Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1957, p. 14

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w- il' ~ ~ -i.. ~ 'h ~ - - - - ~ - VArt P!V WWUfI'm TflM CAMADIAN S¶?ATESUM. HOWMANTULU. ONTAMD TIMMDAT, 3k Sd, g5 Children of Foundry Employees Enjoy Party- Possibly these youngsters were supposed to be sing- group are Jimmy Widdecon ing or playing Christmas carols at the Bowmanville Smith, Bonnie Smith, John W, Foundry Christmas party in the Legion Hall, but they Joey, Donald and Jackie McFl seem to be more interested in the fancy hats and the gifts Alice Chittock, Dennis Lemo that Santa brought. At right, Betty Laurie is doing her Keith Woolner. best at the piano to get them started. Included in the1 a New Friend1 -. i This fine lo9gkng portly Santa Claus was in action shortly before Cliistmas at the annual Yule party for Bowmanville Foundry staff and their children. Although just as jovial as the real Santa, this was one of his able "~ t-rs in the person of Gordon Yeo. The young lady who } ~~is enjoying her experience of seeing Santa up close is Kathy Potter. -Photo bv Reflder Ha.mpton ScI Present Fine A splendid Christmas concert was presented by the school pupils in the church on Thurs- day evening, Dec. 20th and was inuch enjoyed by the lare and appreciative audience of parents, friends and relatives. The programn opened with a welcome song, "Merry Christ- mas", followed by "Away in a Manger", and "Baby Jesus", whicb were pieasingly render- ed by severai littie girls from the junior nooom and a recita- tion, "Christmas Angels". Following a few remarks by the chairman, Rev. F. Reed, Ro- ger Farrow gave a recitation, "If I Could Go To Bethlehem", wbich preceded the three chor- uses by the senior room. "While Shepherds Watched Thein Flocks By Night" and "Silent Night", (both with des- cant), and "Relis Are Ringing", which were effectiveiy nender- ed. A Christmas Acrostic by the Intermediate roomn in charge of Mrs. Hall, added variety. The "Singing Christmas Tree" was then presented by the Juniors with reading of the "Christmas Story" by Linda Lee Kiliens. Songs. "Fir Tree Song", "An- gie, The Christmas T.,ee An- gel", "I Love I -~t ind "Sweetly Slee.g"in« the Mi- ger", with-hnmng accompal. ipâcnt, were ail nicely rendered- 'Ind were interspersed with re- citations by Carolyn Dewell, Sally Payne, and Diane Mc- Knight,-and this compieted the Junior's part of the program, in charge of Mrs. H. Ruttan. A play, "A Present For San- ta" was presented by several pupils of the Intermédiate room who also sang two selec- tions "The Spirit of Santa Claus" and "Bell Carol". These wer. enjoyable numbers. A play "No Room in the Inn" by senior room in charge of Mrs. Lawrence was enacted, also a splendid demonstration of chor- ai reading of that iovely old Look at these Bargains!, 1954 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEPAN Ai condition, 2-tone, sun visor, whitewall tires, custom radio, ~, heater, $1 9 1947 CHEVROLET 5-.PASSENGER COUPE In good condition, directional signais, custom rad.io, heater adsun visor,39 Only -$39#5 1939 PLYMOUTH Running$9 good ----------- ----- 9 1954 DODGE STN. WAGON In Ai condition in every way, a real bargain at $ , 59 a5 1953 MERCURY 1/-TOÏ New paint job,- new motor-Only .$ 8 9 1939 CHEVROLET Running ~ 9 See Robson Pontiac Junior "C" Hockey Team IN ACTION AT MEMORIAL ARENA AGAINST BROOKLIN on Wednesday, January 9th Robson Motors L.muted - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 Campbellford, RQseneath and Peterborough atýended the chapel. The pail bearers were Messrs. Lorne Todd, Fred Todd, Ewart Robuinsonu, Russell Saverys Jimn Stark and AI! Dobson. Three sons, Orme, Stark- ville; Arthur, Bowinanville; Stanley, Toronto; and two daughters, Ada (Mrs. Llew Hallowell) Starkville, and Ha- zel (Mrs. Harold Little) Camp- bellford, mourn the passing o! their mother. Called to her heavenly mansion, By our Father at His wil, She leaves us happy niemories And a grace that lingers still. OBITUARY MitS. JOHN PATT~ON_ -Mrs. John Patton after a l lengthy llness- passed peace- fully away at ber residence in1 ____________________Orono on December 18. Mrs.t -Patton was the former Eiizza-V beth Lunn, daughter o! the latet nbe, Bruce Smith, Glenna Joseph Lunn and~ Mrs. Lunn. ooler JimyBlutPaty, She was married to Johnt roolerJiffmy lunt PasyPatton June 1, 1910, and lîved1 Knight, Mary and Neil Yéo, on a farm north of Kendal- un- n, Lorraine Tomlinson and tii 1954.. Since then she bas1 iived in Orono until ber death.1 -Photo by Rehder The deceased was born in Manvers and received her edu- cation at Carscadden's school in Manvers. She was a member hool P pils. o! the United Cburch, Past Mis- hoo Puilstress of the L.O.B.A. and a Concert nsIsiue The uneal ookplace at poem, "Twas the Nigbt Beforp Orono United Church on Fni- Christmas" and National An-1 day, Dec. 21, service being con- them, concluded the program. ducted by the Rev. John Kit- Miss N. Horn was pianist for chen. the evening. Our pastor was She leaves te mourn her loss, unabie to stay for the full pro- ber husband, and one son Roy, gramn and Harold Raison, cap- and ber twin brother, David abiy carried on as chairman for Lunn of Millbrook. the remainder of the evening There were many floral tok- and expressed appreciation ta ens from ber friends and neigh- the pupils and those assisting bors, and from Kendal United in the preparation and perform- Church, Kendal L.O.L., Orono ance of the fine program given. I.O.O.F., Reforestation Station Santa arrived in good time and the Legion, showing the and was assisted by scbool bigh esteem in which she was children in distrlbuting the held. Interment was in Orono gifts from the tree. Needless to cemetery. say the children were ail made Pallbearers were Roy Mer- happy. cen, Arthur Thompson, Garland ________________ Catbcart, Charles Gay, William Robinson, Cecil Tebble, al members of Kendal United HAMPTONChurch Board. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truli were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jobns, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy visited at Omnemee witb Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lee, also Mr. and Mrs. Vic Wiliams and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Petit, Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Horn, Montreal, visited bis father, W. W. Horn at the weekend. Miss Nina Hodgson, Washing- ton, D.C., is with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson for Yuletide. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trul with Mr. and Mns. W. B. Cun- ningham, Fenelon Falls, for Christmas. Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson and Miss Nina Hodgson wit~h Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper, Orono. Dr. E. C. and Mrs. Reynolds, Toronto, were Christmas guests of Miss Lulu Reynold's. Miss Florence Werry with friends in Bowmanvile. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie War- ren spent Christmas with her sister and brother-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alexander, God- erich. Mr. Don White, Oakville;, Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with Mrs. Will White for tnie Christ- mas holidays. Miss Lorrene Warrack, To- ronto, spent Christmas week- end at home. Mrs. Hazel Ruttan in Toron- to, and at bier home at Graven- hurst. Mr. Malcolm Reed, Toronto, with bis parents, Rev. F. J. and Mrs. Reed. Mr. and Mns. K. Caveriy spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Caverly, Bowman- ville.i Mrs. Joe Chapman spent Christmas with Oshawa rela- tives. Plan to attend January meet, ing of the Home and Scbool Association, Hampton, to bc beld Wýýdnesday, January 9th at 8 . i5'p.m. in the school. A panel discussion on the topic Citizenship, is being planned. Usual refrcshments wili be served. Mr. Stuart Wilson and son Stuart, o! Willowdale, had Christmas dinner with their aunt, Mrs. A. Chailener. OBITUARY MRS. THOMAS A. FALLS Service was conducted by Rev. Fisher at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, Mon- day afternoon, Dec. 17, 1956, for Mrs. Thomas A. Fa lis who had been in failing bealth for a few months. Mrs. Falls formenly Mary Ella Hearn, daughter o! tue late Mr. and Mrs. James Hearn, moved with lier parents in her early life from Elizabethviile to the Shiloh area. She attend- ed Osaca school and became a member of Shiloh church. A!ter her manriage to Thomas A. Falls, who predeceased her about three years ago, she lived in the Starkville community, near Shiloh, taking up resideiýce in Kendal a few years ago. With a cheerful and lovîng manner Mrs. Falls xvas devoted to ber home and family, hav- irig a great interest in Churcn work. She was a faithful mem-~ ber o! the Woman's Associa- tion. Considerate and generoilsj she bad a fine appreciation 1 for the happiness o! everyone. Rer kintIness and gentleness throughout life won many friendships which were attest- ed by the large attendance and and beautiful floral pieces at the service. Fniends from Port Credit, Toronto, O s h a w a, YELVERTON Christmas was celebrated at the Wm. McCabe's with the Stanley McCabe's, Mrs. John and Eleanor Jean McCabe and Mrs. Margaret McKay of Toronto in attendance. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCabe and Margaret with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Staples, Fleetwood. The Balfour Moores with the. Bruce Bil Jenklns', Whitby. At the Gerald McGIU' were Nr. and Mrs. Douglas McDon- id. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. PLoland McGill, Lindsay. Callers to were Mr. and Mrs. Walter 1armer, Toronto. At the Jas. Sheckleton's: the Whttaker's, Miss Betty, Bill nd Donald of Toronto; the Ho- ward Malcolm's. On Sunday at Glen and Bert Gibson's were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson and girls, Bow- manville; the -Russell Larmer's and family of Devitt's. On Tuesday the Bert and Glen Gibson's with the Ken Rodd's, Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm on Tuesday at the Murray Mal- colm's. At the Art Rowan's were the Roy Jackson's, Little Britain; he Orval Jackson's and Messrs )oug and Aif Jackson, Brook- lin; the Wm. Werry's, Kedron. The Robt. Wright's and Mr. Aibe Hensley's, Janetville, with the John Wright's; Ivan Wright's with the Wes. Wright's. The Gordon Heaslip's, Toron- to,, with the Geo. Heaslip's, also the Ken Heaslip's of Lindsay and M'aurice Nesbitt's of Nestieton. Sorry to report that Mr. Reg Ruskin was rushed to Civic Hospital in Peterborough on Christmas Eve. Miss Cheryl and Master Jim- my Rowan during Christmas holidays with cousins, Elizabeth, Linda and Pat Rowan. Trustee meeting on Boxing Day evening resulted in Norm Wilson being named trustee to replace retiring trustee Rusç Kerr. This community was saddened to learn of the passing of a former neighbour and a jovial storekeeper of Rurketon star( for many years, the late Ceci, Ferguson. Cecil was highly re. garded by those who knew him possessing a jocular turn of minc which enbanced those otbei qualities wbich marked a sterl. ing character. We extend th( deepest sympathy to bis wif( and son Sydney in their sa( bereavement. Sorry not to leari o! his demise till after thi funeral. A double celebration at thi Harold Stinson's on Sunday Christmas and the wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fioyc Stinson. Other guests were thi Walter Wrigbt's,'Blackstock, an( the Morris Walker's of Janet ville. On Tuesday the Floyd Stin son's and the Clarence Page's a the Geo. Page's of Lifford; Myr and Clarence aiso with Mn Chris. Cummiskey. With Jan. lst just ahead w gird ourselves with New Year' Resolutions in preparation fo the coming year. Speaking c being prepared brings to min the lady who shortiy after ac quiring two brand new daugh ters-in-law went out "tout-de suite!' and bought a full lineu. of baby accessorIes-ý.g chair. 10w chair, etc., anticipating .per-j haps? She didn't 1We i Yel- verton, either! Miss Margaret Monk during Christmas holidays' with the Ralph Malcolm's. Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Wilson celebrating wedding anniversaries on New Year's Day. Our own best wishes for a Happy New Year to "You Ail" during 1957. Minns' On Sunday with Floyd StUn- son's, the Harold Page's of Peterbiorough.' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinson recently to Dalton Brown's, Fleetwood. On Saturday even- ing with, Ray McGill's, E"ck. stock. NI On Wednesday the C Heas. lip's to Flemaing'. New Year',s éelebratioýis starË- ed onMonday at Vie Malcolm'.o with Rae, Ralph and Harvc-y Malcolm's present. '-i.---' Land.Appropriatiorw-"ý M.EETING on PIPELINES, HYDRO HIGHWAYS in the ORONO ODD FELLOWS' HALL ai 8 p.m. Thur., Jan. lOth Specia! .Speaker: CECIL BELYEA Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Toronto DEDATE- 'There are Too Nany Farm Oraiaiis Affirmative - Glen Larmer and Harvey Graham Negative - Betty McHoIm and Richard Van Camp LADIES BRING LUNCH - COFFEE PROVIDED SHIRTS by' TOOKE s H Hu WRITE FRIDAY Reg* $3.95 to $4.95 $4.95 to $6,95 SHIRT and SATURDAY SALE Q-ÀNL y Now $l.3.5 -3for.00 0W S2034'm-2for soo Some Are- Counter Soiled and Some J usi Plain Dusty Clo)thing GARRY VENNING, Manager 29 King St. E. Bowmanville1 Santa Makes BUICK - 166 King -PONTIAC St. E. Y j- - ALL SALES, FINAL - M 1 * ýwl Il- --j wq M., 1 - 1 1 -. .1, 'Il ý 'e 7 1-0

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