Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 12

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* , 4 -e'. - -, .4 ..*.**-4- S *4~.*~-* *t-.~ ~ -. . 4 .- 1 . - .. *4l PAGE TWELVE ________________________________ TURBDYZANI. lotli, Ion Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Eustace and family passed through Or- 'ono -lut week enroute to God- erich where Rev. Eustace wii] ý-take over as minister of one of the' lnited Churches in God- erich. Rev. and Mrs. Eustace and family were overnight guests of Rev. and Mrs. John K. Moffatt and family, Oshawa, last Wednesday. .Mr. Denny Lynch has return- *ed to Halifax after spending his 10 days' léave with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Schauf- :fler spent the weekend in To- 'ronto and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chap- man and son Clair, Miss Ber- tha Cain, Miss Enla Chapman, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Bryson and daughters, Coîborne, Mr. Francis Jose, -Newcastle, were New Year Day guests of Mrs. M. Sherwin anmd Laurence. SMr. and Mrs. Ernest Dent mnd family visited Mrs. Gordon ~'Dent in Toronto. - Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn entertain- ed ber Sunday School Class Sunday evening in the S. S. Au- ditorium with a special program followed by lunch. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Keane, Bowmanville, Mrs. E. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton were > upper guests Saturday of Mrs. ,John Morris. Mrs. Cecil Pollard bas return- ed home aften spending 10 .'days witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy :Pollard, Scarborough. ,Mrs. John E. Armstrong re- - turned on Tuesday to Memon- !l Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Bertrude Gilliland and ,Mrs. Eilda Rutledge have r2- turned home to Carrievale, ,,.Sask., after spending the holi- * days visiting friends and rela- tives. ,~Mrs. Margaret Bohaker, Oshl ? ais supplying at Orono High SScbool. Mrs. Perc. Morgan who tra- velled' by T.C.A. plane from 5, MaitGn to Saskatoon, Sask., ta attend the funeral of her sister. ~Mrs. Arthur Hyde, who passed î away suddenly bas returned ~home. . .i M Mn. and Mrs. Jim Lamb, Ka- 'ren and Barbara, Scarboro, ';s"pent the weekend with Mrs. :Thornton Wilson. ~'Mn. and Mrs. Harold Dean 'visited ber parents, Mr. and ~'Mrs. Arthur Harris, Sharbot .Lake, on their Golden Wedding ~.Anniversary, Dec. 26th. SMrs. Madison Hall returned ,ý:home Sunday after spending -10 days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank , Ardron and sons, Toronto. SMr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter and S'ýJoan, Newcastle, visited Mr. 0"and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman on ~Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee Sand David, Spragg, visited in ' taaand Orono over the Sholidays. -tMr. and Mrs. Dean West were supper guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean. Mrs. Norman Winter. Osh- Pwa, with Mrs. S. E. Aluin. ~Mrs. Harvey Curtis is in vile, rai Hospital, Bowman- Mrs. E. Gnady, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and daughter Mary Ann Armstrong, in Hamilton, wherc Mary Ann is attending school. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn spent Christmas and New Year witn Mr. and Mrs. Russel Van Horne, Whitby, and visited Rev. and Mns. John Wilson at Dunbar- ton. Mr. Arthur Alexander (San- dy) Somerville, husband of Ruby Thornton, passed away at his residence, Wycbwood Ave, Toronto, Jan. 2, 1957. Funeral was on Friday with interment in Orono Cemeteny. Mns. Henry Smitb and son, Gravenhurst, spent the week- end with ber mother, Mrs. D. N. Myles. Miss Helen Turner, Toi'onto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs and family last weekend. Mn. and Mns. Jack Stapletor. and family and Mr. and Mns. Dean West, spent New Yea's with Mr. and Mis. C. V. Coop- er. Mrs. Ken Gamsby spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. H.an- old Snell and family, Toronzo. Miss Helen Colville, spent New Year's with Mn. and Ms. Allisun Cowan and sons, To- ronto. Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper last weck. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones on their 25t±i wedding annivensary on Jaxi- uary l6th, 1957. Mrs. John Turner is stayinga with Mns. Chas. Awde fàr the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power, Catherine and James, Mrs. John Morris and Mrs. E. Evans, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Canlos Tamblyn and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. White spent New Yean's with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Murray. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow and famiiy visited in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen spent New Year's with Mr. anci Mrs. Gordon Leamen and fam- ily, Scarboro. Holiday week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hancock wene, Mr. and Mns. Harold Hancock and family, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hancock, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Mariow Hancock and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perrin and Larry, Mi. and Mrs. AlU Penrin and family, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold and family, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold and famiiy', To- ronto, Mi. and Mis. Egertun Hancock. Mr. and Mis. John Connely, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fiinto!f and family, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Cowan. Mr. John Gibson Sr., age 91, passed away suddenly at his residence on Saturday after- noon. Funenal was on Tucsday. Interment in Onono Cemctery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw, Kleinburg and Miss Elsie Rowe, Newcastle, spent New Yean's with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Mr. V. Auger, of the Onono High Scbool staff, left Mein- orial Hospital last week and is convalescing at bis home in Ottawa. Mr. and Mns. Everett Couvier and family, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Robinson and family, Bowmanville, Mn. Norman R. Andrews, Sr., Mn. Fnederick An- drews, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews and son Freddie, Mr. Russell Mernil, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moffat and famiy wene dinner guests Saturday evening of Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Rickaby and son Norman, spent New Yean's with Mn. Rickaby's mo- ther, Mrs. J. A. Rickaby and Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Milt Morris and son, Ross, Mn. and Mns. Han- old Dean, Mn. and Mrs. G. Cox and son Dean, Bow-manville,I spent New Yean's with Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Tonge and family, London, visited Rev. and Mns. John Kitchen and Olav. The Orono News Telephone 127 BURKETON 1 Mr. and Mns. Anbbony Smith and childnen spent Christmas and New Yean's wibh Mns. Smitb's mothen, Mrs. Armstrong, at Smitbs Falls. Mn. and Mns. Kennetb Car- gi, Toronto, with Mrs. Carter, and !amily. Mn. and Mns. John Archer and cbildnen with Mn. and Mns. John Wotten. Mns. George Ailison is in Oshawa wibb Mns. Frank Ailison. Choir practice was beld at the home o! Mrs. Roy Bone. Mns. Ina Argue spent a few days in Toronto wibh Mn. and Mns. Cecil Hyde. Mn. and Mns. George Carter and Jobnnie witb Mn. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and boys, New Year's. Mn. and Mns. J. Hogevasb o! Lindsay moved 10 bbc former home o! Mn. and Mns. H. -Trick. He is employed at General Mot- ors. The Golden Aga Aberdeen boy at lessons: "Wben was bbc Golden Age, Father?" "It was wben geese laid gold- en eggs, laddie, but tbcy dinna dae that n00: I'vc Inied tbem." '4 il, IOrono Accepts War *Memorial Design S-TÀRK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. 'Ewart Robin- son and family, Mrs. R. Bough- en and sons, Miss Helen Hal- lowell, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boughen and Mr. Arthur Mc- Kay were guests at Mr. Mor- ley Robinson's New Year's Day. t For New Year's dinner Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls entertain- ed Misses Norma and Beulah Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and son, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell, Jim and, Mau- rice and Miss Gwen Stark. Some attended the celebra- tions at Kendal on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs.. Russell Low- ery and family, spent Tuesday at Mr. A. Dobson's. Mr. Leonard Falls entertain- ed the Boy Scouts last Satur- day afternoon at a skating par- ty on his rink. Afterwards the boys were served a hot dinner. Mr. Ewart Robinson assisted with the party. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell attended the silver weddmng annîversary for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls at their home, Bowmanvîlle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Stark and family, were dinner guests at Mr. Gordon Power's, Clarke Union. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and son had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best, Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin-I son were guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Stark New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mis. Russell Savery and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. John Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Syl- vester, Oshawa, were New Year's dinner guests at Mr. Jim Stark's.1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood spent Friday evening at Mr. Brian Caswell's. Friends from Willowdale spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Westheuser. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and fam-ily had dinner at Mr. Orme Falls' Saturday. Most of the young people are enjoying skating at Mr. Len Falls' rink. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Tiffen, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Halloweli and Jim at Mr. Percy Farrow's. Mr. Elwood Moore and friend, Toronto, at Mr, Jim Stark's, Sunday. Communion will be observed at Shiloh Sunday with -Rev. Fisher in charge. Mr. Gay will be at Newcastle United Church Sunday evening and will show his pictures of Alberta and has invited the people of Shilohj to attend the service. The draft o! the above Wan teer work. The Memonial is Lo Memorial was sketched by Mr. G. L. McGee o! Orono. The Memoriai is to be erected on the plot of land just west o! the Main and Station Street in- tersection which was macle available for tbis purpose through the Clarke Township Council. The total cost o! the Wr Memorial is expected to be in the neighbourhood o! $711*111, It is also felt that the cost of the project can be cut to a lower figure with some volun- Financial Report of Orono Public School The following report was presented at the Orono Public School annual meeting recenbly. 1. Operation and Maintenance During bbc year 1956 the D.C.D.H.S.B. continued to use bhe four rooms on the second floor and the N.E. basement room for instructonal purposes as bbey did in 1955. S.S. No. 12 received from the D.C.D.H.S.B. four-seventbs of the total cost o! openation, maintenance, capital oublay and debenture debb. The last debent- unc payment on the East Wing was made Ibis year. 2. Accommodation and Equlpment In July 1956 the old cedar shingles were r4emoved from the roof o! bbc East wing and new siate asbestos shingles were put on. The large cbimney wbicb was badly in need o! repair was pointcd and the belfry was repained. A bard faced brick and cement block strucbure was erected on the S.E. corner o! bbc scbool to provide for new wasbroom and toilet facilities for bbc boys and girls and for a combined office and nurse's room. Except for funniture for the latter, this new building bas just been completcd and is ready for use wben scbool begins in January 1957. An lapproved expenditure of $12,031.38 was received from bbc Depanîment o! Education and to date the cost bas been $11,537.18. Ail bis bave been paid and Ibere will be no debentures issued. The cosb of this ncw addition bas been proporbioned as follows: 40% by Government grant; four-seventbs o! balance by D.C.D.H.S.B., and tbrce-sevcnths by S.S. No. 12. The money from the D.C.D.H.S.B. bas bcen receivcd. The old toilets in the basement are now removed and the South noom is in the process o! renovabion for use as a class room. Ib is expected that Ibis will be complebed and ready for Grades 15 and 6 when scbool stants in January. Tbey bave been using the Sunday School nooms o! the English Church since September of this year. The North basement room is being prepared as a lunch noom for boys and girls. 3. Staff and Enrolment A founbb class room \vas opencd in Seplember and Mrs. M. Lunn was bined to beach Grades 5 and 6. Thene is at present an ennolment o! 139 pupils wibb grades and teachers as foilows: Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Miss K. Foster (Principal) 22 15 37 Mrs. Lunn 20 13 33 Mis. Carleton 23 15 38 Miss Cain 13 18 31 13 18 23 15 20 13 22 15 139 December 1955 19 18 16 19 6 18 16 10 122 4. Instruction Besides bbe regular staff, Mn. A. Collison teaches singing, in ail grades. A very gnaifying report was received from Mn. C. A. Holmes, I.P.S., on bis inspection o! bbc school in Decemben o! Ibis yean. 5. In,àurance Fine insurance on the building is $100,000 and $10.000 on contents. In October o! Ibis year your Board placed a gnoup accident poiicy on pupils and teachens at a cost o! $1.20 eacb per yean. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR 1956 Cash Receipta Cash on band fnom 1955- $ 5,580.28 Depantmenb Generai Grant 7,595.03 Township o! Clarke, Salany Grant ----- - 1,800.00 Township o! Clarke, Section Levy, 15 milîs * less debentune and audit .91108.93 Rebabe on Text Books-___ _________ D.C.D.H.S.B. (12 monbbs) 3000 Insurance Rebate -3000 Non-Resident Fees----------_____ D.C.D.H.S.B. 1955 Adjustmenb ____ 6,127.47 D.C.D.H.S.B. 1955 Rebate for Skating Facilibies-___ 85.72 $33,297.43 *NOTE: Debentune $715.57 and Audit $5.00. Cash Payments Instruction . ..________-$10,227.60 Instructionai Equipmenb 780.63 Administration -_______________296.35 School Plant Operabion 5,426.07 School Puant Maintenance 1,261,84 Auxiliany Agencies 348.97 Capital Outlay 14,373.24_ Balance on Hand -582.4,73.2 $33,297.43 Salaries of Teachers - Beginning September 1956 Miss Kate Foster --.-$ 3,350 .00 Mrs. Ethel Canleton ____- 2,900.00 Miss Bertha M. J. Cain ________ 2,900.00 Mns. Francis Lunn 2,800.00 Other Salaries A. Collison, Music __ 684.00 W. C. H. and Minnie Mitchell - Carelakers-- 1,400.00 H. E. Miluson - Sec.-Treas. ------ 350.00 C. T. Miller, Auditor (Section) - - 5.00 Township o! Clarke Auditor ----_______ 5.00 J. C. Gamey, Auditon (Trustees) 5.00 Towvnship General School Rate ----. Assessed value o! S. S. No. 12 ~ 65300 Trustee Levy------------------------ --- --- - ------ 15 milîs Mn. F. E. Lycett is the retiring trustee this yean. ici le e- o g le id HÂYDON, Christmas guests aI Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron's were, Mr. and Mis. C. W. Downey and girls, Shaw's; Mnr. Peter Sing- er, Mimico. Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey werc Friday evcnng visitons. The annual school meeting e was beid in the sehool bouse on rFriday evening, Dec. 28. Mr. 1Arthur Trewin was chairman, Mrs. Cowling, secretany for the meeting, Secretary treasuner David Malcolm, gave report for year 1956. Mr. Roy Graham was reappointed trustee for an- iother term o! tbree years. There twag quile a lot o! discussion, sas there are too many pupils for one teacher. It was dccid- ed bo have two ciass rooms and two teachers. W.A. January meeting will be held Thursday afternoon (te- lday) at the home o! Mrs. An- thur Thompson at 2.30, Mns. J, Potts in change o! pnogram. 1 Annual Congregational meet- iing will be beld in the cburch on Friday evening Jan. 18. Offi- cens o! bbe Sundày Scbool will be elcbed for 1957 at Ibis meet- ing. Mn. and Mrs. A. Read, Ina, Beryl and Lynne, at Mn. an.- Mrs. Clayton Read's, Bowmail- tville, Saburday evening. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton, Ronaldi and Ray, Mn. and Mns. Ross Ashton and famîly, werc New Year's dinner guests aI Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Werry's, To- ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family were New Yean's supp3r guests of Mi. and Mrs. Fred McLaug-hlin, Ennîskiilen. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, wvere New Year's suppen guests of Mn. and Mns. Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mns. Clayton Read, Bowmanville: Mn, and Mns. Bent Ashton and family, Toron- to; Mr. H. Ashton, wene New Yean'.ç guests at Mn. and Mns. Arthur Read's. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Slemon, Mn. Milton Slemon wene gues ts o! Mn. and Mrs. Countney Gra- ham, Purple Hill, Monday. Mr. Ray Ashton bas return- cd to University after holidays and is staying with bis aunt, Mrs. Wesley Bnownlee,' Leaside. Sunday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's wene Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and fant- ily, Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Enniskillcn, wben Mn. LloydI Ashton ceiebrated his binthda y. Mrs. M. Blackburn, Saleni, was guest of Mr. and Mns. W. Blackburn and family and Mns. T. Cowling, New Yean's Day. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Tnewin at Mn. and Mns. M. Bertrim's. Little John Taben, Pickering, is visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Tho- mas Smith. 'Mn. and Mns. Bumnows and family, Toronto, were Sunday visitons with bier parents, Mr. and Mns. David Malcolm. Mns. W. Blackburn unden- went an openation on Monday at Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. New Year's guests with Mie. Wm. Tnewin's and Mn. and Mrý. Walter Loveridge were Mr. and Mrs. Athur Tnewin, Missesj Grace and Winnifred Tncwi n, Mn. Fred Castie, Toronto. family at Mn. and Mns. Ron Monrison's, Oshawa. Mn. John Graham, Mn. Ken- ne'hi Graham, Bowmanville, at Mr-s. H. Crossman's. Mns Arthur Read, Ina Beryl and Lynne, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read o! Bow- manville, to Toronto on Mon- day and saw the picture o! the Ten Commandments. They were tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. be o! solid concrete with prom inent lettering. The base o! tih monument will measure anoun seven feet. At the last meeting o! tih ex-scrviS~ personnel il was de cided to hold a public meetin early in the New Year and t which wil te invited alon with the general public, tih business men of the Village an, representatives from the var ious organizations, and lodge openating in the Village an district. -Courtesy Orono Time Bent Ashton. 4.2 milîs Statement Received fnom D.C.D.H.S.B. ___________ Rebate 1955 Skating Facility 85____________ ,Ô.721 1 3,085.721 Amounts Payable by D.C.D.H.S.B.: Foun-sevenbbs o! Scbool Plant Operalion- Four-seventbs of School Plant Maintenance Foun-sevenths o! Capital Outia «v---------- Foun-sevenths o! Debenture o! $715.57 --- 3,100.61 721.05 5,146.20 245.33 Amount from D.C.D.11.S.B. to adjust, Dec. 31, 1955 $9,213.191 WARNING W. positively refuse asilaya these cars ta autside tdealers.nWe want the rotail buyers ta talce advantage of the $150.00 ta $70000o Profit that woutd be mode by the autside used car dealers in reselling these cars. TERMS On the cars bought during this sale there are no payments until March. Down payments range fram 25% ta no down payment. Our finance plan gives you lufe insurance and mony ather benefits. There Le Thurs., Fri.,. Sat. January lOth, llth, 12th Sale Starts 9 a.m. Each Day - Closes il p.m. Look At These Values 1956 FORD TUDOR Immaculate Kingston green finish, heautifui red soran plaid seat ccv. ers, this car us nat even broken in yet, guaranteed 10w mileaige.A demonstration will convince you. $1,895 Now $1,695 1955 FORD Custom TUDOR -Beautiful pine ridge green finish, spetteas interier, radio, bock-up lighta, window wasbers. hurn sig. nais, wheel rings, other extra,. Guaronteed 15,903 miles. A real beauty. $119 Now $ 1,595 1955 CONSUL SEDAN 8potiess original ivory finish, im- maculate blue-grey leather uphals. tery. motor and mechanical con- dition guaranteed., 4 excellent tires, guaranteed law mileage, ecenom ical, 30 miles per gallon. $1,695 $1,395 1955 ANGLIA TUDOR Beautiful tan finish, spoless red leather uphelstery with foam rub- ber cushioning. This car has been used for demonstrations only. very low mileage. $1,95 Now $895 1955 DODGE COACH Sparkling lig-ht green finish, custom radio, excellent metor, 4 nearly new tires. $1,795 INow $1,595 1954 METEOR Custom SEDAN very dlean mediumn blue finish, spotless blue interiar, custemn radio, white watt tires, other extras. $1 395 Now $1,245 1954 METEOR COACH immaculate sea misl green. spot- less interior, air conditioning heat. er, 4 excellent tires. $1a345 Now $1,145 1953 FORD Custom SEDAN Immaculate medium green finish. cu'stem radie, air conditioning heater, turn signais, 4 nearly new tires. $1a345 Now $1,045 1953 MERCURY SEDAN Nocturnal blue finish, new slip cavers, 4 geod tires, excellent maoter. $1,95 Now $895 1953 FORD COACH Spotless 2-tone blue finish, imn- maculate interior. 4 new tires. mechanically, 100%; this cor con- not be equolled. $1,45 Now $995 1954 FORD RANCH WAGON Sea sprite green, 4 good tires, very qood body. We have Neti installed a brand new rnotor from the factory and will carry the same warranty as a new car. $1,45 INo w $1,295 1951 DODGr ],-'-TON PICK-UP B;autitul light grey finish, mnotor, tires, interior and exterior in ex- cellent condition. Dant let the price mslead you. $595 Now $465 1952 AUSTIN SEDAN Beautiful black finish, lavely leath- er interior, 4 excellent tires, mater runs like a dlock. $795 Now $495 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN Spotless original dark green finish, custc.n radio, pawerglide, and ail the trimmings, moter 100%. This car was ewned by a service manager of a Chevrelet Dealerselp. $1,95 Now $895 1952 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN 2-tone tani and mareen finish, 4 excellent tires, motor recently overhauled, would make on collent second cor for the famuly $550 Now3è 1952 FORD TUDOR Styletone caruso red and white finish, 4 excellent white watt tres, radie and many other extra,. Wasu $1,075 IIow $695 1952 METEOR COACH Colonial white, air condition'n beater, turn signala, 4 verA o4 tires. sptess interior, mtdr--.d' just had a transmission ove Drive this car and yeu'll b. st Was N $9 $895 N0W $ 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN Black, 4 very geed tires, meter r.- cently overhauled, very goed me- chanically. $795 Now $545 1951 METEOR COACH Spotless Banff blue finish, excellent tires, custom radio, smartest ru- ning mater yau. evr heard. $800 Now $465 1950 MERCURY SEDAN New star mist green finish, 4 new tires, interior dlean as a whip, excellent mechanically. $695 Now $545 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN Btock, tires and mechanical con. dition good, there's no guess werk when you buy this cor. $300 Now $145 1950 FORD COACH Raven black finish. new slip cov- ers, ýcusto;n radio, motor, tires and runninq gear in good condition. $595 Now $465 1949 FORD SEDAN Immaculate moroon finish, notor ini excellent condition, 4 new tires, interior very dlean. This cor is excellent in every respect. $55) Now$345 1951 FORD PICK-UP Caruzzo red, excellent body and tires. motor in top condition. This truck cannet be matched. $695 Now $495 1950 MERCURY ]Iý-TON PICK-UP Dark green and black. $350 Now $195 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY Meadow miel green, mechonîcolly O.K., this truck i. a real buy. $300 Now $145 We Are Also Wholesaling Brand New Fards COMPLETE WITH Air conditioning heater, oil filter, licence, gas, Pres- tone, spare tire, tools and ail standard factory equip- ment. For as littie as $199 U5 DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $395 30 MONTHS TO PAY Seawacy Motors Ltd. 25 Grenfeil St., 1 block West of Park Rd. S., off King Open Air Showroom 428 King St. West opj-osite new Shopping Centre OSHAWA I. 301 Dundas St. West Whitby I The above picture is the accept- ed design for a War Memorial to be erected in the Village of Orono. This design was accept- ed at a meeting of ex-service personnel of the Orono district held just before Christmas. This project of erecting a War Memorial is to be undertaken to provide a focal point at which Remembrance Day Services could be held or a wreath pise- ed. At the present time no Mem- onial is convenient to the centre of the Village. ,-~, --~ it's TEX-MADE k VA RI1E TY TIME.. wherever sheets' are sold.. Mrs. Anne Goddard of Toronto just found the buy of her itfe! . .. with Tex-macle Vanieties at the finest stores in town. And the thrill of it is-ali these glorious sheet fashions arc yours to own and treasure at January's very, very low prices. Now you can afford shelves-fuil of florais, stripes, solids, fitted sheets (now in colors!). They're alil Tex-madle, so they're certified washable, ail with matched quality pillow slips! And ail with a. heavenly scented sachet enclosed! Watch the ads for Tex-made Variety T'ime-and &et the surprise of your life at those budget prices ..the buys of your life with Tex-niade's beautiful variety of sheet.. CANAD LMES BETTER WITURETE DOMINION TEXTILE COM11P.A1,Y LMÏ 1950 Sherbrooke Street West, Montroal TRUCKS , 04 -- 1 ACTION SAL E Again We Are Forced Into WHOLESALING USED CARS SUsed Cars & Trucks SBelow Action Prices Again we have accumulated a large stock of used cars due to the tremendous acceptance of the new 1957 Ford and Monarch. In the past we have held many sales and in checking the sales w'e find that inany of the cars have gone to, Used Car Dealers outside our own conimunjty. If we are golng to sacrifice prices.. . as we are going to, do now. . . we prefer to have these savings go to our many friends who have deait with us over the past years; we're therefore offering our entire Used Car Stock at wholesale to the Retail Trade. No Glmmicks, No Prizes, and we don't have to, seli 50 cars ln so many days... we're simply Whole- saling our stock to the retail trade. 1 1 OUR POLICY AT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. ...that every car affered for sale during this big 3-day whalesailing will b. fairly and accurately re- presented ta the buyer. Our war- ranty cavers the car for a period of 6 menthe or 6,000 miles. THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOV;BUNVUZ.& ONTARlô «mý - . - - . -- - - -- - - - y 301 Dundas St. West Whitby

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