Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1957, p. 10

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W'GE Tu TM CANADIN SATESUM. SOWMA&NVfU= ONTAXTO ~TT~flAV. .TA?~ IvA ~UNS Formers Asked to HeIp With Accommodation Ontario farmaers bave been asked ta heip provide temporary accommodation for Hungarian reugees coming into Ontario. The appeal ta Ontario farmers Was made by Lloyd Jasper, President of the 100,000 fammer- mnember Ontario Fedemation o! Agriculture. 1".Some 6,000 Hungarian me- ftugees are expected in Ontario by January ioth," Mr. Jasper said. "It is as much the re- SPonsibility o! Ontario farm people as it is the responsibility o! Ontario cities and towns to heip these brave people secume a footbold in Canada." "Notices are going out ta al our county federations o! agri- culture ta urge the farmers in their areas ta provide temporary accommodation in their homes for Hungamian efugees, regard- le ss o! whetber or nat these people are farm workers," Mr. Jasper said. "Neurally, we are pléased ta note that in some gmoups that have already ariv- ed as many as 10% are !am womkers," he added, "and we are hopeful that farmers wil avail themselves o! thîs new labour suppiy." Mr. Jasper is urging ail On- tario farmers who can offer temporamy accommodation, even if oniy until the spring, ta con- tact iimmediately the secretary o! their County Fedemation o! Agriculture. The secretary, in Piue"Pe&Pet T-V SIRVIEF turn, will report the information ta the Toronto head office o! the Ontario Federation o! Agricul- ture. Mr. Jasper indicated that the Ontario Fedemation of Agricul- ture had conferred wih author- ities in Tomonto who are re- sponsible for the placing o! Hun- garian refugees. These authar- ities, he said, were pleased with the Federation's plans ta attempt ta locate accommodation in rural Ontario for some o! the efugees. John Tamblyn Ends 30 Years On School Bd. On Wednesday evening in the Village o! Orono at the Annuai meeting o! the Orono Public School there ended a term o! service ta the School Section of close ta thirty years. This was brought about through the re- signatian o! Mr. John Tamblyn from the School Board.' Mr. Tamblyn has for near thirty yeams as a member o! the board served the section most diligently with bis knowledge and with bis time. His intemest in the community bas during bis life time been more than notable and continues ta be s0 for Mr. Tamblyn is stili active in a number of phases a! the cornmunity. His interest in Orono, its future, and its inhab- itants both aduits and children has been shown in bis active- ness in organizatians o! the Village and the untiring efforts and time be bas spent in the prof icient functioning o! these organizatians. Mr. Tamblyn's association wîth the School Board for the great number a! years o! ser- vice is commendabie. Such in- terest and service as diaplayed by Mr. Tamblyn is in the ma- jority o! cases iacking and too few peopl.e accept their responsibiiity ta a community. The appreciaition o! the School Section was expressed through a motion on Wednesday niglit and to this we would like ta extend futber appreciatian for a remarkable service ta the public-Orono Timies. Because ws handi. only hlgh quality TV repair parts, * w w. w *wm you gel top value s 6, resulte when you .0 0 0 . 0 . c a l u s f o r s e r v i c e l WORK ani PARTS GUARANTEED DONT PUT ÔFF TV REPAIES - 4LLUS! MYLE%ý--t'ýRadd '"Se r vi ce 3 Silver St. , 75owmanvi11e Phone MA 3-3482 We Cater For.. BANQUETS DINNERS - WEDDINGS - RECEPTIONS M Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5081 Mr. and Mrs. H. Woolley ELIZABETH VILLE Miss E. M. Wi (Intndedfor iast week) On Wednesday the Young. r il o People's Union meeting was heid, in the basement with members s Emma M. Werry, of To-1 from Garden Hill, Canton, Per- rnoMiss iCaaa i h town and Elizabethville. PGa3Tronatho, ontrie Cada, is te den Hill conducted the devotion- atro f thdesd medtainua us2,e ai part. Canton had recreation an ednmaedyJavnar ll2,nby and Elizabethville supplied the panpestiauteeevn lliwo lunch. are readers o! The Upper Room.i On Tbursday evening several The Upper Room, a devotional1 attended Oak Hill concert which guide under the editorship of consisted of recitations, sangs Dr. J. Manning Potts, has ai and dialog*.. world circulation of more than1 Friday evening aur Christmas three million copies. It is pub-1 concert was beld in the school. lished in 34 editions including 281 It consisted of recitations, sangs,i languages, English Braille and choruses and dialogues by the Talking Book. school. The high school stu- Miss Werry based berpmedi-1 dents put on a short two-act tation on Romans 15:1 "We play. Mrs.. Clarence Mercer then that are strang ought ta played for the sangs. bear the infirmities o! th~e weak, Mrs. 'Gardiner of Garden Hill and not ta please ourselves.", has been engaged ta finish out She says in part: "The worid the year as teacher a s Mrs. ne eds men and women who Simpson resigned due ta her hus-, have caught the vision of a band's illness. world ruied by Christlike self- Sunday School was beld but! forgetfulness and lJove. These no cburch services. Four junior i souls unconsciously create an boys, John~ Quantriil, Stanley atmosphere of helpfulness right Durward, Jim and Ross Mul- where they live. In doing that, drew sang "While Shepherds they are weaving strand by Watched". Miss Shirley Mul- strand, a cord of love and good drew played "O Little Town of will ta deal with problems Bethlehem" on the violin and ta unite mankind every- Sunday afternoon Mr. Ailan where in understanding and Mercer drove the Junior Bible fellowship." The meditation i3 Class members over ta Oak -Hili concluded with a prayer and a and Elizabethville, delivering Christmas boxes ta the "shut- ns".M nvr Sunday evening the youngM n es C folk of Garden Hill and Eliza- bethville went from door ta door singing carois in Elizabethville I~I~ an GrenHilcomniie.B u y Final 4 Donations were for the Young Peoples Union. The last regular monthly Mr. and Mrs. H. Holden, meeting of the Manvers Muni- Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. C. cipal Council for 1956 was held Quantrili, Osbawa, had Christ- on December lOth with ail mem- mas dinner with Mr. and, Mrs. H. bers. present and Reeve Argue Quantrili, Sunday. 1presided. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Savory and The minutes of the previous daughter Betty Jane, Starkville,I meeting were read and approv- had a chicken supper at Mrs. A. ed on motion of Brown and Muldrew's. Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott and The foliowing communications1 famiiy, Oshawa, had tea with Mr. were receîved and read: Stuart1 and Mrs. O. Mercer, Sunday. Ryan, Q.C., ..re advice, roadway Miss June Thickson, RXN at Pontypool; one school requis-1 Toronto, is home for the holi0 ition, S.S. No. 7, for $500.00; four days. sheep Édaims; Victoria County daî'. _________________ District H.S.B. re the sanding o! his for school bus; a request from a sheep valuator, askîng ta OBITUARY be relieved o! his duties for 1957.1 Heaith Unit, monthiy repart;1 MES. ARTHUR H. BRENT Mountain Sanitarium, Hamilton, re hospitalization; Peterboroughi For loved ones and friends Civic Hospital re bospitalization this Christmas season has been matter and several accounts. saddened, but for Lillian MabelI On motion of Malcolm and Annis, beioved wife o! Arthur H. Brown, it was decided to paint1 Brent, it brought Eternai Peace. the initiais M.T. on each rail of, She was born in 1872 in the snow fence belonging ta the1 Ebenezer section of Darlington Townsbip. This'brought on by Townsbip, where' she spent the disappearance o! rails o! Town- early part of ber life, a daughter ship fence. of the late Levi and Charlotte Moved by McGill and second- Annis. In 1898 she was mar- ed by Brown, that Boxing Day ried ta Arthur H. Brent and be declared a public holiday in moved ta the Brent farm near the Township of Manvers. Tyrone where the remainder ai Mdved by Brown, seconded by ber life was spent. She was Jakeman, that Mr. Alex. Egri be a faithful wife and devoted billed for 55.00 ta compensate mother. A member o! Tyrone for destruction o! a 50 foot ral United Cburch, for many years of snow fence. years while bealth permited she On motion ai Jakeman and was a member af the churcb Brown, the new sdheduie of pay choir. for election day is ta be as foi- She passed away on Dec. 19, iows: Deputy R.O., 57.00 per day 1956. The funeral service at the and 20c per mile one way for Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- securing and returning the bal- manville on Saturday, Dec. 22 lot box, or 10c per mile one way was conducted by ber pastor the for securing box and 10c per Reverend F. J. Jackson ai mile, one way for the return of Tyrone United Church, assisted the ballot box. Poli Clerk ta re- by the Rev. M. R. Sanderson af ceive $6.00 per day. Hall rents North Parkdale United Church, ta be $6.00 per hall. Toronto, a friend of the family. On motion of Jakeman and Interment was in Bethesda Cern- McGill, the Livestock Valuators etery.pabers are ta receive $2.50 per valua- The alers were two tian. nephews, Lamne Annis and Glenn On motion of Brown and Mal- Pickell and four neigbbors, Rab colm, Earl Argue is ta receive Roy, Russell Wright, Clinton an allowance o! 520.00 for trips Bigelow and Aldin Hoar. ta Lindsay and Cobourg, plus The many floral tributes ex- long distance telephone touls for pressed the sincere sympatby a! 1956. (Township business and a large circle o! friends and transportation of indigent). relatives, many o! wbom despite On motion o! Jakeman and inclement weather travelied a McGill, Russell Kerr was ta re- long distance ta pay their last ceive $300.00, being a refund ai respects to a dear friend. the deposit equired re the grave] Mrs. Brent. is survived by a contract for 1956. loving family. Besides her bus- Moved by Malcolm, secanded band, Arthur H. Brent, she, by Brown, that the Reeve and tThe yeamiy Installation of IOf ficers for Tymone Unity L.O.B.A. took place Wednesday night, Dec. 5. In the absence o! Right Wasipful Sis. Cora Johnson, Provincial Grand De. puty Mistress a! Ontamio East; W.M. Sis. Ray Scott asked Sis- Gertrude Deianey aur first W.M. ta take the chair and in- stali the following siate o! of- ficers: W.M.-Reta McRoberts: P.M. -Ray Scott; D.M.-Ethei Go- be; J.D.M. - Bemnice Partner; R.S.-Gmace Smith: F.S.-Ger- trude Delaney, Treas. - Ruth Bradley: Chaplain-Pat Gibson: Guardian-Bro. Leslie Brooks; I D. of Ceemnies-Ethel John- stan;ist Lecturer-Gwen Mur- phy; 2nd Lecturer - Helen I Wailis; Inner Guard - EthsýI IGibbs, Outer Guad-Wmn. Wal- * I lis; Pianist - Kathleen Davey; * 2. 3, 4, 5 Committees-Domi.s Holmoyd, Jacobine Vaneyk, Pauline Aldread and Pauline Murphy; Sick and Visiting - Ann English, Gertrude Brooks, EihMurphy and Ethel 11e Rberts: Auditors - Rav Scott erry W rites Ipper Room thought for the day. Because of the wide reader-I ship and popularity of The Upper Room, it is considered high honor ta have a meditation selected and published in the world's most widely used devop- tional book. Dr. Potts, the edi- tar, points out that each medi- tatian appears not only in Eng- lish but each of the other ian- guage editions including: Ara- bic, Italian, Armenian, Hindi, Thai, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu, Por- tuguese, Tagalog, Ilocano, Tel. ugu, Norwegian, Tamil, Turk- ish, Hungarian, Chinese, Per- sian, Finnish, Russian, Gujarati, Cebuano, French, and Burmese. Chaplains report that a special pocket sized edition is the item of rehigious literature most often requested by men and wonien in the military services. Many thousanids of copies are made available to veterans hospitals also. Miss Werry's meditation, with the others in the January- Feb- muary issue, is a part of 70ý000 churches in the United States and Canada.- These churcheE represent every Protestant de- nomination. )un cil Has Session raska R.C.A., annuai payment, $300.00; Ceci Crawford, dog tax refund,' error, $2.00; Irene Me- GUi, refund re taxes, $9.67; R. Davidson, on salary acct., $150; Manvers M.T.S., balance of levy, $3,664.82; Russell Kerr, gravel deposit, $300; Earl Argue-half year saiary, Reeve, $105, and aiiowance, trips ta Lindsay, Co- bourg and tolîs, $29; Louis Mc- Gill, haîf year sal., Deputy- Reeve, $92.50; H. M. Jakeman, haîf year sal., Councilior, $87.50; Harvey Malcolm, haîf year sal., Councillor, $87.50; Robert Brown haîf year sal., Councillor, $87.50; W. A. Rowland, Building Inspec- tor, sal. 1956, $50.00; W. A. Row- land, Assessor's sal., 1956, $800; David Masters, Weed Insp.. sal. 1956, $100; Ross Davidson, on tax collecting, $200.00; Ivan Wright, refund on house burned, $19.60; Addison Scott, refund on barn, $12; Bella Olan, refund re taxes, $14.10; Sheep Valuating, at $2.50 per valuation-Clifford Curtis $17.50, T. W. Davidson $10.00, Ralph Malcolm $35: Ed- ties, levy for 1956, S16,11o.15*; Victoria Counti, debentures and interest, High School, $6,904.35; Victoria County, D.H.S.A.B., maintenance, 1956, $6,867.11; School Money- S.S. No. 1, bal- ance, $1,524.00; S.S. No. 2, bal., $852.20; S.S. No. 3, bal., $709.75; S.S. No. 4, bai., $1,728.50; S.S. No. 5, bai., $1,377.44; S.S. No. 6, bal., $1,166.25; S.S. No. 7, ad- vance, $500.00, S.S. No. 8, bai., $1,058.75; S.S. No. 9. bal., $2,110.- 42; S.S. No. 10, bal., $1,758.00; S. S. No. il, bal., $872; S.S. No. 12, bai., $481.42; S.S. No. 13, bal., $1,310.50; S.S. No. 14, balance, $726-08; S.S. No. 15, bal., $2,505.- 32; S.S. No. 16, bal., $943.14; S.S. No. 19, bal., $995.70; S.S. No. 20, bal., $174.00. N.B. to Manvers Farmers-~ As of Oct. 1, 1956, Ontario Gov- ernment bas taken over Brucel- losis Control, paying the cost through the veterinarians. How- ever the anus now rests on each individual farmer to report to the veterinarian of bis choice the number and the time (or date) to inoculate bis beifers. We wish to correct a previous publisbed report that Manvers Council had over-budgeted, re- sulting in a surplus. In Novem- ber.there was a small surplus as is normal since the iargest accaunts fali due in December (see accounts), leaving no sur- plus at close of fiscal year. Moved by McClÎill, eeconded by Brown that the meeting adjourn until January 14, 1957, at Il a.m. LONG SAULT With Mr. and Mms. Gardon Fletcher over the Christmas holiday are their son, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fletcher and family, Regina, Sask., son Sfanley from Toronto, and ne- phew Mm. Robert Papineau, No. 7 Platoon, R.C.E.M.E. School, Kingston. It is several years since this family have been together for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smitb,, Gloria and Bob, Bowmanvilie, I were Sunday supper guests of their parenjs, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith. 11 Mrs. Audrey Rosevear and ber pupils are ta be congratu- iated for their splendid Christ- mas concert put on in Tyrone Hall last Tuesday nigbt. This is the first time that the con- cert bas not taken place in tb2 scbool but the hall was much more successfui. Santa arrived in due time and distributed the presents from the beautifully decorated tree wbile the littie anes sat around on the plat- form. Bags o! candy were giv- en ta the children. Mrs. Edna Campbell and Iris, Bowmanviiie: Mm. Valentine Toth, were Christmas Day Palmer 20 King Street E. and Mr. Wm. Harper spent Christmas with the Tom Turn- ers in Toronto. Mrs.. Orme Miller spent Christmas with ber parents at Tara. The sympatby of the com- munity is extended to the fam- ilies of the late Mrs. Oliver Beckett and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Tyrone, in their loss, and tr, Mr. and Mrs. David Craig ini the sad ioss of their infant daughter. Miss Rae Jobnston, Osbawa, is spending a week with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Mrs. Vivian Lince, Port Per- ry, spent Christmas Day with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Har. vey Partner and family, Ty- rone; Miss Helen Partner and Mr. Ross Bowins, Oshawa, were Christmas *Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner. Mr. and Mrs. A. Milison werv Christmas Day guests wflU friends in Newtonville. Christmas Day callers aqgt Milison 's were Mr. and Mr.% Mark Marchant and family, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Maçchant, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. ý Milison and Miss Stella Milsâi ý Orono; Mrs. L. Mocixe, Mr. aI.~'~ 14rs. John Malette, Tyrane; ivr.1 L nd Mrs. F. Partner. "1 WOULDN'T HA\VE AtNY PART OFP I" l'And neither would my Dad. He knows the value of trust Company experience in iooking after an estate. He wouldn't be without it!" Sa many wise men to-day rely on the experience and co-operation of a trust Company@ Write for free bookiet headed: "Blueprint For Your Family", covering some aspects of estate ad. mnistration. THEi STERLING TRUSTS HEAD OPPICI CO0R POR A TIO N BRANCI4 ÔFIf M w;amýd MGlcmtkn hall, 1guests o!Mrs. Sophie KayacÉs 2 aySiTorent. - ulp tBn 1956, $125; Mirror-Reparter, bai! and Gabriel. UfS. - ulpS. ai irear printing, $125; United Coun- Mr. and Mrs. Emnest Harper ________________CU_ -e THwRzL9owMPIym o0uth with revolution ary Neyer befare have sa many buyers been s0 excited about any new car. And nowonder-the beautiful new Piymouth's a real amoothie for ride as well as for looks. Sheer pleasure is ail yau feel behind the wheel of a Thrill-Power Plymnouth with Torsion-Aire ride. Torsion-Aire gives you that sports-car feeling of perfect con- trol. Feel the way Plymiouth takes the bounoe out of bumps, how it 957 Torsion-Aire Ride nesties down ta, the road to take curves without lurching sidesway. Or take braking-there's no <'nase-dive" with Torsion-Aire on the job. Even emergency stops are almost perfectly level. New Torsion-Aire ride -a Chrysier Corporation exclusive -is just one of Plymouth's many new features. But see for yourself. Drive a new Thrill-Power Plymouth today. Plymouth Is the Iowest prlced car wIth e New low-slung Flight-Sweep styiing " New V-8 or 6 Thriii-Power go e New supor-safe Total-Contact brakes " New revolutionary Torsion-Aire ride Lit I D, Iand new push-button Torque-Flite (N\ automatic transmission SUE ITi THRULL-TEST THE NEW THRILL-POWER PLYMOUTH TODAYI Sales Phone MA 3-5487 1' * p We specialize in catering for ail types of banquets, receptions, dinners, luncheons and weddings either in th1e hotel or at ANY LOCATION the i.nterested parties may choose. No gathering too small or too large BALMORAL HOTEL Manufactured bij Chrysier Corporation of Canada, Limited YOU'RE ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD IN CARS 0F THE FQRWARD LOOK Motor Bowm anville -F - _________________ 9 571_ -MI à TMPMAT. :AN Ird. 195s r

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