies We are proud ta own. -Kitchen staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowrnanville. 2-1* MARTIN-In ]oving rnemory oi our dean mother, Janet Matin, wbo passed away Jan. 7th, 1948. Tilli memory fades and life doparts, You live fonever in aur bearts. -Sadly missed by Bossie, Douglas, John and famiilies. 2-1* Found --fAT -1- - A----j .¶-- Aicles For Sale 1 Livestock For Saile LLOYD baby carniage, like nw TWO calves for vealing. Phone1 Pbone MA 3-3793. 2-1 1 M A 3-2484. 2-11 GIRL'S white beginner's skates, size 10. Phone MA 3-5958. 2-1* PLATFORM rocker, walnut, perfect condition. Phone MA 3-2940. 2-1* BROWN mouton coat, size 14-16, good condition. Phone MArket 3-5740. 2-1* SEVEN pigs, nine weeks old. Apply Bil Jewell MA 3-2987. 2-1 FRESH cows and some due to freshen soon. Apply Z. J. Bens- chop. Phone MA 3-2926. 2-3* TWO young ganders and onel young goose. Ed. Williams, R. 1 Nestleton. Phone 31 r 21, Black- DESK, sizo 36 x 50. Ideal for stc.21 school or office, nearly new. MA 3-3900. 2- 1* 100 FIVE months old Barred Rocks for.sale. Drap in or dial GURNEY cook slave, whitelC. de Mooy 18 r 8, Orono, afier eniarnli, Iin good condition . Tele- 6 p.m. 2-1* phon 14 1-241*- ,TWO regisiemed Holstein beifers FLOOR polisher for mont ai due ta freshen. Accnediied, vac- Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 cinaîed and lisled. Clanencel King St. E, Bowrnanville. 13-tf Tink. Phono MA 3-2361. 2.1* TWO large cribs with mattress-j TEN registered Heefords ai os; metal single bed. Apply ICobourg Sales Barn, Wednesday, Donald Lepine, Enniskillen. ,1January l6th. Rend neduciion 2-4* sale, properiy o! R. T. Cunreliy, and used sewing machines. Ren- tais or repairs. Phone MA 3-2155. 18-tf THREE milking parlor stalis with pipe-line milker. M. H. Pedwell. Phone Newcastle 3851. 2-2 * COMPLETE bedroom suite in good condition. Caîl S. Chas. Allin for particulars, MA 3-3246. 2-1 * GREENHOUSE, 17' X 51', Cyp-1 ess ribs, hot watem beating.i Phono MA 3-3847. 7 Concession St. E. 2-1 KEYS cut auiomaiically, while you wait, ai Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 36 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD or sofi water delivemed. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale, Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-if FREE homo demonstrations. Elecinical appliances and Singer sowing machines. Telephone MA 3-2817. 2-4* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompi service ta electnical appliances, lange and small. Landor Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-t! SAVE on lumben. direct !nom mil ta you. Phiilips Lumben Ca., Kinmouni. Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf USED parts for ail makes o! washems, 1,/4 b.p. matons, $5.00 and up. Minor nepairs. Paddy s Market, Hampton, Ont. 1-3 DO your own floors - Rent a sander or a floon ,olisher fnom Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bawmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-t! INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Wonkmanshi-p guaanieed. F re e estimates. Harny L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-t! MAN'S bnown fitted overcoat, size 40; lady's blue fitted coat, size 15, excellent condition, $9 each; also, lady's ski boots and pales. MA 3-3900. 2-1* ONE used piano, one used box stove, anc building with metal siding 12 x 18'. Phone MA 3- 2501. Clarence Avery, Sec.- Treas. Union S.S. No. 17. 2-1 HEARING aid service, testing service and complote stock o! batteries and cords ai Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. 20-tf USED washers, $20 up; 2 used Keivinator refigeratars, $75 up; used electnic dryer, like now, $175 ai Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bawmanville. Tele- phono MA 3-5774. 2-1 ADDING machines, typewritons, cash negisters, choque writens, !iling cabinets, officL- furniture, new and used. Repains ta al makes. Walton Frank. Boyvman- ville MA 3-2403. Newcastle 2114. 19-t! FIFTEEN hundred bushels o! Garry soed oats and 1.000 bush- els a! Rodney seed oats, excel- lent colaur and quality, . ever rained on. Applv George Sym- ans, R.R. 2, Agincourt, Ont. Tele- phono AXminster 3-4900. 2-3 MORRIS Ca. bave been appoint- ed Singer Sewing Machine ne- presentativos for the Bowman- ville district. Corne in and sOO a Singer-the finesi in sewîng machines. Vaious attachments also in stock. Phono MAnket 3-5480. 46-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made. or draperies sold by the yard. Our represeniative will caîl at your borne any trne with a complote range a! samplos and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town. 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-3609. Bowman- ville. 48-t! BEDROOM, chesterfield and kitchen suites, platform rockers, stop-up and coffee tables, min- noms and larnps, priced ta dlean. Trade-in allowance. Terms $315 per bundred per year. Trade- in: buffet, table and 4 chairs, natural wood finish; steel bedi and spring, rangette with aven contraI, used three rnonths, bal! pnîce. Murph.v Ca..King W. Boxwmanville. NIA3-3781. 2-lu DECORATING *For the Latest Papers SFor the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & Son RiMALL. toboggan, 4 Il. Ieng [n. iear Highway 35iln Orono. Own-. er write P.O. Box E, Bowrnah.'-i bA 3-5912 ivas. ---21 phons MA 3-3701 il-tt CANADIAN Approved, pulIorum tested, Day Old and Started Chicks. Book ordons now for future delivery. White Leghorn, Barned Rock (fast feathering) and New Hamp. X Barred Rock. For pnice list write or Phono H. J. Brooks, Bowmanvillo,ý MA 3-3961. 50-tf PETS FOR SALE REGISTERED German Sbep- herd pups. Phone MA 3-2403. 2-21 MALE black and tan hound, 15 months aid; maie Beagle. five monthà old. Apply Grant Stew- Sart, Pontypool. 2-2 Cars For Sale '48 CHEV., good condition, cus- tom radio, snow tires, $350 an best offer. Phone Blackstock 13M. 2-1 Before You Buy t Give "SIew A Try"' BEST DEAL IN TOWN 1951 HILLMAN Sedan. Safe, econ- amical transportation. 195.00 1952 FORD Customline Tudor. Radio, , custorn slips, far better than average. 745.00 1952 CHEVROLET ', Ton Pick Up. ,Repainted and reconditioned. 128,000 actual miles. Ready ta go. 495.00 1952 CHEV. 1-ton panel. Good motor, tires and body. È 250.00 1951 CHEV. sedan. Radio, air con- ditioned. A reliable car. 495.00 1953 HILLMAN Station Wagon. Srnali mileage. One owner. 495.00 Rmambler has it, so bas Lincoln but Lincoln only YOU ARE INVITED TO TEST-DRIVE THE 1957 RAMBLER It has double safe ail weld con- struction. No body ratties, no nuts and bolts. Deep coul ride. Better than thirty miles to the >Gallon. More head room, leg room and hlp room than any of the Big Three. EASY TERMS - TRADE CASH DISCOUéNT You'll Do Better At WELLMAN'S HILLMAN-RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN OSHAWA Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and deiivory. Lamne Doreen. 85 King E. Phono MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS toalal makos of refrig- emators. darnestic and commner- cial: rnilking coolers. Higgon Electrie Limited, 42 Kinx St. E. Phono MA 3-5438. 25-tf CLOCK REPAIRS Pick-up and Dellver G. A. BROWN #192 King St. E. MA 3-5136 Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, five-day week, to look after two small children. Phone Newcastle 2796. 2-1* PIN boys, earn good money dur- ing the bowling seaso~ Apply Martyn's Bowling Acaemy. 1 1-21 OFFICE help. Must be able to type. Telephone MA 3-5690 or contact H. C. Downham Nursery Co. 2-1 RELIABLE woman one day weekly to do cleaning o! floors, woodwork, etc. Transportation provided. Write Box 609, Canad- ian Statesman. 2-1 CORRESPONDENTS required for thè Courtice and Maplei Grove areas, must be interested in area in wbicb they live. For full details apply to The Canad- Ian Statesman, Bowmanville. 2-tf LOCAL Rawleigh business available. Start immediately. Selling experience helpul but not reciuired. Car necessary. Write at once for particulars. Raw- leigh's Dept. A-140-251, Mont- real, P.Q. 2-1 SALESMEN and women - Big repeat business assures regular profits with quality known line o! sweaters, shirts, lingerie, dresses, bosiery, for entire fam- ily. Direct factory to consumer. Opportunities in your commun- ity. Write British Knit, Simcoe, Ontario. 2-2, ARE you ambitiaus? If sw can guaraniee you an incarne of j$50 - $75 per week in selling !rom door ta door aur 225 guar- anteed products: toiletnies, medi- cines, culinanies, tea, co!!ee. Ad- vantageous commission. Speciais with free products. $20.00 need- cd. Jito, Dept. A - 5130 St. Hu- bert, Montreal. 2-1 MORE money in quicker timo. Tbat's what Familex offers you. 250 household praducts and ad- vantages which can't be dupli- cated. With Familex you buiid a steady repeat business that guarantees a growing secure future. Extra, fastor profits for you every day. Familex Depi. 26, Station C. Montreal. 2-1 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE The oldest and langest com- pleto liquid fertilizor cornpany is expanding and bas oponings for Imen wha can seli direct ta farm- ens. Produci nationaliy adver- tised. Wo are building facionies in straiegic locations. This in- dustry is new, progressive, with unlimiied possibilîties and pnov- en results. Agnicultural back- ground necessary. This position roquires a self-starter. The man we want is looking for an oppar- tunity o! earnig fnom $3,000 ta $8.000 a year, with a chance o! building it for mare. Men select- ed will bo sent ta aur main office and plant for complete training and given pensanal l4elp and supervision during starting periad. A il correspondence strictly confidential. Write, giv- ing full panticulans and ex- penience. Personal interview will be arranged. Apply ta E. McLachlan, Vîce-Presidont, "Na- Chuns" Plant Food Ca. (Canada) Ltd., 2 Langanth St. W., London, Ont. 2-3 For Rent SIX-roomed bouse in Newton- ville. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-3935. 2-1 FOUR roomed apartrnent ai ,Hampton, newly docoratod. Tele- phone MA 3-2880. 2-2 SPACIOUS apanimont, ail heat, toilet and sink, bot and cold water, heavy duty wiring. Apply Bill Lyceit, Sirnpson Ave., Bow- manville. 2-1 SELF-CONTAINED apaniment, graund floon, beated. Refniger- ator and stove supplied. Newly deconated, bardwood f 1 a o r s througbout, fireplace, at Kings- way Apartments, Chunch St. Apply Norman J. Scott. 2-tf OFFICE SPACE NEAR POST OFFICE Steam Heated 2 or 4 Roomed Suite now being remodelledl Apply Mr. King Specialty Paper Producis 63 Temperance St. MA 3-3381 2-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the estate o! ACHILLE VAN ELSLANDER, laie of the City o! London in the Couniy o! Middlesex, (formerly o! R.R. No. 4 Bowmanville and R.R. No. 1 Langton) Tobacco Farmer, de- ceased. Creditors and othens baving dlaims againsi the estate o! the above decoased who died an an about the 3Oth day o! July 1956,I 4re required ta send fuli par- tulars o! such dlaims t h uhdOersigned Solicitor forthad mînisirainix on or before the' 1Otb day o! February, 1957, alter bhidh date the estate's assets will be distributed, baving re-1 I gard anly ta dlaims thai bave I hen been received. DTDai Lon don, Ontaria, ts thday o! January, 1957. W. B. Hendenson, Q.C., .165 ;Richmond Street. London, On- karia, Solicitor for Maniba Van . làlmnder. Adimini tratrix. -2.- NOTYICES~ To Boyd and Dorotby Sierpon, Niagara Falls, arrived in time for Christmas, a chosen son, David William Boyd Siemon, tbree weeks old. 2-l* Notice to rabbit hunters. $1.Où will be paîd for each rabbit. Please be careful when huntingý on nursery property. Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries. 48-tf NOTICE 0IF BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that tbe Coun- cil o! the Corporation o! the Town of Bowmanville will con- sider passing a by-law to stop up and close ail that part o! original allowance for road be-ý tween Lot Number 8 in tbe Broken Front Concession of the Township of Danlington and or- iginal Township Lot Number 9 now i the Town o! Bowman- ville (commonly known as Mearns Avenue), lying between the southern limit of Provincial Highway Number 401 and the northern limit o! the Canadian National Railway lands, at any time after the 3lst day of Jan- uary, 1957. Alick J. Lyle, Clerk o! the Town of Bowmanville. 2-4 NOTICE 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council o! the Corporation o! the Town o! Bownîanville will consider passing a by-law ta jstop up and close the following descnîbed roads, and stroots, namely, (a) ibose paris o! Hunt Street, 3 Duke Street, the Gravel Road (cornronly known as Wharf Road), Simpson Avenue, Smart Avenue and Mearns Avenue lying wîtbin the limits o! Pro- vincial Higbway 401; 5 (b) 1 foot strips o! the said Hunt Street, Gravel Road and Simnpson Avenue, ly- ing lrnmediately northenly and southenly o! Highway 401; (c) 1 foot strips o! the said Smart Avenue and Mearns Avenue lying immediately nortberly o! Highway 401, as sbown on Plan P-2695-21 ai- tacbed ta Onder-in-Council reg- istened on the isi day o! No- vember 1951 as instrument No. 14173, any trne after the isi day o! February, 1957. Alick J. Lyle, Clerk o! the Town o! Bowrnanville. 2-4 Wanted PIANO in good condition, roas- onable Phono MA 3-2617. 2-1 BOARD with pnivato moom for gentleman. Write 27 Tempon- ance St., c/o J. Geboors. 2-1* DEAD and crippled fanm stock, picked up promptly. Telephone KAnket 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm. Tyrone. 26-t! TORONTO iaw firm requiros substantial funds for mnonigage invesiments. Returns o! 10 ta 12% on firsi morigages. Aiso second monigages ai bigher rates. Write Box 607, c/o Canadian Statesman. 2-3 Notice to Creclitors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Sarah Mildrod Hardy, laie o! the Town o! Bowmanville, in the County o! Durham, Widow, Deceased, wbo died ai the City o! Oshawa, on or about the l7th day o! November 1956, tostate, with place o! abode ai Bowmanville. THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditons and othens having dlaims against the above Estate are nequîmed ta send particulars and full proof ihereof ta the undersigned on or befone the 4tb day o! March, 1957, afier which date the assois o! the Estate will be distributed having regard only ta the dlaims ibai have then beon neceived. Dated ai Bowrnanville, Ontario the 28th day o! December, 1956. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc., 30 King St. West, Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. 1-3 Lost RANGY, black and tan hound, lame on front foot, named Mike. Reward. Phono Newcastle 2104. 1 -2"' COLLIE young dog, black bead with white blaze and chest. Answers ta "Lux". Reward. Newcastle 3026. 2-1* LOST or stolen, an Dec. 151h. anc blue tick hound, west of Blackstock Reward. Telephone MA 3-5780 on MA 3-5478. 2-1* FOXHOUND white and tan, male, vicinity o! Pontypool. Answers Skip. Luke, 328 Kings- dale, Oshawa. HA 5-5267. 2-1 Room and Board SINGLE room available immed- iately. Phone MA 3-5239. 2.1 Wanted to Buy GIRL'S white figure skates, suze >three. Phone MA 3-3406. 2-if SMALL used baby crib. Mrs.' Otto Ricbter, Telephone MArket 13-3836. 2-1 CEMENT mixer, size suitable for building cantractor's use. Tele- phone MA 3-5105. 2-1* HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf ALL kinds o! live pouitry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at vu oor for large or smafl qunttis.We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Telephone collect ta Bethany 1 7 r 13. 28-tf BASSWOOD LOGS AND LUMBER Apply to WM. M. ALLIN 19 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone DA 3-5576 2-2*1 WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING ALSO SELL PARTS AND USED TIRES COWANVILLE AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 2 Newcastle Phone Clarke 3902 Pro. Bob Hicks 2-1* 'Mortgages Wanted MORTGAGE wanted, $2,500 cash urgently needed by ne- sponsible party. Write Box 1144,1 Bowmanville. 2-1- Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER 1 Tenders wiil be received by ithe undersigned Solicitor up to 12:00 o'clock noon on Saturday, the l9th day o! January 1957, for the purchase o! the propenty o! the late Miss Mary Almeda Couch at the corner o! Mill 1Street and Emily Street, - Newcastle 7 The property is a centrally la- Scated modern bouse o! 5 rooms and bathroom with oil burner. 1 Terms: 10% o! pnice with tender; balance to be paid in cash on closing. Closing date to be arranged. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. House will be open for inspec- tion on Saturdays fnom 1:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. or by appointmeni to be made with Miss Tena M. Fenguson, telephone Newcastle 2359. R. R. WADDELL, Q.C., Orono, Ont., Solicitor for the Vendons. Tenders Wanted ONTARIO PROPERTY SALE No. 1344 BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION Two-storey frame bouse, twa frarne barns, 50' x 30', 1 frarne driving shed, 50' x 25', 1 frarne garage and 1 frame rnilk bouse. Located bal! a mile nortb wesi o! Port Hope on Highway No. 2. Tenders close 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time. Thurs- day, Januany 24, 1957. Information and tender forms obiainable frorn: THE TENDERS SECRETARY ROOM 1412, EAST BLOCK PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO or DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS PORT HOPE 1Highest or any tender nai necessarily accepted. Departmont o! Hlghways Ontario 2-2 Work Wanted EXPERIENCED switcbboard op- erator, full urne position. Write Box 608, c/o Canadian States- man. 2-1 NEW plastering and epairs.1 Workmansbip guaranieed. A.C. Woods. Phono Clarke 23 r 04.' 48-8* MASONRY and CONCRETE Repairs or Structural Brick, Block or Concrets Estimates Free P.O. Box 177 L. TURNER Phono MA 3-3231 Evenings MA 3-3339 37-t! Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 2-4* SAVE MONET AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fast, PromptSevc 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 1 Real Estate for Sale1 H. C. PEDWELL REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, 8 room bhouse, bath and furnace, bank barn 40' x 80', other buildings, 15 acres bush, balance workable, 2 miles off No. 2 Higbway; $11,000, small down payment. 100 acres, 7 room clapboard bouse, bank barn 40' x 65', al workable land, adjoining good village. $9,000, low down pay- ment. 50 acres, 2 miles fromn New- castle, 7 roomn clapboard bouse with oul funnace, pressure system, 2 barns, steel stanchions, water bowls, milk cooler, ail equipped for dairy. Will seil as a going concern including 15 milk cows.1 Corne and see this well located farmn and miake an offer. 2 acres of land with new 6- room bungalow, 3-piece batb, 3 bedrooms, on Solina Road, close to No. 2 Higbway and scbooi. $7,500, with terms. We bave several small bouses on easy terms, also a large list of the best farms. Money to loan H. C. PEDWELL Newcastle Phone 3856 2-11 PETER KOWAL Real Estate AND GENERAL INSURANCE New 3 bednoom ranch-type bungalow, large living-room, dining area, beautiful kitchen wiih breakfast nook, tiled 4- pieco bath, bardwood and tile floors. Aitached garage. This is an extra ordinary home and pnîced ai anly $14,500 with torms. $10,500 full asking pnice for ibis 2-bedroom frame bungalow. Lovoly throughout. Handwood and tile floons. See it now. Terms available. 12 acre country borne., Jusi what you want for your grawing farnily. Near school. 8-room modern house. Came and see it and make an offer. Asking only $15,000.00 with ierrns. Monigage funds available. For besi results lisi wiih PETER KOWAL Real Estato and General Insurance 99 King St. E. MA 3-5868 2-1 De Wiih Real Esfie DAIRY FARM, flot fan from Oshawa, with 200 acres land, 175 acres workable, creek, large 120 x 38' bank barn with waten bowls, running Waier, bon bouse, garage; 8 oomed framo bouse with heavy duty wiring. Can be bougbt wiih ahl stock and equipment as a going cancern. Asking $35,000. Terms arranged. Has good milk quota. GENERAL FARM o! 150 acres. situated on paved road wîth large cneek. 110 acres are wonk- able. Good buildings, 95' x 36' bank barn with L-shaped exten- sion, implement shed, 2 hon bouses, garage; 8 noomed solid brick bouse with nunning water, heavy wired. Pnice $16,000.00. Tormns arranged. GENERAL FARM, 100 acres on No. 2 Highway, with 80 acres workable land, 100' x 32' bank barn with L-shaped extension, creek, drive-in shed, ben bouse, garage; 6 roorned stone bouse, heavy wined, water in kitchen. Prîce $14,000. Terrns. CASH CROP FARM, 91 acres on No. 2 Highway, with 75 acres o! workable land, cneek, 77' x 36' bank barn, implemeni shed, large hon bouse, pig pens; 9 roorned solid brick bouse with heavy duty wining. Adjoining two bighways and cloveleaf in near future. Asking $18,000.00. Terms. GENERAL FARM. 150 acres situated 1:, mile fram bighway wiih 100 acres workable, 30 acres in wood, creek, 60' x 40' bank barn, drive-in shed, bon bouse, well; 9 noomed frame bouse wiih hardwood floors. Pnice $10,500.00. Easy ierms. GENERAL STORE in village wiih good turnover. Building consists o! store, stockroom, full basement and 2 aparnments up- stairs, bath wiih bathnoom, nun- ning hot and cold water. Ras ail furnace. Pnice $13.000. Tenms arranged. Excellent 8 roomed brick borne with ail furnace, 4-piece bath, running hot and coid water with 15 acres o! land, 50' x 30' bank barn, implernent shed, hon bouse, double garage. Price $9,000. Termns arranged. 4 roomed white clapboard bouse at Countice on % acre lot with handwood and tile faonrs, septic tank, 2-piece bath, run- ning water, garage. Situaied on highway. Pnice $6.000 with $1,000 down. .5 noorned white clapboandi b ouse with ail furnace, wateri under pressure, aluminurn storms and screens, double garage. Down payment $1,000. Pnice arranged. 5 noorned white clapboard bouse in Newcastle with good well. garage and beavy duty wiring. Asking $4.500 with $750 down. Besides above mentianed we have appnoxirnateiy 100 more ,farrns and homes ta choose from. Contact: Reltr ianlGenralInhuanc Reail Estate for Sale FIFTY acres close to Bow~*. ville. Write Box 606, c/oTll " Canadian Statesman. LEASK REAL ESTATE. 5 room new brick ranch bun- galow, on roomy corner lot, 4- piece bath, 3 bedrooms, fineplace with beatilaton, 2 picture win- dows, laundry tubs, 3 section basement, forced air ail furnace. Garage. Possession anranged. Tèrms. 5 room split-level new brick bungalow, attached garage, deep corner lot 4-piece bath, sun- porch, picture window, hot wat- er heating, laundry tubs. Im- mediate possession. Ternis or big reduction for cash. Owner moving to Toronto. Must sell. j 5 room bouse on large lot, 3- piece bath up and toilet on main floor, remodelled kitchen, 3 bed- rooms, sunroom. Garage. Cent- ral. $8,750.00. Easy terms. We have houses, lots, farms, etc. Consuit us before buying. M. E. Leask 615 Ontario St,. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 2-1 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 43 Park Rd. South Oshawa Flett St. Extra modern 5 room 3 bed- room ranch bungalow, large modern kitchen, large living- room with beautiful raised fire- place o! stone, 3 good bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath with vanity, full divided basement, enclosed breezeway, a t t a c h e d brick garage. This is definitely one of the best and most modemn homes in this area Caîl Keith Petens, RA 5-8761 or Res. MA 3-3533. Commercial Site Close to new Post Office, this is a very valuable site for office o! any kind, 6 noom bouse now situated on this lot 140 ft. deep. Cail Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810 or Res. MA 3-3533. 99 Acre Farm *Just north of Bowmanville, about 75 acres highly productive workable land, good trout stream, gravel on property. large 7 rooma bouse, beavy wir- ing, very good barn with bydro, possession early spring. Cal Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or Res. MA 3-3533. 8 Roo.m House Spacious borne, spotlesslY clean and weli decorated, open fireplace, oil heating. tw stair- ways to 2nd floor maýes this home veny adaptable fO'.> du- plex, central location, a 1Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810 or Re$. MA 3-3533. $2,000 Down $30 per month for this I%ý 7 room home, modemn kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, fi-" basement, double galv garden with fruit tr RA 5-8761 or MA 3-35'b Members o! the Tor local Real Estate Boarld Audrey Bickel Wins $80 Draw On Saturday Saturday was a lucky day for Audrey Bickell of 127 Ontario Street. She was present at the Merchants' Appreciation Day Dnaw when ber 20 percent cou- pon was picked from the drum,. w:;nning $80 for ber. Any persan having a coupon in the drum is eligible to wia these cash prizes given away every week by Bowmanvi'lla Merchants. If you have a cou- pon in next Saturday's draw, please remember, you must toe present at the draw in order to, win the full amount. Should your name be one of the finst twa dnawn and you are not present, you xiii receive a con- solation award. Next week's jackpot will be worth $380. You may be a lucky winner too, if you are at $1.00 plus lc aÔ- lins for COMMERCiAL CLASIFIW Includes ail advertiàlnýlgi* poIsons or firms sellinq se 0C". ideas or qooda of any descriptiOn _3c per word. minimum charge 75c cash with order. To rqujlx. advertisers - Payable on Dl spiay Classified. at .5r inch with o minimum 01 inch. Additional insertigi5,f the one rates. MIl Classified Ads must be tW this office flot loter thon 12 o'cIock noon, Wedn.sdoey. Send cash, stampu or Max" order and save marier. Clip this out for handv reference OFFCE ROUES Monday through Frlday 8:30 a.n. te 5 p.=n. Satuzday2 11:30 a.m. te 2nc t ~ fIai MA "-303 for Classified Ad. Servie TUE THE CANAVLAN ETA"Zxm. BOWMANVM=. ONTAItTo PAGE TOURTZTN TRMSDAT, YAIÇ "914 ffl F

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