PAGE TMN Air Marshal Speaks 7'-- Three Groups DJuring Weekend Here ArMarshal C. Roy Sieman, rJCBECD. o-nlw of -r C. W. Siemon ofE- mnMvile, delivered threekad- dlresses in this area on Friday and Monday, Oct. 14 and 17. Re, spoke to the Bowmanville' Rotary and, Men's Canadiaa £lÙbsy on Friday and 'the To- ronto Canadian Club on Mon- dat, Fallowing is the major or tion of his address delivered ta .these three groups: 'Your air force, n partner-1 shib with the other air forces of -the free world, and backing up sound diplomacy. are your mout patent influences in pre- rert'ing the peace. Why? Sim- ply.. because we have learned the hard way that so long as we,' possess effective air power, any. would-be aggressor cannot esc'Ipe facing up ta the terrifie formes of destruction which ne wili unleash upon himself if he' daàs ta break the peace. 'ýAfter World War II your RCAfF was reduced from its waatime strength of about ane '~Th NEW 'A PERS lie Pre-Pasted Papers are now in stock They are Pasted, Precision Trimmed and will stand repeated washing Se sure to see them and, ',get fuller particulars. ABERNETHY'S Painit & WaIIlpaper~ nPhone MA 3-5431 sà King St. W., BowmanvilIe~ ý,1quarter million personnel toaa 6r force a! less than 10,000. Smal though this force was, care was taken ta establish it on a firm rlogistie base and with a healthy .training element. The wiseness !o! this policy has made îtself iceryevident in aur large cx- pansion which followed the Korcan aggression. We have been able ta undertake success- !1ully the flying training af aur awn Canadian airmen along with the training of a large' number of aircrew for aur N *A.T.O. partriers-about 1200 Pilots and navigators each 3èear -young men from the U.K., France, Belgium, Hollaud, Den- mark, Norway, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Portugal. Concentrate On Fighters "On top of this great train- ing task, we have been able ta put a large part of aur expand- ing RCAF resources into oper- ational elements-mainly fight- er squadrans. Iu addition ta the increasing number of fighter squadrons at home in Canada, you are aware, of course, a! the important element of the RCAF which serves overseas-twelve ECAF fighter squadrans on ba- ses in France and Germany which operate with the forces 9 of the other N.A.T.O. cauntries., If you are the sort of persansj who take pride in Canadian achievements, and I amn sure that you are, you will get real satisfaction in knowing that1 there is no better air fighter1 element in operation in Eu- rope than your Canadian Air Division. Why? Because the Canadian made fighter aircraft, the Sabre VI, powered with a Canadian designed and built jet engine, the Oreuda, is the best perfarming fighter in op- erational squadrans in Europe today. Furthermore your young Canadian airmen, aircrew anda groundcrew, are making thes most o! their fine equipinent.c The saine high degree of effi- ciency applies ta your Canadian Army Brigade in Germany-ac fine farce-but I arn here to- day ta talk ta you about your Air Force Why do we have these for-e ces at home and averseas? As n a deterrent ta war!b Four Operational Elements a 1 wauld like ta tell you about C e Bowmanvdlle Lions Club AUCTIrON SALE ivill be held at the Lions Community Centre ai 1 p.m. Sat., Oct. 29 Auciioneer - W. J. Challis -Memorial Arena BOWMANVILLE Public Skating - Friday, Octoher 281h Saturday, Octoher 29fh ffednesday, November Znd 8 - 10 p.m. -ADMISSION . . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e SUDSCDJBERS' SEATS Barons Hockey Cames go on sale for last year's subscribers at noon Thursday,* October 271h 'New subseribers may obtain their seats on and after Tuesday, November 1sf SUBSCRIPTION -. $1.04) per seat T~IECAIAflAT#M'IA~U~*AWUnuP.l Ml??? ~~~ ~** CV~4~ A.J.L.~*~./N ~THtRSùAY, OCT. 27th, 1955 rsft gaing about their legi- nate business are known. y major deviation from ern requires explanation, and y strange or strayed aircraft the zone automatically sets motion the identification ocess. t he u cauld participate teeair defence aperations )n which yaur air force is gaged, if for no athar reasan an ta see in action the men A wamen wha marn your de- nce systems on the graund i the jine Young aircrew of- ,rs w ho fly your protecting ihters. Certainly for me who ta sit at a desk a great deal my timne confronted mainly h the probleins and head- hes o! a fighting service, it is :e a breath of fresh spring rta get out ta witness the îng aperations at close hand. )t only is it a refreshmng ex- rièie, bukt it uinewhat f îrs e as mw cl. WS. T. ? ý1 id these fine \ougairt rew% keen and dedicated ta thei auy Àipotu and diiu. each af the faur aperatic elements af the RCAF. Our defence element; aur mariti air element which concentri on the long range over-wa, anti-submarine task, in pî nership with the Royal Ca dian Navy: aur joint operati, with the Ariny dealing w. the dislogdment of any hos airborne 'troops which mil be landed in Canada. andc air transport element wh supports ail the ather air ele ents and which pravides c tain logistie support, for1 Navy and the Army. 1 wai like alsa ta tell a bit about c training and logistie elemer. but in the few minutes ati disposai 1 haye time ta tou briefly an one only of these elements - the Air Defer Command af the RCAF. To me, although 1 bave be ail my adult life in the É Force, this continues ta be intensely challenging and fi cinating business, and, course, an exceedingly wort while one. We have gone a long way the RCAF since I trained on World War 1 Camel fighter years ago. By comparison, lâ week I flew in one of o- CFIOO all-weather two seal fighter aircraft. My pilot wv the commander of one of oi fighter squadrons, and I fur tioned as his navigator and r dar operator. We carried u practice interceptions by wor' ing with two ather CF11 fighters at 41000 feet altitude- about eight miles aboya tl ground. We got up there samething like 7 minutes, aur 17 ton Canadian-design. and built aircraft, through ti stout efforts of its two Can; dian-designed and buit Orei da jet engines delivering a t( taI of about 15,000 pounc thrust, and our speeds at tim( approached 550 mph. We cai ried a formidable wallop armament - batteries af rocl ets and eight machine guns .5 calibre. We carried out fiv successful interceptions againc one another, despite the fact c My own bad performancea a radar aperator, and we wer above several layers of ctouc and in and out of cloud. out a sigaht of the ground, through out the entire hour and a ha] of aur practice. 1 will try nov. briefly, ta give you same ide of how the air defence systen .vorks: Guard Againat Attack The radar stations and fighl er squadrons o! the systein ari now lacated, so far as we cai best determine, ta guar( against the most likely avenue of enemy air attack agains North America. Phase I of ou: ystem is naw coming into ful 'peration and will be augmentý *d in due, course by lines of ra. dar and ather warning device extending right acrass the con. tient ta the northward of aui present system. The Distani Early Warning Line, called thE the DEW line, being buiît b3 the U.S. with Canadian partici. pation, extends roughly sloni the -arctic coastîmne. The Mid Canada line which we- Cana. ians are building extendg frm the Pacifie ta the Atlan. ic at raughly the latitude of th southern part of Hudson Bay. These additional devices wiu bring us additional hours and minutes af warning anc will add great]y ta the effec- .veness of aur air defences. When aur air defence sys- ýms deteet an unidentifiec ircraft over or approaching anadian territory, what hap- )ens? First, ail passible means ai Ientifying the "bogey" are ied, including electronic de- ces. If these fail ta determine lfinitely that it is a friendly ircraft, a fighter is sent up ta dentîfy it at close range. The ighter is guided ta the approx- mate position by the ground adar contrai stations which end radio instructions ta the lot and navigatar of the fight- r.When it gets within some iles of the "bogey", the radar Et in the fighter is able ta la- ate the "bogey" and the fight- rflics ta intercept it. The ex- nînation of the stranger 's onducted by electronic means, y radioed instructions from B.H,.S. Band Livèns - Up Haif Times ut Bowmànville District High School b oasts a good band again this Fali and it has k-turned aut for the games ta liven up proceedings. The drummers in front, lef t ta right, are: Bruce Colwell Bni an Van Nest and Gary Pickard. Standing, ;he left ta right, are Gerry Ross, Erie Barr, Hoaward Rundie, Max Lycett, Don McGregor, in John James, James Ferguson aud Karen B ragg. in ed rie task, and sa thoroughly a b- EMT~TT' and Mrs. Albert Wright and Mr. La- sorbed in finding the success- EN IILLJJJ. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Black- ýn ful solution o! the many sud stock. ýo_ varied prableins which must lxi Service Club met at Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, ds licked. It takes at least two Trewin's an Oct. l8th w'ith Il tCaurtice; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- ýe years of intensive and expen- prescrit. beater Sr., Mr. and Mrs. C. r- sive training before the air- The Penny Arcade articles are Crawford and son George, a! crew o! a CF100 all-weather in- ta be put in the Hydro Shop Toronto, visited with Mr. and ýk terceptar become sufficiently window at Bowmanville and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. jf proficieut as ta be termed tickets sold, fromn Nov. 14 ta Mr. and Mrs. Reed, Mr. sud ve "corMbat ready". The pilot sud Nov. 17. -Mrs. Wm. Tripp, Babeaygeon; st navigator train and fly as a Print was hsnded out ta be Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Irwin and of team-and a highly effective made up and saine articles eut June, Toronto, were visitors of as team they become - for they out. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin. re must depeud whally an anc an- o ther-must kuow what each Lunch was served by Mrs. G. Mr. Howard Oke and Garry, >j ther is thinking in the Split Yeo, Mrs. R. Virtue and hostess. Oshawa, were callers at Mr. and Ssecond situation which confront Next meeting at Mrs. R. Virtue's Mrs. Walter Oke's. 1! thein, and with split second on Nov. lst. Mr. and Mrs. L. Allingham e. timing make the correct teain Mr. and Mrs. EsmI Trewin, and family, Oshawa, were calli m~ play without that hesitation Doreen and Donald, with Mr. ers at Mr. and Mrs. W. Howell's.I n which would prove disastrous. Mm. and Mrs. Reg. Weaving Variaus states o! standby and Business Directory and Rickey, Tharrihill; Mr. and readiuess are prescribed for the Mrs. W. H. Moore were with Mr. fighter aircrew on duty. The and Mrs. Floyd Beckett ou Sun- t-highest state o! alert require"s C U fa C a, e heocsono r ,them ta be seated and strapped .-Mc ou re'snc dybithdoasjy f r in n their aimcraft, awaitiug the wW. J H. COGGINS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamb, dS order ta "seramble" which may Chartered Accountant CesraMrsu Ms.Bt .corne. There they sit, clothed 84 King St. E. Bowmanville Akcister, Swif t Current, were sin their G suits, on top of (by atnsBsSain visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lorme rwhich they have their flying 64 King Street E. ams overalîs with their carefully Mr. sud Mrs. Arthur Brunt -designed fasteners sud pockets. 3. H3NTER AND COMPANY spent Sunday visiting Mr. and -On top o! that a bandolier cau- . Mrs. Allan Preston, Oshawa, sud .taiuîng emergeucy rations sud Certified Public Accauntants Mr. W. Mark, Port Perry. *r medical supplies, followed by Oshawa 5-1621 Mm. Jack Nicholson, Holstein, Ia sinali but curvaceous Iife jac Phone MA 3-3612 Ont., wss weekend guest o! Mr. ket called, ever since I can re- Successors taO0. S. Hobbs and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. emember, a "Mac West". Fiually ~i Mm: and Ms.Norman Wigh cames the combiued oxygen hiropraCIjC aevstn is Wih -asd wireléss headdress assemi- Wright of St. Catharines. 'g bly on top o! which is wamn the G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Mr. sud Mrs. O. C. Ashton, d"crash bat". Chiropractor Lois sud Charles, were Thurs- L_ After a "seramble", ta return Prodctscedg day dinner guests of Mr. and S sfey t bsereqirs creulSpecialty Paper PoutsB .Ms. Allan Wemry. fsafvigatabase equloiresahcae u 3 Temperauce Street Mm. and Mrs. Lawrence Sehell, ~ naigaionempoyin a hoic 63Toronto. spent Suuday with Mr. n o! several navigationai aids. Phone MA 3-5509 and Mrs. E. MeNair. ýThe fightem homewamd is donc Office Hours: By Appouineut Miss Betty Jane Wcmry spent ,at the most ecanamical cruising a few days wîth Mr. sud Mrs. A. altitude ta conserve fuel, about Due nfia Werry. -20,000 feet, than a rapid des- _______________ Mm. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Hay- eet oper minu tute5pi0o DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. don; Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Cowliug, feetperminteandthepilt -Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Blackstock, with Mr. sud Mrs. briugs bis 17 ton aircraft iuta 40 King St. W. Bowmanville R. MeNeil. a lauding at an approach sped Office Hours: Mrs. John Griffin sud family o! about 160 mph, reduciug this 9 a.m. ta S p.m. daily were weekend visitars o! Mrs. ta about 130 mph ta touch 9 a.m. ta, 12 noan Saturday Gea. Squibb, Churchill. fdown. Closed Sunday Mr. sud Mms. Frank Hall, Takes 30 Minutes Office Phone MA 3-5790 Oshawa; Mrs. Clark Dorland sud This typical operational mis- House Phoue- - Newcastle 3551 Anu, Lapeer, Michigan, with Mr. sion, which has taken me saine ansd Mms. Frank Dorlaud. 7 30 minutes ta describe, must DU. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Mm. and Mrs. Allan Werry )ofteu be accamplished in'about Office iu bis home attended the Lavis - Reid wed- ? the same periad o! turne. 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmauviile ding on Satumday at Whitby. These procedures, ta y-,, Office Hours: Mr. sud Mrs. A. L. Wearn sud 1have perhaps sauuded uuduly 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily family visited Mr. sud Mrs. E. complicated, hapelessly techui- 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Harris at Almonds. cal, extremely chancy, sud Ciosed Suuday Mrs. R. Thwaites sud Marvin, highly risky. Ask any youug Phone MA 3-5604 Mm. G. Fleet, Toronto, with their qualified fighter pilot or navi-fahMrJ.Fet gator sud you will be told in 1E C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Miss Viola Williams, Miss ahl sincerity that it is just rau- Office Ruby Vîrtue, Toronto, Mm. sud tine-or in the jargau-"just 23 Kiugz St. E. - Bowmauvile Mrs. Esmi Masters, Gail sud a piece o! cake". He wiîî tell Office Hours: Damiene, Bawmanville, with Mr. youtha hi CFOO s te esi- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily sud Mms. Ralph Virtue. est flying sud best ail weather 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednesday fm. sudMl rs. eilMir. Ksu fightem in operationai service Closed Sunday fKely,oMal Grave r. Kn in the world, sud that ha likes Telephone: Office MA 35459 Kely, Bsiows f'illHwere Suan- it immensely. He will be tell- - family. iug ynau the truth. Yau have Legal Mrs. T. M. Slemon, Mrs. E. every passible reason ta be -______________ Strutt, in campany with Mr. sud proud o! these yaung men, sud STRIKE.and STRIKE Mrs. Albert Oke,'were Wednes- I amn sure that you are.1 I have dascribed only oua of Barristers, Solicitors day dinner guests o! Mrs. Jin the many operatianal tasks cx- Notaries Public Oke, Bowmanville. ecuted by th~e variaus elements W. R. Strike, Q.C. Mrs. Veraloyd, Toroknt oi,t of your RCAF. Each is vitaîîy A. A. H. Strike. B.A. m Mrs. S. aWodrot, ick important ta you sud yaur se- 40 King St. W. - Bowmauville M. sd Mrs. . eHic. M curity. Haud in haud with. aur Telephane MA 3-5791 Toruta erevitrs. o!H.My, mihitary tasks, o! course, gaes LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. gaad diplomacy - souud dip- Britr oiio C.G.I.T. an Saturday at 2 p.m. lomacy backed by the neces- BartrubSliiorMr. sud Mrs. D. Yeo and sary strength. Maintain aur Ntr ulcLamna, Oshawa, with Mr. sud streugth adequately sud we King St. W. '- Bowmauville Mrs. Gardon Yeo. can expect great things o! our Phones: Office MA 3-568J Miss Reva McGill with Miss diplomats. Canadiaris already Resideuce MA 3-55 Gloria Wright. have good cause for pride iu JOHN REGAN, B.A. The Bawmauville Choral Sa- the achievemeuts of aur dip- arse ciety peseuted a musical con- lomats. May God prosper theitrstr cert iu Deutoula Park United effrtssudour inthaintresi'Natary Public Chumch an Monday, October 24. efo!t c tnd uisgineace tret33 Temperance St., Bowmanville Those who assisted from this of_______________________ Phone MA 3-3292. commuuity were: Joe McGilI, MISS APHA I. HODGINS Orville Ashton, John Siemon, HIGHLY STYLED Rass Ashton, M. McCoy and Mr. MODRATLYPRIEDBar-ister, Solicitor sud Mrs. Edgar Wright. MOEAEY RCDNotary Public Mr. sud Mms. Allan Wemry LADIES' WEAR Temperance St. - Bowmauvile sud Sandra attended the turkey La Vogue supper an Wednesday evening at Kedron. ____________________ M. sud Mrs. K. V. Svanefelt gac1ue/tneN- OON visited Mm. sud Mrs. Robert LERY HqMITON- OONOSvanefelt, Maple. Phone 1 r 16 Mm. Gardon Stevens aud Mr. Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa Flrst rnortgage fuuds John Griffin speut the weekend Residences - Farms st Batavia sud other points in Business Properties the U.S.A. Mrs. F. Toms, Mms. M. J. Hobbs. Mrs. L. Wearn, Mrs. F. Siafod ros O 0 OM e r y Beckett, Mrs.G. Yeoaten onal .air time ,ates ter, ,art- ina- ions vith tuet er-j the ourj My nce een an las- of ,h- ~i as )Ur te- a- Indian Problemsi Discussed by Mission Group St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Ross Stevens, Oct. 18th. The meeting was apened by the president, Mrs. Harold Ferguson with a pray'- er of Thanksgiving to God for aur many blessings. Commitment" was given by different members. Mrs. Kenneth Werry spol:e on the study book, "No Vanish- ing Race". The Indians, first in- habitants of Canada. Indian children attend school with the white people; the Indian population is increasing and Dead Stock Removed Hlghest Prices Paid 24-Haur Service TELEPHONE'COLLECT COBOURG 1787 NICK PECONI, Phone MA 3-3613 PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 1. *1 ' McCLARY OIL-FIRED AUTOMATIC HEATING EFFICIENT gives 25% to 50% mare heaiing capacity ihan any ailier unit o!fis size. QUIET quieiest unit made... quieter than a new wash- lng machine. EFFECTIVE Cleans, humidifies, warmis an.i re-disiribuies air every 12 minutes. W,.A. Kilpatrick PLUMBING and HEATING Magnificent five diamond crealioa oiuy now on your JeweIlers EASY LAY-AWAY OR CHRISTMAS CLUB PLAN Hooper'?s Jewellery ~1 I .- -am- -a - - -Ia- a- - - - - -I -u-p-- Sharp had changed threshing! the children desiring special fhands in the past. 1 training are given assistance IMr. Werry expressed the feelî- from the government. ligs of the group and their re- The meeting wss dismissed gret on lasing Mr. and Mrs. by the president. Sharp as close neighbors, but thankful that they were only moving as far away as their new The Vampire jet 'plane is con- aud bautiful home in Enniskil- structed of a skin o! birch ply- len, while their son and his wife, wood, with structural members Mr.. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, are of Sitka spruee. taking over the old homestead and wifl follaw on in the tra- dition of good neighbors estab- lished by Mr. and Mrs. Sharp., - ail their married life. Mrs. !'ed McLaughlin wasA7 f called uepn to rfcd awlwor - .G E II , Walter Oke and Mr. Cecil Rahm HEATING CAPACITY presented Mr. and Mrs. Sharp with a beautiful wall mirror. Mr. with and Mrs. Sharp expressed their thanks and gratitude in very fine mariner. Messrs. Fred Ellis. Wm. Mc- Laughlin, Frank Dorland and - I Francis%,Werry, long time neigh- bars, spoke very highly o! theirU association with Mr. and Mrs. Sharp. A lovely lunch was served by - - a fine group of peighbouring ladies, after which Auld Lang I Syrie was sung and ail jaurnay- ed ta their homes feeling a very worth-whîle evening had been spent with a fine couple. THE CAN"L4N STATESMAM- nnwvAm".T.v mmm',àlerm