?B~E8DAy, DEC. lUth, UUS -- ~S~~A* WFl.LRA V I&jN RJTAM LUFAU 7 Nestie ton ,Instif ut e \Gives Second Member, Her Lif e Membership At the Christmas meeting of liestieton Women's Institute thememberg were pleased ta present Miss Ethel Thompsorj with a Lite Membership Certi- fleate and Lite Membershjp Pin. In February, 1956, Mi3s Thompson will have been a ',ember of Nestleton W.I. for 53 ~as, joining when the Instu- twas organized by Miss iaura Rose at the home of Mrs. Jas. Dickey with Miss Thompson's mother, Mis. Rob- ext Thompson, the first Presi- dent. Mrs. Leonard Joblin as Miss Thompson's oldest W.I. friend Made the presentation and Mrs. Herbert Vine pinned thes Lite Membership Pin on the honoured guest. Other mcm-. bers including Mis. Malcolmn Emerson, Mrs. Jos Forder, Mr!.1 Cecil Wilson and Mrs. Grant Thompson spoke briefly of the estcem in whlch the life mcm- ber is held. During ail the years Miss Thompson was a most inter- ested, helpful and loyal meM~- ber. Though unable to attex¶ d regularly of late years she does flot forget to play her part in full measure with donations of money, food, program items, flowers, of which she is a great ,,lover, for every occasion, and hearty enthusiasm for any ven- ture for good in the commun- *ty. HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue gacqueztne Cor. Athol & Celna, Oshawva Luxuries for the Bath in June Geranium Thé beIoved garden frehness cf Elizabeth Arden's famous June Geranium .. . ini rosc-pink bath-time - uxuries for a lovely ladys Christmas7- Jw'. Géranium, bat SOUP-3 Cokest la flowered ocelot. tube $2.50 A4,,o IutihgPowde end Jwq Gaern, bath, Soop *$2.20 J ury & LovelU MA 3-5778 Bown-anville 1&ACE DEOUGHJl Street South PLumBIN MA 3-5615 Division1 f Honoured On Blrthday 1! In April, 1935, tie Nestieton iWomnen's Iniffitute members ipresented their oidcst member *Mis. Joseph Porder, with an 82nd bfrthday present, a Lite iMembership Certificate and 1 Lite Mernbership Pin .in reco- nition of her outstanding work as a member cf the erganiza- tien for a great many years. Mis. Malcolmi Emerson made ithe presentation, Miss Ruth Pîoutt pinncd Uic Lite Mem- bership Pin on Uic henoured guest and Mis. Grant Thomp- 1son reviewed highlights cf- Mis. Forders long yeaus o! service in 'Nestleton Women's Institut.-_ having held office as President and other executive positions. During two World Wars Mis. Forder was active in ail Red Cross and patriotic work - knitting, sewing, quiiting,t packing bales of lothing, jain makîng, parcel packing, fare- well parties and homecomings. Her home was always openc for extra activities, meetings1 or happy social occasions.i Most important te the succeisc o! the Institute was her regu-E lai attendance at the meetings,1 regular or special, and her1 neyer failing heip and encour-1 agement in any worthwhilec effort. She brings a world ef experience te bear on weighty1 questions, a staunch opinion oxi tickiish probiems and many of her witty uemarks tuin a tenset situation into a joke.c Nestleton Women's Institutec are justly proud cf these two splendid examples o! oui or- ganizations motte: "For, Home t and Country." May their lives t lOTW continue as an inspiration C for ail Institute members, ande as shining beacons for theiry many Cartwright friends in the years ahead. SOLINA -Dairy Dols Meet jThe Dairy Dollx heldt third meeting-of the Milky W~ *at the home cf Mis. Davis, Dec. 5th. We opened the met j ing with a song followed1 Sthe minutes o! the last met ing. The roll caîl was answen $by the nine Dafry Dclix pr sent with "Dols for Home Di ies." The roll eaul for the ne *Imeeting will be for each gi te bring a custard. The ne jmeeting wili be held at Il home et Mrs. Hamer on Ja: uary 9th. At this meeting wc had If ~privilege cf Miss Lampma oui new Home Econorpist,a tending. She demonstratt making a custard and a custai sauce. We took down a fe notes on milk desserts. We closed with the 4-: Pledge and a tasty lunch sei ved by the hostess. womenà usttut. Solina Womcn's Inatitul heid their Christmas mcetij in the basement cf the chure on Dcc. 8th with Mus. E.1 Taylor, vice-president, in th chair. During the business pcrio $50-00 was voted to Mis. R. M Wihyte, Mapie Grove, for he work with heu 32 tester child ren, and aise members- wer asked te leave any fruito vegetabies they wished te giv her, at Mus. A. J. Baisons, th same te be delivercd befor Christmas. Five dollars wi veted to the Sick Childien' Hospital. Arrangements werc madet entertain our husbands ci either Jan. 6th or l3th, con mittee in charge te be the a: sistant gîoup leaders. Mrs. C. Hamer presided Io the programme which consist cd e! solos by Miss Pearl Leact and a splendid taik by Mis. F Recd on Christmas Customs ir China and other lands. Mis. J. Baker ably comment. cd on the motte: "Prayerh the Key to Heaven - Use ItV Mis. B. Hooey conductcd an in, teresting contest and the groui in charge served a dainty apç petizing lunch. The roll cali, "Give a Christ. mas parcel for someone in the County Home, Cobourg," was answered 100% and these gifla will be taken te Cobourg by Miss Lena Taylor bef eue the Christmas time. * * 0 Newlyweds Honored Mi. and Ms. Helmer Feitag, i IrigI1ten up for CI1 ristmas by papering that room you are flot satisfied with PRE-PASTED PAPERS or SPIED SATIN MEN1T makes It -easy at a moderato coît ABERNETHY'S Paint& Wallpaper Phone MA 3-5431 85 King St. W., Bowmanville Tay on et- by et- red r- ext irl ext CONSOLE MODEL ......... The C.G.I.T. met Saturday . Complet. wlth Matchlng Base as shown he atternoon with Patsy Davis ,« opF t Tunlng an, president, in the chair. The Sue acd Case... at- roll eall was an exchange ofprCsoeChmk uiFctr arny ted Christmas gifts. Recently a Auiie uewt rd parcel of clothing was packed ( AulzeTbelt sw for Korea by the leaders of the Optie Filter No Charge Guarante. for 3 Months on C.G.I.T. and Explorers and a 2 ue rnfre prtdPrs ue n evc -H donation sent te the W.M.S. j 0Tue-TrnfreOprtdPtsTbsanSrve r- A summary of two chapters Ne w Oft-the-floor Cabinet St3ling o! the study book was wcll One Year Guarantee on Picture Tube by g-e ~ patsy..XWr _Thi * -Larjger 6"x "Speakr ehnlx'stmas weîshiip service was * ite led by Dianna Vance. ONE YEAR GUARANTEZ ng The ,prograrnincluded a R. by Helen Knox; a piano solo C3l ebyEeyHckayauadgTh Mnby Phyllis Westlake; a piano ,39 - oTe aitlan od duet, "Christmas Carols," by W. Patsy Davis and GladyxYe Ler lowlees and contests by the Id. latter. The meeting closed or h as. *gElectrohome ve Sincere sympathy is extend- he cd te Mi. and Mis. L. Kellett w' I C E re and sons in the sudden pass- as ing of a loving mother and 's grandmother, Mis. Minaker.C nd s Her cheeiy xmile and friendly C nd' te disposition will be uemcmbered Finest Television>. n by many, as she frequently 2 n- visited the Kcllett's here. 21" CONSOLE SThe Christmas concerts which are enjoed each ycar by* Heavier than ever transformer Chassie or cveryone will sean be present * Lr than ever 21" Alumni-e t cd with Sauina school !irst on aM ague Tube _h the list, December 16, Fridav itreTb *evening in the cemmunity hall;* Large HI-Fi Speakers t . inBakers, December 20, Tuesday . eveninr i the scheol; and * 22 Tubes for TV's Sharpeat Picturu Bradieys on Deceraber 19 In 44 * Tone Control is the community hall. li * Record Player Plut Then on Friday evening the ~ ' ' Ssacred cantata, "A King Ix * Haudsome "Dlecratt" Cabinet 'P Given," will be presentcd in >the chuuch. t. Severai trom here attcndcd lthe Winter Concert of. the IBowmanviice Choral Society s7- ýs and thoroughly enjoyed it. ýy Mi. Frank Westlake, Si., ,s w ONE YEAR GUARANTEE ,e convalcscing favorably at homeiR fellowing an operation in Tor-j onte.a Mr. WesHl sprepared thea missionary pragram for Sun- day School. It included a vocalaM r o i TV 2 5 Isole by Edgar Weîîy; a piau' w s oie by Dianne Tink and a Handsomg 21" Console in rich, modern wood cabinets stary iead. by Mis. BurneyM Twin Speakers for full fidelity sound reproduction Hooey. wTi oe asALMroisaaetFaue On Christmas Day at 2:30 ThswdlbsALMrcn' aetFaue o'clock the White Grift church w Aluminlzed Picture Tube with removable tinted safety glass service will be hcld.a Mr. and Mus. Bruce Tink and children at Mi. O. Jackson's, Brooklin.1 IMis. Addie Tink at Mr. s7 Percy Dewell's. Hampton. a MIncn9rq mu-F-iM 9q wq& m o« --- Mr. and, Mus. Tom Wcstlake and Roy, Milibrook, at Mi. Frank Westlake's, Si. Let us Demonstrate High-Fidelity Mi. and Mis. D. Fiett and childien at Mi. T. Flett's, Col. =bus. -T E P R E T C R S M S G F Mi. and Mis. E. Spires andiT E P R C H IS M S GF family at Mix, W. J. Spires', Millbrook. Mr. and Mis. Harold Balson -----V and family, Hampton, at Mi. u n:U ~ ~ P 3 j~ uL hBDE A. J . Balson's. Ou 1ral UDE Mr. and Mis. Ray Pascoe wa~~a api iEPYET and Beverley at Mi. J. W. are designed by experts te lM P.ET Dycî's, Oshawa; Mr. Allais work the best wîtii our sets.8 ]g GLADLY ARRANGE!). Keetch's, Whitby, and Mu. Glen Takenecaes - t Giaspell's, Taunton. a et S en e al t OUR BUDGET TERMS Mr. and Mis. Jack Biemneli, aedtusaycoi c wAs - al1 ' L TrnoetMr. W. Parrinder',. addsuayornPAral Srierrot ecion 1011 Mr. andj Mis. Isaac Hardy wlth un - You'U alwayu o IF NSRAC and Stanley at Mr. Roy Slack's, glati ron dld. Comr'anv'ANC Mr. and Mis. Wes Hills and I 8 daughters at Mu. M. McCar- 3.M. w V udls, Omcmec. T33opingeSNAe3t388 Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- eehn A338 borough,-at home toi the wcek- B u41ih nMi. and Mrs. Ian Smith nd y W Confidence Wifh the Longest Guaran tee Debie. Toron te, at M.San i c t T * s * 0 - - - 'J I i I I 4 0 ffl 1 bride and groom of recer date, were honorcd by friend of the community at a pleasar social gathering in thc ha] Tuesday evening. Charles Langmaid, as maste of ceremonies, alter a fcw ini troductory remarks,- callcd oi Eunlcc Leask to rcad thc ad dress. On behaif o! those as serftblcd Joe Snowden an( Bruce Taylor prescnted tht young couple with a hostesj chair and a cushion. Elma and Héélmer spoke briefly cxprcssing their thanký for the gifts and acccmpanying good wlshes. A short prograin durlng thE evcning conslsted of vocal trioc by Marie Flett, Dianne Tini and Evelyn Hockaday; a hum. orous reading by Donna Vice, and a television show conduct. cd by Ewart Lcask ini whlch a panel of four, Dorothy Snow. den, Harvey Yellowlees, Mar. garet Hooey and Doug Flctt, while blindfoldcd, ldentifled by questions the mystery person. The remainder of the even- ing was spent playing cards and chatting. Lunch including wedding cake was servcd in the lowcr hall. Hall Business Meeting The annual business meeting e! the Solina Community Hall Board was held Friday even- ing. Lost Heir was played during the carly part of thes evening when Patsy Davis and Mr. J. Baker won prizes for highest scores and Barbara Hooey and Harold Pascoe re- ceived consolation awards. The chairman of the Trustee Board, Wes Yellowlees, pie- sided for the business period during which time reports of the treasurer and prograin committee were favorably re- ceived. The executive members are to be highly recommended for their keen interest and splen- ciid services in providing vaîied entertainment throughout the year, for the enjoyment o! ail. Mr. J. Baker took charge for the election of officers when Ernest Hockaday was îe-elect- ed to the office of treasurer; the trustee board re-elected: Wes Werry, Wes Yellowlees, Charles Langmaid, Everett Crydermar. and Tom Baker elected to fi the vacancy of the retiring member Mrs. Bruce Taylor. The secretary and pro-1 gram committee will be ap- pointed by the Trustee Board. The most recent improve- ment has been the installIing of water in the hall. Follow ing the meeting everyone xc- ied to the lower hall for refreshments. itThBra ' a axe and an extension trouble and candy ready to pack Jn in England. Mis. Pike and M~rs, ton Farrow, Mns. Arnold Wade, i. t. Christpas boxes, C. M. Joncs sang vcry sweetly, Mis. Mli aiM.Fe ItAlmost as soon as the thefts The Secsetary and Treasurer a duet. Hnesn r.W od m la ~ wcre discovered and complaints MIrs. Jack Elliott and Mr. m Mis. Ormiston, as chairman o! Haro BurlMs. . M.oJoncs. Ifuo 3 Stores sent ini to the Bownanville Stark, wre apponted as a com- the nominating committee, read Hrodrev. S. J. .ketJon hre r dvision of thc Provincial Police, mittee, to contact Shlloh and off thç slatc cf offîcers for 1956, o!te.installaktion, cagea investigators from that station Kendal regarding a donation t<> as folows: President-Ms. S. offiet the frlltont.alig l n t B taf' reported the apprehension of Albert College. A commrnttee J. Lancaster; lst Vîce-President thre yuth i th viinty f o Ms. arr WdeMu.C.-Mrs. Earl Walkey; 2nd ic- A vote of thanls was xtenc¶ed Three places of business Manchester. The youths had Brown, Mrs. M. Porter and Mrs. President-Mrs. Harold Burley; to Ms. Jim Stark for her years ýd seha y weInneedb the stolen goods in their car and B. Reid was named to look atr S reay M s Jck E i ott f faithful service as Treasurer. Le in thc early heurs o audywllappear in court on charges details o! a turkey dinner ban- Treasurer-Mrs. Don Vinkie; Mrs. Ormiston and her group 's mornlng. cf ,aud o f brcaking and entcring. O.P.P. guet for thc Port Hope Tele- Pianist-Mus. Frank Gilmer. served a deliciouqs plate lunch Mansell Wright, Uic Poët- Watson of the Bowmanville staff phone Ce. on Jan. 25th. Convenors-Mus. Don Staple- passed with Christmas cake aild :master, was Uic fuist to discover was the investigator. It was movcd to poatpone Uiceton, ________C.__Brown,_________Clin-___________ ýs that uýiwelcome intruders had Januauy meeting until the 31st. g focedther wy ito he ostMrs. Arnold Wade rnovcd wc Office, evidcntly using a metal WT W LL dthe $hu wrch.yn o *bar to force open Uic lockedth ur. * door. NO theft isu eportcd al- W. A. Meeting Mrs. Howard Ormiston teck k though the cffice was ransacked. charge cf the devotional meeting Ox o -There is ne cash kept on th Newtonville Woman's Associa- in thc absence cf Uic convenor. 9 premises aftcu hours. tion hcld their December meet- Mus. Harold Burley. LEATHER WALLETS THAT PLEASE - Andrew H. Watson,gera ing on Dec. 7th in the Sunday Mis. Ormiston read Uic scrip- ri mercahea PfudUctiee a col roo.Pesident Mrs. S. turc, followed by a ueading at smshd~awindow te gi J. Lancaster opencd the business "The Christian Road Leads te -entuance te his store. Missing part cf the meeting, an Inn," by Mus. Milligan. Mis. was a quantity cf nicat, canncd Reports weuc read from the Ormiston read a prayer, efter JU a.. goods and some ciothing. Secuctary and Treasurer. Mrs. which a Christmas carol was v.. O ~ L Charles Reynolds, ha'rdware Harry Wade and Mis. C.RYM.n sung. mecat tUésme tinie re- Joncs purchased two new cioths Mis. Wm. McHolsn cf Morrish Yu ealDu tr ported his store door forced for the tables. Each mcmiber was delighted everyone with her Yu ealDu tr open.Aong thc niissing were asked te have Christmas cookies1 account of Christmas as a child 1 r--- - -la»M» Give the -Gift that Keeps on Givingj CHOOSE FROM THE WIDEST VARIETY 0F ELECTROHOME -.MARCONI -ADMIRAL TH IOETPIE IH OGS URNE e SpcialforChritma 1R. leSEial0for0Ch smas ly1956 Marconi New 1956 Top-Tune TelevisionI AdmiraiAttractive modern-st,îed 2l" uelevision Mneeatnhnt 9