Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 10

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THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO I'ITTURV~AV tAM' lAéI. -,omm Club 15 Commîttee Hear Work of Polio Foundation Exp lained Club 15 which will agai'I sponsor the Mothers' March of Dimeà this year in aid of polio patients was represented by three members at a dinner meeting of the Folio Foundation held in the Genosha Hàtel, Osh- awa, on Dec. 8. They weré Mrs. E. Banting,. Polio Campaigit Chairman; Mrs. R. Mcntyre, President of Club 15; Mrs. G- 'Vinish, Publicity Chairman. Mr. Burch, Campaigit Direc- tw- of the Foundation, î,poke on the objectives of the Faunda- tion which has been un exist- ence in Canada for five years is pnimarily interested in the re- habilitation of adult polio vie,- tims, but will give assistance ta chîld victims through the Crippled Childrens' Society if it is requested. Clinics have been set up in four Ontario centires, Toronto, Ottawa, Fort William and London. The Foundation supports no institu' -ions of its own, prefer- ring ta use existing facilities eucri as tloze at Lyndhurst Ladge, inau'îtained by the Can-- adiaxi Paraplegics Association. The Foundation, therefore, don- ated $10,000 ta Lyndhurst Lodge last year, un -addition ta $5,00 given ta the Lakeshore Swimi- uiuniig Club ta f urther the work of Gus Ryder with crippled children. In a period of six inonths, $90,000 was spent in rehabilitation work. In addition large sums were spent un pro- vidîng therapy equipment ta hospials. 1'unds are alsa used ta further the knowledge of doctors and, physios in the new- est treatments and techniques, usualiy at U.S. centres. Mr. Burch closed by sayîng that investigation bas shown a total of 11,000 polio victims un Ontario; 50 per cent of that number are now fully recovered and the balance are un variaus stages o! treatment. The Fouit- dation is proud ta dlaim that, CANAD IAN ARMY Isfotioa centre Thé Armoury Peterborough. Ontario Téléphone RîIversidé 5-8365 or write given sufficient funds and with continually improving tech- niques, 92 per cent of polio suf- ferers can be made self-suri- porting. Mr. Burch then intra- duced Mrs. McMurray ta give a more detailed account of thez Foundations work. As an example of how fli ible the programme of th Foundation can be, Mrs. Tý Murray told thé story o! th recent Sudbury épidemic Polio. From a population o! 80 000, 98 persans were strickei mostly young aduits betwee 20-35, but thére was a surpri. ing number of child victims ur der two, a group not usuali atfectéd. Six children who ni been vaccinated were strickei but only two of that. numbe showed any paralysis and tha was of a temporary natur( which séems ta prove the el fectiveness of the Salk vaccinE The Foundation discovere that thé hospitals lacked suffi cient équipment, and this wa suppliéd at a cost of $11,00C $800 was also spent in extri nursing services Mrs. McMura felt that thé total amount spen by thé Faundation it the Sud bury area xvould probabi. reach $15,000. The speaker then went ni to outline several case histor les and told how the Founda tion bas assisted it eachi case Most mémorable xvas the stor. o! a young professianal hocke, player, who was completel: paralyzed tram an attack o polio a few years ago. Lori treatments and strength o! wil gave him back thé use o! hi hands and he persuadéd thi Founciation To give hiii a da ing course at Ryerson. Fee5 room and board were providet for hlm, and upon successfull2 competing bis course, he ai tained a position at O.A.C. i bas now recovered the useo most of bis muscles ta the ex Challénging employment combinés with valuable expérience and train- ing in Canadas Regular Armny. Thé pay is good. You learn new skills, perhaps a tradé, or train to bé a leader. You get a tasté of real adven- turc, have a chance ta make lite-long friends with fine men . . . yaung enthusiastic, a cut above average. Aftér thrée years yau make your choice-to léave, or stay and make a caréér with advancement, training and variéty. Find out about one of Canada'& bétter carcers-no obligation. --- - - - - - - Arny Information Centre.. The Armoury. Péturborough. Ontario Fluas. lot me have ful informatiaon onc Army Cor..". Nom@ .......................... SMo ........................... .iy. . ..... 1Im.. arn.Veora ld.Tel*I** a......... I n - j f i ~ 1- he [c- he ot o,- ýet [s- in- )er iat cf- e. fi-I Jerusalem, Lodge Officers lnstalled Miss Ruby Morrow, Bow-man. ville, was a weekend guest. Mrs. Geo. Proutt went with'Doreen to Toronto Sunday evening and will spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Martyxý- derland, with the Harold hâr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn5 Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn and family with Mr. and Mns. Earl Bradburn. OBITUARYf WILLIAM JAMES CAIRNS William James Cairns, agpd 92 years died un Lindsay priv.ate hospital on Thursday, January 3rd, following a Iengthy illness. Mr. Cairnts was born in Man- vers township, son of the late John Cairnts and bis wife the former Agnes Ingram, wh' xvere early Irish immigrants. A farmer, he spent most of bis lifetime it the vicinity of Betb- any wbere he was widely known and higbly respected. He wa3 a member of St. Mary's Angli- can Churcit. It his younger days, he was well known in the district for his dancing and as afloor manager for squar-e dances. 0.IThe newly installed officers of Jerusalem Lodge A.F. & A.M., Emmerson, Secretary; V. Wor. Bro. P. R. Cowling, Treasurer; Wor. Bro. Mrs. Herb Lee of Omnemee, a d'l No. 31, G.R.C., Bowmanville, are shown here at the annual Festival of C. L. Warren, D. of C.; back row: Bro. W. M. Stacey, S.S.; Bro. W. Teeple, niece Mrs. J. McArthur '13 St. John. They are, from left to right, front row: Chaplain, Wor.: Bro. J.W.; Br.o. T. C. Gatcheil, J.S.; Bro. R. H. Graham, J.D.; Bro. W. A. L. (Blanche) of Lindsay and a, j. Rev. A. G. Scott; Wor. Bra. C. E. Allun, I.P.M.; Rt. Wor. Bro. E. H. Brown; Ayre, S.D.; Bro. R. E. Hendry, I.G.; Bro. A. E. Maffatt, S.W. Bro. H. D. Tehew, Caraseie Omemen- ly Wor. Bro. R. L. Evans, new Worshipful Master; Rt. Wor. Bro. J. S. Sutton, Tyler, was absent when photo taken. -ht yRde uThe funral shervic kas con- eral Home, Lindsay, on Sunday, nn January 6, with the Rev. Rob- t-ent that lhe has just completed vacation. Mr. aMr.Masnd Mrs. RalUUft ' .jond r. CclHl.etS.MnfldoOeeeo- the buildingMfnhiseldn hom. Guests oit trs.eMburrngafy-hes onre.arly Tas 'eningsM. adur thKSTOer, Sharon, Jhnand David. Misses Jessie and Betty Me- îiciating. Mrs.MeMrra hers eguarl Thrris ýennngsdurng hýýMr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford Arthur spent the holidays with Burial was in St. Mary's Cern- rfrom him and his letters ofteni holiday week were Dr. and Mr. Jack Griffin, Port Ferry, and Mary Lou, Port Perry; Mr. their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Mc- etery, Manvers Township. lycantain what maney he can Mrs. H. W. ScottofHniitait, preached a fine sermon in the and Mrs. Harold Crawford, Jan- Arthur. Ail spent Chrismas ofj spare, given in gratitude -or Miss Gr,2ce Attwood, Temis- United Church, Sunday morning, ice and Kenneth with Mrs. Gea. with Stratford friends and en- i the help he received when it kaming, and Jack Jordan of front the subjeet "The Search Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. tertained Rev. and Mrs. Nichol- The Boot Department il was needed. Among other cases Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. J. for God". He also told a story Pearce. son on New Year's. When Woolworths opened a lsmentioned was the man who Ahren, Miss Sandra Ahren, To- to the children, "Where is God?" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Miss Doris Van Camp, spent 6d. store in Aberdeen one A~ will neyer again be able ta ron a; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sta- Promotion service was conduet- Tyrane; Mr. and Mrs. Stan holidays with her parents, Mr the natives asked for the boot - bcarhe u ithout ti.e aid af a, pies, Lakefield, were gues',s ed in the Sunday School im- Rahm, Paul and Carol with Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp; department SrespiraLor. with Mr. and %Ilrs. Bruce iiyley mediately after service. Next ej When asked if a means test New Year's Day. Sunday there will be a change y is applied, Mrs. McMurray re- Prior to his departure for Of time. Sunday School will b- piedtha thre s bt tat *t Gelp, M. H P.Rayon, meet at 10 a.m. and church serv- ~..plid tatthee i bt tat it uephMr.H.F. aysnre- lice at 11 a.m. when the Rev. e is a vcry lenient one. The Foun- tiring chair man of th~e trustee Ti ONTARIO. of dation does not feel justified board of Bethany school xvas Romceril will be preaching for a x- it using donor funds where it presented with a serving tray cail. -is obviaus that luxury exists. ijy fellow members. W1.1. Meeting Whenever possible they endea- The Ladies Orange Lodge held The Wamen's Institute met a t vour ta maintain the familyýs a successful progressive euchre the home of- Mrs. Roy Taylor r existing standard 'of living if party in the Orange Hall. Prizes Wednesday afternoon. After the the breadwinner is stricken. If for high score went to Mrs. opening exercises, Mrs. Chas, the victim is a wife and mother, Alex McMaster and Lloyd AIr- Wilson read the Scripture. Fruit a housekeeper is provided. gue; consolation prides ta Feu- and Flower Committee reported Where mortgage payments are ton Fallis and Ross Smith; lucky having sent boxes ta six sick involved, teFaundation takes door prize ta Donald Scott. rondwsut-nswaerb isa Th I Iver such payments until the Mrs. J. J. Hamilton is againralwsnsedbyipaig j readwinner is again self-sup- a patient in Civic Hospital, Pe- a photo of childhood days which________ parting; the payments ta be re- terborough. Her many friends caused a good deal of amuse- turned by hlm when he can af- are wishing her a speedy recav- ment, guessîng and comments. fodto do sa, and free of aley President reported that 22 jars fatr rysf htcm of fruit and jant had been taken HEINZ CREAM 0F AYLMER- INSTANT CLARKE'S nTe serrest. te m The sympathy o h Ci-ta Port Ferry Hospital. She pothne opeae s fress d einm- unity is extended ta Mrs. A.- stressed that mare ladies should TOMATO NA OB A E paeracoer of lovcis a Beer inthtie death of hier try ta attend the hospital aux- A S tne reovwery fpio ctimsan grandfather, Mr. Irwin Sander- ili'ary meetings. Decided ta have SOUP CATSUP flATS IN CHILI SAUCE fandly whoben inancialand son, Lindsay. a bazaar in April and card1.1 solved can he or she have that parties when nights available. 1O-oz. tin il-oz. bottie 44-oz. pkg. 20-oz'. tin, peace of mind. Sa one of tre u Motta for the day was: "The main functions of the H ostei n Clu Historian is a rpe okn For 35c 2 For 41c 36C 2Fr35 tion i oasm hs udn H lt i lbB1wrs.Mr.VlaBie o 5 and thus htatthere__vExcellentegave the Current Events. Ex- SIRF' paint where the victim can once Hi " 1è Exc llen cerpts of school days in S.S. No. o. jar more find a useful place in 2, Blackstock, given by Mrs. W. I4 1 oit.W. Van Camp, Mrs. Velva Bailey G oa M rigamaJ d oceycoedbat-and Mrs. John McKee were very G o o n n a ml d 1 rs. McMurray coe u-Ba rn IM eetin tesig.L chw erd lining the Foundations newest aY nteresoigalutnch s e rvedD W IT project, the expansion af the A very successful barn meet- n oiltm pn.RD&W IE1-z a pormeta include persons ngsnsrdyDuamCu- Sympathy is extended ta Mrs.1ozja programme y Drha C- -Mervyn Graham and Mrs. Ed fl disabled by causes amher than ty Holstein Club was held at, Harris inthtie passing of theirl polo.If dotedths rojctthefanof ams T Bow ure Peanut Butter 3 poll b io. a opted iti reettefr Jms T.Ino-nmather Mrs. J. E. Flett in Me- __________________3 1c_________________________ wilI bae simiar ta ilti i & Sans, Newcastle, with about marial Hospital, Bowmanville, CHASE & SANBORN cororted a mutcting 100 dairymen present on Satur- Wednesday, also sympathy ta 10c Off 2 oz. jar concern un the U.S. emoyn day January 5. A door prize was1 the family of Mrs. Thos. Hyland, only disabled persans who work won by Mr. Isaac Hardy, Hamp- Cadmus, who passed away Dec.st n mainly on electronîc equipment. ton, helped ta get the meeting 31. Bath funerals were held if It has proved very successful under way in good time. framn Nortlicutt & Smith Parlars, n t5 5Co f ec there, showing a smaller percen- A eetvreitaincm o aniladsea fm CH S &SNBR tage af warking hours lost Aslciergsrto o-Bwavle n eea rm CAE&SNON25C Off 6 oz. jar thraugh sickness than is usua, petition wvas conducted by here attended. u Fieldman E. J. Brown and Mr. A bumper crowd attended the in plants emplaying workers Earl Parrott of Ashburn of On- New Year's Eve dance in the If wha are fully able. tario Caunty, winning îst prize. Recreation Centre sponsared by I s tanit C offee An interesting film was In the men's juniors lst was the O.N.O. -1 5 shown, featuring many of the won by Roy MdHolm, Part There were fine tables of Crsi' rmu ib' ae ODNHU ADE cases discussed at variaus stages Hope, 2nd by Douglas Jase, euchre at the Women's Institute hitesPmu'LbysFacGODNHU CADE of treatment. These shots were Newcastle. card party un the Community SODAS, 1 lb. pkg. --- 35e PEAS, 15-oz. tin - 2 for 37e Jumbo bat 29c filmed at the various Ontario After the competitian Mr. Hall, Friday nîght. Winners LbysCoc hospitals and clinies and includ- Gea. McLaughlin, well-known were: ladies, Mrs. Leslie Maunt- Go ukGELy' hI EASEIZB YFOD ed a demonstration of the niew Holstein breeder front Ontario joy, Mrs. Wilbert Werry; gentle- o LkGRE LIAB NSH NZ AYFOD therapy tank donated by thec Coun[y, gave a short addre3s mon, Fred Hodgson, Port Ferry; MARGARINE, 1 Mb. pkg. 35e 15 oz. tin 2 for 35e 5-ex. tin -___ 2 for 19o Founclatian ta the Kingston Hos- on dairy herd management Frank Bailey. pital. which was very interesting and Mrs. Oakley Carley and Anne, Red Seal Fancy Red Cohoe Libby'i eea Eeti The tentative date set for the educational. After caffee andWitysentepatwk MIXED VEGETABLES LIGUT BULES 1957 Mthers' March is January doughnuts tvere served by With Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- SALMON, 1/2-1b. tin -_ 41c ____ 7 54-0wt o 9 31st. Mr. Burch thanked ail Browview farm. low and Bill. Mrs. N. H. Mar- 15 oz. tin 1--25_0_0wat_-4_or_9 those present for their contin- __________ low joined them for New Year's Red & White Orange Pekoe Llbby's Fancy ued interest it the Fauindation Day TEA BAGS SAEKRU uprême Brand Pure and the Mothers' March. He Explained -- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey en- 1eof6 as6eSURRU BLACK PEPPER stated that it is anly with theI A street musîcian earned 2~ tertained 25 relatives, New lOc of 65batin9e24fo.r__39e coaperatian of such graups uti in one day in Aberdeen. It was Year's Eve and the Stephen Say- 4-e-z.ti.2foshe aker ____ 29e arranging the campaigit, and the a Ddeehîlday.wehlS and Harry Van Camps an Johnson's Hard Gloss Aunt Mary's Slced- generosity of the public that OY New Year's Day. GLO-COAT - Green Band WHITE BREAD Hawe's LEMON OIL the Foundation is able ta carry I ,New Year's Visitors:Qurti1.9 2-z of---17 2-sbtle _27 out its programme. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and Qurtn-1.9 4oz af------ 7 2o.ht.2e family with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and family at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson, Frozen Foods KELLOGG'S SPECIAL. 6%-or. pkg.ý B T A YYelverton, at the Walter BIRDS EVE PIES - The Anglican Young People's r. and s .EroelM. BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY -_ 2 for 65e - Assoiaton ntetaied he fi! a nd Mrs. Wilbert Toms with Mr. Garden Fresh ASPA-AGUS, lO-oz. pkg. 55e young pol of the Mr.te and Mrs. tuartli Mount- Tasty FRENCH FRIES, 9-oz. pkg. ~2 for 37o K Cereal 27-t. Church on f'riday evening at a Mr nbUs usllMut social gathering in the uirange *joy withi Mr. and Mrs. Sydney FROZEN COD FILLETS, 1 lb. 29c Hall wîth 49 present. TIhe meet- Ferguson, Newcastle. igoee ihsningof Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and hynns and a short worship ser. TIMIEi FOR A family, Enniskillen; Mr. and Fresh a c vice conducted by the Rex'. G., rs. Edgar Horne, Oshawa, witb ______ _____________ E. Meadcs. Variaus gamnes were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and muit upled~j r.ad vî' cIECK-U P Mr.adMs eriiHniM e t r d c played and dancing enjayed ta the Fred Trewin's. W. Todd of "The Marsh", with and family, Miss Lorraine Henry, F' IDCR EMAE HEALTHFUL - GOLDEN RIPE Mr. Ernest Youngmnan direct- Bowmanville; Mr. Webb, Toron- S IFSMLDCR PE EAEN ing the square dances. ' JUS¶' as a misused ta, and friend, with Mr. and Mrs. T ~ A! b b MsR.R oselldLwsHenry and Mrs. Bradun U c uAS ir.R .Bnte e n car can fail when Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Redan,FNE UATY-CLF NA gru clsith naijnndhe etngs: You n.. . mo I Mi. and M'%rs. Alex Martyn, ROLLED PLATE - BONELESSFIEQA TY-CLOR A I u afrenshp ingan te 'o > may x r nsur- Scugog; Mr.andMrs. Arthur POT R O A S T L.33c Red -Emperor GRAPES 2 Lbo.35c sing ing of AuId Lang Syn-ý. ance protection dis- Leigiiton,Mraid Mrs. Hector L Miss ibleanor Rowaît expresse-i/appoint yo, f o Shortridge and Billy, Mr. andLAG LDHE S - 1-.,I- rs. H. îletcher, David, Harry, BISETiz PLATEv - LAGVSLD ED -j ATTENTION RETAILERS Under Ontario Regulations 202/56, the operations of retail mercantile businesses corne within the scope of Part 1 cf the Workmen's Compensation Act, effective January 1, 1957. * Ail benefits cf the Workmen's Compensa. tion Act which have been oaoble to injured Ontario workmen in most industries over the past 40 yeors have béen éxtended toacil employées of retailers of goods (in- cluding part-time and office staff) com- mencing January 1, 1957. * Every yéar a payroll statement showing thé earnings.of ail employées, up ta a maxi- mum of $5,000 a year each, i. ta b. filed with thé Workmen's Compensation Board by the last day cf February. The normal due date has been waivedi for retail em- ployers for thé yéar 1957. * Payroll statement forms and information wilI hé sent to thé majority of retail ém- ployers in thé near future. If you are not contactéd by thé Board by June 30th, 1957, pléase write thé Retail Section, Financé Department, Thé Workmen's Compensation Board, 90 Harbour Street, Toronto 1, On- tario or thé District Offices. *Although a payroll statement lias net been filed and payment of assessment mode, ail accidents occumrng on and after January 1, *1957 involving médical aid (trealment by a doctor or thé services of a hospital) must bé r.ported ta the Board. Failuré ta do sa could make thé employer responsible for thé entir. Cost of an accident cdaim. SForms for reporting accidents will be mailed ta you at a Iater date. In thé meantime report cf accident shauld b. made by ltter showing name and addréss of injuréd per- san and employer, daté of accident, and iature cf injury. w Full information and forms con bé obtained from Head Office, or District Offices lacat- éd at Port Arthur, Ottawa, Cornwall, Wind- sor, Kitchener and North Bay. THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD ONTARIO L pffv.w, cirmn J. F.. Cuuly, Ve-ChaJrmon Or. m. C. Sslcmî.oe 90 Harbour Street, Toronto 1, Ontario 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVILLE, ONTARIO TPMRNnAv- lrAv- iroéit- im PAGI Tm- -

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