Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1955, p. 8

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WAE Im dm nAAIAW WAmA v mA - - - - -A AdLL.U, JWRUVU.~U T8 .~...... AY. B ~ ina u --- in]cs like a submarine and the magic of the movie prcjec- DlT'nll n ua ihi.Ie ad front this, through h. .hli D rha M . C D lu r s n' . ot. .1 IJLNJ. 1 .7UL nnm a zbt n Windows, you sec a splendid From the minute book af the Ncas n a h atsr t M exico Performance of acrobatic swim- 'PubiC Sp"DurhIam Qld -Boys.", Miss Mr. Elgin Budd of simce, vvn ebro h anl. 0 r mers in this underS-b eI ôwater stage. vIaE Uu I Aked read sevorel tributes to has purchased the résidence <fMride o~1ete ~c iii W. o.1Bm l T1 clow n somorneery amnh u S eoking emn honouIg. their-the loto nDr.f McNel.eio g (B y W .M Y'. B errke) TheyMeven sm oke, eat a lunch 'j l onm g, use ul lives and great M anvers T ow nship llw 1 n î er a y t i t en y a s m a and drink pop, and the 1011 ThlTe~BaktckTiJUIaleemna r A .Cu-tese e R anp w --lr-ea---dn -cf-- e--Gr---------- o am mnu lbanked 411 thase' taking this year. TeReehpwl orieadOhw i e enand wcr azy eart Bthidn.br c oonosdu r Uivack o ompBaiedtockpart in the programme. be contested by the presetite On e wntreehedthelittle of! 'Old Nick" in them. the show. This is sornethin edureo o.20ethe piano by Mr. U Thoenpsoai w-rc lG.eJhsterse etthe o- Earp u e J. auncill reitosasByan rodad liexican Texas barder and At one place where we stoped quite différent and takes abou ai the Club's honcrery mcm. tsniorive n wrs nh *vr,. cial heur whie Mrs. Richard- McGali gel the Deputy Reeve.togadhlde.Oeduh when passlng ta Texas hied ta a littie Mexican girl was se»l 45 minutes. Atter this yau gel bers was present, Mr. WnJe puh ppe show papers that wo had been igtoys for chfldren. Theme la- a ride in a glass botto ra boatrs1 vaccipae ihntoyasdies tried to bribe lher, i atin the heed waters of the San - rS ~ w-ho elth.ae ihntoya.inacinou$ s ciat radm. ior p s on ad Mrs. . T. W adery sip yeaaa ti on n.Twacf eVoa( .Wie ou) In our bunch- two were turnec they gave her the large sum of Marcos River. There in a nîce roun4 t cf 250makles eesu g on Mcm ~ were thanked for their kind- Fallis and Robert Brown wlU Teunrisvce asel ciacdte frnthn. hnbahlr etemnad r ro. oun rne ie of 20 miles - o azskn ed n f ha ima waa a lu-e m MrPilp cM Attryartin her eIs iiIMors 'neiCaeln back. A dactor was there, vac- an American dime, tb go 1<> the park there and curia and lch ta attend mee nPand smcbe- deoneahfBa. to WU -H a & urn bd Mruntil ltoipMThurs- Hry Jakemtai an Cirarec i ow avie Con1 long 'stance a' "P' u ndtlthe fmeting as- Concyil wih Handy MalcomN ov r wdb nem wo had aur baggage inspected, seil hum some boysfo hi ulaFen ber cf the Club. 0f the rnany idV ltepL-.i'r day In Jsnuary, there*being no Brown supplying the oppasi-Rv .M oevle i and on we went again ta San .!randchildren. The joke nather 1 went back ta San Antonio guests te furthemttramorn m aswoleds Mn. m ari ed Dcme etn.to.o bnzrUie hr Antonio and our cndctdalled or backfired, au te lithie and in lte bus terminal I met camne front Cheshire, England. his boys.____Mr.__Maeverintraaher attnded onduteethinsevice. Th tu a ne. cnutdgirl, flot knowlng Englisit very anc af the ladies that was with Miss Pauline Hodgetts, Port Blackstock hiait 58 atudents and Setie Walrnt anquttenadpebarr er ate ou tour as ede t weil, went ta the wrong ma. us on aur tour. She was taking Hope, lte 11 year aid wznner was the amallest higit ichool thour withvevanc epoing ynyNihiH0bNca Femae Dvilri'Thtis goes ta prove that you a bus home. I tld her I would et the Durham County Club district In Ontario, but an ex- Cobrieurds agod tme Wlltrd AidsorthOsa L, 1 migitt say here that the nover know when titee nel a wait and heip her with her Sield 'for ]public sbeaking- in collent scitool. Sorie G a s agory ne mr os avs onadTdWolad tours out af Mexico City were litIle devil lurking in the back baggage. Just as site gat on lte Durham and accornpanied by Continuing early du rE nr ed sg. Friosmandrelativeattend by car-the driver, and four of a lady'sm mmd. bus a lady and gent came up iter mother, gave hon onize Part -Hope, Mn.r. 0. Xondo.*abvcdshinnga.ta others. In ou'? car were two la- Inadequate Bost Zooms ta me and said: "la that your winlgoain"iocrby o ea on Pr ole, Scba, dis(widows), and a gentie- Ho eTrntVen mnan (bachelor, a littho young- The Mexican 12-day tour la wife thal was with you". I said: la ort pe." Miss Pauline 1875." by Mrs. Philp h wH me Sho 15 UDI JU Ail!Teeweemn ov ir er titan 1). One lady was tram a grand tour, but the Grey. "No, just a friend." The lady tld ltaw Peter Smith, fun tra- 97 years of ae and lives 1n ~~iO ia nbtsta ned n e Ceumu, h ohn rm hound bus campany or who- said: "She is sîtting with my der, tiraI settlod la 1778 glving Torar4o. It was wnlhten witen Mempitis. The gentleman wsee pnosil ha& vory' much motiter". "Well", I said, "site- Pont Hope te name of Smnith's r.h a ayJn a- Tte students of iast 'year's MES. FR.ANK ALDSWOR1h atvs tram Vancouver and I tram talion down (as I sec il) e- wiUl have good coinpany." I-Creek and tnom lt's eenly i3 ris,% 17 Years aid and a school graduation cass were the spe- Bowmanville. Penitaps, in many garding te confant of teir got a letton tram titis lady ýand tory proudly outlined te de- leacher la Pont Hope la 1875. ciel guosts et te meeting o! One ai Caurtice's grand old ways a varied gnoup, but ail patrons. I arn reterring to the site sald lte motter asked hon velopment of hon home town Ai ite. a activities wene porhray. Courtice Home and Scitoal As- ladies, Mns. Frank Aidswarth, Ae iewetr enne veny sociable, friendiy, agroe- inadequacy af rest noarus wdh thbie saine qestion and witen "rlcitly endawed by nature ed in an amazingly busy town. saclatlon recently. homsed aw auieonlModayet ikladabse;hsc able and liked a joke. One lady et somte places was shacking site uaid '"No, just a friend". with ttniving industries mak- Mrs. Win. Arinstro' show- The prosident, Mn;. Herry Oct. S1.1 at bit. age of 8:.edl lmnm od ic was a Catitolic and itelped aur and net giving us what wo paetd lie lady just iaoked atheto and ing il lithe prettiest lawn la on- ed coloured' movies aio o G ay cpened the meeting by Born In Darlington Townsi amu n llni:ttr cuiasîty in answering ques- for regarding hotel accommo- said: "I couid have swonn I was tarie." and ail ils rcaidsuta-tite social reading a poemn and welcomed tedcae a ieyugs asle n aie orta tians regarding lte very beau- dations. right; noverimissed yeh." Now Mns. F. W. Bowen, Orôno, activihies of yaung and od in lte students, their parents and ditheno! ited a h neicadcpeeaan cblt tiu Choicctrctswevs- Sbann hefo I arn wondering witat you have nmade te presontatian o! the sunîmer and winler, lte Fair alter gueuts. - agtroth aeRca tfld.Tho, thres wGeorge, Afle rie eatr î look like witen people hhink Club Sitield la young Miss and hanses, flowers in gardons Il was decided lito d l te our drivher, aenyie tye ofe slaye the mrcdays louSenyou are married. We wero not Hadgetts bellinq o!flte siields and weddings. Tee numeraus Dcme etn nDcm gentlriea o elfnepe ous ta Anto o tre athn bockholding hands. We did not kiss elg udsaîgPoln ia a etonidviulybt ber eetinie onualecne-S ete uia hougit itîs nlsi tobuilaAan rna, San Manos, acit otitenwhen we, panhed spa kon 4 limes and won against Mrs. Armstrong nover tongot bef20gift heMns. Wl ca Bow geas althougtamp eredaIlis. Ta s. Here iree a an Subos,(peritaps l'm missing sanie- wondentui competition.- A pen lte naines of -h or olid ndo f gni Ms.Gerge ViliasmnBreown wauld lie a meedt tim ail xae.THere. Yau goIn a baie-ting) non do I tink I itad set was also pnesenled la lite as they appeared. The audi-an r.GogVis ren 1 wuldlik tomee thrn it.ineThetre Yo goInt abattuaI wistful fan away look, as winner by Mn J P Lovekin. once sitawed great interest as charge af titis meeting. Tite lest L &gain sometime. The lwa la- wtich itolda 150 passengens, ta say. I am glad you'ne gone, Mrs. Hodgetti 4itanked lte aid fniends, many who have ield reofnlds ayevn i Nove-NTRaE h.sit lwesyioe.Adyu F'il have a good lime now for Club an hon daughten's behaif. passed an, were shown titrougit ber 25, et 8 p.m. gv him thisbsiesaetoeolv-h in _______________________________________________' aweek a lwo.Mn. Pratt, lte teaciter a! the GLIDE LIQUI T ARH o ip d ae -In Uranium Country number of cars and buses In theno with me. 1 gladly ald graduating clous presented the taeld.Ta' i hr' lei Glide.haThe ~< My next stops were Pecos, lte parking lot and lte nuni- yeu, mand tound iter té be Intel. pins. 'wiitene, and s aiottyorioîg hd Texas, El Pao, Albuquerque, ber of people on te streots l t o fadt akt a TeRvrn .Mia fleaves no utres- ngieshrstt N.M., Pueblo, Colo. Titese were and lante stores, il sure is no ligetalfritaakte TeRveedA Moan f proÇl lok.- just oven-nigitt stops. My next gitout bawn now. stranger and was surprlsed Trinily United Citurcit, Bow-sonloo.AdueGiefrorctts-ai manville tld lte students it linens-c-urtains---hause dresses aidyugtr'dte.1 ae AM aGrand Junction, Cola. Aw&Y Up Thc Mountain that site knew and could baik was mucit mono important la wondenful difference te goh p living.thHo said lite huicit-.os. ziant econamy ise and know anwpiei oraii longelythte cendaeo tasur- Igu hsmuati arte imegore. t ho a darne ad ean ed ow la lie. He that Sound impossible ta you? To1 d r anlun la ome a ilsoullya bnalh-alin et imes shap tedreadup aot ti andg ave t eigitî ruies la live 1h and you'lI sec haw economie, hi e CNRanium init nomof dgeaf tlled1:nd 1beeii la manGayt ai. Gayn c districts. My aiece's itusbend uypgolng back and forward does go, site wîll get a greatbyadhtoktseuesrm norwrngGyrlli.Yu'ifn ouF ~ms <ou wasouI onJésus' sermon on lte Mount, you get mare for the maney wititGyt] ls a geolagist and wsoto and enound, sometimes loaking deai ouI et it. Site ted isa Ina- te Eight Beatitudes. Ho ex- with any athen liquid or powdereere. locatetitis mnea,bu now u witene tite road ht e - o theplaces 1ted lcen, mc we theBeahitudes and said ta be it shines iho-eailvr.gss aswrhe-eta Grand Junction is gnowing saw a very beautiful and pan- We wenhta lithe Bad Lands ta- elyiaiyteewrelt utn oes on n ep orpt a ve rrpidly, consequenîlypr-Oai view aoflte sunnound- getiter, taI is, we set together ruies ta foliow. pans gloaming. Yet, bocause aof~ssoca perty is tigit. On lte Sundey îI ng country with its lakes, ni- lanlte front seat efthbie bus. A quanhel of lte harmoniz- formula Gay in verij genti. on 1u hna was titere ltey taok me fan a vers mand lowns, alweys gaing Tte Bad Lands are flot witîers, Messrs. Ronald Osborne, 1 wash you'd get a bottée cf Liquid e eegn n orni re drive ad sigitt seeiag tour ta tigiter and lways loaking fur- I titoughtt bie v were. I had te Murray Osbonne, Ronald Bic- -and share xny very real enthusiai Ase.Ttspae hcolmlter down aven those siteer Impression they were great kle, and Brooks Pearce, ,ocm- Gr ldisL.ý r was a silven mlaing centre and cliffs-malwaYs meeting Sap heaps of Sand dlfting sand) panled by Mrs. Glen Pickell C. ladn LmaF Chrlam., e nw-t et flm ....led a pop4ilation a! 12,000, but er cunves anad tairpin luras in and wten lte wlad blew would sang musical selections. , you rub,mdmaea'itndyuris mmmin became unpnofihebiolte road. Yes, il lin eally titnili- shtift and pil. up sernewitene Membens a!flte uctool board .com rue os fpepedo nl - mui~~~~~ad 4îis cil y became a giots ing and yod Wonder why You1 else, but tiey are fan front wero lntnaduced and lte chair- ,,OthefraI c ai-eoae AK anc saw passibilities, weat ta bie top. Here is a fine building 11111e maunîmains on whiih very brlefly. ,,~maney ardrlbihiycoueeveae wokadI anwaiewlth wtere yau ca gel lunch, sou- 11111e grows and are standing Mrs. Gay preuonted lte rotin- or Boaf M psbo-it1iebaac n sparts, drame, music, etc., and veninsamand pst cards and a there beceuse titey are tard, lte Ing peiel n.Garta c'~ caver h ap oiinsc hs d il in very difficult la get occam. special loak-out place witere soften ponts itaving been taken Tubb with a post presidont pin. giftaeauthncteprcsehoaetsi modation uniess you neserve you have a wanderful viow ai away by alarma, nain, front snd Mns. Wehnerhttanked te ad t , in b a Bo aig coa-o aitead. Here is lte tigitesl chair lte suraunding country. OuI- eosion. They have a rther speaker and quantot on boitlfait lt ieat'sdsro optemny lift lanlte wanld - 14,000 ft. side titis building titere was weind and depnessing appeen-aitcsoitonmmehg pcllar.h'ewndrlwya aknpoie ihe long, 248 chairs and 3,300 feet n'ithig but a rubble o! roçk enco-nougit and unevettul- Retreshments wene, senved corne true and a great solutiont orangd rbei e > ~~~~~o a vertical risc. It is a veny and scnubby res-aotiting as a spectacuier wmste. Yes, Bad by Mrs. Edwend Mlaeadyu oa o bu ttdy live place al bte yoan around beaubiful as lte country beiow Lands, I could see no good In commiîtec. Mlgte n orlclBe bu htdu __ - --.-......amnd lias camne bock to ils awa. tram whence we came. Wty tem,' yet they overpowered The drive thene and bock was did we carne? As fan as 1 cen yau and gave you a feeling 'of veu'y fine *boa on a ht day. 1 sec, xl wms just because nome-0.. we, flot unlike te gentleman sveny fine boa on a itot day. I on- body was tachait enaugit ta wlio tld te old mald who ta go back again some blme. bulld a raad titene, and adver- knew site was nal as freat as Face on Barroam Flood tise il and 1 and ctons weno site once was - "You know . foalisit enough tote ravol aon it. titere In beauty evon la raina." ,, fl 7jiT JMy next lap wou on ta Don- If I liai nal gene I wauld have We tad dinner when we were ver. On lte iigitway we wenit wisitod I hed. But 1 con bell aI lite end aifte Bad LandsIO kn aven te divide between east you titere are fan more beauti- and a veny gaod dinner booa, lior and west Colorado-titis eleva- fui thiags ta sec down beiaw, thon we went back ta te ho. .i. ic sneerly 12,000 foot and titan tene la an top e!'111e tel, qulle pesed wlth lte tour - somethina m fein New fast train ta Major Western Pointe in srnie places we sa nisoe mounîmin. However, I amnglad to lte Bad Lands. . suiaw, We could not gel a good 1 went. Curiosity is a trait ina aInPli view mu we wene up la thc aur citaracter ltat lead us us 'S Pasbiteon wplay a Ygve - ciadu, ecirccd wih a bîckand leads us down 1 guess it usl it log. Witere we sîayed for din- te Adam and Eve la us. Itth Passion Play. This was one uv nen was a natter rural loaking was ail rater thilling and 'on- ai the tighligitts afi my trip. 08 U place, a gifh shop la connection Joyablo. I lave ttc mouaitalas. Ttc lady I wam wîîh couîd net -X.l~0lua POl with Il. A few aigris were ea atwhmesIhdre taaging marund and one said Dail Boverage Eoom ge« etwl ea a e Il wrapp.d on rod "Please put les. sugar la youn Ia the. holel whene I stayed Tite Passion Play ia a Wonder-. cet!ee but lilke heul, wc tere wms a beverage room ofi! fui production - te lightinefri.C rsm sto .:e:don't mnd lte noise". Anotitn e lbyan iragt th ie ancient costumes, the bull - was, "Don't blame your wic sanie door titere wan a dmaing ings, and mingied wiit these boa mucit, juut look witom site zoomn or cofee sitop; aowr I gen- are lte camoîs, siteep, hanses, This Christmms, why flot gi. oehndieene married." We reacted Denver enaliy et in lteitotel in witicit donkeys, pigeons, yes, te yet strictly practical-the imansepsig and becauso I itad tickets for I slBy, but looking lanttis room witolo setting nepresents Ilite as 0 convenienco of an exteiisioiitlpoe mgn t twa tours ouI . a Denver, I did which was tait drk and very il was ah bitI ime. There was0 surprise af such mn originalgftaChimadaan- e net see much th ie place. One dlmly lit, I did liaI enter. I was tte Triumpital Entnyr t atltfott a lauomi ofr ti evc iIgn. . tou tok e t Cetrl Clytaiking to a lady mter wito did Supper, lte Judas Kisa, lte r 1 witich once titnived as a silver dine there and site seid site rosI et Jeaus, te mocklng o! 4 nining lown, but like Aspen wouid nover go again. I won- Ris accusens, te hystenîcai l Yes, the actual telephane àtef umtvl becaune a gitast tawn. As I saw don why Ihese beverage rooma mob, te Trial o! Jesus, te *wapped and ready te go u entiCnitns r. il, it la not a gitout town any area lways so ponly lit. 15sontence, Jesus beanlng . theo0oa b. -erdfrman lange,-- ; es c_ e b_ c ason -tbeneany Ksoclalnero.-n forcrsentainudeillaodretamnyo BsesOfc. Passenger Agent. d'J%4 and cosly iurnistings tat enjoyed Clorado Sprnmgs and andi mmntary canal lied zone ?.-3 adora ilad business Ioday seseilly being wIt a tniend on a nampage wilh al ltae ____________ - gaag n a usal ~îdidj~whom 1 I iad not seen ton saine sluice waya o!fte body emphy- ioson b s-goae ldas it e ntume. Back ta Denver again lag lata xl, On ltis account I.1'e thoe b-goe dys.By juiltano an over-aigitt stop. steyed in Citicago anathen day. While I wms ltere a iew days 1hit s urprlsing tow qulckly betore 1 !ound a fine restau- nature can restonethic mach- rant and a largeoanc lac just a inery oiflte body and put it < shocrt distance tram lte itel. bock la propen wenking order. <~ .~. . uuk I was itaving my breakfast and Ttc next day I went on la De- -, - .sy..1 jus? niy a few were ltere, witere- trait la see my sisten and tant- FOR ORANOMAI 11010CM FOR MOTH5 KFCI*N ,, q ,Y w u gg as witen I wmm Ihere beiore 1h ily and olter relatives. was aeanly full. I asked lte Wandoeer Coma Home wmitross witere al ttc pecopie wvore. Oit, site said "titis is lte Froin Detroit I Just itad ane end and nean te tirst aiflte mare lap ta go, muid thon home. il liemoalt. Nobody tas eny monev, On titis part o!fte trip nat- walllng, ton pay day. Site said ig ai importance itapperied. I il is always like titis ah lite end was.nat even travelling on aew ai every maontit. How tev territory, aor did I even won. lived in lte meantime r do not don witat my next shopping kno. place would be like. I was go know. eautyIn Rung M tomeealer cigitt weokm of Beaui h einswandoning. Home, . whene you Frani tome I wenb te Rapld g o about you dmiliy routine cf PM mar Olt M 0COM FOR FATHEI WORUCHOP City muid ltougit I was tomre lite quite reguiarly; where yeti 1at year ltere wore some sleep lan te sme bed eveny things I dld net have lime t0 nightl; wteme youcest t te ace-tite Bad Landsanmud te mre table every day; witero >,, » e t i Passion Play. On aur way tram you know neenly mali lte peo. THE DELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA a" emit Denver, te bus sbopped et pie you meet. Yes, home, jusl ""u~ .>~,t.ipbei.~k New Comle, pickd up a ladY, tome. Poritaps itlslaso common and I bcing alone in lte ron* ta us we itandly ever Itink o!f ____________________________________________ seat, aaked IÀtehocould ait lit, it er, xità, hoine. ---

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