Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1957, p. 12

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w- -,,-~-z r - - w n. z -,iv. -nw . , ,...'- . . ,.y .t *?. -. . - -~ PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN. EOWMANV=LE. ONTARTO THURSDAY. .ZAN Srd. 1951 w W , - - . - - BIRTHS SELLERS-George and Bernice Sellers happily announce the gif t of a baby daughtem, Sherryl Anne, Dec. 19, 1956, at Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville. A sister for Gail and Judy. 1-1w WELSH-Mr. and Mrs. Jacki Welsh are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, Barry James, December 19, 1956, at Memoial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A brother for Laurelyn and Bruce. 1-1 DEATHS ADAMS-Suddenly, in Damling-i ton, on Thursday, December 27. 1956, Gary Z. Adams in his l7th year, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adams. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville on Sunday, Decemnber 30 at 2 o'clock. Interment Hamp- ton Cemetery. 1-1l HYLAND, Lucinda-In Cart-1 wright on Monday, December1 3lst, 1956, Lucinda Hyland, widow of the late Thomas Hy- land and dear mother of Fran k, Pontypool; Larmen, Nestleton; Phenia (Mrs. Charlie Graham), Burketon; Adella (Mms. William 1 Ferguson), Oshawa; Sosie (Mrs Willamd Spencer). Oshawa; Or- ma at home: in her g3rd year. Resting at Northcutt & Smith i Funemal Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service on Thurs- day, January 3md at 2 p.m. In- temment St. John's Anglican Cemetemy, Blackstock. 1-1 M NARD-At Brantford Gen-z ert Hospital on Sunday, Dec. 30, j 6, Will1iam John Maynard, ad 86 years. Hushand of the la'e iolet V. Maynamd and dear fa hem of Bertha (Mrs. George L ckngtn),Toronto, and Ar- t(Mrs. Stan Kitchen), Brant- d. Service was held at the Morris Funemal Chapel, Bow- manville on Tuesday, January Ist at 2:30 p.m. Intemment Bow- manville Cemetemy. 1-1 NESBITT-At Atlanta, Georgia, on Sunday, Dec. 30, 1956, Maude Womden, beloved wife of Charles Nesbitt and sister-în-baw of Mrs. Russell Womden, 8 Brown St., Bowmanville. Arriving at the Morris Funemal Chapel, Bow- manville on Tbursday morning. Service in the Chapel at 3:30 p.m. Intemment Bowmanville Cemetery. (Date and time of (. service subject to change due to 'plane arrivai). 1-1l SMITH, Duncan Adam-Sud- denly, in Bowmanville on Tues- clay, January lst, 1957, Duncan Adam Smith, dearly beioved hb of Doothy Callcutt, Vdar Ifà fi f Jasper and *Molly (Mrs. HugbIýind). Rest- ing at bis late resd* .Lov- ers Lane, Bowmanvffle.?vc on Thusday, Janýary 3rd at 4 p.m. Interment ( Bowmanville Cemetery. By request casket wili be closed.1- -.-TUEERTELL-At Memorial Hlos- pital, Bowmanvilbe on Sunday, December 30, 1956, Dorotby Mildred Powell, in ber 42nd yeam, beloved wife of Harobd Thertell. Service was beld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- m-anville on Wednesday, January 2nd at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 1-1, WHITTAKER, Edgar Levere- At the Nora Frances Henderson Hospital, Hamilton, Monday, De- cember 31, 1956, Edgar Levere Whittaker. beloved husband of "Viola Hutchinson and father of Gordon, Fred, Ilene and Audrey. The son of Mrs. Whittakem, Bow-1 manville and the ate Mm. Wm. Whittaker. Newtonville. Resting at the Truscot Funeral Home, Hamilton. Service on January 3rd at 3:30 p.m. Interment Wood- lawn Cemetemy, Hamilton. 1-11 IN MEMORIAM GREENWOOD-In loving mem- ory of William Geenwood who dicd Jan. 5th, 1955. Two years a go vou went away SAnd left us here alone. 4 syou just as yestemdav, î Tinéd can alone atone. Bu, always in the evening \Ve seemi to have a waY 0f wandering back to meet you, On the road to yesterday.' -Wife Florence and family. KERR-In loving memory of a dear xife and mother, Sarah Jane Kemr who passed away Jan. 4th-. 1939. What we keep in memomy Is ours unchanged forever, Yet tho' thy smile be lost to sight. To memomy thou art dear. -Ever remembemed by husband ànd family. 1-V' McROBERTS-In loving memomy of our parents, Mm. and Mms. Joseph McRobemts. No pen can write, no tongue can tell My sad and bitter loss. But God alone has helped so well Tq bear myv heavy cross. -Sadly missed by daughter Mahel and son-in-law Roy May-j nard. 1-1 Lost P.ANGY, black and tan hound, Lime on front foot, named Mike. Reward. Phone Newcastle 2104.1 1-2 * TWO-year.,pld cat, white with black and orange, called Tootsie. Reward. Please Telephone MA 3-5029. - LOST or. stolen. on Dec. 15th, one blue tick bound, west of Blackstock. Reward. Telephone MA 3-5780. 1-10 CARD 0F THANKS We would like to thank al our friends of Tyrone Community for the lovely gifts we received on leaving Tyrone. Emily and Norman Collacott. We wish to thank the many friends and relatives for cards, letters, flowers and acts of kind- ness shown us when we lost our wee Baby. David and Elizabeth Craig. 1-1 * COMING EVENTS Don't forget Brown's Case Show, January 25th, Town Hall, Bowmanville. 1-1 Dance in Kendal this Saturday night, January 5. Round and square dancing. Music by Henry Koss and his band. 1-1* Attention: Martin Luther film wili be shown at Pentecostai Church, Ontario St., 7:30 p.m., Friday, January 4th. Free will offering. 1-1 ____1_1 Ontario Farmers' Union Meet- ing at Mr. and Mrs. J. Malettes I wish to thank my customers1 home, Tyrone, Tuesday, January for their generous tips and gifts 8th, 8 p.m. Guest speaker, W. at Christmas. I appreciate it P.« Rowe. Come, nominate and vemy much and wish you all ai elect the officers for the coming Happy New Year. 1-1 Your Star Carrier, Jim Scott. yea 1-* The Annual Meeting of the _______ IMemorial Hospital Board wilb be I wold iketo tankDr.held in the Council Room at AIn, ursie and taff of 8,:00p.m. the l6th January for MemotialnuHospiandaffind the purpose of heaing reports Memoial osptalals frindsand the election of six directors, and neighbours for lovely cards, for 1957. flowers and fruit. With special R. J. Diiling, Sec'y-Treas. thanks to Mrs. George White Sm. 52-3 Evelyn Randie. _______________ 1* The annual meeting of the Canadian Cancer Society will he We wish to extend our heart- held in McLaughlin Hall, 3381 felt thanks to all our friends, and Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, on kind neighbors for their acts of Thursday, Jan. 10 at 8 p.m. The. kindness, messages of sympathy, speaker will be Mm. Jack Broc- and beautiful floral trihutes dur-! kie, Director of Publicity. The ing our recent sad bereavement. public us codially invited to Mms, Endersby and Family. attend. . 1-2 The annual meeting of the members of the Bowmanville I would like to express my Public Library wibl take place sincere thanks to doctors and in the libramy on Tuesday, Jaii. nurses of Port Perry Hospital, th at 7 p.m. Ahl members are also thanks to friends and neigh- invited to attend to receive the boums for cards and visits dur- report of the directors for 1956 ing my recent illness. adt eetanew Board of William Forder. Directors for 1957. Mm. and Mrs. Ernest IJeeley1 wish to tbankthe family, friends, and neigbbours for their loveiy gifts, flowers and cards on the occasion of their 4th wedding anniversary and to everyone wbo made it such a happy time at The Acres. Thanks a lot, E. and N. Deeley. We wisb to extend our beart- febt thanks and appreciation to ahl the relatives, kind neigbboms and friends for their acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy and~ beautiful floral offerings. Speciali thanks to Rev. John Kitchen and Mrs. Kitchen and the Re- bekahs duing the loss of a dear wife and mother. John and Roy Patton. We wish to ,Àxtend our heat- feit thanks and appreciation to ail the relatives, kind neighbors and friends for their acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings dur- ing the boss of a dear wife and mother. Also thanks to Rev. F. J. Jackson for his consoling words. Oliver Beckett and Famiby. Mr. and Mms. William J. Dun- can, Superintendent and Matron, Counties Home for the Aged, Cobourg, wisb to express their sincere thanks to evemy one who so kindly remembered the resi- dents of the Counties Home with entertainments, gifts, magazines, and treats at this Christmas Seas- on and throughout the past year. Compliments of the Season to all Wm. J. Duncan, Supt. M. E. Duncan, Matron. 1-1 I would ike to take this op-I portunity to tbank ail my rela- tives and friends for the loving Christmas messages, fiowems, fruit and gifts, and for the many personal calîs. I woubd like toi tbank Dm. C. W. Slemon for bis kind attention ta me, also ta Miss Olive Barton for ber wonderful kindness to me wbile a patient in ber Rest Home for the past ya. Vemy sincerely, Frederick Moore. Ouir sincerest tbanks and ap- prediation to the doctors and nurses of Memorial Hospital, the Rex'. Messrs. Fisher and Kitchen, the Morris Funemai Home and ail relatives, friends and neigh- boums, Newcastle Lions and Lion- ettes Clubs, the United Church Woman's Association and- the1 Newcastle Horticultural Society1 for the many acts of kindness, parcels of fruit, cards and nom- erous floral tributes duing the illness and loss of a dear bus-1 band and father. Mrs. Florence Ferguson, Sydney, Bessie and family. Notice ta Creditors ANI) OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F Sarabh Mildred Hardy, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the CountyI of Durham, Widow, Deceased, wbo died at the City of Oshawa, on or about the l7tb da*y of November 1956, testate, IVith place of abode at Bowmanville. THE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above Estate are reqired to send particulars and fuîll proof thereof to the tîndersigned on or befome tbe 4th day of Marcb, 1957. after wbîcb date the assets of the Estate will be distnibuted having regard only to the dlaims that have then been received. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario the 28th day of December, 1956. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc.. 30 King St. 'West. Bowmanville. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrnx. 1-3 1-11 Land appropriation meeting on Pipelines, Hydro, Highways, in Oono Odd Fellows Hall, Jan- uary 10, at 8 p.m. Speciai speak- er, Cecil Belyea, Ontario Fedema- tion of Agriculture, Toronto. De- bate: Theme are too many farm organizations. Affirmative: Glen Larmer, Harvey Graham; nega- tive: Betty McHolm, Richard 'Van Camp. Ladies brîng lunch. Coffee provided. 1-2, Wanted to Buy HIGHEST prices paid for live pouitry, goose feathers, feather tîcks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf ALL kinds of live pouitry want- ed. Top Toronto prices vaîd at vour door for large or smal] quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethanv R.R 1. Telephone collect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf "SCRAP IRON" Turn Your Serap Into Money HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FREE PICK-UP Cali - Cedardale Scrap Iron & Metals 100 Annis St., East of C.N.R. Stn. OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-3432 50-4 PETS FOR SALE, BEAUTIFUL, weli bmed collie puppies. Tricolours, sables, f ive weeks, $10 and $12. Telephone Newcastle 3186. 1-1 Work Wanted NEW plastering and repairs. Workmanship guaranteed.* A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 48-8* MASONRY and CONCRETE Repairs or Structural Brick, Block or Concrets Estimates Free P.O. Box 177 L. TURNER Phone MA 3-3231 Evenings MA 3-3338 37-tf SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIRD Fast, Prompt Service, 35 TEMPERANCE ST. <in rear) 42-tf "L. Schapelhouman"1 Public Accountant SPECIALIZING IN Accounting and Bookkeeping Income Tax AND COMPLETE Financial Reports For Farmers and Srnall Business People REASONABLE RATES 17 Jones Ave., OshawaI Phone RA 5-9953 Personal .RYGIENIC supplies - (Ruber ccods) mailed Postpaid in plain sealed envelope withb once list. Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1 .00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. Box 91. Ham- ilton. Ont. 1.52 Articles For Sale WELL pump. Phone Ivani Mountjoy, Blackstock 87 r 4. 1-1* COOK stove with two six-inch Silent Glow burners. Phone MA: 3-3757. 1-1* FLOOR rpolisher for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware. 36 King St. E., Bowmanviile. 13-tf SINGER Sewing Centre, new and used sewing machines. Ren- tais or repairs. Phone MA 3-2155. 18-tf KEYS eut automaticallv, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD or soft water delivered. Pronmpt service. Robert H.* Cale,1 Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 1 48-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Pmompt service to electrical appliances. large and small. Lander IHard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf, SAVE on lumber, direct fromi mill to vou. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount. Ont. Phone 17r1 1. 13-tf USED parts for ahl makes of washers, 'Iý h.p. motors, $5.00 and up. Minor repairs. Paddy's Market, Hampton, Ont. 1-3 CONEY fur coat, excellent con- dition, nearly new, now in st6r- age. Can be seen any time Sat- urday at 74 King St. W., Apt. 4. 1-1* DO your own floors - Rent a sander or a floor p)olisher from' Lander Hardware, 7 Kingz St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Wokmanship gua.anteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf ONE used AC baler, 1 used Case threshem, 1 used swing type milker unit, 1 used oul heater. W. H. Brown, implement dealer, King St. W., Bowmanville. 1-1 HEARING aid service, testing service, and complete stock of batteries and cords at Hîggon Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furnitume, new and usecl. Repairs to al makes. Walter Frank. Bowman- ville MA 3-2403. Newcastle 2114. 19-tf MORRIS Co. have bee ed Singer Sewing U~ presentatives for the ville district. Comej a Singer-the finest machines. Various ai also in stock. Phon 3-5480. DRAPERIES and yene custom made, or drai by the yard. Our repi will caîl at your homt with a complete range and suggestions withc tion. Fabric Town,& W. Phone MA 3-3609. ville. CHESTERFIELDS, b suites, kîtchen sets Trade-in accepted. rangette with oven c( new; medium sized sp in use only two montt field suite. steel bed, dinette suite and1 Terms. Interest $3.1, dred per year. il King St. W. Phone1 DECORATI *For the Latest Pa *For the Finest P. *For the Best Wor S. G. Preston Phones MA 3-59121 Livestock Fo: NINE pigs, seven Phone L. J. Wood, Iý YOUNG pullets start Mrs. N. Wood, Nesti Blackstock 47 r 31. FRESH cows and st freshen soon. App Benschop. Phone M. CANADIAN Approve tested, Day Old ai Chicks. Book order future delivery. Wh. Barred Rock (fast and New Hamp. X E For price list wmite H. J. Brooks, B( MA 3-3961. Repai RADIO and televisi Prompt service. Pi delivery. Lomne Dore E. Phone MA 3-571 REPAIRS to aIl maIk ers, new or used pari on your decision. guaranteed. Paddy' Hýampton, Ont. REPAIRS to al mak erators. domestie an cial. milking coolei Electric Limited, 42 Phone MA 3-5438. CLOCK REI Pick-uD and De G. A. BR( 192 King St. E. BOWMANVI ien appoint- [achine re- Bowman- in and see Cars For Sale Before You Buy Give "Siew À Try" New or Used I Won't Be Undersold 1952 FORD Custom Sedan, good dlean reliable car. $745.00 radio,1 1951 HILLMAN Sedan. Economical transportation. $195.00 1952 CHEVROLET lý Ton Refinished and eady $495 Pick Up. to work. 1950 FORD Custom Tudor. Dark blue. New car oil pressure. A steai at $395 HILLMAN Custom' Convertible. Radio, signals, excellent one- owner second car. Unconditional guarantee. 17,000 actuai miles. AND MANY MORE EASY TERMS - TRADE CASH DISCOUNT You'Il Do Better At WELLMAN'S HILLMAN-RAMBLERL METROPOLITAN Nonquon Rd. RA 3-44311 1-1* NOTICES Notice to rabbit hunters. $1.00 will he paid for each rabbit. Please be careful when hunting on nursery property. Brookdaie- Kingsway Nurseries. 48-tf Help Wanted PIN boys, earn good money dur- ing the bowling season. Apply Martyn's Bowling Academy.1- WOMAN to mind two chiidren full time, while mother works. Write Box 605, c/o Canadian Statesman. 1-1 MAN wîth car. Would you like to increase your weekly income $20 to $25 or more during your spare time selling Rawleigh products to consumers in Bow- mnanville and Townships Whitby E. and Darlington. Write Raw- leigh's Dept. A- 140-247, Montreal, P.Q. 1-1 DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD APPLICATIONS FOR CARETAKER AT BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCIIOOL Applications will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, the 9th day of January, 1957, for the position of Caretaker at the Bowmanville High School, to commence on or before the lSth day of January, 1957. Further information may be obtained from the undersigned. Walter B. Reynolds, Assistant Sec'y-Treas., 68 Centre Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned Solicitor up to 12:00 o'clock noon on Saturday, the l9th day of January 1957, for the purchase of the property of the late Miss Mary Almeda Couch at the corner of Miii Street and Emily Street, Newcastle The property is a centrally Io- cated modemn house of 5 rooms and bathroom with oul burner. Terms: 10% of price with tender; balance to be paîd in cash on closing. Closingdaet be arranged. Highest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. House will be open for inspec- tion on Saturdays from 1:00pm to 5:00 p.mý or by appoinm t to be made with Miss Tena M. Ferguson, telephone Newcastle 2359. R. R. WADDELL, Q.C., Orono, Ont., Solicitor for the Vendors. Real Estate for Sale atna seng I The Pedwell Real Estate bave L V11 LLQ J.IAI nettamets added two new salesmen to their GENERAL FARM, 350 acres 46-tf sales staff, A. W. Glenney of with 100 acres workable dlay- Newcastle and Arnold Wade of loamn land, 40 acres in bush, ýetian binds Newtonvilie. We are now in a creek, 80' x 40' bank barn, hen periès sold position to bandie any class of bouse, implement shed; 8 room-j resentative property and we would appmec- ed frame bouse. Situated ½' e any time iate any new listings given our mile fmom a bigbway. Pricej Sof samples salesmen. 1-1 $10,500.00. Easy termis.1 iout obliga- CS RPFR,9 cej 59 King St. Take notice that a by-law for CASo 2HCROP AM, 91 7 acres . Bowman- riig$2,0.0uDerainae womkable land, creek, 77' x 36' 48-tf Proiin fteTl bank barn, implement shed, hen Act, wilb be taken into consid- bouse, pig pens; 9 roomed solid Se dr o om eration by the Council of the Adic to clear. Township of Damlington at thelbik hotîse, beavy wimed.Ad Trade-in Damington T o w n s h i p Hall, joîn ing two bigbways and clov- ontrol, ike, Hampton, on the lth day of erleaf in' near future. Asking ;pace beater January, 1957, at tbe boum of price $18,000.00. Terms. bs: chester- 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. MARKET G ARD EN IN G and spring, W. E. Rundle, Clerk, FARM, situated one mile fmom baby crib. Darlington Township. Highway No. 2, witb 55 acres 5 per bun- 51-3 workable, 3 acres raspbemries, 3 uphy Co., acres asparagus, 1 acre in straw- MA 3-3781. bernies, 80' x 30' bank barn; 4 N~* 0uT I f'E roomed frame bouse witb beavy duty wiring. Asking $8,000.00.1 i ' Mkean ofr 'I G Oingf h clna AIRY FARM, 100 acres witb forpnr, î 2 bouses, aIl city conveniences, aints oruer for 1957 lavlng large dairy barn, bulk coober, can be bought witb or without rkrnanship been losi, I regret to macbinery and stock. Has 8 cansper ay mlk qota.Prîce & Snannounce there Will be GEEA AR,5 acres MA 3-3701 ~ witb 45 acres workable, 10 acres no calenaars for aistri- wood, springs, pond, 60' x 30' 44-tfbarn witb water bowls, drive-in Sale b thisshed; 9 roomed frame bouse, )rS l uton ii year. beavy duty wired. Close toa weeks old. I am extrernely sorry this has highway. Price $9,000. 4A320.oceurred. May I take this 4 roomed white clapboard UA3-01 opportunity to extend to you a bouse at Courtice on i'2 acre lot 11Very Happy and Prosperous witlr' bardwood and tile floors, ting to lay. New Year. septic tank, 2-piece bathroom, ton. Phone 5*E E T N RT unning water, garage. Situated 1-1 . E ERT N W ITE on bigbway. Price $6,000.00. $1,000.00 down. mre due to R.R. 4 BOWMANVILLE 5 roomed white cbapboard ily Z. J. 1-1bouse witb ail fumnace, watem [A 3-2926. under pressure, aluminum storms î1 VVated and screens. Double garage. nd uîîrum_____________________Down payment, $ 1,000. Price idStarted DEAD and cippled farm stock,araed rs now for, picked up promptly. Telephone 8 roomed solid brick bouse ite Leghorn, 1 MArket 3-2679. Margwil] Fur with. 4-piece bath, oil fumnace, featberîng) Famm. Tvmone. 26-tf running bot and cold water, arred Rock. kitchen cupboards, in excellent eor PhoneI condition, with barn, cbicken ;owmanville. For Rent bouse, double garage, and 15 .50-tf acres of land, ahl workable. TWO rooms, sef-contained. Im- IPrice $9,000, haîf cash. rs mediate possession. Telephone 8 roomed solid biiick bouse in MA 3-5697. 1-1"' Newcastle witb garage, whicbi ion epais. AARTMNT1 could be converted into income1 ick Uep and NuPRMsery on King St. E., at 1 home. Price $7,500. Ternms. 1 lickup nd ursry.Aduîts only. Apply 4roe ht lpor een 85 King N.J. Scott. il1-oed1ieclpor 3. 2-tf - ouse in Newcastle witb goodi SIX-moomed bouse in Newton- well, garage and heavy duty wir- zes of wasb- ville. Immediate possession. ig sig$,0 ih$5 .s depending Phone MA 3-3935. 1-1 down. AIl womk1 Besides above mentioned we 's Market, HOUSE for ent on Concession h ave approximately 100 more 1-1 St. Apply N. J. Scott, Brook- farmns and homes to choose from. zes of refrig- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 1-1 Contact: nd commer- APARTMENT, heated, available ýrHiggon for Januamy. Phone M¶A 3-.5784. John F. De Wilh Kino St. E.' 1'- Realtor and General Insurance 2-fFIVE-room apatment with bath- Newcastle Phone 3341 roavailable Jan. 15, 1957. Salesmen: PAIRS W. H.Brown, 91 King St. W.1 Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvllle elivery _______________ MA 3-3950 ) N ,TWO brighit moins and bath, Peter Feddema - Newcastle OWN hepted: lcr soe sink, b1ot Phone 2204 MA 3-51361and cold watem. Part ly furni1sb- 'Daniel Boehm - Port Hope ILLE ed. Central. No children. Tele- TU 5-5042 A49 ...h.,,. 1 A J2.5822-.1 C I1.11 Real Estate f or Sale If you wish fo BUY OR SELL talk it over with J. VAN NEST Real Estate Broker 118 King St. E. Bowrnanvile MA 3-3230 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lîdi 43 Park Rd. South Oshawa $2,000 Down and payments to suit yourself on this 7 room home wih modemn kitchen, living-room, dining- room, bedroom sun room and sun porch on the main floor, 3 bedrooms and 3-piece bath room' upstairs, full basement, double garage, large lot with ievr iety of fruit, located on Liberty Street North. Phone RA 3-9810~ or RA 5-8761 or Res. MA 3-3533 Sid Martyn or Keith Peters. Church Street Extra spacy 4 bedmoom home, with modemn kitchen, large dîn- ing-room and two large living- rooms on main floor, 4 large bed- rooms and 3-piece bathroom on second floor, front and back stairs, oul heating, attached ga- rage, and nicely landscaped lot. This home is in exceptional con- dition, spotlessly dlean and at- tractively decorated. Phone RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810 or Res. MA 3-3533. Keith Peters or Sid Martyn. Members of the Local Reall IEstate Board. - H. C. PEDWELL REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, house 8 rooms, new-1 ly remodelled, bath and furnace, bank barn 40' x 80', all necessary buildings, 15 acres bush, balance workable. Two miles off No. 2 Highway. $11,000, small down payment. $8,000-100 acres, 8 room clap- board house, bank barn 40' x 65', ahl womkable land, situated at a nice village. Owner must seli and wili take $2,000 down. 50 acres 2 miles from New- castle, dlay loam, creek, wells, 2 barns, steel stanchions, water bowls, mîlk cooler, 7 room clap- board house with oil furnace, 3- piece bath, pressure system. A real bargain for quick sale. 2 acres of land with new 6- room bungalow, 3-piece bath, 3 bedrooms, on Solina Road, close to No. 2 Highway, also, close to school. $7,500 with $1.500 down. 6 room b ouse on Liberty St., lot 65' x 170', 3-piece bath, 3 bedrooms, oul heating, attached garage, $7,500; easy terms. To close an estate, good 6 room insul-brick house, 3 bedrooms, sun room, hydro and water, garage, work shop and hen house, lot 75' x 400'. Taxes only $50.00. $3,000 cash. Just haîf the value. 5 room house, 2 bedrooms and 3-piece bath on 3 lots, on No. 2 Highway, $4,500 with only $500 down. 6 room house on. main street of Newcastle, with heavy wiing, 3 bedrooms, watem in house, new floors and roof. A bargain at $3,500. Terms. Farms of every description. Money to loan. H. C. PEDWELL Newcastle Phone 3856 Salesmen: A. W. Glenney - Newcastle Phone 3876 M. H. Pedwell - Newcastle Phone 3851 Arnold Wade - Newtonville Phone Clarke 2611 1-1 PETER KOWAL Real Estate AND GENERAL INSURANCE Here is a boy to start the New Yeam right-A lovely 3 large bedroom bick bungalow with loads of extras. Large living- dining room with a beautiful fireplace and lovely bardwood floors and brightene d by a giant picture window. The kitchen bas more than enough spaciaus cupboamds and counter space, floor to match counter; 4-piece tiled bath is a picture of beauty and convenience. Heated by forced air witb a gas fumnace whicb is at one end of a large unobstmucted basement. Attach- ed garage wîth overbead Berry door and ligbts. Theme are alum- inum double windows for fuel savings. Tbese bouses are the latest in design and built by ex- peienced carpenters. Full ask- ing price only $14,500.00 with terms. Here is a ittle farm: 12 acres of the earliest soil in this area, 8 roomn frame bouse with modemn kitchen, 4-piece bath, 5 large liedmooms, large living-room, basement and woodshed. Two- car garage, good barn. This is to be sold with all equipment and stock. Asking only $15,000 witb terms. "Just wbat we want" is wbat you will say wben you see this 2 bedroom frame bungalow. Living-room witb large picture window and bardwood floors. Nice modemn kitchen, 3-piece bath. Good dlean basement. Priced at oniy $10,500.00 with some terms. Mortgages available. For best results list with PETER KOWALi Real Estate and General Insurance 99 King St. E. MA 3-5868 Real Estate for Sale LEASK REAL ESTATE SiX room, brick, storey .~"~ baif house, oil fumnace, - piece bath, hardwood -and l floors, insulated. Roomny'lt Low monthly payments. We have bungalows, lots, houses, farms. Consoîlt us befome buying. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvilbe MA 3-5919 CHARLES RANKINE REAL ESTATE BROKER Urgently wanted-Have cash buyer for acreage. Quality of land unimportant but must have stream. House need not be modern, but exterior must be soun. Sall barn an asset. New mdern 3-bedroom brick bungalow, on new street of new, individualized homes. A better ouiit home, outstanding appear- ance and quality. Priced at $10,500. Terms. Have one low down payment home, with bathmoom and oul fumnace, 5 minutes fmom Bow.. manville. Contact office. Ne telephone calîs on this one, please! 52 King St. W. Bowmanvrille MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman - Everett Hanna Juniors Lose To Whitby Wbitby Hillcrest sbowed their effectiveness to the Robson Pontiacs for a second time in a week on Saturday night when they downed the local Junior "C" hockey club 6-3 in Wbit- The Pontiacs beld a two goal margin for the first period of the game. Then the daimymen exploded in the second by scor- ing five goals. ~Bowmanville's three scorerS were Jimmy Lawrence, Hembie Richards and Bobby Fairey. Kenny Roberts paced the winners with a pair, while Ken Musselman, Danny Gray, Ami Rousseau and Butcb Max add- ed singles. The Executive of the Bow- manville Teen Town take plea- sure in wishing you a Very Haproy New Year. On Friday, Jan. 4, there will be a dance beginning at 8.30 at the Lions Centre. Dress wili be ordînary and a good time is as- sured all. Prices will be 50c. for non-members and 25c for members. If you have not yet gotten your membership card, they are stili on sale at the door. Theme was a dance on Friday, Dec. 28, which was attended by a good number. Again we would like to re- mind you that badminton time is coming on Jan. 9. Game time is from 7 p.m, to 10 p.m. on Wednesday nigbts. A few names were added to the list at the last dance, but we would still like more, so if your name is not on it, please add it at the next dance. It only costs $1.00 for the whole season. The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRnSALE F'OR RENT - HELP WANTEL CARS FOR SALE ~f LOST« FOUND ETC. 4 Cash Rat", , 3c per wora with a minimum ai 50C Must be paid by date af insertion. Il charqed, arn additional 25c Awill be added. all replies directed Io this office ~$NOTICES COMING EVENTE ,, AND CARDS OF THANKS 3 c a word with a minimum oi / $1.00 for 33 words or tees. BIRTIIS - ENGAGEMENTE MARRIAGES . DEATHS IN MEMORIAMS $è 10 l10fo a lino for verso #~COMMERCIAL CLASSIFI 4ý nlds aIl] advertisinqY 4> perdona o i i sellinq seri ~ ideas or qofaany descri on -cexword; minimum charge 75cash rgwith order. To requlair advertieers - payable monthiv C Display Classified ai S$1.50 p.,/ inch with a minimurr4-.f4 e, inch. Additional mnse the sanerateE~ Ail Classified Ads must b. Ir vý this office flot latex thon ' 12'1'kn.., W.dnsesday. Seod cash, etampa or monov order and save mooey. $$CliP this out for handv referencb OFFIC OR donay 'thrauqh Fridayi 8130 cm. ta 5 v.m. Mn Saturday è 8:30 ai.m. ta 12 noon f Dtal MA 3»3303 S for Classified Ad. Service UE~4e~ I ýw- Omo paune -LYLM J-0044. 1.1-1 lm-"

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