Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1957, p. 9

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P Y - -~. ~ :~ ,-r~. -nurcSDAY. JAN 3rd, 1957 T THE CA11ADIA1N TATESMAq. OWMANVTLLZ.ONTAIO ~AflU Vt~ %cordon Âgnew, Editor ~ewcad/ Social and Personal 4,ý %Ibristmas visitors with Mrs. SPearce and Mr. and Mrs. %rhIbrt Pearce and family were Mr~~and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce aud-family, Brighton; Miss Peg- gy Pearce, Toronto; Mr. and M rs Orval Stinson and family, ehesley', Capt. Joe Hockin, Kingston and Mrs. Hockin and famîly, Capt Borden and Mrs. lizabeth Patterson of Bow- manville. Christnmas guests with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Gray and family were her father. Mr. Qillanders, andi Mr. and Mrs. Don Brackett and Beth and Margaret of Learnington. Weekend guests with Mrs. Cecil Ferguson were-Mrs. Mary Ferguson and Mr. Sydney F'erguson Sr. of Oshawa; and Mr. Milton Payne of Montreal 1Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter and Joan, Mill St., were Christ- mas guests with Mr. and Mns. J. Choate in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill JolI of Maple Grove were Christmas NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAX, Propriete Phono 2671 guests with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Joll. Mr. and Ms. H. C. Dennis spent Christmas in Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Alden Pol- lard. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Allun were Mn. and Mrs. Weston McGill, Wood- stock: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gat- choul, Bowmanville; Mr. and Ms. Wm. McEachern and Mary Frances, Markham, and Miss Helen Allun of Hamilton. .Master Douglas Jose spent a portion of his Christmas holi- days visiting with John Patter- son, son of the Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson in Fenelon Falls. Christmas Day guests with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Allun and f amily were Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Foley and Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Bell and family. Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman and family, Maple Grave, and Mr. and Mns. Ernest Twist and family of Salem. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt and John Paul spent Christmas in Port Hope with his mother, Mrs. Nelson Nesbitt and fam- ily. Christmas Day guests with Dr. J. A. Butler, Miss Cora and Mr. George Butler were Mn. and Mrs. Dick Anderson and Richard, Oshawa, Mrs. Stel- la Anderson, Miss Hattie Mason, Mrs. Nettie Butler and Mr. Hanlon Panker. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Randaîl and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tillson and children of Bow- manville. jC. Ge GGULD Heating and ici- _______ Authortiedo Vhalco__Dealer PUBN 4., PHONE ; ,~casfIeS68DIRI. 33Z6 -NEWCASTLE ( e jI -t 'v 5h RESOLUTIONS Of li the things I went this year The first is niast uiportant, Thomo Resolutions miust be kcpt, And "thene ain't none I aughtn't". The list ai things eround the house To fix is qulte fantastic; It seems that every tirne I look The list has grown like magie. The cellan #teps are just a mest In feet it's relly dangenous, I guess we need a whale new set To make them sale fan us. The next thing is that aid front door, The thing is really cneaking; The wind blaws in, the beat blows out And when it reins it's leaking. And thon there are those cellar wall., That look s0 dank and dusty; It wan't cast much ta fix them up Thon things wan't soem s0 musty. The tep that leaks, the light that feuis, The rooms that ail need painting; A busy yeer we're going ta have Oun bouse must get top rating. The things 1 list may seem a lot And yet will seem like nothing, Witb help fnom Oshawa Wood Proaut-, We'll manage withaut puifing. If cash is short I neednt mine~ They have a plan ta suit me, To pay on time is quite in line Sa I must caîl them quickly. 1 guess I've lsted aIl the things That came ta mind just now. lIll get these done this vear or bust And have Wood Products show me how. THEIMANAGEMENT AND STARF Oshawa V(ood Products Ltd. Showroom iowroom and Yard 84 SINICOE ST. S. COURTICE . OSHAWA Recent visitons with Mns. Ce- son cf Newca.stle, bis mother, cil Ferguson wene Mn. Leslie Mrs. Mary Payne of Oshawa,, Millon, Toronto, and Mrs. Or- one brother Sidney Rountree val Watts and childnen and Ferguson of Oshawa and one Mns. Watts Sr., of Warsaw. sister, Mns. Kathleen Smith of Mn. and Mrs. A. R. Randaîl, Campbellford. He is also sur- Lynda and Earl, visited in Bel- vived by three gnanddaughters. lefountain on Thursday with A memben of the Newcastie hen mother, Mrs. Brock and sis- United Chunch, the funeral ser- ter, Mrs. McLeod. vice was condticted by bis min- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnevr- isten, the Rev. M. C. Fisher at af Peterborough, visited with the Marris Funeral Chapel in Mn. and Mns. Gardon Agnew Bowmanville on Wednesday,' on Saturday. December 26, 1956, with inter- Mr. and Mns. Thomas %~id ment being made in the Cad- and family af Detroit, Mich, mus Union Cemetery. were New Year's. weekend Among the large number ai guests with Mn. and Mns. W. R. floral trib utes, testîfying ta the Carveth and family. esteeni in which the deceased Mn. and Mns. H. C. Dennis was held, were those of the spent the New Yean's holideys Newcastle Hoticultunal Socie- in Lindsay with Mn. and Mrs. ty, the United Church Wom- James Taylor. ans Assn. the Lionettes, the Dunham Chapter ai the East- Dr. S. H. and Mrs. Witzel, ern Star and Group 2 ai the and Bobbie, ai Toronto, were Woman's Assn. Many othen New Year's weekend guests floral tnibutes wene received with hon parents, Mn. and Mrs. from friends in Dundas, Toron- Chas. Collins. ta, Montreal, Nonwood, Bow- Mn. and Mrs. Donald Jase and manville, Oshawa, Blackstock, family of Brampton wene New Pontypool and Newcastle. -Year's visitons with Mn. and Palîbearers wene Messns. Mrs. J. H. Jose and iamily. Énank Rickard, Oscar McQuade, Mn. H. T. Manes, Mns. Em- Russell Mountjoy, David Lloyd, bley, Miss Oldfield and Mrs. Alex Clementi, and Marwood Tracy Manes af Leaside, spent McKee. Christmas Day in Oshawa with Mn. and Mrs. H. A. Gray and iar lAma Ragen af Tononto,S LE visited with Mn. and Mrs. C. R. Mr. and Mns. Goo. Pinle, Misa Canveth on Sunday. Mildred Philips, Taronto, wene Mn. and Mns. Art Hammond woekend visitons with Mr. and ai Rochester, N.Y., wene Newv Mn. W. Craig. Miss Gerda Yea's holiday weekend guests Cnaig is msa, spending a few with Mn. and Mns. Percy Bnown days et home. and family. Same members of the Sun- Mn. and Mns. Chnis Banchard day Sehool enjoyed a toboggan- andi Sharan spent Sunday in ing perty Friday nght. Those Toronto visiting with Mn. and who did not go tobogganing Mrs. Arnold Tampkinsan and ejydpaigcoiaee family. te church. Luync as served Miss Leonie Alexanden of tae ail. Luchws ere Jamaica, and presently a stu- oal dent et Victoria University, Our annual Sunday Schooi Toronto, was a guest fan a fow imeeting wil1 be heid at the days with Miss Melveen Fish- home of Mn. and Mru. Gerald er et the pansonage. Miss Alex- Shackleton on Monday, Jan. 7. anden spoke ta the United Congregational meeting et the Chunch Sunday School scholans church on Thursday, Jan. 10. on Sunday morning about Jarn- Mn. and Mns. Sam Buttery, Rica. Miss Marion Buttory, Mr Ken The Intermediate boys' clama Buttory, Mr. and Mrs. Bob of the Sunday School and mn- Cnalg wore guesta at the But- bers of the Young Peopie's tery-Schroter wedding in Trin- Union each enjayed a skating ity United Chunch and the re- Party at the Bowmanville Arena ceptian at the Lions Centre on on Fniday evening. Afterwards, Saturday evening. the young- people were enter- (Intendod For Laat Weok) tained et the home af the YP.U. Mn. and Mn.. W. Blackburn President, Soldon Parken and plans wene made for future and famiy, Mrs. K. Cowiing, meetings. Haydon: Miss Stella Blackburn, ________________ Mns. Nettie Cale, Town; Mn. Mission Band Members Enjoy YuIe Meeting The members ai the Golden Rule Mission Band gathered in the Sunday School hall ai the United Chunch, 32 stnang fan thein Christmas meeting. The President, Susan Gray, apened the meeting with a cal ta wonship and the membena' purpose was nepeated in uni- son. The minutes ai the lest meeting wene read and appnav- ed 'and the raIl was called. With Fred Graham at the pi- ana, twa verses ai the hymn, "Silent Night" wene sung. The collection, amaunting to $1.31, was taken by George Rickand and the Lord's Prayen was ne- peated in unison by the memn- bers. Aften the singing of a numben of well known Christ- mas Canais, which were enjoy- ed by the children, the meet.inR and Mrs. G. Shackleton and family, Mns. M. Blackburn, were Christmascguests af Mn. and Mns. F. Blackburn. Mn. and Mrs. B. Twist and family, Miss Nellie Ridelelph were Christmas guosts of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Allun, Newcastle. Mn. and Mns. Gea. Goddand and Louise, Courtice; Mn. Otto Modsen wene Christmas visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. George Sellers on the ar- rivai of a baby girl. Mn. Doug las Thompson is spending Chriistmmaholldays with Mrs. M. Pollock, Iroquais. Miss Waneta Young is hall- daying et ber home in Napanee. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Rich- ards and family were Christmas visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lane. Mn. and Mn@. W. G. Werry wene Chnistmas guesta af Mn. and Mrs. Ken Werry. Mns. F. Caton spent Christ- mas with relatives in Toronto. Sincere uYmpathy is extend- ed ta Mn. and Mrs. David Cnaig in the iass ai thein baby girl. The h rh was., c rn..rAA <n. 1b.~ L., in .owmanville. Lvf SmalI Size Meaty Prunes Ricbmello - Interleaved Cheese S lices AMeal iln Itself! .S.L. Black [n Tornato Sauce - Cooked- 15-or. tir Tea Bags Libby's Spaghetti 2for2Ivc Claver Valley Christie's - Plain or Salted 1 lb. pkg. Cheez Pleez r% I1 --%1 The Orono News Telephone 127 SP C I LSDominion - Flavourful 16-oz. jar>- 24-or". jar SeCALS Peanut Butter 35c 49c 1i, jut..+ ma! Cark's - with Chili Sauce Beans with Pork Serve Chilled! Serve Olten! Clark's Fancy Tom ato Juice -I I closed "with t'he Mission Band the Christmas concert which Prayen. was given by: the schaal pupils The childnen thon jained in and memnbers of the Young playing a numbor ai gamos and Peopies Union. an enjayable lunch ai sand- Mn. and Mrs. W. Chattenson, wiches and ice cream wes sony- Graiton; Mrs. E. Sayon wene od ta the childnen by the lead- Christmas visitons with Mn. and ers. Gift boxes weno handed in Mrs. Bob Collacott. et this meeting totalling $3.57. A iamily panty was held et Due ta the absence of Mns. the homeofaiMn. and Mrs. W. Brown, the leader, due ta a Cnaig on Christmas Eve. death in the iamily, Mns. Lena Mn. and Mns. Wm. Allin, Mn. Gnaham kindly assisted Mns. John Aluin; Mn. Clarence AI- Megit with the meeting. lin and iamily, Kinby; Mn. and Mns. Buce Little and iamily, Agincourt, were Christmas O BITUARY guests with Mn. and Mrs. K. Shackleton. CECI LENOX ERGSON Mn. and Mrs. J. Deianey and CECU LENOX ERGSONDouglas, spent Christmas with Ris many fniends were sad- their daughten and iamily in dened ta learn of the passing, Ble;le an Monday, December 24, 1956, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mar- of Cocil Lennox Fergusaon in chant and Susan, spent Christ- the Memnorial Hospital, Bow- mas with hon parents et Tren- manville, following a lengthy ton. illness. Mn. and Mns. Sam Buttery The late Mn. Ferguson was and iamily, Mn. and Mrs. W. born et Lotus, Ontaria, on Aug- Craig, Misses Boa and Gerda ust J2, 1891, the son af the late Craig wene Christmas guests ai David Ferguson and Mrs. Mary Mn. and Mrs. Bob Cnaig. Ferguson. Through his work Mn. and Mns. K. Tonnant and as a store clenk and later a family were Christmas guests 1 sewing machine mechanic heofa Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, had become well known and Tyror.e. respected throughout the dis- trict. Besides bis wife, the former WEDIJING Florence Payne, the late Mn. Ferguson is survived bY anc BURGESS - BIGELOW son, Svdnev Hamilton Fe'gu- Evongreens and tel baskets FOR y ellow and white chrysanthe- F AST ELIEFmums farmed a lovoly setting in the United Chunch et Beth- eny on Friday, December 28th for the wedding ai Miss Gladys Manian 'Bigelow, daughten ai TIREB tanI. and Mns. Harny Bigelow ai Bowmanvîlle. Rex'. R. R. Bonsteel officiat- ed at the double ring ceremony. FEET The wedding music wes play- ed by Mrs. Clarence Rowan. thechuchMn. Harry Preston sag When You Came Home" 0F P&JN" and -Wlien The Tide Cornes Gven in manniage by hon faterthebride was lovely i a ow o white nylon flot and 15-or. fi Macaroni and Cheese 2 for 29c Kraft Dinner 20lav. +fin Assorted. Flavours 2 U fo, 27, Shirriff's Lushus bocias FRESH PRODUC Long Green Slicers - Flonida No. 1 CUCUNDERS -*2ïr25c Eating or Cooking - Northern SPY APPLES 6-qt. basket m m 79c Florida - Fresh Green Top - Red and Crisp' RADISHES - - 3uh19C California .- Sweet, Red, Crisp ElVIPEROR GRAPES 2 Lbs. 35c California No. 1 - Celle covered CAULIFLOWER GRAPEFRUIT Florida CELERY TONqATOES 29c Sire 96's 5 Fr029c m a- 2it. 25c. Celle ykg. 29c Cella pl 29c White Facial Pkg. of 200 or 300 Kleenex Tissues 2 for 39.c White - Sliced or Unsliced Richmello Bread Save! 24-oz. lbal 17C MEAT SPECIAL s Maple Leaf - Skinless 1-lb. pkg. Pork Sausage Devon Brand - Rindless 43c 1-lb. pkg. Breakfast Bacon 73c Caldwell's - By the piede Bologna Values effective ini Bowmanville until Saturday, January Sth lb. 235C - -r-l- -a- -i- ---M1 re 1 r.1n.lm Everythlng Guranteed ~OM.1NION À.> lace oven taffeta, made with a strapless bodice, matching bol- ero jacket and a waltz length akirt trimzned with deep laceI modelions. Her finger-tip veil of nylon embroiderc-d net was caught to a cap of sequins and peanis and she carred a bou- quet of red roses and white 'Xnums. Mrs. Ernest Youngman was ber sister's bridesmaid and was wearing a waltz lenglh dress of blue lace and net aven taffeta with rnatching bolei i jacket and head bandeau. He- bouquet xvas of pink roses and Imums. ittle Phyllis Yugman. chanming flower girl wearing a yellow nylon dness with -full pleated skirt, floral headdress 1 and carryingr a nasegay of white and yellawU'ums. Morley Tennant of Bowman- ville was the groomsman and ushers were Ernest Youngmnan of Eethany and Lewis Philips of Bowmanville. After the Leremany a recep- tion wvas held at the home of the bride's parents where the bride's mother neceived, wear- ing a gown of slate blue crepe, wîth winten white hat and ac- cessories and corsage of pink rases. The groom's mothen who also received was wearing a navy blue dress with black hat and accessonies and corsage of yellow roses. Later the bride and groom left for a matan trip through Western Ontario, the bride tra- velling in a light blue waol dress with beige Borg nylon coat and black accessonies and a corsage af pink roses. On their neturn they will live et the Doncaster Apts., King 7½-oz. pkg. 2 for 3cr 1-0z. pkg. 3 for 9i ýkg. of 100 33~C Pantry Shelf - Light Meat - Solid Z~ITuna Fish 8-or. Tumbler 34c 7-oz. tin 2-lb. celloe bag DOMINION STORES LIMITED Congratulations to Mns. Chas. Awde who is celebrating her 90th binthday Thunsday, Janu- any 3, 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa, Miss Enla *hapmaa, Peterborough, Mr. Francis Jose, Newcastle, Mr. and Mns. Stanley Chapman and Clair, wene din- non guests Sunday cf Miss Ber- tha Cain. Mr. A. Gilroy spent New Year's with Mn. and Mrs. WV. W. Cowan, Oshawa. Miss Marion McKelvey, Ta- ronto, visited Mrs. Fred Brini- acombe during the holidays. Miss Gwen Chatterton, To- ronto, spent New Year's withi Mn. and Mrs. M. Chatterton andi Mn. anid Mrs. O. Chatterson. Mrs. C. P. May, Windsor, is visiting her sister, Mns. Chas. Awde. Mn. Sam Allun was taken ta Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Sunday, aiten a fail. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. H. Barrowclough and Bill, Wesleyville. Miss Emily, Mornison passed away suddonly at her residence Wednesday, Dec. 26th. Funeral was on Friday, with interment at Shelburne, Ontario. Miss Marrig, i is sunvived iby two sistens, Miss Addie Morrison, Onono and (Cylena) Mrs. G. W. Andenson, Hamilton, and a number ai nieces and nephews. Mr. Chas. Tyrreîl, Onono is a . 1 -i 000000 ý -Z# Mr. and Mns. Reg. Suttan at- tended the funeral ai her ne- phew, Ganry Adams, fnom Mar- is Chapel, Bowmanville on Sun- day. Ho was killed in a car ac- cident. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor and family, Mankham, and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bryon and dau- ghters with Mrs. M. Sherwin and Laurence on Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hoope. spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clarip, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan and Mr. and Mns. "Norman AI- lin and daughters spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay and family, Islingtan. Mns. Fred Day and daughter. Lorraine, Blackstock, visited Mn. and Mns. Reg Sutton. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Ruther- fard and family spent New Yoar's with Mn. and Mms W. A. Adams, Lakeshore. Mn. and Mrs. Carman Cornish spent New Year's with Mn. and Mrs. Jones, Newtonville. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrne and son Reid, and Mn. and Mrs. H. Mencer spent New Yoar's with Mr. and Mrs. H. Luxton, Bowmanville. M. and Mns. Chas. Wood had a family gathening on Nev Year's. Mr. Robent Halfyard, Barrie, Mn. and Mns. Gordon Adams, Norham, visited Mr. and Mns Wm. Miller on Sunday. Recent visitons with Mrs. C. S. McLanen were Mn. and Mns. Lloyrd Ewing, Mr. and Mmg Manson Mooney, Mr.. and Mrs. Terry McLean, Toronto, anid Mr. mnd Mrs. A. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs: E. G.. Hay and family, Isllngton, and Mr., ad Mrs. Normian Allun and family, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper are entertaining members of their family at a turkey dinner et noon today in honor of Mr. Haaper's sister, Mrs. Chas. Awde's 9Oth birthday. Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Awde, Toronto, Miss jean Awde, London, Mr. Donald Awde and Rev. and Ms. T. W. F. G. Andrews, To- ronto, Mrs. C. P. May, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Bowmanville, will be there to congratulate Mrs. Awde. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Bell, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Allun and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer and Steven, spent New Year$ with Mr. and Mrs. Spence Gor- don. Mrs. Chas. Harris spent New Year's with Mr. and. Mrs. E. Fowler and John, Bowmanville. Mr'. and Mrs. Alfred Elliott, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott and family, Kendal, Mrs. Dunbar and son Elliott, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mýrs. Wes- ley Elliott on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Har- ris and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton and family, spent Saturday with Mn. and Mns. Geo. Morton. More than 90 per cent of British Columbia's vast soft fruit growing industry is con- centrated in the Okanagan Val- ley.' r

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