Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1956, p. 13

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'THURSDAY, MAT 3lst, 1956 THE CM~ADIA~ STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTAMO A 1~'t' Mtiss Cecily Smale of Lind- say and Miss Mary Grobb of Whitby. have been recent guests wîth Miss Melveen Fish- er at the parsonage. Mrs. John Kelsey and George, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kelsey, ]Karen and Keith of Woodville «visited with their cousin, Mrs. H~enry Bowen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMui- ]en and family of Scarborouglh were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and fa mily. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton et he weekend in Bellevila 3 ing with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bton. &~'r. and Mrs. John Rickard, Frances and Rickie accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whittington and Peter of Osh- awa, spent the weekend at B:g Bob Lake near Minden. Mrs. H. R. Pearce returned home Iast week following an extended visit with ber daugh- ter Mrs. W. J. Hockin and.fam- ily at Camp Borden. MIr. and Mrs. Archiie Sadier and Bobby of Winnipeg andI Mrs. A. Lycett of Calgary wore weeekend visitors with Mrs. Jack Nesbitt and P4ul. The United Cbuith Sunda, Sehool celebrated ifs anniver- sary on Sunday morning when Miss Ruth E. Curry. ediftor of Children's Sunday School pa- pers was the guest speaker. The_ Service was in charge of fth,- Sunday Sehool Superintenden-, Mr. Marlaw Hancock assisted by the Rev. M. C. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bickard and Mm. and Mrs. Frank Hoa- are attending the Lions Dis- trict "A" Convention in Nia- gara Falls this weck. The Newcastle-Orono Young People's Union of the United Church presented ftle religiaus drama enfifled "The Seamless Robe" ta a large and apprecia- jtive audience in the Oron,) Churcb on Sunday evening. Mr. andI Mrs. Bruce Terwillc- gar and daugbter Lois of Oshî- awa andI Mr. andI Mrs. Gardon Evely andI Dale of Rexda!e, were weekend visitors wifh Me. H. T. Manes and family. Mr. andI Mrs. Leanard Stone- burg of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors withi Mvr. andI Mr.S. Frank Partridge andc Carol. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare vis- ited in Brigbton on Suîîday. Mr. Jack Hawley of New- market spent the wcekend vit.- iting wifh Mir. andI Mes. Carl Goulci and family. The Couples Club invite the citizens of Newcastle district to be their guesfs at the United Church on Wednesday, June 6 at 8 p.m., whcn Dr. L. B. Wil- liamis will pîesent bis famaus coloured films shawing 'Great Gardens of the World". See de- taill in anather colunin on f bis page. WENa MAN, ',. AN YTrWlNG7iS A Gdon TO PL.ACE-tJN EVER4? eURSE.Benjam inM oore NEWCASTLE GARAGE C-ICrL 33Z - LCflSTLErog Per gallon MASON & DALE HARDWARE ]Phone 408 36 King St. E. Bowmanville Just Arrived! Cail ln and See New Patterns in China Val D'Or Royal Albert in White and Cold 5-piece place setting- - Debulant e Crestwood 0kd 4 .90 -Royal Doulton -Royal Doulton 1 Mili - Oulstanding Value Made hy Jolinson Bros., England $25.75 53 pieces Black ,'Prince 53 pieces-- Tifania 53 pieces Siarlight 53 pieces $27.50 - $27.00 26.95 Falher's Day Cups and Saucers Also fine seiection of Coutts and Rustcraft Cards for Dad. The May meeting of the New - castle Wonîan's Christian Tem- perance Union was helsI in thie Board Boom of the United Chureb on Tbursday affemnoon witb the President, Mes. T. G. Sowden presiding. In the ab- sence of MVrs. Rinch, tbrough illness, Mes. Howard Allin pre- sided at the piano. The opening hymn, "I Would Be Truc", was followed by thue Lord's prayer andI the W.C.T.U. pledge repeated in unison. The group were favoured duing the meeting with two lovcly vocal duefs, "Carry Thy Buî- den ta, Jesus", andI "Sweeter As The Yeams Go By", by Mmý:. Ross Alliîî andI Mms. Glon Al- lin,. and a piano solo by SÀu1aran Hancock. Thie members decided fa have a candy committee al the îîext Medal Coîîtesf. The' prèsident announeed the 79tb Convention of flic W.C.T.U. ta be bels ini St. Catharines ini Septeniber. delegafes ta be nanied at flie next mîeeting. Thie pragrani June mneeting are Mes. L. Fish- er and Mes. Awde. Miss Ferguson, reporting for thie Lisfening Post, sfafed fhiat Canaclian Brewers are using Aiiericaîi stationis to advertise their wares, thus avaiding the sftrict ules in this maffer laid down by the Canadian Broad- casting Corporationî. The C.B.C. bas a Board of Governors. wiio bave been appoinfed by t1-Ie Fedieral Government in, Offa- Corne and See 'Great Gardens 0Of the World' Dr. L. B. Willians, Caîiada*s Filim Historian, now of Bow- 1 manville, sponsored by tfelc - 9ýcal Couples Cluxb, will give oui Newcastle Community somti tbing new ouf of the pot in tbe entertainment field on Wednes- i~day evening, June 6fh at 8.30. Thue United Church officials have tbrown open flic cliurdl auditorium for this community event. lI view off our Jiuly Centeîî- rial this sumnier, andI Newca.s- tIc as a Horficultural Centre of which we are proud, the Doc- for's production of colorcd films will be "Great Gardeîîs of ftbe World"-Royal Gardera of Western Europe's centuries, Research plant life, andI Cana- da on hem natal day. What "Afton Water" la te Britain, Willmott Creek is te Newcastle andI as flic record- ing proceeds, sti-cans ail over Durhiam County will flash lupon the screen Flowers ini unbelie- vable bcauty.Poctry andI song ,willfhread the prograni. Thie Couples Club are play- ing hast ta flic occasion, withî no chargce for admission-jusf lo open up Newcastlc's special festive cextennial witb sanie- thing grand. Everybody's weI- coi-e so don't miss fuis unus- 1 tal cnfcmfainmienf. TYRONE Mr. an-d Mrs. W. Park andI famuly visifed relatives af Pc- terboroughi. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murdoch and boy.s, Bowm-anville, Mr. F. L. Byani, were tea guests Sunday ex-enixig of Mr. and Mes. L, Ilauper. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, John and Lauraixie, attendeci aiuiivcrsai-y services at Union Churchi, Georgetowni, and vi.3- ited Me. andI Mes. Clifford Cook. Ivî,rs. J. C. Cook Se. ce. turned honie with theni. Many tbanks ta all .viiol lîelpcd niake aur W.M.S. Bakel Sale a success. Mr. and Mrs. Marshîall Miii- cm, Agincourt, visited Mrs, Ad- die MilIcr. Mm. andI Mrs. Lloyvd AlîdreasI anîd Maxiiie. weme dinnier g;ueý l I on Sunday of Mm. and Mrs. Jolin Beckett, Scugog Island, andI fea guests of Mr. and iMrs. Donald Lanib, Enxiskillen. Mr-. andI Mrs. K. Rai andI boys at Me. and Mes. L. Beecl. Burkefon. Mrs. R. Stinson. Bownîanville, visifed Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott and Mxs.s Gîacc Smithî \ýisitcd 1M . aind Mrs Ac-e Abhotf, Oshawa. NIe. and M\rs. W. Hall awI ch ildre-iu. Oshawa, Etll iali -inîd rixth Rabînon, Bownman- ville. visited at Mm. and Mrs. H.1Hal. Mrs. W. Hoskin, Mms. W. Or. mistan, Jack andI Jill. Oshîawa, visifed Mrs. W. Vivian. Me. andI Mes. R. Gibson andI Sandra, Long Sault, visited Mr. anîd Mes. S. Gable. Mr. andI Mrs. F. Wrigbt, Grant and Beverley, Bowman- Iville, visifed Mrs..Alma Yellow- lees andI girls. Ronnie and Neil Viviani, Jlin- j i ll sp n a fv da' s \. Th~toconies(. A rIi-r a r-i \M'n-i-aiv Yen. Velma and ou Phîlps, -c-t-p charuvarued Sa,.- Iut-day evening. Me. andI Mrs. L. Phillips, Mi. and Mrs. A. Taylor, Bowman- ville, Mm. and Mrs. Bob Colla- cutf, Jinîmie andI Joan, Salemi, visifed Mr. andI Mes. W. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mms Walter Murphy andI family visited Me. and Mrs. Roy McLaugblin, Blacksfock. Mr. andI Mes. L. Phare visif- c-d 'rs. W. Kilpatrck. Per,-- b5everal ladies from hcre at- wa fa lay down the cules andI regulations of broadcasting andi telecasfing in Canada. During the worship service the hymn "Let the Bcauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me" was sung and Mes. Awde read several verses fcom the 9th chapter -)f 1 Corinthians wifb commcntary and Miss Trcnwifh offered prayer. A questionnaire on "Thouglîts on Liquor Advertisîng"l wasi conducted by Miss Ferguson with several of the members assisting. The fallowing report was given by the freasurer. Receipts Bal. April l9fb--------- $ April Collection Door reeipts (Medal Contest) --- ------ Donation, Mrs. Jiin Taniblyn (Orono).---- Credif for niedal e- lurned -----------.---- 91.521 21.U 15.52 5.00 1.331 Total ------ $11.39 Expenditures "70 2 Juniior Medals__ ---------$ .0 1 Senior- Medal -- ---------- Judgaes Blanks and re- port fams ------------------1t Postage ---- ------ --------------1 Gift books for contest- ants --- ..... - 16.8 Canadian Statesman Advt.-- ------------------ 1. 4 Total Expense ----$'-3.19 Balanice on hand May 11th -------- - - - - -------- ý$92.20 i St. George'1s Makes Plans Durharh Club The Evening Branch of St. Georgr's W.A. mnet in the Par- ish Hall on Miy 23 with 19 members present. The minutes were read after the prayers, and financial re- ports followed. Hazel Crowther substituted for Giadys Belsey, who is at present in England. Janet McCracken announced that th.? Little Helpers' party would be, held on June 19 at the Park. This will be the last meetinig of the season. Planis were made for the visit of the Durham- Club on June 2. A committee was form- cd to take care of ail arrange- ments. This consists of Dora Kelsey, Peggy Wade, Aresta Williams and Hazel Crowther. Any local residents who wishi to attend this supper can con- tact the committee or Mrs. D ewdn ey. It was decided ta postponc the annual Bake Sale until the fali. The next regular meeting will take place in three weeks' finie, ci-. June 13. The bale wi.! be packed then. The meeting concluded with rcfreshiments. tended the District Annual of the W.I. at Sauina on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Annis, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs., V. Avis and children, Toronto, visifed Mr. anid Mrs. H. Brent. Mr. and Mms. W. Vivian andI children visited Mr. and Mr,;. Bob Vivian. Janetville, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vivian. Bl:ickstoclç. Mr. and Mr.s. s. j. Pedlar, Mrs. Clarence Pediar, Tomonto, wvere tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday evening. Aberdeen is going in fot ýi Satellite City. If is ta be keupt in close touch by means of a new bridge over the Dcc. Spencer Corsetiere Reg. 1931 Mrs. J. E. Richards PHONF, 127 OROýNO Short Changed? 'IF YOUR HOME burns down, willI you he caught wlthout enough money to rebuiId? ......111 your sav- ings take a beatin.- from today*s high replacement rosts? -. .-.or w~iII you have irîsurance to rover the dis- Adequat.e Fire Insurance Is your best bet! Cail on STUART 1. JAMES Insurance Real Estate Offi ce Residence MA 3-5681 MA 3.54931j IKng Street C. Rnmanville Newcastle Centennial (Continued from page one) Gordon Àgnsw, Moili Phone 3621 The Orono News Tclephone 127 Mr. Fred Tucker, Mrs. L. Bone, Mr. and Mms. Russell Charlton, Frcdericktown, Ohio, attended the funeral of Mr. Tucker's sister, Mary (Mrs. John Kivell) andI were guests of Mr. and Mes. Luther Barrabad, Monday night. Mr. John Tamblyn, Mrs. J. 1Tanîblyn, Jean andI Marlyn, visited Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon. Mr. andI Mrs. Grant Powers, Geralfon, Mr. andI Mms. Roy Powers, Scarboro, visifed Mrs. LCecil Powers. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson, Trenton, on the biefb of their daughtee, Saturday, May 26, in Memnori:îl Hospital, Bowmanville. A sis- tee for Janette. Mes. J. E. Richards visitezl Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott, Whitby. Mr. andI Mrs. H. Scott visit- cd Mes. Wrn. Trewin, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and son Chris, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mmi,. Chas. Wood. Mrs. Jack Bairston who rce- tumned from. Menomial Hospital, Bowmanville, last ýweek is staying witiî her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Morgan, Kendal. Congr9tulations to Mr. andI Mrs. Ernest Gillbank on the birth of their son May 24. Mr. andI Mrs. Reg Sutton vis- ited Mr. andI Mrs. Kennedy Gray, Cadmus, on Sunday. Me. andI Mrs. Geo. Morton. Mr. andI Mrs. H-. Murray and Mrs. John Morris attended an- niversary service. at Bethany on Sunday. Mr. andI Mrs. Calvin Hammi are visiting bi-s parents, Mr. andI Mrs. E. J. Hammn. Mr. and Mrs. Adamis and family, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Haydon, vis- ited Mr, and Mrs. H. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harness, Mr. and Mrs. ReidI Harness, visited in Uxbridge and Port Ferry last week. Mr. .Jack Bryson and daugh- ter, Janette, Trenton, are stay- ing wifh Mrs. M. Sherwin andI Laurence. 11rs. Kennedy Gray and D.i- vid, spent Tuesday with Mr. andI Mrs. Re,,. Sutton. Tyrone School Celebrates Empire Day Tyrone School opened thc'r Enmpire Day lprogi-rune'. Ihe sin.-ing ùt "0 Canada EarI Kclioe rcad a poèm entfui- cdl"and' A stormy) by Esthier Ano iRoFe- vrei;r, Lynîî Stainton, Shelag. j Nlurphy, cr,11ed "Canada îs OUI' Countr-y'. A pageant by 'Gradc 7 and 8 of ftic "Emblenis of Canada". Grade 1, 2 andI 3, sang a --ong with their teachcr. Miss E. Knox at the piano. Lynne Stainton played a piano solo, -Rosemary Skating Waltz." John Vivian came in wita the Union Jack. "The Flag Pass- es By", a poem, wvas read by Kenneth Basevear. Grade 5 and 6 presenfed the enmblem3 of difiercrnt countrie, of the Commonwealth Io iThe Qucen. Carroll MýcRobert.;feari a szor «v . .Princcs Bcuones a <'ce.'Grade 4 înîpils .pcJ!f-ii Ilic %, ord Eînpire Dý.y ini rcd and blue letters wifh a verse for each letter. Violet Jones read a poemn en- titled, "Our Island Home". The Senior roomn sang the song "Therchll Always Be An England" with Mr. P. McIn- tosh at the piano. Both Junior andI Senior rooms went out za put up the Union Jack. We re- peated the Pledge of Aliegianze and then Viviani Chanmberlain put uip tht-flaýt, %who vas c,.l Qucen durin.- tic pî-grarnr. Marilyn Morton hiad lier ton- sils out on Wedniesday. Mr..and Mrs. John E. Amni- strong spcnt la.-t Thursday Inj Toronto. Last Sunday, ay 27th the guest preacher at the United Chureh S. S. Anniversary was Rev. Dr. George Kilpatrick, for- mer principal of Union Theolo- gical College. Montrcal, andi now of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto. In the cvening thc Young People's Union, Orono- Newcastle, gave their religiou play "The Seaniless Robe" i the Sunday School. This play was one of those recently en- tered in the Presbytery Drama1 Festival. It was directed by Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A. Tyrone 4-H BURKETON As an interesting footnote ta 'the Paris triumph. an order wvas receiv'ed some time later nt Newcastle, no longer in Canada West but in Ontario, for a number of Massey-Wood's machines ta be shipped ta Germany. Great excitenient attended the load- ing of the railway cars at Newcastle, but none of those present, including.the proprietor of the Agricultural Works birnself, could have realized that they were witnessingc the birth of Canada&s world-wide export trade in manufactured produefs. Nine Buildings From this time on the Massev business continued ta expand until in 1878 the company occupied nine buildings ini the village andI rather than continue ta expand piecemeal, the company decided ta purchase a six-acre plot of land in Toronto, served by four cailroads, and erect a riew andI modemn factory building to house all ooecations. The .great bounds forvard taken bv the M:ýassey-Harris- Ferguson Company into a world-eiccling industrial enmpire are jwcll known toalal, but the tics to Newcastle stili remain as will be wifnessed on June 29th when the present President of flic IMassey-Harris-Ferguson Company, Mr. J. S. Duncan. aind Mr. IDenton Massey, a great granc!son of the fouîîder, Daniel Massev. will garticipate in the opening ceremonies of the Newcastle Cenfennial celebrations on tlic grounds of flhc Newcast le Coni- munity Hall whiclî was given ta the village by Chester D. Massex' in memnory of lus father Hart A. MasscY. Northrop & Lyman Thîe nanufacturing chemists busiîîczs et ;Nortirop &)c Lvman Ca. Ltd., also had ifs early beginniîîg in this s-nîall Ontario1 village, being establisiied in May, 1854. The first produets of, thîis firm were manufactured in the rear of flîcir drug stor-e wbichi was located in the building one door southi of St. George's Anglican Clîurchî on Mill Street. The demand for their produefs increased to sucb an exteîît that fhey soon xý4iit into nianufacturing entiî-ely and in the year 1857 tlîey moved their establishnment froni New- Over the years flic name of Norfthrop & Lymnîas become a lîousehold word ini Canadian homies as hiave sanie of their -f amous reiniedies. sucli as Dr. Thiomas' Eclectrie Oul, Kellogg.cs Asthma Relief, Motlier Graves' Worm Exferniinator, OlymI)enc Liniment, etc. Formote IianExport Products For ore hanlialf a century flic Northrop & Lvmarî Co. have shipped fhîir produets fa many countries tliroughout the! world andI their business grew so rapidly in Central and South American countries tlîat a plant wvas opened ini Port of Spain,. Trinidad, in 1952, under the management af Kirk\vood B. Howe,I a great grandson of the founder andI Morris J. Rogers vhîo ivas! sales manager wifh the Canadian business for niore fhian 35 ),cars. jAgents for Narthrop & Lyman are in niîanY foreignI couîîtries and tlîrough them thîe nanie of this olsI and respecfed Canadian bouse, wbich was born in Newcastle, lias added ta Canada's prestige as a world trader. Citizens wha dlaim Newcastle, or Durhîam County. as tlîcir birfhîplace, slîould plan noxv ta bring their families along fa partîciDafe in flils greaf ceîitennial event and niake if a real olsI fashioned hîome-canîîng occasion. An nouncement .* INe are pleased ta annouince thiat Mr. Bob Collacoît lias joined our Service andi Repair Departient. MIr. Collacott, along with Mr. Wcs. Taylor, veill be here to give 3-ou the best ini service. Mr. Lcon Moore is in charge of our Parts Departmient. Cowan Equipment Company 134 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE Hooper"s Jewellevy & ~ SGiRft Shop 28 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-574 Social and Personcil Medal Contest Report Featu res W. C. Te*U. Meet 114--l-kolid gel ZI; 1 é TMMDAY, MAY 31st, 1958 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 130WIL&NV=. ONTARIO -' pAr.r. Prmrrrvm 1 - The Joll.v Workers hield thcir May meeting at the hume *of 'Tvio M eeti ngs , good attendance. . t The second meeting oe 4-11: Grant Carnochan and Mr. Tnm Tyrone "Club Girl Ent-ertainis",. Trick were: Mrs. L. Laverv and w-as held at the home of Mrs. sons. Mr. and Mrs. L. Glenniv, David Craig, May 17. Roll Cal' Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Trick, \vas answered by ýIWhat I'd Oshawa. Appreciate in My Guest Roora". The neighibors Pi-escrited Mr. Mrs. N. Woodley gave a reading and Mrs. J. A. Tompkins with a on "Hospitality"l, Mrs. D. Craig beautiful floor laimp before thev gave a talk about '-The Gue.,t loft to live in Hampton. Room", and also on Invitation-: Mr. and mrs. Ben Angi and and demonstrated on --H-ox to Silva. Oshawva: Mr. and Mrs. pack a weekend bag" and ,wha-, iBoss Hubbard. Trenton. -with to Takc'. A delightful lunchi Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. wvas zýervcd. Mr. and Mrs. Dougc. Bothwell The rd eetng o TyoneMaple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. 4-1- Club wLýs leld at Miss Cte- l ubad cile Park, May' 24. Roll au Mr. and Mrs. Adlan Sharip, "Kin of oldr yo decdedEnniskillen: Mr. and Mrs. Bos3 -ind ot foer decided Ashton with Mr. and Mrs. Wn-i. to by".We dcidd1t name MeLaugl in. our 4-H Club the Trn r n r.Afe rc Teen Tainers". Mrs. D. Davec j and.Lind. BowmAnlfre rs. took over meeting, then Mrs. A. Grace Sr., and bier inother, \Voodley showed the girls how Mrs. Croker with Mr. and M\,rs. to set a table for four, and how Harrv Grace. to serve correctly. Mrs Crai-g Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mouîîl- showecl us how to sit, and eat .i*y, Hampton. with Mî-s. Ncw- orcty and subjects to talk ton Taylor and Stanley. on while at table. Shie also Man y friends attendcd titu showved us the co, Tcct way +o anniversary ervice. set ut a buffet lunch and eu-1 Mr, and Mrs, Stan Moffat joy-cd by aIl. wvith Mrs. W. Bryýan. and were supper gucsts at Mrs. Florence Greenwoods, Orodo. Ini love of home. the love ofi Burketon Sunday Scho)ol an- cotuntrY lias its rise.-Charles' niversar-v ervices we elI Dickens. attended, afternoon and cveningý. jý

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