TRUMSDAY, OCT, 27th, 1955 THE CANADIMi STATE5MANI. EOWMANMLL, ONTARIO Nine Branches Durham West W. I. Celebrafe 55th Anniversary at, Newcastle Over 150 ladies representing the nine Women's represented at the turkey banquet and program held ta Mrs. T. Buttery, Bowmanville; Mrs. G. Marlow, Black- Maple Grove; Mrs. J. A. RosevearTrn;Ms .R Institute branches in the district of Durham West gathered celebrate the event. Orono, whose branch disbanded last stock; Mrs. N. Kennedy, Kendal; Mrs. L.W. Anrns, Tyrone; Stevens, Maple Grove; Mrs. C. MilsÉ al rv;Ms ~at Newcastle Community Hall on Tuesday evening, Oct. 18, year after a long and highly respected record, also had a Mrs. W. H. Brown, Maple Grave; Mrs. Ralph Davis, Solinf M. Emerson, Nestieton; Mrs. Ted ChnHmtn 0o celebrate 55th anniversary of drganization of the district. 1 representatian. Seated at the head table from lef t ta Mrs. Selby Grant, Bowmanville, preýident of the district; Nestieton, Blackstock, Tyrone, Sauina, Hampton, Kendal,1 right are officers of the district and members of the com- Mrs. Frank Jackman, Bowrnanville, oldest living member, Newtonville, Maple Grçwe and Bowmanville were ail mittee in charge as. follows: Mrs. N. Woodley, Tyrone; 1who eut the three-tier bîrthday cake, Mrs. I. Munday, in the district as far as is Olv Luke, i2oronto, spe nt, thle known. Bowmanville assisted Vt'rDflLT weekend with their father, R.I in praviding the rest raom at J. Luke, at thie home of Mr. and W e s Drh m I sf tu e sthe Town Hall in 1938 and has Intended for last week Mrs. W. Mountjoy. Joinir'g since maintained it. A great The first afternoon services them as dinner guests on Sun-f deal of hospital work hias been of the season were held at the day wvere the Everson Nortons done and contributions made church on Sunday with a fair Braugham, and the B. oStar C e e ra 5 h A n v r a y toward artifical i~ce. Stage attedac Rev. R. H. Jikr aiy liwtsHwereproviidedafsor the conducte the church service, M.adMs m er n wasreo- engetc cacter;Mand aboys w rspp er uests dor About 151 women represen- riately iced and decorated by Roy Langmaid and Mrs. S. E.vaeayargoMisSaln during he choir anthem, Miss-1Sna fM.adMs og ng the fine branches of Wom- Mrs. Geo. Beebe, Mrs. Grants Werry, Solina; Mrs. Faster Fer- the first secretary, then f es Eleanor Mountjoy and las Jackson, Brookln.b men's Institutes jr' the District daughter. gson, now off Orno. Pantypool, now Mrs. Sowden JeaieWrr agjrhut 0f uramWest, gahrdat Rprs ieIy ers n r the hrar'ch histories given, af Newcastle, was present on Services now at Kedron will~ and rs. W er uDtsavisa Newcastle Community Hall on tative of each branch gave a a \vonderful record of servica Tuesday evening.cniu t13 and ch0 .. a ildige-ten, ereut at a m ,Tuesday evening, Oct. 18 to brief history and rccord of pro- in' both World Wars wvas re- cniu t13 n .0pm aiygttgte ttehm celebrate the 5,5th anniversary jects an'd achievements. Bow- eld Planting of flower beds Orono Record respectively, for church school, of Mrs. Florence Nesbitt, Oqh- of formation of the District. manville was the first brar'ch around memorials ta the fallen. Mrs. O. W. Rolph off Orono and then the regular church aa ihtehnue uss A delicious turkey banquet formed, in Jur'e, 1900, an'd the and purchase of flags for their told with regret of the disband- service. awa.siththe.hno rearusos, seerved by the W.A. off Newcas- District was formed araur'd it. communities flurther pointed te ing of Orono's 47-member efforts off Kedron ladies this cuis r and Mrs. BlPear Wosor' tie United Church was er'joyed A number of centres* whichi the patriotic nature of the W.I. branch, the reason being that week are directed tawards the adMs.RutBLak. ,of Woods by the large gathering who at- have since formed their own whose motto is "For home and officers could not be found. serving off the annual roast tur- Migus Ru the LarerOrlla, is tended from Nestleton, Black- branches were ir'cluded in coun'try". Assistance in pur- Orono hias a proud record and key supper on Wednesday. hogestorat tearys a se Etock, Tyrone, Solina, Hamp- Bowmar'vjlle if early days. chasing an'd furr'ishing a com- President Mrs. Grant express- Executives of Brooklin and ho o r a feitswidaysand isoen- ton, Kendal, Newtonville. Ma- Oldest Members munity hall was aise a project ed the hope that it might flour- Port Perry Junior Farmer oing sitihmn oa pIe Grave and Bowmanville. Oldest members of variaus' comman ta many oftebrn ish again before long. Clubs met jointly on Thursday rens District President Mrs. Sel- branches were introduced, in- ches. Another cammon project Remainder of the evening eeig i roln Hl. M.adMs avyCos by Grant called on Mrs. W. H. cluding Miss Ethel Thompson is the compiling of the Tweeds- consisted af a sing-song led by Brooklin Junior Farmers are mani held a family dinner par- ]ý;own off Maple Grave, Ist off Nestletor'. Mrs. Wm. Mer- mouir Histories, formigani- Mrs. Loi-ne Thampson, Black-ail invited ta be guests of the ty at their home on Thursday vice-president, ta light the cari- cer, Kendal; Mrs. Giddus torical record of each cmun- stock, with Miss Catherine Bai- Pr PryClbo Ted yvnig Or Missan ylviantMca- dies on the three-tier birthdav Jones off Bowmar'ville, former- ity. A number of these wee o en a tepan;amsn qa evegOctoer 25and rea oy.A uOlsha a sed rat as r- cake, and an Mrs. Fran'k Jack- lv of Newtor'ville; Mrs. Luther display on Tuesday evening. tet numbers ir' old.fashioned Sera frnd adri-co.A utgssvewsp-- man odet ivng em er 0f Ho per ard rs N Wo dly ar M dedress by Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. tves fro mn this comm unity sented by the gathering to the the, DidstiW.,nd habrofd Hore arteMr.m.embersPrkoadeHoward Bailey, Mrs. Lamne were jr' attendance on Satur- honoured couple. the istictW.I, ad hnord wh ar chrte meber of Tyrone Branch report was Thompson and Mrs. Neil Bai- day afternoon at. the wedding Sorry ta learn off the present Iiead table guest, ta cut it. Tyrone. Among the former given by Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. ley; and a skit by Maple Grave off Miss Phyllis McCormack and illness of our neighbour, Allen Pieces were then passed ta ail past presidents off the District This branch was formed Jan. members. Mr-. Robert Haight of Toronto, Frances, a student this year at resent. The cake was made by were Mi-s. O. W. Ralph, Orono; 18, 1914 by Mrs. A. L. Nich- The skit was a take-off on- with the wedding cei-emany Port Perry Collegiate. Allen is Pro. Cecil Milîs and Mrs. Mrs.-L. J. Goodman, Bowmar'- aIls off Bowmanville with Mi-s. an Institute meeting and caus- performed by the Rev. R. H. a patient in Oshawa General ]Howard Bradlley and approp- ville, formerly off TYrone; Mrs. Arthur Annis, r'ow deceased, dmc iaiy hs ai' Rickard in Columbus United Hospital. Friends here extend ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ the first president, and 17 part w ere: M esdam es M ils, C hurch, and at the reception friendliest good w ishes for a mnembers er'roiled. There are Bradley, Br-own, Hurrie, Mc- following, at the brides home. speedy recovery. * ~30 today. Jr' addition ta the Guik, Kuhnke, W. Munday, M. and Mrs. Arthur Stain- M. and Mrs. Norman Gim- a g* nd stili - usual W.I. work, Tyrone pur- Snowden, Sumersford, Flîntoff ton, Muskoka, spent the week- blett visited Mi-. and Mrs. E. chased a vacant lot and made and I. Munday. A- very fine end with their daughter, Mrs. Mountjoy on Sunday. it into a park which was used evening of friendship and en- Ross Lee, and Mi-. Lee, andi until the new park was madejomnedd with thersn-wihte attended a family Mi-s. Wm. Werry, Mrs. H. [,Ufie P u lc ý refer about eight years aga. inoffet BedwThhe Ti Tha party at the Allan Lavis home, Crossman and Mrs. H. Pascoe, p n ftl s e T e T e T a w r u ss o rd y v n n Miss Ethel Thompson, whose Bind-c". A wedding present off Whitby, on Saturday evening,weegeton riaeeig q mthrMr. Rbet hop-a wool blanket ta Mrs. W. T. hanoring Miss Mai-y Lavis, of' Mis. J. Nokes, Oshawa, sonsthe i-st iRob e ffert he ormr Anap. bride-to-be of Alfred Reed off when the latter entertained iNestleton Branch formed in Lewis who was director of W. Syitlitha MlinenoweorMs 1906, gave the Nestieton r- -1. Work foi- Ontario who sent Mr. and Mrs. Fi-ank ~Sylvia cn usfroy dy e port. Besides war work and in hier greetings for the ànnivei-- anld Susan, and Mr-. and Mrs. Rcn ussfrSna e the 'flu epidemic off 1918, Nes- sai-y occasion but could not be Loi-ne Curry, ail of Oshawa, at the Howar-d Farndale home tleton contributed ta Port Pei-- present, was on display. wei-e visitai-s at the B. Stary included the Misses Kent and i iy Community Hospital and __________ home on Sunday. eoPrPry adM - GIN ER LESaicled Manitoba flooda victims. Mi-s. H. Pascoe, Mrs. Wmn. gai-et Fi-y off Oshawa. standing iiembei-. was made a C. Ru n dleLoewr mn guests of ton, spent the weekend a lifememer n Mi-c, 155.Mrs. Lawrence Mountjoy, Osh- home. SSaunamber i ar'chas 1r55i.d awa, on Wednesday evening, Thanksgiving visitors, at the ToiaBac a raie rwe the, latter's sister. Miss Han-y Rose home included No malter what price >yL> Jan. 7, 1903 with Mrs. Thos. 1 ps Leag ul cno wsges f i.adMs.Ga îhr hl 1 Baker the fist president. The -yvia M1 y, wsgeto r n r.Go ihr hl pay for ottier Ginger Aies1 usoal %var work and assistance on oui- at a kitchen shower. ley and David, Mr. and Mrs. FAMILY te charities hias been given bv u a ô ln is yvaMIry Grant Geo. Kols saa n ..rligh, Low, Permanent, or size PERSONAL Sauina, aiso a deaf girl sent _O ad.Iôga ac were tea rnMs.IoThmMa Teprr4ortse 300OUNCES ZEta the school at Belleville for . . uest.s on'Sundây' of Mr's W. i-y and Jvor. Tmoyyour gocijuge e,r 8 12 OUNCES ten years. a cesulmoe Intended for last wIée Scott, and Alan, Columbus. Mi-. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy yown sensjde values8çmentfoar' p ulc lbayi iie r.Wle agad fo 5 1 Soplina was spansared by the Enniskillen Sr.~ 25 13519 rente, spent the weekend with Oshawa, on Sunday. 2 fr 5Çin getting anid furr'ishing the Maple Grave --- _ 20 14039 Many friends were sari-y to enjoyed a holiday with a 3-day convince you cf the incom- 1 1 -Ca-1mmur'ity 328 Hall.. theMrs. s off Mrs. matai-ttip ta Ottawa last week. prbevlefWlsnsPUSDPSTMcKessock is the only chrtrEniskillen Jr -----16 13826 Frank Cxrssman, presently Mr. and Mrs. H. Webb, June parblevaue f Wlsn's PLS EPOITmember living. Usual short Hampton _-------- 2 12105 canfined in' Oshawa General and David, off Larneville, Mrs. $.3 courses an'd many excellent High Single-C. Rundie 298. Hospital, fallowing a stroka. John Kidd, Miss Rosella Kidd speakers have been part off the High Triple-T. McLaughlin Oui- warmest good wishes are and Henry Kidd, off Orillia, Mr. pragramns aver the years. Mrs. 669.1 with lier. an'd Mrs. Edwin Down an'd Elgin Taylor gave the repart. J ,pnmor League'-B. Jewel 99. -Mrs Gilbert Gi bsor' and Miss- farnilv were recent dinner Refres1i wou r FraI f Io;i ganized JuIy 17. 1903 with 27 wifh Our BeIIer Kindo f irst 25 years. As Hampton ee o8/2t..adw Dr~CIe nin !~lights was sparked by he W I E c O N O I C A I , T O O ~~ - ~ o wiqn ueli ew dan dn dth e. D o u l assh i pl a s F a m n d l e , B r l i n g S POTS VANISH "e Mrs. L. C. Snowden assisted tjJJil1ze> Maple Gi-ove branch WA LL DIRT OUT in adusfu oc one as a servce dringthe ar.Mrs. NEW 100K RESORED churh s hesirstereted 4 dent. Furnishir'gs and dishes 4- have been suppîied for the- secured which ended littered ir$ UARNTEE 10raad sides. There is a member- T'S GUARANTEEDship of arond i-po50dfo TAKE OUTPERPIRAIONBlackstock which was formed L ES UT ERSIRAIONMay 11, 1915 with Mrs. Fi-ce- burn president. A great deal of DORLSS EERYTIMEJ ca'trbute tawar work was done and $300 stage coitains in the hall; as- ........... ............ ....... sistance is now given to the Recreation Centre an'd a soomn N EATR PRSS LSTSfurr'ished at Port Peri-y Com- munity Hospital. Theré is an .. NEA~R PRESSLASTSenrolmrent of 45 membei-s. ECONO ICALTO end ept. 25, was ogniz- PHN:OHW Z:IU100time presidents. Mrs -. Frar'Ic ~E POEOSAVZETU300jJackmran, presiocnt fram 1927i- -o ngItrelElow avi 3>teu.. l e im- Âv~m£»M 1 guests off Mr. and Mrs. R. panied Mrs. Meredith Moffatt Down. off Oshawa, on a matai-ttip ta M. and Mrs. IH. Rose were. in New York Cit. The autumn attendance at a hause-warming coloring was er'joyed ta the for the Hayward Murdachs full. JIn New Yark, a visit ta Oshawa, on Saturday evening.f United Nation edurrs Many friends at Kedron of Radio City Music Haladte the Nelson Vaillancoui-t family manv ather attractions off thi% deeply regret news off Mn. Vail- metrapolis were an education lar'court's injury in a matai- and a pleasure. accidei't recently-, and we say ___________ best wishos fnom neighbours here. Over 43,000 Canadians saw Mns. Harold Werry accom- service in bath world wars. %-.F\, WE HAVE IT ALL FIG(4RED OUT FOR~ YOLL "Here's the smart way to make money. Simply invest in' Mi% Guaranteed Trust Certificates. Here's what yau get: " 3Y2a% yeorly lnterest, payable haff-yearly " Authorl.zed Investment for trust fundi " Short term-S years For example, $420.36 of your momey acu~moÇa$10 $500.00 in ust ve years. 'Write/or the ducnpti e/aier rightaway. j- STERLING TRUSTS COR POR AT 10N HEAD OFFICE DRANCH OFFICE 372 Boy St., Toront. 1-3 DunIee ~ Rao.L. NEW 1956 CIIRYSIER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN When yaU get your hands on this great new Chrysier Windsor, you won't want ta givc it Up. Nor need yoù! For it's a new kind cf "surprise car" in' pnice, as weilI as in Iuxury. See and drive it soan! Manufactured in Camada by Chrysier Corporation of Cantada, Llmlted SALES, R Phorie MA 3-5487 1 HEAD OFFICE , 372 Bey St., Toronto BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop si., Barrie