YKtTRSDAY. MAY Slgt, 1958 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARXO PAGE NINU Fcither Malane TelIls - About European Trip At Rotary Meeting Describilig the Vatican «As beyond description", Father F. K. Malane, Parish Priest of St. Joseph's Church, Bowman- 'ville, and St. John's Church, ]Newca.stle, guest speaker at th2 weekly luncheon meeting -:f the Bowmanville Rotary Club, held in the Balmoral Hotel Fri- day, captivated his audienc2 with bis scintillating story cov- .ering his pilgrimage ta Rame, last year. He was introduced by Ron Simpkin. Possessed of intriguing idia- syncracies, Father Malane took but few moment$ ta enjoin the meeting on a fanciful tnip beset witb humorous detoure as he 'Lo.ated his variaus experiences "ssing Europe. From mistak- ifi street cars in Amsterdarn for a train ta the perilaus tra- vel by taxi cab in the city o! Rame, where, according ta Fa- ther Malane, the taxi drivers have an unique creed. "There", he says, "the cabs go like mad. When I asked the driver why aIl the speed in such narrow, winding streets, I was tld thiU, if one wenl slow, people would think yau had no place to go and would neyer get out of the way. But if you go fast they knaw they've just gaIta get out o! the way."I Father Malane wenl an ta describe the ncer city of Ramic, the Vatican . . . an architectual masterpiece cavening centuries in the building: af bis visit ta the newly discovered site of St. ]Paul's Tomb: of standing aI the place where Caesar was asasin- ated and of his visit ta the Man- nerheini Jail-35 feet below the earth's surface-with its wind- ing staircase and the impint of a man's car in the casernent twall. Legend dlaims that dur- ing the imprisonn'aent of St. Paul a guard pushed him down the narrow stairway and he fell striking bis head an the wall leaving the imprint af his car in the stone. Dawn in the deep darkncss of the stone-flagged pit there is a spring that Father Malane relates *"Is an ever constant source of fresh and undiminish- ing flow af water". Here again, lcgend reports that the spring wvas caused by St. Peter wh<a brought water ta quench the thinst of dving prisoners with whom he was cast. There was no daubt that many Rotarians, listening ta Father Malane, travelled a fewv thousand miles irita other lands across the seas wtàre only joit- cd back ta present rcality whin Father Malane abruptly clased bis stary xith the remarks, "My goodness, I~ spoken too long already", and lcft ahl stili afar. The speaker wvas thanked by Dr. H. B. Rundie. Thrce Rotar- ians wcre presented with birth- day spoons, Bud Rolph, af Or- ana, Tom Rehder and George Hacking. In the absence of AI. Strike, the sing sang xvas led by 'Doc Rundie' wbo contcnted himself with twa nurnbers for the day. Guests introduced by Gea. Vice wvere three Ratanians Hugh Monyhan, president-elect froin the Bulinglan Ratary Club: R. Malt, Mimico; B. Wates, Allis- ton; and John KitChen, Orano, Harry Cryderm-an, and O. AI- lin, of Cobourg. Love is the master-key that opens evcry ward of the hennI of man.-J. H. Evans. Coun cil Moves Fast With Parking Lot Council in approving the pur- certain expertes required for chase o! land for a munîcipsi fencing, cleaning and contrai parking lot, a Cbamber 'of markers. "Howcven", as he Commerce inspired project un- said, "the tawn certainly needs der the direct efforts o! A. a parking lot and the land can Sturrock, once agaîn raised the be purchased by manies set spectre of budgeting, at the spe- aside in the sundry account." cial meeting held last Wednes- Il was decîded that an ar-ma day.enos adjacent to the fine hall would Whil unnimuslyendrs-be left free s0 that firemen, ing the projecl and paying -spe- when answering a f ire cail cial tribute la Ab Sturrock for could park their cars beside bis tenacity and campleteness the hall nather than down the in bringing this project to street, as they do now, and realizalion, Deputy Reeve Car.- have ta race on foot back ta ruthers in bis usual financial the hall. sobriety and in bis position as It is expected that the lot chairman o! the finance com- wl camdt 0 asa mittee, felt that the tawn was wl comdt 0 asa not in a position ta go ahead anc time and will probably with the lot in ils entirety. In contain 400-500 cars within a addition ta the $2,034.43 païd tw~elve hcur period. The lot for the land, anaîher $5,000.00, iih be regulaled ta a maximum- approximately, will be neceei af a twelve hour parking per- ta provide drainage, catch ba- iad and any attempl for per- sin and hard-topping beside. sans ta use the lot as a storage ________________________ place for their car will be se- verely deaît with. Garton Bus Backs Into Hydro Pole A slight misbap occurred Monday morning when a dri- ver for Garton Bus Lines -Ln backing a bus out from the de- pot on King Street struck a The hydro pale which, in turn, )o-It-YourseIf" Street, causing slightda ge ing ta Mr. Garton due ta the M an failune on the part of the dri- ver ta wait for sufficient air happy with pressure ta be built up in the for atempingtomove off. US. The pale was scen ighted and linemnen had the lines back in order immediately follawing the incident. Negligible dam- ýe gie himage was caused ta the bus. M\lrllf mn HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Gilbert spent a !ew days with their daughler and son-in-law, Mr. and Mns. Dennis Marshall of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, accompanied their son Dean and Mrs. Hodgson ta Washington, ID.C., whene they will.visit their fdau ghter. Nina. Miss Naomi Horn. London, attended the wedding o! her cousin, Miss Eileen Wray, on Saturday and spent the weekend with relatives here and in Osha- wa. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, spent the xeekend with bier sis- ter, l\'rs. Will White. Recent visitons at J. W. Bal- son's, Mr. andi Mns. Will 1ound, lVrs. Keith BilletI anci children,1 Bowrnanville; Mrs. Terry Webb and baby Anne, Orangeville; Mrs. Jack Hooken, Nancy and Gardon, Kinsale. An evening meeting aI 8 o'clock bas been arranged for the Wamen's Instilute. June 7tb. Note change af lime. Centre Group in charge. Rev. and Mrs. Rowc Seymour wbo recently nturned from Flonida, v îsited at A. W. Pres- cott's. Other visitons at their home were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prescott, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Walter - Ferguson, Enniskillen; Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean,j Orano; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc- Cu]loch. C olumbus. Miss Louise Goodman bas re- turned from Toronto. Sunday and holiday visilors at S. Kersey's were: Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey, Jimmie, Susan and Dannie, Scarboro; F/L and Mrs. R. Kersey, Roninie, Ricky ancV Robin, Downsview; Mr. and Mrs. R. Pooler, Larry and Randy, Oshawa. Mrs. E. H. Cale is a patient in Mernorial Hospital. Bowman- ville. Her inanx' frïcnds wish for bier a specdy recoverv. - à aumber £rom izere attejid@4 Enniskillen Anniversany. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Keane (nec Eileen Wray) whose marriage toak place in the Chancel o! North- minster United Church, Osha- wa, Saturday aftennoon. The guest speaker in thec interest of the Tempenance Fed- eration was welcomcd to aur pulpit on Sunday morning and prescnted a very impressive and inspining message, which con- tained mucli food for thought. Service was conducted by aur pastor. Life and religion are one, or neither is anything. - George MacDonald. Hampton H.&S. Group Hears Mrs. F. Marti Hampton - The May meeting o! the Home and School Associa- tion was held in the school with a good attendance. Meeting opened with the singing of '-0 Canada" with Miss Horn at the piano, followed by thie Lord*s Prayer. A short business period wvas conducted b.y the President Mrs. H. Potter w.ho was in the ch air. The new slie of officers was presented and they are to be installed at the June meeting. Home and School picnic will be held in June. Mrs. Harold Wilkins presided for the program. Douglas Dew- eli favored with piano musie. A ptimber of Senior Roomn pupils in charge of Mr, Woalleyv put on a puppet show which was quite amnusing and called forth much aWpause. Mrs. Hall introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. Fritz Marti, Bowmanvjlle, who ,,ave a very interesting and in- -ormative talk on ber own coun- try, she being a native of Jamaica, which was much en- oyed by ail and was presented ini a pleasing maner. A hearty vote of thanks was extended Mrs. Marti. A social haif hour was enjay- ed, with sandwiches and tea served by the committee in charge. "Rick" Rickaby Is Rotarian Of the Week Kindlinezs, consîderation of the rights and feelings o! others, a keen sense of civic responsibility . . . these are the phrases descriptive of the Ro- tarian-of-the-Week, R. P. (Rick) Rickaby. Born on a farm just nonth of Orono that was acquired by bis forbear, John Rickaby, in 18-l" Rick cones from a family that played an important role in the bistory af Clarke Township and the Wesleyan Methadist Chuncb. His liking for people bas been a major asset in the varied and successful business career that started with a terrm of nine yeans in the Standard Bank of Canada (now mcrged with the Canadian Bank of Commerce). Subsequently Rick deait in îe2l estate in Windsor and Detroit; carried on an automobile insur- ance business in Orillia; and engaged in the retail fur busi- ness with the Ç;illespie Fur Company of Toronto Terming it "the best mave I ever made," Rick came to Bowmanville and acquired the "Big 20"1 Station- ery Store on February 1, 1954, since when hie has been a popu- lar and respected participant and leader in the business lie of our town. A Rotarian in Toronto and Bowmanville since 1943, Rick is in his njnth year of perfect attendance While in Toron~o hie served as Attendance Chair- man and is a Director-Elect of the Bowmanville Club. Rick is also a Master Mason of Zetland Lodge, Toronta, and an energetic Vice-Presideat of the Bowmnanville Chamberi of Commerce. He is one of those fortunate people ta whom; life is a zestful adv'enture and ovcr the years bis interes',3s have ranged over such diversel matters as fishing. basebali.1 woodworking, and the historyl of Darlingtan and Clarke Town- ships. At meetings lie can u.i- ually be found a short distance behind a glowing cigar . . . ait ieast a twenty-center. When asJýed if he had an? immortal works of advice ta re- cord for posterity, Rick smillng- ly replied, "'Let them find out for themselves. They wvouldn't listen ta me anyway." Ail of which is posterity's loss, for Rick is well worth iisteningto. Reprinted from the Blue and Gold News, a Rotary publica- tion. KgOELL'S 4sooo CALL of ME . 50 -000 u.w otus HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue ,gacqueIine iN Cor. Athol & Celina. oshawa A-CE, REFRIGERATION SALESand SERVICE We Seli and Service a Complele Line of Commercial Refrigeralion Equipmeni *Frozen Food Cabinets *Dairy Counters *Vegetable Cases *Reach-in-Refrigerators *Butcher Counters *Double Display Cases *Food Freezers *Walk-in Boxes *Air Conditioning *Milk Coolers *Ail Work Guaranteed * Free Estimales 281 Wilson Rd. S. OSHAWA Collect RA 3-2452 The'whole town's etin it up EW It's NEW-it's NEW-it's deliciously NEWI NEW Sunbeam Bread is the ALL-NEW bread with the ALL-NEW flavour. NEW slow-baking process gives Sunbeam bread a smooth, even texture. Tender and toastable. NEW plastic coated wrapper seals in Sunbeam Bread's fresh-every-niorning taste and aroma. Keeps fresh longer.% TrIf @H New Sunbeam Bread rlght away. Look for Misa Sunbeam on each bright wrapper of NEW Sunbeam Bread.. BUY NEW SONd OnIy At Your Neighbourhood Food Store 1 1 qlrulmAy. MAT sist, 1058 TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMI.M. ONTARIO PAGE NM 280888%3%)