TIM CAKADIAN STATYMM. EowmAIqV= E.OHTAM Social and Personal, Mrs. L. Deline returned home Eighteen members o! the lest. week following a visit with Newcastle Lionettes Club had 9Velatives in Smnith's Fals and Sharbot Lake. 1 a most enjoyable outing pn Mr- and Mns. Harper Kelsey, Thursday evening last. Leav- MissJean Anderson, Mr. East.' ing the village in private cars min 'Steeves, Mr. and Mrs. D. about 4.30 p.m. the ladies tra- M. Bernard and Eric, were velled ta the Town an~d Coun.- Sulday evening guests with try Club in Toronto where they Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ber- enjoyed a deliciaus dinner and nard in their new home. from there to the Maple Leaf Mrs. Stella Anderson return- Gardens ta enjay the 1955 ver- ecd ta ber home here on Sun- sion af the Icecapades. An ex- clay after spending the summer cellent time was reported by and autumn in Toronto. ail. Mr. Harold Deline, Mr. Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Car- Mirtin and-Mrs. E. J. Fried- veth of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. 1nder ai Toronto, and Misses Bryce Cobk af Oshawa and Hazel Winters and Miss May Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart Northrup of Whitby, visited and Carol ai Port Hope, were with Mrs. L. Deline and Mr. weekend visitors with Mr. and and Mrs. William Storks and Mrs. W. R. Carveth and fam- iamilY last Monday. fly. I To, The Electors 1 Village of Newcastle Having served as a member of your Council for one year, I arn again offering my services and solicit your support. Compliments of the Scason to ail. __________Frank Hoar For Progressive Administration V oie Hoar Tro The Electors Village of Newcastle Having been nominated as a candidate for the Board of Education, I solicit your support. Having served six years as Councillor and three years as Reeve of the Village, 1 feel 1 arn qualified to serve your best interests in this very important office. Wishing you the Compliments of the Season. John Rickard TO THE ELECTORS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE H-aving been nominated as candidate for Reeve, 1 solicit your support. -I have aerved on every committee of Çouncil and. fee'! arn ualifféd to serve as your Reeve. Compliments of the Season. D. J. CUNNINGHAM Vote m JOSE For_ Reeve Five successive years of municipal experience One Year as Reeve. Let this be your guideq when voting on Monday. ""4- t f ~ Compliments of the Season J. H. JOSE My Experience la At Your Service CENTENNIAL YEAR Christmas Gif t What finer gllt could yau give to out-of-town friends than a glft subscription ta The Canadian Statesman, bringlng weekly accounts o! activities in connection with Newcastle's Centennial Celebrations in The Newcastle Independent column. 1. Fý~r New or Renewal Subscriptions Sec or Phone GORDON AGNEW Cor. Miii and George Sts. Phone 3621 Give OneAcclamation Two Contest Reevesbip As a result of the Nomina- tion meeting held in the coun- cil chamber on Friday evening, November 25th, H. Stanley Graham was re-elected ta the Newcastle Hydro Commission by acclamation. Ail other offi- ces will be filled at the election to be held on Monday, Decem.. ber 5th, froXn 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Candidates Reeve - One ta be elected: Douglas J. Cunningham, J. Harry Jase. Councillors-Four ta be elec- ted: Ross H. Dickinson, Fred G. Couch. R. Brenton Rickard, Frank Hoar, Farncombe Le- Gresley. School Board-Three ta be elected: Irvin J. McCullough,D. R. Dewdney, Douglas G. Wal- ton, John F.' Rickard. Smail Crowd Attends Village Nomination s Featuring A ddresses Nominations for ail civic elective offices were held in the Council chamben on Friday evening with the poorest at- tendance of any such meeting in recent years, estimated at appnaximatelY 25 persans. The village clerk, Mrs. Nettie Butler, presided for the nom- inations fram 7.30 to 8.30 p.rn. and for the meeting following. Those nominated for the vani- ous offices and the mover and seconder ai the nomination are as follows: For Reeve,Douglas John Cunningham, by John Rickard aild Irvin McCulloughi; J. Harry Jase, by Irwln Colwill and E. W. Fisher. For Council- Ion, Ross Harold Dickinson, by Irwin Colwill and Farncomb Le Gresiey; Fred George Couch, by R. B. Rickard and John Riokard; Farncomb Le- Gresley by Douglas Walton. and1 Irvin McCullough. For Hydro Cammissioner, Howard Stan- ley Graham by John Rickard and Inwin Calwill. For School Trustee, Irvin J. McCullough by D. J. Cunningham and Irwin1 Colwill; D. R. Dewdney, by E.1 W. Fisher and Farncomb Le Gresley, Douglas G. Waltan, by Chas. Bonathan and Fred Couch; John F. Rickard, by D. R. Dewdney and Inwin Colwill. A nomination paper was alsot fiied for Gardon Gray a meni-1 ber af the 1955 Board, but as he was nat present and no word of consent,was attached ta the nomination paper, his nomina-N tion could not be accepted. t Candidates Speak r The first canlidate calledc upon was Reeve J. H. Jase, candidate for re-election. In his address Mr. Jase Pald tri-r bute ta last year's cauncil sta- ting ail had wonked togethen and had been willing warkers. He said they had had their dii- ferences, but a council would be no good if they ail agreed on everything. The Reeve said ac financial stâtement had been I printed and presonted ta thosea attending stating that it was l not a true picture ai the com- F FOR FURNACE t INSTALLATION n or 0i Eaveslroughing d CALL h téC. GOULD W Newcastle' Phone 3686 dc hi di To the Eleclors o of the W j th Villageofh it Newcastle a th Having been nomninat- CI ed as candidate for the dn Board of Education, I ar respectfully solicit your ca support at the polis on f Monday. H Compliments of the ha Season.Ur Douglas G. Wallon 1t To the Blectors of the Village ai Newcastle Let my past record of service be your guide in chaosing yaun 1956 Coun- cil. I have served thnee yeans as councillan to the best af my ability. and, should I receive your confidence on IAcernber 5th, I will continue to serve yvour best interests. Compliments of the Season. Fred Couch plete year's work as it is only completed ta the end af Octo- ber and contained sanie ernors. In speaking briefly on Caun- ty Council business, the Reeve said the largest praject, of this body at the present was the new administration building now unden construction in Co- bourg, at an estimated cost ai $373,000 which cauncil feit was necessany due ta lack ai space in the Cobourg Town ,Hall, which was costing the Coun- ties $5,500 a year nent plus heating and caretaking. He said the new equalized assessment would be used next year rais- ing the Newcastle AssessniQnt for counties purposes frani $315,000 ta $836,900. Mr. Jase saîd locally, the caunties had repaired and ap- plied a seal coat on the surfacedl naad ta the lake, which shouldi hast for about five years. Alsa sanie work had been done on the culverts putting this road in good shape. The Reeve said prodding by the council of the Dept.' af Highways had resuit- ed in the resurfacing ai North Street and the Manvers-Mill street section of Highway Nip., 35. He said debentures had been issued for the additiôn ta the school and were being sold locally. The debenture issue, hie said, is. now about three quarters sold. He said the council should end the year with a surplus ai from two to three thousand dollars due mainly ta the fact the rate had been set believing the new counties assessment would 4be usd, this. year.. Mn. Jose sald he was Just nicely getting acquainted at Counties Council and would .be pleased, if elected, ta serve the village again as Reev in 1956,1 Newcastle's Centennial yean. Councullon, D. J. Cunning- hami, candidate for Reeve was called upon next and sald he had been nomninated hast year and declined as hie wanted al little mare council expenience. Hle said he had now served as a member ai ail committees o! the council and if supported he wiil be glad ta do his best. for the village. Councillor Ross Dickinson, candidate for re-electian spake riext stating only that he had senved the village ta the best of his ability in the past and if re-elected wauld continue ta la sa. Councillor Fred Couch said hc had served fan. thnee years on the cauncil enjaying the vonk and always trying ta do his best and would continue ta do sa if re-elected. During the past year, Mn. Couch said he had been chairman ai the Po- ice Committee but had had no .ifficulty in this department as, in his opinion, we have now :ne ai the best Police officers we have ever had iii the village f Newcastle. As chainman oi tie Fine Committee hie said, hie ad run aoven his estimates as ýhad been necessany ta insta1l ànew motor in the pumper. In te Praperty Committee of Arhich hie is also chainman, Mn. ouch said he feit they had one a gaod job. Many aid xees have been remnoved franui iround the village and moric tals are comning than ever be- rme ta have this work done. qe said the village dump was te biggest headache but this lad been levelled and cieaned ip three tumes. Considerable work had been done- an the )ark, he said, and thought ;hase who had seen it would igree that it looked better han it has in sanie tume. Councilion Frank Hoar stat- ýd 1955 had been his first ,ear an the councîl and that le had not agreed with the najority in Most cases, but be- ng in the minority he just had oVag alang. He said he dons lt agnec with practising false 2onomy in his awn business ion in civic business. He has a !ohsiderable stake in the village kd if the village progresses is business will Increase as iii ail othen business. He sa!d te had enjoyed the council neetings and wiIl be pieased oserve again if clecied. R. B. Rickard, candidate ion ouncil said hie was keenjy in- rested in municipal wark andj as particularly interested in Gordon Âgnew, Ediior Phone 3621 OnIly $5 5. Down lot leu Balance spread over 24 Months International Harvester *560. POUND CAPACITY OVER $100 WORTH 0F FRO ZEN FOODS Neyer befor.e have we been able Io offer such a fremendous value. For the low down payment of $55 you gel one of the besl freezers in the country plus $100 worth of frozen foods. You will want fo own this new, modern freezer for ils beauly alone and in addition you gel the economy of the freezer and a lime saver- for the housewife. This package deal makes an ideal Christmas gifi. IFrozen Food Includes: mnust make aur village monE attractive to industry and fos. ter a betten spirit. if elccted he promised ta do hiW best ta inplement progressive legisla. tion. arncomb LeGresley, candi. date for councillor -sad he hac no expenience in municipal ai- fairs but was keenly lnterested in the progreas of the vllage and if elected ho would do his best' for the betterment of Newcastle. . Hydre Report H. Stanley Graham thankec the càtlzens for the confidence placed ln hlm by re-electing himi by acclamation for his third terni as Hydro Commis- sionen. He said it1 had been a pleasure ta serve on thé Comn. mission for the paat four years, the last two as chairinan. He said they had had a successfu] year in 1955 and the power consuimption had been Increas. ing annually. The local systcki has grown from 374 usera in 1953 ta 490 customens at the present time. Mn. Gnaham said Newcastle had ane ai the low- est rates, if nat the lowest, af any mnunicipality of the samne size in Ontario. Speaking oi the recent ser- loua iilness of the Hydro Man- ager, Mn. H. S. Bnitton, he said he was pleased ta report that Mn. Bnitton was back home again and feeling much betten and the membens of the com- mission boped that he would soon be able ta carry on again in his usual efficient manner. He also spoke af a former val- ued member ai the commission, who lascneiously iii, Mn. C. R. Carveth who is a patient [n Memorial. Hospital. Mn. Graham stated that dur- ing the past yean the commis- sion 'had paid a rebate ta the cauncil of $290.70 on street lighting. Had punchased a new truck and a number ai hunes formerly opcrated by the On- taria Hydro, aIl out ai the ne- gular running expenses ai thé commission. An assistant ta the manager has also been hined by the commission. School Report Candidate fan re-election ta the School Board, the Rev. D. R. Dewdney, 1955 chairman r~ ponted briefly on the histry & the nenovations and canstruc- t;an of the new addition ta the Public Schaol. Eanly in the year, hie saîd, the Counties Heaith Unit had ondened addi- tional toilet faclities as the present facilities were only adequate for 120 students and the hast report showed an en- rallient of 215. He said the Board had decided, rather than ta spend 7 ta 9 thousand do"- lars necessary ta make noom for and instail the necessany facihities and carry an, they should buihd an addition at the sanie tume as the renovations * indquarler of beef * Fowl * Fast Frozen Fish * Over, 100 packages of the faàtous Dirdsys Fruit and " Ico Croam " Fruit Juices " Frozen Chicken and Noat Pies * French Fried Potatoos Yon can't boat Irozen foodu SEE THE FREEZER AND FOOD ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS Farm Equipmen± & Automotive TON COWAN, PROPIIETOR 134 King St. E. Bowma nviIIe Phon eMA 3-5689 rewiUl cost approxiniately $45,. s- 100. He said the work had been ddelayed but thé Board hoped ,ta have the opening early in k- January as one of the first of the activitie8 planned for New- castle'b Centenary year. He ýalso paid tribute to the teach- E. rs who are carrying on undet ýadverse conditions as the work ýaproceeds. Is John lick4rd, candidate for )f school truste# sald he had al- ways thought that in munIcipal polities one started as school trustee, then councillor and ýdReeve and wondered it he were * lot going backwards in accept- 19 ing nomination as school trus. itee now after having held ail i- the other. offices mentioned. J. School business has become 3big business he said as the local achool board spends as àmuch as the couhcil. He said x he was a member of the Dur-' Jham High School board but nfeit it was time wasted and sa nresigned. He said the High eSchool Board was just a place where each representative was trying to get something for his own town regardless of cosf and eas, Bpwmanville and Port Hope with their larger representatiori dominated the Board, he found *he was just knocking his head against a stgne wall. He be- lieved he could serve the citi- zens better on the local board. fl STARK VILLE *Mr. and Mrs. Ëd Ruthven, Zion, at Mr. A. Dobson's, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs* W. Carson vis- ited Mr. anid Mrs. Wm. Robin- son, Orono, recently. bMr. Lloyd Hallowell in To- »ronto last week. Miss Joyce Kirkpatrick, Newtonville, with Miss Donna Stark, Sunday. Mrs. 1. Plunar Toronto, et Mr. Arthur McKay's. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell left for Saskatchewan last weekl and will visit friends in Moos- min while there. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Aif Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Stark Saturday evening. Sunday afternoon Rev. Pike gave a beautiful message on the words "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." The senior class af Sunday School, as choir assisted with the ap- ening hymns bei are going ta their class. Mr. Ai! Dobson in Hamilton this week attending a meeting of the Vegetable Growers' Mar- keting Board. Mrs. Jim Stark in Toronto re- cently. Miss Norma Hallowell, New- castle, spent a few days last BUYS hriutonMeeting A meeting to discuss Irrigation will be held in ti POLISH-CANADIAN CLUB HALL, OSACA at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7th Representatives from Provincial Government Depts. the Ganaraska Watershed Authority, etc., will be present. This meeting wilI be of interest to, al General and Tobacco Farmers! ALL INTERESTED PEOPLE ARE WELCOME H. K. Long, Chairman Irrigation Committee. PAGE TEM 1 EX-M Le 1 mmi colin. President John WnighV L YEL ERTONwas in chair. Roll caîl reveal- 1 ecd that 26 miembers wlth thefP 1 Mr. and Mns. Balfour Moore numerous aifspring had "mud., and Nancy enjoyed a weekend, ded"' their way through. Dates in Toronto, visiting wlth Mr. for future parties were set. Eu-. Ferne Moore, Mn.. Nettie chre on Friday, Dec 2, Euchza Moore and Mn. and Mn:. Morris Jan. 6, Crokinale Jan. 20, witI? Holmes. f sponsors for each.11 Mr. and Mn:. Samn Adams A nominating committe. fôr and girls ai Bowmanvllle, were selecting 56 offilcers was ap- with the Murray Malcolins onl pointed. Dec. meeting will be Sunday. a Christmas party in churcli Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Mal- hall wlth each couple cantri-e colm and famrily were Sunday buti'g ta pnognamn. evening dinnIr guests o! the Fml lbare apr Murray Sheas. Fml lbare opr A social evening leaturîng chase wax for church hall. '4 bingo and movies ai a religius wide sweep broom was donatý jLature Épansored by Yelverton cd by the Clarence Pages. Thks W.A. with praceeda going ta devotionai was rin charge o! Missions, was held in Cuc the Art Rawan family and was Hall on Saturday evcning. Pic- based on a timeiy toplc-"The' tures wene put on by a mcm-. Christian Home"~. ber af Rural Mission Society. Follawing a cail ta worship Lunch was servcd aiter an by Doris, ittie Linda Rowan enjayable evcning. Commenis read the scipture; Elizabet). ne new floon surface werc quite Rowan led in prayer; Ralph favounable. The new red Pal- Malcolm pinch-hitting for A ',t !shedes snface has considerable who was home nursing -à eye appeal. Much cSdit goes bnand ncw "Wlsdom Tooth" ta the mare active 4rembens (Second Childhoad)? read X. ai the committee namely poem "Blessed Art They"'. Dor- Messrs. Floyd Stinson, Normian is ably taok the topic deaiing Wilson and Howard Malcolm with a Christian family unit*' for organization work and con- "Is Christ the Head afi Your siderable waxing and pahishing Household?", leaving mnud,1 involved. Cauld they be aller- food for thought. Devotion,3l gic ta housemaid's knee? was closed with benediction. Recent visitons at the Foîîowing the meeting, Raiph George Heaslips included Mrg. led in an observation test ali. Gillis Puncell and famulY cf Isobel Wilson and John Wright Taranto, the Ken Heasîlps ai were dechared the winnens af Lindsay and Mns. Glen Car'- the "Big Blow" elimination nish ai Orillia. contest. FamIly Club The usual satisiying lunch Novenrber .meeting ai the was served and a social chat Family Club was held on Wed- a la fortissimo-ta drown out nesday, Nov. 23, at the hame the junior brigade was enjay- IMAMIR 0 a a YOU NEW 1 ue Ft« FREEZER Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689